Newspaper Page Text
DAILY GAZETTF1 THURSDAY. DKCLMHKI. 7. ISM. r.AHitir nmrrn The return tí l!i city ilecUon aro uvi jot all in. You must now ge t a luir! before riú ing on a freight train. Qtirn nin n vit-wrj tjtLern tirc imputation jt-CTy. The 1'olicc O'uzi tte man was F ut a'.l orcr town yesterday aftr ,'tifl.M Mrs. KnidwH-k, the lu;;ia aver.ue ntilliuf r, reports n good trade at her fltor. lorenzo Lopez continues to pilo up 1 imber in his janl t:rih of t lie? liridgo street station. Han. Frank A. Manzanarts, left for Santa Fe jeterJay aftrnon. He will return in a few dtjs. Tha railroad folks are cood naturod, but tLey nerer tall a poor reporter any new until he pulls a few buttons oiTof their laat. Tha city election U liable to imiLe jjod picking for lawyers. Serenil prominent attorneys are being consult ed an the subject. Marcus Brunswick received tevural car loads of gortrment freight at the depot yesterday, and re shipped it by ox traía to Fort Union. Tha time will soon be ripe when a fal low will get a f 3 pair of slippers and be compelled to gire his sweetheart a $50 necklace as a compromise. There win uc a special meeting of Lhs Vegas connnaudery.No. 2, held at their aylum on Friday evening, December 8, for work in the red cross dtgre e. A handsome young lady of this city intends to make a certain yungVpntlc nian a Christmas present. Hut we will not giye the matter away, just yet. The badges used by the pall-bearers yesterday were furnished by II. X. Tyman, the undertaker, and were the subject of many complimentary it marks. Tha Germans rf the city will give a grand masquerade ball at MalbouuFs hall on Saturday, December "1.1. Great preparations are already being made to make it a grand success. A ntm switch is being laid on the springs track below the Lumber com pany's lumberyard. A switch has also been laid off and will soon be built for the use of the lumber company. The social announced heretofor to ba held by the ladies of the M. E. church at the residence of A. D. Hi-rgins, Fri day eyaning of this week, will not be hold until next week. Due ni.iie. will then be given. In default of Indian troubles, the sol dura at Forls Union and Stanton are engaging themselves t horse racing, walking contests, lights, etc. This is butter for the soldiers and cheaper for tin government. Mr. M. A Utero, Jr., the administra tor of the estate of the lato C.E. Elkins, has appointed Mr. A. G. Hood, to net k his ageut in settling up the ail airs. of the estate. The business could not have been ulaced in better hands. (Jet ready, boys, to give your girl a present. Hand it to her with a smile even if your heart says otherwise. You cannot swear to a girl all the year tint you love her and axpect to gut over a Christmas for less than twenty-fire. Frank Evans, the photograph artist, yesterday completed a handsome pho tograph of John P. Hopper. It was a beauty, we mean the finish and frame of the picture, and we will just bet any thing it will see the Missouri river bo fore a week. Ward & 'famine hsvo giren their bil liard hall and saloon a thorough over hauling. Tho ceiling has been calci mined and the walls dressed in gold and crimson Three bran new Bruns wick & Balke Company tables have been placed in in position and the place looms up as a suitable resort for the Gods. The boys at Gross, Black well & Co., gaTe the yenus racket a lively shove yesterday. They had a pinee of tin smoked on one side, and many a poor fallow endeavored to see her royal majesty through it. Several parties, rather than to be considered unastron omical, said they saw Miss Venie plainly. Johnny Dutton, recently released from the county jail in this city, was ar rested for horse stealing at Fort Sum ner a few days since. Ollieer Sandoval was sent after him and arrived here to day with the prisoner in charge. John ny will now have an opportunity of be coming better acquainted with the jail and its inmates. L. 15. Kendricks inserts a large ad vertisement in another column. Mr. Keudrick has taken charge of tho Euro pean restaurant and will run it on first class principles in connection with his groeory. The table will be supplied with the very best the grocery and meat market can afford at very reasonable rates. Ho has selected an xoel!eut location on the south side of the plaza and will soon havo a large custom for his grocery, meat market and restaurant. i! JOVIII. TMKLIXUV U;t;lr Turaid im Apriag-Tb Has i: of light Mi pa Ald for the Itrljhl ti Ilapi y Oliim of lfJ mm l Mo UrUhtrvl rtrfWllua. Y'-ciriélav Kr. Mr. Welsh read the Mieti,a Uinrriage m Trice which reu-di-rs i:un aud wo:u.:i one :.n I iuepar a'o'o, and uni4 4 iu the holy bonds of wetWk Mr. .'