BIBY TELLS HIS VERSION OF THE FATAL SHOOTING OF HIS WIFE The revolver was accidently dis charged In a struggle botween Mrs. Charlotte Blby and Frank Biby, the wounds of which caused tho death of Mrs. Biby, according to the testimony of Frank Biby, the defondant of the murder trial which has occupied all of this week in division A of tho district court. Biby took the stand at 10 o'clock Thursday morning and the cross ex amination was not completed until 1:30 o’clock, no recess being taken un til that time. Biby related to the Jury’ the happenings. Me stated he obtained the gun from bis father on the morning of the shoot ing at tho request of his wife, who feared they tfiight be held up by high way men on their way to Colo. Springs to get some clothes left there while on their honeymoon a few days previous ly. He stated that they motored to the east side in search of a friend of his wife's known to him as Sadie, hut not being able to locate her. they went to a point east of the Mitchell park where Biby stopped the car, got out and went to tho back of the car. and laid his gun on the running board und startl'd to take a drink of whisky. His wife at tempted to persuade him not to, but lie took tho drink and was picking up the gun when ids wife came up from behind and tried to gain possession of tho gun. In the struggle for the* gun. it was discharged, wounding Mrs. Biby, who struck the fender of tho car am she fell to the ground. Biby picked her up and placed her in the car und left her at the Trevi thick home at 1710 Fast Second street, i while lie went after a doctor. He Mnte.l that ho know whero a doctor lived a few blocks away as he had de livered a mattress there while em ployed by the Colorado Bedding com pany. He could not find the doctor and started to the business district for a doctor, and as he was partly across the Fourth street bridge across the Foun tain river, he stated that his memory failed him and ho know no more un til Sheriff Thomas and Deputy Delli quadrl removed hhn from the El I’aso county Jail the next morning to bring him back to Pueblo. Biby stated thnt he did not fire any | shots into tho body of his wife as she lay on tho ground and that h-- did not strike her and thnt they had had no . trouble. Biby testified that ho knew nothing of taking Edna Stark, alias t’lark to Colorado Springs with him. or anything that took place after crossing th« Fourth street bridge. When court opened Thursday after noon. the prosecution opened rebuttal, with Captain of Detectives Bruco and 1 ndersherlff Hilbert, both of Colorado Springs, testifying that on the night of the shooting, Biby stated to them that after shooting his wife he went SOLD UNDER IIII TJJ E don't care what kind of baking 1111 T ' powder you are using—we don’t care 1111 how much you pay for it or how good the 1111 results—you’ll never know how whole- 1111 some and tasty bakings can be until you 1111 try Calumet* Nor will you know the meaning of 1111 That’s more than a claim. It is an incon- 11 11 testable fact. Let us prove it—without 1111 risktoyou. Let us show you how to secure 111 1 superior baking results and to save on 1111 baking costs. Just ask your grocer to 1111 send you a can. Try it. Then if you are I 111 not convinced that Calumet serves you I 111 better than any baking powder you have 1111 ever used—if vou are not sure it saves 1111 vou where inferior powders frequently 111] ' cause waste, tell your dealer and he will cheer- 1111 t ully refund purchase price. Order a can today. ■lll Calumet is the product of the largest 1111 and finest baking powder factories 1111 in existence. Its wonderful excel 1111 lence has made it the choice of 1111 leading Domestic Scientists, 1111 eminent Chefs, and the most 1111 liiiiii CALUMET aAKWO ,> |[[|l||j[|ll |, l , OWPg|l A pound can of Calumet contains full 16 oz. Some baking powders come in 12 oz. cans