Newspaper Page Text
; 4 i 1 1 VEGA DAI GAZETT VOT. t. WEDNESDAY MORNING, DEOEMISTt Ü, 1882. NO. 208. LAS LY E J. J. FITZuEP.EZLL, THE LIVE REAL ESTATE MAN notary AND CONVEYANCER. IMPilOYK!) RANCHES. ! will w-ri loH m ar iho muii'l bu- ml ritl I r iidl ii-mI on tlio iintiillineul plan, I hut will i.iulil- Ih- ir pnunt value within li month. The Im -t M In th ritjr to liulld I. TH tlK ni hou- on t'tlfltiill'K W'llr of iHAl wau r ur" tl limn 1. f-nlrvlrw Addition. I haven frw P).l-nilil ri-it iiro l.iti li ft in th Fair h w A'liliti"". in ibf ii'irtta j.urt of th- i lty. Thfíic lut aro very cheap, unil diiirMliU. Itoiurru liinnl oinpnny Addition Iti'Hl.lcni'f lot 4 In tho Komeni Trnrn Ciini imiiy Aililitimis wit raplilly. '1 hone re very il'.nirabli! lots. p? (f IWÍM.AKS rai'b will bur splendid O ' I'Umill'KH Ll It Oil IfcUliMllH KlH'lt, that will cloulilii their prcsiiit Tiilue ill fi-w month, 0( f(f HOLLA US In loan at low &iVyVV rat of inured on un iliiiiliti il real inline ai'ctirity. Notbinir tint tlrst clais loans will 1 liikoii nii'l on Imiir time. "I Cfr V 'I.I.AKS will liny a beautiful XOKJKJ fmir roum eotlaifc ami two lots in a if m ni noiirhliorhmiil, ini'l the finest lix-a-tlon torn ri'Milonee in thecily. 2fr(S ImjLLAKS will buy 8 uplemilil iJVJJ iropiTt jiaj iiig "i per cent on t n Invent llli'llt. Hirrv DOIXAHU, will buy n splemliil lOU bumiicKS bit in tbc heart of the city. INiI.T.AllS willliuy eho t) J the Knrview AiMitlon. ilot lota in I 4) C "V CENTS pir month, for twelve Ol month, will buy ehoieo lots in a n- il nclirhhorhood that will double their pt-iwitt vniue within twelve months, fcr-A I'OLI.AKH w.ll buy one iL,VVV ol the linest ruinfH" In New Mux leo, well Htoekeil. Fur Ntoekmrn Beekliuf mi iiivestiiient this i w.ii thy of th' Ir attention. Write for information. PLAZA hotel 'r '1 11 - h i i I a, ni li ailing hotel in tin' le ritory. F.xei lletit mimir.s for -ellinz. iht hotel i wi ll worth) tin at (i -lit bill ot hotel men t tin mell ón!, iln- lii'lli-il Suit-., lb" i-iie iiri'l flirlii liireeini In buiiyhi or th whole properly eiin be purebifeil a ileüire'l . 1 P i WILL buy H mi I mliil stink lJl )KJVJ rainre ill one of the best stork seel nun ol Hi To. i itoiy. eiipnble ot mi j-loitihi!-tS,iHiih ml ot rattle. Tbisis wort. y of n t J I 1 1 1 ion. 'I'll" property on Kullrtmd aveniio. éontainlinr four lots, feiieeil, nil ele-'il t eiiiht room house with cellar anil oiit-buililiur all complete. Will be solilat u bargain. J. J. FITZGERRELL. THE LIVE REAL ESTATE AGENT Wanted-For Sals-Fo. Rent-Lost 1(ll s . f.K-A li:-iior e-powcr kI"miii boiler ' ele ap 1 rea-h, hi-" ill H-U'le for real . tiite, i H i mi It It. ' HOUSTON. t OST A waleii eli;.rin. bi t h Mm i , Miiíiirl l!imk an. I i; .-Tui l i-.-hiiiur.'. 'I he 11 il.'i' u' I: be i-.-wai ii 1 by l: i : i u il lit ;.c I in I Ksi'hHiiif in oon, IMiln :vi v h:h. II -.".-..I A N'l 101 - llooin muí le .i ni by a i youii o nil ill il l'e."l tnble private raliniy." Ueleieia-es jtiven. u ilre-s j. (i, 0., f ire (i.V.'.i.'I'TK. 1 1-iVt 1 1 T ANT10D A 1'ist-elass bliu ksiiulli to ilo Keiici al wi ik. Apply to J.. II. Mu.v- well, olliee el J'.nxwell lumber ii-áoeiiuion. Il-:.'l-lf iTVlk lil'.N'r The preiniKen, oeeupieil at present by the K.uropean res .uraiit, on the plaza, lire t'.ir rent en the tirst of Decem ber. Applv lit lsi.lur Stern's, West I.un Vcjm. i,M)H S i.U One horse., biiuffy anil harness 1 cheap. 10iiiinre at Ihe Delaware house railroad avenue, opposite the dcpt. 1 1-bMni IF YOU WANT TO lltrY nil SI' ,h ICAb estate call on K. It. TliornUn& I'o , 11; Idsti slreet.-l.'i-P f TtUlt Ill-NT Two cot t. ires of three rooms each mid one uew 1 mr-rooni cot t aire. 10 27-tf J. WoomvoiiTH. 171 o u SAI.K The store buildinif of Jallu j Hros. on Hiiilroad Avenue i offered lor Kile. For biloriiuition apply on the promises. TANTIOD Second-hand córn and ohm sack-, tit Weil (Iriinf's. M0-tf XTIOIt SALE l,ii0 welhers two years o'd ' past. For particulars address W. Fit AN K, Ijoh Alamos. N. M. IjlUK KENT Furnished rooms. Nice and f New. Inquire of Mrs. Hubbcll, oppo site the (iiizette otlieo. 