OCR Interpretation

Las Vegas daily gazette. ([Las Vegas, N.M.]) 1881-1886, December 08, 1882, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

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VOL. 4.
NO. 410.
A Nil
niniovEi uaxchks.
I will 11 InM iw itr th roiiiii h '!!- muí
rnilntii'l ili'ix't "' 'I"' itiMrtüiiictit filnn, !)t
will lmjl'l" Un ir r nt mine i! íim kíx
tnmiln. I'hc lii üt loin m th- c tv tu tuil!
ti mnn ni h'iiimK on. t muilii.if wi H of trimd
WlttiT IIIC uti'.lilll ll.
l'nirvlrw AiUllllwu.
Itnivea lew üi li'iiiliil rifiUi iifi-l"t ' Ii ft I"
In. J'inrv i w Addil Km, in the n.irlh .rt if
lii- t-ity. Tin .' lnH r.r very cluap, nml
in v lul;l.
li'iini r Tuhii niay Addition
Ui'xiili-nrc lnl In th Umiu r i Town Com
imuv Aililnii'iK, ki-11 rapidly, i hee an- very
: pirul-le lulu.
iml.I.AKHi eiich will tu v HpIftKliil
tJ ' I'Ukiiii'-k IxiK (i i ll.illulm Ktrei t,
tllllt will lliilltilc. thi'ir lll llt Villi!" 111 H fe
LOLt.AK to loan átalo
íuíii of liiti-nx tn un-
iloiiliti il ii al i wtiue i ciirit y.
Nuthiiiir lwl lirt i-liiss limns will bo taken
nml un liniv tune.
1 ROO " '-'-A US will lmy a H'niibful
líüUvy finir i'uion fiittaift mid twn l"tn
muí' 1 I !fhl'l hioil, nml tin' lincst locu
tion tura rcMilnicc in thccity.
Q nnr ImiLLaIH lll Luya splrndld
líUvU property j3j hitf Z'i per cent na
Inc investment,
1ílC" OOLLALS, will lmy n splendid
liiüU liusiiii-s's lut in the heart ni the
- Kf DOLLARS w.llliiy choice lotsin
XJV the Fiilrview Addition.
i) C ENTS pir iiiniih, for twelve
L .J í)y iiioiiüm, will buy choice lots in
a gu d ni iklilmi li in'l tiint will double their
present vr.luc wHIini twelve )nui:tlis.
i'fr ifí HOLLAR.' will buy mi"
SI f il the lim-t. ri.i'n-H in
New Me c(i, lll tucki'l. Fur f H " ti metí
Hi'rkiiiir un investment lili ix w.ilhy i.f 111 'li
li' tcntion. U rite .II iiitorinutioii.
I Ir. H eel :. l u
Kvee.Iflii I . 1. ;i
well er'ia tl:e
ni.'.' hule! Ill :li( I ei 1 il"I
t 1 clÜnif. I ili lintel
ti' ?llii.ln !ei'e l:ien tlTulUn-
(n:l i;ie t'i.H. il Sun
1 ll
1- H.Sf llll'.l fili lí!
ture eini li" biiiilil er til whol" properly can
he. purchased i..-1, (lesiivl.
1 Kl ff WII.L buv ii ? 1. n lid Mtoek
Jf r.n in ene ,.! the .'.t
'en í. m et kiia ni the Ti'i rit.ny. eapiible of iui
perlieií i;,ikhj li el of ciutli!. This id woi'ti.y of
llltellt illll.
Tl'e prnperty mi linilroaii uv( nnccontiilniiiif
finir luis, leiiee.l, un rlctriu t eitíht ronin house
will ceUiir nuil iiiit-biiildinus ft 11 ivjuiplete.
Will be soldiit a 1)iij:i;ii.
Wanied-For Saíe-For Rent-lol
1I1T' NTKIi . hiiih1 trir! tnworl; in 11 pr-
Mite lamil i . App.y lor infiiriiiiitlo'i to
the i " -r -1 Aiile.iti.il 1 t.lil. lü-7-tl'
l.'dll ;e. . -,. ,-r
I i ti' it i rm-1 m-!i. ni' " ill v
r I m:ii i ii it
lie I V h i! (S
-! i!i! k. Apply tu h. !í. V.,.
