Newspaper Page Text
DAILY GAZETTE. Ratts of Subtcilptlon. I ir-. ft I'ino lha . k . U tu j, I luonin lh- irrt-d t) iirnrf lu lijr wrt uf el . r-' k.f, I )' $ .- ik,)J aimith I '.i j rt tu rnlr HIT'.) J. II. K' ei-r. t it ami icieur. w. U. Kuttykr, -t .. nl l'nl "ln r. A t-nD ItAI.L. KiNOMOX, Hi:c. 9. 2. Lditor azettc: A cíai ball was held litre lt c tc n- irj;. TI:o nufces of which a far le yoml our eei. tatin that tiie tou'i eu1e congratulate tlie insolrcs taut the ub )ieiU u.lhU lively jounj crunp expect a brink social na'ii this winter. '1 ho music was furnished by the King- slon itiiug band. The music wasx cellcnt ami dancia was kept up until a lae hour. AM who attended the enter tainment were well aUsGad w h the.r evening' j-leaure. Tht fuIUwinz naiufl l'it graced ll o ccl1u wuh their presence: ?'he Misses Lauglilm, Mioses Kunk'e, Spcuctr, Mary White , Nett'e White, Mesdame DeFjiest. Deiiir, Libbia Kanchor, Sills, KunUe, Lau;ulin, Spn r lUpk Ui, and others whose names we 'e not acrtained. The laUiea were all nicsly aud taste i'ully dressed and had it not been for Uia lofty mountains and the booming of blasts in the mines one miht have fan cied themselves lit a banquet in neme eastern city. The success f this ball will likely lead to the forma. ion f a so cial c'nb. Something over thirty coup le were in attendance. Near the c'ose of the evening a s'iht nil ei cation oc curred be ween two gentlemen, but it was amicably settled aud the dance went on as meiTy as a mnrriago bell. So much for Kingston's first entertain ment. (J. A. S. Peo"'wear Manned Ou. 'iiie fel'ow wl' feet srael's to c'ouils. the lue crank who always grabs yoj b" your vaccinate. The 'e'low who gives you a fine drunk b" a whiff of h;s breath. The condi c o: w! o wants a newspa per man to put up for a two mile lide. I íe man w o neer cots a ilr-s work and then proc'aims that t''e world is a fai'n-e. The crank lorer.who insists ouiel':ig you everything about his roulsles wiiii his da -ling. '1 "einai who wants thieo dol'ars un til mi '.raj and then never comes near you aftei wards. Ti e i dividual wUo s always saying "I am ss good as anybody," when he kaows he is lying. Tbe man or wo.uan who is a walking ercyclopedia. and who shoots it at you on a'l occaiors. 'luí par. y is a'wavs mad at a mai because ! weais a cicau shirt and soaie imes tal cs a bath. Tai V oir who ca"s you across tke sheet to have seinet! ing with him, and then says "cs-re on let's shake." Tne ps. ei who always says he "don't 1. w no hng," and then asks you ne. v da", wny you can' t have some news in the pa.r. . Tlegalco- who je"s at you throe Uocks away, when you are in a great htnry, and t'-en at er you wait for him '..ica't'i r) says; "Hu'l , where are going?" The c;ieeky iuJ vidual wbo rings you up ou t'ie tolepLoiia aud want) you to "please go down and l ave Smith come up." i?'Mi lives foi'r blouks away un has no telephone. The indivoual w'10 súalks around wiih a grave yard expression on his lace, who smells HI. a perambulating uharmacy, and who is always iiourini; Into your horrified eav, teirible tals of contag'.ors diseases. Habits or I lie otiliMi. A correspi indent of the New York Port says that the codfish frequents "the table huids of the sea." The cod fish no doubt does this t secure as nearly as possible a dry, bracing at mosphere. This pure air of the sub marine tabic lands gives t lie codfish that v,rcath of che ;t and depth of lungs which we have always noiiced. The glad, wee smile of the codfish is largely uttiibuted to the exhilaration of this oceanic alt it' odleum. The correspondent further says that the uodlish subsists