4-25-tf. rilO LKT A two room store, 5 by 18 feet, X occupied heretofore by Mrs. Stirc as u liiilinery, next door to the Sumner house, wilh shelves aud tltthiKS complete. pply at Sum ner house. ikllM f rANTEl A youiiK man who is well nc f v quiiinted in the penertil dry (foods and clothing business at AlbuiUenpie one who can speak Spanish preferred. Must have good references. Saliirv ticcordinjr to cupneitv. leijuii e at this olllcé. Jl-9!-tf XKili HA 1.10 CHEAI'-A mare T years old, " ircaid for harness and saddle. Apply to Mr. Fapa, TiieiHc house, l'lazu, Las Vexas. it 1 J A NT F. II A jrirl to do (reneral housework. Apply o Dr. Hcnriiiuez, corner of Sixth ami blnnehard streets. 11 4tf l.lOlt S EK tine hundred and thirty-four -I. Merino bucks: also Sheep at Cook's corral, east I, us Venus. Acclimated. Address Y. 0. 1IA( KKNIIEKY. IT'OK HEVT Nice oltiee rooms iu the Mar wedebuilditiir, next to pustollice. Inquire of Marwede, 1 ten in lev & Co. T ?T KEWa KD. Stolen from Thcodnro P ) v liausslon, one black pony mare bran eilT, (j.on riifht hip. I will pay $50 for the arrest and conviction of the thiel . TiiKO. Uauksiox, Los Alamos, San Mi(ruel i -i- l- II -g.i-1 mo XTIOIt KENT-Two ro. ins, furnished Could be used for liht hoiise-kecpinif. Infmire at CAHItl Til A: LAY!'. N'S. l-J.-:tt Uf A N T K D Immediately, eight or ten loir-tram-, (iood w aires paid. I cpiire oi jas v ekas ice company, one mile and half above tin- Hut Sprinifs. 1--lw Ft )lt sA I.E Messrs. (iarrard & ('unniiiihuni, Hi idtfo Mreel, have f ir.,injU In street rail r. a l stock for sale. U-i-tf T (S Two cheeks of T. B. Cation on the J i First National bunk of San tu Fe, one for s-.'iw lo.u one lor s,u, in lavor of l.ouls Sulz biieher. Finder will please deliver the same to Mr. sulzliaehcr. b.'-'J-tt AsH-jrteil Candle ut Ihe I'nrk. Just received, at tho Park Grocery, a large invoice of tine candies for t he Christmas holidays. Come and see us before purchasing elsewhere. Also a large Jol of choice apples. Ye still seil: 8 lb. brown sugar for one dollar. 7 lbs. granulated sugar for one dollar, (ij lbs. lump sugar for one dollar. 5 cans peas for one dollar '20c. each. 5 cans tomatoes for one dollar 'J0c each o cans California fruits for Í1 35c each 5 lbs. hagle miik for one dollar. We will try and please every one and more especially the children. Kemem- uer the place, in the Dold block, west Hide of the plaza. S. Harris and Ii. G McDonald will be pleased to see vou an. iy-5-tr. STOLEN STIFFS. WLolmlr and Systematic Crate Kolbery Drought to Light iu Philadelphia. The (.li.víll- Trafile of the Ghoul Carried on for Over Nine Years. The Star Route Case Still Chimin; the Attention of Washing- ton Courts. 1'iiii.aiiF.i riiu, Dec. 5. Frank Mc Nanitt, a Dutch pilot, and Levy Chew, (colored) were arrested lastnijjht while driving a wagon containing live dead bodies to the medical colleg. The bodies bad been stolen from Lebanon ce ueterj, in the lower part of the city. This morning detectires Tisited the cemetery ard arrested Chew, its super intendent, and Andrew Mullen, tour of thy six bodies hare been identified. Lebanon cemetery, from which the bocies ere stolen, was a fayorite bury ing ground for colored people. Long before the hour set for the hearing, crowds collected and the people block ed several streets, riots were ruado to lnch the prisoners, but they were rushed through the crowd to a back room before the people realized what was going on. They vented their dis appointment in jeering and yells. At the examinatio the colored clement was the strongest. Several officers of Lebanon cemetery were present. Two keys found on McNanieo fitted the doors of the room where the bodies were prepared for dissection at Jeffer son college McNamce denied know ing who gaye thcru to him, or what he was to haye done, but tinally he said he had waited outsioe of the cemetery while the others brought the bodies and knew where tltey came from. Robert Chew, who was arrested at the cemetery about half pttst four yes terday iwoniing, began crying and said