VEGAS DAILY GAZETTE LAS o SUNDAY MO&NTGr, DECEMBER 4, 1881. INTO. 12G. rrT. t - -, , , ' I Once JVEore to -THE- New York Clothing House CENTRE STREET BllAN'Cn ES AT Bed Rock Prices Our thn houses carry un Immense stock which enables us t lofy nil competition. Wt cull especial uttcntion to our ík.-Iiik The Agents for Devlin & Co. For suits to order In fifteen days. Satisfaction guaranteed or no salo. Also Agent for gPBurt & Mear's Celebrated Hand-made Boots and Shoes.;! Conic one ! conic all ! Latest styles this Fall, Onr new House is open, The fresh stock unbroken Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes In any shape you choose, None lower than our margin Go to the New York Clothing House to Bargain. Gardner & Gillies, Propr's BROWNE & MANZANARES J, AS VKuAS AND 03 S Q PLOWS, AGRICULTURAL IM PL EM EN 7 S, tc. pctniil attention trlven to ?Tr1 TTiAnf buying and selling VV UUJL, JJUUOÜ, CAUO, fcuslcru Markets ROBERTS & KEEP A COMPEETE STOCK OF STOVES and TIN WAEE Plumbing Goods, Steam Fittings, Gas Fixtures. House Furnishing Goods. Cornice Making a Specialty DOUGLAS AVENUE, WEST OF ST. NICHOLAS, MANUFACTURER OP MATTRESSES All Kinds Bed Springs of all Kinds, Pillows of all Kinds, Window Curtains of all Kinds, Wholesale and Retail. East Las Vegas, 3d Door West of St. Nicholas Hotel -THAT !MI. ID. ZMZJZRCTTS' CKNTRK ST11KKT, is the Neatest, Nicest and Cheapest Assortment of CLOTHING! JtDo youcempn licnd that at M .1). Marcus, Centro Street, is n perfect collection of HEAVY FALL AND WINTEIt SUITS AND OVEUCOATS. ' DO YOU BELIEVE Thnt rijrht here Is the place where J im ein buy just what you wmit for less money tlmii you 1hv for interior goods elsewhere ? Wo lire renreil to l'HOVE. Permit us to sliow ourGoods und Prices. He also kip tlua.urgest Stock ot Groceries, WHOLESALE mid HETAIL. Cull on Centre Street, 33st Ijas Vegas, - - - Now Moxloo JOBBERS AND laplefcy groceries Boots Shoes and Gents Furnishing Goods. Country Produce u Specialty. Special attention given to Mining and Railroad order. All goods guaranteed first-class. EAILEOAU E!xst Las Vegas, 3TeT7cr Mex. Hy. Hysinger, Commercial Agent. TO MY MANY KI1IKNDS : 1 ii m pleased to Inform you thnt I am now lo cated in Eiist Las Vegas, headquarters at the City Shoo Store, opposite Ciros, lllaekwell & Co's commission house. I umsollingullelasses of (rood undehull be pleased to sec von all. HV. IIVSINOEH. Fresh eocoaimts nt Cooper's enntly iactory. 20-lw. Buy your clothing at T. Romero & Son's. ll-0-3t. i tUe Front SOCORRO, X. 81. BnUr Etc. , both hern nnil in tbe WHBELOOK All Kinds AT- RETAILERS OF Eugene Clemm WHOLESALE Commission Merchant LAS VEOAS NEW MEXICO. Potatoes, Apples, Corn, Flour, nutter, Eg g Poultry, nnd Vegetables. At Lowset Market Prices. Budweiser beer at Billy's. 5-0-tf HEWS Iff TELEGRAPH "DO YOU FEEL ANY REMORSES'' Judge Porter's Cross-Examlnation Hreaks Down tho Assassin. He Left tlio Stand Tired-Out, Haggard Faded anil Disgusted. "He Killed the President and he Suffer ed Remorse." The "Inspired" Murderc Shrunk and Seemed to Shiver When Judge Porter Used the Words "Kill," "Murder," "Assassiti." Judge David Davis Being Subpoenaed, Appears and Testifies. Kief or, of Ohio, Nominated for Speaker by the Republicans. The Stalwarts Defeat Frank Hiscoek for His llalfbreedism. Daring Tliiei Gets Away With $1 17,000 in Ronds at Cleveland. Fatal Collision on the New York & New England Railway. Other Readable Telegraphic Paragraphs Foreign and Domestic. The Oniteun Trial. Washington, Dec. 3. Guitcau left the stand this afternoon after his three clays siege a broken man. He was tired out, haggard, faded, disgusted, sullen, ugly and there seemed about him a con sciousness that Judge Porter, the terri ble cross-examiner, had, despite his cunning theories, shown that a reply on the part of the defense was planned long before the malice of Guitcau brought him to the river bank to lire at the marsh reeds for targets. REMORSE. "Do von feel anv remorse" was the last question which Judge Porter asked. After having been pressed earnestly upon that point some minutes the pris oner answered sullenly, desperately: "I have felt remorse of course as far as my personal feelings are concerned." Judge Porter as quick as lightning said: "That will do prisoner. Your cross-examination is closed." Guitcau, writhing under the tremen dous force of Judge Porter's question saw the effect of his confession. Dur ing all these months the point of his defense has been