Newspaper Page Text
z z z o < < > > > ? 5 > 5 5 <jE £ o j c i c ■Jo 0 c 2 d -O gn n ■ • o : o at r at * n :co : ; . : 5n c ' > :2a • • x : S < • w m •o: " : : 1150 ft Clare Marie.. 878! EurAQtaVal 220 1916 6 36 Hamilton 9041 Eur&QtaVal 400 1916 11 54 Mathes, Ambrose, et al, 3-4 Everett lode R« B 1 . 1 ’.. 368 .. C0 '. Central City 150 1915 435 central City 160 1914 4 22 3- Everett lode, des B 21 P 368, Co. Itec. Central City 171 1913 3 89 8 4 21 K 1> r 365. Central City 76 1912 276 842B 4 21 E p er 3sS, Co o’Rev* 0 ’Rev* Central City 75 1911 267 842B 4 21 E P r 358 C* ’ ltec* Central City 75 . 1910 204 Mt. Lion M. *EX CO Gilpin County 987 Centra} CUy 400 1915 1. 54 Oltoln County .. 987 Central City 400 1914 11 16 MoSntaln Uon 738 Central City 400 1911 11 16 Medlln, Jethro Momyer, George.. Martin Luther 3M 101 l 7lt McM,lohnela;gl 300 1111 Sll SCnnie’::::::SSJ IS 81 . 1 j Golden Gliff 12627 Pine 300 1910 b 11 Sunflower . 12627 Tine 300 1915 6 11 Miller, Chas. M.. • Jefferson No. 2 15421 Vermillion 300 1915 686 McFarland, Helen.. 2-3 Delight 686 Qtz. \alley -00 1910 4 , Nlccuni, Mary E.. .Pilgrim’s Progress Rec a>1 . 2 . 1 . ..’ Black Hawk 200 1913 4 79. Ohio Mining C0...W1M Horse ...... ;::; 191|3 llj. Centra. 400 19.5 1 j| Penial Trust Assn.. .1-* Galatea ...... • .13802 j-ltVal. 200 19,5 « IT, New York Mill || »“wk *3* IMS 7” j °'C?' CaSt ° Mne Casto 349 Central City 400 1915 11 64 Co lean ami M S. . .•• "58 Central City 400 1915 11 54 lmai. h mm * :,M SHK! SIS £5 III! j? Ml Phillips, Jas. B-• • J 1 S3f”SSEi! 8 ffii 11 Si Pyrenees G. Mug. .. ... ... |gl || = 1| £ ffij 11 J Shaft house & Machy. Russell - .6 ( Parmelle, Ed. Est., Beacon of the West 116 Russell 400 1915 11 31 Penobscot M. &M. Co., McCartney 16946 Independent 300 19}j 666 Drumlununlngs 16156 Independent 300 1916 5 66 Penobseot 15110 Independent 300 1915 5 661 Harlacher 16456 Independent 300 1915 5 66 Myrtle Bell 16456 Independent 300 1915 5 66 Hatfield 16456 Independent 300 1915 5 66 Drumlummlngs Ext... 17186 Independent 300 1916 6 661 • Scott 17186 Independent 300 1915 5 66 r> ea ” 17186 Independent 300 1915 5 661 Spence No. 2 17156 Independent 300 1915 5 66 Baylor No. 2 17186 Independent 300 1915 5 6o | 10-stamp mill Independent 1500 1915 28 -8 2 o ,tand drill eompres- In<lepen(lent , 50 1916 283 Quartz Hill Mug. lode ... .16844,, 400 1916 11 34 Pine Comb G. M? Co., Pine Comb 10de..17199 llawkeye 300 1915 686 2 smull houses and ... office llawkeye li»0 1915 3 4o Shaftliouse & Machy. llawkeye 250 1915 5 <1 Boiler house, boiler I and compressor llawkeye -»;>0 l.*lo 8 uu Mill and machinery .. llawkeye 4000 1915 91 40 Macon 19586 llawkeye «»00 1915 656 Reilley, Frank... .1-12 Bullion 7828 Eureka 34 1915 _SB Richardson, Harrv W., 4-5 O’Neil <489 Gregory 300 191 u < 6.. 