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Las Vegas daily gazette. ([Las Vegas, N.M.]) 1881-1886, July 16, 1881, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

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SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1881.
( i rand free lunch at the Exchange Sa
loon to-night.
Hilly' s free lunch to-night will be the
leading attraction.
Every one that goes to the Bonton to
night will be sure of a pleasant evening, j
Dr. Shout is fitting up in elegant 1
style, an office over Herbert & Co.1 a
new drug store.
D. P. Shield, Esq.,4ias moved his law
office into Calvin Fisk'sreal estate office
in the Optic block.
Leer's stamp mill at the White Oaks
is running with great success and is
now turning out bullion.
The postoffice at Amargo, formerly
terminus of the D. & It. G. in Rio Ar
riba county has been discontinued.
El Paso will soon have waterworks.
A committee has been appointed to
confer with the contractors relative to
building the works.
The rooms on one side of Marwede's
new building, on the upper lloor, have
all been rented. There are a number
of rooms on the opposite side of the hall
yet for rent.
The following houses have put in tél
e phones in the last few days: Western
Union oflice, Mills & Hadley, Gazette,
and Prichard and Whitmorc will have
theirs m to-day.
It is said that the pipes which were
laid at such a heavy expense in the
New Placers, to convey water for the
mines were not strong enough to with
stand the enormous pressure which
was brought to bear and have burst.
Albuquerque Journal.
Mr. Ed. S. Alexander, of Colorado
Springs, of the firm of Russell & Alex
ander, engineers and contractors for
water works, arrived yesterday, and is
conferring with the directors of the
Agua Pura Company in the matter of
building the water works in Las -Vegas.
The buckboard driver, up from Fort
Bascom yesterday, states that there is
no difficulty existing among cattle men
and the Panhandle, and the rumor that
men had been killed was entirely with
out foundation. The rumpus at Tas
cosa was -only an unimportant spat
without anybody being much hurt. The
news was brought here in an exaggera
ted form by parties who had no direct
knowledge of it.
Yesterday afternoon a painter em
ployed on Marwede's new building had
a narrow escape from breaking his
neck. The vboard on which he was
standing, while painting a cornice
about fifteen feet up, gave way and he
fell to the ground striking on his head
and shoulders. A mitre box was jarred
down and struck him on the head cut
ting a severe gash. He was badly
bruised ami cut.
Fritz Eggert, of Cedar Springs, is in
M. Brunswick has returned from
Santa IV.
L. P. Browne, Esq., has returned
from the East.
Calvin Sampson is lying very ill at
Rincón del Tecolote.
Page Otero is just home from an ex
tended trip into Arizona.
A. G. Hood, of the Telephone Ex
change, left for Denver yesterday.
Col. Ed Haren, Western passenger
agent of the A. T. & S. F., has returned
Mr. l'. rranK Alien, iiic civil engi
neer, went down to Santa Fe yesterday
on business.
W. T. Thornton, Eso,., returned to
Santa Fe by way of Cucharas and the
narrow gauge.
George Gregg, formerly of La Junta,
is now at Fort Bayard, where he has a
meat contract.
W. W. Borst, superintendent of the
middle division of the A. T. & S. F.,
came down yesterday.
J. A. LaRue and wife, of Lincoln,
came back from Santa Fe yesterday
and went out to the Springs.
W. S. Metcalf, the artist, and Sylves
ter Baxter, of the Boston Herald, went
east yesterday after "doing" the Terri
tory for two months.
Louis Sulzbacher, Esq., returned
from his trip to Denver yesterday.
While away ho took the oportuuity to
boom Las v egas all he could.
W. S. Pratt, a cousin of J. S. Pishon,
till recently teller in the First National
Bank, Is a recent arrival from New
England. He will probably locate
Chief Engineer W. R. Morley and M.
M. Chaso, Esq., went up to Cimarron
yesterday. Mr. Morley will remain ;
there several days before returning to '
this city.
Mr. H. A. Brown, of Indianapolis,
son-in-law of Judge Steele, returned
home yesterday. He is so well pleased
with Las Vegas that when he returns
again in a short time,. it will be to take
up his residence in this city permanent
ly. We will be fortunate in reinforcing
the ranks of our enterprising citizens
with such an active business man.
ZaT VA ALT jKHfts VEGAS "vC " """
fj , -i " Y'':H"
Big Railway Project.
A few months ago the Gazette pub
lished a supplement setting forth fully
the advantages to result to the Denver
& Rio Grande Railway Company by ex
tending its line from its present ter
minus at El Moro south to Las Vegas,
and thence down the rich valley of the
Pecos River to Laredo. From time to
time we have published articles on the
resources of the different sections
through which the road would be built.
