Newspaper Page Text
THE GILPIN OBSERVER W—■ . - - ■— . . W. J. STULL, Editor and'Proprietor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Year In Advance $2.00 Six Months In Advance SIOO ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION OFFICIAL. PAPER OF GILPIN COUNTY. OUR COUNTRY All of us who have observed and studied the signs of the times must feel and know that our gov ernment is facing a great crisis, perhaps the most serious and crit ical in the nation’s history. Let us lay aside our race prejudices, forget our party differences and bury our class consciousness, and reason together as loyal Ameri can citizens. Is it not possible and probable that we are trying to fit old laws and old methods of government to new conditions? The world has undergone many marvelous changes in the last, quarter of a century and wonder ful, advancement has been made in every line of human endeavor. Have our laws and methods of government kept pace with those changes and that advancement? We do things today upon a grand and magnificent scale. Our capitalistic classes are together upon a scale never even dreamed of before in the world’s history. The organization of our wage workers is nation wide and in the near future will include every wage worker in the land. Our farmers are daily becoming more solidly organized. Our wholesale and retail merchants are organized almost to a man. In short every industry, every trade, and every branch of labor is or ganized to get the best that they can for themselves, for their own particular class. What must be the inevitable result of all this organization? In the very near future the mass of our citizenship will con sist of three or four powerful or ganizations divided into hostile camps, bending every effort to compass their own ends and all working in opposition to each other. We are told in sacred writ that a house divided against itself cannot stand. How then can our government survive when these classes become solidly ar rayed against each other? How can their differences be reconciled as long as their interests clash? How can their interests be made identical? Government ownership of all public utilities would bring about this result. Is there any other remedy? This is the problem for our statesmen to solve. These are the questions and issues which our political parties must meet. If the old parties evade them new parties will arise. These issues are here to stay and will not be settled until they are set tled right. INJUNCTION NOTES One of the many objections to Government by Injunction is that one person acts as law maker, judge and jury in the same case. In other words, the judge decides that certain specified acts, which are lawful in themselves, would result in an injury to the people if they were committed. The judge thereupon issues an order either in blanket form or directed to certain persons, com manding that the said specified acts should not be committed and in case any person disobeys the order they are arrested and with Stamp jVlill Screens »:• Caps, Fuse and Candles. Agents for the Old r*- 1 "- 1 "- 1 California Giant Powder Quick Silver and Mill Chemicals, Gas Pipes, Steam Fittings, Gold Retorts, Belting, Hardware, Stoves, Rope, Etc. ' The Jenkins-McKay Hardware Co. CENTRAL CITY. - COLO. out trial by jury, are sentenced to jail for contempt of court. If twelve men after hearing the evidence find a person guilty of committing a crime he cannot ob ject to imprisonment or such pen alty as the law may fix for the crime. I But to give to one man the pow er