V " II. elliee if Miew.ell iuii.inr llseei.il ion.
Ii'Olv UK N'T The premises, occupied .,1
present by the I'.i.ropean n st'UM utit , on
Hie pinza, are iur r"iil mi the 1'ust of Decem
ber. .Spply at Isidiir Stern's, West Luí Vefi.
I.ltili ki NT Two con, p-es of thrcu rooms
m il un 1 one i.ew inur-ronm enttiiife.
1"H S.U.R The utore builditifr of Jaira
Uros, on líailroiiil Avem.e is ofiered for
sale. I'm- ir.ti.riii.il i 1 1 1 rpply on the premises.
A.VIKH Second-hiinil corn and oats
siieli. at Weil - (inii'l's. MWf
TjMU sa r.K l,5e wethers two years
I pus:. Kor partii ul.irs inldress
V. V)l A S'lC
I- ' A iimiios, V. M.
itUH RUNT lurnishe.! 1001,11. Nice mid
Ni w. IiKiuire uf Mrs. Kubbell, nppii-
Slle the Inlette i.ttiee. 4-25-tf.
" YrANTEI yomiK man who in well hc
I' (pniinted in the L-enernl diy foods and
ciolhinir business at Alliuiiuennie one who
ci'ii speak ij.i:iiish prelei ren . Must have (rood
references. Milarv iiccordinii tn capacity.
Impure ut this ellice. 11-i'i-tf
1 rAN'TUD A jiirl to lo f. nenil housework.
?V Apply o Dr. I leu i iijuc., corner of
M.vth and' Hianeliard streets. II 4tf
11011 MHK-lii. him lied and Ihirtv-foiir
J- Merino Hucks; also Sheep lit ('nek's cornil,
east I. as Vi-mis. Acclimated. Address Y. 0.
J1A( KhN'UEliV.
,1()K KENT-Meo ofliee rooms in the Mar
wedc buildlnir, next to pustolliep. lmpiirc
of Marwede, l!euinle & Co.
QfT V ItEW'altl). Stolen from Theodore
V J J (aussion, one black pnnv mare
bum led T, (1. on riirht hip. 1 will 'pay Í.VI
fur the arrest and convict ion of the thief .
Tiii.o. (Ai'ssiDX, Los Alamos, San Miyurl
('" X. M. ll-2li-lnio
l'AN Tiili lnimeduib ly, eifht or ten lop
TT pinif temiin. (ooil wanes paid. b(uire
of I.ns Vi ii as lee Compnny, one mile and a half
iiinn e the lint Springs. l:!--lw
FOU SALÉ Messrs. (jarraid & C'lintiimrhiiiii,
llridue utreet, have $lft,uii) in street rnll
rnad stock for sale. l.' J-tf
1" OS I Two checks of T.'B. Catron on the
First National bank of Santa Fe, one fur
f M and one for ÍT0, in favor of bonis Mii.
tiacht r. Finder will please deliver the same
to Mr. Sulzl'iicher. Ji-a-tf
WARD & TAMME'S Opera House,
Second lecture by
of Xtw York, the Veteran I'ineuologist,
MANHOOD: -Its Declino and
1 I'lirerioloirical analTsIs of eharaeter, deserib
inf your best busiiu aditptntion, your mar
riage inlaptiitioii, etc., fiven t his npartmen 8
at the St.. Nicholas hotei durimf the Professor's
Ktiiylnl.nl) Venas, which will be till Monday
Take ndvantairc of his visit, as you may not
have unotlitr opportunity to h. ar and ro'nsiilt
the acknowledKi l head of phrenological bcí
t'liei) on this continent. li-M-üt
Dlimolnt Ion Notice.
Thh is tn give notice th it I have withdrawn
from the eo-pui'tnershii) heretofore existing
lietween W- H. Keller and Kujrcni1 f'lemm as
Hiimaers of he St. Nicholas hotel. W. H.
Keller will eoutintie Rani business on his own
Hceount and in hisown nmiii'.
12-ti-'.'t El'OESK Clemm .
