Newspaper Page Text
DAILY (ÍAZFITE. Rates of Subscription. Iu . I rr ...... C 1 " Itaiit , miii . . . '' Itail. I niulh . I l-liT-t ! runu r Imhiii rl .f II rliy. Wrt-kljr. 1 jrm't '. I Wi-f-kljT. Ml" MM I '' f'r 'tvfrtim tt- m., i J. II. Kx'iri' r. editor mii ir"trirlur. W. . K':i r, iu-'-rll and liK al r1ili r. Ü1KI l( 1'amia 111 been cal'.ei! to CJl't- riAttABi.E Tf i'fr!'niis for war i tlie ict KurH jirr-'í'üiiii to tin' world jii-l nw. Aiuui B:v U rortainlj M'.'xluctl. Ili-t tritl i now in rogn s with l'.i counsel dii both s'nlts. ri(r."iitr i: unir- : masase, buttlie la-t Hueiioin kniK'k! the vinrjrr oat of it. rallitr V. M. Uahuitt, tbo men who put ly" nsunite in the machinery of tli 1 1. tina tional distil'.erj at l- Moine-, Iowa, has been arretted by I'inkTtoti's dctec- tlTCS. CoxtiKKSS is in bijii aain. This is tho last-opportunity Don Tranquilino Luna will hare of raprcscnUnu New Mexico. A bettor man will take the sc:it next congre.".s. White Oaks coal is begitiniii to at tract attention. There is undoubtedly excellent coal in that locality and it will rcquirs but a short time to bring t'lem into prominence. si'iis is to uTe the next interna tional exposition. It is to be huid at Madrid in April, lSKJ. Those expci tions are becoming quite numerous in Tarious parts of the world. Over sixty corn caiineriof in the state of Maine annually put up 12,000,000 enns. An exchange has made an esti mate of the cost at which corn is so pre pared for the mar Vol. The farmer is said to receird three cents fcr the corn contained in the can, the tin solder cost three cents, and the remainder four oi live centa, coes to the inomifacttircr for putting up and marketing The cans contain twenty-six ounces of corn, so that farmers raise from 1,0';0 to 3,000 raus per acre, the average being about 1,500, giring a cash ralue of 10. There ai e several factories in Massachusetts but Maine is said to put uj) one-third ef tee corn canned in the country. Kingston Noten. Kingston, N. M., Dec. Editor (Ja.-tlo: Kingston is fust becoming a desirable place to live and for men to bring their families. School will commence here in a few days. There art more fami lies in tliia place for a new town than any other in the territory. There must be upwards of one hundred and lift j families living here at present and the society is good. Last evening a very pleasant birthday party was given by Doctor Wlnto m honor f his daughter. Mis Mary. The evening was spent vero pleanrutly in singing and card playing. The following ladies graced the occasion with their presence, Mes dame líarnard, Clay, Uoutli. Sills, l'rit., Fanchon; Mistes Langliliu, Kunkle, Fanning and Miss Nettio White. Tho. As fortunate enough to be present on this occasion were well pleased and well c-n-tor tamed by the Doctor and his amiable family and will always remember it with pleasure. Miss Mary was present e 1 with a large number of appropriate presents. The guests of the evening wished her many happy years and a pleasant birthday party each year. C. A. S. Kkak Admiral Rouekt 11. Wvman, who died Saturday, was one of the most distinguished of our naral ofiicers. He was born in Mew irauipshirc in 1822. His earliest service in the navy was in the Mexican war. lie participated in the bombardment of Vera Cruz, but served principally on the west coast. At the beginning of the war he ranked only as lieutenant, and did not receive his commission as captain until 1SC0. During the war he made a good reputation for gallantry and ability, lie commanded the Pawnee at the battle of Fort Royal, but his most important services were on the Poto mac and Rappahauannock, while in command of the Potomac flotilla. For these services he wu frequently highly praised in the oilicial dispatchns. In 1S72 he was promoted to be commodore and later he was made rear admiral. For several years he was in chargo of the hvdrographic ofl'tce in Washington, where his thorough, careful work gave him an enviable reputation among sci entists. assembled on the 4th inst. and the result of the last election has put a new phase on the character of laws to be