to say what is against the in terest of the people and to give him the further power of issuing an order that those things which he holds to be against the public interest shall not be done, and to give him the power if they are done to send men to jail without a jury trial who are guiltless of crime, is placing too much power in the hands of one person, and is also getting very far away from American ideals and American conceptions of justice and liberty. United States Federal Judge Brown of Rhode Island and Judge Evans of Kentucky issued an or der against the federal authori ties, enjoining them from enforc ing the war time prohibition law, and the sale of intoxicating liq uor is being carried on openly in both states. In the two cases cit ed above the judges held that the war was over and that the war time prohibition law was there fore unconstitutional, while Judge Anderson of Indiana held that the war had not ended yet and issued an order against coal miners in every state in the union forbid ding them from striking. Now if some judge in Missouri would is sue an injunction against profit eers, the various judges would be in shape to manage and control the affairs of the entire country and congress would be left free to devote their time to drawing their salaries and making long winded speeches upon the League of Nations for the amusement of their constituency. If the laboring man is to have a presidential ticket in the field next year, the one man who stands above all the rest as a guarantee of a square deal to those who earn their bread by the sweat of their brow is Justice Louis D. Brandeis of the United States Supreme Court. Justice Brandeis before his appointment to the supreme bench was counsel for the people in proceedings involving labor laws in a number of states and in other important issues. He is a Democrat, but not of the brand that has drifted so far from the principles of Jefferson as to leave no difference between the Demo cratic party and the Republican party but the name. We would like to see Justice Brandeis a presidential candidate upon a platform of justice and righteous ness, which he would naturally espouse, for it goes without say ing that a man of his broad sense of right is sorely needed at the helm of the ship of state during the reconstruction period. A learned legal authority gives out some freo advice. He says there are only two classes of men who can avoid paying alimony —the man who stayß single and the man who stays married. Fruits at Hawley’s. THE GULPOI OBSERVER. THE Delinquent Tax List OF GILPIN COUNTY, COLORADO TREASURER’S OFFICE, GILPIN COUNTY, ) STATE OF COLORADO. I as. Central City, Colorado, November 1,1919. ) Public notice is hereby given that I will, according to law, offer at public sale, at the office of the Treasurer of the County of Gilpin, and State of Colorado, on MONDAY, DEC. 8, 1919 and succeeding days, commencing at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said day, so much of the following des cribed real estate, situate in said county, on which the taxes for the year 1918 (or years named in the following list) have not been paid, as shall be neoessary to pay such taxes, interest, penalty and oosta, to-wit: =LIST OF- Patented Mining Claims: > > .? § < S > o* s _ * r > o S m m . o 2 c a c Zo o O H 5 njTl S C H 2 ; H : c o : J o a h • 3 ' n c : > : 8 ; : x s < : : j i \ American Metals Prod. Co., Mill anti * * C ** concentrator on Gregory millsite Black Hawk 8000 1918 206 16 House and 3 lots, east side Richmond St Black Hawk 150 1918 3 68 Aarons, Gabriel. Clay County lode 329a Rake 400 1918 9 50 Clay County millsite — 329b Rake 400 1918 9 50 Shafthouse & machinery Rake 750 1918 17 83 Atkins, W. S.. West 200 ft. Justice lode.. 394 56 191S 1 34 Annex M. & M. Co., Mill at Saratoga.... Russell 1500 %191S 22 70 Becker, Peter et al, 3-4 Rondon lode . ...14S03 Central City 300 1918 14 63 3-4 Rondon lode ....14S00 Central City 300 1917 14 73 Brehmke, Henry. A. M. lode 9<M1 Kur.