ThatM. D.Marcus is now ready
to give you all goods at less than
your own figures. The clearance
sale will commence Tuesday
morning at 10 o'clock, Wyman
building. 12-5-if
fonrfss Prtitiunrd lo lnrrraf Pfn
sons lo One-Lffd and ünp
Armrd Soldiers.
TLp Lcvvin of Foliliral Asspss
mmti Likely to br Tlioronhlj
Miss Stokfs, lbe Arkansas Morder
ess, Arquillf(I--Níjro Mur
derer Killed.
Washington, Dm;. 7. Senators
Voorlieií, Sliernitn, McDill. Vt, In
galls, Cliilcot find Millar (f N. Y.) pre
sented petitions for the passive of a
bill to increase the pensions of one
armed and one-leeed soldiors. Re
ferred. A bill was introduced by Brown to re
peal the iaternal revenue act of 1S04
and all elher laws and parts of lawi en
larginj, exteiidint; or amending. Re
ferred. Senator Vest olTered a reiwlution,
which was adopted, directiiifj the sec
retary of war to send the senate copies
of any contracts made by the interior
department in regard to leasing the
Yellowstone national park, or any part
thereof, to any perstn or company, with
the privilege ct running their stages
Atthe close cf the morning hour Beck
called up his resolutien for an investi
gation into political assessments dur
ing tlio last campaign and said that,
having but little; personal Uncwlerjgiion
the subject and thinking discussion in
advance of the ascertainment of facts
unprovable, he would conicnl himself
at present with r.sking t voto on t!.e
resolu'.ion. .
Hale thought that if the conduct, of
the la-t campaign was to be investi
gated by th uníate, the investigation
ought, to extend tu both parties; there
fore, he e tie red a substitute, selling
forth the names of the members of Ike
congressional executive committees of
both iarlis; reciting the allegations
that the democratic committee had lev
ied contributions on liquor dealers,
brewers and other associations, and di
recting the committee on judiciary to
investigate these charges, as well as
those made against the republican com
mittee. Beck said Ibo substitution proposed
to investigate matters over which con
gress has no control and was evidently
intended to embarass the legitimate
legislation proposed in the original res
olution. After discussioa the substitute
was ordered priuted and at the suges
tión of Harris the matter went oyer ti'I
At '2 o'clock the senate resumed con
sideration of t lie bankruptcy bill.
Garland spoke in defense of the bill
a pn-ruired by the judicary company,
and tlWswiu' committee ani'mim'tits
reported by Ing.-ilis wn-e yreed to.
Ye.-d moví (I to striku out tu piovi.-.icii
:h:U a man who fails for twenty days to
discharge an attachment against hU
property in :i civil suit slmü be íVenud
a bankrupt. Agroed to.
The s'-cretary of war was directed to
furnish estimates of the Mississippi
river commission for the work of im
proving the river during the next liscal
The time was extended for filling
claims for horses and equipments lost in
he Lnited States service. Adjoured.
Washington, Dec. 7. Kelly, chair
man of the committee on ways and
means, reported a concurrent resolu
lor printing 20,000 copies of the re
port e-f the tariff cemmittee. Passed
Also a resolution setting apart Wed
nesday the 13th of December, for the
consideration of certain bills on the cal
endar previously reported from the
committee. He stated that the bills
referred to relate exclusively to admin
istration of law. Adopted.
Mr. Haskell, of Kansas, presented a
memorial from the non-Mormon people
of Utah. Referred.
The house t hen went into acommittee
of the whole. Page, of California, in the
chair, on the Indian appropriation bill.
'1 he total amount of appropriations pro
vided for in the bill is $3, 208, DUD, only
being $724,200 less than the appropria
tion of the current year and $1,510,770
less than the estimates.
Ryan, of Kansas, who has charge of
the bill, explained that a reduction was
necessary in the appropriatio for sub
sistence. In explaining the reduction
in the uumborof Indian inspectors from
live to three, he said the committee
based their action upou the suggestion
of the secretary of the interior that if
it allowed two additional agents ho
could dispense with two inspectors.
After discussion the committee of 223
arose and reported the Indian bill to
the house and it was passed.
