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HOPKINS MCE - - IS CULLED OFF Baltimore Team Will Not Meet Fast Virginia Relay Team At Meet Here. ANXIOUS FOR A MEETING! Manager Harrison Has Challenged Washington Team and They Will Doubtless Accept. Manager Lou than, of the Richmond Cotton track team, has received a from Johns Hopkins Uhlver totr refusing to meet Virginia in a Wto-mile relay race during the game* h«*o Feb. IF The reason given Is tfcat Johns Hopkins has no half atlers to run In a two mile relay. Virginia and Johns Hopkins are matched for a one mile relay at the Hopkins meet to be held in Baltimore on March 12 and In this race quar tos ml!ere will be run. This race to expected to decide the relay cham pionship of the South. No other team to thought to be as fast as Virginia or Johns Hopkins. ▲ latter was received Wednesday from Manager A. N. Harrison, of the Virginia track team, urging Manager Leuthan to arrange a one mile relay her* between George Washington nd Virginia. It Is thought that George Washington will eagerly accept the ■I ... ohailenge and a reply is momentarily f. aapectsd to a telegram sent them Wednesday afternoon by Manager beat has. Entries in Open Etdua A1I of the colleges that ars to be represented in the open events have Mht la their entries except Virginia, whose entries have been delayed on amount of the failure to match the relay team. The entries win be sent la as soon aa Manager Eaton, of Oeorge Washington, is heard from. Tho complete list of colleges entered tot the meet are as follows; Wash I InirtAll Aft it Ia* asr.Mtu Wo.hlnwtnn Virginia, Maryland Agricultural Col lege, Western Maryland, John* Hop kins. Randolph-Macon, William and Mary and Richmond Collage. John* Hopkins t*. Virginia. Both Johns Hopkins and Virginia are coming to th« inset with expec tations of making a clean sweep. They are each to bring a suuad or about eighteen athletes and win have sev en! entries in every open event, ex cept that Johns Hopkins will not be entered in a relay race. The com petition between these two strong colleges is expected to furnish much excitement during the meet. Washington and Lee win be promi nent in the meet, having men entered for the pole vault, *10 yard run. •0 yard dash, mile run. SO yard hardies and relay with the Aggies. The teems are Wesbingiou and Tee Andarton, Satterfield.- Atone -and Laker; Aggies—Munson, Adams, Duckett. Morris, substitute. Kemp. The AggtSs will also be in the SO yard dash and 4*0 yard run. — The three-cornered relay between Richmond College. William and Mary and Randolph-Macon is expected to be exciting, the teame are: Randolph Macen—Whre, Wray. Java. lilte: Richmond—Bristow, Strother. Suth - erlend. Taylor; substitute. Oilman. William and Mary—Driver and Arnold are sure of places on the team while the other two have not heon chosen. Boat Club. Challenged. Manager Louthan has received a let ter from the manager of the track team of the Washington Grove Ath letic Association of Maryland chal lenging the team of the Virginia Boat Club of Richmond to meet them In u one mile relay. The local boat club has some speedy men and It Is antici pated that the challenge win be ac cepted. The Washington Grove team le composed of Herring, Ktng. Smith ton and Hildebrand. The scholastic entries for the meei have not yet been sent in but they are expected dally. VIRGINIA GOES DCWN BEFORE GEORGETOWN Hilltoppers Again Assert Their Supremacy in Basketball. Score 32 to 20. WASHINGTON, D. C, Fe' i._ Ossrgltown University defeated the /‘tWv«mty of Virginia at l>aakethal! iara Wednesday night by the score o. to *•. The playing of J. Corn flower, for Georgetown, was the stel lar feature of the fame. Cornflower •re goal*. Spratt and Kearn for Virginia. r. of the University of Pcnn sylvanhs. was referee, and the timers War* Williams. Virginia, and