Newspaper Page Text
DAILY GAZETTE WKDNívSlMY, OCTOUUl 4. lfx'. 4 )IapplMc I IL4 Bar. Tb water io4oa Grtoi avenue are ln-injt exit-tided to tha roundhouse. The M. C church h born engiged for the pr-n association nm ting this week. It U said that there is not hotel ac commodations at Chihuahua (r the jrreat rush there. J. J. Ludi yesterday moved his butcher ho from 11. C. Umintree'a old atand ou Mum street to South I antic street. The hos-e eoin jniij Ihijs aro recover ing from the wireins engendered by the violent exercise at the lire. The b jjs worked iir l, and it was at an tin comfortable time of night. The Cerillos smelter was nanea 11 1 Sunday morning and turned out six ten bar oí bullion by noon Monday The prospects are that the works will run continually hereafter. John J. Kiefer, formerly of Lebanon Ohio, died at the hospital yesterday of consumption, lie was formerly a tele graph operator. He was decently bii.r ied by the attendants at the hospital. The Albuquerque Journnl says that by the time the Chihuahua excursion got that far every coach was crowded sothero was hardly standing room. Another coach should have been pro vided. Chas. Ceutle had to como to it ami purchase a bottle of mother Winslow's soothing syrup for that young sailor of his. The old gent felt very badly over the matter and thought the refractory youth would quiet down now. The St. Nicholas hotel is the looser of several pistols lately, and it is thought the money thief Harrison, may know something ot their whereabouts. He will bo eiveu an opportunity to reveal his knowledge if he does, ll is an interesting piece of news to telegraph to New Mexico this morning that President Arthur is enjoying him self catching pickerel on the St. Law rence. It gives one an idea of what spoils interest a great man. The dining room of the European restaurant is now situated directly back of Kendrick's fruit store, on the plaza, where the very bust board is provided at reasonable prices. It is a nice quiet place, and convenient to business. The colored minstrels took the train yesterday for Albuquerque. They found it impossible to get a crowd in 15aca hall while it was comidcred un safe. They say they will give this city another trial when the new hall is fin ished. (i. E. McCumber was up from San Miguel ranch, better known as Bell's ranch, yesterday. He was laying in a stock of provisions and goods for his store and hay ciimps. Me. is a rustler and will win if hard work counts for anything. Mr. M.J. Wilson has just opened up with a handsome stock of clothing, boots shoes, etc., in the building for merly occupied by II. Romero & Bros. Mr. Wilson is now in Kansas City buy ing a heavy slock of fall and winter goods. FitzgerriOdVs Guide to New Mexico for October will be issued to-day. It is an unusually interesting number, and just the thing to send cast to your friends desiring information of New Mexico. (Jet a number of copies and mail them. Bishop Thomas Bowman, of the Methodist Episcopal church, and lie v. J. A. Callen anil wife, of Baton, will be passengers on to-day's train en route to the conference at Albuquerque. They will be accompanied by Rev. D. M. Brown, from this city. Col. Webb will be entitled to his choice of oflices in Santa Fe county. The delegation from Carbonateyiile to the county convention is instructed to work for the nomination of K. W. Webb for any office he might be put forward to by the people of the New Placers. Tho west sido hose company is tobo called Las Vegas Hos Company No. 2. A meeting is to be held to-night tor the purpose o! perfecting arrange ments for erecting a building adjoining I. Stern's i ew store. This is a good lo cation, ar one from which all por tions of the city can be reached easily and quickly. J. N. Furlong has a number of neat frames made especially for the bird's eye view of Las Vegas. Mr. Fnrlong frames these s lendid pictures of our city tit remarkably low rates. It will pay all those possessing these views to take them to Mr. Furlong and have them framed. The frames aro hand somely finished, and will be an orna ment in your parlors. Fret'. I. Hooper came up from the Red Riynr country yesterday afternoon. He is. on his way to Kansas City to sell a number of fat cuttle which are now on the trail and will be