At three o'clock the house againjweut
into committee of the whole on the state
of the Union.
A bill authorizing the goverumentto
obtain a title to certain lands in Erie,
Pennsylvania, and establish a homo for
indigent soldiers and sailors was dis
cussed at length and opposed for the
same reasons given during tho consider
ation of these measures the last session.
Hewitt, of New York, moved to strike
out the enacting clause, tho committee
agreed and the uouso later confirmed its
action. Adjourned.
House committee on public lands to
day discussed tho bill known as the
Brusu fence bill, to prevent unlawful
occupation ot public lana. A opposi
tion was shown by the committee to
amend the bill for the. purpose of mak
ing it stronger.
The house committee on military af
fairs to-day authorized the chairman to
appoint a sub-committee to visit the
soldiers home at Hampton, Va., to in
vestigate charges of mismanagement.
Mine Rloko Aeqniltid.
Little Rock, Dec. 7. An Arkadel
phia special says: The case cf Sallie
Stokes, on trial for the murder of Malin
da Stephens, was given to the jury at
noon. Two hours later the jury ap
peared and roedered a verdiet of not
guilty. Immediately Miss Stokes was
surrounded by her cousej and friends,
who eitended congratulations. She re
quested that the jury should visit her at
her room that she might thank them in
person. About three o'clock the jury
called in a body, when the stoical hero
ism maintained throughout the trial
foasook her and she gave way to hys
terical exclamations of grief mingled
with her thanks. TLe jury were pro
foundly impressed, while there was not
a dry eye in the assemblage. Miss
Stokes will leave for her home in How
ard county to-morrow morning. It was
ascertained after the jury had ben
discharged that the verdict was found
as soon as they reached tho room, not a
negative being heard upon the first In
quiry as to what the verdict should be.
Hoirt In Ilia Own Tola
Cii a iii.oTTE. N. C, Dec 7. Joe
Ross, the negro who murdered J. N.
McDowell, at Camden, Thanksirtving
day, was killed Wednesday nignt at
Joy & Co.'s mill, on the Calway river,
Lancaster county. South Carolina, hy a
ferryman named Alonzo Hunley. Tim
pursuing party were close behind and
Rosa asked the ferryman to-take him
across. The ferryman identilied him
and tried to arrest him. Ross resisted
and the ferryman shot him. Before
dying the negro confessed the murder
of McDowell and also Bob Hengan, in
Mecklenburg county, years ago.
Bane Hall.
Pkovidknce, R. I., Dec. 7. The
National Base Ball League adopted an
amendment making liable expul
sion any player under cootractwiih
a league club who shall, without the
consent of such club, agree to enter the
service of any other club after the ex
piration of his contract. The playing
rules are amended to the effect that a
pitcher's hand in delivering a ball must
pass below his shoulder instead of his
waist. The rules aro further amended
by a provision for tho appointment of
four learue umpires, at an annual sal
ary of $ 1,000. A committee was ap
pointed to consider the advisability of
recognizing contracts with the North
western league.
At the evening session, A. G. Mills of
Chicago, was elected president. New
Y'ork and Philadelphia were admitted
in place of Troy and Worcester. A re
turn to the old distinguishing colors in
the uniforms cf the older clubs was
agreed upon. Detroit, Chicago, Bos
ton ?nd Plr.tadelphi i will name the
board of directors. Adjourned.
A FcrMdiltM I relte.
Cleveland, Dec. 7. On the evening
of November 28th, nearly the whole
body of students of Adebert college and
Western Unserve college indulged in
tiie forbidden traditional frolij urmrd
by them a "tempus." They had a ban
quet, one of the principal features of
which was cider, and a high old lark in
the east end arrneuy, though as f:ir
as known they did nothing worse than
bo boisterous and possibly burlesqued
college attaches. This sort of spree
has been an annual affair for some
years, but this year was interdicted.
The faculty of tho last meeting decided
to administer a rebuke commensuate
with the offense, an to-day explelleil
the entire juior class, numbering sev
enteen. This afternoon all students ex
cept three, two of whom were not able
to be present, met and unanimously
adopted resolutions that they will quit
the institution and go to other colleges
unless the class is reinstated. The resol
utions were presented to-night to the
faculty whose response thereto is ex
pected to-morrow.
