Newspaper Page Text
REPORT SENT IN ion Officers Are Highly Oomrbended By Mayor For Good Work Done. Probation Officer B. K. Tolttau* bn tamed hts annual report of pro work in connection with the potto* department. Mr. PoitiauK Mated Friday morning that the work] baa proven unusually aucoesafui and baa been the mean* of Having a large number of young offenders from Jail sentences or a career of crime. Mr *. B. Ellette of the Board of Alder man, take a much Interest in the pro batten work and appears In the police court every morning beside Judge Crutchfield on the bench. The pro ayetem waa adopted and first in operation in this city In May. 45 444 The annual report Is as follows: Hater Lewis Werner, Chief of Police, Kiohmond, V>. Wear Sir,—In accordance with the regular!nm governing my position es Probation Officer of the city of Rich- i mend. Va.. I submit the following ; report whioh represents my work for the twelve months beginning January j and ending Itecember 81. Balance ,on probation list Jan. , 1. INI. Mama* entered on list during ltd# . Petal number pf names on pro bation list during l«09 .. .. Member of persons arrested after being put oi9 list . 12 lumber arrested second time after being put on list . 2 Mttmber frosted third time after being put on list . 2 Member arrested fourth time after being put on list . 2 Member released from probation Mat for Improvement and gen eral good behavior . Member sent to Jail for breaking probation rules .. Member left city after being put 489 271 67 on proonuon ust .. t.s •(umber on probation list at present time . £2 •turn her of time* persona on pro bation list have been visited and Interviewed . 2.342 Ifember of times Interviewed by people seeking advice outside of probation list . 177 Number of arrests . £1 Member of ordinance cases .... 3 la addition to the above will say that saloons are constantly watched to prohibit the sale of liquor, either to Intoxicated persons or to those on probation list. * Pool rooms are also tinder close surveillance that no minors may en ter them. Respectfully submitted. B. K. POITJAFX, Probation Officer, City of Richmond. Va. I FINED FOR SALE OF RIFLE TO BOY -*. * JBell-Brown Hardware! Company 1 Sold Ride to Boy Who Shot ’ Henry Grace. In the Police. Court Friday morn ing the Bell-Brown Hardware Com pany was arraigned on the charge of sailing dangerous firearms to a minor. It was shown by the evidence that the hardware eomimny sold to Ber nard Stringer the .22-caliber rifie with which he shot and wounded his play mate, Henry Grace, last Saturday af ternoon. A fine of $20 was imposed. The case of 13. T. Harris, charged with Interfering with Deputy M. K. MenneSsy In the discharge of his duty, was dismissed. Skinney Knowles, a white boy, ebarged with assaulting C. ii. Chil dress, was assessed $E. Maggie Massenburg, colored, went Up In default of $5 fine for vagrancy. The case of George Jefferson, col ored. charged with attempting to steal a quantity of clothing from M. Ka mlsky. was dismissed. Jefferson claim ed that while he was In the store he wag oovered with three revolvers at jtlM same time, and that he made no •Sorts to make a get-away. Clarence Inge, a white maiv ar MOted 'n Petersburg Thursday and held for the local police, was arraign ed on the charge of appropriating $7 ,4SR»m Thomas ii. Hicks & Sons, his «sr employers. The case was con tinued until Saturday; the plaintiffs .od that they had several other ■ to prefer against Inge. Moss Alien was given thirty days for drunkenness, and Thomas McCann drew the same. Ed Beasley, a white man, agreed to leave town if the judge would this time let him off for drink ing. Ed went. The case of Kate Sergeant, a young white girl charged with drunkenness, was continued until the 17th. on ac count of the absence of witnesses. W'V'':-. ' Richmond (Vraln KiclianEf. Richmond. Va.. Feb. 4, 1910. <(Whol«aal« Quotations on ’Chants ) Ko. 3 whit* JSo, J whit* WHEAT. Car lour Ko. 2 red, Weste-n. ® 1.31 Ko. J red. Virginia. y j 30 Ko. 3 red. (( 1.28 Steamer .1 25 a 1 27 Virginia, bag lota. . . . 