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AT OPERA HOUSE Monday and Tuesday December 11th and 12th i Nine Reels The Nine Full Reels Will Be Shown Monday and Tuesday Nights Admission 15c Children 10c NOTICE OF EXAMINATIONS The regular county examination for teachers will be held in the county 1 supeilntendcnt’s office on December 1 21, 22 amd 23. Session* will begin at 3 9 o’clock a. m.. and 1:30 o’cllcck p. m. ISABELLE F. MABEE-DAVIS, County Superintendent of Schools. Ltit the miming men of the west be * alive to the proposed charge in min tag laws, now before congress, and . assist our senators and representa-1 tives who arc battling for the rights ' cf the far west, and if necessary, •' send a delegation oT our able }nln- 1 ( ing nun to Washington as aid© de i camps. Tlie race hatred ecugjbt to be in- J jected into the last campaign, proved to be a dismal fai’ire by U.e broad minded foreigners if tie west. Oasiirero Barela, whd has been in the ttta/te senate ever since Colorado I became a state, firt Democrat wnd I then K» publican. las for the first true been beaten in politics and mutt go ’way back and sit down. j If any forlorn ffcmJGy wants a Christmas kid, let them go to the Teats’ bakery. They have them in all shape, cclcr a. d size, from the red-headed Ir>b youngster to the brunt tie descender t of Ham- Closing cut sale of winter hats, tootllets, rfbbonF. '•tc. Ce-t a hat be fore they are. gone, ’4 to % price. Chil dren’* hats and caps, 35 c« nts, 75 oentft and SI.OO. MRS. M. 11086. i ' i If the Democra 'c party wish to hjri'd tie ground they ’aen nt the Inst state election, let their leg Is laitoas b© ccne*i>teit and not pass such laws as will be disgusting to ithtfr cctitrtittH ncy. .■.i■ ■ - —■ Wlmt will be Billy Adams' thouplite wthem lie cast* h's-oyo ewer the stste fenuie, aiul bees a .Irena, r In ills old fritud Barela's vacant el'a'r? -Tlic Weaker S'rum." im Who's Guilty will be shown ait the opeirn house Saturday, Peourtier 9th. ".The Grip of Evil” »d'l i-Vo-w “In Bohemia" ait the opera house Sunday ndftit. ADVERTISED LETTERS J. W. Stockholm, G. H. Wifkming, t Mrp. John Ilaindilon, *Mr®. Aavy Y. Handle n, John HanvkLn®, Elmer L. Mills. CLIFFORD I. PARSONS, I Postmaster. Alva Swain is givir g Governor-elect Gunter so mueh praise one Is led to believe the governor ha® hired him ns Jiis amamien.s a. I We do not like to be inquisitive, but really would Uke to know what ! kind of a bird \ Governor Caffilson , dined upon Tluankrgjivl/ng. _____ Ethel C aj’tcn ti “The Hidden Scar” will be the World PUm picture at the opera haute Wednesday, Decem ber 13th. Pursuit Ibcd rooms for rent for house keeping, hot and cold waiter, over the Rule's bakery. a Arthur Fro«t, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chao* Frost, came up from Denver Saturday evening, after a siege of I slckne®® lasting six or eight weeks. I He was operated tiipon for appendici tis, tlie system became Infected and it was oafly by Ha. iron lean efforts of the doctor® and nurses tlvat Ills life was paved. The boy i* doing nicely and wlj] have fully recuperated his health in a few weeks. Since the election Clean John has turned the Rocky News, independent. . We wonder what kind of a stunt Joh , is trying to pull off now? | The First National bank shipped i 70 ounces of gold to the Denver mint i yeaterday. Observer —the family paper—s2.oo ————-—____________———————— I fcfc MAIL US YOUR GLASSES ; FOR REPAIR . vb»uir them correctly ami trail lanm ba«k postpaid, sumr .. . rH*ilvfd, Shii 'is tn« place* . hnd w« ran dupibat** aify lona mndf. All work i Perfect fit. expert workmaneUlp. r«nsonnliU prices. No chnrae for examinations Suven More*. I want y-fciur year** **xperlenre. ' faV oni ilMnoil optical COMPANY ’’ ] Ttf Howie of tbs Kry ntnk. 514 Bi_.wo-iv. o.r-et. -/fciIVER. COLO. ALONG