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The Land of Broken Promises A Stirring Story of the Mexican Revolution By DANE COOLIDGE Umit-r J ,v n* Flcbltn, Pool." "Hidden Won "The Tex Inn." tic. 11/iutratiom Ay DON J. LAVIN (Copyright. 1914. by Prank A. MunaayJ “What, senor!” she bantered; “you do not speak? Surely, then, your friend De Lancey was wrong when he said you would save me! For look, Mr. Hooker, I am promised to marry dear Phil; but how can I manage thut when Manuel del Rey is watching ire? It is, impossible, is it not?" “Seems so,” muttered Bud, and in the back of his head he began to think quickly. Here was the fountainhead of his misfortunes, and if she had her way she would lay all his plans in ruins—and even then not marry Phil. In fact, from the light way she spoke, he sensed that she did not intend to marry him. Her grudge was against Manuel del Rey who drove away all her lovers. “Well," he ventured, "there’s no •rush, I reckon—Phil’s enlisted for five years." “Ha!" she oried contemptuously; ‘and do you think he will serve? No! At a word from me he will flee to the border and I shall join him in the United States!” "What?” demanded Bud; "Phil de sert?" In a moment he saw what such a move would mean to him—to Kruger snd the Eagle Tail —and he woke su'* denly from his calm. "Here now," he said, scowling _b he saw that she was laughing at him, "you’ve made me and Phil enough trouble. You let that boy alone, savvy?" He stooped toward her as he spoke, fixing her with masterful eyes that had tamed many a bad horse and man, and she shrank away instinctively. Then she glanced at him shyly and edged over toward the open door. "I will do what I please, Mr. Hook er,” she returned, balancing on the verge of flight “All right” Bud came back; “but don’t you call me in on it. You’ve made a fool of Phil —I suppose you’d like to get me, too. Then your father would grab our mine." "What do you mean?" she chal lenged, turning back upon him. "1 mean this," responded Hooker warmly. "Phil holds the title to our mine. If he deserts he loses his Mexi can citizenship and his claim is no good. But you don’t need to think that your father will get the mine then, be cause he’ll have to whip me first!" "O-ho!” she sneered; “so that is what you are thinking of? You are a true gringo, Mr. Hooker —always thinking about the money!" "Yes," returned Bud; “and even at that I believe your old man will best me!" She laughed again, with eudden capriciousness, and stood tapping the floor with her foot. "Ah, 1 see," she said at length, gaz ing at him reproachfully; "you think I am working for my father. You think I got poor Phil into all this trouble in order to cheat him of his mine. But let me tell you, Senor Gringo," she cried with sudden fire, "that 1 did not! I have nothing to do with my father and his schemes. But if you do not trust me—" She turned dramatically to go, but w hen Hooker made no effort to stay her she returned once more to the at tack. "No." she said, “It was because he was an American —because he was brave —that 1 put my faith in Phil. These Mexican men are cowards—they are afraid to stand up and fight! But Philip dared to make love to me—he dared to sing to me at night—and when Manuel del Rey tried to stop him he stood up and made a fight! “Ah, that Is what I admire—a man who is brave! And let me tell you, Senor Hooker, I shall always love your friend! If I could run away I would marry him tomorrow; but this cur, Manuel del Rey, stands in the way. Even my own father is against me. But I don’t care—1 don’t care what happens—only do not think that I am not your friend!" She paused now and glanced at him Bhyly, and as her eloquent eyes met his own Bud felt suddenly that Bhe was sincere. The gnawing and corro sive doubts that had eaten at his heart fell away, and he suw her now in her true beuuty, with no uneasy thoughts of treuchery to poison his honest love. "I believe you, lady," he said. "And I’m glud to know you," he added, tak ing off his hat and bowing awkwardly. “Anything 1 can do for you, don’t hesi tate to usk for it—only 1 can’t go against my purdners on this mine." He bowed again and retreated toward tile door, but she followed him Impulsively. “Shuke hands," Rlie said, holding out both her own, "and will you help me?" "Sure!" answered Bud, and as her soft fingers closed on his he took them gently, for fear that he might crush them and never know. CHAPTER XVIII. A month of weary waiting followed that day of days in Fortuna, and still there was no word from Phil. Bernardo Bravo and his rebel raiders passed through the mountains to the east, and news came of heavy fighting in Chi huahua. Don Cipriano Aragon moved his family back to his hacienda and Gracia became only a dream. Then, one day, as Hooker and the Yaqui were Industriously pounding out gold, a messenger came out from town with a telegram In his hand. Am In Gadsden. No chance to hold mine Kruger says quit.