&Qtz. Val. 400 1918 12 30 2- Bon Ton lode 9011 Kur.&Qtz. Val. 267 1918 8 22 Shafthouse on 9041 Kur.&Qtz.Val. 100 1918 3 08 Belle lode 9041 Kur.&Qtz.Val. 400 1918 12 30 Chicago lode 9041 Kur.&Qtz.Val. 400 191S 12 30 V* Rlly Rose lode 9041 Kur.&Qtz.Val. 2<M> 1918 6 16 Ravenwood lode 9041 Kur.&Qtz.Val. 400 1918 12 30 3- Spur Daisy lode 9041 Kur.&Qtz.Val. 300 1918 9 23 13G0 ft. Idea lode 9041 Kur.&Qtz.Val. 365 1918 11 23 Tiger lode 9041 Kur.&Qtz.Val. 400 1918 12 30 4- Gold lode 9041 Kur&Qtz.Val. 320 1914 9 85 Easton lode 9<M1 Kur.&Qtz.Val. 400 1918 12 30 Kast Vi f w > Sister i lodo 8062 Kur.&Qtz. Val. 200 MlS 6 16 Shafthouse & machinery 8062 Kur.&Qtz.Val. 900 1918 L7 t» East Vi Only Boy lode..16372 Kur.&Qtz.Val. 200 1918 6 16 400 ft. Pacific lode 9041 Kur.&Qtz.Val. 107 1918 * 3 29 350 ft. Maggie M. lode.. 8732 Kur.&Qtz.Val. 94 1918 2 89 675 ft. Clara Marie lode.. 8732 Kur.&Qtz.Vul. 180 1918 5 54 Benzie, Jennie S.. Skelly lode 5151 111. Central 400 1918 11 11 Kast 250 ft. Ashtabula... 548 Nevada 67 1918 2 06 Bridge, J. F.. Albert lode 5015 Enterprise 300 1918 7 73 Belcher. H. F. et al. 1-3 Rondon lode....12125 Russell 134 191S 4 04 1-3 Two Forty lode 12125 Russell 134 1918 4 04 1-3 shafthouse & mach'y 12125 Russell 150 1918 4 54 Vi Ximbuctoo lode 16800 Russell 200 1918 6 06 Vi Paris lode 16799 Russell 200 1918 6 06 Buck, J. W. et al.. Mary B. lode 13572 Wisconsin 300 1918 6 83 Mary B. lode 13572 Wisconsin 300 1917 6 94 Bullion Mng. & M. Co.. Dick Wilson lode 5574 Qtz.Val.&Ent. 300 1918 7 43 Carmichael lode 5574 Qtz.Val.&Ent. 300 1918 7 43 Royal lode 5420 Qtz.Val.&Ent. 300 1918 7 43 Central Realty Co.. Vi Morning lied lode 11360 Rake 200 1918 4 76 Coaley Mng. Co., Parcel of ground, des In book 170, page 49, Co. records Black Hawk 100 1918 2 58 Rulu lode des in book 170, page 49. Co. records Black Hawk 100 1918 2 58 Mountain Rion lode, des in book 170, page 49, Co. records Black Hawk 100 1918 2 58 Shafthouse & machinery Black Hawk 750 1918 19 33 C. H. \V. Mining Co., Mohongo lode and output 604 Rake 983 1918 23 35 Minnehaha lode and out put 6003 Rake 983 1918 23 35 Nebula lode and output 6003 Rake 9S3 1918 23 35 Sanger lode and output.. 6003 9S3 1918 23 35 O. A. S. No. 2 and out put 16537 Rake 983 1918 23 85 G. A. 8. No. 3 and out put 16537 983 1918 23 35 G. A. S. No. 4 and out put 16537 Rake 983 1918 23 35 G. A. 8. No. 5 and out put 16537 Rake 982 1918 23 35 Hampton lode and out put 581 Rake M2 1918 23 35 Black Bear lode and out put 17397 Rake 982 1918 23 35 Rainbow lode and output 770 Rake 982 1918 2*3 35 1 .pulse lode and output..17029 Rake 9m 1918 23 35 Improvements on Hamp ton lode 581 Rake 6100 1918 145 06 Chellew, James H., V4 Preston lode...... 16407 Russell 100 1918 8 03 V4 Preston lode 16407 Russell 100 1917 3 06 Chase. John....Smart lode 902 Independent 300 1918 6 53 Mammoth lode 900 Independent 300 1918 6 53 Mommoth No. 2 lode .... 901 Independent 300 1918 6 53 Cohn. Ixmls and Joseph, V4 Cohn lode— 7172 Vermillion 75 1918 1 86 V4 Pride of the West lode 7172 Vermillion 75 1918 • 1 86 V4 Mattie II. lode 7172 Vermillion 75 1918 1 86 Vi Rlttle Edla lode 7172 Vermillion 75 1918 1 86 Vi Camp lode 7172 Vermillion 75 1918 1 86 Davis, Nathan 8. Jr. Trust**e, Waterhury 612 Gregory 400 1918 19 51 Mammoth lode 114 Gregory 400 1918 19 51 Mammoth lode 371 Gregory 400 1918 19 51 Mammoth Side lode .... 