Downey, Oamrgetown. The tear teams lined up as follows; Gsargetown—Gogglns and Martin, l«|t forward; Schlosser, right foi Rice, centre: J. Cornflower 1; G. CollUIower, right guard. _ a—Spratt, left forward: Mag. Tight forward; Jones, centre; QmL left guard; Ashley, right guard. Oagglna Schlodser, Rice, J. Coin flower, O. Colllflower, May, Ashley aad Cedi played in the Oeorgetown Vlrglnla basketball games last year. MND YOUR ORDERS FOR We Got ’Em! You Got the Cash! t ... You need ours. We need yours. $45,000 worth of Fire and Burglar Proof SAFES of e'very description, suitable'for all purposes, at a BIG REDUCTION for FIFTEEN DAYS to make room at our store and factory. R. L Barnes Safe & Lock Co., Inc. Factories 1 and 2, Trigg Ship Yards, General Offices 1308 East Main Street, - Richmond, Va. SPORTING COMMENT BV T. X>. BONNEVILLE. Doe* Murphy approve of barnstorm ing or has Ban Johnson a good reason for criticising the practice that per mit* the player* to make a little ex tra money? ... New Jersey is coming out as a base ball section. The fans claim that a | bill will pass the legislature providing for legal Sunday baseball. Ty” Cobb is ready to try a few ex periment* on the newly invented spike protections. He I* trying to find « baseman who will be experimented on but volunteers are scarce. ••• Manager Mc.Aleer, of tVashlngior is expected to make Kid Ebertleld his second in command. Many fans thought tiiat Oerranny Schafer was slated for the place. ... •tV Young and ‘•Chief' Zimmer man were an ideal battery, and wort favorites.” says President Lynch, ol the National League. "Why ea.n’1 pitchers and catchers all do like the** two? They get the best of it froir the umpires because they never curs* or Question decisions. It’s funny th< other* do not see tlte wisdom of suet conduct." This, speaks well of “Cy* and hia success is a great argumen In favor of keeping on the good sld< of the umpire. ... The Detroit Club has more met drawing salaries between *3,OuO ant *5,000. than any other team in Iht t business, even the Pittsburg Chib h i not barred. It is a high salaried team j Jennings draw* SIS,000. while Cobb ii ] paid *;,000 tor hi* services. ... ! The year 1909 will be rememberet j for the passing of great pitchers. Hen • are some of those who have rtrpptn down Jack Cheshro, Bill pineer. Lei Tannehilt. Tom Hughes, Nick AHrock j Carl Lundgren, Chick eraser and l.leh hart. ..* , Manager MeUuiie uf the Clevehwu Naps certainly will make an effort ti : strengthen his pitching staff this ye at He has twenty-eight mound artist, j under contract and will take moat o them to the South ... It seems that "Cotton Top” Turne Record Crowd Witnesses Victor; of Bannock B<>b—His Tenth Win at the Meeting. | , A'KSONVTLT.E. i'LA., rib. 4 Brilliant and eventful sport dev elop*-’ | with the running of Wedncsd iy’s , a I rled and attractive card at Mom rle 1 Park The feature event called f > sis furlongs, and went to J. U Schoor's Charlie Eastman, after • ; grueling stretch battle with Pantou ■ tie. The latter forced a hot earl ! pace, which resulted In the race be tng in the track record time of 1:15 i Three favorites were returned win s ners. and the excellent price offer* ! on these aided the talent to quit win i ner of the day. Summary: First race, three furlongs— Deoencj j first; Rye Straw, second; Old Squaw | third. Time, :3«. Second race, six furlongs, purse— j Milton B., first; Billiard Hall, second I Amoret. third. Time. 1:12 2-6. j Third race, six furlongs, selling I Turncoat flrat; St. Jeanrjf, second i Gold Dust, third. Time. 1:13. Fourth raec. Miami Selling Stake six furlongs—Charlie Eastman, first Pantoufle. second; Royal Onyx, thlrc Time. 1:12. Fifth race, mile, selling—Hooraj first; Joe Rose, second; First Peei third. Time. 1:18 3-6. Sixth race, mile and an eight! selling—Admonish, first; Delestrom. second; Schleswig, third. Time 1:64 4-5. Results at Tampa. TAMPA, FLA., Feb. 3.