—P. "No I’ll be ’earned If I do!" mut tered Bud. Then he sat down to think. "Amigo," he said to the Yaqui, "are you a Mexican citizen? Can you get title to mine?" "Me a Mexican?" repeated Amigo, tapping himself on the chest “No, senor! Seguro que no!" "All right then," observed Bud bit terly, "here goes nothing—nowhere! I’ll turn Mexican myself!" He passed the messenger on the way to town, took out his first papers as a citizen, picked up the mineral agent’s expert on the way back, and located the Eagle Tall in his own name. Be fore riding back to camp -he wired to Kruger: Have turned Mex and relocated claim. HOOKER. It was his last card, and he did not expect to win by it. Fate had been against him from the firet, and he could see his finish, but his nature drove him to fight on. All that Ara gon had to do now was to have him summoned for military service, and Del Rey would do the rest. Then he could take over the mine. A mere formality—or so it seemed— but between Aragon and his mine stood the Texas blood. Hooker had been crowded to the wall, and he was mad enough to fight The news of De Lancey’B desertion followed quickly after his flight—it came over the federal wires in a re port to Manuel del Rey—but by the time It got to Aragon that gentleman was too late. They rode Into camp the next day—Aragon and the captain of the rurales—and at the first glimpse of that hated uniform Amigo was off like a buck. Bud went out sullenly to meet them, his black mood showing in his lowering eyes, and he halted them by the savagery of his cursing. "You cock-eyed old reprobate,” he snarled, advancing threateningly udoq the paling Aragon, “this makes three times you've come into my camp and brought your gun with you! Now take it ofT!” he yelled, dropping suddenly into Spanish. "Take that gun off—do you understand?” So violent and unexpected was hie assault that it threw Aragon into a panic, and even Manuel del Rey soft ened his manner as he Inquired into the cause. "Never mind,” answered Bud. smiling crustily as Aragon laid aside “Take That Gun Off, Do You Under stand?** his arms; "J know* that hombre well! Now what can 1 do for you, capitan?" "Be so kind as to take your hand from your belt," replied Del Rey with a smile that was intended to placate. "Ah, thank you—excuse my nerves— now I can tell you the newe. 1 regret to Inform you, senor, that your friend, De Lancey. has deserted from my com mand, taking his arms and equipment with him. In case he is captured he will be shot as a deserter." "Your news is old, capitan," re joined Hooker. "I knew it two days ago. And you can tell Mr. Aragon that it is no use for him to try to get this mine—l became a Mexican citizen yesterday und located it myself." "So we learned,’’ responded the cap tain suavely. "It was part of my errand today to ask if you would not enlist in my company of rurales." "Muchas gracias, capitan," an swered Hooker with heavy irony. "I do not care to!" "But your frieud—" protested Man uel del Rey with an insinuating smile. "My friend was in Jail," put in Bud; "he was to be shot ut sunrise. But mlra, amigo, I am not in juil, and, furthermore, I do not intend to be." "That Is very creditable to yon," laughed Del Rey; "but even then you are entitled to enlist. The country is full of turbulent fellows who liuve to be caught or killed. Come now, you •mderetund my errand—why make It hard fdr me?" I “No, senor," returned Bud grimly, "I know nothing of your errand. But | this I do know. I have done nothing; for which I can be arrested, and if any man tries to make me join the army—" he heoked his thumb into his belt and regarded the captain fixedly. "Ah, very well," said Del Rey, Jerk ing his waxed mustachios, “I will not presu the matter. But I understand from one of my men, senor, that you are harboring a dangerous criminal here—the same man, perhaps, whom I saw running up the canyon?" He smiled meaningly at this, but Bud was swift to defend his Yaqui. "No, senor," he replied, "I have no such criminal. I have a Mexican work ing for me who is one of the best miners in Sonora, and that is all I know about him." “A Mexican ?’’ repeated Del Rey, arching his eyebrows. "Excuse me, sir, but it is my business to know every man in this district, and he is nc* Mexican, but a Yaqui. Moreover, he is a fugitive and an outlaw, and if be had not been enlisted with the fed erate I should have arrested him when he passed through Fortuna. So I warn you, sir, not to hide him, or you will be liable to the law." "I’m not hiding him," protested Hooker scornfully. "I’m just hiring him as a miner, and any time you want him you can come and get him. He’s up in the rocks there somewhere now." "So!" exclaimed the captain, glanc ing uneasily at the hillside. "I did not think—but many thanks, senor, an other time will do as well." He reined his horse away as he spoke and, with a jerk of the head to Aragon, rode rapidly down the can yon. Aragon lingered to retrieve his fallen gun-belt and then, seeming to think better of his desire to speak, he made a single vindictive gesture and set spurs to his champing horse. It was mrely a fling; of the hand, as spontaneous as a sigh or a frown, but in it Hooker read the last exasperation of the Spaniard and his declaration of war to the knife. He bared his strong teeth In reply and hissed out a blight ing curse, and then Aragon was gone. That evening, as the darkness came on and the canyon became hushed and still Bud built a big fire and stood be fore it, his rugged form silhouetted against the flames. And soon, as quiet as a fox, the Yaqui appeared from the gloom. "Did he come for me?” he asked, advancing warily into the firelight, "that capitan?” "Yes,” answered Bud, “and for me, too. But you must have known him before. Amigo—he seems to be afraid of you." A smile of satisfaction passed over the swarthy face of the Indian at this, and then the lines became grim again. His eyes glowed with the light of some great purpose, and for the first time since he had been with Bud he drew aside the veil from his past. "Yes." he said, nodding significantly, "the rural ie afraid. He knows I have come to kill him." He squatted by the fire and poured out a cup of coffee, still brooding over i his thoughts—then, with a swift ges ture. he laid open his shirt and pointed ; to a scar along the ribs. "He shot me there," he said. “And so you have come to kill him?’’ "Yes,” answered Amigo; "but not now. Tomorrow' Igoto my people— , I must lake them my money first." "Have you got a wife?” asked Hook er, forgetting for once his accustomed reserve. "No,” grumbled Amiga, shaking his head sadly, "no wife." "Oh, you take your money to your father and mother." "No. No father—no mother—nadie!" He threw up his open handß to sig- ! nify that .all were gone, and Hooker said no more. For three months and more he had worked alongside this giant, silent Yaqui and only once had he sensed his past. That was when Amigo had torn his shirt in lifting, and across the rippling muscles of his back there had beep shown the long white wale of a whip. It w'as the mark of his former , slavery when, with the rest of his peo ple, he hud been deported to the hene quen fields of Yucatan and flogged by the overseer’s lash—and Amigo was ashamed of it. But now that he was about to go. Bud made bold to ask him one more question, to set his mind at rest. "Perhaps this captain killed your people?’’ "No, sencr,” answered Amigo quiet ly; "they died." He spoke the words simply, but there was something in hie voice that brought up images of the past—of peaceful Yaquis, seized at every ranch in Sonora on a certain night; of long marches overland, prodded on by rurales and guards; of the crowded prison-ships from which the most an guished hurled themselves into the sea; and then the awful years of slavery in the poisoned tropics, until only the hardiest were left. Amigo had seen It all, as the scars on his broad back proved—but he withdrew now Into silence aud left his thoughts unsaid. As he sut there by the fire, one long, black hund held out to keep the gleam from Ills eyes, he made a noble figure, but the Yaquql songs which he hud crooned on other nights were forgotteu, uud he held himself tenee and still. Then ut lust lie rose and guzed at Bud. "You pay me my money," he said. "I go now." "Sure,” answered Bud. and after ho had weighed out the equivalent in gold oil his scales he flipped in somo more for luck aud guve him a sack to hold it the aiLrar observes. “What you buy with all that?” he I Inquired with a friendly grin; "grub?" J “No, senor,’ answered Amigo, knot | ting the precious gold in a handker chief; "cartridges!” “What for?" queried Bud, and then It was Amigo who smiled. “To kill Mexicans with!" he replied, and in those words Hooker read the secret of his thrift. While his wild brethren fought in the hills or prepared for the battles to come, it was his part to earn the money that should keep them in am munition. was for that, in fact, that Porflrio