instead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it to a local rooming house and secured | a drinjg of whisky and asked Miss Stark to go with him to Colorado Springs to secure his wife's clothing and when arrested asked the officials to release Miss Stark as she had no connection with the crlmo and that ho was also innocent. Miss Stark took the witness chair In rebuttal and stated that sho knew noth ing of the shooting, being told by Biby that she wanted her to go along with him to got his wife and her belongings in Colorado Springs and when she found that he was wanted for shooting his wifo she hud nothing more to do with him. Charles Guise, father of the deceased also took the stand -in rebuttal and stat ed that in tho 11 months prior tb tho shooting that Biby lived in his home, thcro was only one tlmo when he had to help Biby to his rpom because of his drunken condition. Charles J. Grundy, jailor of the county Jail was placed on tho stand by the prosecution in rebuttal and district attorney asked him six questions re garding Blby’s actions at the county jail and after each question was asked Judge J. 11. H. Low, for the defense strenuously objected. Judge Trimble sustained Low’s objections and Grundy was permitted to leave the .stand with out answering a single question. J. W. Brown, turnkey of tho county Jail followed Grundy on the stand and lie was asked three questions similar to those put to Grundy and the ob jections of the defense were sustained, and Bowen left the stand without an swering any questions. Almost two hours were taken up in tho questioning and cross- examina tion "f I >r. Philip Work, who took tho stand for the prosecution. Work, who is a nerve and mental disease special ist, stated that there were two clasaea of defects from alcohol poisoning due to drinking, the Immediate action, which Is acute alcoholic poisoning and tho chronic results due to drinking a great length of time, and classed the effects as follows: softening of the brain, alcoholic amnesia and instances whero the person believes false things about other persons and in cases where tho afflicted person Imagines and secs things. Stating thnt ho had heard the test!- \ mony in the case, he was asked In what condition Biby was in at the time of the shooting, before and after, and he replied he behoved Biby to have boon sane. He further testified that Biby was able to distinguish from right and wrong and that there was no amnesia existing at the time, not ns lie understood tho term from his exi»erlence. The matter of alcoholic amnesia caused much time to he taken up. Amnesia results in the lapse of mem ory In cases, according to evidence. Judge Low road a paragraph from a quotation of a noted doctor explaining THE PUEBLO CHIEFTAIN I Notice That Walter K. Dudley, cashier, etc., of tho Pueblo Savings and Trust company, is wearing a more congenial smile these days. You soo Walt is soon to have a new desk in the new hanking in away amnesia. It was to the effect that, a gold miner buried a lot of gold while drunk and suffering from amnesia and when he became sober he could not find It altho he searched for it for six months, showing that there was a lapse of memory. Judge Low asked Dr. Work if that was right and the doctor replied, "I can not answer that question as I have lost things when I was sober that I could never find.” # Biby sat calmly botween his lawyer and mother. The prosecution closed at •1:40 o’clock Thursday and a recess was taken until 10 o’clock Friday morning when the defense will start rebuttal. It Is doubted whether tho case will go to the Jury Friday if no nitfht I session Is held. It is* also feared that if tho case continues much longer, the Jurors will bo locked tip on Christmas. Curio Store—^ Closing Out Sale | BEGINS TUESDAY MORNING We Still Have Some of Those Blue and White CUPS AND SAUCERS Japanese Curio Store Motorinart Bldg. i - A Great Big Christmas Stock Tome