—A record breaking crowd witnessed the runnin of a splendid card Wednesday. Th feature was the victory of Bannoc! Bob, in the last- race, making hi tent *vln at this meeting. The price were the shortest seen here since th meeting opened. Three favorite won: Summary’: First race, three-year-olds and ut five and a half furlouga. seUlng Harting, first: Bell of the Tribe, se* ond; Dr. Young, third. Time. 1:17 1-f Second race, maiden three-year olds, five and a half furlongs—Tor Toopey, first; Sallle Savage, second Vlra, third. Time, 1:13. , Third race, five furlongs, selllng tfncle Jim, first; Lottie Derr, second Lucullus. third. Time, 1:04 1-5. ‘ .FbOnth . race. .. three-year-eid* an up. six furlongs, setting—Alvlse, first Dr. Crook, second; Robert Powel third. Time, 1:11 3-6. ' Fifth race, three-year-olds and ut six furlongs, sailing—Bosom Frient Ural; Temper, second: Nebulosu. ' liK , was successful In his efforts to have latjole transferred to first Tur ner has a bad arm and cannot cover | short ti>is year, he will probably be at second. The favorite city oa the National league circuit last seaaon for play- ' iug extra-inning games was Clncin- ! nati, where twelve affrays went Into | the overtime. All the Detroit Tigers have signed. I Eddie Hummers was the last, and when he forwarded his contract to 1 President Navla the latter was at 11b | erty to sit back In his swivel chair and smile to his heart’s Content. MANY ENTRIES IN FEDERAL GAMES Mammoth Athletic Meet Attracts Attention of Star Athlete* Throughout Country. WASHINGTON. Feb. 3.—Alt noiigh the ; date for the closing of entries fn the Federal indoor games Is still ten days distant, more than one hundred lndl vidua! entries had been received this morning, and by the rat* at which, 1 they are coming in, the total of indi- 1 * vidua! athletes In the morning and af- 1 ternoon events will be close to six hundred. This will be a new record , for indoor games in the South, and one —at tha largest Wot* that has been re ceived in any part of the country. The increase will be particularly no i ttceable among the new and younger; athlete* in the grade schools and small, club*. There were 133 boys from the i grade schools training on the Y. M. C. ‘ A. boys' track yesterday afternoon. ; ' ar.d a number of other boys are srorlt- j 1 ins remote parts of the city. Never ! * before has there been so much Interest ' , in ir.door athletics aroused among the younger generation of school boys. The, high am! prep, schools athletes also have risen to a realisation of the fact that unlei they hustle the Franklin ; i trophy cup will go to an outside school j > again. e Business High is going to have a , squad of at least thirty boys, with sev , eral entries in every event, and West ‘ orn Technical and Eastern are going to make desperate efforts to help save the local siiuation. At least two of McnuiN wm a.iso niv« may learns in the game. but a* moat of the after noon relay race* wilt be run after the Individual events have been held, the •itbeeU nil] not have to aacrlflce ! chances in either. I'rof. Maurice Joyce will enter a team of ro id (rets from Carroll Institute. , and there will be Junior teams from the Episcopal H1«h School, Woodberry i Forest School, Friends, and the Baltl i more City College. The Junior school l teams will run tn the afternoon. There will be two announcers of the results of the Federal games event* this year, one for the west and south sides of the hall, and the other for the ’ «tet and north stands, and the results vtt! Sc ormediatcly announced. ARRANGING FOR RIG . HARVARD-YALE BOAT RACE i _i_ f vM BRIDGE. MASS., Feb. 3.