But the great need, and one that has
long been realized, was a map of New
Mexico, showing the exact geographi
cal position of the cities and towns
along the proposed route, with the dif
ferent rich sections plainly marked, as
regards their resources. Accordingly,
a representative of the Gazette se
cured the services of Mr. A. N. Hough
ton, one of the best draughtsmen in the
West, who has taken great pains in
preparing such a map, comparing it
with notes of all surveys that have been
made. The map that we present to-day
is the result of his careful workman
Cnitetl C'oobn. ,
Tw o colored deserters of the 9th cav
alry were taken to Santa. Fe yesterday.
One was Roy already mentioned and
the other Wm.' Brown oí "L company.
Brown was arrested by Officer Frank
lin and turned over to the Sergeant who
came up for Roy! Brown deserted
from his company at Ft. Bliss on the
Uth of April last. Going to Ysleta, Tex
as, he got into a row with some Mexi
cans and shot two of them. He was
lodged in the Ysleta jail but broke out
April 28. Officer Franklin had his
eye on him for some time, the darky
being employed by the railroad compa
ny, and took pity on the other coon in
his loneliness and gave him the benefit
of Brown's company.
Time Check No. 7, dated July 15, is
sued by me, lost this day. If, presented
please takeip and return to me. . "
C. P. Hover, Agent.
Mr. M. Whiteman shipped 47,092
pounds of merchandise instead of 4,700
pounds as stated in Wednesday morn
ing's Gazette. He also shipped 28,
000 pounds to-day, all tó White Oaks.
I. B. Keepers and his force of men
that have been engaged in putting in
iron bridges on the railroad for the Cen
tral Bridge Company of New York left
for the East yesterday to take a short
vacation and then go to work on the
Rock Island Railroad.
Apples. Potato, Apple.
. Just received, a fine lot of Missouri
apples and potatoes at George F.Iait
land & Go's. Prices to suit all. 7-16-tf
Attends the Keno games on Saturday
nights at, the Bonton Saloon. Come
and get a good square meal.
ship, and the plates were prepared by
the Photo-Electrotype Company of Bos
ton, who have given an exact fac simile
of Mr. Houghton's map.
The D. & R. G. R'y Co. is supposed
to contemplate the extension of its sys
tem to a connection with a gulf narrow
gauge system at Laredo, Texas, on the
Rio Grande, and also with the Mexican
National R. It., now building on to the
City of Mexico. The advantages of
such a line are very great, and the im
portance of the scheme is recognized by
the business men of Denver. If that
city is to become the great commercial
centre of the country cast of the
Rocky Mountains and the region lying
on the western slope of the mountains,
then she must have direct communica
tion either with New Orleans or some
gulf port in order to compete with Chi
cago and St. Louis.
There are two ways open to the D. &
R. G. for enriching ' itself by insuring
immense traffic. The line must be
built from Española, near Santa Fe, its
terminus on the west side of the range,
or from El Moro. . '
The former scheme is impracticable,
for, so far as the country through which
Our Motto, the Largest Stock and
Lowest Prices Do the Vol
ume of Business.
Oar Specialties:
Six pounds choice Rio coffee $1.00. .
Canvassed hams, per pound, 141c.
Fresh tomatoes, per pound, 20c.
Fresh cucumbers, per dozen, 75c to
fl.00. ? -
Dry onions, three pounds for 25c.
New cabbage, per pound, lOe.
New potatoes, four pounds for 25c.
Green apples, two pounds for 25c.
Fresh apricots, two pounds for 25c.
Fresh pears, one pound for 25c. ,
Fresh plumbs, one pound for 25c.
Fresh peaches, two pounds for 25c.
FreBh eggs, per dozen, 20c.
Fresh butter, per pound, 25c.
Cream bread, graham bread, Boston
brown bread.
We carry the best assorted stock of
fancy groceries in New Mexico. A
word to the wise: "Money saved is
money made." Respectfullly,
The Plaza Grocers and Bakers.
Fine line of Straw Hats at the
New York Clothing Store. 5-25tf
Try "Billy's Ponies" Cigars, pure
The traveling public will find every
thing first-class at the Grand View Ho
tel. '. ' . c "
Freak Brentl
Of all kinds every morning, at the Old
Reliable Bakery of J. Graff 4 Co.
its line runs in New Mexico, there is
little local trade, nor will it ever
amount to much.' The roundabout, el
bow route from Denver to Cucharas,
thence to Alamosa and down to Españ
ola, is not such as to become a through
line for heavy traffic. The grades are
very steep, like the Veta pass, for ex
ample, and will not answer the require
ments of án air line, such as is needed.
From Denver to El Moro the D. & R.