acto I upon during the few months yet belonging to this congress.. Two year ago the republican party went into power under the leadership of James A. Garliold, with a flourish of trumpets. It was largely in the major ity in the lower house and had a clear working majority in the senate. Two short years, however, hayo wrought great changes. What were tho direct causes of these changes is not easily di vined. Whether the legislation has been such as to cause dissatisfaction among the laboriug classes or whether the rule of the boses is the hidden question. Most likely, however, the iron rule of the bosses in politics was the cause. For in all the stales where these rins have been the most relent less the defeat of tLe republican jmrty was the most sweeping and thorough. The majority will now hare to do some thing to put the wheels of the party in good running order for the next elec tion. RED HOT hot Scotch at Rilly's. Notice, To my friends. 1 have gone into the tailoring business with J. IJ. Allen, east side of plaza and I will be glad to see all my old customers and friends. We arc prepared to do all kinds of work in our line, Loi IS IIOLl.EN WAOElt. TO WHOM IT MAY tOXl'KRX. Bo it that the original Little Callao Grocery Store. A. Dazzi-er, Proprietor, is located ia Ward c Tarnme's block, 17 Center street i.-6-ira Nv i the tir.ii t buy what you need in fancy good at I. t Kikia's, pt!t:,rc Mí re, u If is closing out Hie prcetit stoek at a vry low liguro to make r"i:i for linli.l.iY tx k. lo-itf Ibr llmnij liana. l'rof. V. (. Corne l will open his l.ineini' aeademv at Wyman's hall on TlnirrdaT afternoon ni i o'clock, for chihlren. Indar ovtlning'a for adults. and will commence to git priate les .mf..r ladies everv afternoon at 2 o'clock, except on '1 iiurdaT's and Sat iTilavs. 'J'lie classes will be rery select and no olijei tionitl persons need apply for"admiMoii. The professor rei'tiesU that ad tuiptls Unng liancmg alioes. l or a term of six months, twcle lessons per couple, ten dollars; single gentle man, six dollars; single lady, live dol lars; children four dollars, Holla s or chestra will furnish music for all the classed. The money for the term, will bu deported at 1 line & Schaefier's, and will not be drawn until It is due. The nrofessor dors this to show that he is working in good faith, being a perfect stranger this is a very nuerai oner. There will undoubtedly be tendance. a large at- 12-5-31 Co to J. W . l'eareo for all kinds of carpenter and repair work, Railroad avenue. Xo. '.3. 7-0-tf. The "Little Casino" is the place to buy iirst-class groceries at bed rock prices. 11-3-41 Prndiic noil Feed Ntore. (Jraaf & Weil keep the only produce and feed store on tho plaza. A full stock of grain, hay and Hour always on hand in lar lots. Cash paid for wool, hides and pelts. 4-2-tl Owing to the obliquity of the eclip tics, a couple of rooms and board can be had at the Wooster house at reason able rates. 12-3-lw A bonanza for a party with small capi tal, lor particulars call on n. iv Thornton. 11-19-tf If. W. WTSAX I .VDKRTiHER. I keep the best assortment and tho 'arrest uinliTtakcr's sii)ples of crcry t liiii in sii'.o muí quantitieH. Securing (ico. r. Miutli, a practical emoalnicr from Colorado, of Umr experience, per fected a system of cariii"- for the dead without ice, producing natural and life like appearance, and guarantee the most iierfcct preservation of all bodies embalmed by us fpr shipment to any part of the world, .such as has never been done heretofore. I therefore beg leave to inform the public generally that I am prepared to meet the long felt want of this city, to sell at a rea sonable price all kinds of nietalic and wood collins, from tho cheapest to the lincst. n basement, corner Seventh and Douglas streets. Orders by telc-gi-ftpli will receive prompt attention. 