—The r ! re .mtnary arrangements fixing June o for tho annual Harvard-Yale boat ‘ race at New IatnJon. Conn., were .om pie ted to-day. when the agree-1 1 ments for the race were signed by the Harvard and Yale managers and . captains. j The principal race will be rowed at . ,4:30 o'clock down stream from Red Top to tho railroad bridge, a slight , :i>le being with the crews. The freshmen will race on ths morning of the same day at 10:30 - o'clock, covering the two-mile course up stream from the railroad bridge. The varsity fours will race tmme -■ dtately after the freshmen, two miles ; i up stream from the navy yatvl to Red Top. : I JOHNSON ENTERS PLEA “NOT GUILTY.” . Colored Champion Answers Charge of Assault on Pindtr Suit for $20,000. NEW YORK, February a.—Th< "Golden Smile” was in evidence Wed nesday’as Jack" Johnson, the heavy weight pugilistic champion, pleadec not guilty to the assault lndictmen against him. Johnson was sum moned to answer ehe charge of Nor man Finder, that Johnson ha sauited him in an uptown hotsl. Counsel for Pinder asked that th< hail be raised from ll.OOOto 110.000 Pinder was badly injured, th yer claimed. Johnson’s attor that information he had from slcian did not sustain this There was no evidence to show tha Johnson had hit Pinder, he declared “Why, if this man had ever struct Pinder with* his flst he wpulA turn broken his Jit*;* exclaimed the Jaw yor. The 12,000 Johnson, h icu wun room wag served with papers in § c|v action by Plndsr for | threw the MIDGET REUY IT INDOOR MEET Grammar Schools of Richmond Will Provide Interesting • Event for Games. 4 SCHOOLS ENTER TEAMS _ Richmond College Offers Silver Cup to Winner—Midgeta Training Hard. Arrangem.nts have been completed for what promises to be one of the most Interesting features of the Rich mond College outdoor meet to be held February 12th—a midget "relay race j between teams from four of the grant I mar schools of Richmond. The fol lowing letter, which was sent to the principals of the various schools In the city, explains the details of this feature of the meet: A meeting was held at Stonewall Jackson School several ’.ays ago, at whirh were present Messrs. L>. H. Rucker, principal of the school; F. O Lou than. of Richmond College, and W. Y. Retthard, of the Y. M. C. A., to consider the question of grammar schools participating ui the relay races In connection with the Rich mond College athletic meet in the Horse Show' Building on February llth. While the principals as a body had not accepted the Invitation to have | their schools represented, it was un derstood that some were favorable to it. It was therefore decided te in vite as many as cared to do so to enter a team under the following con ditions: 1. .vci&jr lenma w uc twniauacu ui five boys, four only to run. each boy to be not over fifteen year* of age nor under thirteen year* of age. on Feb ruary l, 1*10. 2. Each boy must present to the principal of his school the written consent of his parent or guardian; he must pass a satisfactory physician a examination of heart and lungs, and he must be authorised by his prin cipal. 3. Boys will not be allowed to wear ■piked running shoes; ordinary tennis ■hoes will be desirable, but not com pulsory. White athletic shirts are de sirable. but not essential; ordinary shirtwaist suits may be worn. Schools having colors will please state same on entry slip. *. Admission tickets for five boys will be sent to the principal of each school represented. 5. Entries—that is. the names of the boys and ages—muat be sent In to Mr. F. O. Louthan, care Richmond Collete, on or before February 1. 1910 6. No entry fees will be charged to the teams entering the competition. 