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■ r ‘“We just mopped 'em up" jjj^ u Those boys didn't know what retreat meant. And, pep! I]jk Wi Saty, every mother's son charged as tho' he was the whole LsJJi W V| ri fj IT 1 0VJKH American Army. It was the proudest momeni f my life.’* More than 32,871,000 tins of Velvet Tobacco were cent to the boys in filjf Prance —enough, if placed end to end, to reach 2340 mileo cr nearly from New York to Brest. How much it helped them, their friendly letters testify. Velvet makes friends easily—because, like true friendship, it has been Jwftßp;*; allowed to ripen naturally. For two years, Velvet ages in wooden hogsheads, UlBmffk Hw and when it comes out it is just right —no kick, no bite, no harshness. Roll a Velvet Cigarette. Nature-aged mild- d>Vk >-a. feel /4 1-r y 4>/<aU. —a %m isc ncht " < -me rnenaiy lODacco Choicest of Groceries Nuts Figs Dates Candy Oranges Grape Fruit Pop Com Pickles Olives Fancy Cakes The New Sauer-McShane Merc. Co. CAPITAL >90,00* SURPLUS >29,000 TOTAL RESOURCES >520£00 ■.. T H & ~. First National Bank CENTRAL CITY, COLORADO. BUBINESB POUNDED IN 1802. ORGANIZED AS A NATIONAL BANK JANUARY I.t, 1874. One of the oldest banks In Colorado, it has for f fifty-four years furnish the public with every facility consistent t with conservative banking practice. and Directors: J. C. JENKINS, President J. C. McSHANE, Vice-President H. H. LAKE, Cashier W. O. JENKINS, Assistant Cashier WILLIAM MARTIN Treasurer’s Notice on Request for Tax Deed. To every person in actual possession or occupancy of th« hereinafter des cribed lead, lot or presnleee, and to the person in whose name the same was taxed or specially assess ed, and to all persons having an laitereat or title of record In or to the same. NOTICE IS HBREBY GIVEN, That on the 11th day of December A. D. 1916, the following described property, situate in the County of Gilpin and State of Colorado, to wit: Ruby lode mining claim. Sur vey No. 7831, in Russell mining district, was sold for the taxes for the year 1915 and purchased by Chris Hesselbine. That the said Chris Hesselbine has duly made request upon the Treasurer of said County for a deed. That the same premises were taxed for said year 1915 in the j name of H. P. Lowe. That the time of redemption of, said real estate from such tax sale will expire on the 12th day of December A. D. 1919, and un-' less redeemed on or before said day a deed will be issued therefor. Dated this 23rd day of July A. D. 1919. (Seal) HENRY P, ALTVATER, ! Treasurer of the said Counfy of Gilpin. Ist pub. July 24; last, Aug. 7, ’l9. 1 DR. a. n. TOWERS Physician and Surgeon, Offlc. A.hb.ugh Building Telephone, C.ntr.l I O CENTRAL CITY, COLORADO THE GILPIN OBSERVER. Notice of Application For U. S. Patent 1 Mining Application No. 026498. • Mineral Survey No. 19988. U. S. Land Office, Denver, Colo., July 26, 1919. Notice is hereby given that in , pursuance of the Act of Congress, approved May 10, 1872, James , Coyle and John R. Hamilton, whose postoffice is Black Hawk, Colorado, have made application for a patent for 1500 linear feet on the Hope Lode situate in Hawk eye Mining District, Gilpin Coun ty, State of Colorado, and describ ed by the official plat and field notes on file in the office of the | Register of the Denver land dis trict, Colorado, as follows, viz: Beginning at Cor. No. 1, whence I the S. W. Cor. Sec. 31, T. 2 S„ R. j 72 W. of the 6th P. M. bears S. 10’ 54" 30" E. 498.38 feet; thence j N. 2’ 38’ W. 150 feet to Cor. No. 2; thence N. 87’ 22' E. 968.73 feet ( to C6r. No. 3; thence N. 71’ 46' E. 531.67 feet to Cor. No. 4; thence S. 2’ 38' E. 155.73 feet to Cor. No. 5; thence S. 71* 46' W. 510.33 feet to Cor. No. 6; thence S. 87” 22' W. 989.27 feet to Cor. No. 1, the place of beginning, containing 4.704 j acres, expressly excepting and ex cluding all conflict with Surveys Nos. 934 Wisconsin lode exclus ! ive of its conflict with Lynn lode unsurveyed, and 935 La Fayette County lode exclusive of its con flict with Lynn lode unsurveyed, and forming a portion of the S. W. Vi Sec. 31, T. 2 S., R. 72 W. and the S. E. »/ 4 of Sec. 36. Twp. 2 South, Rnngc 73 West, of the 6th Principal Meridian. Adjoining and conflicting claims as shown by the plat of survey: Surveys Nos. 934 Wisconsin, 935 La Fayette County 18178, Seneca No. 4, Buffalo and Boom-Starter lodes and Lynn lode unsurveyed. MARY WOLFE DARGIN, Register. Ist pub. July 31; last Oct. 2, 1919. Administrator's Notice Estate of Thomas H. Belcher, De ceased. No. 886. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present them for adjust ment to the County Court of Gil pin County, Colorado, on the Ist day of September, A. D., 1919. H. F. BELCHER, Administrator. Ist pub. July 31; lust Aug. 21,’19. Say little each day and do more. Never learn to love money. Yon Read the Other Fellow’s Ad You are reading this one. II That should convince you II that advertising in these II columns is a profitable prop- II osition; that it will bring || business to your store.'ll The fact that the othsr I j fellow advertises is prob- II ably the reason he is get- I j ting mort business than is 11 falling to you. Would it II not be well to give the 11 other fellow a chance I a Te Reed Your Ad In Thssi Columns Mother’s Cook Book I know not why. but I am sure That 4int and place In some great fabric to endure Post time and race My threads will have. —Helen Hunt Jackson Sandwiches. For the picnic basket there Is noth ing so Important ns well-made sand wiches with a cup of coffee for the grownups and milk or lemonade for the children. Meat of various kinds, chopped and well seasoned, eggs, fish., vegetables and fruit may all be usedf to make sandwich filling. Sardine Filling. Mash sardines which have been skinned, add a little prepared mustards and spread on toasted oatmeal crack ers or bread. Butter lightly before adding the filling. Tuna Fish. Remove the fish from the can and. mlx with it enough salad dressing to hold it together. Season with salt, paprika and spread on nut bread. Tuna fish has been called the turkey of the sea as the flavor Is much like fowl. Lobster, crab or shrimp as well as salmon carefully shredded and mixed with a gooil salad dressing nre good spread on any kind of bread. Honey and Nut Filling. Take six tablespoonfuls of honey and three tnblespoonfuls of chopped nuts. Mix and spread on thin slices of white or brown bread. Spread the bread first with butter. Date and Nut Sandwich. Cook a cupful of dntes with a half cupful of water. When thick and smooth, cool and spread on buttered brown bread. For those who like figs they may he substituted for the dates, or better In flavor than either are raisins. Cheese and Jelly. Mix .cream cheese with cream to soften, add enough grape or currunt jelly to color and flnvor and serve be tween layers of brown and white breud put together layer-cake fashion. Features of League Softened The reservation proposal agreed to by seven Republican senators as the basis of ratification of the league of nations covenant is so worded, that the “reservations and understandings,” enumerated shall become “a part of the treaty,” and shall not stand simp ly as a detached interpretation by the senate. While some of the sponsors of the program regard it as merely interpretative in effect, clarify ing the language of the covenant without changing the meaning of any provision, others of the seven believe it goes further and great ly softens certain features which, they say, violate national rights. Treasurer’s Notice on Request for Tax Deed. To every person in actual possession or occupancy of the hereinafter des criled land, lot or premises, and to the person in whose name the same was taxed or specially assess ed, and to ail persona having at* Interest or title of record In or to the same. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That on the 18th day of December A. D. 1916, the following described property, situate in the County of Gilpin nnd State of Colorado, to wit: Hamilton lode mining claim. Survey No. 9041 in Eureka and Quartz Valley mining districts, was sold for the taxes for the year 1915 and purchased by Gil pin County. That the said Gilpin County has duly assigned the certificate of purchase issued on account of such purchase to Daniel Munday who hath made request upon the Treasurer of said County for a deed. That the said premises were taxed for said year 1915 in the - name of Daniel Munday. That the time of redemption of said real estate from such tax sale will expire on the 19th day of December A. D. 1919, and unless redeemed on or before said day a deed will be issued therefor. Dated this sth dav of August. A. D. 1919. (Seal) HENRY P. ALTVATER, Treasurer of the said County of Gilpin. Ist pub. Aug. 7: last Aug. 21,'19'.. Notice of Adjustment Day Estate of Tony Ferganchick, De ceased. No. 887. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present them for adjust ment to the County Court of Gil pin County, Colorado, on the first day of September A. D. 1919. JAY BYRON, Administrator.' Ist pub. Aug. 7; last Aug. 28, 'l9.