11-7-lm. i:ys'i:s ron nai.k. A f pli'iulld Opportunity o Hiij S'icep. I will have by the 1st of September in tho vicinity of Las Vegas 25,000 young New Mexican ewes for sale. For infor mation apply to Don Feliciano Gutierre;- at l'inkerton. J. M, Pekea. S-2tf. TO MY CUSTOMKIIS AM) THE PUB L!C I have just returned from the eastern markets, and my stock is as complete as any in the city. I intend to remain in this city, and do not intend TO SELL AT COST, but will give my custom ers and the public in general as good a bargain as offered any where, as I will not be undersold. Remember the Old Reliable Mer chant, N L. ROSENTHAL, 10-24-tf Railroad Avenue. JT'-Hlee. Kopp has been Joliii F. Kopp has been appointed agent tortne wAzette at L,ake valley- He will deliver theuapcr to subscribers ami ("iiicet money due on subscriptions. To TV lie in it SIh.v Concern. As a change in the partnership of Alanvcile, ISnimley iV Co., will take place on the first of December, all ac counts in favor of said lirni must be col lected, and all accounts against the same should be presented by that date., BltL'MLEY & Co. Nov. 11, 1882. 11-14-tf. Herman Meyer, of the Grand avenuo merchant tailoring establishment, has secured the services of a iirst-class cut ter and is now prepared to furnish per feet fitting garments, made up in tho most fashionable and artistic manner. Cleaning and repairing done on short notice. Giye him a call. 11 23 tf Garrard k Cunningham INSURANCE, fieal Estate i Live Stock BROKERS, Notaries Public AND- Conveyancers. WE HAVE for sale improved and unimproved city and Hot Springs property. City and Hot Springs property to rent. Cen trally located business houses and offices to rent. Ranches and water fronts in the best stock raising sections of Mew Mexico for sale. Horses, cattle and sheep for sale. WE WANT real estate and live stock all we can get to sell on fair terms. Bonds, deeds and contracts carefully drawn. Ac knowledgements taken and col lections made. All business placed with us shall have prompt attention. GARRARD & CUNNINGHAM, Bridco Street Las Veas N.M. s. culveh, McKotiator of RANCHES AND STOCK, 13 o els o Oily, Kansas, i i-im JAS. A. LOCKHAHT. Pree.deot. IUCIIAHO DUNN, Tico Tretideot. NEW MEXICO LUMBER ASSOCIATION. CAPITAL STOCK, S250,000. Las Vegas, New Mexico RUPE & BULLARD, MANUFACTURE! Or DOORS, SASH, BLINDS AND MOULDINGS. DEALERS 15 Lumber, Lath, Shingles, ing, Oils, Glass, Paints, Plaster Paris, Cement, Plasterer's Hair and Building paper. treat! Milk. Delivered to all parts of town by S. N. Trembly. 1-14-tf Ten thousand dollars to lend on real estate. Apply lo 11. H. Thornton & Co., Bridge street. 11-31Í SOCIABLE DRINKS AT BILLY'S. New line of nobby hats and the best orershoes in the market at tho Golden Rula clothing store. Ktmember it is cheaper to get comfortable clothes than to pay doctor bills. 11-17-Ct ATTENTION STOCKMEN! I have for sale one stock ranch 25,000 acres. One stock ranch l.0(i0 acres. One stock ranch. to,uoo acres. Houses nnl lots in this city. Warranty deeds jrutinintecd. H. U. THOKNTOX, Heal Estate Agent. 3iidge street, Las Vpgnst, N.M. I""10U SALE A good paying business in I " center of the eily . liusinegs pays net i tho per day ten dollars. This is a rare enanco tur a liarty with tinall capital. Or will trade for real estate. C..I1 and see for yourself . It. It. THOKNTOX, Uridirc street. ll-lli-tf T. B. MILLS, Publisher of Miniuií World. Real Estate, Mining & Insurance DEALER IN MINES, Municipal Bonds, TS -AND LAND SCRIP, Viz: Improved Soldiers' Additional Eomesiead SIOUX SCRIP -AND Will buy and sell hinds on his own account ami on commission, and transact a general real estate business in all its branches. Have a larue list of dcsirablo lots for salo at the Hot Springs, that will bring doublo the present price asked within one year. New Mexico is destined to become The Great Stock, Sheep, Fruit and Mining Country of America, and the Hot Springs will bo the invalid and tourUt resort of the world. Writo insurance policies on desirable risks throughout the territory. Parties desiring information about New Mexico, address T. B. MILLS, Las Vegas, N. M, Oflicc on Bridge street, New Town, near P.O A. 0. BOBBINS UKALEli IN FURNITURE AND QUEÉNISWARE UNDERTAKING ORDERS PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Near the Bridge, West La$ Vegat. COUNTY WARRAN EUGENIO HO ME BO