shipped at west Las Anima. The cattle will make sev eral car loads and are the very finest in the market. Mr. Hooper thinks tho murdeisr of Price will soon be appre hended, as information of his where abouts has been obtained. Yesterday this paper received an or der for thirty-five papers for regular subscribers at Lake Valley. This gives some idea of tho circulation of the Gazette in the territory where it is known and looked upon as authority upon all topics. It is not seut east to exchanged and dead-head subscribers for the purpose of keeping up a list. Its bona fide circulation is sufficiently largo without being driven to such extremes. Tin. rem ii a ronrav. ily. kiiUi. lr !. Wlr r'Hl- Ii-bm4 Tlwkrr. Kingston, togeiber with the eeral other new camps along the Percha and tributarles, have heretofore generally teen associated with or understood to be a portion of the Luke Valley dis trict. In part this may be correct, but in general it is not. The two districts are really neparate and distinct. The two principal center, Lake Valley and Kingston, are about twi uty miles apart by direct line, or thirty by the wagon road. The Percha couutrv is iituated in the Black Uangn aud forms a portion of that wonderful mineral system. The wagon road from Lake Valley j runs past the lake, where the town of Lake Valley was originally located, and where George Daly and the other vic tims of Victoria's murderous raid of a year ago were burled. The road is good and lea Is in a northerly direction until Hillsboro is reached. From there the road runs almost directly west along one of the tributaries of the Percha. The distance to Kingston from Hillsooro is twelve miles along a very good road, though inclined to be hilly during the last prt of it. The town of Kingston is picturesquely situated among wood covered hills and lofty mountains. In many of the canyons in tho neighbor hood piue timber is of good growth, though not very plentiful. There is no more of this timber than is needed for working tho mines and it should all be saved for that purpose. A beautiful little stream of water comes down out of the mountains and runs through the town site of Kingston, thus furnishing an abundance of excellent water. Suffi cient by proper management to supply a city of several thousand inhabitants. Juniper, pine aud pinyon grow in abundance all about the town, and afford a refreshing shade to woary trav olera who now camp beneath their spreading boughs. Business houses arc springing up rap idly. Lumber, however, is a great drawback to the town, as it cannot be supplied fast enough to meet, the de mands of the people. Mr. A. Baraby has a largo stock of merchandise and provisions which he is disposing of to the miners at tho most reasonable rates. He has an excellent tra de and will necessarily have to enlarge the store in the near fu turo in order to accommodate the pub lic. Tho Kingston postoflice is also kept in his store. Wilson Bros., interested parties in the Solitaire miue, better known as tho Big Strike, also have a large store building filled with goods and provis ions. They are doing a good busi ness. A number of saloons, eating houses and restaurants are in course of erec tion or projected, but owing to the scar city of lumber, progress in the building line is necessarily slow Eli llilty, well known in this city purchased a lot and is making arrange ments to go into business. J. A. Cameron, an old Las Vegan, will go into the saloon business as soon as he can get his house up and a stock ot liquors on hand. Mr. Maxwell, also a V egas boy, is talking of engaging in tho lumber busi ness. Hopper Bros., Lockhart& Co., R. J Holmes and several other Las Vegas business men have secured lots and will soon establish branch houses at that point. It is a line location both as re gards business and a residence place lua mines are numenous in the vicin ity and are situated at a convenient distance from tho town. Commencing with the Gray and Black Eagle and terminating with the Solitaire, the mines form a semi-circle about King ston as a centre. The Gray and Black Eagle mines are owned by L. R. Routh aud are situated three and a half miles in a direct line southwest of the town. Two thousand dollars worth of devel opment work has been done on these