. E. Petf ruin, of the Hot Saria-, ami MU Marie F. Hume, of CoIumMa. Ms-our. The bride is a dn.g!iN r of the hu Jainti 11. Hume, an 1 a ssst.-r of Mr.. J. 1. PcMijoha. of tht Hot Springs. 'i'Le groom is well in tlii city a one of ur l est anil most enterprising businesi men. It is usck-is for uí to wili him success and vty tbnt ho his the well wishes of a host of fiiends. for he oarric the reflection of our Muilmg faces with him. A hap pier pair never ware j jined together in our midst, and no couple ever started out in life with brighter prospects and who were followed by more earnest wisiie tor their future. The briJal p.uty left on the afternoon train for .Sama Fu. Thr-.y will remain in that city for a fe .r days and return to the Montezuma. After a week's stay at tho hotel they will welcome all their friends from their own mountain homo. Oar Fire Department. The interest manifested by the two hose companies in protecting the city in case of fire is deserxing of the support of all the citizens of Las Vegas. It has been demonstrated already that a reg ular organizad department is necessa ry, and the good work already dono by these independent hoio companies has shown that tho members aro compe tent and willing to di the work of a paid department. Suuli a sacrifice as this should be encouraged. There should be sotno means adopted to raise funds to build a substantial house, to sheltcrthe reels in each town. Both companies aro fully organized and are ready to do their duty; now let the citi zens came forward an I du their part. Ko two organiz itioiis ver have, . or ever will do vü'eeiive work without a head, and v f-nggest that a chief of lire department be se'eeted to gorern both comp.niics. Let the foreman of both 'companies draw lots for the privilege of sel -.cling n chief for first year, then let theti alternate in the selection of that ollieer tliereatter. If the east side gets the chief this yaar, let the west sido select him next and so on. Let tho city council endorse the se lection soniade and do all in theirpowcr tn further the interest of the department sw formed. We simply oiler this as- a auggestion astd would like to hear from tho com panies i n the subject. Put 1 lilt in Yunr Pips. The gentleman win insists upon the publication of the scandal mentioned in yesterday's issue, can console himself thai he has done his duty to mike the matter public, and we can console our Milv.vs that we h:ivs had decency eno'igh to s'ipp;!.-s i: . If the. parly has the cr.u' thai ho claims and tUroiii his Vindictive':', ;;s wishes to break up a family and ruin a homo, let him write his article and sign his name, then we will print it and let him stand the con seipieneeü. When tLe citizens of Las Vegas are culragod or injured The Gaktte will be. the first to expose and assist in having the outrager punished. But whon a man pushes his nose into the sacred domestic relations of his neighbor, and to satisfy a coarse and morbid taste for scurrility and slander, aims to destroy his neighbor's happi ness, we say, no! There is enough misery in this world alraady, my friend, and the sooner you conclude to act de cent yourself, and let vour neighbors alone, the sooner you will become what the good Lord intended you a true and respectable man. , Now, you hare our answer. If your assistance should be needed in the case in the futuro it will he called for. Brunei Army E'ect ou. The regular meeting of the Grand Army of the llopublic was held at their headquarters Tuesday evening and the following officers were elecla,l to serve tho ensuing year: Post commander, J. J. Filzgerrell; Vice-Post Commander, II. J. Franklin; Junior