to insist to all that he never had a single sentiment of re morse. During this cross examination he has said a dozen times to Judge Porter's terrible questions that his mind was blank on that subject. To all the experts who have examined him dur ing the three weeks past he has insisted with gleeful pertinacity that a thought of remorse never came to him and that his mind on that subject was blank. Yet to-night, at the end of three days cross-examination, as severe as a pris oner in the jury box was ever subject to he admitted that which seemed to bring a shudder to his relatives and caused a sensation in the court room. HE HAD KILLED THE PRESIDENT AND HE . HAD SUFFERED REMORSE. With like quickness Guiteau rallied from what seemed almost like paraly sis, caused by the tremendous thunder of Judge Porter at him and endeavored to correct what he plainly saw was the effect of that admission. Judge Porter would not listen to a word, but waved his hand. .Scoville tried to pacify the effect, but apparently without effect, 4ff Guiteau left the stand more discouraged than he has appeared at any time during the trial. Guiteau, although cowed and driven into the corner, saw the force of every one of Porter's questions, and en deavored to evade them and manifested undoubted skill. There were some words which almost caused him to wince with terror. He shrunk and seem ed to shiver in the witness box when Porter used the words- "MURDER," "KILL," "ASSASSIN." Judge Porter made it clear that Gui teau was able to control divine presence the day Mr. Garfield came to the depot with the President, andemphasizedtliis fact which has sucli an important bear ing upon the question of responsibility. The cross-examination was eminently successful. It lifted the mask, ana showed that the plot to murder the President was premeditated, deliberate and was the result of malice and re venge, and the prisoner felt it keenly. Porter bioke down the wonderfully quick, supple witness. Guiteau, after his withdrawal from the stand, addressed the court saying: The following persons want to be sub poenaed as witnesses: President Arthur, Secretary Blaine, Senators Logan, Conkling, Piatt, Dorsey, and Jones, General Grant, Governor Jowel, James Gordon Bennett, Whitelaw Keid, Gov ernor Jones, Charles A. Dana, and W. H. Hurl but, and files of their papers from May to June, also George C. Gor ham of the Washington Republican and Stilson Hutchins of the Washington Post and tiles of their papers for 'lay and June, and W. P. Nixon of the Chi cago Inter-Ocean and tiles of the Inter Ocean. OTHER WITNESSES. After the cross-examination of Gui teau, the first witness was J. E. P. Burnside, disbursing officer of the postoflice, who formerly lived in Free port, Ilinois. He knew the prisoner's family; Mrs. Guiteau was an invalid. Charles Allen, of Missouri, lived in Freeport in 1839 and 1840. He knew the Guitcau family; Mrs. Guiteau was in feeble health. EMERY A. STORKS, of Chicago, knew Guiteau in that city as a 3'oung lawyer ; saw him perhaps a dozen times at the National Republi can Committee room in New York dur ing the last Presidential canvass. The prisoner came up to him gleefully and patting him oil the shoulder said, "You are on the right track." Witness never saw Guiteau doing aeythingatthe com mittee rooms other than reading pa pers. He seemed to have no special employment. In April he saw the pris oner at Washington. He said he was going to have the Austrian Mission. Witness told him the place was an im portant one and in Blaine's hands and that he, (Blaine) was a knowing politi cian. The prisoner replied that he was solid with Blaine. Witness thought the conversation was leading up to a re quest for him (witness) to visit Blaine in Guiteau s interest and forstalled itby saving that his relations with Blaine were sucn tnai ne count noi pussiuij aid the prisoner any. Witness had formed an opinion as to Guiteau's men tal size, but could nt express an opin ion as to his sanity or insanity. His impression was that Guiteau had an illy bplanced mind. In common parlance, he lid not have good common sense. Witness was asked in relation to the political status just prior to the shoot ing of President Garfield, if there were not elements of discord in the Republi can party which threateded to disrupt it. The reply was: I think the Republi can party a pretty difficult one to dis rupt, and while there were elements of discord, my belief in the good sense of