423 Oregory 460 1918 19 51 McAdams lode 500 Oregory 400 191S 19 51 Vi Mammoth West lode.. 559 Gregory 200 1918 9 75 Chicago lode 9534 Oregory 400 1918 19 51 Davis. Ed. VV., West Vi Bedford County.. 7886 Enterprise 150 1918 3 87 Vi Rn Place lode 60o3 Russell 200 1918 6 Of. 1378 ft. Dow Drop lode.. 5980 Independent 270 1918 5 88 Doyle. J. W.. 1-3 Gold Retort lode 946 Nevada 134 1918 3 72 Extension M. £• M. Co., Pittsburg Ex tension lode 7069 Rake 400 1918 9 51 PI' ifthouso & machinery 7069 Rake 350 1918 8 32 Cn‘.;imet and liecla lode 11267 Rake 400 1918 9 51 r- •••met and Hocla lode 13048 Rake 400 1918 9 51 G-Men Gad lode 13048 Roke 400 1918 9 61 Exchange Gold .\l"rr. & Mlg, Co., Iowa Girl ’ode 19521 So. Br.&Pn. 300 1918 5 63 Flynn. Patrick Ert.. 9-80 West Gregory.. 722 Gregorv 46 1918 2 25 Fifty Cold Mine CJ 7-24 Plymouth lode.*. 876 Gregory 116 1918 2 99 Millsite 20 •• 200 1918 5 15 Millsite 21 “ 200 1918 5 15 Bobtail lode 489 " 400 1918 10 30 Bobtail lode 256 “ 400 1918 10 30 Fisk lode 517 " 400 1918 10 30 Fisk lode 184 “ 400 1918 10 30 Fisk lode 182 " 400 1918 10 30 Bobtail lode 290 " 400 1918 10 30 Mammoth lode 259 " 400 1918 10 30 Mammoth lode 287 " 400 1918 10 30 New .Terser lode 6773 1 400 1918 10 30 Cook lode 97 “ 400 1918 10 30 Minnie lode 508 " 400 1918 10 30 "•Pederson lode .... 843 " 400 1918 10 30 Hloux City lode P09 " j00 1918 10 30 Good Return lode 908 400 1918 10 30 5 i g 5 < -< > ol Z ‘ ? r > * " 2 " £ » c i: ; | M i l > il P ! M I i : 5 * • : < : : : —; Warwick lode 784 v •• 400 1918 10 30 Llulalode 711 " 400 1918 10 30 l e. oh l* a , n lod. 938 " 400 1918 10 80 Mo lle Stark lode 710 400 1918 10 80 Plsk and M. S. lode 186 ” 400 1918 10 30 Gregory lode 378 •• 400 1918 10 30 Lots 1 to 14 Inc., blk 21.. Black Hawk 600 1918 15 46 . se part of lot 6, all of 7, 8, 9 and 10, blk 28 *• 250 1918 6 44 lUn ij a " d 8 ' blk 20 " 160 ' 1918 386 MUlfltO 128 •• 200 1918 5 15 Bobta ode 96 Gregory 400 1918 10 30 °S* 341 400 1918 10 30 g°i>! a °d« 108 •• 400 1918 10 30 Bobtail lode 215 x&b •• 400 1918 10 30 °2® S 3 “ too i»iß io 30 . Gregory lode 365 •• 400 1918 10 30 Gregory lode 297 400 1918 10 30 Gregory lode 773 •• 400 J9lB 10 30 Gregory lode 288 400 1918 10 30 Gregory lode 265 “ 400 1918 10 30 ® re |° r >' *2 d ® 237 a&b •• 400 1918 10 30 Gregory Ext 561 ■■ 400 1918 10 30 Gregory Ext 55 .. 400 1918 10 30 Gregory mde 281 •• 400 1918 10 30 mJ t iS, r<!gOTy lQde 267 “ 100 WlB 2 58 P Hof JS *’ tOO 1918 10 30 £ ,52° tOO 1918 10 30 5 2 ?*j® 188a " tOO 1918 10 30 K® J?? " too 1918 10 30 r isk lode 117 ** ADO iqis ia rvy RH^L od i?ui and M ' 8 186 a&b •• 400 1918 10 30 8 °3 e 54 “ 400 1918 10 30 Briggs lode 506 ** 400 10 to Pennsylvania lode 6641 “ 400 1918 10 30 Broadway lode 658 " 400 1918 10 30 —• Golden Crossing lode 5641 “ 400 1918 10 W Gregory Extension lode.. 373 - 400 1918 10 30 1 • Tract*, r ’des >( ’book '66,'' page « " 1918 1929 Trkct, o 'des C bo<dc ’66,'' page B ' aCk HaWk 89 1918 206 272, Co. records «• in IQIQ , Tract, des book 136, page 1918 1 03 182, Co. records •• ioo 1010 o » Tract, des book 56, page 1918 2 58 392, Co. records «• isa i9i« « q* Tract, des book 104, page 1918 3 38 429. Co. records *• in yqoq . «« Tract des book 166, page 1918 1 47. Co. records *• 40 -into , Tract, des book 130, page 1918 1 05 365, Co. records •• goo 1910 Shafthouse & machinery 1 18 15 48 on Fisk lode 