mines. The average asay of tho ore is $,'50 per ton, gold and silver. The Bullion, owned by T. F. Chap man, of this city, and others, is cer tainly one of the best mines in tho dis trict aud is being worked moro system atically. The ore lays in a heavy body and is of. a dark-gray color and of great richness, running seyeral thou saiiu dollars per ton. Malleable silver is quite frequent, especially in tho talc frequently found along the edges of the oro yein. The ore is being assorted and sacked for shipment as fast as it is taken from the nrnes. It is estimated that there is now $30,000 worth of ore in sacks on the dump, and the shaft from which this ore was taken is only about sixty feet deep. A road is being graded to Kingston and as soon as this is finished the shipment of ore to Den ver will be commenced, i rom ten to fifteen meti are being worked in the mine and on the road. Mr. Charles Means, formerly of the Hot Springs, is tho efficient foreman of the mine. Ihe Superior, owned by Governor Perkins, of California; J. C. Logan, f California; Thos. Burns and E. D Town, adjoins the Bullion and is an ex cellent miue. Native silver has been taken from one shaft. Thos. Burns is tho resident manager. He reports 270 feet of shafting aid open tunnels on the mine and work is being carried forward rapidly. Horn silver has been struck in one shaft and fair assaj'ing ore in two others. Eighteen men are em ployed in this mine. The Iron King, owned Miv General Schwenk, E. L. Richie, of New York, and J. E. Boss, of Socorro, lays about a mile west of the bullion and two miles from Kingston . It is one of the oldest mines in the district, haying been located by II. W. Elliott, in 1880. The ore body is very extensive. The ore is known to be 240 feet wide and extends entirely across the claim. Tho development work foots up, shafts 277 feet, cuts and tunnels, 561 feet. Wil liam Welch is the genial foreman, and eiuplvjci about tweut y-five men stead The ore U uot ve rf high grade. running from f ) t fl.rfiO pr tun, but the great amount of mineral reef mi pen ses fort hi". The ore alo carries from 40 to 70 er cent, of lead, with trace of copper and cold. The niher bearing rock is overlaid with an iron cap, hence tho nam of Iron King. Work will be carried right along and a Muelter will bo put in as soon ai a roa I can be graded. The Solitaire or the Big Strike, a tew miles tr the northeast of Kingston, is one of the wonders of tho aire. Gov ernor Tabor vd for thia mine before any development work Lad bren dose, in fact, before the lead had been discovered. This is enough to sav about this mine, f.s it is useless to ex patiate upon a mine of such vast mag nitude. The Sin Clair, by M. II, Sin Clair, of Lake alley, is show ing up well. Tho Clifford, extension of the Soli taire, owned bv Mike Cosgrove, or tlas city, Mr. Gregg and C. F. Nettor Cold, is showing up nicely as development work goes forward. The same partis also own the Old Vic and and Serpent, two excellent mines in the vicinity. Tho Kentucky, just above Kingston, owned by Robert Collum, J. Roberts, R. Bloodso aud T. Kelly, is showing up well. The assays run from fifty to GOO ounces iu silver. Tho Andy Johnson and Blackeyed Susan niines, owned by H. W. Elliott arc of high grade, the latter runuing as high as 2,000 ouncea per tan. $35,000 has been offered and refused by Mr. El liott for the Andy Johnson. The aboye is a very imperfect des cription of the mines iu tho vicinity of Kiugston, but it is sullicicnt to give some idea of the richness of the Lake Valley country. There are numbers of other mines in the district which will likely prove as rich as those mentioned when more development work has been done. More and better mines can be found in no country than are to be found in tbeLake Valley region. fKUSOSAf.. Arch Cribbs, of gChicago, is in the city. J. W. Bobbins is up from Ssn Mar cial. E. R. De Valfc came in from Chicago yesterday. A. E. Dickerson, Chicago, is a lato arrival in the city. L. Y. Howard, of New York, is slop ping at the Depot hotel. Doc Russell, of Detroit, Michigan, is a late arrival in the city. Fernando Nolan was a passenger south on yesterday's train. F. Eidman, of New York City, is reg istered at the Depot hotel. Mrs. S. B. Davis, of the Plaza