th:t he was paid live dollars for every body taken from the cemetery and the money was handed to him by his brother, lie did not know how many graves had been robbed. Some times Pillett did the digging and some times Levy. He had been in tho cem etery ten years, and the tody-snatching had been going on for nine years. His brother-in-law, Solomon Butcher, now in Maryland, (lid it at first and then a man named Myers, then McNamee. Sometimes a wagon came and the driv er said they were short and coilins were opened in the receiving vault, the corpse snatched, and the farce of bury ing the empty collin was gone through with the next day. The records of burials showed that in two months fifty, five boiies were put in one grave. This statement created a stir among the col ored people. At the conclusion f the testimony the defendants wer committed in default of $.",()(HI bail, for a further hearing on Friday. As uoon as tlm crowd outside learned that, the examination was over an overwhelming rush was madeforthe entrance and galleries with threats of lynching the prisoners. A sergeant and ten men of the reserves were sent for. The snalehers were then brought aut, and the crowd made another rush at the prisoners, who cowered before them. The policemen drew theii clubs, and on a trot went down Chesuut street to the Central station, where the pris oners were locked up tor the night. The Star Itoute Case. Washington, Dec. 5. The star route case was further posponed on ac count of failure to complete a jury. Attorney General Brewster has commu nicated to congress his views upon the nadeouate compensation of United States witnesses in the western slates and territories. He believes the pres ent law causes many suits on behalf of the government to fail because of the ill will of witnesses, and recommends the enactment of a law providing that witnesses and jurors from California, Oregon, Nevada, Colorado and territo ries do paid actual expenses while at tending court in lieu of mileage and per diem, now allowed by law. He al so suggests as a remedy to overcome the complaint because the judge who presides in the district also sits in the supreme court when his decision is re viewed, and that either an additional judge be appointed in all the territories or that the circuit judge be appointed as in the states. I'rocceaiiiifM Cutler Hoar's Amend ment. Salt Lake. Dec. 5. The Hoar amendment empowered the governor to appoint municipal officers, who would have been elected last August but for the Edmunds bill. In all cases but one the incumbents refused to turn over to the governors appointees. The three district courts have now ruled on the application for a o landamus. Judge Hunter decided that the pleadings were insufficient, and an added complaint has since been filed. Judge Lmerson virtually decided that the complainant was entitled to the office, but granted a stay of proceedings aud an appeal was taken, which will be argued at the Jan uary term of the territorial supreme court. It was decided that a man damus is the proper remedy; that the offices were vacated by the lapse of election and the governor was, there fore, authorized to fill there. A motion for a stay of proceedings, pending an appeal, will be argued December 9tk. FlrndiMli Devilment. Rochester. Dec. 5. Some villians last night raised six paddles in the sec ond lock of the Erie canal at Brighton, just off East avenue, and let the water into the time lock, of which tho paddles were closed. Tho water overflowed the banks, washing out the tow path for fif ty feet, and rose eight feet below the bottom, flowing from the canal across East avenue, carrying away two small bridges and destroying culverts on both the direct and Auburn branches of the New York Central road, of which the tracks were also washed away. A train passing ati the time was ditched. The perpetrators were not detected. Railroad Accident. Tawanua, Ta., Dec. 5. Au accident on the Leigh Valley railroad occurred at Summerfield, caused by a misplaced switch. A freight train on a siding was run into by an express