TreMurer. L. H. MAXWrLL. Secretory. New Mexico. Planing Mill, Siding, Ceiling, Floor E. W. SEBUEN8, NOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Sixth Street .... Las Vegas. A. BALL. t CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Main street, Half-Way Hill. Telephone con nections. JTJI T. STANSIFEIl Si MATTHEWS, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS All kinds of contracting done. Thebestof securities give it. w Q WARD, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER LAS EGAS, NEW MEXICO. JKT SHAVED AT THE PARLOR BARBER SHOP. BATHS ATTACHED. CENTER STREET. - EAST LAS VEUA3 R ICHARD DUNN NOTARY PUBLIC, RINCON, ... NEW MEXICO. B EST & TREVERTON, CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, Keep constantly on hand the best of lumber, dressed and in the rough. Contracts will be taka in and out of town. Shop iu Kast Las egas. C. SCHMIDT, Manufacturer of WAGONS & CARRIAGES, General blacksmithing and repairing, Grand Avenue, opposite Look hart & Co. -yyEVJ T LAS VEGAS LAND AGENCY john Campbell, In Wesche's building. LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO. F.NEILL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, And District Attorney for the Twentieth Ju dicial District ef Texas. All kinds of business attended to promptly. Ollice: EL PASO. TEXAS. JOHN IU'SSELL, NOTARY PUBLIC, LaW AND COLLECTION AGENCY, P. O. Box ;7. Lake Valley, N. M . J ROUTLEDGE Bealer In GeueralMeroliMicllae Blacksmith and Wagon shop In connection. HAY AND GRAIN A SPECIALTY. GLORIETA, . - NEW MEXICO. s PATTY, Manufacturer of TIN, COPPER AND SIIEET-IRO WARES and dealer In all k nds of COOKING ANG PARLOR STOVES BRIDGE STREET, ... LAS VEGAS FURLONG, PHOTOGRAPHER, GALLERY, OVER POSTOFFICE. Bridge Street, LAS VEGAS. pRANK OG DEN, PI ANING MILL, LAS VEOAS, - - NEW MEXICO. All kinds of dressing, matching and turning done on short notice. Clear native lumber kept on baud for sale. North of the gas works. Frank Oodkn, Proprietor. G. W. MITCHELL. NOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer and collection agent, with A. A. J. H. Wise, Sumner house block F. MEREDITH JONES, U. S. M. Deputy Surveyor. Surveying Homesteads and Grints solicited. Office in Marwcde building, near Post Office, EAST LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO. 0 RLAN IX) SM ITH. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. All Uinds of machine work done to order Shp on Moreno street, west of South First street. LBERT A HERBEE, Proprietors BREWERY SALOON, WEST SIDE SIXTH STREET. East Las fegas. Fresh Beer always ea Draught. AUo Fine Cigars and n alakey. Lunch Counter in connection. Nolle of lU.lll Th Mrlrwfta!p hTi'f-nitin ! n II. H Konl.ti aixlJ. II. lu.l. un.l. r the firm HMnir or ll-irili'ti llall, ron!reftr ! Uiihlrr. lb 1t I ) inutpal cin-iit u lv rtU It. S. lidien rvtintiir. J A. HU will r..t- lunir lh lii!HHi ( (br old land N(il J. lull will ( all arss.unu due an I rajan in'li bti-.ii if fatl tlrm. R. B J. A. IJ I ILas V. fa. K. M.,(VI. II. E. N. RONQUILLO, ATTORNEY ADD COUNSELOR AT LAW. 2VI- Office at Ba.-a BulMina. JiKTOR T. A. MCKIXNEV. ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OIBr un reslilene on ptucla A vtmic, lie- lwi-4-n lli su inner ami ft. it lila htrl. tmtrc boon from 9 Ut 13 a. ni. z to 5 p. in ami from 7 toe at nlyht. B OSTWICK & WIUTELAW. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ofllca in First Kat'I Bank Rul'ding, LA9 Y KG AS. NEW MEXICO. pit FORT, J ATTORNEYS AT LAW (Ofllct at Residence) EAST LAS VEQAS - - - N. M G EO. T. BEALL. ATTORNEY. AND COUNSELLOR AT Xj .AW. White Oaki, New Mexico jJAUCLS D. ALLEN, M. V., Las Vegas, N. M. DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN A SPECIALTY. Offlice with J. J. FitJ-.gerrell, the lire rom es tate niri-nt. At nlifht call at FitzgerreU's residence, no Muln street. FRED. G. HENESEY, Accountant & Expert, Insurance Broker and Collector. Books posted and balanced as per agreement, Inventories of stock taken. Partnership and complicated accounts Bottled. Insurance placed in reliable companies. City collections mado. Room No. 1, Union