x/vRm P ■h jwRIGLEYS [ I flavors like the I I pyramids of Egypt? I I Because they are I I long-lasting. I I And WRIGLEVS Is a beneficial I I as well as long-lasting treat. 1 1 It helps appetite and digestion. I I keeps teeth clean and breath I I sweet, allays thirst. I I CHEW IT AFTER EVERY MEAL I Sealed Tight- NEEDFIRE OLD FOLK CUSTOM Part of the Ritual of Purification That Ha* Survived in Scotland Until Recently. In folk custom, ncedfire is fire kin dled by friction of two sticks of wood or of a rope on a wooden stake to ward off demons of disease. Among the ■many customs and beliefs connected with Are one of the most Important is that of ritual purification. The new lire is supposed to regenerate, as Are sacrifice is designed to sustain, the Invisible beings. Need Are is a prac tice, usually, of shepherd peoples to ward ofT disease from the docks. In historic times the sparks for kindling the need Are were obtained by twirling « wooden peg around a wooden post. As In the case of new Are, the need tire was almost alwnys accompanied with the extinguishing of the Ares of the locality, and the neighbors nlso rekindled their Arcs from it ns In the new Are ceremony. In practice, the people passed, or the herds were driv en through or between the Aames of the need Are for purlAcntlon. The need tire cnstom survived In the highlands of Scotlanl until recent date, and probably traces of this superstition still exist In parts of Europe. Use a penny for rubbing mud from clothing. It provides nn edge thnf is not too sharp. Find Out! If you suspect coffee is upsetting your stomach or nerves, don’t let the mat ter run along. Find outl Change over for ten days to Instant Postum a snappy, invigorating table beverage made from wheat, with a bit of whole some molasses. . Postum has a delight ful flavor, much like a high grade coffee, but there are no coffee troubles in Postum. “There's a Reason" 111 Made by Postum Canal Co., Battle Creek* IBeh, Brigand Met His Match. A certain English Anandal Journal, which bad a short life, published in one of Its Issues a most scathing but at the Bame time nonactlonnble and amusing stricture on a member of the stock exchange who had a somewhat shady reputation. The subject of the stricture had a double-barreled name, which wo will call Jones-Smitbson, and the paragraph about him was as follows: "We understand that Mr. Jones- Smithson has been spending his holi days among the Italian lakes. Last week he was attacked by a brigand, and In the course of the encounter the brlgnnd lost his watch and chain." Another Matter. With pride in her face, Mrs. Styles faced her husband. "Don’t you think this new hat im proves my looks, denr?” “I suppose so,” grunted the man. surlily. “But what makes you look so cross, dear7" asked the woman, anxiously. "I’m thinking of the bill for that hat,” retorted Mr. Styles. “You can't expect that to improve my looks."— London Answers. Never Thought of That. A lover of the cranberry says it is a Ane antiscorbutic. Now, we had never thought of that. —Arkansas Ga zette. COLORADO STATE NEWS WMtern Newspaper Union News Service. What is estimated to be the largest coal vein In the intermountain coun try has been located two miles north of Ducheene. Its depth is sixty feet. A school survey made by a citizens' committee at Rifle resulted In the re quest that the school board call a spe cial election for the purpose of voting on a 970,000 bond issue for a new school building. A. W. Frederick has been arrested at Hayden on a charge of selling a brand of stomach bitters which has been condemned, it is said, by the state. The case may reach the high er courts. The famous Llbby-Belle property of the Park Tunnel Company at Aspen Is planning on shipping rich silver ore this year. Some good ore has been discovered. This mine bad not been run sines the ’9os. Two big motor trucks have been re ceived at Kremmllng to be used by the county road department during the coming season. They were from the army truck fleet allotted to Colo rado for highway work. Because the county road signs have become targets for private rifle and revolver practlco, Itio Blanco county is offering a SSO reward for evidence leading to the conviction of any per son defacing the placards. Denver is second In buildings opera tions for January In tbe tenth federal reserve district with 204 permits and ninety-three for now buildings and a value of $1,500,100. This is an in crease over January, 1010, of 1,820 per cent. The new hotel at Grand Lake, to be built this summer, will cost SOO,OOO. The' surveying Is being done now by F. I. Huntington and N. A. House, and a local coutrnctor has the contract to erect the building. The building will be erected on the National park, Join ing the townstte. The cumpaign to raise a budget of SIO,OOO for the support of the CaAon City Young Men’s Christian Associa tion came to a successful finish with the full amount subscribed. A build ing debt of $2,000 will be paid out of the funds raised, leaving the associa tion completely out of debt. Improvements to cost $200,000, In cluding a memorial assembly hall, a nurse's home and a vocational therapy department are to