Diaz had seized all the peace ful Yaquiß in a night and shipped them to Yucatan—for he saw that while they were working the wild Yaquis would never lack. All the time that Amigo had been doing two men’s work and saving on the price of a shirt he had held that cheerful dream In his mind—to kill more Mexicans! Yet, despite the savagery In him, Hooker had come to like the Yaqui, and he liked him still. With the rurales on his trail it was better that he should go, but Bud wanted him to return. So, knowing the simple hon esty of Indians, he brought out his own spare pistol and placed it In Ami go’s hands. Often he had seen him gazing at it longingly, for it was light er than his heavy Mauser and better for the journey. “Here," he said, “I will lend you my pistol—and you can give it to me when you come back." “Sure!" answered the Indian, hang ing it on his hip; "adios!" They shook hands then, and the Yaqui disappeared in the darkness. In the morning, when a squad of rurales closed in on the’ camp, they found nothing but his great tracks in the dust. CHAPTER XIX. It was June and the windstorms which had swept in from the south east died away. No more, as in the months that had passed, did the dust pillar rise from the dump of the For tuna mill and go swirling up the can yon. A great calm and heat settled over the harassed land, and above the far blue wall of the Sierras the first thun der caps of the rainy season rose up till they obscured the sky. Then, with a rush of conflicting winds, a leaden silence, and a crash of flickering light, the storm burst in tropic fury and was gone as quickly as It had come. So, while the rich landowners of the hot country sat Idle and watched it grow, another storm gathered behind the distant Sierras; and, as empty rumors lulled them to a false security, suddenly from the north came the news of dashing raids, of railroads cut, troops routed, and the whole bor der occupied by sw*arming rebels. In a day the southern country was isolated and cut off from escape and, while the hordes of Chihuahua insur rectos laid siege to Agua Negro, the belated Spanish haciendados came scuttling once more to Fortuna. There, at least, was an American tow-n w'here the courage of the Anglo-Saxon would protect their women in extremity. And, i if woret came to worst, it was better , to pay ransom to red-flag generals than to fall victims to bandits and loot- ! ers. As the bass roar of the great whistle reverberated over the hills Bud Hook- i er left his lonely camp almost gladly, and with his hard-won gold-dust safe beneath his belt, went galloping into town. Not for three w*eeks—not since he received the wire from Phil and lo cated the Eagle Tail mine—had he dared to leave hie claim. Rurales. out laws and Mexican patriots had dropped in from day to day and eaten up most of his food, but none of them had caught him napping, and he hud no in tention that they should. A conspiracy had sprung up to get rid of him, to harry him out of the country, and behind it was Aragon. But now, with the big whistle blowing, Aragon would have other concerns. He had his wife and daughter, the beautiful Gracia, to hurry to the town, and perhaps the thought of being caught and held for ransom would de ter him from stealing mines. So rea soned Bud, and, dragging a reluctant pack-animal behind him, be came rid ing In for supplies. At the store he bought flour and cof fee and the other things which he needed most. As he was passing by the hotel Dou Juan de Dios halted him for a moment, rushing out and thrust ing a bundle of letters Into Ills hands and hurrying back into the house, as if fearful of being detected in such an act of friendship. Long before h 6 had lost his pardner Bud hud decided that Don Juan was a trimmer, a man who tried to be all things to all people—as a good hotel keeper should—but now he altered his opinion a little, for the letters were from Phil. He read them over in the crowded plaza. Into which the first refugees were Just beginning to pour, and frowned as he skimmed through the last. Of Gracia and vain protestations of devotion there waa enough und to epare, but nothing about the mine* Only in the first one, written on the very day be hud deserted, did he so much as attempt an excuse for so pre cipitately abandoning their claim and ills Mexican citizenship. Phil wrote: My mull was being sent through head quarters and looked over by Del Rey, u<> 1 knew 1 would never receive the papers, even If they came. I hope you don’t feel hard about It, pardner. Kruger says to eomo out right away. I would have stayed with It, but It wasn’t uny use. 4mJ now, Bud, I want to usk yuu some