7. Each of the four boys will run one-half a lap. or about sixty yards. As the distance la short, the beys will not need to do much training; In fact, they should be cautioned against over-exertion. Mr. Lou than will, as far as possible, supply col lege men to help in arranging'-try outs for the boyn Additional Infor mation may be obtained from Mr. Rucker. Mr. Louthan or W. Y. Relth ard. Four Schools Entered. Manager Louthan has received en tries from four of the schools, and the midgets are having dally try outs for the coming races The schools that have entered and the teams that are to represent them are: Stonewall Jackson School (formerly West End School): Le Grand Gtl bert. Mason Phillips. Beverly Parish, Carter Ruskell; substitute, Kenneth Tomlinson. Central School: Leake Wingfield. Harry Darhanlan. Harry Plngle. Haywood Hoover; substitute, Buford Burch. Randolph School: Charles Turner, Hlllstnan Cubbon, Raymond Walther, Lawrence Houch ens; substitute, Linwood Dickey. Sydney School will be represented In the race, but the entries have not yet been sent In. Barton Heights School has sent a challenge to the Richmond Academy midgets, and it U very likely that a relay race will be arranged between the teams representing these schools Silver Cup Offered. It la the purpose of Richmond Col lege to make the midget relay race a feature of every annual Indoor meet of the Institution. It Is understood that, while only four schools are en tered this year, there will probably be entries from nearly all of the twelve schools next year, as well as from Barton Heights and Manches t#The college has ottered a handsome sliver cup to the winning team, to be held by them until the next meet. The team that has won the most tscee out of five meets will he entitled to keep the cup. LYNCHBURG DEFEATED BY V. P. I. FAST TEAM LYNCHBURG. VA.. Feb. 3.—The Virginia Polytechnic Institute basket ball team Wednesday night admin istered the first defeat of the season to the local Y. M. C. A. quint by an overvhelmtng score of 45 to 14. The Tech five was too strong foi the association boys, who played plucklly to overcome their handicap. The locals had not trained for the game, for the visitors stopped ovei in the afternoon en route to Lexing ton. and the game was made uy _ Li The llflA.ltn V. P. I.—Hughes, H. B.. left for ! ward: I.eggs. w. R., eight forward; Hughes. J. L.. centra; Kelillng. left : guard: Lcgge, F. H.. right guard Y. M. C. A.—Campbell, left for ward: Barker, right forward: James J.. centre; Offterdinger. left guard; Adams', right guard. STAR POLE VAULTER ENTERS G. W. U. GAMES Jack Sterrett, Formerly of Qeorgi Washington University Will Try to Break Record Saturday. — WASHINGTON, Eeb. *.—Word TS calved by Manager Baton, of thi George Washington track team, fron Jack Sterrett discloses the Inform* tlon that Sterrett has shown the has term of Me oaTeer In the pole vaultlni trials at Princeton, aad confident!] aspects to aet a now record In thi event at the O. W. V. meet Saturday Sterrett still holds the South Attanth retard, and will represent the Wash tastes- Grove- A. - As- He cannot '"worn the Prlneeton colors owing to tlx one year resident rule, which p re rail in all branches of athletics. Johns Hopkins of Baltimore, wit bring over eleven men aad. hopes t< Reel'd* end Lee In the mtlerun, end Mores end Teppen in the high Jump &nd do la vault. Hores I* the former TVIlUnm* Col lege iter, who he* been e eoneietent point - winner in the New Bnglan meete WiUieme two Tier* eg# rep resented Amherst, end nee been show ing good form In the trial*. Both met will mek* their tnttlel eppeerenc* It the 8onth et the Oeerge weohtegtei meet, end much is expected of then with such opposition Virginia me: find considerable trouble In pulllni oft another clean sweep, Another important treat on Men ager Baton’s program Is the relay rec between teems representing Beltlmor* end Washington T. M. C. A-’*. Th District teem la considerably fester then lest year, end if reports are lo Ite credited, Beltlmor* he* a speedy quar tette of runners Th* management we* disappointed In not being able to get a relay team from Business High School to compete against Baltimore