4- shafthouse and machinery 7489 Gregory 800 1915 19 08 j 4-5 parcel of ground I des B 135 P 379 Black Hawk 80 1910 1 91 4-5 parcel of ground des B 150 P 331 Black Hawk 8 1915 19 4-5 parcel of ground des B 150 1* 344 Black Hawk 16 1915 3S , 4-5 parcel of ground 1 des B 150 P 342 .... Black Hawk 16 1915 38 4-6 Gregory mlllßtte . des B 166 I* 46 Black Hawk 40 191 u 9u 4- A. B. C. tracts, des B 122 P 92 Central City 160 1915 3 »- Short, Annie D 1-27 Hartford 742 Gregory 14 1915 41 San Juan Mng. Co.. .San Juan ••• 992 Nevada 400 1915 10 34 Shafthouse & Machy. 992 Nevada 490 1915 12 6i Gardner 66a Nevada 400 1915 11 54 Frame house near mine ..... Nevada 150 1915 4 33 Sherrill,W. A Missouri 250 Nevada 400 ]4191& 61? Missouri Cress 974 Nevada 400 *«1915 5 li Stearns & Rickard, 1-6 Brack Hollow. .11765 Enterprise 67 1915 i * 1-6 Brack Hollow 11765 Enterprise 67 1915 1 60 Stewart Gold Mng. , ' , nnn .... . oe &I. Co Stewart 479 llawkeye -00 1915 686 Shafthouse & Machy. Hawkeye 325 1915 7 43 Snowdon Mng. Co., A. R. Gaugloff plac er, 49 acres 13670 Hawkeye 490 1915 Windy Point 13051 Hawkeye 300 1915 fi S 6 Old Ann 13051 Hawkeye 300 1915 6 S 6 ltedmen 13051 Hawkeye 300 1915 6 86 Edine 13051 Hawkeye 300 1915 6 86 Shafthouse & Machy. Hawkeye 500 1915 Teller, H. M., Est., 1-2 Adaline 104 Central City 200 1915 5 77 1-12 Adaline 248 Central City 31 1915 98 1-2 Argo 667 Nevada 200 1915 5 17 1-6 It. D. Kenney ....443 Russell 68 1916 1 93 3-8 Columbia 566 Nevada 150 1915 3 8S 1-2 Columbia 651 Russell 200 1915 5 17 1-2 Copper Bottom... 766 Nevada 200 1915 5 17 1-2 W. 262 ft. Bur roughs 174 Nevada 165 1915 4 2< 1-2 Esperanza 803 Central City 200 1915 5 77 1-2 Extenuate 112 111. Central 200 1915 6 67 1-2 Gibson 562 111. Central 200 1915 5 67 1- Gibson 70 111. Central 200 1916 5 67 2- Gunnell 449 Eureka 268 1915 7 73 1-2 Kansas 188 Nevada 200 1915 5 17 1-4 Kansas 610 Nevada 100 1915 2 69 1-2 Manila placer, 32 acres .. 13405 Wisconsin 320 .1915 6 03 1-2 Pierce 106 Central City 200 1915 5 77 1-2 Register 308 111. Central 200 1915 5 67 1-2 Sapp 7361 111. Central 200 1916 6 67 1-4 Thomas Freeman. 576 Nevada 100 1915 2 59 1-2 Vldette 792 111. Central 200 1916 5 67 1-2 town lots bought Central City 1891, 1896 Central City 200 1915 5 77 1-2 town lots, 15, 16, Blk Central City 25 1915 72 1-2 Burroughs 110 Nevadn 200 1915 5 17 1-4 Ethan Allen 844 111. Central 100 1915 2 89 1-2 land Boulder Park —B. 1-2 of Sec. 1 twp 2 r 74, 160 acres 1600 1915 30 16 Kent County M. S. .. 395 Nevada 400 1915 10 34 5- Helos M. S 127 Nevada 334 1915 8 6:: 170 ft. Simons Forks.. 