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DAILY GAZETTE. Pates of Subscription. I li i v, t, 1 !. . I ni' i.ib I i Ik inrri-l l.t i at r r t i i i ni t i.l idf rill. kir. I M r ) n " -I IT. Mlal.tli I :' r li ivnt - nif rul ail'iy I" J. II. k p; r. iiiiir ii I Ti.;.i,riwr. . U. K-irk r, --' l .air ami I nl ,M,!..r. Ai.r.r,'i ri:vt r. iaier refer to tlwiilj iLi'.t 'i i.R'.-t i: m ti I. art a new on rnt .f lare jro rtion. It W to l.e l'.iV. thrte stories liirli. w'.th ba-e-ment. A iixrlh winjj will If i'x'l if ft, uml a a'itli wiiif of like dime ti-iom. When oniiltf (I tliit will b a beauti ful ami ro-tly building. Now i- the beauty New Maxieo win ter weatlur aiparnt. Where c!.-e in the wui'M ran Midi universally miM anit 'Iraa:it be iouini? The rlituinatics of northern countries should c'jnie t this territory and loosen t;j ticir stiflViifd limbs Climbing our mountains tl;e- e sunny days. As small rox has almost entirely dis niarnl from the city people, should l careful about moving intw Iiou.t and rooms wlicru patient huvu lieen kept during the prevalence of the dis e:ie. Old licdilin should bo destroy ed and all such rooms thoroughly dis inUcted. The city overnnient has b. n Miric-f.ul iii sotting tlie disease n.otod f:ut of the city, and all clloi ts s!;o::ld be directed toward keeping it out. Sini.grnl measures should be a lopted looking toward that may m uioiigniiifieirouMutj, lv, Albu- r.iie ami olher joinis along Ihe 'l; .MIT TTIKiB MIC I JtJSl UilW fTUN. I 'W Vegas has sude red greatly from the cf f i ts of the did9M and as the city is now practical. y free it should be kept so, and lei business have a chance to a -ert itself i i a healthy manner. It was natural for this city to be injured more than any other, as it was the best known outside of the territory, and eastern pa pers heard of the preralencc of New Mexico it was yery nalural them to sprJv of its existing here, x'aris represents France, s- does Vegas New .Mico. it in for As La KA.S K ( i J Y, ih, i:a;i(l lirmviii of TlilsJ Vomitf (roi lls ol the Vlt, lni;i'oil. Sueial (iitte h ñutí iiusincss of (! t llj . I'tom mu' sa'eul eiMT. sutite:it. Kansas Citv, Dee. 4, Kansas City is built on the rouglie.-t piece oí ground tkls side of New Mexico a constaat .succession of liilis and Tallys; but what a city of marvellous growth is this, and Ingersoll tells us it will b as large as'. ..cago some day, am!, by the way, Ingcrsoll has conic and gone and told r.s what to do to be saved from his view of life and death. The o:ily opera house was more crowded than it had ever been before, three hundred people occupying tho sta,e, leaving a space the sixoof a dinner ta b'e for Tngersoll. He don't io:r and rant, and that crowde.l house would haye sat till daybreak to lisien to a speaker of such wonderful power. To me, above all his other small manner isms, the most contagious was his sup pressed smile. He was honestly amus ed as he stood there, with scraps of paper on which he had copied passages from the New Testament and read t hem aloud, tearing them to pieces and i'ilerspershig with original comments; and that smile to lighten up his words of ridicule. Ho is honest in ií.t biliving the "schema" of salyation, as lie pleased to call it. It was delightful and after he had taken up every church -beginning with the mother of all churches, the Catholic, and shown up a fearful and bloody record, and helped tn bury creeds: he stepped forward unit, point in ; upward, told us his religion ami as he said at the closing of each ar ticle of seif-taught faith: "On this rock I stand!" On this rock I stand!"' it was a most, sublime climax. Two things 1 came away convinced of Iu gersoll'.is honest and eloquent. Now, this week, we are to haye Ray mond and the "reformed"' preacher, Miln that i.-,' reformed th wrong way; left the pulpit for the stage on account of changing of religious views. Kansas City commands now the best talunt oren Pulsen is coming en the 'J!t!h. Hut the past week has b. en a most busy one: a profitable one, and all for char ily. There are a noble class of women here that l.ave built a home for the friendless, and were in debt- many thousands. They conceived the idea of organizing a bazaar of notions to raise the money, and by various methods havi succeeded in one wuwk n raising r'.,0(K. Overa ene thousand a day clear prílit. There iculd not be. a more charitable people, Hullenu, Monro & Kmerygire most freely foOO here, an other $.