G. already has an air line, w hy not con
tinue it? Extending that lino due south
to Las Vegas, a distance of 110 miles,
would give the road a direct lino to the
metropolis of New Mexico and reach
the head waters of the Pecos. It could
be economically built, for the road
would skirt the foothills and have the
advantage of water grades all the way.
The most practicable route would be
via Trinidad, Cimarron, Mora and Las
Vegas. It would, pass through Colfax,
Mora and San' Miguel Counties, where
a largo local trade would be secured.
This region is rich in agricultural pro
ducts, silver, copper and coal, timber
and live stock. The route, in fact, has
every advantage over that via Españ
ola. Keno, Three In n Row.
Something new and square at the
Bon Ton Saloon. Free supper. Open
all night. 7-10-lt
We only wish the people of Las Vegas
to visit us once. Our goods and prices
will convince them that it is to their in
terest to buy. Clements & Martinez,
opposite San Miguel Bank. 7-l6-5t
For cheap hardware go to Lockhart
& Go's. , 2-lltf
1 " 1 i '
Fine line of straw, goods at the
New York Clothing House 5-lMm
Patent copper riveted California over
alls at the Boston Clothing House.7-7-tf
.y . ' -
Just received, 75 fat beef steers at
Frank Myers'. Mr. Myers keeps con
stantly on hand the best and 1 freshest
lamb, mutton, pork, beef, etc, also all
kinds of sausage. . 7-16-2t
" Wholesale Liquor. r' ,
M. Heise gives special ' attention to
the wholesale trade in liquors, wines,
cigars, etc. He keeps the very best
qualities of goods and sells them at
such prices as .makes it an object for re
tail dealers to buy of him. 7-2-tf
A large and fresh stock of fancy can
dies and nuts of all kinds at. Clements
& Martinez, opposite San Miguel Bank.
Two car loads of stoves received by
Lockhart & Co. 5-11-tf
Family Groceries.
A large stock, cheaper that the
cheapest, just received at T. Romero &
Son's, - v , u , 5-14tf
... . . ,
' One hundred boxes of Pittsburg
Lamp Chimneys received by Lockhart
& Co s and offered at lower prices than
ever. . 5-lltf
Notions of all kinds.' Great bargains
for all at Ciements & Martinez, oppo
site San Miguel Bank. 7-lG-5t
Keno! Keno!! KenoJ!!
At the Bon Ton to-night. Everybody
come and have a good time. ,
Tho most practicable route to Laredo
is down the Pecos,, and besides the pro
ducts of that fertile valley the line
would reap a rich harvest by its ; loca
tion near extensive mining districts.
Besides it would be in easy access to
extensive stock-growing sections. .
Should, however, the D. & R. G. not
see fit to build this line, Denver capital
ists, with Gov. Evans at the head, ought
to construct the Denver & New Orleans
Road from Denver to Trinidad, and
then on to Las Vegas on the course that
we have denoted, and down the Pecos.
A connection could be made with the
Texas & Pacific R'y, and New Orleans
reached in this way, and the road ulti
mately built to the gulf. , .
Either of these schemes are deserving
the careful consideration of the people
of Colorado and New Mexico, and such
an interest awakened that a road should
be built from El Moro or Trinidad , to
Las Vegas and then down tho Pecos
Valley; '.'vi' ' f J:
We aro preparing a series of special
articles on different sections that will
be published in due time, in proof of
our statement as to the richness of the
country alluded to.
I"OR RENT. One store room adjoining the
post office. Inquire at Marwcde, Urum
ley & Go's. 7-itt-tf
WANTED. A practical mechanic who is a
No, 1 business man desires a situation.
Best of references. Address "L," this oilicc.
A MAX AND "WIFE dcRire a situation to
manage a hotel, or any other good busi
ness. Man is a practical businens man and
wife Is a No. 1 housekeeper. Best of referen
ces. Address "E," this ollice. : ' ,
Of Dr. DeGraw.
Open July 5th, over Herbert's new
drug store, northwest corner of plaza.
6-30-tf ; ,... , .
All summer drinks at Billy's. 5-7tf
Rubber Coats of all descriptions at
the New York Clothing Store. ,
Fresh buttermilk on ice at Putman &
Wolf ' s. - - 6-10-tf
Notice to the Public.
For fruit and ornamental trees,
shrubs, bulbs and flowering plants of
all kinds, see R. Armstrong, of. the
Geneva Nursery. N. Y. He will remain
in town a few tfays for the purpose of
taking orders from those that may de
sire to purchase. Refers respectfully to
Jeff Raynolds, Esq., First National
Bank. ; 7-10-lm-
. Beautiful fans at Charles Ilfeld's.
Cream .Bread , at 'Bell & , Co's, the
Plaza Grocers and Bakers.
. tío .lo Judd's'.barber shop' and get
scrapediExchango Hotel. ' v tf
Ice cold Budweiser beer at Billy's.