635 Nevada 256 1915 6 62 Columbia 39 Central City 400 1915 11 64 Corydon M. S 47 Central City 400 1915 11 54 Cork 92 Central City 400 1915 11 54 New York 666 Nevada 400 1915 10 34 Lyman and millslte .. 52 Nevada 400 1915 10 34 Peek and Thomas.... 38 Gregory 400 1915 11 64 Granite and millslte.. 53 Gregory 400 1915 11 64 W. 600 ft. Ivanhoe.... 118 Nevada 110 1916 2 84 Kent County, A. 8... 623 Nevada 400 1915 10 34 Vanderbilt 50 Nevada 400 1916 10 31 Running Lode, W 749 Gregory 400 1916 9 64 1-2 Holman 398 Eureka 200 1915 6 77 Tom 11 son, Frank..l-8 I. X. L 321 Russell 50 1916 1 42 Wilkes, Louis E. P., 2-9 East Nevada.. 923 Nevada 89 1915 2 30 West Fisk Mng. Co., Jasper Mountain. .11716 Lake 400 1916 8 34 Shafthouse and whlmil7l6 Lake 246 1915 5 11 West Fisk, city title.. Black Hawk 200 1915 4 77 Williams Mng. Co., Williams 296 Lake 400 1915 8 3 4 Williams, W. 300 ft... 488 Lake 200 1915 4 17 Shafthouse & Machy. 488 Lake 300 1915 6 26 Wells. C. S 1-2 Federal 107 Russell 200 1915 5 67 1-2 Federal M. 8 180 Russell 200 1915 6 67 1-2 shafthouse and m chlnery Russell 188 1916 5 33 Waltham Mng. Co., Waltham 13397 Russell 400 1916 11 34 Weckback, E. J.. .Pelmonlco Ext 18169 Russell 400 1916 11 34 Real Estate and Personal Property Listed in Next Columns mi aiumr obsuvee. LIST OF ' Real Estate and Personal Property z g < < > I 5 5 “ g • » • i a a * • a ? o 3 .... I * i * , * t ! : * : : : $ 9 eta Anderson, Alvin G., Stone house, lot 11 blk 30 Central Cy. 400 1915 11 54 30 ft lot 9, ull lot 10, blk 20, Central City 76 1915 2 16 Ayers, Charles..Frame house, lot 3. blk 54, Central City 400 1915 11 54 I Angelus Mng. Co. Frame house, lot 34, blk 10, Black Hawk 160 1916 3 58 Allebaugh, Lincoln, Frame house In blk 50, Black Hawk 150 1915 3 5S Frame house. Black Hawk 100 1915 2 39 Allebaugh, N. S., Est., Frame house E.slde ltichmond St. Black Hawk 75 1915 1 79 Bltzenhofer, Mary, Brick bldg., lot 24, blk 3 Central City 1800 1915 51 93 Bow den, Herbert,.. Frame house, lot 16, blk 39, Central City 700 1915 20 20 Bishop, Mrs. Ann..Frame house, pt. lot 12, blk 20, Central City 800 1915 23 OK Frame house, Lake Gulch 100 1915 2 09 Boggio, Mrs. Antonio, Frame house lots 20-21 blk 14, Cen tral City 1915 8 66 Bat tain, G., Frame house, lot 3. blk 52, Central City. W 226 1915 6 49 Burton, Sarah A. Frame house, lot 8, blk 9, Black Hawk 210 1915 5 01 Beckett, Augusta, M., Frame house Bussell .. 