train. En gineer Foulke and Fireman Kingsland, of the freight train, were burned to death and R. M. Mullen, a brakeman, badly hurt. Both engines were wreck ed, the baggage, express and sleeping car burned and also tho mails. No passengers injured. WAIIIX-TO son:. Wasuinotos, Dec. 5. The (secreta ry of the interior rendered a decision to-day sustaining the i)itioa of the coniumsioner of the general laud ofiire in the matter of Byron, Roberts & Co. vs. llenty Foote. et al of Doming, N. M., on the request of the former that tho filings of defendant be cancelled and that the plaintiff be permitted to make proof and payment for the laid embraced in his purvey. The matter at issue in this case is tho title to the Fa gos a mineral springs in Colorado. The bvcretary holds that the question of the non-mineral character of the land has been fully settled heretofore. A report has been received at the In dian ofiico from Fort Custer to the ef fect that a party of twenty Indians, supposed to be Piutes. made a raid up on Crow scouts, near Little Big Horn, and ran off 400 ponies, aad that the Crows pursued them, recovered the slock and killed two of the thieves. The question of Chinese emigration was informally discussed by the cabinet to-day. The preliminary examination of Dick son, charged with alleging improper inttneace of the star route jurors, began to-day. One juror testified that the ac cused while ia tho jury rooms read newspaper articles to the jurors, a ma jority of the panel having voted to hear it read. McNeoly, after a long examination respecting the papers read, which con tained ati article about an illegal inter view with Bowen at Rivers restau rant, during which he is said to have attempted to bribe Dickson, said the paper was introduced to iafluence the jury, but it did not do il. McNeely's statements were corroborated by other witnesses. A commission representiag all the larger postolrices assembled at the post office department to-day to regulate uniformity of stationery and other sup plies instead of allowing postmasters to contract separately. i.mnnl Proceed Bg; la Now York New York, Dec. 5. The criminal li bel suit of August Belmont against John Devoy, editor of the Irish Nation, was continued. Tho defendant was present, having been brought from the Tombs, where he is undergoing a sen tence of thirty days imprisonment for contempt of court. August Belmont testified that when he saw the libel he went to Cardinal McCloskcy and others Lwith a statement of the matter. These gentlemen went to Devoy and tried to persuade him to retract the article. Bel mont said that ho was in the employ of Rotschilds as an apprentince and clerk from the time he was thirteen years old until he came to this country in 18:17, working without pay. The first case under the new penal code whereby a would-be suicide is guilty of felony, punishable by impris onment for not over two years, or a fine of not over $,000, or both, was up in the police court to-day. Charles Fick, a German tinsmith, was charged with attempting to end his own life by en haling charcoal fumes in his room. 79 Allen street, last night. Despondency at the death of his wife and children, and business reverses are alleged to be the motive for the act. Fick denied an attempt at suicide. The board of alder men asked the legislature to repeal thuse laws of the penal code originat ing in fanaticism liver Doin. Denvek, Dec. 5. At a special meet ing of the city council last night Chas. F. Leimer was elected city e'erk. H. C. Lowrie, city engineer, and A. Labrie. city physician. Extensive preparations are being made by our astronomers to observ the transit of Venus. Professor Howe has equipped himself with all the nec essary instruments, including a tele scope, and as the Western Union Tel egraph company have already com menced the transmission of correct Washington time we may fairly ex pect important results. The Republican's Washington special of the fourth says: Senator Hill intro duced a bill to-day to make the Denver mint a mint for coinage. Yesterday's report read that he