City College, Cen tral end Western High Schools, Hie Stenographers started In training later than utual this year, and did not en ter a team for that reason. Y. M. C. A. TEAM , MEETS COVENANTERS Interesting Game of Basketball Friday Night—Regular League Games Thursday Night. The three regular league games of basketball will be played at the Y. M. C. A. Thursday evening, beginning at *:4S o'clock. This Is th* fifth an nual series of games, and began De _LUntil Vf BPh)l 17th. The teams that are scheduled to meet Thursday night are Triangle* vs. Circles, Heart* va Stars and Squares vs. Diamonds. The Diamonds and Triangles have lost only one gapie each, aod the games will be hot-. ly contested. On Friday night the Covenanter basketball team will meet the T. M. C. A. senior team In the T. M. C. A. Gymnasium at * o'clock. There will e no charge for admission, and senior members of both organisations are ex pected to be present with their friends. faJaan ■ in recent games of Indoor baseball at the Y. M. C. A. the Highlanders and Colts played off a tie f»m«. re sulting in a victory for the Highland ers by a score of I to 3. The Tigers took a game from the Boggs Tuesday evening; score, S to 3. The next game scheduled Is between th« Highlanders and Colts. Staadtac of Teams. Won. Dost, Highlanders .. 4 2 Bugs . * * Tiger. - * Colts . « 4 PC. 1,000 ,«00 .490 ,000 FORTY OUT AT YALE FOR FOOTBALL WORK NEW HAVE!'. Conn.. Fsb. 3.—Forty candidates for the Yale football eleven reported to Captain Fred Daly. They represented the center rushes and the backfleld men. Head Coeeh Ted Coy was not present, but Captain Daly gave the candidates an hours grill In passing and snap-back work. The linemen reported Wednesday and the candidates will be kept In two squads while winter practice lasts, each working two deem a week. About sixty-five candidates are expected m the two squads. WILLIAM AND MARY TEAM WORKING HARD FOR MEET WILLIAMSBURG. VA_ Feb. 3.— The track team at William and Man hag begun practice, and a relay team will be gent to the Richmond Col lege Indoor meet. While the team has not as yet been picked, the appli cants are working hard. The basketball team la practicing every afternoon In preparation tot their game with Randolph-Macon, tc be played in Ashland, Feb. 11. - - — J autre Druco. (Special to The Richmond Virginian-] HARRISONBURG. VA., Feb. 1.— Jamison Bruce, aged fifteen years, dropped dead in the yard of hie hom< at Bast Point of heart trouble. Hi was the son of Richard Bruce, a farmer. — John W. Ponce. (Special to The Richmond Virginian-] HARRISONBURG. VA,. Feb. John W. Pence, an undertaker, b dead at Mount Olive. He was fifty eight years old. and leaves a wifi and two children. Harry L Ajddotia NORFOLK, VA., Feb. J.—M* Harry Langley Aydelotte, of Norfolk died Tuesday night at Pinch urst. N C. Mr. Aydelotte had been in 1» health for a year or more, but oab gave up business two months arc The remains were* brought bars Wed nesday. Mr. Aydelotte was a eon « the late William D. Aydelotte. of thl city. He Is survived by the follow log brothers, all raatdsnts of Nee folk; William R. Aydelotte. Charts & Aydelotte, Archie F. Aydelotte an< Ernest C. Aydelotte. William G. BRISTOL, VA.. Feb^J^Hvhllara Rutledge, a veteran of the Conft crate army, and prominent as Mason, died Wednesday at the hoi of hie daughter, Mrs. Alice Bar near Bristol. He was elghty-fo years of age. Charles Britton. The funeral arrange ments have not been made. Mr. Clifford Manning Hughes diet Wed needy night at t o'clock. Ha wm the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J Hughes. Jr. The funeral arrange menu will be announced later. . Jacob C. Kuhn. Mr. Jacob C. Kuhn dtad Wed nee day In New York. He la survive by hts wife and one son. Mr. Kuhi wee a son-in-law of Ur. C. Raymond of this city.... FARMS AND CITT PROPERTY bought and sold and rented. Bps i!SW«“ «VUB!6roS ! M.000.00 WILD BUT WBST ORA Cl Street borne; eight roem*. Term HAVING ABANDONED tWV ME NT I will sell Forest cheap. JOHN CUSSOMS, Gian Mm Ltcr Britton. Mrs. Lucy Britton died shortly be fore 1 o'clock Thursday morning a the residence of her son, James A Britton. 