hotel! returned yesterday from a two 'day's Tisit in Santa Fe. Mrs. J. S. Brown well, of Albuquerque formerly of this city, was a passenger east yesterday. P. J. Martin, proprietor of Chapman Hall, returned yesterday from a visit to Canada. Ho was accompanied by his brother. A. H. Martin. Avery Turner, one of the first con dnctors who brought passenger trains into Las Vegas, came oyer from La Junta, Colorado, yesterday. Judge Prince came up from Santa Fe yesterday to look after business matters in this city, as he is the owner of con siderable valuable property in town He is looking in the best of health and spirits. D. D. McDougall, recently of Battle Creek. Michigan, has taken charge of the mud bath at tho Hot Springs and puts the patients through in good or der. Ho has had much experience iu the sanitarium at Battle Creek The Prim I on vesitiori. A telegram was uont to W. F. White yesterday asking that the editors be furnished with tho necessary paste board to attend the press convention on Friday. It is probable that the matter will by arranged to-day so that all the editors may com?, even if their quarterly passes have not been return ed to them. The convention will as semble on Friday eroning at the Pres byterian church. A hop and banquet will be given ou Saturday evening, and all scribes who are ready can go home on the Sunday train. Wo hope there will be a large attendance. Precinct Board of Reiiist rut inn. Following is the complete and coi' reeled list of boards of registration of the several precincts of San Migue county for the coming election. The board at its meeting yesterday created two new products, Nos. CO and 37. 1. J M Leyva, Plncn.1i B ica. r.iilip Guia! a. ü. ínmemeo c no naca, jipiipuit) rico, A Tiiloya. 3. I'asinnil Baca, Jose Arntfnn, Jose Sun Chez. 4. . flMontoyn, C Atensio, C Uutiern-s. 5. Joso H Kquilel, F Kseuiluru, C it l)ledi ti. Carlos Martini!,, A Altminzar, S Lopez. 7. W Frank, Manuel M'irtiiicz, J M Ualli KOñ. 8, demento Valencia, I) Vík'iI, Pendo Hi- versa. 9. PnMo Martinez. 8 (jnretn, Tomas Tafoya 10. ti Flores, h V&ldcz, V Lucero. II. Jesus Sanchez, d llórela, Auto Montova 12. 13. 14. 15. 10. 17. IS. 19. i), 'i. n. 24. 25. 21. 27. 28. ii(faui sena, uuma, n imiueiaui. Ph Sanchez, A Sanchez, John PaniU-ruis F Oim.ali's. r Chavez, Pablo Medina. A Vlffil, J F Jaramlllo, Jose Kamirea. J Sisnenm, Illas Martinez. J Padilla Andres Sais, Antonio Lope, P Araron 1 h liulfraao, li unavez, Ijouis Homiiu i U Homero, O Gallegos, 11 Crispin. F Crispin, F Egjrcrt, Pedro Mancha. J Patron, Celso Buco, Juan Lucero. Cuz Homero, PCoea, M A Padilla. J i Sena, M Segura, Fran Ortiz. Tonms C de Buca, M Tapin, J J Herrera uaiaei sanene z, v líamenos, s val neul Jobo tiesura, J lulova, u Jnranullo .Torus Anala, J Silva, Pablo BeuuMen Patricio Uon.olct, i UouzhIuh, Auto En- cinnas 29. Jone D Homero, 11 W Kwtidr, G W Prieh ar.l. 30. N Martinez, A Vigil, E Gallegos. 31. O Martinez, J D sena it Ortiz, , Si. Jose L Kivern, J G Homero, Joaquín lu uiero. -i 'i S3. Blas Ortega, Juan Martínez, Manuel Pino. 81. A Casados, Anuí es B-nivodus, Ph Uarcla. 3j. Juan Juramillo, Louis Lo Houx, Martin sena. 36. A Sanchez, Leandro SanPhez, Manuel Arm no 37. Aniceto Garduuo, E Moutoyu, Fernando VU1UIHUO. t iiiN4.rMiuii limn Win. G. Corbin, president of tho MK-aa Central & Northern railroad. has been missing since Monday even ing. No one seems to know whither 1 e has upcd. He was last seen in tbi thy at 8 o'clock in the evening, just be fore the emigrant train went north. He km scon on the omimrant train and a passenger on the Pacific express yesterday-stated they Lad soon him at lia tón yesterday morning. Corbin is a curiosity as a railroad president. He is me nrst .specimen oí lue speries we have ver seen who could not pay hW board bill. He claims to represent a railroad company of the above title. chartered under the laws of Michigan, with the requisito papers filed in this territory, tho object of the company as expressed is to build a railroad south from Trinidad to Las Vegas, through the White Oaks and ou to the Gulf. If the company has put up any money, Corbin as its president, as yet, has not handled any cf it. He came here last spring and established his headquar ters in this city, opening an oflico on Douglas street, with, the