-)() thove and other firms in pro portion, tho List two weeks ssems lo have bee;i repleta v:th opportunities forgiving Tli! Provident association being a perfect organization t: sup press street beting and pauperism, is an association western cities, would ds well to copy. llefcring to the Bazaar the notable feature was the gamo of chess, being playcTwilli men aud women, tic; queen of red attired in cardinal plusli. a royal train, ermine, diamonds, etc., ths pawns, were thu young fceils of Kansas City in full uniform of red and black; two noted chess players played a game on a near stand and a lloor manager called out the moves which the elegant queens, kings and knights moved about gracefully from square to square. The work of getting ready and arranging costumes was very great, but it was a success and put hundreds into the Women's Christian Association. It is too cold lo rido out and besides there is not a street in repair, every one is torn up, but from tho window one m rvtrr!ii;i. There rise ateeile and there ate many church for the de vout, ene eren, I hear, lia a string lii. I lo attract the jounjf. Kan-as City is a rry wea'tuy city, t.ianv cf tie more western Luine men h ing ama-n-d a fortuno com litre to ime-t. and by the way, it take a n.k'.l fortune to iatcst in ial estate hero nun. O:io of the ln".t residences L re is In in buiit by a cattle man, and the city is pre.vlin;; in erery di rection. Itents are very It'mh and lir n every ay i at a premium. How ever, what a pleasure to go chopping nowadays, provided of course you have a full pos kot-book. Take (J. Y. Smith's or liulleue'ft, where you can buy . anything from a shoe string to a $Vi) .eal-kin acqtit, and carried from Heor to floor in elevators, polite clerks, eterylhing but a lunch counter, winch wi:l ccme in time like Maey's in New York. One needs a lunch when on a shopping tour, for there is no business so tedious and dilatory if one is in a puudrj what to buy and investigating juices, styles, etc. Tho ladies dress elegantly and in style too, but not so dashras further west in California. The black dresses are still used, but it is quite proper for ladies of middle age here to go on the street in a bright red plusli suit, and hat the same; very gay hats are worn. not largo as as recently. Many have no trimming but a lifc-M.ed pigeon, rather half llatteued out on one side. Birds of all kinds sow aro made to adorn ladies1 bonnets by their death. I am too near the end of this letter to branch out on the sea of fashion, but one can now feel lhpJ are in stJi jf wiiat they have on is b(,(.omins t( tiieul no niattcr what Lthcis wear. Krery lady can olictato her own stylo of dress, and Mrs. Lans- try says we trim too much and conceal the true effect of the cloth, if displayed by plain spaces, without furbelows ami frills. One sees full skirts, and many wearing hoops of small size, over which all dresses hang more gracefully and don't wabble about when walking. M. M. II. W. WVJIAV I NDERTAKER. I keep the best assortment and the largest undertaker's supplies of every thing in size and quantities. Securing Ceo. p. Smith, a practical embalmer from Colorado, of long experience, per fected a system f caring for the dead without ice, producing natural and life like appearance, and guarantee the most perfect preservation of all bodies embalmed by us for shipment to any jiart of the world, such as has acver been done heretofore. I therefore beg leave to inform the public generally that I am prepared to meet the long felt want of this city, to sell at a rea sonable price all kinds of metalic and wood collins, frota the cheapest to the finest. In basement, corner Seventh and Douglas streets. Orders by tele graph will receive prompt attention. 