Vicc-Pust Commander, A. II. MeCormick, Sargent, J. W. Barney; Chaplain, E. W. Freeman; Officer of tho city, C. II. Whittlesey; Officer of the Guard, Henry Perry; Assistant In spector, John B. Means; Trustees, Comrades Reinoehl, Means, Carr, Crawford and Parker; Belief Comnnt tae, Comrades Franklin Perry, Smith, Crawford and Whittlesey; E. W. Free man was elected as a representative to the department of Colorado at Denver, with C. II. Whi 'lescy as an alternate A. 11. Bf.ixoehl, P. C. Joiix B. Means, Adjutant. From Furl I'iiIoh. Foirr Union, Mor. G. '82. Edil'ir (inzctte. Sir:; The sporting clmcnt of this post is again in commotion. Tho cause this time s a twelve hour square heel and toe walking match, to take place en or about tha first; of next mouth. The last contest has shown that there are somo good walkers among the soldiers, and has caused walking to be encouraged by our kmd and worthy commanding officer. Owing lo this Mii Cooly and Woods, two ener getic sporting men. hare t-ecure I a large am! spacioui hall, to bo devoted oiclunya'y to athletic sports. It is to oe converted into a gymoaaiuzu, tLus affording the men as excellent oppor tunity for physical cxarcise. It is to be stocked witü gloves, Indian clubs, hor ri.ntal Lars, etc.. and nothing will be warning to make it an entire success. It is now fitted upas a rink and the boys' are busy preparing for the com ing race. It i stated that Mr. Felbur, of company B, has issued a challenge to w alk any inaa ia Fort Union for one hundred dollars. This man hs clearly demonstrated that he can walk, as he made a splendid record ia tho last race. However, there are men here who feel confident of beating him and prefer to reserve their cash for th first of the month. Thero is another gentleman here who during his practícelas shown excellent ability as a walker. His name is Ed. Nagnús, our celebrated solo cor nctist. lie possess that which is above all most essential to a walker, I. e. en durance, and if he does not give a good account of himself in the coming con test, something niore than fatigue will be the cause, M. Simpson, of company B, is also an excellent walker; his style being especially his note worthy feat ure. There are other men wko will take part in the race, and it premises to bo far more interesting than the last one. Nothing will be spared to niak0 the race interesting and comfoitable for the contestants. It is also stated, (I have not been officially ImforniedJ that thero is to be another "go-as-you-please" race here, to take place im mediately after the walking match. When these events take place I shall gire you a special account of them. Gis. Mint in ir Man. Emil Schleycr, a saddler and car riage trimmer, is missing. For some time past he has been in the employ of W. II. Shupp, but frequently stopped at night with some of his acquaintance? in Malbouifs harne-s shop m tho cast town. A few nights ago ho got up from his bed and went out of the shop. This was the last sfen or hoard of him. Monday night, it is said, a man was found dead near Burris corral and was taken off and buried. It is now thought that the man was nono other than Schleyer, who had wandered up there during the night and died. Schleyer was aman of unsteady habits and was addicted to tha inordinate use of mor phine. The lot of the dissipated In this western country is certainly a sorry one. The St. Nicholas hotel is now under the individual control of Mr. Win. Kel ler, one of ho most hospitable land lords of tho country. A colored gentleman, after several futile attempts to view Venus yester day, said: "I b' lore dis hole thing am a scheme of dem eye doctors to make sore eyes." Thero are no new developments in election matters, but it soeuis to us that any reasonable man shoii'd b: willing lo let the whole thing go as a gigantic fraud. Do what, they may, we cannot, see how either party can claim a cer tificate of honest election. Bartlett Bros, have a hamUems lino of diamond scarf pins, in fact they have just received a magnificent line of all kinds of gold and silyer jewerjy. The gold and silver filigree jewelry and sil ver plated wares aro of the most unique