introduced a bill to prohibit the same. TnefC nlcid. Pittsburg, Dec. 5. Annie Lyden, employed as a domestic by Mrs.OTttsi! ly, a milliner, jumped out of the fourtn story window to-night and waj so badiy injured that she will die. For some time past Mrs. O'Reilly has beu miss ing goods from her store anil suspect ing Annie charged her with the the'.., but promised to allow her to go free if she would confess and give up (he stol en goods. This was refused, a"' iv'hile the detective and Mrs O'Re' were holding a consultation in another room the unfortunate girl took hf bundle and jumped from the window to avoid arrest. Heavy Failure. New York, Dec. 5. Tho schedules hied in the assignment of Jacob Van Wagner to II. lC Thurber state the lia bilities to be $758,777; nominal assets $432,010; actual assets $165,715. The preferred creditors are: Lincoln Na tional bank, $10,000; Tradesmen's Na tional bank, $5,OC3; New York Life In surance and Trust company, $10,000; Chemical National bank, $5,000; Shoe and Leather bank, $5,000; Highland Na tional bank, of Newburg, $10.000; Me chanic's National bank, $20,000; Law rence & Hurlbut, $50,000. Notes for $600 and $s8,377 are out, but it is not known who holds them. Blackmailers Arrested. Kansas City, Dec. 5. As a result of the alleged attempt atblackmail as pub lished Sunday in connection with the jrhoutish work at Union cemetery two discharged employesf Skulls and Gor don, were to-day arrested at the in stance of Col. Payne, president of the cemetery, associating the charge with 'attempting blackmail" and were held in the sum of one thousand dollars. the defendants gave bona to appear Thursday next. An examination ot the grave of Mrs. Hudson has not been made, although the truth of its desecra tion has been established. Tho Tax on Tobacco. Washington. Dc. 5. The report of the committee on ways and means on the bill abolishing the internal revenue tax on tobacco, says the revenue de rived frem tobacco aggregated nearly $48.000,000, and the committee is per suaded that the time has come when these taxes should be repealed, as to. bacco is one of the staples that enter into our international trade, and the government should at tho earliest pos sible day remove every restriction tneretrom as a naeasu.e ol sound com mercial policy. Aew Mineral Discovery. Milwaukee, Dec. 5. Large depos its ot iron ana ieaa naye been discov ered in Jackson county, this state. MYSTERIOUS MURDER. A Stranger Shot at UoIbroeV. Xew Mfxif, by His Trarflin Companion. Robbery Thonht U be the Object, Though Self-Defense is Claimed. Report of the Utah Commission Congressional Proceedings Foreign Notes. Special to the Gazette. Albuquerque, Dec. 5. A horrible uiurder occurred at llelbrook on Thursday last which up to this time is a complete mystery. Just before dark two men dressed in the usual miner's garb drove out of town in a wagon with tents, rifles and several boxes of merchandise. That night they walked around the city drunk together and seemed to be on the most friendly terms; both had a good deal of money and were liberal in spending it. They told the people they were from California where they made a good deal of money and were now re turning east. Friday they bade several men good bye and went toward their wagon. A short time afterwards sev eral citizens heard tho report of a rifle and hastened to the spot. They dis covered one of the men with the rifle in his hands standing over the prostrate form of the other, who was lying on his back with a bullet hole in his head, dead. On being asked about the deed the murderer stated that the team and the goods belonged to him, and that he had brought the other party from Cali fornia as a kindness. The deceased had no money and he had been endeavor ing to find him work, but he was lazy, and lie informed him that he would not keep him further, whereupon deceased cursed him and said that he would kil him and drew a revolver. He ran to the wagon, seized a rifle and shot him dead. The murderer was instantly ar rested and placed in jail. He will not givt his name or that of