Newspaper Page Text
VEGA GAZ TIIUTÍSDAY MOKXING, lKCKMUJR 7, 1882. NO. 200. VOL. 1. LAS DAILY ET LL M Jo J. J. FHZuERUELL. .UN NOTA II Y l' A NI CONVEYANCER. IMrUOVMI) RANTHKS. I.olo I will felt lo!" ti' the r-.uicl li' UHc and r il.-i.ot i.ti th" in-talliu-iit pl.m, th; t will doi.i I- ihi ir p lit iiluo within l mouth-, lh" l-l l't- ni th- city;lil ton. ni. -ni i..ii-..-s oí!, l'nl.i.liiiir wi lls of irooj aliT til f bl-t i.ii' il. l'ulrvlru Ail. Hilo:. Ill.f.eU 1 1 W se.l!il H I-III - l'.tt l ft i' thv 1 i r ii w Addition, ui thoii'.rlh iirl of tln ty Tii'o luis nre wry tv-up, muí f1i-mr.ii-, iv It., ucro l'nn ii t o ni i mi y tlilllliii I!. -i ll nee . .! in !!! 'íiii ri 'l'.iwn ii'in . AililitioiK, m II riipil!y. I le se ure very ir rirnlilc iot . P I' LLAItScUtll Will lili V splendid Q ' liiiiiii" Lol o í l. humus stivt, lililí will doiiliie Un ir pri' tiiIiii' ill u 1 1 llloMfis, q ífí l..U''iiiiMnl..w ,V 'VU ralo of Interest on un linilili i n Hl ( luir si 1.1 itv. Noiliinif Imt llrst clus- loans will lie taken ll:nl on loinr tilín' . 1.(f 1 I.I AUS will l.iiy a l-initiful OUU fi ur room cotiaue nod two lots inn iikiiI noiiíh ln limid. muí t In- lluost locu tion lora residence ni tliecity. 2rrf i ni iitivii Hihii.i'i property pn iiifí -5 per cent on tile investment, H)CA DOLLAHS. will luí v a splendid i.OVy business lot in tin- In-ill t ol the city. IfT f IKiLLAItS willl.iiy choice ntHlu fJ tin-I'nii ii w A't li'ioii. 11 r ( (T. VPS p r iini'illi. lor twelve OX f months, w ill li'iy choice lots in H lt . .1 ni'i.'lilioi'liuo'l tli:it will lioiililc I In ir pn-si i't value within twi-iM1 inoiHli . k1í( nOi 1 'L!.AHS w,ll buy .nn j fyJKJ W f ol I lir llm-t run:: s in Now too Ion, well sticUid. K -r stoi-kmeii hooklm: itu investment Un 1 w.ii thy ol i!, h i : 1 1 -ii t ! i? . U rilo I'm information. lv rs k. iTn'Pii1! in !-! '! ll - ! I: inn tioti-l ill Un- I ' riloi v. I i 1 1 i u-. Ill- l.ot.l is ,m 1 1 . i i 1 li . t n- :ii :i ni .on "I li'iü l IK- ii ttin nuli ! :,-1 i lo- I i : i . I finios. I In- I a-f Mini I'nini ! -i.- cm Ii - ! ai v In oi- id ho!o prop. r:y can i ii:i I'M ii- ilo.-in-1. IE WM.I. huviisi-l mini him'. 1pJ tff ! -ma-.- in oin-of tin- l.i-t -loi-k M-i-l on-- ol In- To ritniy. capiililo o sup p.irt 1 1 ; u i'i.khi h m1 ol i-alllo. 'I'bisis wurltiy of hi ton! ion. Tin- prnpi rly on liailioail iivoinn-, colli lii intr lour lots, li-nci-il, an cli-ja t ciulil -room lionso wil h ci-lliir ami niit-linililinys II (niiii-ii-t'". Will lie snlil at a baiyain. J. J. FITZGERREIJi. THE LIVE REAL ESTATE AGENT Wanted-For Sa!e-Fcr Rent-Lost N'l'i-1) -A si i ;.nt f;ii 1 In a pi i viili' .'.iinily. AppiJ' lor liil'iii'iiial ion to tin I'ii ' N 1 1. -ni'i I nt i k . i-i-t r i'dll s . l,K-. ii- In. r i- ; i.-r -l -:iiu I-. i lot clti'lip turcii-lj, ll' i : t -1 1 1" Ir, I IS 1.-.I--, ( a. i on i! Ii . Hi "v'l'i . ; I.I.VPA WHtcil ii l -1 : i - litivn-li he .'a., í , :j!f!icl llat-'í muí t! Turf vx' lianir--. 'I lio li-:.U-i- w ill In 1 1- ar.lo.l I y lo ivinw it at ií i- I nil KxcliniiKr s,i;i on, 1. , ihoii l .Vvcnili'. iij;.v.ii VrANTI'.lf liiM'iii anil 1-nanl want, il by a yoninr n an in a n -poclalili private laitii'y." lii'leieiiics jilvfii. .'.lUliess :. t!, G., ( 11 I I t i A '. I-.TT K . i l--J.V.'t 11 TA NTK I) A l!i -l-class lilncksmith to do V K'neial work. Apply to I,. II. Mux w. II. oIlH-e i l Miixwcll hnnlii'r ussoeiat ion. 1 1 -t f 'llok KI'.NT The pn-niiscs, occupied at .1 p: i sent Py the Kni opritii n s' un ant , on the pi i.ii. lire oí-rent on (lie lirst of Ki-i.-em-l.i r. Apply at Isidor Stern's. West Vejnis. ,i()l SÁ I.I', ( lia-hei.i:-, Iniifiy :i in I ha riles.-: cheap. Kii'inil'e at lhe ll-laware Innis : railroad iivenne, oppnsiie ihe I i . I 1 1-M-lm Íi'vou w xt to iu:v U SI I.I. lt A!. cálate i-a'1 on It. I!. 'I'!i rtiti.ii Co , Ilrldfre iiirei.(.-l.:i-H' ."(ill Iff NT Two coll: ires of thrru rooms i iich an 1 one' new lour-niom rot ta (re. 10 -'7 -If J WootlWOUTH. 