and costly paterns. It does even a re porter's soul good to examino such beautiful designs. This firm i looking out for the Christmas trade. Horacio C. Burchard, director ot the United States mint, has appointed Wal ter C. Hadley of this city to collect ma terial for his report for 1883. The statis tics will bear on the subject of tho mines in the territory and the amount of oro produced suid shipped. This is another victory of mind over matter, or in other words of Hadley over Sloan. A prominent lady in the city says the Oplic is very unkind when it refers to the deformities of a person. Professor Garlick, of the Louie Lord troupe, was a gentleman of education and refine ment, and comes of ono of the best fam ilies of Kansas City. The Oplic speaks of him as the one-legged man, etc. For shame boys, you should hare more feeling for such misfortunes. The partnership heretofore existing between Eugene Clemni, and W. H. Keller has boon dissolred by mutual consent, the latter gentleman retiring from the firm. Tha St. Nicholas will be managed in the future by W. 11. Keller, a hotel man of long experience, and as popular a landlord as we ever met. We do. not like to see Mr. Clemni retiro, but with such a host of friends as Mr. Keller has, the St. Nicholas rill go along as usual. The funeral of Mrs. Kate Davis Stapn took place yesterday afternoon in the presence of a large concourse of friends. The pall bearers were Joshua S. Ray nolds, Charles Ilfeld, A. M. Blackwell, C. E. Wesche. Jame Campbell and T. W. Garrard. A funeral mass was cele brated by the Ror. J. M. Coudert at the Catholic church, and tho remains were interred in the chnreh cemetery. The services were solemn and impressive. The little son and daughter of the de ceased followed close after the coffin, and behind them Mr. Daris, supported by Mr. Stapp, in going from the church to the grave. Pedro Valdex, of Sapello, is in the city. Mrs. Edward Ruby has gone to old Mexico. G. W. Thompson is rgi-terl at the Plaza hotel. S. F. Jaramillo came up from Fort Sumaer yesterday. E. B. Clarkson is a lato arrival from Davenport, Iowa. Pete Maxwell came up from Fort V Sumner yesterday. W. D. Anderson, from Tucson, is a guest of the St. Nicholas. Irank YThitelaw is now managing editor of the Socorro Miner. Rush J. Holmus is homo from the south. where he has been on business. P. II. Brooks, a traveling man from Chicago, is stopping at tho St. Nicho las. Morrison B. Crawford, of Middleton, Connecticut, is circulating among us to-day. Mr. Ike Ililty, of Kingston, lias been very ill for ten days, but is now conval- esing. Professor Cornell, of the dancing academy, is highly speksn of in our ex changes. J. L. French, tho head man for R. G. Dun's agency in this city, went south yesterday. Frank Manzanares west over to San ta Fe yesterday on business connected with tho contest. J. W.Foster is up from his ranch near Fort Sumner. He reports his sheep as doing splendidly. W. C. Stevens, who sells goods for a Boston dry goods house, will eell you some goods to-day. Frank A. Vfheclor went to Pueblo yesterday. He sells fancy good for a Rochester shoe firm. Chris Sellman went to Kansas City yesterday to remain over the holidays with his family and friends. Riv. Thos, llarwood passed through on yesterday's train en route to Tipton villo. He has been lo Santa Fo on busi ness. I Morris B. Crawfon-i, Middietown, j Connecticut, and Al. T. Roberts, of ! Niekerson, Kansas-, aro at tho Depot hotel. Tom Haywood went over to Cherry Valley yesterday. He is superintend ing the erection of Mr3. Tipton's new residence. Charles Schenck.nianagcr of the Xeio Mexican, Santa Fe, went home from Topeka yesterday. His wife accom panies him. Charlie Rothschilds, the popular Denver salesman, who haa been work ing the town for several days, went east yesterday. Mrs. II. Jeffries, tho landlady of tho Depot hotel, has gone to Kansas City to soenri 1 he holidays anicnirr hor m inv I ' - ft . j I friends there. Conductor Ilaskins has run up against a bonan.a that bids fair to turn out I good leather. The boys say it cost him j $10 to assay the first panful. we out fluss V enus aflieu lor vre are so busy