Iron ii:i1 Kite! Iriiniilf
Pn TShl'KO, Pa., Dec. 7. This after
noon Secretary Martin, of the amal
gam rued association, received word
from President Jarrelt, who is at Chi
cago, that the conference between the
Bessemer steel manufacturers of that
place and their employes to lix the rate
of wages for tho next year, w hich was
to have taken place this week, has been
postponed. It is stated that tho post
ponement is tho resnlt of a determina
tion on the part of the manufacturers to
suspend operations after January 1st,
until the report of the tanil committee
has been acted upon . Pittsburg roan-
facturers refuse ti) confirm or deny
his report, while the employes believe
here will be a suspension afler the dato
A l(eiei tit 19 urdflr.
St. Louis, Dee. 7. This morninsr be
tween three and four o'clock, m Wm.
Bcrris & Co.'s large dry goods store, J,
B. Culla, a clerk in Lenbrie's store, shot
twice at Torn Carpeuing, a clerk in
Migent & Bros, store. Culla had taken
Carpening to Barris' for the purpose of
confronting him with his wife, who is
employed at Karris1, about whom lie
charged Carpening had lied. Just as
the men got inside Barris' store, Car
pening refused to go any further, when
Culla pulled a revolver and fired twice.
The bullets misled Carpening, but one
grazed the left cheek of Joseph John
ston, a clerk at Barris'. J
. ZJue Work.
St. Louis. Dec. 7. The Age of Steel
has information and makes tho an
nouncement that a strong combination
is being formed to purchase and oper
ate the zinc works at St. Louis and oth
er points in tho west. The parties in
terested are negotiating with some of
the local establishments with a view to
purchasing planks and also have op
tions on others outside of the city. It
is not yet published who all .the partitas
in tho combination aro, but among them
are several large manufacturing con
cerns of St. Louis, Cincinnati, Cleve
land and other cities in the east.
Tiie Plrkmmi Case.
Washington, Deo. 7. In the police
court to-day in tho Dickson case. Bow
en testified that he had known Conelly
since 1873; had a conversation with hira
at Driver's restaurant August 3d; Cam
eron was net present; he denied em
phatically having offered Dickson $2,
500 for aright to influence his vote.in.tho
star route trial; he also said ho was not
authorized by tho department of jus
tice to make any proposition in relation
to the trial and had made none. This
finished the examination.
A Now Railway.
San Francisco, Dec. 7. A San
Diego dispatch says: Gownd was brok
en on the Baja, California and Sonora
railroad to-day at Lia Juana Valley, on
the Mexican sido of tho line. The con
tract for the first section of twenty
miles is being let and grading will be
rapidly pursued. The road ruus
through lower California, crossing the
Colorado river near its mouth; thence
through Sonora to Calabasas, in Ari
zona. It is understood the capital for
construction has been raised in Eng
land and that the enterprise is in t ho
hands of large holders ot Atchison, To
peka and Santa Fe.
Tho Tariff Commlsalou.
Tf ashington, Dec. 7. The ways and
means committeo this morning unani
mously adopted a resolution to proceed
at once to a consideration of the tariff
commission report, and to frame tariff
bills. The clerk of the committee was
directed to prepare schedules of rates
now existing and those proposed by
members of tho committee.
The- Hfd-Ihuded Ja hprfadio;
Death and Destrnelion iu ( hi
huahua, Mexico.
The Entire Male I'upaiatiim of Caa
(rande Uutfheifd Wonipn
Made i'apUve.
Great Kxt itewut Over the Phila
delphia Ometery Uolbeiy
Mncli Indignation.
Ja on tho nir Path.
Denver, Dee. 7. An Albuquerque
special of lha 0th says: Full particu
lars have been received here of the
wholesale slaughter by Ju and his band
near the lower part ot Casa (rande,
in tho arroyo DoncinilUs, in Vthe state
of Chihuahua, of Americans and Mexi
cans. Ju and his band has been com
mitting various depredations for some
time past, and a few days before went
to the ranches of Jose Politico, of Cali
ano, and Dmi Juan, of Candirio, and
stole many head of sheep and cattle.