1 ."It'll SAt.K The stmo Imildinjr of Jaffa ; Uros, on liailn-ad Avonur is ottered lor Mile. .'or inlornnition uppiy on i he prrin ;ses. ANTI',1) Si-eond-hand rnni and oat- -ai-ks. at Weil (iraal's. W4I' I.OK Al.i: I,.V0 wethers two years oil ' pas!. For parlieiilars address W. PllANK, I. es Alamos. N. t. IJDH HUNT Kuriiislied roo.ns. Nice anil ; New. Inquire of Mrs. llulihell, oppo me the Gazette oilier. 4-".Vtf. rr JL occupied lieretofortr li Mrs. Stho as n inilinery. next door to the Sunnier house, wiih shelves and titl'nirs cnpipletc, Apply at Milli ner house. " '.i-r-'-tl' rANTUI A ymititr man who la well ac i y . I u ii i i it i -1 in the rrncral dry iroods and clothing la;sini-ss at .iliuipii-riiic one who can speak Spanish prelerre I . .Must have irood re I eii neos. salary acciinlintr to ciipiicily. Itniuire at this nllieb. 1 tf 1rOlt SAI.K CUE A I'- A nuiri- 7 years oil, . Kfind tor harnesH and siidille. " A nply to .Mr. l'apa, i'acille house, l'la.a, Las V ?. 7t ".I rANTKK A tri rl In to (rrnernl housework. W Apply o Dr. llcuriilie, conn r of Sixth and Itinnchiiid strecls. II 4tf idlt S EK uno hundred and Ihutv-four Merino Mucks; also Sheep at Cook's corral, ea-t I. as i-jj-iiu. Act lini li d. Address V..G. II At KKN'UEIt V. 1.1UK HPAT- Nice otlicc roiiius in tho Mar wcdelmildiinf, nex t tn piiBtolIlee. Inquire of Marwede, llcumley - Co. $50c! 5WAIll. Stolen from Tbroduro lnau ni T, (i.on riirht hip. I will pay JV) lor tin - arrest and ennvii-tnm el th lMn-1 . Tneo. C.AIS.MUN, Los Alamos. Sun Minn 1 Co.. N. M. II-.i-Iiiiii "T ANTED I m lie ilia I rly. Hunt or ten Iok- K't'i? t -ii in -. i, nod aires paid. Iiiuire ol Lns Veías lee Conipauj , one mil, and :i half ah. ne the Hot Springs. l:J'i-lw F nll sALE Messrs. (Jarra i d & CuniiiiKham, Unlike Hirer t, have i.i,i:j in street rad- V. ad stuck for sale. IJ J-tl I OS I Two checks of T. B. Cation on the i l'irst Nalloiial hnnk nf Sania Pe, one for ntl ai d one for $7(1, in favor of Louis Sulz luicher. Kinder wli! p lease deliver the same to Mr. .Mil.liacher. U -Ml' A'NurtCil Cuntir lit I bo l'ark. Just received, U the Park (irocery, a laro;e invoice of line eatulies for tlie Cluistmas holidays. Come and sue us before iun:liasin elsewhere. Also larjre lot of choice apples. We mill seil: 8 lbs. brown sugar for one dollar. 7 Knimilated sugar far one dollar. Pi lbs. luin sugar for one dollar, fi cans peas for one dollar !20e. 'each. 5 cans tomatoes for one dollar íjOc each :l cans California fruits for 1 35c each 5 lbs. Kaele niiik for one dollar. We will try and please every one and more especially the children. l!mem ber the place, in the Dold block, west Bide of the plaza. S. Harris and It. (i. McDonald will be pleased to see you all. 12-5-tf, CAPITAL CLATTER. Tlie lon?rr.ssional Mill in Full Blal and Apparently Work ing Smoothly. How Much I'ampai; the Demócrata (ot Monev From England. The Miini itv Uf port Opposed to Ueduttion of the Internal Revenue. hrimlt. Washington. Dec. C Senator Slier- 111:111 iirusentod liflitiolis of the people of Ohio for the nassare of a bill for the increase of pennons te those who lost an arm or h in the service. Senator Infills presented a similar petition from the citizens f Kansas. A bill was introduced by Anthony to prohibit the use of the capítol building fer other than legitimate purposos. In ferred. The following neniitiiitiong were sent to the senate by the president to-day: (ii-orjje E. Warms. Jr., of lihedo Is land," be a member of ihe national bnaril of health; Henry II. Morgan, of Louisiana, secretary of the legation of the I'nitMtl States in Mexico; John Vf . (iardner, of California, register of the land ollicc; Frank li. War!, of Califor nia, receiver of public moneys at Susan Tille; James P. Luz, Indiana, register of the land otlicc at Deadwood; Indian agents William C. Connell, of Ohie, (Miiatella agency. Oregon, 1) M. Kear don. of Arizona; Navaj i agency, New Mexico, Jehu Clark, of Michigan; Col arado river agency; A. 11. Jackson, of Nebraska, l'lina agency, Aiiz"i:a;tiriga-dier-deneral