largely on the sea cherry. Those who have not had the pleasure of seeing the codiish climb the sea cherry tiee in search of food, or clubbing the fruit from the heavily ladeued branches with chunks of coral, have missed a very line sight. The r:. (ltish, when at home rambling through the submarine forests, does not wear his vest unbuttoned, as he does loafing around the grocery stores of the United States. Boomerany. Coal FleMH eT Mexico The supreme financial and commer cial ipiestion with th alert and acive capilaists of or sisler republic has been, and is, are there coal beds in this re u1 lie. íFuo!, as regards wood in ' Mexico, must-, neecisarially ',.9 put down as a cipher; alt'-ough there are isolated im'ier regions; which cannot afford mire .' n tiie mining liniber ab solutely nccossary to carvy mi mining operations. We can safely say that the coal belts i.f this republic are amply adequate f jr all We will at present list a few of ths coal measures of the country in or-ler to disabuse the prevailing fear of lack - f fuel in this country for mining, milling, railroad ing, manufacturing and domestic pur pose. There is anthracite, lignite an 1 supe rior conking eos I eighty miles south of Chihuahua and on the direct line of the Mexican central railroad. There are seven distinct coal belts in the statu of Duran?'. The old bat le ground of Buena Vista is on a portion of a vast coal field. The state of Pueblo is four ssparate anthracite coal regions. Sono ra has on the Yaqui river a coal field which is amply sufficient to supply all possible dvmands for aorthwestern Mexico for an hundred ysars. Santa Rosa, Coahuila has an outcropping vain of coaking coal seven feet in width. This fuel question for all needed pur poses ia this republic is forever settled . Ye have a great abundance and will have much to spare tho United States or any othsr cemilry when their coal fields shall hare beoomo exhausted. ' tuning- Stocks. fS.OOO Manzanares Mining Co.'s stock for sale at three cents on the dol lar. $25,000 wortn of Socorro Tunael stock at two and one-half cents on the dollar. 12-10-tf GAKRARD & CCNINGHAM. SOCIABLE Seasonable Drinks' J At IULLY'S. Ma4r4 Ball. Tle Herman of th's titj wi'l tWe g i ami najuerat!i ball tb Iwentr- Ihiiil I tin HiMth t iiioeut li in the fourth ward. A freue ral initia tion U iu utlet U all !) enjoy n-cb It-tmlir. U 4t SOCIABLE MILK PUNCH At IULLY'S. The I'lazs hotel will be more popular than ever lu' fall and winter as the su-aüy niiiv' o' guests bow indicate. It is couvenicnt .0 ell parts of town, it i n comfortable building in which to live and the lurnishinir is elegant and tlm table the very best. The l'laza is tho best hotel of New Mexico after all and the guests unicisally so pronounce it. -6-tl Fine brier (sweet French) pipes at tho Havana Cigar btore. l-adli-a and Urmlrroen, Your attention for a few moments only it will be to your best interest. On Januarv 1st I will have tho pleasure ot moving into my new store, and until then, 1 will Her my stock at reduced nrices. and all I ask is an examination. I have evervthinz that any one of you eould want or want to give away for Christmas or .New lear s. 12-3-Ut Chas. Ilkeld. Hest hne cut chewing tobacco at the Havana Cigar store. OanriDic Arndanay. At Wvman'H hall, Monday and Fri day evenings for adults. Thursday and Saturday afternoons at 2 o'clock for children. I will give private lessons every other night ia the week excepting Monday and i rnlay. rnvato issona for ladies every afternoon with the ex ception of Thursday and Saturday af ternoons, iickets can do secure ai lline & Sheafer's drug store and must be presented at the door. 13 7 lm Will C. Cornell. Asortel caadles at the Park. Just received, at the Park Grocery, a largo invoice of fine candies for the Christmas holidays. Come and sec us before purchasing elsewhere. Also a large lot of choice apples. We still sell: 8 lbs. brown sugar for one dollar. 