They visited the ranches of ether citi
zens and drove off many more. Politico
and the otner sufferers gathered a band
of about thirty men ana started afler
the Indians. They cama upon them
and before they knew that Ju and his
band were any where near they were
surrounded by the ludían in the ar
royo. Politico as soon as he ssw tho
number of the band, which was over
200 dispatched one of the men for assis
tance, who managed to escapo. Arriv
ing at (ialliano, he got together
about seventy men and at once started
for the scene. Ju sent out a party who
engaged in a light with him, preventing
them from gofng to Politico. The rts
euers saw the slaughter, but could da
nothing for their unferUuiato friends.
Evsry one of the pursuing party with
the exception of the men who went for
succor, were butchered by the savages.
They then retreated to the Sierra lilad
ris. When the friends of the unfortun
ate victims wtrnt out to bury the dead
they found not far from the site where
tho massacre occurred the bodies of the
five Americans who had fallen victims
to the Indians. Two of these Ameri
cans, it has since been learned, were
from Grant county, iu tLis territory.
Their names were Jamos Biggs and
W. D. McDowell. They had "men in
Chihuahua for some time bnying cattle
and were then on their way home. It
was Ju and his band who sometime ago
murdered several prominent citizens of
Chihuahua, amongst whom were two
near relatives of Governor Terasas.
another dispatch.
Denver, Dec. 7. A suecial dispatch
from Chihuahua. Old Mexico, says:
The late massacre by a roving Vad ?f
500 Apaches, proves to have been one
of tiie most bloodthirsty and outrageous
ever committed in Old Mexico. The
Indians hud been unusually quiet for
sonic time pa.-l and the pcnp.e were
wholly uueo::scienis of any danger,
when the savages came down upon l!ie
little settlement about daylight in the
morning and with wild, demoniac
yalls commenced an indiscriminate
slaughter Nearly all the men a id chil
dren in tlio pueblo of Casa (i rande were
murdered and the women and girls
carried off. The people who were mur
dered were among the wealthiest and
most respectable of this portion of Chi
huahua. Thirty families were destroy
ed. As near as can be ascertained at
this time, fully seventy-five men and
children have been murdered and the
women to the number of between thirty
and forty, earned away to a fate worse
than death. Troops were dispatched
to the vicinity of the massacre as soon
as possible and are nw on tho trail of
the Indians. 'The greatest excitement
prevails throughout that portion oí the
The Ghouls.
Philadelphia. Dec. 7. An indig
nant meeting of eolerenl people was
held this afternoon and resolution
adopted giving heartfelt thanks to tho
proprietors and attaches of the Press
for the arrest and imprisonment of the
grave robbers. When a trustee of
Lebanon cemetery named Burton ap
peared on the platform there was irreat
excitement and several razors and pis
tols were drawn and nearly everybody
shouted for vengeance, while Bishop
Campbell and other clergymen invoked
per.ee. The peacemakers were suceess
sul but the meeting was at once ad
journed. An announcement has been made
that a subscription to prosecute the
ghouls would be received at the Press
oliice. Thirty graves were opened to
day, trora about one-half of which the
bodies had been stolen. Tho health
board is not going to allow any more
graves to be opened until is known
whether the people died from contag
ious disease or not.
Tbo Weatern I'nion'a Trlbnte to
Chicago, Dec. 7. To secure a satis
factory observation of tho transit of
Venus it was indispensible that astron
omers should have exact Washington
lime, whereby the planet was scientifi
cally observed. Tlio public will be in
terested to know that this was done
end that the Western Union Telegraph
company did tho service free to all
Doints, sendmg the time signals for
three days, requiring almost exclusive
use of a wire all oyer the country, for
nearly fifteen minutes each day. This
is the last day that transmissions of
these signals will bo necessary. Al
though storms in the cast and blizzards
in the west have dismantled wires, the
servics was rendered with inmute care
and satisfactorily done.
Indianapolis, Dec. 7. Thomas
Wilson, a clerk for Walling & Co-
wholesale druggists, was run over by a
tram near the union depot to-night and
A man named Addrew Shellinsre. em
ployed at the Indianapolis cabinet
works, fell in a tank of boiling water
and was scalded to death.