1 1-7-1 m. EWES FOli HALE. A Splriulitl Oppiirf unity to II h J 1 will have by the 1st of September in tho vicinity of Las Vegas 25,000 young New Mexican ewes for sale. For infor mation apply to Don Feliciano Gutier re at Pinkerton. J. M, Pekea. 8-2tf. TO MY CUSTOMERS AND THE PUB LIC. I have just returned from the eastern markets, and my stock is as complete as any in the city. I intend to remain in this city, and do not intend TO SELL AT COST, but will give my custom ers and the public in general as good a bargain as offered any where, as I will not be undersold. Remember the Old Reliable Mer chant, N L. ROSENTHAL, 10 24-tf Railroad Avenue. A bonanza for a party with small capi tal. For particulars call on K. It. Thornton. 11-19-tf To YVlieui it My Concern. As a change in the partnership of Manvede, P.runiley & Co., will take place on the iirst of December, all ac counts in favor of said firm must be col lected, and all accounts against the same should be presented by that date. Makwkde, Bkuml'ey &Co. Nov. 11. 1S&2. 11-14-tf. Herman Meyer, of the Grand avenue merchant tailoring establishment, has secured the services of a first-class cut ter and is now prepared to furnish per fect lining garments, made up in the most fashionable and artistic manner. Cleaning and repairing done on short notice. Give him a call. "11 23 tf Garrard & Cunninghams INSURANCE, Heal Estatei Live Stock Notaries Public AND- - Conveyancers. WE HAVE for sale improved and unimproved city and Hot Springs property. City and Hot Springs propertv to rent. fn- trally located business houses and offices to rent. Ranchea anrl waterfronts in the best stock raising sections of Mew Mexico for sale. Horses, cattle and sheep for sale. WE WANT real estate and live stock-all we can get-to sell on fair terms. Bonds, deeds and contracts carefully drawn. Ac knowledgements taken and col lections made. All business placed with us shall have prompt attention. GARRARD & CUNNINGHAM, Bridge Street Las Veas N.M. TJ 8. CÜLVKK, Negotiator of RANCHES AND STOCK, Dodgo City. Kausaa. li u-lm JAS. A. LOCK HART. Prtoiaont. KICHABD DUHV. Tico Tretident. NEW MEXICO LUMBER ASSOCIATION. CAPITAL STOCK, S250.000. Las Vegas, New Mexico. New Mexico RUPE & M A XL FACTU It E K3 Of DOORS, SASH, BLINDS AND MOULDINGS. DEALERS IX Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Siding, Ceiling, Floor ing, Oils, Glass, Paints, Plaster Paris, Cement, Plasterer's Hair and Building paper. Veasf I reuli Milk. Delivered to all parts of town by S. N. Trembly. 1-14-tf Ten thousand dollars to lend on real f stats. Apply to U. II. Thornton & Co., Bridge street. ll-3tf SOCIABLE DRINKS AT BILLY' S. New line of nobby hats and the best overshoes in the market at the Golden Rule elothing store. Remember it is cheaper to get comfortable clothes than to pay Uocter bills. 11-17-Ct ATTENTION STOCKMEN! I have for sale one stock ranch 35,000 acres. Ono stoek ranch 15,000 ucres. One stock raneb. io,o(H) acres. Houses and lots in this city. Warranty deeds iruarantoed. H. K. THOUNTON, Heiil Estato Agent. Bridge street, Las Vikhs, N. M. TTOU SALE A frond paying business in the j center of the city. Uusircss jmys nut per day ten dollars. This Is a chance for a party with f mall capitul. Or will trade for real estate. Cull and see for yourself . R. H. xHOUNTON, Uridsre street. ll-W-tf T. B. MILLS, l'ublishcrof M in iug World. Real Estate, Mining & Insurance BROKER. DEALER LN MINES, Municipal Bonds, AND LAND SCRIP, Viz : Improved Soldiers' Additional Bomesiead, SIOUX SCRIP -AND Will buy and sell lamls on his own account and on commission, and transact a general real estate business In all Its branches. Have a large list of desirablo lots for sale at tho Hot Springs, that will bring doublo the present price asked within one year. New ilex ico is destined to become The Great Stock, Sheep, Fruit and Mining Country of America, and the Hot Springs will be the Invalid and tourist resort of tho world. Write insurauce policies on desirable risks throughout the territory. Tarties desiring information about New Mexico, address T. B. MILLS, Las Vegas, N. M. Office on Bridge 6treet, New Town, near P,0 A. 0. BOBBINS DEALER IN FURNITURE AND QUEEN'S WARE UNDERTAKING ORDERS PROMPT- LY ATTENDED TO. Near the Bridge, West Lat Vegat. COH WARRANTS EUQEHIO BOM EBO Treasurer. L. II. MAXWELL. EecreUry. Planing" Mill, BULLARD, 3XTew Mex. E. W. SEBDENS, NOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Sixth Street .... Las Vegas. J A. BALL. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Main street, Hulf-Way Hill. Telephone con nections. T. 8TANSIFEU& MATTHEWS, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS All kinds of contracting done. T hebest of securities given. w Q WABD, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER LA3 EGAS, NEW MEXICO. QET SHAVED AT THE PARLOR BARBER SHOP. BATHS ATTACHED. CENTEB STBEET. - EAST LAS VEGAS JICHARD DUNN. NOTARY PUBLIC, BUSCON, ... NEW MEXILO. JEST & TREVEUTON, CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, Keep constantly on hand tho best of lumber, dressed and in the rough. Contracts will be taken m aud out of town. Shop ia fcnst Las egas. C. SCHMIDT, Manufacturer of WAGONS & CARRIAGES, General blacksmithing and repairing, Grand Avenue, opposite Lockhart & Co. w E&T LAS VEGAS LAND AGENCY joiin Campbell, !n Wosche'i building. LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO, 1 F. NEILL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, And District Attorney for the Twentieth Ju dicial District of Texas. All kinds of busiuesi, attended to promptly. Ollieo: EL PASO, TEXAS. JOIIN RLSSELL, NOTARY PUBLIC, LAW AND COLLECTION AGENCY, P. O. Box 57. Lake Valley, N. M J. KOUTLEDGE Sealer In OoiaorallVIeroliaiidlao Blacksmith and Wagou shop In connection. HAY AMD GRAIN A SPECIALTY. GLORIETA. - NEW MEXICO. s PATTY, Manufacturer of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IKO WAKES and dealer in all k tula of COOKING ANG PARLOR STOVES BRIDGE STREET, - - - LAS VEGAS J N FURLONG, PHOTOGRAPHER, GALLERY, OVER POSTOFFICE, Bridge Street. LAS VEGAS, pKANK OGDEN, PT &N1NG MILL, LAS VEGAS, - - - NEW MEXICO. All kinds of dressing, matching and turning done on short notice. ;iear native lumber kept on hand for gale. North of tho gas works. Frank Ogdbn, Proprietor. Q. W. MITCHELL. NOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer and collection agent, with A. A. & J. IÍ. Wise, Sumner house block.. F. MEREDITH JONES, U. S. M. Deputy Surveyor. Surveying Homesteads and Grints solicited. OUice in Marwcde building, near Post Oiliee, EAST LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO. O ULAN DO SMITH. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. All kinds of machine work done to order Shp on Moreno street, west of South First street. LBERT BERBER, Proprietors BREWERY SALOON, WEST SIDE SIXTH STREET. East Las Vegas. Fresh Beer always ea Draught. Also Fine Cigars and Whisker. Lnach Counter In con nection. llr r Illatla. Th rrtrwrh!p hrriofiiiiinlriwtiB II. H. nrl. n and J. II. IUÍL. umlt rtbc nrm ii of IfeM-ilvi! k lull, tract i r aud ImiMcrs tbin dav t y mutual nrnt l..v l, H. H. Ikmlf-n n tir.n. J. A. lUli will r-n-tinnr the lmim- at lb" old aland hald J lull will rollci ail anittintf due and y all ln'lrlt"-tne cf nih! firm. ft. It IWmt rs. J. A. IlAIX. I ,U Vera. X. Si -Oct. Jl. 11. E. N. HOXgi lLU). ATTORNEY A3D COUNSELOR AT LAW. IiAf VEGAS, IsX. IWX. Offiee at Baca's Building. -QOCTOR T. A. McKIXXEV. ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OUIoeaiH tvaldrnceon P'XIbIü Avenue, bt Iwet n the Sumner and ft. Meliola hottl. tMTIee bnr from a to 12 a. in. x lo i p. m. and from T tott at night JJOSTWICK WHITE LAW. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Offlca In First Nt'l Bank Balldiog, LAS VEGAS. - - NEW MEXICO. JEK & FORT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW (Office it Residence) EAST LAS VEGAS - - - . N. M QEO. T, BEALL. ATTORNEYNJKCpUNSELLOR WhiteOuki, .... New Mexico -yj-AHCCSD. ALLEN, M. D., Las Vegas, N. M. DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN A SPECIALTY. Offlice with J. J. Fitzgerrcll, the live real es tate agent. At niirht call at FiUgerrcll's residence, no main street. FRED. G. HENESEY, Accountant & Expert, Insurance Broker and Collector. Books posted and balanced as uer agreement, Inventories of stoek taken. PiirtnrrHhip and complicated accounts settled. Insuninco placed In reliable, companies. City collections ......I.. If....... , 1..! T1..1. HlHUVi XWUUI11 HO. 1, fc;lllOIl REFERENCES: Wilson Si Mailin, Clark A Tweed, Geonrc W. Huston, Geo, R Delprat, of Lcudville; Samuel C Davis & Co., St. Louis, Mo.; Henry Mailer dc Co., ew lork; A. O. ltobbius, A. tí . vniiraore, Li. n. Maxwell, Las V eus. Investigator of titles to real cssates. Ab slraets furnished and guaranteed. County cierk a oincc, county or sun Miguel. FOR FAMILY USE. Domestic and Imported "Wines Champagne, Port, Angelica, Kelly Island Burgundy, Claret, Sweet Catawba. DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED LIQUORS. Absynthe, Anisette. Benedictine. Kimmel. Cognac, Brandy, Arrack, . Curacao, Maraschinol, Blackberry, Gin. Dr. Richardson's Life Preserver Bitters at M. D. MARCUS'. Center street MASTER'S SALE. Notice is hereby (riven that I, tho under signed, Henry Kobison, a special master in chancery, of the district court of the First ju dicial district for the county of Mora, ap pointed by said court, and the judjfe thereof, in a decree rendered in a suit in equity, pend ing before said court, in which Louis Sulz bacher was complainant, and Mitcria Greirif and Geo. W. Urotrsr were defendants, for the purpose cf foreclosing and sollingtnc mort gaged premises hereinafter mentioned, and for all purposes therewith connected as more fully appears in tho decree rendered in said cause. I will, by virtue of said decree, ou lhe 23d DAY OF DECEMBER, 1882. at tho depot at Watrous, county of Mora, and territory of New Mexico, between the hours of 1 1 o'clock it. m. and 3 o'clock p. m., of said day, sell at public auction, the following de scribed real estate, lying and being situated in the county of Mora, and territory of vow Mex ico, and ueseribed as follows : All and singu lar, tho lands known as the "Gregg's tavern," and being the premises now (at the date of said mortgage) oecupiod by said parties of tho first part (tho defendants) and descri lied as fol lows: Commencing at a point at the north east corner of the corral, ami running south to a stone; from thence to the Sapcllo river; from thence north along said rivtr to a point three huielred yards from tho south line of the lot; from thence west to a Btonc; from thence south to a stone. 1'his description Intending to carry as afore said all of said Gregg homestead garden, and including all houses, out-houses and other im provements thereon. And out of the procfeds of said sale to pay the said complainant, Louis Sulzbacher, his cotts in this suit and also tho amount of one thousand five hundred and sevouty-onedollnrsand tlity-slx cents, found to be due by said decree, from said defend ants to said complainant; with interest at tho rate of twelve per cent per annum from the eignth day of March, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, nnd the surplus arising from said sale, if any there be, to pay into court. And if the moneys arising from such sale are insufficient to pay the amount so reported duo to the complainant, with interests and costs aforesaid, that tbo said special master specify the amount of said deficiency in his report 3f said sale, and that on tho corning in and confirmation Jof said report, the defend ants, Miteria Gregg and George W. Gregg, pay to tho complainant tho amount of such deficiency with interest thereon, und that tho said complainant have execution therefor, as In said decree more particularly set out. HhxitY nonisox. Special Master in Chancery. Mora, N. M., November 4, IS.'