Newspaper Page Text
DAHY: GAZETTE s SATÜRDAV. JütYie, 1881. CHtPMAI L01M1E MO. 9. A. r. A M. Berular communications Wednesday eve. nlnf at 7:30 p. m.. on or ttefore the full of the moon ef each month. Visiting brethren are coruiauj ínviioci to aitena. Go. J. Dixklb, Cas. E. Wikii, ff.H. Secretary. l.AB TC0AB R. A. CHAPTER MO. S. Meet la convocation the flret Mondar of each month at 8 p. m. visiting companions ror ilally invited. C. P. Hovir, H. P. Cuas. Iltkld, See. I. O. Of O. r. Meets every Monday eve nint; at their Hall la the Romero building. Vis lung Drainers are comiauy invited to attend J. W.Love, R.U K. ( P. Lodge meets 'rrgnlarl every Wednesday night at Romero's hall, on the plaza. Visit ing members always welcome. 5-rtf Cream lemonade at Billy's. 5-7tf . Twenty-one first-class Mexican mules All thoroughly broke and in nrime con dition. Apply to Frank A. Blake. East de valor. Una recompensa liberal sera W. C. Stone oilers his services to the people or mis cuy as teacner oí piano, organ mm voice. Terras 11,00 per lesson or tin per form nenweess. Auuress larougn r. u. uoxrei 5-SI-tf. Notice to tbe Public. The undersigned has started a wood yard at the house of M. A. Vara, near A. Morrisons residence, west Las Vegas. We will sell on lellvery stove wood nicely cut in also enrdwood at reasonable urices. Thone who delire irood and dry wood will please leave their orders at the vostofllce. at Chas. K. Wesches store, or. at the house of the undersigned, and prompt ue uvery oi we same wen kh mane at anv time A . MORlilSON A CO, West Las Vegas, May 4, 1881. 5-S-tf Kotlce to Con t ract orfi. Sealed bids will !o received nt the office of Charles Wheelock until Monday evening, July 11th at o'clock p. m., for the construction of the Las Vegas Academy according to plans and specifications to be seen at said Wneelock's office. The lowest bidder will bo required at the time of opening the bids to give the names and signatures of the parties who will fill a bond in the sum of f 2,500 for the faithful per formance of the work. Tho right is reserved to reject any or all bids. CHAS. WHEELOCK, 7-9-2t Architect. Gold and Silver Filigree Jewelry Manufactured arid sold by TEODOSIO LTJCEEO, In the rear of the Catholic Church WEST LAS VEGAS, - - - NEW MEXICO Tho Public is respectfully invited to call and examine my stock. The Ilortti German Lloyd Steamship Compony. New York, Bremen, Havre. London Via Southampton. Outward Tickets, Round Trip Tickets and Prepaid Tickets sold at Marwede, Brumley & Co. Agents for Las Vegas and New Mexico New Store I New Goods! William Gillerman HAS OPENED A STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE -AT- Liberty, New Mexico. A Full Assartmunt in every Line, which will be sold at Las Veras prices, Freight added. First National Bank OF LAS VEGAS. M'womti .. tjv,id8 Brother-.) Authorized capital, $500,000 Paid in capital. - 50,000 Surplus Fund - 15,000 DOES A uK.NKKAL BANKING BÚftlNKSS dw-tf r Eagle Saw Hills AND LUMBER u:n BY T. Romero & Son. KfLeave your orders at the store of2 . , T. Homero & Son. LasVkoas. New Mexico. Roberto & Wheelock PRACTICAL Hoofers; Plumbers, AND JOB WÓUK A SPECIALTY. poslte Lock Las Vegas. Graad Avenue, opposite Lockhart A Co., Eas Center Street -Bakery And Lunch Oóuntér - - Huberty ; & Angelí- Proprietors First-Class 1 Lunch Put Up on Short Notice. Fresh Bread, Rolls,' Pies, etc 7, constantly on hand. We make a sepelalty of supplying tourists and excursion parties with lunch, bread etc. BON TON SALOON CENTER STREET, Next to Browning' Real Estate Office. Only Parlor Salonn In Kast La Vegas. Special branda of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Private club room In connection . RENO ROOM, A quiet place for gentlemen to spend an evening. ' COLLINS & HALL, Proprietors. NO HUMBUG. Fresh. Groceries & Canned Goods Will sell Goods for the next OO X:A.TTS Cheaper than any other house in New Mexico, In order to re-stock THBIB STORE T2ST EAST .LAS VB&Af GR1SWOLD & MURPHEY WHOLESALE RETAIL FIRST NATIONAL RANK1WILVINQ,' Xjaa Vogas, - - - - CTotot IVCoacLoo Have just opened their new stock of Drugs, Stationery, Fancy Goods, Toilet Articles, Faints una uiih, jjiipioi'8, jounuuu tun wigars. Jj-The most careful atteution is given to our Prescription Trade. SAMUEL R. WATBOUS. JOSEPH B. WATROU S.B.WATKOUS & SON DEALERS!' Cattle, Hay, Grain, Flour and Town Lots, WATROUS, - - NEW MEXICO CoiihI- nmt'Dtx of Freight and Cattle from, and lor th Red River Country, received at Watrons Rail Road Depot. Good Roads from Red River via Olguin Hill. Oistaance from Fort Basconi to watrous, faglity-uine miles. THE OLD RELIABLE gRUG STORE, ESTABLISHED, 1870 HERBERT & CO., DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles and Perfumer). PrescriptionsZCarefully Compounded. West Side Plaza, Las Vegas and Center St. East Las Vegas KQSSS RESTAURANT OPPOSITE JAFFA BROS., GRANO AVENUE. Cheapest and Best in Town; Open Day and Night REUVED IX EVERY KTYI.E YolCKo SERVED IS EVERY STYLE If you come once, you are sure to come again. T. ROMERO a SON, Wholesale and Retail Denier in General Merchandise WOOL. HIDES, SHEEP, COTTIISrTIR,"" PEODTJGB Train Outfitters, J W. ROGERS, C. S. ROGERS. ROGERS BROTHERS, GEEEBAL HORSE SHOEING SHOP, Lock and Gunsmiths. i Also Make a Specialty of the Justly Celebrated Spring Heel Shoe The isest lu use . .. STONE SHOP. BETWEEN EAST AND WEST LAS VEGAS. The Saint Nicholas Hotel, Las Vegas, New Mexico. ' T. F. CHAPMAN. PR OPRIE TOR Will be Kept as a First-class Hotel,- ' , Provding a good table, good attention, fine Winer, etc The Traveling Public are cordially invited. í í ?5 itn er n 1 1 if A n z rvn And Base Ball Headquarters, CAMPBELL & KERRIGAN, Prop'rs Good Club Room and the Best Wiues Liquors and Cigars in the Territory, ... ( ; AKD GOOD LUNCH EVERY EVEfJIfJC. SAN MIGUEL NATIONAL BAIÍE c . : OF LAS VEGAS, TjA.3 VEQA8, - 35T.M: ' Jacob Grots, Miguel A. Otero Uaihler. Prfsldant. JOSKPH ROSENWALIJ, Vlw-Preildent, M. A., OTERO, Jr., Asslatant CMhler. AUTHORIZED CAPITA!,. 200, 008. PAID UP CAPITAL; $50,000. Hlgnel A. Otero, Jtepb Kocenwald, Emanuel Roeenwald Jacob Groia. - Andrea Sena, Lorenao Lopes. ' , . Marianos Otero. Kosenwald1 s Building, Does a general Banking Business. Draft for sale on the prinntpal eitiei of Great Britain and tlwOntinent of Y urope. Correspondence solicited. C A. RATH BUN OHIOAGO SHOE STORE Finest quality of Custom Work done in the Territory. . A Full Line of M. D. Wells ACo.' Chicago Made Boots & Shoes Constantly on Hand. , EAST LAS VEGAS. N. U. eOOOIDENTAlilj ILLIARD HALlL Finest in the city of Las Vegas. First-class bar where gentlemen will And tho finest liquors, wines and cigars in UieTerritory. Lunch counter In connection Drp in and see us. Open day and night. . A. F. JILSON, Proprietor. W.H.SHUPP MANUFACTURER OF W i AND DEALER IN HEAVY HARDWARE Iron, English Cast Steel, Plow Steel, Pipe Boxes, Thimble Skeins, Iron Axles, . Springs, Chains, Vulcan An vils, 20 lbs. and Upward, Blacksmith8'8 Tool, Oak, Ash and Hickory Plank, Poplar Lumber, Spokes, Felloes, Potent Wheels, Oak and Ash Tongues, Coupling Poles, Hubs, Carriage, Wagon and Plow Woodwork and Carriage ForgingB . Keep on hand a full stock of Carriages, Wagons, Buckboards. Send in your orders, and have your vehicles made at home, and keep the money lu the Ter ritory. ' r. c. Mcdonald Wholesale and Retail Dealer in LIQUORS & CIGARS EAST AND WKST LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO. ÚÚ WHITE" The Lightest Running Machine iu the world New and in perfect order. VM. II. U. ALLISON, East