Louisville, Dec. 7. This afternoon
a little colored child live years old, left
alone in a room, approached the crate.
her clothing caught fire, and before the
flames could be extingvished she burned
to death.
Victims of Yostrrdey'n Ilsasler.
New Orleans, Dee. 7. Frank Hill.
Chatanooga; Wm. Fitz, aged sixteen;
Sarah Young, colored, scalded by the
tlio steamboat Aiorning star have died.
Of tho twenty-one persons on board at
the time of explosion five only are now
( heap nitve r.
Washington, Dec 7 Tho treasury
department to-day purchased 2ti,xi0
ounces of silver at a rate lower than for
several years.
mm .
A ft'iS.OOO ttlaa.
Cahio. 111.. Dee. 7. A firo at Pad u-
rah t his morning: destroyed the Southern
hotel and three big houses Tallied at
$23,000. Insured for $ll,ooi.
taa Rand.
Taylouvii.le. 111.. Dec. 7. Miss
Bond had another violent paroxism
yesterday. The grand jury returned
indictments against J. C. Montgomery.
W. J. Montgomery, Levi l'ettis and
Edward Elements.
A l alal Itaeo.
New Orleans, Dec. 7. Passengers
saved frnm the steamboat Morning
Star which exploded, her boilers
yesterday, stated that she was racing
with tht Sunbeam when the disaster
A Klg Cnrco.
New Orleans. Dec. 7. The steam
ship Carmena cleared to-day for Liver
noli with lO.oül bales of cotton, 12.000
bushels of wheat and 2,050 staves. This
is tho largest cargoof cotton ever carri
ed by one vessel. Total value of cargo
A fatal Qnitrral.
Cincinnati, Dec. 7. A quarrel arose
between a hack driver and parties going
home frnm a bull at Turner Hall at five
o'clock this morning. When a police
man appeared to keep peace one of the
drivers, Tom Prtterson, a notorious
character, drew a revolver and fired at
the policeman. The ball missed the
policeman, but struck Joe Coke, an
other driver, in the head, killing him
instantly. Patterson escaped.
Severo Storm.
Buffalo, Dec. 7. A severe storm,
accompanied by considerable snow,
prevailed the greater part of the day.
Towards nightfall the velocity of the
wind greatly increased and at night be
came a gale. All trains are from two
to six hours late and on the Grand
Trunk all trains are abondoned. Tele
graphic communication is difficult by
crossing wires.
A Chapter of Accidents.
Syracuse, Dec. 7. This afternoon a
stock train bound east on the New
York Central railroad broke asunder
near Memphis and Dairy and another
stock train following dashed into it.
The St. Louis Express going west then
rushed into the shattered cars, making
quito a respectable and total of tlisas
ters in a comparatively short space of
time. Considerable live stock was
killed and the damage to railroad
properly heavy. No lives were lost.
TUey DkT;il in England.
London, Dee. 7. Telegrams from
various parts of the United Kingdom
report the snow storm unusually se
vere. Railway traffic iu many districts
is almost if not wholly suspended.
Trains were sno-ved up all last night
at Chesshirt and the passengers suffer
ed acutely. telegraphic communica
tion between Glasgow aiK London is
broken. ' Elsewhere massages are
greatly delated. Tho loss is heayy in
many places.,
i:lreme Cold.
Chicago, Dec. 7. It was extremely
cold last night and to-day over the
whole northwest, the thermometer
ranging last night from zero to fifteen
degrees below. It was a teerible night
on the lake and several crafts were un
able to make harbor, being iced over
this morning.
Minneapolis, Dec. 7 A polar wave
swept over Manitoba, Dakota and Min
nesota yesterday. Specials to the Jn
bune report sixty-seven degrees below
zero at Winnipeg. Manitoba, this morn
ing; 37 at Bismark. 30 at Grand Forks,
23 at Fargo, 29 at Jamestown, 30 at
Lake City, 28 at Breckenridge, 28 at
Winona, and from 15 to 20 below at
other Minnesota points. In this city it
was '0 at ó a. m., 11 below at 5 a. m., 0
below at midnight.