John Pope to be major general; Colonel Konald S., of lhe rotirlh cavalry, to be brigadier- general; Major W. A. Uucker, paymas rer, to lie :ieii!f!i:tnt-co!onal and depu ty paMiK'.sler e-eneral; Major (ieorgo 11 lvlioit. of the corps ot en nineeis, lo be lieutenant-colonel of engineers; Cominiiilo'.'e Larle English to be chief of the bureau of ciiiiiiiicul and recruiting depart ment of the navy. Also a larse number of army promotions. A bill was introduced by Chilcott, for the erection of a public building at Pueble. Col. At the closj of the morning hour Sen ator Piatt called up the resolution ot yesterday asking the committee on pen sions to furnish information in refer ence to pension ro'l. the probable efleet upon it of the passage of the pending bill to increaic the pensions of persons w he lost unarm or log in the service, or who ave sutlering from eiuivalant disabilities. After discussion and an amendment directing the committee to fnnibli n ( oniplvto lit of person ) Oil t lie roll the resolution was adopted. Senator Sewell gave notice that he would eail up at an early date the bill for the relief of 1'itz John Porter. '1 lie senate then took up the bill to establish a unifoim sysU-ni of bonk riiptcy. and proceeded to explain its provisi-iiis. HllllNO . Washington, Dec. 0 Willis, of Kentucky, o fie rod a resolution similar to that oll'ered in the senate yesterday bv líi'ck directing the committee on civil service reform to inquire iuto the details of the allowed political assess meuts made upon government em ployes during the rcceut election. Kassun ebjected to the present consid eration of the resolution and it was re ferred. Townseiid, of Ohio, oll'ered a resolu tion, calling on the secretary of war for the names and character of the particu lar obieets referred to in that part of the president's message which discusses appropriations for rivers and harbors as likely to need additional appropria tions this session. Referred. Coswcll oll'ered a resolution author izing the committee on appropriations to embody in the postoflice bill a clause reducing letter postage to two cents. Adopted. Kellcy, of Pennsylvania, oll'ered the usual resolution for distribution of the president's message and the house proceeded in the committe f the whole to its consideration, after discussion the resolution was adopted, and the bouse went into com mittee of the whole. Watte, of Connec ticut, iu the chair, on th state of the union. The lirst bill to be considered was one refunding to the state of Geor gia $:10,()U0, expended by the state for common defense in 1877. I$y a vote of 51 to 70 the committee refused to strike out the enacting clause. The bill was then reported to the house and passed by a vote of !)0 to 80. Steele, of Indiana, flered a resolu tion directing the committee on civil service reform to enquire how much money was collected by the campaign managers of the democratic psrty from IhcCobden club and from the Free Trade club for use in the election of 188,'. "Let it be adopted," cried sev eral of the democrats, but Kasson ob jected to its present consideration for the same reason that .prompted him to object to Willis' resolution that the committee had as much work befor it as it could accomplish. Townsend, of Illinois, called attention to the fact that the objection came from the republican side, and tne resolution was referred. Kasson presented the views of the minority of the committee en wavs and means on the internal revenue bill. They were ordered printed. The min ority report is signed by Kasson, Dun nell, licKinley, Haskell, Lorrason and Russell They say that thevare not pre pared to recommend abolition of the tax nor to risk reduction of the revenue of the irovernment below amounts wh'.cti will eventually be required, in view t the arrearages of pen sions in addition to other cur rent expenses of the goyernment. It is a much more agreeablo duty, and much more feasible, to reduce taxes from time to time as the extent of our revunes shall