ANCIENT HUMAN HOAD .uxurious Motorcars Travel Where Once Haughty Patricians Drove Their Chariots. A couple of thousand years ngo the ttotnnn with a taste for natural beau lies and the clmrm of scenery would jrder his chariot or his litter or his iiorse to he ready In the morning for a rlslt to Tivoli, where perhaps he had i villa. The ride out to the Sahine nountnins. on the west slope of which :les Tivoli, would require about half a day. save on horseback, being very nearly 25 miles. Thus to go to Tivoli was no mere hasty excursion, nut an event calling for preparations ind anticipated with the keenest pleas ure. Today Tivoli is more easily reached. \ steam tram runs out from Rome and lands the passengers in about an hour ind a half. The railway line from Rome to Naples pusses through Tivoli and makes the run in about an hour. By motor one can reach the scene of indent Roman holidaying in three quarters of an hour If the road is fnlrly free of obstructions. If. how ever, the highway across the Cum pagna is well occupied with trnlli'*. the motor must slow down and the chauf feur must call loudly and frequently with his horn for carters to make way for passage and even to rouse from slumber to guide the horse, mule or donkey. Sometimes, as today In many cases, the driver sleeps through all the noise and the animal moves slightly to one side, while the motor is swung out upon the trolley track. The Gilpin County Light, Heat & Power company is now busy erect ing Uie polea and stringing the wires to the Oranoke mine on King flat. We predicted before the election | that Wandering George, would soon jbe retired to his Larimer county j homes where he can take up h 4 * old | trade of defending bootleggers, and | our predictions have been verified. | We learn that tlve Ethan Allen mine on Quartz bill ha« started up with Harry Willis in charge. Toby Zanella opened a tine soft drltlk establishment at his old stand the first of ti e mon*h. Wanted—Clecn rags for wipers at tlii* office. Juet received a big Mne of wtom-pcd articles and cretonne for Xmas work. MRS. M. ROBS. IN RUSSELL GULGH Miss Ethel MbUcxw and gird Mends, wfho spent Thanksgiving wtth the Mel low family, returned Sunday to Boul der. H. H. Griffin, of the Prompt Pay mine, has returned after spending Thanksgiving In renver. Richard Broad and wife came up from Denver to a'tend the funeral of Mrp. Parry. Albert Le vert on Is reported quite HI with a nervous breakdown. The school children enjoyed a cation Thursday and Friday on ac count of Thanksgiving. Sherman Harris was a passenger to Denver Sunday. The Two Forty mine hog laid in a guippUy of coal and is getting ready fer work. METHODIST CHURCH NOTES. About two bund ed people attend ed th,e free educafonal entertainment last Tuesday evening. We are as sured of both slides and films for n«x*t Tuesday evening, Dec. 12th. We hope for larger a .tendance when it is fully understood what we are try ing to do for the public. No admis sion is charged and no collection will be taken. The four reels of film last Tues day evendng were, ' The Making of Matches/* “Farming in Western Can ada.” “Manufacture of Varnish,” and “Glaciers of tflie Rockies.” The slides were photographs from Alaska, Pan ama,, Porto Rico, Samoa. Hawaiian Islands and the Philippine Islands. Next week we expet an equally in teresting program. •Sunday, Dec. 10: Clasp meeting 10 a m.. led by Wm. Aiugqr; public worship 11 a. m., ser mon by the pastor; Sunday school 2:46 p. m.; Epwor h Deague 6:15 p. m.: illustrated bibie talk 7p. m. On account of lecture course, prayer meeting will meet Wednesday even ing, Dec. 13, ait 7:30 p. m. You cannot afford to miss the pic tures we are now allowing. We wel come all- LAWRENCE W. COFFMAN. Pastor. (By Elizabeth Rule.) Those absent this week were Mary Codj', Marguerite R’an, Julia Brohl. Are you going to Idaho Spring® to the bis game next Friday night? Don’t miss it. About two-thirde of the high school a e going. Go and boost and root for the Gilpin coun ty union high school. TlJie Junior program will be given Friday, Dec. Bth. Come and bring your friends. Don’t forget the pregrejn to he giv en Friday night, I?ec. 15th by the high school in the h gli school build ing. Tliis will be a treat. The pro gram is a surprise to mnaiy. AH the friends of the pupils as well as par ent® are urged to come. Admission 10 cents. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NOTES. About 150 people attended Die Thanksgiving services at the Pres byterian church last Thmrsday and it was indeed a community Thanksgiv ing. Rev, Coffman presided and in troduced Rev. Travis who preached a bnief but very tnt resting and Instruc tive sermon. Rev. Coffman follow ed wdJth a few happy, well-chosen re mark® along the same line as the serincn and by a very few minutes after eleven the nud’ence was dis missed. The high school girl® led by Mis® Cortner assisted wdth the music all of which was familiar to the whole audience p.nd enjoyed by all. One old-timer said It was the Largest attendance he had seen at a Thanksgiving serv’oe in thirty years which adds more proof to the facf* which Central people are coming to believe that a Htt e co-operation will enable us to do anything we desJre to do. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; preach dng services led by W. R. McLeod at 11 a. m.. Christian Endeavor ser vice a/t 6:15 p. m. The next meeting of the Tuesday Rending club will be at the home of Mr®. Bertagnolli on the afternoon of December 12th. Topics: “What Con* wtlturtcß an Ideal Education?” Mrs. Parsons. Book review, “Inside Gie Cup.” by Mrs. Geo. *WUlftuns. BINARY DISCHARQEI; fm RE! JKVKD IN ' ScpSl924 HOURS »«!'«" C b.- t »*r P . (mldy)] the nsnu-Aa-v Bdware qf rtmnlerfeits ; ALL DRUOOIMTS ; SCHOOL NOTES i •• • T H 6• • • 11 ii First National Bank j: \\ CENTRAL CITY, COLORADO. {[ (| Capital ss©,eoe Surplus $25,000 <> |> Resources $BBO,OOO. jj <J BUSINESS FBUNBEB IN 18(2. BRGANIZED A8 A NATIONAL <> J BANK JANUARY 1«t, 1874. |» \ fc* ( * i' 4 } {> Officers a.nd Directors: ]| j[ J. C. JENKINS, President, JOHN C. McSHaNB, Vice Pres’t. <J \\ H. H. LAKE, Cashier, WM. 0. JENKINS. Ass't. Cashier. <[ 1* WILFRED FULLERTON LOUIS J. SAUER FRANK C.YOUNO <• ;; AGENTB FOR « « :: Denver Rock Drill Company Drills :: * , , ► : I DuPont’s non-Freezing Powder :: ;; Gasoline DuPont’s Blasting Caps ■« : I All Kinds of Mine Supplies ;; < j Automobile Supplies :: ;; - Soreen Doors and Screen Wire • ;; Fine Assortment of Aluminum Ware ; ! [ Rubber and Leather Belting : I ;; Garden and Air Hose Cement and Plaster •« We Excluelvely Handle Sartelde’s Hen Feed ? The Clark Hardware Co. f I Re-Opened lor Business Bottling the Purest and Best Soft Drinks of All Kinds f X ii Central fettling Worlds | A. BALERIA, Proprietor | | GROCERIES | f & ♦|» The Finest and Choicest An Elegant Line of China X Jt* line of Provisions, Hour, Ware always on hand at y A Hay and Grain j» > Popular Prices j* j* X Y | The Sauer-McShane Merc. Co. :j: % main street, CENTRAL X K* X y+»+*+»+«+B+B+B+B+B+»B+B+B+B+B+B BIBIB+B+B4 B ;i *:* Stamp /Mill Screens ii iiCaps, Fuse and Candies.;! !i ~ — ~~ ■ 1 T 1 ' , j; ( i Agents for the Old Original - j J ■;California Giant Powder-; ii ;; ! 1 Quick Silver and Mill Chemicals, Gas ;; • Pipes, Steam Fittings, Gold Retorts, J | ;; Belting, Hardware, Stoves, Rope, Etc. i! ii The Jenkins-McKay Hardware Co. ii !! CENTRAL CITY, - COLO. \\ WWttli be MtMUi i| >oa have year Frlnttaa dene k.ra No Job la toe larce or too Mall. Come aad ia* ■poet our aaoploa o t printing et all kind* and taave jour ordor. All Jobs promptly aMondad to. THE OBSERVER “THB HOUM OF QUALITY"