N. M. C. & N. railroad company lettered thereon. Ho shunned newspaper notoriety and wanted to be let strictly alone. He made no display, lived cheap, and appeared to bo lending strictly to his own busi ness. He asked no subsidies, nor aid from any one, but went about quietly slating that he would give proper in formation when his scheuo was ripe. His energies during the summer seems to have been devoted to getting the right of way through various grants and tracts of land. Lately, it appears, he thought it about timo to begin to make motions toward building the road. Ho organized a preliminary surveying party, hired transportation and an nounced that on Monday of this week operations would begin in earnest and that everything was ready for a forward movement. The surveyors were to load up tor the start yesterday afternoon at 1 o clock. The boys stood around all day, but Corbin failed to put in an appearance. Ho had got to the end of his string and thought about time to vanish. His pre dices of course uni no one any special harm, excepting tho loss of a little Unit, as his object did not appear to be for tho purpose of working tho scheme for any money in it, but simply is a pastime and amusement for him self. He is an old boy, playing at rail roading for fun. Corbin is likely a little off in the up per story, las mind tilled with vast schemes and remarkable projects, but he does not realize that some cash is necessary to build a few hundred miles of railroad and properly equip it. But he woke up to a realization of the situ ation when he was confronted by a pre liminary surveying party aud asked to show up some collateral, by the boys, as a guarantee of good faith before they wont out on the line, and naturally skipped out. His promises of money to himself, to them and others has not been forthcoming and his board bills have not been settled nor his office rent paid. In order to jump a board bill, however, it was not necessary to organ ize so vast a scheme. C'onucil Pree reding:. Tho common council meet yesterday afternoon. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Romero. But little business was done with tho exception of paying a fw bills and ordering: Bridge Street to be graded, according to the grade established by City 'Sur veyor Howell. The grade will extend from tho acequia near Stern's store to the railroad. On motion the council adjourned until Thursday. The Atlantic and Pacific railroad has been completed west of Vinita, in the Indian Territory, to Tulsa, in the Creek nation, a distance of sixty-four miles. Tulsa is on the Arkansas river. The road will be built from there, striking the Canadian at a point two hundred miles west, and thence up that stream to New Mexico. It will strike Las Vegas as tho first important point in this territory. J. Robertson has opened up on the plaza, one door we3t of Billy's saloon, an institution which has been greatly needed, viz: A short order restaurant and lunch counter. Ho has a cozy lit tle place, and will set up a good meal on short notice. Oysters served in every style. It will be open day and night. Mr. Robertson understands' the business, and although he has only been open for a day has already had a good run of business. HOTEL AKUIVAI.S PLAZA? wcro tho The following wcro tho arrivals at tho Plaza hotel yesterday : M Dent Mnrtfn, E L Carpenter, Jilo M AVuldron and wife, Pueblo; Miss McXtimnra, Pueblo; J L Wurd and Cor dm Hayes, Hot Springs; H H Harris, Santa Fo; Walter J Dvls, Santa Fe; J C Logan, San Ger ónimo; Mrs Wm Breeden and children, anta Fe, J J Rnyder, Pueblo; Avery Turner, La Junta; Edward Petera, Santa Fe; J L Martu gon, Denver, Colorado; T J Walton, Mora; L Bradford Prince, Santa Fe. ST. NICHOLAS. , , Tho foil owing were tho arrivals at the St. Nicholas hotel yesterday; HNcutadt, Albu iiucniuo, Henry A Davis and C C Ilrinkncy, Chicago; C A Waterhouso, Arkansas. BUMN'ER. , 1 ho following wero the arrivals at the Sum ner house yesterday : Kaf ael Homero. La Cueva, NM; Frank Crawford, South Pueblo, Coloi ado; WSKoIsey, Mineral City, N M To make room for new goods which will arrivo soon we offer special induce ment in dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, trunks and valises, furnish ing goods and the best line of notions to be found in town at , N. L. Rosenthal's FAMOUS. CARPETS! CARPETS! 