the rank and lile is such that I think it would have held together. Upon cross-examination, witness nev er saw anything in Guiteau to indicate that he could not distinguish between right and wrong; never saw anything in the conduct of the prisoner that would indicate that he aid not know the difference between guilt and inno cence: never saw anvthir to indicate that ho would not be responsible for crime. Scoville noted several exceptions to the rulings of Judge Cox in favor of the admission of these replies. The evidence created quite a stir in the court room and seemed to stagger those about the defense table. The sis ter of the prisoner was particularly af fected, ana in tones distinctly caught by the reporters, said: "Ho has per jured himself, that is all there is about it." Edward Dauiels testified that he thought Guiteau crazy. Scoville made a sensation by sum moning David Davis, Speaker Randall and Senator Bayard, none of whom re sponded although they had been sub poenaed. Scoville said he had issued a subpeena for President Arthur, but did not eare to have him summoned until he had seen him personally and had directed the marshal to that affect. Scoville then read a number of news paper slips found on the prisoner at the time of his capture. Guiteau interrupted saying that there were a hundred of them when he was arrested which he took from the Stal wart papers. Whenever he saw any thing confirming his inspiration. When an extract from one of the papers was read referring to the reported bargain ing of John Davenport in New York concerning the marshalship Guiteau said: "That shows how weak Garfield was and how determined he was to crush the stalwarts. Ho stated that he was not connected with either political party in the country. Question Did you know of the breach in the Republican party crow ing out of difficulties last summer be tween President Líamela and "senator Conkling? Answer I had no personal knowl edge of it, not going into caucus with either association. . I knew there were factions in the Republican party. Question From your knowledge of political difficulties which grew up at that time and from your knowledge of the American people, what in your opinion was the probability of those difficulties disrupting and destroying the Republican party í Answer That s a far-reaching o ties tion. The Republican party has not been destroyed and yet there have been breaches in it. There is only one way in which the Republican, party can be destroyed. Question What way is that? Answer The disruption of the Dem ocratic party would destroy it. Question Is it your honest opinion that the difficulties between branches or factions of the Republican party have been or are indangcrof absolutely disrupting the Republican party. Answer That's mere matter of opin ion. I cannot understand this line of examination. The Republican party is an extraordinary organization. I do not believe it will die until the Democratic party is dead. Question What is your opinion on this point: Whether the success of the Democratic party at this time or at the next Presidential election would imper il the existence of the Republic. Answer I do not think the success of any political party would imperil the Republic. I do not believe that at all. Question Do you belieye the success of the Democratic party would tend in any degree to bring on another civil war? Answer 1 do not. I think the Sout h ern people are the last people in the world to desire to go into any war. If there be any war it will come frm somewhere else than the South. Scoville That's all. ' Witness I was quite unwell when I got summons to attend. I had never seen the prisoner and knew nothing about the matter. Scoville The reason will be stated in the argument. MYSTERIOUS DAVE ON THE STAND. While Scoville was reading clippings a stir became noticeable about the door leading to the witness room and in a moment Senator David Davis was seen going toward the witness stand. Read ing ceased and the Senator was sworn and Scoville proceeded to question him on political philosophy. BAILEY TESTIFIES. Bailey, the District Attorney's steno grapher, was put on the stand and Gui teau became at once excited. Ho charged the witness of coming to him as a New York Herald reporter and tracking him into an interview, notes of which were used by the District Attor ney. Bailey afterward made use of the report from his notes for the Herald and Guiteau wanted to know what he received