Las Vegas. ANDEES, SENA. Dealer In General LOS ALAMOS, - NEW MEXICO. Also Dealer In Cattle, Sheep, Wool, Hides, Grain And all Kinds of Produce. Freight teams always ready atid freighting doue to all parts of the Territory, Chapman Hall Billiard Parlor and SAMPLE ROOM. The Finest' Resort in West Las Vesas where the Very Best Brauda of Liquors and Cigars are constantly kept on hand. Private Club Room iu Connection. Callou HENRY BRAMM, Proprietor. Notice to Tax-Pnyer. Notice is hereby given that all tax-payers must call uud pay their taxes on or before the 1st of August, under penalty of an increase of twenty-five per cent. - HILARIO ROMERO, K28-tf Sheriff Han Miguel County. " Brick: -We now have on hand a superior quality of brick which will be sold lu lurge or small quantities as the purchaser desires. Shipments will be made to any part of the territory and the patronage of iliu;pnbhc;is respectfully solic ited. 5-8-tf Hugh Piuchahd, Box 10, VLaseeas, N. M. JGRKEN, . '7"'; " RESTAURANT And Lunch Counter.' Good accommodations and reasonable rates. Don't forget the place ! EAST LAS VEGAS, - - NEW MEXICO Opposite Browne & Manzanares, Jacob Gross, A. M. Black well C. A. Stockton. Gross, Bláckwell & Co. Successors to OTERO, SELLAR ft CO. Wholesale Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE Manufacturera' Agenta and Forwarding and Commission merchants ; - ON LINE OF A. T. 4 S. F. RAILROAD, East Las Vegas - - USTew Mexico. Las Vegas, N. M. CHAS. F1. POTTER, PROPRIETOR. Best of table accommodations, and nice, clean beds to sleep in. Courteous treat ment and first-class style guaranteed to ill. LIYER FRLEDHAN & TJRO., m andiide LAS VEGAS, - NEW MEXICO. dm XJ (Late of Denver, Colorndo. Formerly of London) Merchant Tailor and Cutter LOCKHART BLOCK, EAST LAS VEOAS. A practical acquaintanee with London and New York styles enables me to make tip goods in the bwt styles of those cities. Perfect fit guaranteed. a mu une ox me laieac anu most lastuonable ew York and Chicago samples. Tailoring k ol all descriptions attended to. wov BROWNE & MANZANARES S ra H 9J 2 0 w n (!) " LAS VEGAS AND SOCORRO, N. M. tí. 1 0 s. U 'U es CO . PL0 WS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, c?-c. Speteal attention given to buying and Mil?" Wool, Hides, Pelts, K'0-VSi,trSL ' EXCHANGE SALOON PU TNAM & WOrF, Proprietors. The Best Liquors, Wines and Cigars in Town ZBIHiLIie-ID TABLES Good Club Rooms, and Lunch at all Hours BILLY PÜ1NAJI, J. D WOLF. J GrTELA.AJe dks CO. Restaurant & City Bakery "KINDS OF FRESH BREAD. CAKES and PIES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERIES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS, ETC. lias VcgaB, - - - - 3NTX77- IVXecico oprm LP ,C0FT PAYNE &, BARTLETT Dealers In if3 Diamonds, Watches, Clocks & Jewelry SOLE AGENTS FOR THE fCf Celebrated Rockford Watch Co. AND The Johnson Optical Company, A full line of Mexican JtHlUgree Jewelry and Silver fluted Ware Opposite Otoro, Sellar efts Co. Sast Xja.cs Vegas Main St., bet. Plaza & Postoffice. o. :mi- wilxjIimis, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh Drugs, Perfumeries, PATENT MEDICINES, Stationery, Cigars, Fine Soaps, Toilet Articles, Candies, Paints, Oils, Rrtishes, Window Glass. ' (McDonald's Park Grocery Iu Dold's Block, Formerly Occupied by M. Brunswick, Now Open 1 Eeady for Business A Complete Stock of FEESH GrEOGEEIES. Our motto is, "Live and Let Live," and we will sell as low as the lowest. MAEGAEITO EOMEEO, -DEALER IN- Goods Sold Strictly for Cash and at Small Profits. BRANCH STORE AT LA CUESTA, N. M. \n\n t,as vegas, .new Mexico. o-14-ti Perdido. Una bolsa colorada baquete conten iendo un poco dinero y algunos paneles pagado por ci retorno üei mismo por J. H. ÜVERHÜL8, 6-28-1 w Kast Las Vegas.