7 llis. granulated uar for one dollar. 0 lbs. lump sugar for one dollar. 5 cans peas lor ne dollar 20c. each. 5 cans tomatoes for one dollar 20c each 3 cans California fruits for 1 35c each 5 lbs. Faglc mick for one dollar. We will try and please overy one and more especially the children, llumem bcr the place, in the Dold block, west side pi tlio plaza, h. Harris ana it. u McDonald will be pleased to see you ni!. lü-O-tl EWES Foil SALE. A Knlcndid Opporlnalll' to Hay Nueep. I wil1 have ')' the 1st of September in tho vicinity ot Las Vegas 25,000 .young Aew Mexican ewes for sale, ior íuior matron apply to Doa Feliciano Gutier rex it Pinkeilon. J. M, Tekea. 8-2tf. RED HOT Irish whisky at Billy's. Three first-class dress makers wan ted at once. The highest waes aud steady employment will be given. ll iiO-tf RED HOT Tom and Jerry at Billy's. Vegetable ai Hendricks. llailey J. Kendrick has added a nice IÍ50 of vegetables o his meat maiket on the south side of the plaza. Celery, parsnips, carrots, lurnips and apples. l'hey are all nice and fresh. Go the.o when you waat someihio; good to cook. 12-7-üt RED HOT hot Scotch at Billy's. 1 lively Flowers. Ecautuul yourg plants, coveied with bloom and buds, at fifty cents each. Bouque:s crosses and wreaths supplied on short notice. C. E. Wf.sciie, 12-5-a Plaza. SOCIABLE NIGHTLY AT CRIBBAGE BILLY'S. Now is the time to buy what you need in fancy goods at L C. Elkin's, postollice store, as he is closing out the present stock at a very low figure 'to make room for holiday stock. 10-25tf SOCIABLE WHIST AT BILLY'S For good dry stovo wood go to Thos. J. Gates' wood yard. 0-2Gtf Notice. John F. Kopp has been appointed agent for the Gazette at Lake Valley lie w"l deliver the paper to subscribers and collect money due on subscriptions. SOCIABLE PUNCH AT BILLY' S. Owing to the obliquity of the eclip tics, a couple of rooms and board can be had at the Wooster house at reason able rates. 12-3-1 w RED HOT port wine negus atBilly's. Look Here! The summer is over, and instead ot cool and shady little parks, we now hayo warm, sunny and pleasant liUle parks surrounded by wings of our Ex change Hotel. 10-.Vlf. A. Paul Ckawfohd. To Wbem It Nay Concern. As a change in the partnership of Marwet'e, Brumley & Co., will take place on the lirst of December, all ac counts in Kivor of said firm must be col lected, ami all accounts against the same should be presented by that date. Makwepe, Brumley & Co. Nov. U. 1882. 11-U-tf. TO MY CUSTOMERS AND TIIE PUB LIC. I have just returned from the eastern markets, and my stock is as complete as any in the city. I intend to remain in this city, and do not intend TO SELL AT COST, but will give my custom ers and the public in general as good a bargain as offered any where, as I will not be undersold. Remember the Old Reliable Mer chant, N L. ROSENTHAL, 10-24-tf Railroad Avenue. Notico of IMtnoimion. Notirsls hereby p'iven thnt the partnership herolofore existing brtwi-en W. E. Marwede, J. Gruner and C. D. Brumley, under tho Arm name of Murwede, liiuniley A Co., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. C Ü. Hmrnloy retiring. Tho business will be con tlimi'd at the old etand by W. U. Marwede and J. Gnincr, under theP'in name aud style of niwedu & Uruner. Tho n iwflini wi'l collect all debts and assume the payment