be developed, than to reimposc them to satisfy imperative ob ligations of the government. As for the reduction which it now appears safe to make, wo believe it should be effected rather by an abolition of taxes more closely related to the use and con yenience of our people. Dunnell and Haskell filed a supple mental minority report m which they favor the abolition of all interal revenue taxes, except on malt and spiritons liquor, tobacco, snuff and cigars. If it becomes apparent that th government does not require the amount derived from liquors and tobacco the proposi tion of reducing the tax way be favors bly considered. They beheye, how ever, that before Ui is abolished, there shuld be as comprehensive re vision of the tariff made as the length oí the session will ennit. That revision should be made independent of other source of revenue and there should be an adjustment of duties levied as will fairly protcet American industries. Adjourned. Krrry or lb Telecrapb. New Yolk. Dec. C Tn executive committee i't the Wes-.crn Union Tele graph company, to-day adopted the following: Wherea. Uujust imputations Lave been made against the integrity of the management of this company iu re spect to the sancitj of private nac sages passing over its wires or through its oflice; and Whereas, It has always been a cardi nal principal with this company to guard as sacred the privacy of tele graphic correspondence entrusted ta its ofhees, the company having for this purpose expended many thousands of dollars in resisting the demands of courts, juries and legislative commit ties iu cases where this company had no other interest at stake than its honora ble obligation to its patrons; therefore. Resolved. That the imputation that otlieials or other persons connected with this company have privately in spected messages passing over its wires r through its üllices is without founda tion in fact;) Resolved, That any officer, clerk, operator, or any employe handling mes sages, who shall report or divulge the contents of such mossages to any offi cer of the company or. other person, shall be promptly dismissed from the service of the comnauy and prosecuted, making it a penal oil'ense to divulge the contents of any message. lhe Transit of Vrnut Dknvkk, Dec. C Prof. S. II. Short and U. II. Howe, of the Denver Uni versity, observed Venus at her egress. All morning the sky wis overcast with luvy banks of clouds which complete ly shut out the sun, but later tiie more ilense clouds passed away, but yet images of suu and planet were unsatis factory. At about noon the sun came out in all its glory and enabled our as Iromoners to properly observe the hist contacts. Washington time signals j were received and in a dav or two t lie comple results will be furnished to tlie public through the Associated Press, Kansas Citv, Dec. G. The Jotii nal's Omaha special says James IJück enderfer, chief engineer of the Union Pacific, took observation. of the transct of Venus at Cheyenne. Wyoming, the highest point on the Union Pacific road in the Rocky mountains. A telegram received here says that that the heav ens were cloudy at sunrise, but shortly afterwards the clouds were in a meas ure dispelled and the planet was dis tinctly seen upon the disc of the sun. It was anticipated by Mr. Illickenderfer that the weather would be favorable for an observation of the last points of contact. The first points were not visible owing to clouds. Me was pro vided with a complete set of instru ments; and as his opportunity for ob servation was optional his report will no doubt In; of interest. !. lONsm-Ki. St. l.oris, Dec. (!, Owing to the boldness of train robbers and the num ber of bad and suspicious characters in festing the towns and country in the north part of Texas, the railroad com panies are taking unusual precautions to protcet their trains. Commencing to-(lay, all passenger and express trains en the Texas Pacific railroad will carry a strong torce ot rangers as a guard be tween Fori Worth and