. m South side cf Plaza. BE3T OF FRESH PORK AND MM always on hand. HARLEY J. KENDRICK, Proprietor. NEW MEA IRK LAS VEGAS IRON WORKS. O", C. ADLiOW cfb SON'S Foundry and U oow In running ordi-r. an.! "iivin Brtt-f'.aMmarhinrTT, will d.i all w.rk In tbrirlue, it ti-HtiiTuiM uwua, mt'ir mm u.ih? .b p will ruuk-j Mill and Milling' Machinery A ipwlalty and wl'.ltmiij and r-pair toam ranm pump, pulí') vainifi i. rbaHtn, tH. -ln mau-lrviU, boxct, vie , t u: All kind of ina turning, t r;nf, lurlrg aud bolt cutting. Tkx-ir IFOUZLSnDIRZ WILL Iron Columna. fritera. Lint-Is bab M'rlrht. Window Pill and Capo, Itoiler Fmnta, Plain and Baluster, Grata Bar I rvitlng. Mtove liowl. In fact male arythlnff of cut Iron. Give Cash Paid For USURER mus EAST LAS VEGAS, N. M. MRS. M. A. MAXWELL, Proprietress. This house Is brand new and has been elegantly furnlnbed tbrouvhoiit. Tho Mimner 1 a flrst-cliDsbou-u In every respect, andgunH will bo entertained in the best possible manner and at reasonable rates. F. L. I1INT, DEAIEU3 IN Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles and Perfumefy, Prescriptiont Carefully Compounded at All Hours, Diuj and Xijht. LOOIELTAnT DUOCIt, EAHT ZjAS VEOAIJ 8AMUEL B. WATROUS S.B.WATEOUS&SON -DEALERS IN- Cattle, Hay, Grain, Flour and Town Lots, WATROUS, - - WEW MEXICO Consignments of I relght and Cattle from, an4 lor the Red River Couniry, received Ht Watrono Rail Uoad Depot. Good Roads from Red River via Olguln Hill. Diiitaanna from i'ort Laacom to Watrous. Eichtr-nln miles. VALLEY DINING HALL 15.1' tabic in Las Vcgae for the money. Gooa bar in connociion. A FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY, Where washing will be done promptly for a most moderate price. Chas. SVSelendVt Proprietor. FRESH At Five CoiiIn iter Clnsn at CHAPMAN HULL, arlor p CHOICE AND SELECTi I WINES, LIQUORS Í A Pleasant Place for G mlio. take a "smile" as you pa s. Cood Accommodations and A. PAUL CEAWFORD, Proprietor. South West Cor. Plaza, Board $2 per day; f8 per week; $21 per month. cars passthe oor every ton minutes. E We have now on hand and will continue to re ceive this season, alt the delicacies tlmt the eastern market aflorda. We can not enumerate ull our laro and varied stock, bu t will mention a few we receive twice per week. All kinds of for eign and eastern Sau sages ; smoked T, ri'I.S, HERRINGS, ETC., I.TC. We have one car-load of CALIFORNIA TABLE FRUITS, Jellies and Jams; also imported preserves, Sauces of h 11 kinds, Olircd. Catsup, V.xt lish and French Mustards, French Can dies, and inl'uct we have tho largest and llncst stock of staple and FANCY GROCERIES In the city. Ourpricesaro as low as the low est. An for our BREAD and CAKES This market bus boon so often deceived with imitatioiiH of it that we need sav nothirsr more than tliut vo trivo you LEON'S OWN ItltEAD, I ounces to it loaf, and our Ocam Bread is one pound and nino ounces to each round loaf. , LEON BROS. MRS, J, B. BAKER & CO,, Fancy Cood, 28 SIXTH STREET. have opened one of tbo finest stocks of Fancy Goods ib the market. Latest Styles. Their stock consinta of ladles' furnlshlnir goods, embroideries, zephyrs, Germautown jams and fancy supplies, Miss L. Boughton is associated In tho nillll rjerr and drcsnmakiir deoartmcnt LOOK B R TOO BUY Machine Shop MnTcOrntra. Baew, bt , Llu, !., Whwl. Pinion. M wer Pnrti Etc.. Etc.. F.t. them a call and save money inlili lay. Old Cast Iron. O. O. K'llAI I K!t JOSKm TI. WATKOUd OLD KENTUCKY Chulee rtrauds of Wiunes and Ciir r8 at P. J. f1ART!í3'S Saloon on to Congregate. Stop m and J. F. BOWLES, Prop. Courteous Treatment to All. 3 Twm. ítcimt": West Las Vega. Board by the day, week or month. Mrec O. ST. DENIS, C1IA1U.KS MYKH. I. AS VKÜAS ater Manufactory ARE rilKPARED TO FILL ALL ORDHIW rOIl Soda, Sarsaparilla, Ginger, Rasp berry, and Seltzer MINERAL WATERS ON SHOUT NOTICE. Main Street. Zion Hill. m 8 Plffl i is Open to the Public Day Hoarders, $7.00 per week. Transients from $2.50 to $t.00 per day. fuitsof rooms, parlors with led rooms at tached, can be obtained at $4.00 perday. Front room at $3.00 per day. Firstclassinall its Apnointments MRS. S. B. DAVIS, Proprietress, LasVeeas - - New Mexico. VAN R. KELSO, Wholesale Dealer in OYSTERS and FISH RATON, N. M. E. A. FISKE. U. L. WAUUEN. FISKE & WARREN. Attorneys nnd Counselors at Law, Santa Fe. N. M., will practice In the supremo and all district courts in tho Territory. Special atten tion (riven to corporation cases; also to Sran Isb a.d Mezlcaa grants and United States uiin lBir and other land litlgatioH before tbo courts aud United States executive officers. if2 I r i! Ill X 12 OF Soda W