king. VTifen you come out, bring Gracia with you. Don’t leave her at the rnercy of Del Rey. I would come myself If It wasn’t sure death. Be quick about It, Bud; I count on you. The other letters were all like that, but nothing about the mine. And yet it was the mine that Bud was fighting 1 for—that they had fought for from the Hrst. The railroad was torn up now, and a flight with Gracia was hopeless, but it was just as well, for he never would abandon the Eagle Tail. In two months, or three, when the rebels were whipped off, his papers might come. Then he could pay his j taxes and transfer his title and con aider the stealing of Gracia. But since he had seen her and touched her hand 1 something held him back—a grudging reluctance—and he wa.** glad that his ! duty lay elsewhere. Ir she was hie girl now he would come down and get her anyway. But she was not his girl and, gazing ■ back grimly at the seething plaza and the hotel that hid her from sight, he i rode somberly down the road. After all, there was nothing to get excited about —every revoltoso in the country was lined up around Agua Negra and, with four hundred soldiers to oppose them and artillery to shell their ad vance, it would be many a long day be fore they took that town. Twice already Agua Negra had fallen before such attacks, but now it was protected by rifle-pits and ma chine guns set high on mud roofs. And then there were the Yaquis, still faith ful to Madero. They alone could hold the town, if they made up their minds to fight. So reasoned Hooker, mulling over the news that he had heard. But he watched the ridges warily, for the weather was good for raiders. A day passed, and then another, and the big whistle blew only for the shifts; the loneliness of the hills op preseed him as he gazed out at the quivering heat. And then, like a toad after a shower, Amigo came paddling into camp on the heels of a thunder storm, his sandals hung on his bip and his big feet squelching through the mud. Across his shoulders he wore a gay serape, woven by some patient woman of his tribe; and in the belt beside Bud’s pistol be carried a heavy knife, blacksmithed from a ten-inch file by •ome Yaqui hillman. All in all, he was a fine barbarian, but he looked good to the lonely Bud. "Ola, Amigo!” he hailed, stepping | out from the adobe house where he • had moved to avoid the rains; and j Amigo answered with his honest smile • which carried no hint of savagery or j deceit. Try as he would. Bud could not bring himself to think of his Yaqui as dangerous; and even when he bal anced the Indian’s murderous bowie knife in his hands he regarded it with a grin. It was a heavy weapon, broad across the back, keen on one edge, and drawn to a point that was both sharp and strong. The haft was wrapped with rawhide to hold the clutch of the hand. “What do you do with this?" queried Hooker. "Chop wood? Skin deer?" "Yes, chop wood!" answered Amigo, but he replaced it carefully in his belt. He looked the adobe bouse over > thoughtfully, listened long to the news of the border and of the rurales’ raid on their camp, and retired to the rocks for the night. Even Bud never knew where he slept—somewhere up on the hillside —in caves or clefts in the rocke —and not even the most pressing invitation could make him share the house for a night. To Amigo, as to an animal, a house was a trap; and he knew that the times were treacherous. So indeed they were, as Hooker was to learn to his sorrow, and but for the Yaqui and his murderous knife he might easily have learned it too late. It was evening, after a rainless day, and Bud was cooking by the open fire, when suddenly Amigo vanished and four men rode in from above. They were armed with rifles, as befitted the times, but gave no signs of ruffianly bravado, aud after a few words Bud in vited them to get down and eat. “Muchas gracias, senor," said the leader, dismounting and laying his rifie against a log, "we are not hungry." “Then have some coffee," invited Hooker, who made it a point to feed every one who stopped, regardless of their merit; and ouce more the Mexi can declined. At this Bud looked at him sharply, for h» refusal did not augur well, and it struck him the man’B face was familiar. He was tall for a Mexican and heavily built, but with a rather sinister cast of counte nance. "Where have I seen you before?" asked Bud, after trying in vain to place him. "In Fortuna?" "No, senor,” answered the Mexican politely. "1 have never been in that city. Is it far?" “Ten miles by the trail," responded Hooker, by no means reassured, aud under pretext of inviting them to eat, he took a look ut the other men. if they had