50 pieces Tapestrv Brussels, Body Brussels, Velvet Carpets, Oil Cloths. Big assortment just arrived. H, ROMERO &BRO. tf-5-9 c :r, BiRownsriiLsrcr The Pioneer BFlAti ESTATJJ -A-CS-'T of LAS VEGAS Has for sale more property than all of the other agents combined. Offers more than 500 VACANT LOTS In the different ADDITIONS, Upon Terms and at Prices to please the Merchanlc, the Speculator and the Capitalist. Superior Bargains in Business and Residence Properties in most desirable locations. Agent for the t.ah VEGAS TOWN COMPANY whoso lots aro the best. No other agent can sell THIS or the PROPERTY of the ROSENWALD ADDITIONS. Desirable Properties in all parts of the city. The beautiful Eldorado lots a specialty- Selling at PRICES according to location at from fifty to four thousand dollars. Improved PROPERTY ranging in price from $300 to $15,000 each. No greater PLEASURE is afforded than that of SHOWING these PR0PERTD2S. I invite the CITIZEN, the STRANGER, tho SPECULATOR and the CAPITALIST To call at mv OFFICE, examine PROPERTIES and get PRICES. INSURANCE THAT INSURES Organ lied 1843 183 1836 1853 1720 1854 1858 1849 1861 1794 1879 1825 1877 1850 1809 1824 1819 NAME OF COMPANY. Mutual Life Insurance Co Travelers Liie &c Liverpool, London & Globe Home Fire Insurance Co London Assurance Corporation. . X'ncenix insurance jo Queen Insurance Co Springfield Fire & Marine Commercial Union Insurance Co. oí North America. . . Lion Fire Insurance Co Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Co. . . Fire Insurance Association Niagara North British & Mercantile Scottish Union & National Aetna Total. INDEMNITY THAT INDEMNIFIES M national Bank of las Vegas NEW MEXICO Authorized Capital $500,000 Paid In Capital 50.000 Snrplas Fnnd 25.000 Does a General Banking Business. FAMOUS. Frcttb Milk.. Delivered to all parts of town by S. N. Trembly. M4-tf FAMOUS. SOCIABLE PUNCH AT BILLY'S. For a First Class Shave, hair cut, hot or cold bath, go to Keidlinger1s barber shop. The best workmen in the territory are employed there. . IN FAMOUS. . Prodncc and Fcod Rtore. Graaf & Weil keep the only produce and feed store on the plaza. A full stock of grain, hay and flour always on hand in large lots, uasn paiu un win. hides and pelts. 4-2-tf FAMOUS. EWF.S FOR SALE. A Splendid "Opportunity to liny I will havo by the 1st of Scptcn ! tho vicinity of Las Vegas 25" j New Mexican ewes for sale. 1 niation apply to Don Felicianc c rea at Pinkerton. J. M, 1 i-i 8-2tf. FAMOUS. Announcement. The name of Jose Santos Esquiyel is hereby presented as a candidate f Sheriff before the republican county onvention, and we are satisfied that he is eminently qualified to fill tho position. Mant Citizens. SOCIABLE Summer Drinks At BILLY1 S. Cattle. L. J. Orcutt & Son have a large drove of cattle on the way to San Miguel ranch in this county. S)-2ütf SOCIABLE WHIST AT . BILLY'S. The Plaza hotel will be more popular then ever this fall and winter as the steady arrival of guests now indicate. It is convenient to all parts of town, it is p. comfortable building in which to live and the furnishing is elegant and the table the very best. Tho Plaza is tho best hotel of New Mexico after all and the guests universally so pronounce it. . 0-6-tf FAMOUS. Go to J. W. Pearce for all kinds of repair work, Railroad carpenter and avenue. No. 333. v-u-u. POULTRY FOR SALE. Spring Chickens, 50 cents, medium fat laying hens, 65 cents, extra large. 75 cents, will be iound at Felix Papa's place one mile south of plaza; Orders will be promptly filled if left at Leon &Bro's. 0-15-tf. FAMOUS, Notice. .. To my patrons and the public gener ally, I have moved my stock of Furni ture, Quecn3ware, Glassware, etc.. to my new building east of the bridge, opposite A. J. Houghton's residence. Will continue to make undertaking a specialty, sell goods cheaper than ever, and act as agent for the jrown bewing Machine. K. Klattenhoff. 