that we may not havo a chance to attend her next transit 100 years hence. Bye, bye, Veny, old girl. J. R. Roberts, an old oil well driller from the Pennsylvania oil regions, is now drilling a water well for the Teco lote stock company near this city. M, Barash, who came in from King ston Tuesday.left for Pueblo yesterday. He does not consider Lake Valley and its neighboring villages as anything astonishing. Charlie Rathbun, our lire business man, has returned from the eastern states. He says he had a good timo, but considers Las Vegas about as inter esting a town as he wishes to live in. J. S. Wade, who has been engaged in business here for tho last year, goes to Albuquerque to-day, where ho expects to remain permanently. We commend Mr. Wado to the people of Albuquer que. J. F. Steele, a law partner of the lato Judge Collins, received a telegram yes terday from Mrs. Collins, requesting that the remains be shipped to San Jose, California. The body will be shipped to-day. Bob Fetters, "Our Bob" moved his household goods orer ou to Douglas arenuo yesterday, Bob says .a. man never gets so proud as when he sfarts to moye, then he finds that he has about five times as much as he over dreamed of. The street cars still continue to go by the corner of Sixth and Douglas aye nues as if shot out of a gun. The citi zens would compromise the matter if they would condescend to stou there a few minutes ac night.' They can be caught ou the fly in the day time. II OTE I. AltRIVAl S. ST. NICHOLAS. Following are tho arrivals at tho St.Niehohs Wei: J K Sullivan and wif, C'hiee.gro; W W Ilrooks, Chienifo; A Y I.obbr, Hon- Konsr, Ubiua; E Krieberjrh, Denver; W 1) Amlerxon, Timooso, Texas; Jas McMasters, TascoM, Tex; It C Hite, New Vork: John L Parmaloe, Peo ria, 111: D (J Jennings, New lied ford, Masg. rLAZ A. The following -were the arrivals at tht I'lara hotel: II C Stevens, Independence, Kas; L C liMinett, Lawrence, Kan, Geo V Donaldson, Santi Fe; A Hltzoff, C S A; W E Osboin, tit Louis; Pedro Vnldez, Sapello. J P Jaramillo, Fort "-umner; a H Bryant. Washington, d c LU Morg-an, Salom, X Y; E B Clarkson, Da venport, Iowa; D II Cramer, ISufTato, N Y. JÍLT ORIGINAL C(DST. The Pioneer IUEJj2LXj 33STATI3 ofLAS YF.GAS Has for sale more property than all of the other agentó combined. Offers more than 500 VACANT LOTS in the different ADDITIONS, Upon Terms and at Prices to please the Merchanic, the Speculator and tho Capitalist. Superior Bargains in Business and Residence Properties in most desirable locations. Agent for the t.ah VEGAS TOWN COMPANY whose lots are the best. No other agent can sell TICS or the PROPERTY of the ROSENWALD ADDITIONS. Desirable Properties in all parts of the city. The beautiful Eldorado lots a specialty. Selling at PRICES according to location at from fifty to four thousand dollars. Improved PROPERTY ranging in price from $300 to $15.000 each. No greater PLEASURE is afforded than that of SHOWING these PROPERTIES. I invite the CITIZEN, the STRANGER, the SPECULATOR and the CAPITALIST To call at mv OFFICE, examine PROPERTIES and get PRICES. INSURANCE THAT INSURES! Orfia'i ized NAME OF COMPANY. 1843 1863 1836 1853 1750 1854 1858 1849 1861 1794 1879 1825 1877 1850 1809 1824 1819 Mutual Life Insurance Co Travelers Lile c Accident Ins. Co. Liverpool, London c Globe Home Fire Insurance Co London Assurance Corporation Phcenix Insurance Co Queen Insurance Springfield Fire & Marino Commercial Union Insurance Co. oí North America. . Lion Fire Insurance Co Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Co. . Fire Insurance Association Niagara North British & Mercantile Scottish Union & National , Aetna Total INDEMNITY THAT INDEMNIFIES Hrst Natal Bank of Las Vegas KKW MEXICO Authorized Capital Paid In (apila! 