of ail fio liabilities thereof. V. E. Marwedf, J. Grcnkr, C. D. BfiCMUtT. Las Vegas, Dec. 1, lSbJ.l? -tf. Kotiee To my frienda. I have tailoring business with gone into the J. B. Allen. east side of plaza and I will be glad to sec ail my old customers and friends. We are prepared to do all kinds of work in our hne, LOUIS IIOLLENWAGEIt. Ai. a. p-o dant. BTCHABD DUN S. Tleo PresldenU NEW MEXICO LUMBER ASSOCIATION. CAPITAL STOCK, S250.000. Las Vegas, New Mexico RUPE & BULLARD, MANUFACTIT CKS Of DOORS, SASH, BLINDS AND MOULDINGS. DEALERS 15 Lumber, Lath, Shingles, ing, Oils, Glass, Paints, Plaster Paris, Cement, Plasterer's Hair and Building Usáis Veas, Frrab Milk. I Delivered to all parts of town by S. N. Trembly. M4-tf Ten thousand dolíais to lepd o 1 teal estate. Apply to 11. It. 'J jorn m & Co., Bridge street. 11-3'f SOCIABLE DRINKS AT BILLY'S. Prodnce and Feed Mare. Graaf&Weil keep the only prod uce and feed storo on the plaza. A full stock of grain, hay and flour always oí hand in large lots. Cash paid for woo1 hides and pelts. 4-2-iJ New line of nobby hats and the best overshoes in the market at the Golden Rulo clothing store. Remember it is cheaper to got comfortablo clothes than to pay doctor bills. ll-17-6t (Jo to J. V. Pearce for all kinds of carpenter and repair work, Railroad avenue. No. 333. 7-9-tf. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Be it known that the oilsinal Little Casino Grocery Store, A. Danziger, Proprietor, is located in Ward & Tamme's block, 17 Center street 12-6-im GLOVES! GLOVES! GLOVES! 200 dozen at eastern cost at the City Shoe Store. Opera build ing, Railroad avenue. 12-10 3t Jnst Received at CHAS. ILFELD'S A full line of CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS' CARDS. Also a beautiful lot of Ladles' Novelties, suita ble for Christmas preaontj. ?'M(Mf A bonanza fora party withsmall capi tal. For particulars call on R. R. Thornton. 11-19-tf REMEMBER! REMEMBER!! REMEMBER!!!' That M. D. Marcus is now ready to give you all goods at less than your own figures. The clearance sale will commence Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, Wyman buildinz. 12-5-tf RED HOT NOVELTIES IN HOLIDAY GOODS! --AT- FAMOUS, Bridge Street, W. Las Vegas. THE E T, Run In conuection with Kedflrici'sMeatMartetadi Grocery Best place in the City To get an excellent meal At all Hours of the Day, AT Reasonable Rates ! YSTE 35. S SERVED TO ORDER. Everybody Call and Try Us ! BOARD PER WEEK, $5.50. SOUTH SIDE OF THE PLAZA. EUoriSIO BOHCBO Treasarf : New Mexico. Planing Mill, Siding, Ceiling, Floor paper. HXTocv IVTox- ATTENTION STOCKMEN! I have fr pie oís stick ram h CX rc va. One stc Kt mb 1(KM) acre1:. One s tj t ir lcb. 10,GU acres. Houses and lots In this city. Wa err n.y deeds iuai-anteed . It. K. THORNTON, Kenl Estato Agent. E.idge ct, Las Vcj. ; N. M. FOIt SALE A good pay in J business In tho center of the citr. Business nam net nor c'-y ;n dollars. This Is a raro chance for a r .y wiih imail capital. Or will trade for ren es.nte. Cll and see for yourself. R. H. THO -IN TON, Bridgo street. 11-lB-tf FOR 8 ILE A1C horc- nower steam boiler cbepo forcush, or wi.l -adefor real es tate. Call on It. K. THOf N'TON. T. B. MILLS, rub' sbfr of Mining World. Real Estate, Minjng & Insurance DEALER IN MINES, Municipal Bonds, -AND LAND SCRIP, Viz: Improved Soldiers' Additional Honeste SIOUX SCRIP -AND Will buy and sell lands on his own account and on commission, and transact a general real estate business In all Its branches. Have a large list of desirable )oM for ea'e at the Hot Springs, that will bring double tho present price eslti within one