be started shortly by the Modern Women of America at their sanatorium In Colorado Springs, according to Dr. J. G. Page, new di rector. Dr. I’uge succeeds the late Dr. J. A. Rutledge. Fifteen hundred people were on hand at Hooper to witness the “spud ding In" of the test well which is to be drilled by the Travelers' Oil and Refining Company for the purpose ot deciding whether oil is present In this vicinity. While no oil has been found, numerous gas wells have been brought lu, which lead the firm to believe that oil will be located If a deep well is drilled. A standard rig has been erected and the company Is prepared to drill to any reasonable depth. Investigation of the newly discov ered anthracite coal deposits on Mc- Clure's puss, makes the people of Ihut section Jubilant, as it brings closer the proposed standard gauge road over Mc- Clure puss us proposed by A. E. Carl ton and associates. Tbe deposit of an thracite coal la a splendid one. It Is understood that a Salt Lake companj has organized to develop these anthra cite mines and make the McClure past coal* famous throughout the state. The vein of coal is thick and of highest quality. A state land atlas, showing the loca tlon and urea of state school lauds In every county of the stute, will short ly be Issued by tbe State Board ol Land Commissioners for the benefit ot landseekers. The atlas will contain nine plats, showing In detail the lands open to application for purchase. A digest of the state lnnd laws nlso will be given in the atlas, which will up pear In folder form. Schedules for the annual agricultur al survey will be sent out to county as sessors from tile office of the State Board of Immigration about March 1 this year, giving assessors a month to preparo for this work, Instead of the few days that were allowed last year, because of the fact that the law pro viding for this survey was signed only a few days before the nctunl assess ment began. The blanks are In book form this year and will bo much easier for assessors to handle than those used In 1919. They will also call for fuller Information on crops that nre not ex tensively grown, thus giving better rep resentation to counties that grow gar den and seed crops and vegetables for canning to a considerable extent Several railroad lines centering In Denver are In the market for new equipment. The Burlington is planning for five new mikado type locomotlvos. tho Union Pacific contemplates pur chasing forty-five cabooses, 8,000 freight cars, 100 locomotives and sixty five passenger cars. The Rock Island Is bidding for a number of locomotives. The number of mules on hand in Colorado this year Is estimated at 81,- 800, compared with 81,000 last year, and tbe average value per head Is **- tlmated at 9101, compared with 9107 last year. THE GILPIN OBURVKK. COLORADO NEWS NOTES. Blank* for a survey of the uianufao turlng Industry in Colorado have been prepared by the State Immigration De partment, with the co-operation of the Denver Industrial Bureau, the Denver Manufacturers’ Association and other organizations familiar with the cl&ss of •nformation which should be gathered through such a survey. The immigra tion department has obtained from tlie Federal Census Bureau a copy of it* list of manufacturing establishment* In the state, and the schedules will he mailed in a few days to all names ap pearing on this list. Commercial clubs and other organizations also will be called upon to aid in obtaining the names of new manufacturing estab lishments not appearing on the list, to the end that no manufacturer in the state shall be overlooked in the survey. An increuse in acreage from 800 to more than ft,ooo acres of sugar beets is the record which Montrose county has pledged to fulfill this year in order to assure a sugar factory enough sugar beets to operate a 1,000-ton daily ca pacity factory there. As a guarantee of this increase and production In 1020 tlie Midwest Sugar Company, which will move Its factory from Hamilton City, Calif., to Montrose immediately, has more than 4,000 ncrea under con tract and a written pledge by the lead ing business men und growers of this county that they will have the other 1,000 acres ready to harvest this fall. Dr. McArthur, a surgeon, allowed ex treme coolness when lie continued an operation after the alarm of fire had been turned in from tbe liospitul *n which lie wus performing the operation at Delta. While the fire was not a dangerous one, Dr. McArthur said that It required ail the control he could muster to continue the operation while a bluze was going on on the roof above the room. The population has grown to such an extent that the SBO,OOO school building, erected three years ago at Craig, now requires a $50,000 annex, which will he built in the spring. The present high school has a four-year course with special instructors in music, domestic science and manual training and is accredited by colleges and universities of the west. The caltlegrowers of western Colo rado are co-operating heartily with the cattlemen of other sections of the stute in a bitter fight to prevent the passage of a bill in Congress which will revise the charge for grazing