225 1916 6 38 .Colbert, Mrs. Ed., Frame House, bd by Thomas Hooper Central City 110 1915 4 04 Cosinnl, Mary.... Frame house, lots 11-12 blk 51, Central 210 1915 6 06 Clark, Eugene K., 1-2 Int. Frame house lots 8-9, blk 29, Black Hawk 18S 1915 4 48 I l 'oran, Mrs. J. M., Lot 45 blk 32, Central City 50 1915 1 45 Lot 16 blk 32, Central City 50 1915 1 45 Dennis, Henry,..Frame house, lot 18, blk 40. Central Cy. 190 1915 5 49 I 1 »ougherty, Mrs. Cora, Frame house and 25 ft Topeka lode, Butes Hill, Central City 100 1915 2 89 Davjey, J. E Frame house, Cor. Bennett and King Sts., Nevada 190 1915 5 49 Davis, Isaac Frame house, lots 12-13 blk 47. Black Hawk 75 1915 2 79 DeLong, A Dot 17, blk 19, S. Bine Cliff 11 1915 21 l ot 18 blk 19, S. Bine Cliff 11 1915 21 Delhi, James, l.ot 9 blk 9. S. Pine Cliff 13 1916 25 Lot 10 blk 9, s. Pin® Cliff 13 1915 25 Ebli, Bart, Est., Frame house, \V side Bine St., Central 2.’0 1915 6 35 Evans, Mrs. Kate. Frame house, lot 1, blk 39 Black llwk 190 1915 6 64 Frame house on M. S No. 11, Black Hawk 310 1915 11 89 • Evans, W. G Cabin E side Idaho Spgs. road, Bussell 25 1915 71 Forrett, Chas. D., Frame house, E. 45 ft of M. s. No. 48, l Black Hawk .. .. 300 1915 7 16 : Fonts, E. B. Stone bldg., Bussell 300 1915 8 51 Field, Florence 10., lot 13 blk IS, S. Bine Cliff 13 1915 23 .Hall, Melvlua ....Frame house e 1-2 lot 9 nil lot 10, blk 11 I Hlack Hawk 350 1015 8 35 . Hughes, Thos. K., Frame house, bd. W by Ed. Davis, Bus sell 320 1915 9 07 Ingwerson, K. A., Lot 15, l»lk 15, S Bine Cliff 13 1915 25 i Lot 16, blk 16, S. Bine Cliff 13 1915 25 Jessup, H. M., . .se 1-4 of ne 1-4 (part) sec 7 twp 3 r 72 30 , , acres 300 1916 7 It se 1-4 of ne 1-4 (part)sec 7 twp 3 r 72 30 _ acres 300 1914 c 4» Jones, J5hn W., Cabin, bd. W by \V. Quintrall, Bussell 100 1915 2 81 i Joyce, John .. ..Frame house, bd. \V by\V. Joyce, Buss -11 200 191;» 5 »»8 Klein, Mrs. G. J.. Frame house, lot 10 blk 35, Black llwk 150 1915 3 ; Ivimber Ben ....Barn and pt. M. S. No. 18, Black Hawk 60 1915 1 4.1 1-2 Int. parcel ground Dec. B. 153. B. 52, Co. Bee., Black Hawk 30 1915 7. Lots 1-2 back Humphrey s Mill 200 1915 4 77 Kintber, Mrs. Virginia, Frame house, lots 13-11, blk 11 Black Hawk 300 1915 < 16 Frame house, 1 Bt. lot 2 blk 20, lots 15 and 16 blk 23, Black Hawk 750 1915 17 SJ Kristlfic, Frank. Est.. Frame house, Herman Ave.. Bus-ell 300 1915 S 51 Lowe, Henry 1\, Stone bldg, and barn lot 1 blk 25, Central S00 1915 **•» Lots 4-5, blk 25, Central City 200 1915 5 .. Lawlor, Kllz., ..House and lot, N. side Grant St. Nevada 225 1915 5 82 .Moody, James ..Bock bldg., and lot 105 ft by 95 ft. Central City . ... 10 1915 1 16 Frame house lot 3 blk 54, Central City 700 1915 20 20 ; Miller & Crouse, Miller Block, lot 1. blk 2, Central City.. 5000 1915 144 25 Muughen, William. Frame house in blk 9 Black Hawk .... 600 1915 14 31 I Molletti, Felix, Frame house bd. W by J. Bipan, Bussell.. 