to onr store to do your Christmas shopping. We carry a full and complete line of Navajo Rugs and Blankets direct from the Indian Reservation —some of the niftiest patterns you ever looked at aud there is nothing would make a more suitable gift for Christmas. • TRAVELING BAGS AND SUIT CASES We have a big line of them —all priced right and any man or woman would appreciate one for Christinas. POCKET BOOKS AND LEATHER NOVELTIES The largest, most beautiful and complete stock in Pueblo to chooso from. Very appropriate gifts for men or women —con be selected from this stock, and the prices will save you money. WE CARRY A BIG LINE OF TRUNKS That We Are Selling at Reduced Prices R.T. FRAZIER 115-117 WEST SECOND STREET Listen, Xmas Shoppers Just Two Days More to Supply Your Wants Come to the Store of Rig Values where Vou Can Save 11 and 1-3 on Most of Vour Purchases. Mere are a few uggestions for useful and economical presents FOR FATHER AND BROTHER Handkerchiefs, Silk and Madras M Shirts, Ulovos, Mitts, Hats, f’Aps, FOR MOTHER AND SISTER Stationery, Comforts, Silk Dress Patterns, 'fable Linen, etc. etc. Holiday Goods SAVE 1-4 to 1-3 on TOYS, Tea Sets, Teddy Bears, Dolls, Fur waste baskets, Toy Beds, Doll Beds, Trains, Paper Bills, Baskets, candle, and Holders, Balls, Horses, Elephants, Swimming Toys, Blocks, Dishes, Burros, Kopies. Toy Furniture, Horns, Schooner W agons, Hobby Horses, Kiddy Cars, Wagons, Doll Buggies, CJo-Cnrts, Autos, Velocipedes, etc. etc. All Holiday goods and toys must be sold during those J days, we cannot, spare the room longer than to Christmas. WILLIAMS SAMPLE STORE Central Block, Corner Main and Second SL apartments of the company which will be considerable of k relief since ho hasn’t had nice, clean, comfortable quarters sinco the flood. Tho reason Is that tho company has been remodeling the building and it was impossible to keep the house clean with a bunch of carpenters, bricklayers, plasterers, ar chitects and filthy lucre around. The new bank will soon be ready for the janitor to clean up every night. There will bo new desks, new vaults, new chairs, new inkwells on tho counters for the depositors to dip new pens in to write checks or make out their de posit slips.' Tho whole place will be clean. The clerks will put on clean collars and have their shoos shined to match the polish on tho brass chandeliers and i Walter K. will be- as happy as a kid with a new toy as soon as things get ; fixed up a hit. But there is one thing Walter has overlooked. While he is going to have ; everything nice and clean and shining, i he ought to have nice bright new ap pearing money to give out to.his cus tomera. Wouldn’t it bo wise to put in ;t money, polishing machine and shlno up all the silver, gold and copper and thor, advertise: — "This is the hank where you get clean, new money.” Youra with currency, W. IT. p. Did a Little Shooting Rnsa Romero with two other Mex icans was arrested on Northern ave nue shortly before 11 o'clock Wednes day night by Officers Schultiess, Horn and Maddox. They were said to have miCBEI f e STORE OPEN EVENINGS MIEDEL O UNTIL CHRISTMAS For the Accommodation of Those Who Cannot Come In the Daytime. NOW FOR THE GRAND CLEANUP. These two remaining days will be rec ord breakers. Our complete stocks, including the soiled goods, will be offered at prices to clean them up. SWEATERS— Are appreciate*! for Christmas gifts. Wool; warm winter colors. Roys’ and youths* Slip-overs, choice of this lot $3.85 An opportunity to buy father a gift he will apjrreciate. Worsted Sweater Coats, reduced front $12.50 and $l5 to $0.78 MACKINAWS i boiec of these Knight, Woolen Mill* Mackinaw*, grey, brown and drab, only J 3 left; $l5 and $17.50 values. Choice .... $9.85 One lot warm Winter Overcoats, former price $2O and $25. Choice $14.75 New Knitted Toques, formerly $l.OO and $1.25. ('hoi re .. 