50.0DO SniT'lni t'nn! :..) Vqm a (rt,norai .ii.sins. SOCIABLE Summer Drinks At DILLY'S. Go to Leon Bros, for your toys they have got them by the mil lion. U-30-Gt Excimnge Wood Ynrd. Wo bog leave to inform tho juiblic that we nave on hand a largo amount of dryiiinc, cedar and pinvon wood, cut ready for tho stove. Will deliver to any part of the city. Leave orders at Exchange hotel corral. Stanley & Hicks, 10-8-1 m rroprietor.". RED HOT Irish whisky at Billy's. Sottra ti 1h public. As Jafl'a Bros, intend to wind tip tlifi iiQ'nirs of tneir stove iu this cily dj the 1st f the coiniag month, they request all thosu having claims against them to present them by thatdnte, and also all those knowing themselves indebted to the said JailVt Bios, me requested to call and settle by the above given . ll-L'S-JJl ' JakkaJ'íu.s. RED HOT Tom and Jerry a ill Carpets for less than oai-l cost at JAFFA BE0 It 28 Ot. RED HOT port wine negus at Billy's. Go to Leon Bros, for your tcy they have got them by the mil lion. ll-30-0t Go to Leon Bros, for your toys they hae got them by the mil lion. 11-30-0', Come soon. Our goods are go ing fast. We are selling at cost. Jaffa Bros. RED HOT hot and cold lemonade at BILLY'S. Look ller! The summer is over, and instead ot: cool and shady little parks, we now haye warm, sunny and pleasant little parks surrounded by wings of our Ex change Hotel. 10-5-tf. A. Paul Crawford. iXMc of IMnnoIiU cu. j Notteo ia hereby given that the part ne rsIiSp j heretofore existlnir between W. E. Murwedo. f J. Oruncr and C. 1). Iirumley, under tho tlrni 1 name or Marwedo, wuinloy Uo., has tuis day been dissolved by mutual consent. C. 1). Krumley retiring. Tho business will he con tinued at tho old stmid by W. K Murwede and J. Gruncr, under the firm hamo and Htylo of ai wede & Gruner. The n )w llrm will coilcet nil debts and assume tho payment ef ail the liabilities thereof. W. 13. Mahwkdb, J. Ghunek, C. I). IlHUMLEr. Las Yegai, Deo. 1, issi. ia-2-tf. LAS VEGAS i a nuoMft urai uní A. R. AREY, Proprietor. MANUFACTURER OP. Tillia Linden Dowm on Wetiden Feathers, EXCELSIOlt THAI) d.M AUK. AND DEALER IS HAIR, MOSS, EXCELSIOlt COTTONY Curtains, Lambrequin Curtain Poles, ete. LAS VEGAS. N. M. LOCATION. New York Hartford Liverpool and London. . New York Iondon Hartford Livervool Springfield, Mass London Philadelphia London Philadelphia London New York London and Edinburg. . Edinburg and London. . Hartford. Co I BROWNE & MANZANARES, Ijao vieg , y r- rTTVvr-;-: T L-"' -J ex foe-! iflw K'V;TOXii8tt ' 1 BROWNE, MANZANARES & CO., Socorro, N.M Warehouses on Railioad Track. "Will supply the Wholesale Trade with staple gooda at as low prices a3 can be brought from Eastern points. Wholesale dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE Manufacturers' Agents for the best FJJsa: AM) Freight 1 ) W vf1 wTiTsi roT Emí3 mmmm ui t p n m Wagon'rs, Piow Timbers, REP IRS AND SUPPLIES. 1 UU IIU JÍiíM ok mm. Every Verity. 'AND OTHER AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. The best market in the Territory for Wool, Hides Pelts, &c. Depot for Flour; Grain and Feed. Wholesale dealers in Mining Tools and Implements, Miners' Supplies and Outfits, Blasting Powder. High Explosives, Caps, Fuse, Steel, &c. STEIN, MANDELL & CO., W1I0LESALK HARDWARE. ALBUQUERQUE, N. II. Carry a full line of Mining, Carpenter and Blacksmith Tools. Agents for rSDUIPOiSTX' POWDBH CO., xi-EncirriES powdbh oo., 33X2.X3XiI3'Sr cS5 CO. '3 STOVES. And the Largest and Best Stock in the Terrify- Stewart JIounc KroeiicI. The Stewart house, Main street, lias been reopened under neY management. Clean anil comfortaoio housu. loird and lodging $5.&0 .per week, . ( 'it nwirir Pn Mus. CiiADWiCK. Proprietress. For Sale A three room cttne. Good well, nlecly fenced. Kent in paying 23 per cent, on investment. Will sell on easy tenns. Also a set of black walnut furniture, good as new. Enquire of Henry Lee at Rupe & Bullard's planing mill. ll-13-3t. ASSETS. 92,436,221 10 70 05 26 16 53 06 82 24 38 14 53 01 32 12 17 04 0,1 14.GÜ2 31,665,194 6.995,509 15,886,111 4.309,972 4,821,237 2,255,807 9,698.571 8,818,805 1,340,141 2.227,615 1,331,782 1,735,563 9.264,569 33,041,045 8,902,2" 2 te40.844.921 41 - s, xvt. ovr. Bfc. mm WAG , IKIES w immii and RETAIL The Children's Carnival, Thankseivins. is a sure success, as the demand for gold and sil ver spangles, braids, trimmings, stars, tassels, Daper and marks at my place are just going fast. Come at once and examine the assortment to be had only of the Old Reliable Merchant, N. L. ROSENTHAL. Railroad Ave., E. Las Vegas. 11-3-tf .