170 1915 4 S_ McEnery, M. J.. Lot 2 blk. B, Bolllnsvllle 60 1915 96 Bursons, Mrs. Eli*., Frame house, lot 10, blk 42, Central | City 170 1915 4 91 'Boole, Frank, Est., Frame house bd. E by Moore mill Bus- .. ( ee’.l 95 1915 2 (.8 ■Bull, Margaret .. Frame house near K New, Central Cy. 75 1915 2 16 Mill site near K Nev., Central City.. 50 1915 1 48 Beiva, Catherine, Frame house, lot 27, l>lk 24, Central Cy. 470 191j 13 56 i Frame barn In blk 24, Central City .. 40 1915 1 15 Richards W. J., Frame house, L?tclier St., Nevada 245 1915 8 15 Rudolph, Anna, Frame house, lot 10, blk 3, Black Hawk 190 1915 4 t»4 i Seright, Jas. M...Frame bldg., and lot des B. 182, B. 23S, Co. ltec. Bussell 210 1915 6 6. Schott, Nicholas. Frame bouse W side Rackard Gulch, Cen tral City 95 1915 2 74 Slattery, Ben.i., Frame house, pt. lot 1. blk 10„ Central City 590 1915 14 43 Fran e house, pt. lot l, blk 10, Central City 690 1913 16 61 Sweeney, Fannie, Frame house, lots 2-2, blk 49, Black Hawk 1 -0 1916 3 58 Schonherr, Rosa, Frame house, lot 9. blk 49, Black llwk 135 1915 20 Stauchine, Louise, Frame house near school house, Bus sell 150 1915 4 -6 Sayre, Lightbourne, ! Williams & Potter, Potter Interest 1-G all that part of s 1-2 of ne 1-1 lying South Boulder Creek, sec 28 twp 1 r 72, 31 acres 55 1915 1 04 44.8 A. of n 1-2 ol sw 1-4 of sec 28, twp 1 r 72, 44 acres 74 1915 1 40 se 1-4 of sw 1-4, sec 28 twp 1 r 72, 40 acres 67 1915 1 -6 se 1-4 of se 1-4, sec 29 twp 1 r 72, 40 acres 67 1915 1 -6 42.2 A. of n 1-2 of sc 1-4 of sec 29 twp 1 r 72 42 acres 70 1915 1 32 se 1-4 of sw 1-4, sec 32 twp 1 r 72 40 acres 6, 1915 1 2b se 1-4 of sec. 32 twp 1 r 72 160 acres.. 266 1915 6 01 n 1-2 of ne 1-4 of sec 32 twp 1 r 72. SO _ „ acres 138 1915 2 51 se 1-4 of ne 1-4, sec 32 twp 1 r 72. 40 acres 67 1916 1 26 n 1-2 of nw 1-4, sec 33 twp 1 r 72. SO ac res 133 1915 2 51 sw 1-4 of nw 1-4, sec33 twp l r 72, 40 acres 67 1915 1 26 n 1-2 of nw 1-4, sec 31 twp 1 r 72, 79 acres 132 1916 2 49 ne 1-4 of ‘Tie 1-4 and Imps., sec 36, twp . 1 r 73 40 acres 67 1916 1 26 Wave Placer less 5 A sold to Kbers, 16750 29 acmes 48 1916 90 Paetolus ditch. Puctolus 63 1915 1 19 Puctolus houses Puctolus 63 1915 1 19 1-6 nil that part of s 1-3 of lie 1-4 lying s of Boulder park, see- 38 twp 1 r 72w 31 acres 65 1911 93 44.8 A. of 11 1-2 or sw 1-4 of sec 28, twp 1 r 72 w 41 acres 74 1914 1 25 se 1-4 of sw 1*4, sec 3*8 twp 1 r 72 w 40 acres 67 1914 1 13 se 1-4 of se 1-4, sec 39 twp 1 r 72. 40 ac res 67 1914 1 13 42.2 A. of n 1-2 of se 1-4 of sec 1 29 twp I r 72, 42 acres 70 1914 1 18 He 1-4 of sw 1-1, sec 32 twp 1 r 72. 10 acres 67 1914 1 13 se 1-4 of se« 32 twp 1 r 73. 160 acres.. 