permits on the national forests and eventually lead to the selling of these permits to the high est bidder, regardless of priority of claims and residence. Murdoch Nelson, one of Fort Col lins' most prominent residents, is dead of lieurt disease. Mr. Nelson was cash ier of the First National Bunk at Fort Collins. At tlie time of his death lie was a candidate for delegate to tlie Republican national convention to be held In Chicago. He left a widow and two children. Berne H. Hopkins, millionaire oil operator of Colorado Springs, and his brother, Albert Q. Hopkins, narrowly escaped death near Pring, fifteen tulles north of Colorado Springs, on the Denver-Colorado Springs road, when nn automobile in which they were riding skidded and plunged down a fifteen-foot embankment. Oue of the largest real estate denis completed on the western slope in sev eral months took place when Col. Man ford W. Smith sold the "Golden Rod" ranch to Fred Light, Sr., for SIIB,OOO. This sale includes 800 acres, all the im provements, buildings, machinery, im plements and livestock near Aspen. More than 200 gallons of wine, a large quantity of "white mule" whis key, fifty gallons of raisin mash and thirty gallons of prune mash, in pro cess of fermentation, with a part of a distilling plant, wore seized by sher iff's officers in the husement of tlie dwelling of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jackson in Aguilar. Colorado will be represented among six national delegates who will speak for American woman suffrage in the international convention of suffrag ists at Madrid, Spain, during tlie week beginning May 2. Word of the ap pointment of Mrs. Helen Ring Robin son of Denver, former state senator, as one of the group, lias been re ceived by the Colorado Woman Suf frage Association at Denver. L. B. Crawford, predatory unimal inspector of Colorado, bus completed arrangements here for a war on Archuleta county unimuls that have heretofore beeu preying on livestock. The death knell has been sounded for the coyote, wolf, mountain lion, lynx and bobcat. The first means for eradication will be traps and poison. Den hunting will be extensively car ried on later. Forest service officers in Colorado ure to be appointed deputy state health officers under a plan given ap proval at a meeting of the State Board of Health in Denver. The for est officials will be empowered to en force the state laws on health and .sanitation and will have the author ity to make arrests when necessary. Colorado Springs has obtained unother convention for next August. The Association of Chief Special Agents of the United States Railroad Administration, which recently lias been in session at Omaha, has voted to meet there next summer, according to Charles S. Rallsback, special ugent for the Santa P 6, who attended the conference. The number of awlne in Colorado at the beginning of this year Is estimated at 882,000, compared with 406,000 last poor, and the average valuo per heail i* 919. compared with 922 Inst venr NAME “BAYER” ON GENUINE ASPIRIN “Bayer Cross” on Aspirin like "Sterling” on silver. “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,” marked with tbe safety “Bayer Cross,” can be taken without fear because you are getting the true, world-famous Aspirin, prescribed by physicians for over 18 years. Always buy an unbroken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” which con Hit Prestige Gone. "Rattlesnake Bill is strangely al tered. What’s the trouble?” "Bill says if lie had known what was before him when lie went into tlie movies lie would have stuck to train robbing and kept his self-respect. In the old days no man ever talked to him tlie way tbe director does and lived to tell tlie tale.”—Birmingham Age-Herald. OUCH! MY BACK! RUB LUMBAGO PAIN AWAY Rub Backache Away With Small Trial Bottle of Old “St. Jacobs Oil." When your back Is sore and lame or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, don't suffer! Got a small trlnl bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, pour a little In your hand and rub It right on your aching back, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness and lame ness is gone. Don’t stay crippled! This soothing, penetrating oil needs to be used only once. It takes tlie pain right out and ends the misery. It Is magical, yet absolutely harmless and doesn’t burn tbe skin. Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica, backache or rheumatism so promptly. It never disappoints! —Adv. All of It. “Did you have a fine time on your auto trip? "Oh, yes. We ran into a lot of country speed traps and it was noth ing but fine." RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay Rom, • (mail box of Bar bo Compound, and 14 oz. of glycerine. Apply to the hair twice a week until it become* the deaired (bade. Any druggiat can put tbia up or you can mix it at borne at very little cost. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and will make harsh hair aoft and glosay. It will not co’or the acalp, ia not aticky or greaay, and does not rub off.