for it. It was finally brought out that Bailey had been given $500. The prisoner was worked up considera bly and corrected the witness, accusing him of perpetrating: a fraud on him. Scoville wanted T3ailey's notes, . but they had been destroyed. After this Scoville resumed reading lines of clippings, and there being no other witnesses the court adjourned. Bank Directora' Concession. New York, Dec. 3. The directors of the Mechanics National Bank agreed to pay $1,000,000 towards paying the creditors and reviving the bank. The directors will publicly announce their willingness to pay creditors a percent age on their dues. If the proposition is accepted the bank will resume under the old name. r Xatleual Capital 5wi. SMITH WILL STICK TO THE GREEN BACKERS. Washington, Dec. 3. J. H. Smith will not go into the Republican caucus, but will vote with the Greenbackers for Ladd for Speaker and De La MatjT for Clerk of the House. REPUBLICAN CAUCUS. The Republican membrs elect as sembled in the hall of the House of Rep resentatives for- the purpose of nomi nating candidates for the various elec tive offices. Jay Hubbell of Michigan called the caucus to order and Robeson of New Jersey was selected chairman of the caucus, Miller of Pennsylvania secretary and McCook of New York, Updegraff of Iowa and McClure of Ohio assistant secretaries and tellers. After roll call, to which a full Repub lican membership of 146 members re sponded, nominations for Speaker were declared in order and candidates placed in nomination as follows: Frank His coek of New York by Camp James, W. Keifer of Ohio by Hazleton, Jno. A. Kasson of Iowa by Cannon, Mark P. Dunnell of Minnesota by Stait, Gsdlove S. Orth of Indiana by Calkins, J. C. Burrows of Michigan by lloara and Thomas B. Reed ot Maine by Lindsay. The motion was made and advocated brielly by Blaine that the voting bo viva voce, but this but this was voted down and the balloting then proceeded with, resulting as follows: . BALLOTING. First ballot Keifer 52, Hiscoek 44, Kasson 15, Reed 13, Burrows 10, Orth 8, Dunnell 4; total, 14G; necessary to a choice, 74. Second ballot Keifer 55, Hiscoek 41, Kasson 10, Reed 12, Burrows 10, Orth 8, Dunnell 3; total, 145. Third ballot Keifer 55, Hiscoek 38, Kasson 19, Reed 12, Burrows 10, Orth 8, Dunnell 3; total, 145. Fourth ballot Keifer 55, Hiscoek 35, Kasson 20, Reed 15, Burrows 10, Orth 8, Dunnell 3 ; total 140. Representee John D. White, of Ken tucky, cast his first vote on the fourth ballot. Fifth ballot Keifer 50, Hiscoek 82, Kasson 19, Dunnell 3; Orth 8, Burrows 10. Reed 18. Sixth ballot Keifer 54, Hiscoek 34, Kasson 18, Reed 18, Burrows 10, Orth 8, Dunnell 3. Seventh ballot Keifer 51, Hiscoek 34, Kasson 10, Reed 20, Burrows 11, Orth 10, Dunnell 3 ; total, 145. Eighth ballot Keifer 51, Hiscoek 34, Kasson 17, Reed 18, Orth 8, Burrows 10, Dunnell 4. KEIFER NOMINATED. On the sixteenth ballot Keifer receiv ed 03 votes and the nomination. On the fifteenth ballot Keifer had (U votes, on the sixteenth 93 and the caucus nomi nation. He gained sixteen from His coek, ten from Burrows and six from Kasson. . MCPHERSON NOMINATED FOR CLERK. McPhcrson was nominated for clerk on the first ballot by 92 against 44 for Rainey, the rest scattering. FEATURES OF THE BALLOT, i The only noticable features of the ballot in the Republican caucus from the seventh to the sixteenth was the gradual gains by Keifer. The thirteenth ballot was thrown out, being one in ex cess of the number present. On the fifteenth Keifer got Gl, Hiscoek 34, Kas son 16, Orth 7, Dunnell 3 ; total, 145. On the sixteentl" there were many changes, Keifer having many acces sions from Hiscoek, Burrows and Kas son's support, swelling his total to 93. Hiscoek had 18, Kasson 10, Reed 11, Burrows 1, Orth 8, Dunnell 3; total, 145. Hiscoek moved to make the nomination unani mous. Agreed to, and when Keifer wras summoned he was greeted with long continued applause. STALWART .VICTORY. The defeat of Hiscoek and the nomi nation of Keifer for Speaker are uni versally considered a triumph of the Conklins, Arthur and Grant influences. in short of the stalwarts or Old Guard Republicans over all their opponents in the party. The direct cause of their hostility to Hiscoek was the attitude ho assumed in the Conkling Senatorial contest last spring and the agency most effectively employed againsthim to-day sylvania delegation. Kasson was sim ilarly objectionable to the stalwarts. By reason of his friendly relation with