1.03 r 1 2s CORK. Car lota: Ko. 2 white. Ko. 3 white. Ko. 2 mixed. Ko. 3 mixed. i Virginia. bag lota.... 71 |Corn on tho cob.... 72 OATS. lota: Ko. 2 mixed. £2%<& Richmond IJve Stock Market. (Sale* at Union Stock Yards.) Receipts for last week—Cattle, 2SC taJvea, 73 head; sheep, ISO toga. 4.267 head, steers. 6c.; medium to good. -606 l-2c.; '-ommon to ralr, 4® -2c.;_ be*t heifers, 6 l-4e.; medium 4 l-4«5c.; common to fair. 1 i#4c.; best cows, 4 l-2c.; medium mL 3 2-4 0 4c.; common to fair, it l-*c-: bulls, 3 1-2® 4 1-2c. ! Kand calve*. *20©»S0.O0 per <07 t-Jr.T 4 row Wv-‘ calves, 8 c.; best heavy hogs, *e.; beat light hogs. 8® Pigs. 106 pounds and under, a; roughs. ( t-2®7 i-2e.; i ' *06c for be**; common to fair, 3-3c; iambs. «©7 I-3c. rYOU? VOT DO• YOU SPENT ? DREE DEERS UND YOU BEAT IT. -HOME! YOU Tink l 7_ca.n IF EVERYBODY in DETROIT BOUGHT THREE BEERS OF jYOtJ EVERY DAY vqhass! ifTTf! DOT'S ALL YOU KEND SAY. IF! ALL DER peobles IN DEP VORLT > /— TTT (OH', no! NOT THE WHOLE WORLt>?f TAKE m-SELE. 1 COME IN EVERY^ (TOU! I GET 1 RICH MIT FIFTEEN CENTS DOT YOU SfENTj ^7 1 SAY. CHRISl WILL YOU KINO LY SELL ME A GLASS. OF BEER? OOOPM'. UM! I’M HAF-' fing a fine dream! I’M SLEEBY TODAY! Too Mudge off Dot kuch» \EN MIT KASE! OGQPHjJ ~rl CWHttOHT. 1*IQ,»T THE NEW YORK EVENING TELEGRAM (NEW YORK HERALD COJ. AH R«hts RonrrtC' MANCHESTER NEWS. For nearly half an 'hour street car traffic was blocked at Tlull anti Seventh streets Friday morning when * car of the Virginia Passenger and Power Company Jumped the track. >\11 of the cars of this division were ■tailed on account of the mishap After leaving the track just as it was leaving the curve, the trolley lashed through the muddy thorough fare, the fender scraping the curb ing of the sidewalk. Oasecount of the-derailment many people who were cn route to Hieh tnond were Inconvenienced. The ac uldcnt occurred about it o'clock, a time when scores of people were on their way to their dally work. Court lands Saturday. Judge Wells Friday discharged the -ivll Jury in the corporation court, if ter deferring the suit of J. S. Wake field against O. Hooker and It F. Mahaley until the next term. Sat jrday the court will be occupied with ■haneery eases, after which it will jo adjourned for the term. After Thief. Sergeant Wright said Friday that lhe Manchester police believe they ire closing In on the thief who en ered the store of it. 8 Pulliam Tues lay night and that of H. K. Bur -ows Wednesday night and believe hat an arrest in the two robberies viil be made shortly Celebrated Twentieth Anniversary. Mr. T. Gray Madden, a member ■f the State Council, w as the principal tpcakor at the Masonic Temple rhursday night when Duvlp Council, lunlor Order of United American Mechanics, celebrated Its twentieth i mnlversary. Nearly three hundred nembera, Including their wives and ■hllrtren. were present and evinced heir pleasure by hearty applause at he close of a musical selection or tumoAiua recitation. Mr. Haddon's address was decidedly latrlotlc and he referred constantly o the splendid work which hss been iceompliahi-d by Davis Council. ethers who spoke included Messrs, t I*. Jones and It. L. Fa tram, while Hr. Charles McCann entertained the »* »v iu i.-j.v ** * ' 11 a iiiiiiivi i/uo j Die meeting, which wan called to >rd«r by Mr. Willis C. Pulilara, who ntrodueed the chairman of the even- j nif, Mr. CornelluB Wells, was opened ‘ vlth prayer by Mr. John It. Smith, dr. W. T. llart ended the program with an entertaining monologue. A featur" of the affair was the -inborate supper which ended the oinlversary The entire affair proved! i delightful success. Injuries Not Serious. I-lttle Kveljn Morrlssette, who was [ truck in the eye Wednesday after- [ noon hy an exploding firecracker, vhile she was playing with several ■oinpanions. was not seriously hurt. She was examined by a ptiyslclan, vho pronounced the wound slight. At first tt was thought that the hlld had been dangerously burned, but she will apparently show no dgns of the