El Paso, and other roads will probably pursue the same course. Kxtensiye arrests have, recently been made by the Indian police of parties hunting búllalo and other game on the reservations in the Indian lerritory. There is a federal law against hunting on these lands, with the penalty of a heavy line and confiscation of effects. The Indian authorities aro determined to stop this invasion and have issued instructions to arrest all outside hunt ing parties found on the reservation and confiscate their property. Hunters from Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Texas and other states are already arrested anil will be arraigned before the near est United States court. A Rrakeman Killed. Demveh, Dec. 6. A Pueblo special says: FA Hawkins, a brakeman on the Denvei and New Orleas railroad, while coupling cars at 7 o'clock this evening caught his foot in a frog and was run over by a coal car: One leg was broken at the hip joint and the other below the knee, and internal injuries were re ceived from which the unfortunate man died at about J o'clock. The accident occurred near the New Orleans depot while the freight for the morning was being made up. Hawkins was form erly Governor Evans' footman at Den ver and has been a brakeman for about three months. rim:. Cincinnati, Dec 6. During a lire in a dwelling this morning Maggie Wil liams, colored, aged thirteen, burned to death. IsEUFOiti), Ind., Dec. 6. Shawnee college, ten miles south of here, was burned Monday night with its museum and curiosities, valued at if 10,000. It is supposed the fire was incendiary. None of the property was insured. Chakiton. Ia., Dec. C Several buildings were burned yesterday. Loss, $í2,000. Partly insured. St. Pall, Dec. (J. The large, and grand block owned by Charles Lock hart, of the Standard oil company, and occupied by Nicols & Dean, wholesale hardware, burned at noon to-day. The lire started in the elevator shaft and burned rapidly. The total loss on buifiliug and stock is $80,000; mostly in sured. Lacygne, Dec. C The most des tructive fire that ever visited this city broke out early this morning and rap idly spread until nineteen frame busi ness houses were in nuns. A clean sweep was made on th west sitie of ISroadway from Market to Walnut. The Uulf depot caught fire on the roof and several adjacent buildings, including the postoiliee, had a narrow escape. The loss is about $20,000; insurance, $2,000. The losers are: A. Friedman, unoccupied building, rented for a real estate oñ':r:n, and the building occupied by George Eyer. grocer; A. Demiuger & Co., harness shop; D. Conrad, mill office; Wm. Shron, partial stock of groceries; Judson & Davis, building and furniture; J. Croxton, billiard hali; Peoples' meat market; Robert Wisner, billiard hall; David Ross, barber shop; D. B. Kelly, three buildings rented for a harness shop, carpenter shop and doctor's office. The origin of the fire is unknown, and had to run its course, as tho city has no fir apparatus, but work was done with ladders and buckets. MISCELLANEOUS. An Enziner Uurned to Peath ia the Wrei k of Hij motive. Loco- Unhand i'aU the Throati Himself and Wife With a Razor. of Jadr" Wylie Jlakeá Some Sevne Remarks About Newspapers and Coi respondents- A lloro Towanua, Pa., Dec. 0. When th accident occurred at RummersSield last night Eugene Foulk, who was prisoned in the cab of bit own wrecked loeomo tive, saw the llames spreading" around him and called to the train hands to cut nway the cab. His right lej could not be extricated and he knew he must roast alive unless the cali was cut away. The spectators fruitlessly tried t re lieve him, but the llames spread so rap idly no one could get near enough to the cab to work wiih axes, and there was no water at hand with which to subdue the llames. He bravely met Ins death by inches in the llames. MurilHl Infi'lirilj. Lot isviLLE, Ky., Dec. (i. John Jones an d wife, of Chicago, have been in this ci ty several days stopping at the icsi dence of a friend named