year. Now Mexico Is destined to becomo The Great Stock, Sheep, Fruit and Mining Country of AmcrkJ, B id the Hot Springs will be tho invalid mid tourist resort of the world. . Write co poll' i03 on desirable risks throughout the territory. Parties desiring information about New Mexico, address T. B. MILLS, Las Vegas, N. M. OlDce on Bridge st'eet. New Towu'. ncir P O JHANK OGDEN, PT 4N1NO MIIX, 1 AS VEGAS, - - NEW MEXICO. All kinds of dressing, matching and turning done on short notice. Clear native lumber kept o l hand for sale. North of tha gas works. Frank Oodkn, Proprietor. F. MEREDITH JONES, U. S. M. Deputy Surveyor. Surveying Homesteads and Gránts solicited. Office lnSl.i r de building, near Post Office, EAST LAS VEGA8, NEW MEXICO. O R LA MX) SMITH. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. All kinds of machine work done to order Shap on Moreno street, west of South First street. E. A. FISKK. tL L. WARREN. FISKE & WARREN. Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Santa Fe. N. M., will practice tn the supreme and alfi district courts in the Territory. Speolal atten tion given to corporation cases ; also to Spacr lsh aad Mezlcaa grants and United States min ia and other land litlgatioa before the oourt and United States executive officers. COUNTY WARRANTS E. X. HOXQVUXO, ATTORHEY AUD COUKIELOR AT LAW. TiAH VEOAS, 2T. 2VX. frSoo at Bart't Eulkllnf. D (XTOK T. A. McKIXXEV, ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Onto an rrttdenee on IniirlM Avtnue. be- Iwrf n ihesumnc-and 81. Mleholai botU. (Ww hoonif'om u 13 a. m. I lo I p. tn. ami mm 7 toV at Bight. JOSrwiCK A WIIITKLAW. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OSca la rint Kat'l Bank Bulldlnf , LAS TIQA9. - KEW MEXICO. JEE k FORT, AITORNEYS AT LAW (Ofloa at Ruldaaee) EAST LAS VEGAS . . . . K. M G EO. T. BBALL. ATTORNEY. AND .COUNSELLOR AX AfcAVW. White Oaks. Ifew Mexico JARCLS D. ALLEN, M. D., Las Vras, N. M. DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILD RL. X A SPECIALTY. Offilce with J. J. Fitzgerrell, the Uve rest es tato airent. At nlifht call at Fitzgc 'i'l's residence, no Aiaio street. E. Tf. 8EBBEN3, N OTAR Y PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Sixth Street .... Las Veg-as, J A. BALL. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Mp' is.ree. HV-Wajr Hill. Telephone con- PC 3. 0 .1. JJI T.STANSIFEBt MATTHEWS, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS AMk'odiOi contracting done. Thcbrstof tccur. is given. w Q WARD, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER LAS EGAS, NEW MEXICO. QET SHAVED AT THE PARLOR BARBER SHOP. BATHS ATTACHED. CENTER STREET, - EAST LAS VEGAS R ICHABD DUNN NOTARY PUBLIC, RINCON, - NEW MEXICO. B EST & TREVEKTON, CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, Keen constantly on hand the host of lumher. dressed and in tho rough. Contracts will be taken In aud out of town. Shop in East Las i rgus. C. SCHMIDT, Manufacturer of WAGONS & CARRIAGES, Qeneralblacksmlthingand repairing, Grand Avenue, opposite Liocitnart a uo. EST LAS VEGAS LAND AGENCY JOHN CAinPBELL, In Wesche'i building. LAS VEGAS. NEW MFMCV G F. NEILL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAV And District Attorney for the Tweu. ii J dicial District oí Texas. All kinds of buiuut attended to promptly. OUice: EL PASO. TEXAS. JOHN RCSSELL, NOTARY PUBLIC, LAW AND COLLECTION AGENCY, P. O. Box !". Lake Valley, N. M . J ROUTLEDGE Dealer in General IVIox-oIxímacíí Blacksmith and Wagon shop in connection. HAY AND GRAIN A SPECIALTY. GLORIETA, - - NEW MEXICO. s PATTY, Manufacturer of TIN, COPPER AND SIIEET-IRO WARES and dealer in