5-2-tf. A Chuugc. Having sold qur entire interest in the book and stationary business to L. C. Elkin, we now. thank the public for tho patronage .heretofore extended to us, and hoping a continuance to tho new firm of L. C. Elkin iu the future, we re main, Very Respectfully, Furlong & Ticeh. John F. Kopp has been appointed agent for the Gazette at Lake Valley, lie will deliver the Dapcr to subscribers and collect money due on subscriptions. notice. Excursion tickets will be sold on to morrow until the train starts. The train will leave at 12:30 o'clock, local time. If you want a nice wool or Lair mat tress, call on Arey. If you want a nice woven wire or solid comfort spring, call on Arey. If you want curtains or curtain poles or lambrequins, call on Arey. 0-31-7t LOCATION. New York Accident Ins. Co. Hartford Liverpool ai-d LonJon- New York London Hartford Liverpool Springfield, Mass London Philadelphia Ixmdon Philadelphia London New York London and Edinbure Edinburg and London. . . Harti'ordT- BROWNE & MANZANARES T.AS VKGAS AVI) f-3 PLO W8, AGR1CVL1 URAL IMPLEM ENJS, c. Specenl attention given to DUying ami eiuim vv uui íiiuti SPECIAL IlNTVITATIOIsr Extended to all to Examine Our MMENSE FALL STOCK OF DRESS GOODS New Goods, New Styles, Low Prices New Goods, New Styles, Low Prices, New Goods, New Styles, Low Prices, New Goods, New Styles, Low Prices, New Goods, New Goc i Buying all our goo&t - than any house in our li;. unapproachable. STEIN, MANDELL & CO., WHOLESALE HARDWARE, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M, Carry a full lino of Mining, Carpenter and Blacksmith Tools. Agents for DTJrO?iT POWDER OO.f laLjanotTX-iiSiS powdeit. oo., y.. BIlADIyiEY die OO.'S 8TOVE1Ü, And the Largest and Best Stock in the Terrify. Xotice. Notice is given to the mibli that on the 29th of March, 1882. Frank O. Kilh berg, by fraud and deception procured from me a conveyance of the following land to-wit: An undivided one-half m tho follow ing described real estate situated about six miles above tho town of Las Vegas, commencing at a point where the west boundry line of the Hot Springs prop erty crosses the Gallinas river at a stone cave, thence in a westcrnly direction a distance in measurement of forty-three hundred (4,300) feet from said cave up tho Gadinas river to the mouth of the Canon de los Negros, embracing all the land on both sides of said river and from the center of said river to the summit of the mountains, pretend ing to me that said deed only conveyed the following described land: A certain tract of land above the Hot Springs, known as the Kitchen Gar dens, bounded on the north by the hills, on the west by the lands of Juan Mar tins, on the east by the lands of the Hot Springs, en the souih by foothills. The said land; is seven hundred and fifty yards long aud two hundred and fifty yards wide. All persons are warned against pur chasing any of said land, above de scribed, except said Kitchen Gardens, from the said Frank Ü. Kihlberg, as a bill has been filed in the clerk's oflicc of the First Judicial District, setting in and for San Miguel County to cancel and set aside said conveyances to said Kihl berg. Andkes Hold. FAMOUS. Tobacco, cigarettes and my own choice brand of tine cigars, found only at the Havana Cigar Store, liuss Dan iel, Iilue Front, Grand avenue. i ASSETS. ...92,430,221 19 31,665.194 05 6,995,509 26 15,886,111 16 4,309,972 53 4,821,237 00 2.255,807 82 9,698,571 24 8,818,805 38 1,340,141 14 2.227,615 53 1,331 782 01 1,735,563 32 9,264,569 12 33.041,045 17 8,902,272 64 240.844.921 41 SOCO RUO both hero anel In tho a (iua Kafttitrn Mnrktts. K M. N:w Styles, Low Prices, .' -w Sty lee, Low Prices. :r cash, and in larger quantities .wS us to offer many cash bargains Railroad Ave., East Las Vegas. ami UK TAIL A. Danziger keeps the best of groceries and fancy goods. A complete assortment of choice goods, cheap' as anywhere in the city, at the Little Casino stand, Ward & Tamme's block. 9-10-tf ll 11. THOltNTON", V. 11. llltlOIIAM. THORNTON & BRIGHAM, Civil' Engineers and Architects, Ppoclitl Httontlon jflvcn to lnea'itiff ifnuit claims ami government lands. i tT" Paper prepared for lloinenteadw Pri'-rniptiuns, Timber Culture, Final Proofs, find nil ImsinesH before the Local tuul General Laml Offices promptly atteiideil to. PLANS and SPECIFICATIONS Mmlc for nil classes of lwildmir and Rail faction irmiranteed. Ofllei! m Kutcnlieclc block with K. W. tiA KHAKI). Bridge St., Las Yogas, N. M FOR SALE, xoo CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS, IX THE ILFELD & BACA ADDITION. E.W.SEBBINS Agent. i t