the murdered man. His story is not credited. It is believed that he killed his companion to obtain possession of the money and outfit. The officers are doing all they can to find out his name, and great ex citement prevails. The Clan Comminftinn. Washington, Dec. 5. The Utah commission in its report t the secreta ry of the interior recommends that, a marriage, law bu enacted by congress which would form an effective IVuiure in Ihe suppression of polygamy. The commission says owing to the peculiar state of affairs in Utah, the law allowing women the right of suffrage is an ob struction to the speedy solution to the vexed question and should be repealed or annulled by congress. The commis sion says the law so far has been a de cided success in deluding polvgamists from the exercise of suffrage and they are of the opinion that a steady and continued enforcement of tho law will place polygamy in a condition of grad ual extinction The commission notices as a favorable sign that many of the liberal meetings are largely attended by Mormons and that these meetings have been characterized by good hu mor. In conclusion the report says, after counseling moderation, '"If, however, the next sussion shall fail to respond to the will of the nation, congress should have no hesitancy in using extraordina ry means to compel the people of this territory to comply with the laws of the land. COSGRKSSIOXAL. Senate. Washington, Doc. 5. Senator Brown presented the credentials of Barrow, chosen to fill the unexnirud term of the late Senator Hill. The oath of office was administered to the new senator on motion of Senator Anthony. Committees as they rested at the close of last session were continued. Senator Saunders presented a memo rial in relation to the admission of Da kota and said, in connection therewith. that he would call up. about Wednes day week, a bill for the admission of Dakota, which is now n the calendar, and remarked that all doubts which may have existed as to their being suf ficient population to entit e . tne terri tory to admission as a state must be re-1 moved by the return of the number of votes cast there at the present election. Senator Beck offered a resolution set ting forth the law against levying po litical assessments and instructing the judiciary committee to investigate how much money was collected during the recent election; how it was spent, and whether there is any surplus; also, to ascertain the number of persons dis missed from public seryice since May and how many of them failed to con tribute. The resolution required a committee report before February 1st. Beck gave notice that he would call up the reselution to-morrow. After passing the bill permitting re tired army officers to hold official posi tions in the territories, the senate at 2 p. m. adjourned in respect to the late Representatives Updegraff and Lowe. Hooae. Washington, Dec. 5. The house met at 12 m. After reading the journal the speaker proceeded to call commit tees for reports. Mr. Kelly, from the committee on ways and means.reported a bill to abol ish the internal revenue tax on tobacco, snuff, cigars and cigarettes. Referred to tho committee of the whole. The minority weregrahted leaye to file their views on the subject. , Mr. Kasson, in explanation, stated that the tax was to be taken off of to bacco in all its forms, to take effect July next, and that a strong minority dissented from the provisions of the bill. No further reports were presented and the house proceeded to the consid eration of the business on the house calendar. A bill to amend the revised statutes so as not to exclude relieved army ofli cers,from holding civil offices in the ter ritories, after disetission, went over. The next measure considered was a bill repealing the proTisions of law for the payment of three months extra wages to seamen, which provides iu lieu thereof that when wmen arc dis charged at foreign ports.thal they shall I provided with adequate employment on another ship or furnished means to return home Passed. A message from the senate announced the death