—Adr. Economy. “Why nre you letting your children learn those classic dances? Don’t you think It Is a foolish fad?” “Not a bit of It. It saves shoe leather.” How's This? We offer 1100.00 for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE la tak en Internally and acta through the Blood on the Mucoue Surfaces of the System. Sold by druggists for over forty yearn Price 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Hapsburg. Hapsburg, meaning “Owl’s Castle,” was a castle which stood in tlie canton of Aargau, Switzerland, tho reputed cradle of the Hnpsburg dynnsty. Burnt slennn Is n paint manufac tured from the natural earth obtained near Sienna, Italy. You Can’t Cure Rheumatism With Liniments and Lotions If you are afflicted with Rheu matism, why waste time with lini ments, lotions and other local ap plications that never did cure Rheumatism, and never will? Do not try to rub the pain away, for you never will succeed. Try the sensible plan of finding the cause of the pain. Remove the cause, and there can l>e no pain. You will never be rid of Rheuma tism until you cleans* your blood The Right Way In cum DISTEMPER, PINKEYE INFLUENZA, COLDS, ETC. brood mares, colts and Btalllona Is to vylßlh “SPOHN THEM” on the tongue or In the feed with SPOWI’t DISTEMPER COMPOUND tilvo the rornedy to acts IML on the blood and glands. routs tho dlsoase by expelling the germs. It Mm wards off the trouble, no matter how ■■ WW they are “exposed.” A few drops a day Vm f f Firevent those exposed from contract- JR ns disease. Contains nothing inlurl- m 4 ous. Bold by druggists, harness deal- f 3 ers or by the manufacturers. 60 cents Ba ML and $1.16 per bottle. AGENTS WANT ED. r% * m BPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY, GOBHEN, IND. , tains proper directions to safely relieve ■ Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache, , Neuralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neu ritis, Joint Pains, and Pain generally. | Ilandy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost but a few cents. Druggists nlso sell larger "Bayer” packages. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture • of Mononcetlcacidester of Salicyllcacld. Cripple Almost Made Whole. A man who had both arms cut off between wrist and elbow Is able to dress, slmve. cut, do Ills work and shake down bis furnace by menus of artificial arms which have metal wrist plates. Various implements, sueli ns brushes, razor, knife, fork, spoon and pen, fit Into sockets in the wrist plates and are held by a spring catch. A married cynic’s Idea of a wise guy Is n fellow who bad a chance to marry Ills wife but didn’t. FIVE MILLION USED IT LAST YEAR HILL'S QUININE k OHOMIDt Standard cold remedy for 20 yean —in tablet form—safe, sure, no opiates—breaks up a cold In 24 hours—relieves grip in 3 days. Money back if it fails. The genuine box has a Red vWlniflF Mr. Hill’s At AllDrmw Stmrmm Bad Sickness Caused by Acid-Stomach If people only realized the health-destroy- Inf power of an acid-atomach—of the many kinds of alcknesa and misery It causes—of the Uvea It literally wrecks—they would vuard against It as carefully as they do against a deadly plague. You know In an Instant the first symptoms of acid-stomach— pains of Indigestion; distressing, painful bloat; aour, gassy atomach; belching; food repeating; heartburn, etc. Whenever your stomach feels this way you should lose no time In putting It to rights. If you don't, ■erloua consequences are almost sure to fol low, such as Intestinal fermentation, auto intoxication, Impairment of the entire ner vous system, headache, biliousness, cirrhosis of the liver; sometlmea even catarrh of tha stomach and Intestinal ulcers and cancer. If you are not feeling right, see If It Isn't actd-stomach that la the cause of your 111 health. Take BATONIC, the wonderful mod ern atomach remedy. BATONIC Tablets quickly and aurely relieve the pain, bloat, belching, and heartburn that lndloate acid -itomach. Make the atomach strong, clean and sweet. By keeping the stomach In healthy condition ao that you can get full strength from your food, your general health steadily Improves. Renults are marvelously quick. Just try BATONIC and you will be ee enthusiastic as the thousands who- have used It and who say they never dreamed anything could bring such marvelous relltf. „ So get a big 60-cent box of BATONIC from your druggist today. If not satlsfso tory return It and he will refund your money* F atonic MV CrOftTGURAOIhSTOMACg) PATENTS RtttKwf.v»as.Ka ■ ■■■■ ■ w D.O. Advice and booking. Bates raasonable. Highest references. Best services. FRECKLES BABY CHICKH— Write for prices of txtra quality baby chicks, Keda, Itocks, Legho/ns. Wyandotte*. OrplngtouH. Live delivery guar anteed to all points Colorudo, Wyoming. Ask for free booklet on ohtek car*. Denver Baby Chick Company, Box 1323, Denver. Colorado. of the germs that cause the dis ease. S. S. S. has no equal as a blood cleanser, scores of sufferers say that it has cleansed their 1 blood of Rheumatism, and remov ed all trace of the disease from , their system. Get a bottle of S. S. S. at your : drug store and get on the right I treatment to-day. If you want . special medical advice, address > Medical Director, 49 Swift Labora-> 1 tory, Atlanta, Ga.