182 •• 600 1919 1 2 ; ik Shafthouse & machinery on Pederson lode •• 75 iqio . <yv Shafthouse & machinery on Cook lode •• 3000 191 R 77 Office and two houses... •• 100 1919 7 5 Frame house, known ns Briggs ...... Central City 190 1918 928 Incline shaft and mach- Inery •••••• • Black Hawk 2100 1918 54 12 Frame building ** 95 1918 2 45 S°a‘Xc a s n hVa a nd hI S: “ 1209 1918 39 92 Blacksmith shop - " 15 ? g ; 9 i! 38 g 80-stamp mill and *mach- Jpsjx •'■■■ • " 35000 ms 901 95 ?t flc ®. , h ® lk ’, ina " 150 1918 386 3-4 miles track, motor _ „ / ... , and cara “ 1500 1918 38 65 Fulton. Alice A., East Rough and Ready 6253 Hawkeye 300 ms 773 Retriever lode 6253 Hawkeye 300 1918 773 T U Si??', oo de . e 6253 Hawkeye 300 1918 773 La Clide lode 6253 Hawkeye 300 1918 773 Forman. George, Trade Wind lode *177 Mt. House 300 1918 773 Galena King M. & M. Co., Wheel of For- Howard.* Henry, Yoie :::::::: JS{2£S w ms ’J g Hewitt, John, Empress lode 552 Gregory 400 1918 12 31 Holbrook, Preston, M Mayflower tunnel, city* title Black Hawk 24 1918 62 Harris, Elizabeth Ricard, hi Independ ence lode 15458 Lake 62 1918 1 48 (Less ground deeded to Town Topic Mng. Co.) Hale, Fred A., Part Williams lodd 488 Lake 334 1918 7 94 Hutchison, J. C.. Bosom Plume lode 586 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Tiger lode 881 Russell 400 1918 12 II Hughes, R. O. et al., % Randolph 10de... 7657 Russell 100 1918 3 0:: Howey, L. 8.. Vt Colorado Chief 10de...12081 Pine 150 1918 3 43 Iron City Milling Co.. Iron City mill and millsite, des In book 139, page 580. Co. recordsi Black Hawk 8000 1918 206 IS Tramway and cars Black Hawk 1500 1918 38 66 Job, William et al., hi Mississippi 10de..17140 Russell 200 1918 6 06 Jones, David L.. Copper King lode 16553 Pine 300 1918 6 83 Kelleher, Mrs. M. J., 1-5 Robert Emmett 7164 Independent 60 1918 130 J 4 Quaker Lane lode 683 Central City 100 1918 308 J 4 W right lode 410a Central City 100 1918 308 Hecla lode 68(1 Central City 100 1918 308 King Bee M. & M. Co., Wellington No. 1 11783 Russell 400 1918 Y» 11 Wellington No. 2 10de....11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Wellington No. 3 lode ..117811 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Wellington No. 4 10de..11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Wellington No. 5 10de..11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Wellington No. 6 lode.. 11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Wellington No. 7 10de..11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Wellington No. 8 10de..11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Wei ling ton No. 9 10de..11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Wellington No. 10 10de..11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 hr WeUlngUm lode 11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 W. elllngton lode 11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Wellington Side lode ....11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Napoleon lode 11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Home Guard lode 11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Old Guard lode 11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Bonnie Bell lode 11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Russell Bell lode 11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Liberty Bell lode 11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Central Bell lode 11783 Russell 400 1918 12 II Blue Bell lode 11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Daisy Bell lode 