not stopped to eat, what then was their errand while the sun was sinking so low? And why this sullen refusal of the coffee which every Mexican drinks? Bud stepped into the house, as If on some errand, und watched them un seen from tlie interior. Seeing them exchange glances tlieu, he leaned his rifie Just inside the door and weut about bis cooking. It was one of the chances he took, living out in the brush, but lie had come to know this low-browed type or Heini-bamlit all too well and had Minall respect for their couruge. In case of trouble Amigo was close by in the rocks somewhere, probably with his gun in his hand—but with a little pa tience aud circumspection the unwel come visitors would doubtless move on. So he thought, but instead they lin gered, and when supper was cooked he decided to go to a show-down—and if they again refused to eat he would send tteem on their way. I "Ven amigos," he said, spreading out the tin plates for them. “Come and eat!" The three low-brows glared at their leader, who had done what little* talk j ing there was so far, and, seized with a sudden animation, he immediately rose to his feet. “Many thanks, senor," he said with a crinjing and specious politeness. ! "We have come far and the trail is ! long, so we will eat. The times are ; hard for poor men now—this traitor. | Madero, has made us all hungry. It is by him that we poor working men ar» driven to insurrection—but we know j that the Americans are our friends. ! Yes, senor, I will take some of your beans, and thank you.” He filled a plate as he spoke and lifted a biscuit from the oven, con tinuing with hie false patter while tho others fell to in silence. ! "Perhaps you have heard, senor," he went on. “the saying which is in the land: Mucho trabajo, paco dinero; no hay frijoles. viva Madero! [Much work, little money; no beans, long live Madero!] "That, In truth, is no jest to the Mexican people. This man has be trayed us all; he has ruined the coun try and set brother against brother. And now, while we starve because the mines are shut down, he gathers his family about him in the city and lives fat on the money he has stolen." He ran on in this style, after the fashion of the revoltosos, and by the very commonplace of his fulminations Bud was thrown completely off his guard. That was the w*ay they all talked, these worthless bandit-beggare —that and telling how they loved the. Americanos—and then, if they got a chance, 'hey would stick a knife in your back. He listened to the big man with a polite toleration, being careful not to turn his back, and ate a few bites as he waited, but though it was coming ; dusk the Mexicans were in no hurry to depart. Perhaps they hoped to stop ; for the night and get him in his sleep. ' Still they lingered on, the leader sit ting on a log and continuing his j harangue. I Then, in the middle of a sentence, j and while Bud was bending over the fire, the Mexican stopped short and leaned to one side. A tense silence I fell, and Hooker was waked from his trance by the warning click of a gun | lock. Suddenly his mind came back to his guests, and he ducked like a hash, but even as he went down he heard the hammer clack! The gun had snapped! Instantly Hooker's hand leaped to his pistol and he fired from the hip pointblank at the would-be murderer. With a yell to the others, one of the Mexicans sprang on him from behind and tried to bear him down. They struggled for a moment while Bud shot blindly with his pistol and went ; down lighting. Bud was a giant compared to the stunted Mexicans, and he threw them about like dogs that hang on to a bear. With a man in each hand he rose to his feet, crushing them down beneath him; then, in despair of shaking off his rider, he staggered a few r steps and hurled himself over backward into the fire. A yell of agony followed their fall and. as the live coals bit through the Mexican’s thin shirt, he fought like a cat to get tree. Rocks, pots and ket- Threw Them About Like Dogs That Hang Onto a Bear. ties were kicked In every direction, and when Hooker leaped to his feet tile Mexican scrambled up and rushed madly for the creek. Hut, though Hud was free, the bat tle had turned against him, for in the brief interval of his tight the other two Mexicans had run for their guns. The instant he rose they covered him. Their chief, who by some miracle had escaped Hud's shot, gave a shout for them to halt. Cheated of his victim at the first lie was claiming the right to kill. To be Continued W e want more people to know about the new furniture, rugs, car* anil tapestries we are selling thin autumn at special price*. Tho C. O. Richards Furniture Co.