Blaine Representative Page has been one of Keifer' s active and useful sup porters in this canvass from its begin ning, wlucii was betore the close ot the last session of Congress. George Francis Dawson, formerly of California, was placed in nomination for the position of Sergeant-at-Arms by Page, and proved to be the most for midable competitor of the successful candidate, Colonel Hooker. The latter won easily by reason of the great repu tation and popularity he acquired as Assistant Secretary of the National Re publican Committee during the last Presidential campaign and on account of geographical consideration, as it was considered that New England with its solid Republican vote should have at least one ot the olhcers. The candidacy of President Garfield's old pastor as chaplain was sprung on the House without warning to the friends of the numerous announced cañamales anu as soon as ne was placed in nomination it became useless to name anyone else, so Mr. Power was immediately chosen by acclamation be fore any other candidate was given a enanco to oe voieu ior. ROSECRANZ ARRIVED. Representative-elect Rosecranz ar rived to-day and attended the Demo cratic caucus this evening. STAR ROUTERS INDICTED. The grand jury indicted Lilley and Bratt in the star route cases. Ul'TON WILL RESIGN. It is reported at the Treasury De partment that Assistant Secretary Up ton will probably tender his resignation to-day or Monday. A Daring II ami ihlef. Cleveland, December 8. A darhig thief captured a box from the Commer cial National Bank containing f 1 17.000 in bonds from which the coupons had just been cut. They were Milwaukee & St. Paul and Chicago & Milwaukee and Chicago & Atchison Bridge Com pany bonds. m'Xhe man had been sitting in the office trad when the coupon cut ting was finished and bonds replaced in the box he quickly whisked the box from the table and disappeared, being gone half an hour before the bonds were missed. The president, D. P. Eels, was responsible for the careless manner in which the securities were exposed. The bonds are all negotiable. The man was short and stout, with short cropped whiskers, m Go to A. O. Robbins' for furniture. He has the largest and most complete stock in the Territory. 12-1-tf t'abitft-rAini. IRISH ITEMS. Dublin, Dec. 3. The Castletown po lice yesterday prevented Miss Rey nolds of the Ladies' Land League from visiting tenants about to be evieted. It is reported that an eviction expidi tion will shortly be made to the islands along the coast. The most important of these is Sursey, the inhabitants of which are said to be determined to re sist and are possessed of dynamite. Dillion seriously ill. ENGLISH EVENTS. London, Dee. 3. The spinning mills of Black & Wingate, Glasgow, burned to-day. Loss 50,000. A thousand peo ple are out of employment. It is understood that the marriage of Prince Leopold with Princes took p.aeo at Windsor Castle in March. BISMARK'S REMARKS. Vienna. Dec. 3. The recent state ment of Bismarck in a speech against the Progressives that Italy within the last twenty years had advanced so far toward a republic that there is njsaying how things would end, created much sensation here. Fatal Railway Collision. Boston, December 3. A special en gine with caboose running west on the New York and New England road collided with the east bound local pas senger train near Thompson, Connecti cut this afternoon. The engine and ca boose were on special orders to keep out of the way of other trains but -the orders seem to have been forgotten and the special proceeded on the other train's time. W. P. Harrington of Putnam, conductor, and Albert Clark of Putnam, enginoer of the spe cial train, were killed, and the fireman was badly bruised on the passenger train, which consisted of an engine, baggage car and one passenger coach. About a dozen persons were more or less hurt. Tbe Growing Young title or the Gal liten. Along the Galisteo River there are several young cities springing up. These towns are nurtured by the rail road and the rich mines in the vicinity, just now being developed. WALLACE, one of these towns, is growing quite rapidly. It is the end of one of the railroad divisions and is also the head quarters for tho San Pedro mining camp. A largo number of buildings for the railroad company are being built. Among these is a large eating house for the accommodation of rail road men. The San Pedro Company have built a largo corral and will soon commence the erection