4 IS North Twenty-stxtl street. She was the widow o Situation Want Ads. Free Any person out of employment can have his or her advertisement printed in The Richmond Vir ginian free. The conditions are these, viz.: The advertisement must not contain more than 24 words and must be brought to the office, when it will be printed three consecutive days and with out charge. The Virginian Building, Governor and Ross Sts. HELP WANTED—MALE. ANT BOY ANXIOUS TO EARN MONEY outside of school hours can secure a position with me. To my best boys 1 am (coins to five savin?* | banks and cash prises. The work j is easy and does not interfere with ! school duties. B. ROT DUDLEY. JR. 10*9 East Clay Street. YOUNG MAN OF GOOD ADDRESSj wants employment in a wholesale or retail drygoods or grocery store. Ad dress 197 North *Sd Street. Phono I77L WANTED—BY FEBRUARY IS. Posi tion by drug clerk; sis years' **pe ris noe; beet references. Address box 107. Clifton Forge, Va WANTED—POSITION AS CLERK, general merchandise; two years' ex perience; age twenty-two; reference given. Address N, care of Postmaster. Palmer Springs, Va. _ WANTED — THIRTY-FIVE WHITE and ootored men laborers, farm hands, butlers, waiters, porters, dish washers for this city. State end North. MARTIN & CO.. IK East Broad. WANTED—A COACHMAN. APPLY at onoe 1* North Fifth Street WANTED—A GOOD JOB PRESSMAN St ones. MITCHELL C HOTCHKISS. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. IF YOU WANT TO CaST ASIDE THE Washerwoman call Madison Mil STEA& LAUNDRY. 7(fi-7»l West Cary Street. WANTED—COOK. A SMALL FAMI ty wants a good cook to do cook ing and cleaning. Good wages for a good cook. References required. Apply to MISS HUGHES, Vlrglna School Supply Co.. No. It South Ninth Street. WANTED—FORTY WOMEN COOKS, general workers, maids, nurses for this city, State, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York. Connecticut Transportation furnished. MARTIN CO., Il( East Broad. WANTED—A C at ill Fiord A COOK; ALSO A NURSE. Avenue.__ POSITIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED — CLERICAL POSITION. Five years experience In office work, via. billing, assistant bookkeeper, and cashier. Age II. Moderate sal ary. References furnished. Address Virginian, this office. young Married man or Busi ness ability yrants outdoor position at ones. First-class references fur nished. Address. Work. No. Ill N. ltd St WANTED, IMMEDIATELT. A PLACE u tarn manager on Mltnr or (or share of crop, abnro of orop pr* ferred. Boat of rafereneea. W. L BROWNING, R. F. D. No. 1, Brlng ton. Vo. TOUNO MAN FROM COOKTRT. XT tun oM. neither uaoa tobacco nor drinks. la apt. wants something to do In wholesale or retail house. Best Address CL, Virginian of rafareace. Boa WANTED—BT EXPERIENCED BOOK, keeper and accountant work of this kind on certain eeealags and Sat urday afternoons; boat references; most reasonable charges. Address ACCOUNTANT. >- - __...__ Bast Clay Street. Phono Madison _ ! WANTED—BT WHIT* BOT. 1* TEARS old, place to learn barber trade; dour month#1 experience. Address BARBER. Virginian efflea. _ WANTED—TOUNO MAN WANTS Po sition In oSca, experienced—-I years handling accounts. Best of refer ences furnished. Address A. B, C., n» K. Main st, city.