Block. REFERENCES: Wilson & Martin, Clark A Tweed, Ceoriro W. Huston, Geo, R Delprat, of Leadvillo; Samuel C Davis & Co., St. Louis, Mo.: Henry Mutter & Co., New York; A. O. Hobbius, A. H. Whit more, L. II, Maxwell, Las Vegas. Investigator of titles to real essates. Ab stracts furnished and guaranteed. County clerk's oiliee, county of San Miguel. FOR FAMILY USE. Domestic and Imported Wines Champagne, Port, Angelica, Kelly Island Burgundy, Claret, Sweot Catawba. DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED LIQUORS. Absynthe, Anisette. Benedictine. Kimmel. Cognac, Brandy, Arrack, Curacao, Maraschinol, Blackberry, Gin. Dr. Richardson's Life Preserver Bitters at M. D. MARCUS'. Center street MASTER'S SAKE. Notice is hereby Kiven that I, tho under signed, Henry Hobison, a special muster in chancery, of the district court of the First ju dicial district for tho county of Mora, up vointed by said court, and tho judf?e thereof, in a decree rendered in a suit in equity, pend ing before said court, in which Louis Sulz bacher was complainant, and Mitcria Gregg and Geo. V . Gretrtr were defendants, for the purpose of foreclosing' and selling: tho mort gaged premises hereinafter mentioned, and for all purposes therewith connected as more fully appears in tho decree rendered in said cause. I will, by virtue of said decree, on the 23d DAY OF DECEMBER, 1882. at the depot at Watrous, eonntyof Mora, and territory of New Mexico, between the hours of 1 1 o'clock i. ni. mid 3 o'clock p. in., ef sitid day, sell at public auction, the following de scribed real estate, lying and being situated in tho county of Mora, and territory of New Mex ico, and described as follows : All and singu lar, the lands known as the "Uregg's tavern,' and being the premises how (at the dute of said mortgage) occuniod by said parties of tho first part (tho defendants) and described as fol lows: Commencing at a point at the north east corner f the corral, and running outh to a stone; from thence to the Sapellorier; from thence north along said rivir to a point three hunred yards from the south line of the lot; from thence west to a stone; from thence south to a stone. '1 his description intending to carry as afore said all of said Gregg homestead garden, and including all houses, out-houses and other im provements thereon. And out of the proof eds of said salo to pay the said complainant, Louis Sulzbachor, his cotts in this suit and also the amount of one thousand Ave hundred and seventy-one dollars and üíty-six cents, found to be due by said decree, from said defend ants to said complainant; with interest at the rate of twelve per cent per annum from the eighth day of March, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and tho surplus arising from said sale, if any there be, to pay into court. And if the moneys arising from such sale aro insufficient to pay the amount so reported duo to tho complainant, with interests and costs aforesaid, that the said special master specify tho amount of said dcllciency in his report of said sale, and that on the coming in and confirmation of said report, tho defend ants, Miteria Gregg and George W. Gregg, pay to the complainant the amount of such deficiency with interest thereon, and that tho said complainant have execution therefor, its In said decree more particularly set out. HKMtY KOMtSOX, Special Master in Chancejry. Mora, N. M., November 4, mi. Earopean Restaurant Stand, South side of Plaza. BE3T OF FRESH NEW MEAT BEEF, PORK AND MUTTOfl always on hand. IIARLET J. KENDRICK. Troprletor. LAS VEGAS IRON WORKS. T. O. jAJDILaOIST db SON'S Foundry and Machine Shop I n' ' In runtiiDa ordt-r, an-1 h in flrt-'lmarhlnTT, n.