of store buildings for the storage of the great amount of freight constantly being unloaded at that point A side track is to be extended from the road through the corrals for the pur poso of facilitating tho uuloadingof the freight. Mr. M. C. Wheeler is now the Master Mechanic at Wallace. He is kept con stantly busy looking after the affairs of his office. CERRILLOS is the other prominent camp that is met with on this river. New houses are constantly springing up in this camp and the people are beginning to feel greatly encouraged at the future pros pects of the place. Side tracks have been ordered to be built and a small depot will likely be put up in the near future to accommo date the growing business of the place This of course will greatly benefit the town. The smelter, under the efficient man agement of Mr. Fritz Wolf, is being thoroughly refitted and rebuilt. When finished it will be one of the best in the Territory. The laboratory in connec tion with this smelter is large and is kept in full blast testing ores from mines in the vicinity. The dry washers arc at work on the placer mines in the valley of the Galis teo and are said to be doing well. Spiegelberg Bros., of Santa Fe, ara building a large two story business house in which they propose to put a heavy stock ot general merchandise. Taking all those improvements to gether the prospects of Cerrillos are very encouraging. GLORIETA. At the summit of tho mountains is another flourishing little town. At pre sent it is supported by the saw mills in the adjacent mountains, and also the large camps, of men now engaged in repairing and strengthening the road along the west slope of the mountain. This town has other resources which will be developed in the near future. The mines, not far distant, promise to develop into valuable ones. The loca tion also is one of the best in tho Rocky Mountains, and will make one of the best summer resorts in New Mexico. All that is needed is a neat, well-built hotel for the accommodation of travelers and tourists. Tho public school at that place has been in session for several weeks. Eghteen scholars are in constant attendance. This docs pretty well for a place that a year ago did not number many citizens. Death. William II. Fishe, a very intelligent, capable and energetic young man, about thirty-seven years old, who ar rived in tho city last Thursday from Springfield, Ills., died of consumption at 0 o'clock last night at the residence of Geo. J. Dinkcl. He had come to Las Vegas for the purpose of regaining his fast failing health, but the change was too sudden, ánd life departed. He leaves a wife and child in Springfield, and they havo been telegraphed to in regard to the disposition of the body. IVeah Oyster Every day direct from Baltimore, wholesale and retail, at Philips & Milli gans' on Centre street. Also fresh fish twice each week. 9-16-lm J.J.FITZ3ERRELL, THE LIVE REAL ESTATE MAN Las Vegas, N. H. J. J. Fitzgcrrcll, the live roal estate man, ban for salt; a lanro number of fine buHlnraa and deslrablo residence lots in different parts of tbe new and old portions of the city. Par tics seeking Investments In real estate, busi ness rhanees, business and dwelling bouses, should call on Fitegerrell; ho can accomnvv date them. Allure Chance: DOLLARS will bur a Choice llusmes OUU Lot on Doujlas Street. I q DOLLARS a month, for twelve months, JLO will buv a Choice Residence Lot. OCA DOLLARS will buy a Good FourHoom ÚÜU House, near Machine fhop. Q"S DOLLARS will buy Choice Lots oil OUU Main Street. CHOICEUesidencoLotsin Bcuna Vista ad j dition innn lOLLAHSwillbuy a Choice Corner X JJI Lot on Douglus Street. 7 fin 1 LLARS wllfuuy a House and Lot on I JJ Main Street, renting for Twenty Dol lurs a month. 1 QOn DOLLARS will buy two of the Best www MuHiiiesM Lots on Oousrias street. 1 Qiff Dollars will buy a Magninoent lCJUU Cuttle Range Ten Miles Square Well Watered and Sheltered. All under wiro fence. " "I f g f will buy six choice real JXrJVV7 nenco t,ots. é á DOLLARS wll rill buy a house and 9JJ two Lots. QnA DOLLARS will buy o choice resl iJJ Uenco Lot. 1(if DOLLARS will buy ono of tho J J J best Business Lots on Railroad Avenue. Q HUNDRED DOLLARS will buy a three O room House with Lot near the Depot. iO i íiíiw1" ""y two nouses witn tnree XUU lots, fronting tho Park. A great bargain. Renting for $:J6.0u a month ARARE CH A NCK. Will sell a valuable In terest in White Oaks mines and mill ma chinery at a great bargain on Recount of sick ness. Inquire of J. J. Fitzgerrell tho Uve real estate man. i) pr f W ill buy an elegant four room "JlOv house in tine order, renting fur $:iu per month. tíJÍÍA Will buy a nice resldenco on Main PUJV Street renting for $14 a month. Q". Will buy a good hotel on Hall "plOVU road Avenuo renting at $50 per month. i onn wni buy on f tne 1,081 hxiKi' ípXt'-'V' ness houses and two lots on Douglas St. 9FÍOMONTHLY PAYMENTS. $250 will PiOJbiy a one room house with n splondid lot centrally located. Enquire J. J. Fitzoerhkix, The live real estnto agent. FOR LEASE Four lots.Mi Douglass and Lincoln Avenues. 