of Senator Hill, and after a few touching remarks by Mr. liain mend, the Louse at 11:30 adjourned. t'ORKIUJI. Cairo, Dec. 5. The -khedive has been informed that the English govern ment recommends General Sir Evelyn Wood for commander of.the new Egyp tian army. Arabi Pasha has written a letter thanking England for her inter position in his behalf. Tho Allan' line steamer, Peruvian, from Montreal, when entering the riyer this morning collided with an unknown steamer. The Peruvian was considera bly damaged and lies sunk en Crosby beach. '1 he crew and passengers were saved. The Peruvian was cut down to the water's edge amidships. Tugs landed the crew and passengers here. Hopes are entertained that the breach may be repaired and the vessel floated. London, Dec. 5. Home rule demoa stratiens were held atSanford last even ing. Among those present were Daniel Kenney. member of parliament. Reso lutions wero passed condeming the government for its determination to prosecute Davitt and Healy and con gratulating these truo patriots on thair refusal to enter into terms torBbail. Kenney, in an address, declared that If tho government imprisoned Davitt and Healy it must face the task of arresting tho whole Irish parliamentary party. Paris, Dec. 5. Relative to tho report that the United States government con templated making a claim against France in regard to the murder of two American citizens in Madagascar, La Moniteur (Uniyersalist) publishes an in sulting article declaring that tho Amer ican navy is so reduced by peculation that the United States were recently obliged to back down to Chili. France, it says, could ruin every American port. The cellars of the Palace Bourbon, the wine vaults at Bercy and the print ing offices of the newspapers Union and Universaüst are flooded with an overflow of the Seine. Engineers ap prehend that the pressure of tho Seine will destroy the causway protesting the Entrepot des Vino. The bridge near Charanlon has been shaken. The Danish Arctic exploring vssel "DeGemphna," appears to have drifted into Cara sea, to the south of Nova Zembla It is proposed to organize an expedition with- from ten to fifteen sledges and 150 reindeer to search for the vessel. London, Dec. 5. The British steam er "Strathmoro" from Savannah for Bremen, is ashore at Calandrog in the Netherlands. Assistance has been sent. Aribi Pasha writes that he would pre fer to live in Damascus, or if that is im possible, in London. He expresses contentment with his lot because he knows his misfortune has been the means of seciirinar for the country he lovex liberty and prosperity. He feels confident that when England carries out her good work she will permit him to return. She will soon learn he was no rebel when he set himself at the head of the people who wanted nothing but justice. Weavers Strike. Patterson, Dec. 6. Seventy weav ers in the Clifton silk mills struck be cause the proptictors posted notices re quiring pay tor an spoiled worK. Fine brier (sweet French) pipes at the Havana Cigar Store. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. KniiHaClty rattle Market. Kansas City, Dec. ii. The Live Stock Indicator reports: CATTLE Receipts, 813; markpt firmer for god but weak and dull forracdium anil com mon; native steers, 1,100 to 1. 100 pounds, $4.25 Ca.VlU; cows M.ui (áS.TÜ: stoekera and leaders $.'!.. r0(n 4.25. SAEEP-Heeeipta 113; market steady at $3,00 (53.50 fur fair te choice. Chicago C'attlo Market. Chicago, Dec. 5. The Drover sJourial reports; CA ÍTLE Heccipts, 6,0"0; shipments 1,i00; weak; granger steady; good to choice shipping $5.20(36.00; common to fair firm at $J.20(ii3.S)5; stackers and feeders $.1.85(0; 4. 20. SHEEP Receipts 3 500; shipments 400; slow and sleidy ; common to fair ti.i.Vn.'i 25; medi um to good $3.40(3.