5-6-tf .
Xotlce. A , ,
" That Mr. Itbuntrcethe grocery man
on the hill opposite Col. Prichard' s res
idence, handles Bell & Co.'s famous
cream bread. People residing on the
east side will find this bread fresh every
day at Mr. Rountree's store, v 7-U-lw
- Las Vegas, N.M.' A 5
. .
J. J. FltiKorroll, the lire real estate man.
han for Hale a larye number of fine bualneaa
and desirable rcaidenoe lota In different parta
of the new and old portions of the city. Par
ties seeking Investments in real estate, busi
ness chances, business and dwelling" houses,
should call on FiUgerrell; be can accommo
date them.
For sale, one dairy and burdening farm very
cheap, two miles from the city,
One business bouse on Lincoln , street at a
bargain. 1'
One livery or sale stable, at a bargain. 3
Two desirable four room cottages, with good
stone cellars each; one on Main and other on
6th street, at a bargain. Will rent for AO per
cent, on the investment.
One hotel furnished complete,. Has all the
business it can accommodate.
One hotel paying 36 per cent, on the Invest
ment. One business bouse on Lincoln avenue will
pay 60 per cent on investment.
Business house and lot on Railroad avenue
that rents by the year for U0 per cent, on In
vestment. ,
Five room house and lot near the depot.
renting for twenty dollars per month. Price, 1
f 4UU. '
A splendid new residence, 6 rooms, 2 lots,
renting for 35 per cent, on investment. Price
Business house and lot on Railroad avenue
at a bargain, renting for 55 per cent, on Invest
ment. One of the best corner lots and business
houses in the city for sale at a bargain. Call
and see. .
1 have vacant lots for salo on Railroad ave
nue, Centre street, Lincoln avenue, Eighth
street and Grand avenue, in the heart of the
city at a bargain. Call and see.
One of the ttneet gardens in New Mexico. A
rare chance for a gardner and florist to make a
I have for sale tho most desirable business
property and stock of groceries, on Centre
street. Part payment down, balance on time.
Very cheap. Owner wants to turn his atten
tion to mining.
For sale One restaurant, one saloon, one
steam laundry and one drug store. For par
ticulars colL
For sale, in Geottrion and Lucero's new ad
ditions. These are very desirable residence
ltts. They enter the market cheap. There is
fully .one hundred per cent, protit In these
lots as an investment within tho next six
I have residence property and lota for sale in
all parts of the city. Examine my list before
I have for sale in Mills & Chapman's addition
to the Hot Springs; these lots will be sold
cheap. . .
I have bargains to offer on Main, Lincoln
and Douglas streets, also on Zion Hill, that
will pay from 10 to 00 per cent, on the invest
ment. I have for sale a large number of the most
desirable lots at tho Hot Springs that will be
sold cheap.
I have tor sale the finest stock and farming
ranch in New Mexico, commanding the atten
tion of capitalist and colonist. Apply for par
ticulars. I also have for sale several fine stock ranches
in the different portions of the Territory. r,
, - : FOR RENT..' t
A number of desirable business houses on
the different business streets of the city, also
offices, restaurants and dwellings, if you want
to rent property call.
Remember that the best business chances
are always to bo had by calling on - - - -
Lockhart's block, up stalrn.
ELEVEN DOLLARS a month for twelve
months will buy a lot fronting on two
streets in the most desirable part of tho city,
clone to street railway and postolUcO. Avail
yourself of this opportunity.
The Live Real Estate Agont, Lockhart Block,
up stairs. 7-lü-tí
t)i fff Heml oi sheep for salo.
j2J"JJJ Wethers, ewes and lamí
in lots to suit customers, at a
price : from one dollar per - head upf
ward, according to grade. Can be-seen' from
the If.th to the -JOth of July. J. J. Fitzgerrell,
the live real estate agent, Lockhart's block up
Htnirs. , . 7-7-Uw
Our stock of Toba
co is complete; all of
the best brands and
cheapest prices.
Clements & Martinez,
Opposite San Miguel ,
Bank 7-16-5t
To make room for
new goods, I offer my
entire stock of dry
goods, clothing, shoes
etc., for the I next ; ten
days at strictly East
ern prices. Now is '
your time to secure
bona fide bargains.
: N. X. Rosenthal,
Railroad Ave., East
).-; Mining and land
surveyor and civil en
gineer, Las Vegas, N.
M. ' 7-13-1 w:
The Boston Clothing
House has just receiv
ed a-full line :of Levy,
Strauss & Co.'s patent
copper riveted, Duck
and Denim Clothing
"warranted never to4 rip.
ains in every
thing at
Isidor stern's.
A large stock of fine Kentucky Bour-
bon just received by Francisco Baca y

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