346 1911 4 49 II 1-2 of ne 1-4 of sec 32 twp 1 r 72 80 acres 133 1914 2 25 se 1-4 of ne 1-4. sec 13 twp 1 r 72, 40 acres 67 1914 1 13 n 1-2 of mv 1-4, sec- 33 twp 1 r 72, SO acres 133 1914 2 25 sw 1-4 of nw 1-1, sec 33 twp 1 r 72, 40 acres 07 1914 1 13 11 1-2 of nw 1-4 sec- 31 twp l r 72, 79 acres 132 1914 2 23 ne 1-4 of lie 1-4 and Imps., sec 36 twp 1 r 73 w, 40 acres J 67 1914 1 13 Wave Placer less 6 A sold to F.hers, stir 16750, 29 acres .. .. 48 1914 81 Paetolus ditch, l’actolus 63 1914 1 06 Paetolus houses Paetolus 63 1914 1 06 Bellevue Con. M. Co., Butter Interest, 1-6 nil the part of s 1-2 of no 1-4, ly ing south of Boulder Bark, sec 28 twp 1, r 72 w, 31 bores 64 1913 *88 44.8 A. of n 1-2 of sw 1-4 of sec 28 twp 1 r 72 w, 44 acres 87 1913 1 20 so 1-4 of sw 1-4 sec- 28 twp 1 r 72 w, 40 ncres 79 1913 1 09 se 1-4 of se 1-4 sec 29 twp 1, r 72, 10 acres 79 1913 1 09 42.2 of n 1-2 of se 1-4 of sec 29 twp 1 r 72, 42 ncres 82 1913 1 13 se 1-4 of sw 1-4 sec- 32 twp 1 r 72. 40 acres 79 1913 1 09 se 1-4 of see 32 twp 1 r 72, 160 acres.. 188 1913 2 59 n 1-2 of ne 1-4 of s«*c 32 twp 1 r 72, 80 acres 94 1913 1 30 se 1-4 of ne 1-4 sec 32 twp 1 r 72 40 acres 79 1913 1 09 n 1-2 of nw 1-4 sec 33 tw-p 1 r 72. 80 acres 94 1913 1 30 sw 1-4 of nw 1-4 sec 33 tw-p 1 r 72, 40 acres 79 1913 1 09 n 1-2 of nw- 1-4 sec 31 twp 1 r 72, 79 seres 165 1913 2 14 ne 1-4 of ne 1-4 and tnps., see 36 twp 1 r 73w’ 40 acres 79 1913 1 09 Wave placer less 6 A. sold to Ebers. stir 15750, 29 acres .. .# 66 1913 77 Paetolus ditch, Paetolus 74 1913 1 02- Paetolus hous. s Pacttlus 74 1913 1 02 i 2 < ■< > 5 2 • • 5 I 8 c 5 I * 2. ■ ■ E a « 2£ 3 * 2 o *• 9 § : : % I £ -I * ■* ■» r* _ x iji 1 j Slvers, Warren L., e 1-2 of sw 1-4 sec 24 twp 3 r 72, 80 acres 210 1916 4 28. \v 1-2 of nw 1-2 sec 24 twp 3 r 72, 80 acres 240 1915 4 28 sw 1-4 of sw 1-4 sec 13 twp 3 r 72, 40 acres 120 1915 2 1* I t. sw 1-4 of nw. 1-4 sec. 13 twp 3 r 72, I «“•»» 15 1,15 2* ne 1-4 of no 1-4 sec 23 twp 3 r 72, 40 acres 120 1915 2 14 Improvements jjoo 1916 5 3s. Smith, Mary, Ih>l 1 blk 18 S. Pine Cliff 13 U 1915 ig Lot 2 blk IS S. Pine Cliff 13 u. 1915 1 Teller, 11. M., Est.. Frame house, lot 1 blk 23, Central . . 170 1915 4 99 Frame office bldg, lot 2 blk 23, Central 285 1915 S 22 Lot 5. blk 20, Central City 60 1915 1 4* Lots 3-8 blk 20, Central City 60 1915 1 44 Lots in blk 39, Central City 60 1915 l 441 Pt n 1-2 of *sw 1-4 and sec 28 twp 3 r 72, n 1-2 of se 1-4 sec 29 twp 3 v 72, all w 1-2 of ne 1-4 sec 29, twp 3 r 72, 228 acres GB4 1915 12 TL Treslze, Mrs. Nannie, Frame house Main St., Nevada .. 400 1915 11 543 Frame house, Main St,, Nevada 400 1914 11 7fe: Thompson, August, lie 1-4 of ne 1-4 sec 22 twp 2 r 72, 40 acres 120 1915 2 32 se 1-4 of ne 1-4 sec 22 twp 2 r 72, 40 acres 120 1915 2 32 Williams, W. 0... Frame house bd W. by Maggie Williams, Russell 150 1915 4 26- Wood, Joseph ..Frame house, l»d. W. by Fred Wood, Rus sell 225 1915 6 38 Watts, Blanche ..Frame house lot 4 blk li, Rolllnsvl'le. . 