48C and 79C ATHLETIC GOODS— Foot Halls, Smash Balls, In door Halls, Boxing Gloves, Striking Bags, all at reduced prices. 50c for choice of soiled Indoor Balls, were $1.50 to $3.00. $l.OO for Striking Bags, slight ly soiled; were $.3.00 to $5.00. GUNS, RIFLES At Big Reductions Ig ANDERSON BROTHERS Sj !fK Two Days Left in Which to Buy Those LASTING GlFTS—Gifts of Quality and Wear ’yjj A which will be Appreciated. Am For These Two Days Only We Offer fy | 25% Off on All Shoes | Anderson Bros. Offer An Unusual Variety of Articles Suitable for Christmas Gifts JyS U] U. S. Army Shoe, Munsen Last $5.75 W U. S. Army Shoe, Munsen Last $6.00 UpU Army Work Shoe, Munsen Last $4.75 Tl Army Work Shoe $3.95 fjL Officer Dress Shoe $6.75 dj Officer Dress Shoe $4.95 vl % 4-Buckle Arctic Overshoes $3.35 'tf' 1 and 2-Buckle Arctic Overshoes $2.35 Ini Rubbers $1.35, $1.65. $2.00 Qlf M Field Shoes $4.95 lK |YA 0. D. Wool Army Blanket $2.95, $3.75, $4.75, $5.75 ifft 0. D. Wool Shirts $3.75 and $4.25 M 0. D. Wool Breeches $1.25 to $4.50 EW Hunting Coats $3.50 pH! Leather Coats $19.75 Lit Work Coats $3.75 to $4.50 Union Saits, 65% Wool $1.50 and $2.00 IfjCy f! Union Suits, All Wool, Heavy $3.25 IJn Regulation Army 2-Piece Underwear, used $1.40 Suit nr Heavy Wool Arctic Sox 60c N l Cashmere Sox 35c, 3 Pair for $l.OO S i Heavy Wool Renovated Sox. 7 pair for $l.OO . 1 Finger Motor Transport Mitten $1.50 j I j MAIL ORDERS WILL BE GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION jh Open Evenings Until Christmas )Z ANDERSON BROTHERS ARMY and NAVY GOODS § 413 NORTH UNION AVENUE PUEBLO FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1921.—1 I l»ocn in nn argument with some Ital lans on the other side of the street, and that Ilomero whipped out a gun and started firing when the officers made their appearance. The Mexicans made an attempt to escape the officers but were captured, and Romero fined a SIOO in court yes terday on the charge of carrying con cealed weapons. In Divorce Court • Two divorce hearings were heard I Thursday in the county court and In THE BASEMENT STORE— We loaded up all the flood Toys in several trucks and sent them to orphanages and other similar institutions. We divided all the remaining Toys. Wagons, Hand Cars, Kid die Kars, in three lots, 49c, 98c, $1.47. This is a cash and carry sale. Come prepared. First Floor Toy Bargains 19c. for soiled $l.OO tops. 10c. for soiled 50c tops: •50c for soiled $1.50 and $3.00 balls. Wind-up trains nil at reduced prices. Half price for Gilbert high grade mechanical and electrie set. ' Half price for any Teddy bear Air (Inns at cut. prices. KNEBEL’S The Star. With the Lower Prices 223 NORTH MAIN f terlocutory decree were issued In each Instance. A. J. Baron, the plaintiff in one case, named Helen L. Bacon as the defend ant, charging desertion. One child Gwendolyn Bacon, 12 years of age is an isCTic in the case. Joe Cruz was granted an interlocu tory decree from Maclobia Cruz on the grounds of extreme cruelty. They have five children, all under the age of 14 years. Chieftain want adi. bring remits. Phone 1955. HOME NEEDS DEPARTMENT— Pyrex and Fry-Oven Glass Baking Dishes; special prices on sets, $3.05, $4.50, $5.50 **nH $6.00 Nickel Plated Serving Trays, Baskets, Crumb Trays, Casseroles and Pet Plates at, attractive prices Choice $l.OO Aluminum Ware, 14 pans, no two alike; per set $12.95 CUTLERY FOR GIFTS $l.OO choice of Safety Razors; formerly priced up to $4.00. Pocket Knives, 4 lots, 25c, 50c, 75c, $l.OO. Kitchen Knife Sets, $1.35, $2.75, $2.95. Carving Sets at cut prices. Scissors, 4 to 5%-in. values to $1.25; choice, 75c. Manicure Scissors, were $1.25, choice 50c. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Priced to Reduce Stock* Toaster*, $2.00 and op. Curling Irons, $3.00 and up. Electric Irons, $4.75 and up. Urills, $11.50 nnd up. 20% discount on all portable Electric Lamps. PAGE SEVEN Smoker*' Braas and Nickel Good* Shaving Mirror*. 25% dlaconnt