Senniug, in New Albany, where they formerly lived. This morning Jones cut his wile's throat almost from ear to ear and then did the sanie work for him self, being dead when found. His wife is still living but is only expected to live a few hours. No particulars cau be had, the wile being speechless. No one knows the trouble between them. JiilT: VT IIO KNlrlf Mil c oil ICi I'rcns Washington, Dec. ti. Judge Wyliu. in 11 is ('lia roí. u Ilia irratnl inrr cnnl t! newspapers were constantly print ing scandalous libels on public men and on private character. That thesu were a species of offenses that created more unhappiness aid! misery iu so ciety and did more injustice than any other form f crime, and were probably alione printed lie. Lie rather suspected that writers for periodicals luid inore than their usual proportion of lies. They were paid for lying, and the more sensational the lie, and the more calcu lated it was to blast the peace of fami lies, and the spicier it was. the more the paper would sell, and newspaper men would laugh iu derision nt any body who undertook to talk to them seriously about tho injustice of such things. He knew there were inn of integrity and honesty commoted ith thj uonspaoer tiu-nness who enter'ain ed and cherished honorable and Chris tum sentiments, and he thought there was an improvement going on in that respect. It' the public would cease to buy such papers :is he alluded to such l'w lies and crime would soon die out. Civil Kcrvieii licfurin Washington. Di'c.O The seiect com mittee on civil service reform met this morning and decided to bring in a. new bill on Tuesday next, which will proba bly include provisions for tlie proba tionary appointment of clerks to civil service and fix the term of office at four or six years, with the prohibition of re movals except for cause and after al lowing tho clerk an opportunity to be heard before a special tribunal. itau veil. Chicago, Dec. C Teresa S'ilescanie into court this morning and very nearly fainted upon taking tlie stand, 'making upon the wkole a veiy sensational spec tacle in the court room. Her testimo ny, however, was linUhed as well as the cross examination. Her testimony simply established her love for Charles Stilus, and that she was subject to hys terics. Other witnesses tsslilied to the same ell'eet. Tho Jeamit Kce Inqu(ry. Wysiiington, Dec. C To-day Nin dcrman continued his narrative "of the forced march of himself and 2Í orris, be ginning with the event of October 15. The story is particularly interesting,es pecially the part referring to the man ner in which the men cut out pieces f their seal skiu pants and roasted thm for food. Heavy Snow Storm. Atchison, Kas,, Dec. 6. A heavy snow storm has prevailed here nearly all lay and lhe weather to-night is in tensely cold. The snow is- drifting badly ami trains are arriving this after noon and evening nearly all late, It is feared some of the roads will be blocked. I he storm extends throughout northern Kansas and southern Nebraska. Indian A fl.i Irs Kansas City, Dec. C An Indian Territory special says: The Indian authorities and Indian agent Taft are tr.yingto remove 2tJ00iutrudersfrom tho Creek and Seminole countries who have moved in, settled and lived there a long time and occasionally intermarried. Secretary Teiler has the matter under advisement, ii removed tliey may niaKO irouuie. The Sorlhtra 1'acilic. Washington, Dee. 0. The presi dent approved the report of the govern ment commissioners accepting a newly comp'ereu section oi tne JNortliern Pa cine railway, comprising iui miles in moniaiia territory ana ihcituling a bridge across the Missouri river. Mteambom Itiasier. New Ohldans, Dec C The boiler of the propellor Morning Star, plying between this city and the Magnolia plantation, exploded this morning at Rollar plantation. Of the twenty-one persons on board three wer killed, eight drowned and six badly if Dot fa tally scalded. WAtiuxciro.M son;s. Washington, Dec. 6. The ouble turreted iron monitor Puritan