350 1915 6 60 Wells, W. S 1-2 Wells 744 111. Central 200 1915 6 67 1-2 Ilia 776 111. Central 200 1915 6 67 1-2 Times 779 111. Central 200 1915 6 67 Zancnnelln, Valentine Frame house near Klnnenr mill, Rus triune house, bd. by Jos. Shenermati, Rus sell 150 1915 4 26- Zancanelia, G. ..Rock bldg., opp. Quintrall, Russell 900 1915 26 52 Frame house, S. Willis Gulch, Russell.. 136 1915 3 83 Owners Unknown, 1-4 Lucky Purchase 945 Enterprise .. 100 1915 2 23 Jessie. 7 A., Gilpin County, *12191 Lin. and Vermillion 25 1916 5: 3-18 County Line 12191 Lin .and Vermil lion 51 1915 1 18 Kansas lode Pt 492 Nevada 200 1915 6 78 Witness my hand mid suul this 9th day of November, 4. D. 1010 (SEAI.) HENRY P. ALTVATER, COUNTY TREASURER. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR U. S. PATENT Mining Application No. 023709 Survey No. 17578 U. S. Land Office ut Denver, Colo rado, October 18th, 1916. NOTICE IS HEIU3BY GIVEN, That in pursuance of tllie Act of Congress, approved May 10. 1872, Tihe Wacu Weta Mining and Milling company, toy Henry Little, Its agent, whose po*<tcfflce is 204 Fo. Tejon Street, Colorado Spiriii%,s, Cclcrndo, has made application fer a patent for 1500 lin ear feet on the Independence bearing gold and silver, the same being 656 fecit, S. 88°45'E. and 182 feet N.88°45'W.; thence 662 feet S. 86°4s r >'\V., from discovery shaft there on, with surface ground 150 feet in width, situate in Mountain House Min lug District. Gilpin County, State of Colorado, and de**ribcd in the plat and feld notes cn file in this office, jus follow*), viz: Beginning at Correa* No. 1, whence the S.W. Corner of Section 31, T. 2 S. R. 72, W., bears 5.8\36'40"E. '962.35 feet; thence N.l° W. 160 feet |to corner No. 2; thence N.86°45' E. ! 662 fleet to corner No. 3; thence S. 88°45' E. 838 to comer No. 4; ■ thence S. I°E. ts r >o feet to corner No. ( 5; thence N.BB°4s'W. 838 feet to cor ner No. 6; thence S.B6°4s'\V. 662 feet to pflaee of beginning; the vedn ex tends S. 88°45 / E. 656 feet and N. 88°46' W. 182 feet and N. 86°4*5' E. 662 feet. | Containing net 3 611 acres, express ly excepting and excluding all con flict with Surveys Nos. 596, 19371, 980, 703 and 934, and fanning a por ! ticn of the Independence Lode of Sec. 31, Twp. 2 S., Range 72 W„ and Sec. 36. Twp. 2 S., Range 73, of the 6 principal meridian. Said location being recorded in vol. 164. page 271 of the Records of Gilpin County, ; State of Colorado. I Adjoining cla'iran.ts IjO-t No. 596. Emerald Lode, Ix*t No. 19371, S'Tvcr , Glance Lode, Jx>t