The 'Trinidad Democrat thusly com
ments on the grief of Brigham Yroung's
They say that Brigham Young's
grave is looking as bare and desolate as
a boulevard bow. At first, while her
grief was fresh, his widow used to
march out, there five abreast and just
naturally deluge the grave with scald
ing tears, and at that time the green
grass grew luxuriously, and the pig
weed waved iu the soft summer air;
but as she learned to control
her emotions, the humidity of
the atmosphere disappeared, and
grief's irrigation failed to give down.
We should learn from this that the man
wno natters tnmseit in marrying a
whole precinct during life he is piling
up for the future a large invoice of un
governable woe is liable to get left,
The prophet's tomb looks to-dav like a
deserted buffalo wallow, while his wid
ow has dried her tears and is trying to
make a mash on the Utah commission.
A bonanza for a party with small capi
tal, for particulars call on n. K.
Thornton. 11-19-tf
To Whem it Slay Concern.
As a change in the partnership of
Marwede, Brumley & Co., will take
place on the first of December, all ac
counts in favor of said firm must be col
lected, and all accounts against the
same should bo presented by that date.
Marwede, Brumley & Co.
Nov. 14. 1882. 11-H-tf.
Kansna City Cattle Market.
Kansas City, Dec. 7.
1 b- Live Stock Indicator reports:
CATTLE Receipts, 153; offerings bnrdly
Btitlieieiit to te&t the strength of the market,
nut the feeling was stronjr.
SHEEl' Jlooelits34:i; steady; natives, avcr-
Dgil!4Its, sold at $3.25.
Chicago Cattlo Market.
Chicaoo, Dec. 7.
The Drover's Journal reports;
CATTLE Ueceipts. 6,5(itl; shipments 3,:!(0;
fair demand, .gnnerally steady: Christmas cut
tle fcrt.üifed.íS; good to choice shipping $.V2ii(oi
Jti. 00; eommim to fair $4.00(54 w); butchers
fairly active, common to fair '$:!.(XK'i2,T.r; me
dium to pood f3.00(a4.U0: stackers and feeders
8HKEP Itecelpts 3,01)0; shipments 1,8tfl;
weak and dull; common to fair íi.fiO.'f 1.Í5; me
dium to good 3. 4;)(g.4.00; choice to good (4.10
Petroleum Market.
New yoKK Dec. 7.
Petroleum dull: TJutteJ I1.10K ; crudo 7)4
8';; retlned,
Mining Stocks.
New York. Dec. 7. Mining stocks very dull;
KoMnsou Consolidated i:Kiril tó; Chrysolite 105
Cn-llO; Consolidated Virginia (Ata 62; Horn Silver
675; IlulwerliorallS: Independence 7(a 70; Lit
tlo Pittsburff GO. Sales for the day 5,C4-Bharig.
All Goods Marked in Plain Figures.
In order to make rimm fur a stock of Dry (!. ls and Groceries, having defined to
g) into the giiieial nurcliari'lise business, we, the
One Priced Clothing- House,
Will sell for the next thirty days our entire stock of Clothine
Men s Furnishing Goods, Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes Trunks and
At Actual Cost
All goods marked so that you can see we mean business. Call and
see our immense stock and cheap prices at
312 Stta,ilirotci Avenue,
The Veteran SVíerchant f Las Vegas!
Twenty Years Experience in New Mexico.
Knows perfectly the wants of the
fluctuations of the market,
Low Prices and Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed in
evertthuvTG i
Goods always fresh
Kind and gentlemanly treatment
attention is called to goods of the season.
1 Hnn0itii of seful and new Toys,
I -UUU Just Imported fresh from Europe.
to commence with,
Li. ll
Havine; the best facilities over any other house in the Territory
to giye you goods at
rock: bottom ek.ioes.
Orders bv Mail Promptly Attended to.
a -llrw
Coal, Coke and Charcoal!
All Fuel must be paid for on delivery. Railroad ave., near depot.
out Sale
and Freight!
people ; watches constantly the
and buys only from first hands.
and kept clean and
to all by attentive clerks. Special
and more coming.
313 A. X. 13 r. 3

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