all k fids of COOKING ANG PARLOR STOVES BRIDGE STREET, - - - LAS VEGAS J N. FURLONG, PHOTOGRAPHER, GALLERY, OVER FOSTOFFICE. Bridge Street. LAS VEGAS. ALBERT HERBEB, Proprietors BREWERY SALOON, WEST SIDE SIXTH STREET. East Las fegas. Freeh Beer always oa Draught. Also Fui Clgara and W hlskey. Lnach Connter in con nection. FOR FAMILY USE. Domestic and Imported Champagne, ' Port, Angelica, Kelly Island Burgundy, Claret, Sweet Catawba. do:mestic and imported LIQUORS. Absynthe, Anisette. Benedictine. Kimmel. Cognac, Brandy, Arrack, Curacao, Maraschinol, Blackberry, Gin. Dr. Richardson's life Preserver Bitters at M. D. MARCUS'. Center street LAS VEGAS IRON WORKS. J". C. ADLiOlNT db SOIN"' Foundry and Machino Shop It now In running order, ind hiring flmt--lM neainr ni atvpau-n. i nnr Mill ND Milling" A If.c 1it and will build and rrj ir.lm rnrinr. pumpo, puiicy. ninT , hnini;, fa- l"f munr', Doxea, etc., eux All tino bolt cutting. FOTJ3srx)i"H- will 3a.k:e Iron Columna, Pence, Linirls Bb WelphU, bt . Lid. lg. Window SHI and Capa, Moller Fn.nU, Whrfln. I'lnum. btdlrtaod Oalualcrt, Grata Bar Mwer runt Cresting. Store Ilowls, Etc., Etc, Kie. In fact male arythlng of cut Iron. Ulve them t call and tare money and dviay, Cash Paid For UID1NER FAST LAS VEGAS. N. M. LÍZZJ MRS. M. A. MAXWELL, Proprietress. This house Is brand new and has been elegantly furnished throughout. Tho fiimnor Is a flrtla8 house in evvry respect, and guest will bo cntortaiui-d in tho btst poMlblu manner and at reasonable rates. F. L. niTÍE, O. O. RHAF.FF.K HEVE cfi5 SOHAEPE3R DEAlEIta IN Díugs, Medicines, Toilet Mieles and Perfumery. Pretcriptioni Carefully Compounded at All Hours, Day and Xight. LOOKHAriT nLiOOIL SAMUEL B. WATROUS S.B.WATKOUS&SON -DEALERS IN- Gen'l IVflloirolxcLri. cliso Cattle, Hay, Grain, Flour and Town Lots, WATROUS, - - NEW MEXICO Conslenments of Freight and Cattle from, an lor tha Red River Country, rncnlvcd at Watroiia Rail Road Depot. Good Roadt from Red River via Olguln H1U. Diutaanca from Fort l!ftoxiu to Watroua, Ulghty-nln milea. VALLEY DINING HALL. Best table In Las Vegao for tho money. Gooa bar In connection. A FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY, Where washing will be done promptly for a most moderate price. Chas. EVIelendv, Proprietor. OLD KENTUCKY WHISKY. FKESII LAGEK AT 5 CEXTS Villi GLASS, Choice Brands of Wines and Cigars at CHAPMAN HALL, P. J. MARTIN, Prop. IMMENSE ! IMMENSE ! ! IMMENSE ! ! ! WHAT? The Qualify and Qcntity of 2READ, BUNS, LLIS, CAKLo and Etc. Daily Iannfactured at the CENTER jsjBLiirmrsr. Yes, they all hnov. . i, they all know it. MASTER'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that I, tho under signed. Ilonrv KobiHon. a special muster in chunccry , of tho diBtrlut court of the First ju dicial litstrict lor the county or mora, Hp vointed by said court, und the judtfe thereof, in a decree rendered in a suit in equity, pend ing before said court, in which Louis Sulz bacher was complainant, and Miteriu Gretrg and Geo. W . Gregg were defendants, for the purpose of foreclosing ana set ling tnc mort gaged premises hereinafter mentioned, and for all purposes therewith connected as more fully appears in the decree rendered in said cause. I will, by virtue of said decree, on the 23d DAY OF DECEMBER, 1882. at tho depot at Watrous, county of Mora, and territory of New Mexico, between the hours of 11 o clock a. m. ana .1 o ciock p. in., or sum day, sell at public auction, the following de scribed real estate, lying and being situated in the county of Mora, and territory of ew Mex ico, and described as follows : All and singu lar, tho lands known