No. 703, Silver King Lode, Ix>< No. 934, Wisconsin Ixxle, claim ants unknown. I MARY WOLFE DARGIN. Register Ist pub., Oct. 19; last Dec. 21, *l6. J. H. Bawden CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, SOFT DRINKS and CANDIES Billiard and Pool Tables No charge for Billiard, or Pool I dame*. Nice place to rest. Steam huated.. No gambling Cor. MAIN and GREGORY Street, K. of P. Building Kims* Book Store Sanitary Soda Fountain AH the Latest Drinks Candies Periodicals Garage room for rent on re«*on able terms. For particulars enquire at the Observer office. Treasurers Notice on Request For Tax Deed. To every person in actual possession or occupancy of the hereinafter des cribed land, lot or promises, and to the person in whose name the same was taxed or specially as sessed, and to all persons having an interest or title of record Ln or to the same. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that nu ti e 21 s*t day of November, A. D., 1894, the fcillowirg described prop erty, aituatc in the county of Gilp'n aiul State of Colorado, to-wit: Tun nel No. 1 lode mining a’afan. Survey No. 663, Tunnel No. 2 lode mining c’aini. Survey .No. 654. Tunnel No. 3 lode mining claim, Survey No. 655, Tunnel No. 4 lode m-in’ng claim. Sur vey No. 661. and Tunnel No. 5 lode mining claim, Survey No. 656, were sold for the taxes for ihe year 1893 aid purchased by Gilpin County. I Tllnt the paid Gilpin Coiunty has drilly aligned t! e certificate of puir | cJuaHe Isfued on account of such, pur chase to Mildhael O’Hea who lioth madia request m; on the Treasurer of said Grunty for a deed. I That the told premises were tax ied fer en'ld y<ar 1893 in the naan© of H. W. Flagler. 1 That the Mime cf redemption of said real estate from such tax rale w.MI exp're on the 9th day of March,. A. i). 1917, and unless redeemed cn ! or before said day a deed will be !«• ' sued therefor, thereafter. Dated this 16th day of November, A. D. 1916. HENRY P. AjLTVATIIR. Trrmpurer of the Mid County of Gilpin. l*t pub., Nov. 23; laet Dec. 7. 1916. WHERE TO BUY GROCERIES Ttie Hawley Mcl.'e. Co., can supply your wonts from n complete stock of fancy and staple groceries. Tlie freshest of vegetables nnd fruits In tlie market. Hay and gruin In any. quantity. Observer —the family paper—s 2 00. You Read the Other Fellow’s Ad You are reading this one. That should convince you that advertising in these columnsisa profitable prop osition; that it will bring business to your store. The fact that the other fellow advertises is prob ably the reason he is get ting more business than is falling to you. Would it not be well to give the other fellow a chance To Road Your Ad li Tbest Celamns