was suc cessfully launched at Chester this morn ing. The president entertained (Jovernor elect Butler at dinner at the soldier's home last evening. Rear Admiral Nicholson will be re lieved from the command of the Euro pean station in March next by Commo dore Baldwin. The panel of petit jurors for service in the star route trial is not yet com plete, and court has adjourned. Fino brier (sweet French) pipes at the Havana Cizar Store. Bao llall. Fkovidence. Dec. 0. Ihe Union league professional base bull clubs awarded th champianship to Chicago. Tho appeal from the action of the Cleveland club impending I)frschr was distuisnnssed. DaaelBg Academy. At Wyman's ball. Monday and Tri day evenings for adults. Thursday and Saturday afternoons at 3 o ciek for children. I will give private lessons every other nijjht in the weekexcepting Monday and Friday. Private lsone for ladies every afternoon wiih the ex ception of Thursday and Saturday af ternoons. Tickets can be secure1 at Iline & Sheafer's drug stro and must b presented at the door. 12 7 lru Will C. Cop.nell. Slntqnerade Ball. The Germans of this city will give a grand masquerade ball n th twenty third of this month at JJalbocuf s hall in tlie fourth ward. A general invita tion is extended t all who enjoy such festivities. 12 7 4t Eiil Sido Campan y. To Members: You are hereby re quested, one and all. to attend a spec ial meeting to be held Thursday, De cember 7th, at Malboeuf hall, at 7:30 p. ui., sharp, as we have business of importance to transact. By order of acting foreman. M. S. il.vrtT. ceolnblen at Ueailrick. Harley J. Kendrick has added a nice line of vegetables to his meat market n the south sido of the plaza. Celery, parsnips, carrots, turnips and apples, They are all nice aad fresh. Go there when you want something good to cook. 12-7-0t Three first-class dress makers wan ted at once. The highest wages and steady employment will be given. n-ao-if SOCIABLE MILK PUNCH At BILLY'S. lirndrlrk'n G ropery. Kendiick's grocery, at, Stern's old stand, on tho south side of the plaza, is rapid'y growing into íiubüc favor as an excellent place to trade. California honey iu comb, fresh p.nd nice. Fruits (if all kinds, green, canned and dried. Coffee six pounds per $1.00 All goods at bottom prices. Honest dealing and gentlemanly treatment ll-25-0t Best line cut chewing tobacco nt tho Havana Cigar store. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Mi cks. Nkw York, Dec. 0. Money o . id per cent, closing offered at 3 per cent. Prime mercantile paper flr.i S!4 per cent. Sterlinif f luhanire steiulv nl, ?4.S0; demand J LSI. Adums Express ia 1-.T s7'-i H7. ll.VJ li'J! 4'.. l.'W't Ml',, .li7 Vt IT, m7; s', 1 . II 127 American tax C. H. & Q Central l'ariflc Denver & Itio Grande. Kri Luke Shore Missouri I'acille NoiCk ni I'acille Now York Centrid Pacific Mall Panama Imiiin Pncitic Wells, Furiío k Co... . Western L'uisu Quicksilver Sutro Hock Island U.'titnns City Calilo Market. Kansas Citv, Dec. C. 1 he Live Stuck Indicator reports: CATTLE Heccmts, ws; market weak and unsettled; native Htecrs, 1,11:1 pounds, sd d at .15; co'.vs KI.IK): 3,60; Blockers und feeders $3.5(i(a.l. 5. Chicngo Cnttle Jttarbct. CntcAOO, Dee. 6. The Drover's Journal reports; CACTLE KceeintH, S.OiiO; Bhipmonts 1,700; weak and unchanged: choice ealtle5rt.(iUft(!.75; Ifond to choice shipping íl.'JOín O.Ws cummon to lair ft.(iO(i-,).(Kl; taitchcrs, pnssanly active, .:.'. L'Uru t.OJ; stoekers mid locdcrs i.!W(i.4.