-tU' aul ilrii-a, Tbnr Mi bnu- Mill ANQ Milling" A fpwlalijr and will IiuikI and r-plr 'U-m rnrinf-s pumpa, purria. bHtipcri. hart!ni, iw- lux niauilrvlia, boxea, no., ric. All aiinu en iron lunnnf, iruif, umij an-i boll culling. Tbc.r FOTJiTDK'X" WILL 3sCA.K:E Iron Columna, Lint-m Window 8I!! and Capa, ftnlr and lUhifU r. t-b WrlchtD. lloilt-r Fronts, Orals Bur LrfMlna', Stove Howt. In fact mule arythliii of cast Iron, ülve Cash Paid For IHOCmilD EAST LAS VEGAS, N. M. MRS. M. A. MAXWELL, Proprietress. Tbis house Is brand new and has been cli'jrnntljr furnlchi-d thmuirhont. The Suiiumt n flrst-class bouse in rvwry respect, undirursts will l0 ciilertulnod In the In-st possible inamirr and at reasonable mtes. F. L. HIÑE, O. (1. .SCHAEEEK DEAIE1-Ü IN Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles and Perfumery, lticr!ptiont Carefully Compounded at All Hour, Bay and Night. SAMUEL B. WATROt'S S.B.WATEOUS&SON DEALERS IN Gren,l BAercliandiso Cattle, Hay, Grain, Flour and Town Lots, WATROUS, - Consignments of Freight and Cattle from, an Rail Koad Depot. Good Roads from Red River to vrairoilB. .igui7-nin mura. VALLEY DINING HALL It. bUablc in Las Vegaefor tho money. Good bar in connection. A FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY, Where washing will be done promptly for a most moderate price. Chas. Melendv. Proprietor. FRESH At FIT rent vr iiinsn nt CHAPMAN HULL, ARLOR IBiricig 3 E AND SELECli 0 WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. A Pleasant Place for Louu. take a "smile" as you pa s. Good Accommodations and rsfi & iw jr3K nan pmi susl Esaa a H S ccsaa aa fW W rrRaa M m& i-Xl it BBS A. PAUL CRAWFORD, Proprietor. South West Cor. Plaza. West Las Vega. Board $2 per day; $6 per week; $24 per month, ears passtho oor every ten minutes. L E We have now on hand and will continuo to re ceivo thin season, all th delicacies that the OHstorn market nHords. We can not enumerate all our larjre and varied stock, bu t. will Mention H few we receive twice per week. All kinds of for eign ami eastern Sau sages; smoked T EF.LM. IIKIIRINGS, ETC., ETC. We have one car-load of CALIFORNIA TABLE FRUITS, Jellies and Jams; aleo Imported preserves, Saneen of nil kinds, 01ies, Catsup, hnjj lish and French Mustards, French Can dies, and in'fact we have the largest and lincst stock of staple and FANCY GROCERIES In the city. Our priecsaro an low an tho low est. As for our BREAD and CAKES This market has licon so often deceived with imitations of It that we need say nolhlr'ir more than that vo sivo you LEON'S OWN HKEAD, hi ounces lo a loaf, and our CreHin Bread is one pound and nine ounces to each round loaf. LEON BROS. MRS. J, B. BAKER & CO., Fancy Co od, MILUNERYAND DRESSMAKING, 28 SIXTH STREET. have opened one of the fir. est stocks of Fancy Goods in the market. Latest Styles. Their stock consists of ladies' furnlshln(r goods, embroideries, zephyrs, Gennantown yarns and fancy sup plies, Miss L. Boughton la associated In tbo milli nery and dressmukJipg dcoartmcnt 00 BEFOR YOU BUY rill do all w rk In tb-(r In c, W, I b"P will u kf Machinery Motp Cralf, Rark, bl"T , I.ld, 1 ra-, Wht-rlii. l'inlon, M"riT Thi-I Etc., Etc., Tic ibera call and e moiiry an I U-j. O ld Cast Iron. RJtfl 1 K3223 JOSEPH B. WATUOU3 - NEW MEXICO lor the Red River Country, received at Wntroua via Oljruln 1I1U. Dletaanct from Fort Bancom OLD KENTUCKY Choice m .wis of Winnes and Cigura nt P. J. fclARTf'S A LOON -ien to Congregate. Stop m and J. F. BOWLES, Prop. Courteous Treatment to All. 3 H Board by tho day, week or month. tUn e' G. ST. DENIS, ril.Oll.KS MYEIt. LAS VEGAN ooaa water Manufactor y ARE rilKPARED TO FILL ALL OnPUItS Kf)K Soda, Sarsaparilla, Ginger, Rasp berry, and Seltzer MINERAL WATERS ON SHOUT NOTICE. Main Street. Zion Hill. T is How Open lo the Public Day Hoarders, $7.(0 per week. Transients from f3.SU to $1.00 per (lay. Suits of rooms, parlors with bed rooms at tached, can tie obtained at f l.UU per day. Front room at f :i.(X) per day. Firstclassin all its Ap-oointments MRS. S. B. DAVIS, Proprietress, LasVeeas - - New Mexico. VAN R. KELSO, Wholesalo Iiealer In OYSTERS and FISH RATON. N. M. E. A. FISKK. a. L. WAUUEX. FISKE & WARREN, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Santa Fe. N. M., will practice in tbo supreme and all district courts In tho Territory. Sp ipcciai aiien ilso to Bran- tion tiren to corporation cases : al Ish aid Mexlcaa grants and uniteü (states min ing and other land litigatioa before the courts and United Status executive officers. WHISKEY 3U IP