4fff DOLLARS will buy a lino iVJ jF V-f stock dairy and farming ranch near the city. 1 PI í t DOLLARS will buy a splendid Il)"J J new residence, six rooms, two lots fronting on Maine Street. Rents for $40 per mouth. 6pr"V"ADollur9 will buy one of the O KJ V.J best shingle mills in the terri tory, together with 3,0'Hl acres of tine land. For a sliiniile mill man who understands the business this is u fortune. rT'A ff f Dollars will buy ono of 4 V-V- v V the largest and best a p- Sointod stock rungos in the territory; a splen idresidenue; eight miles of river front: nu merous lakes and springs; well watered anil well sheltered; ull under fence; making oneof tho best stock ranges in the world. Grant title perfect. Q.iri Will buy two lots on Zion nil, ú)sJ A splendid barsraln. pT f will buy a good new three room ?rx:J J house and two lots near the rail road depot and round house. ilf ff( Head of sheep for sale i J J J J Wethers, ewes and lambs. di) Will buy one of the best busi- PJ9'JJ ness houses in tho city, rent ing at $1,000 ayeur. I also have for sale several flno stock runches hi the different portions of the Territory. FOH KENT. A number of desirable business houses on the different business streets of the city, also offices, restaurants und dwellings. If you want to rent property call. Remember that the best business chuncf-s are always to be had by culling on J. J. FlTZOEHltEU. The live real estate ngent, olueo on Grand uvenue. CATTLE. 2.000 hfl of best improved cattle for sale. For particulars enquire of J. J. FITZGER KEL, the live real estute agent. ll-8tf Wanted-For Sale-For Rent-Lost, w ANTED Shoemaker nt City Shoe Store . Appiy at once. iz-32t. "11 7"ANTED Ralph, tho rustler, wants a Job T T to make himself useful generally. Give the boy a chanco. Good references. It. WANTED A tinner at Santa Fe. For par ticulars inquire at Potter & Co. It, w ANTED. A good cook at tho Michigan House, opposite depot. WANTED. A (food messenger boy. En quire at telegraph office, over tho post olliee. ll-g(-2t WANTED A position os housekeeper In some private family. Inquire at this of fice or of Mrs. Ella Perry at Springer, N. M. ll-llw T7"OIt SALE A lot of good horsesand mules. 1 For particulars call ut the Exchange cor ral, west of the pinza. U-19-tf WANTED Everybody who likes a good . meal, und a good bed to sleep in, to come to tho National Hotel, South Side Plaza ll-10t f 7ANTED. To buy and sell second bund t V good. Will buy and sell at reasonable rates. Money advanced on goods at a reason rate, I also imtko furulturo repuirinf a speci alty. Neil Colgiin, first building east of the bridge. WANTED. If you want a No. 1 Husk Mat tress, go to AREY'S, third door west of St. Nicholas Hotel. 10-33,tf WANTED A gentleman wishes a Binólo room, furnished, Preferably with a re spectable family, where he can have break fast. East Side. Apply at Mr. Browning's of fice. F oR SALE, a No. I Mileh Cow. Call for par ticulars at Nicholson's Corral, East side. 13-8-lt, FOR SALE. Native shingles can be found ut Mr. Itlunchsrd's store, on the plaza, at wholesale prices l(M-mt MERINO BUcks-100 for salo cheap. Ap ply to Blyth Brothers Si Co., Glen Mora Ranch, Watrous. 10-1-tf FOR SALE. Canary birds, singly or in pairs. Apply to Mrs. Potter on the street back of tho Nutionul Hotel. ll-2tt-tf POR SALE 1000 cedar posts. Apply to Georgk lloss, or at Lockhart's store. 10-2-rf. IjOK RENT Furnished rooms. Apply to 1 Mrs. Judge Hubbell opposite Oazkttb of flee. ll-21)-tf I .1011 KENT. Buca Hall, for balls, parties, entertainments, lectures, etc. For terms apply to Will C Burton. Agent and Manager. Blankets and wool en goods in great va riety at Chas. Ilfcld's. ROGO AMELIO, Dealer In STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES TOBACCO, CIOAflS AND NOTIONS. Best Native Wine Always On Band SOUTiI SIDE, Or. Ibt NATL BANK