(i(i; Texan :i.5)(n 4.55. SMEEl' Ktccipts 2,MX); shipments 1,0(0; slow and weak; market unchaiiR-cd; common to fair $:i.75C:t.50; medium to fcood f t.50(u 4.0; ; choice tooxtra (t.25i'f 4.75. Petroleum fflnrkt. Nkw Yokk, Dec. (i. Petroleum dull: United ÍI.OUJí; crude 7;V( Stf; refined, 77i(i'S. Wol Market. New York, Dec. 0. Wool dull; mesiic fleece 'Aim Hie; pulled lSfi lOc: T2'ilc; Texas ll(a JSc. heavy do unwaslied Mlnln; NtoeUa. New York, Dec. (i.Mininif stocks very dull ; Koliinson Consolidated 125; Consolidated Vir Kinia 05; Eureka Consolidated 1.1; Itar Silver 255; Little Chief Ü4. Sales .for tho day 84,:j5r shares. nisMolnltoii Aoileo. This is to give uotlcothut I have withdrawn from the en-partnership heretofore existing bel ween W- H. Keller hikI Eugene C'emni, as n-aniiifcrs of he. St. Nicholas hotel. W. H. Keller will continue said business on his own account and in bis own name. IS-tt-it ECaKNECl.EMU. THE EUROPEAN RESTAURANT, Itun in connection with Best place in the City To (ret nu excellent meal At all Hours of the Day, -AT- Heasonable Rates ! 3T S T E3 3F. S SERVED TO ORDER. Everybody Call and Try Us ! BOARD PER WEEK, $5.50. SOUTH SIDE OF THE PLAZA, G-TIJ3TJD Closing out Sale isro HcxjnvnBTJG- All Goods Marked In order to make room for a stock of Dry (Joods and Groceries, having dc-ined to go into tlie general merchandise business, we, tho GOLDEN EULE, . One Priced Clothing- House, Will pell for the next thirty days our entire stock of Clothine Men's Furnishing Goods, Hats. Caps, Boots, Snoes Trunks and Valises At Actual Cost and Freight! All goods marked so that you can see we mean business. Call and see our immense stock and cheap prices at 312 IEoJ.! ir OEdi Avenue EAST LAS VEGAS. SIMON LEWIS' SONS. CHAS. BLANCHARD, The Veteran Merchant f Las Vegas! Twenty Years Experience in New Mexico. Knows perfectly the wants ui the poople ; watches constantly the fluctuations of the market, and buys only from first hands. Low Prices and Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed in EVERYTHIITG I Goods always frcsb. and kept clean and orderly. Kind and gentlemanly treatment attention is callad to 1 nnnWorUl oi u-seful and new Toys, ! jUUU Just Imported fresh from Europe. to commence with, N.E. COR. PLAZA. WITH ITS IMMENSE STOCK OF (II ULl AND OVERCOATS. WE ARE MAKING EXTAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS TO REDUCE OTTIR, STOCK!, Having the best facilities over to giye ROCK BOTTOM FJFLXCIH&. Orders bv Mail Promptly Attended to. A bonanza for party with small capi tal. Call on K, It. Thuiiston. tf. Be sure to zo to the closing-out sale at Jaffa Bros, before you buy elsewhere. Carpets lor less than eastern cost at JAFFA BROS. li js at SOCIABLE PUNCH AT BILLY s. SOCIABLE WHIST AT BILLY'S SOCIABLE Seasonable Drinks At BILLY'S. For good dry stove wood J. Gates' wood yard. go to Thos. y-Ütitf REMEMBER! REMEMBER!! REMEMBER!!! That M. D. Marcus is now ready to give you all goods at less than your own figures. The clearance sale will commence Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, Wyman building. i-'-Mf Lovely Flower. Beautiful young plants, covered with bloom and buds, at fifty cents each. Bouquets, crosses and wreaths supplied on shortnotice. C. E. Wesciie, 12-5-Ct Plaza. in Plain Figures. to all by attentive clerks. Special goods of the season. and more coming. LAS VEGAS, N. M. anv other house in the Territory you goods at SOCIABLE NIGHTLY AT CRIBBAGE BILLY'S. LiKlle nnd Uenilemen, Your attention for a few Moments only it will be to your best interest. On January 1st I will have tho pleasure of moving into my new store, and until then 1 will oiler my stock at reduced prices, and all I ask is an examination. 1 have everything that any one of you eould want or want to gi7e away for Christmas or New Year's. 12-tf-ot Cha 8 Ilfeld. Carpets for less than eastern cost at JAFFA BROS. 11 28 at Thcriaza hotel will bo more popular than ever this fall and winter as tho steady arrival of guests now indicate. It is convenient to all parts of town, it is p. comfortable building in which to live and the furnishing is elegant and the table the very best. The I'laza is tho best hotel of "New Mexico after all and the guests universally so pronounce it. 0-fr-tf. To Abeep Hoi, Garrard & Cunningham have for sale 200 line Kansas bucks, two nnd three years old, heavy shearers and in fine condition. 11-19-tf Thanksgiving dinner to-day at Marks' Dining Hall. Don't forget the place, in rear of Rathbun's. An excellent meal will be spread. WINTER II