__ WANTED. SITUATION: FlfCST-CLASS coach man; nationality English. Best of references furnished. Address Til West Clay Street. _ WANTED—POSITION BT MIDDLE age. married man ae foreman of laborers or watchman, Address B. W B. Clay St _. A1 WINDOW TRIMMER WANTS Po sition; understands clothing and furnishings In its ewery branch. Ad dress “TRIMMER." Virginian office. TOUNO MAN. FROM HULL TOWN, destres office position; po expert enoe, but best of references. Ad dress E. A. D„ Hll Prove Avenue, SITUATION WANTED BT A TOUNO with six years1 experience In man with six years1 experience in hotel business. Address HUSTLER.' Ml North Tenth Street. dLUtDBNER WANTS POSITION. COVf ..ivata MARCUS FLOW ptteeviUe, Va. UNO COLORED BOT II TEARS eld wants position si porter. Ad iroo^POlBgglLBichmond Virginian 4 POSITIONS WANTED—FEMALE. SITUATION—WANTED BT WHITE woman as housekeeper or cook. Ap ply III North Seventeenth street WANTEP—SITUATION BT GOOD ▲&£2s °^UN^-'^-?-C'r00ro m*n‘ street A GERMAN LADT OF MIDDLE aus desires position as houses a German family. A. D.. Marshall Street city. -4 IT PATS TO LEARN TO DRAW AT the Conservatory Art School, 50* East Grace Street. Illustrator* make from 15,000 to *30,000 a year. What book neper, stenographer, clerk or mechanic ever makes auoft salaries? This school's pupils have no difficulty in getting desirable po sitions. Enter now. Day and night classes. WE HAVE A FINE ASSORTMENT OF new Wagons and Buggies. Second* hand Wagons, newly painted, and In good order. *65.00 will bur • Builder's Wagon; *75.00 a Rubber Tired Surry; *25.00 a Phaeton; *46.00 a Dairy Wagon; *63.00 a light Fur niture Wagon; *75.00 a Wagonwlth a long body, suitable for wholesal ing milk. RICHARDSON BROS, 615 Brook Avenue. Phone 14*T Madison. **.00. TEETH. **.0«, We have on hand 100 sets of beautiful durable and llfe-Uke teath on hand, and for ten days, commencing Jan uary 26th, will make them at |M* per aet. Gold crowns. **.50 to I*-**: teeth extraction, *5o. All work guaranteed satisfactory. RICH MOND DENTAL ROOMS, Sit Eaat Broad. ANY LADY OR GENTLEMAN W*t£ acquainted In Richmond and vtetnt ty can easily make *2.60 a day by aS talking a little for the Conservatory Art School, 2d floor, 605 East Oraen Street. Interesting olrculars. WANTED—WINDOW CLEANING, '*"1 ? % I. ROBERT H. STONE, HAVE TK day appointed G. W. Stone my age; to carry on and conduct for ms tl grocery and meat business at No. West Jackson Strest, Richmond. V ROBERT H. STONE. OUR 1910 LINE OF WHITNEY GO carts and carriages has Just arrived and are now on display. SYDNQH 4 HUNDLEY; T11-T13 East BrongT WE CARRY A FULL LIN* OF best makes of folding gocarts. NOR 4 HUNDLEY. 711-711 Broad. DON’T FAIL TO SEE OUR 1910 LINS - of Whitney gocarts and carriage* i SYDNOR 4 HUNDLEY. 711-71* East HUNDLEY'S LINE OF r: id gocarts are surpassed A er_ln_^uallt^or^uagtltj^ 19 YOU WANT THE BEST LAUNDRY work, phone Madtaon No. 414* EAGLE STEAM LAUNDRY. ttl-TSt UR PROMPT SERVICE WINS U many patrona for laundry worl Are you one of them? BAGL1 8TEAM LAUNDRY, 7I»-7|« W* Cary. _ EAGLE STEAM LAUNDRY H. reputation of being the Is their llna Phone Madison 1 OUR PRICES ARB WINNERS the time. Talk to ua about laundry. Phone Madison No. EAGLE STEAM LAUNDRY. 79 West Cary. WE ASK ONLY ONE TRIAL. AND you are dleaatlafled with our wi h5Lir.rUM“'L5'Ni>V"7»'. Weet Cary. Phone Madison la too well known to talk all dap about, so call at No. 2 Eaat Broad and set a can. VAUGHAN'S, 1 East Broad Street IS CENTS BUTS LARGE BOTTLH Vaughan's Peerless Floor and Fur niture Polish. No. t East Broad Street—VAUGHAN'S NEVER PUT WATER ON STAI? floors. Use Vaughan's Peerless F and Furniture Cleaner;. II cents large bottle. VAUGHAN’S, 1 1 Broad Street. CTCTEgr^TOtm’tfATRTyTSfpuRTiaii; Your cut hair or combings made lake beautiful switches, puffs, pompadour* and front plecea-in the most artistlg. manner. Charges very moderate, tig North Fifth Street BEAUTIFUL HAIR—WE ARE SB lng 26c bottles of dandrufT cure 15c this week. 216 North Fifth. LADIES’ PUFFS. PUFFS— pretty hair puffs made fro* own cut hair or combings. C very moderate. 216 North Fll TO LADIES—YOUR HAIR WOR every description as It show! Charges moderate tit North --Street, ---