as the "Gregg's tavern," and being the premises now (at the date of said mortgage) occuplod by said parties of the first part (the defendants) and described as fol lows: Commencing at a point at tho north east comer of the corral, and running south to a stone; from thence to the Sapelio river; from thence north along snld river to a point three hunored yards from the south line of tho lot; from thence west to a stone; from thence south to a stone. This description Intending to carry as afore said all of said Gregg homestead garden, and Including all houses, out-houses and other im provements thereon. And out of the proc cds of said sale to pay tho said complainant, Louis Sulzbacher, his costs In this suit and also the amount of one thousand live hundred and seventy-one dollars and Ul'ty-six cents, found to be due by said decree, from said defend ants to said complainant; with interest at the rate of twelve per cent per annum from the eighth day of March, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and tho surplus arising from said salo, if any there be, to pay into court. And if the moneys arising from such sale are insuliicicnt to pay the amount so reported due to tho complainant, with interests and costs aforesaid, that the said rpecial master specify the amount of said deilcieney In his report of suid sale, and that on tho coming in and confirmation o said report, the defend ants, Mitoria Gregg and George W. Gregg, pay to the complainant the amount of such deficiency with interest thereon, and thut tho Bald complainant have execution therefor, as In said decree more particularly set out. HKNRY ROBISON, Special Master in Chancery. Mora, N. M., November 4, 18S2. FRED. G. HENESEY, Accountant & Expert Insurance Broker and Collector. Books posted and balanced as per agreement. Inventories ot stock taken. Partnership and complicated accounts settled. Insurance placed in reliablo companies. City collections made. Room No. 1, union Block. REFERENCES: Wilson & Martin, Clark A Tweed, George W. Huston, Geo. R Delprat, of Leadvillc; Samuel C Davis A Co., 8U Louis, Mo. ; Henry Matter & Co., New York; A. O. Robbins, A. H. Whltmore, L. II, Maxwell, Las Vegas. Investigator of titles to real essates. Ab stracts furnished and guaranteed. County Clerk's office, county of San Miguel. Dissolution Kotlee. This Is to give notice that I have withdrawn from the co-partnership heretofore exlstirg between W- H. Keller and Eugene Clemm hs managers of he St. Nicholss hotel. W. H. Keller will continue said butlness on bis own account and in his own name. 13-6--2t Etoene Clemm. machinery, will alo all work In their lire, Ik qui .-o"p wiu ni Machinery or inn turning, tnnf, planing ana Their Mnn Ornt-n, Hark, Old Cast Iron. E-ÜOUS BAST lab vegah JOSEPH B. WATROUS Q. ST. DENIS, CHARLES MVEH. LA VEGAS Soda Water Manufactory ARE ritKPAKED TO FILL ALL ORDERS FOR Soda, Sarsaparilla, Ginger, Rasp berry, and Seltzer MINERAL WATERS ON SHORT NOTICE. Main Street. Zion Hill. ft Pta HÉ IS Open to k Public Day Boarders, t7.)0 per week. Transients from $2.50 to $4.00 per duy. Suits of rooms, parlors with tied rooms at tached, can bo obtained at $4.00 per day. Front room at $3.00 per day. Firstclassinall its ApDointments MRS. S. B. DAVIS, Proprietress, LasVeeas - - New Mexico. South side of Plaza. BEST OF FRESH Ml PORK i (ID IITOH always on hand. HARLEY J. KENDRICK, Proprietor. Old Reliable Shoe Shop. J. W. HANSON, Proprietor. Fine work a specialty and repairing done In naatesi and quickest st;le. All my old cuMomeis are requested to give me call. Shop opposite Blake's hnrncss chop, Bridge Street. NEW MEAT MARKET