11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 West End lode 11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 W elllngton lode 5897 Russell 400 1918 12 U Compensation lode 164 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Compeer lode 165 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Waterloo lode 11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Clifton Bell lode 11783 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Iron Duke lode 5897 Russell 400 1918 12 11 Cottage, shed and stable Russell 300 1918 9 OS Shafthouse and hoist on Waterloo Russell 200 1918 6 05 ( Wellington No. I 10de...11783 Russell 400 1917 12 25 Wellington No. 2 lode 11783 Russell 400 1917 12 25 Wellington No. 3 lode ..11783 Russell 400 1917 12 25 Wellington No. 4 10de..11783 Russell 400 1917 12 25 Wellington No. 5 10de..11783 Russell 400 1917 12 25 Wellington No. 8 10de..11783 Russell 400 1917 12 25 Wellington No. 7 10de..11783 Russell 400 1917 12 25 Wellington No. 8 lode.. 11783 Russell 400 1917 12 25 « Wellington No. 9 10de..11783 Russell 400 1917 12 25 Wellington No. 10 10de..11783 Russell 400 1917 12 25 E. Wellington lode 11783 Russell 400 1917 12 25 W. Wellington lode 11783 Russell 400 1917 12 25 Wellington Side lode ....11783 Russell 400 1917 12 2.* Napoleon lode 11783 Russell 400 1917 12 15 Home Guard lode 11783 Russell 400 1917 12 25 Old Guard lode 11783 Russell 400 1917 12 25 Bonnie Bell lode 11783 Russell 400 1917 12 25 Russell Bell lode 11783 Russell 400 1917 12 25 Liberty Bell lode ...11783 Russell 400 1917 12 3* Central Bell lode 11783 Russell 400 1917 12 25 Blue Bell lode 11783 Russell 400 1917 12 25 . .-A' Daisy Bell lode 11783 Russell 400 1917 12 25 « West End lode 11788 Russell 400 1917 12 2* Wellington lode 5897 Russell 400 1917 12 25 Compensation lode 164 Russell 400 1917 12 25 Compeer lode 165 Russell 400 1917 12 25 Waterloo lode 11783 Russell 400 1917 12 25 Clifton Bell lode 11783 Russell 400 1917 12 25 Iron Duke lode 5897 Russell 400 1917 12 25 Cottage, shed and stable Russell 300 1917 9 18 Bhafthouse and hoist on Waterloo Russell 200 1917 6 12 Knight, F. R., Rival lode, des In book 121, page-69. Co. records Black Hawk 200 1918 5 16 East Rival lode, des In „ book 121, page 59. Co. records Black Hawk 200 1918 516 Klein, Leopold, 2-3 Brack Hollow 10de...11765 Enterprise 268 1918 690 2-3 Brack Hollow No. 2 11765 Enterprise 26S 1918 690 2-3 Brack Hollow 10de..11765 Enterprise 268 1917 700 2-3 Brack Hollow No. 2 11765 Enterprise 268 1917 700 2-3 Brack Hollow 10de..11765 Enterprise 268 1916 638 2-3 Brack Hollow No. 2 11765 Enterprise 268 1916 6 38 Kane. Frances H., hi Mitchell lode 682 Russell 200 1918 6 05 King, Otho S.. Bertha, lode 811 Pleas. Val. 400 1918 12 11 Half and Half lode ....11262 Russell 400 1918 12 11 • Soudan lode 1*646 Pleas. Val. 400 1918 t 2 11 Swift lode 7059 Russell 400 1918 12 11 New Year lode 14758 Pleas. Val 400 1918 12 it Albatross lode 14758 Pleas. Val 400 1918 12 11 Colorado Star lode 907 Peas. Val. 400 1918 12 11 * Pav Rock lode 856 Pleas. Val. 400 191 R 12 11 * Minnie lode 14092 Pleas. Val. 4<*> 1918 12 11 Little Ella lode 14(162 Pleas. Val. 400 1918 12 11 Albvn lode 15707 Pleas. * 01. 400 1918 12 11 Colfax lode 312 Pleas. Val. 400 1918 12 11 Shafthouse & machinery Pleas. Val. 300 1918 909 3 cottages Plens. Val. 200 1918 606 Krolter and List, Rochester lode 16888 Independent 300 1918 \ 683 Gold standard lods 16S88 Independent 300 1918 683 Cabin Independent 40 1918 91 I Kenney, Alvin D., Reform lode 13588 Silver Lake 300 1918 743 i Millsite .... 13588 Silver Lake 100 1918 248