(.K); choice $4.20(3 4.90. Minina Stocks. New Yohk, Dec. 5. Miningstocks very dull; norn Silver strong, idvancing from 550 to (00; KohinBou sold at 130 and (Jonsolidattd Virginia at 61 to 05, 8ales for the day 00,825 shares. jyj S. CULVER, Negotiator of RANCHES AND STOCK, Dodge City, Kaunna J 4 - 1 ill Garrard & Cunningham INSTANCE, Real Estate-- Live Stock BROKERS, Notaries Public AND- - Conveyancers. WE HAVE for sale improved and unimproved city and Hot Springs property. City and Hot Springs property to rent. Cen trally located business houses and offices to rent. Ranches and water fronts in the best stock raising sections of Mew Mexico for sale. Horses, cattle and sheep for sale. -WE WANT real estate and live stock all we can get to sell on fair terms. Bonds, deeds and contracts carefully drawn. Ac knowledgements taken and col lections made. All business placed with us shall have prompt attention. : GARRARD & CUNNINGHAM, Brldse Street Las Veas N.M. G-TtJLJSTJD Closing out Sale 1ST O CTJVC3TJa- All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. In order to make room for a stock of Dry OooJs and Groceries, having JcineJ to go into the general merchandise business, we, tho GOLDEN EULE, One Priced Clothing House, "Will sell for the next thirty days our entire stock of Clothine Men s Furnishing Goods, Hats. Caps, Boots, Snoes Trunks and V LxlS63 At Actual Cost and Freight! All goods marked so that you can see we mean business. Call and see our immense stock and cheap prices at ( 312 Etailx,od. LV3ruLe , east las vegab. SIMON LEWIS' SONS. CHAS. BLANGHARD, The Veteran Merchant of Las Vegas! K-aaaaaBaB Twenty Years Experience in New Mexico. Knows perfectly the wants of the people ; watches constantly the fluctuations of the market, and buys only from first hands. Low Prices and Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed in EVERYTHING I Goods always fresh and kept clean and orderly. Kind and gentlemanly treat ment to all by attentive clerks. Special anenuon is canea to $1,000 to commence with, N. E. COR. PLAZA, b E3aezy WITH ITS IMMENSE STOCK OF A I 1 ilJJJJ AND OVERCOATS. WE ARE MAKING EXTAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS TO EEDTTO IB OUiR, STOCK, Ha vine; the best facilities over to giye BOTTOM Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to A bonanza for party with small capi tal. Call on R. It. Thoknton. tf. Be sure to go to the closing-out sale at Jaffa Bros, before you buy elsewhere. Carpets ior less than eastern cost at JAFFA BROS. 11 28 3t SOCIABLE PUNCH AT BILLY'S. SOCIABLE WHIST AT BILLY'S SOCIABLE Seasonable Drinks At BILLY'S. For good dry store wood go to Thos. J. Gates' wood yard. 9-2ÜIÍ REMEMBER! REMEMBER!! REMEMBER!!! That M. D. Marcus is now ready to give you all goods at less than your own figures. The clearance sale will commence Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, Wyman building. 12-5-tf lovlx Flowars Beautiful young plants, covered with bloom and buds, at fifty cents each. Bouquets, crosses and wreaths supplied Oil BllVl li UOllUG. v. i. II totnr,, 13-5-6t Plaza gooas oi tne season. Worth of Useful and new Toys, Just Imported fresh from Europe. and more coming. LAS VEGAS. N. M. iOSTON any other house in the Territory you goods at SOCIABLE CRIBBAGE BILLY'S. NIGHTLY AT Ladle and Ueuiltinen, Your attention for a few moments only it will be to your best interest. On January 1st I will have Ihe pleasure t moving into my new store, and until then I will offer my stock at reduced F rices, and all I ask is an examination, have everything that any one of you eould want or want to arive away for Christmas or New Year's. 12-3-Gt Cm as. Ilfeld. "Carpets for less than eastern cost at JAFFA BROS. 11 28 3t The Plaza hotel will be more popular than ever this fall and winter as the steady arrival of guests now indicate. It is convenient to all parts of town, it is . comfortable building in which to lire and the furnishing is elegant and the table the very best. The Plaza is the best hotel of "New Mexico after all and the guests universally so pronounce it. - 9-6-ti. To Hheep Men. Garrard & Cunningham have for sale 200 tine Kansas bucks, two and three years old, heavy shearers and in fine condition. 11-10-tf Thanksgiving dinner to-day at Marks' Dining Hall. Don't forget the place, in rear of Rathbun's. An excellent meal will be spread. INTER CLOTEOWG