accident within .1 few lays Officers will not be Installed by lira la Conclave. Improved Order of llep asophs, tintll F< bruary I7lh. May Consider Budget. When tiie Financ e Committee nf the toimcil metis Friday night it la be ieved that tin- members will Infer nally consider the wants of the va •loU» departments for the coming ear. However, It is not expected j hat any action will be taken, but that he meeting will adjourn to next week o act finally in the matter. Putting tu Switch. The new switch for the Petersburg llvlslon lit Porter and Seventh Htreeta. eas put Ir. plais*'early Friday mom ng. For several days a large gang >f workmen, have l>een engaged In his work. 'Squire II. A. Jordan, who has been j U at tils homo for the past week, I nnil who was thought to be recover-I ing, suffered a relapse Thursday night, , but his condition was reported sohve what Improved Friday morning. Tito second session of the Manches- : tor pulilic schools will begin Monday. Students of the schools Friday re ceived reports as to the outcome of thetr examinations and all successful pupils were promoted. ■Surprise Party (liven. A surprise party was given in honor i of Miss Talley, 105 Hull Street, Man- 1 Chester, Friday night by a number of i her friends. Refreshments were served and music was furnished by Mr. Atnado, adding greatly to the en joyment of the evening. Those pres ent were: Misses Erma Allen. Rite, Bessie Talley Daniels, Jones, Carroll, Messrs. Charles Talley. C. M. Johnson. Willie Rite, Harry l’erkinson, Shorty Hates and Frank and Hamlin Yaiden, of New York. Personals and Briefs. Chief of Police Lipscomb Is still confined to his home on account of . blood poisoning, brought about by a 1 wound in his hund. Police Officer Ely is said to be re covering from his recent Illness. Miss Ida Butler, of Swansboro, Is confined to her homo on account of | Illness. Sir. W. 11. Bedford, formerly of j Manchester, and now a resident of Newport News, is visiting relatives. Mr. Bedford is prominent in politi- j cal circles of the Shipbuilding City. OBITUARY | Mrs. Fannie Coleman. Danville, Va., Feb. 4.—Mrs. Fannie oleman, wife of George T. Coleman, died Thursday afternoon at her home. She had been in declining health for some time, but wiui taken seriously 111 only a few days ago. Her husband, a traveling salesman, was In Atlanta at the time of her death. Herman Lerner. Lynchburg, Vtg. Feb. 4..—Herman iA-rner died Thursday at the city hos pital. where he had been under treat ment ror soma time, llo was about 62 years old. His wife and several children survive. S. J. Bugg. South, Hill. Va.. Feb. 4.-^5. J. Bugs dl<-d Thursday, from an attack of pneumonia Resides a wife and three children, ho leaves an aged mother and one sister. Miss Annie Bugg. Mrs. Julia Norris. l/oulsa, Va.. Feb. 4.—Mrs. Julia Norris, widow of Dr. Norris, of Char lottesville, dtevl at iter home here Wednesday night. She had been In ' declining health for some time. Mrs. J. W. B. Jamison. (Special to The Richmond Virginian 1 WYTHEVILLE, VA.. Feb. 4—The remains of Mrs. J. W. B. Jamison, who dli-il in Johnson City, Tenn.. were 1 brought to Wythevllle and hurled at '' TSuhX End CefiiJdVry this morning. The deceased was Miss JttUa Smallwood ■ formerly of Wythevllle. She was mar ried September last. Richard (’. Council. (Special to The Richmond Virginian ) • Sl’FFOLK. VA., Fell. 4.-—The fu. ! < ral services over the remains of the 5 bite Richard C. Council who died on ! Monday night at his home near Carrs- j. vllle, were conducted Friday after noon :#t 2 o’clock from Reaver Dam - Baptist Church and were largely at- ' tended. The deceased had been suffering rrom tubercular trouble for a Ions time and Ills death was not unex pected. Mr. Council was formerly a super visor of lsle>of Wight county and waa an estimable man. STRIKE THREATENS BETHLEHEM PLANT 1.000 Mm Walk Out and Other Schwab Employees May Follow. BETHLEHEM, PA., Feb. 4.—A strike that may involve the entire plant or the Bethlehem Steel Com pany is in progress, because General Manager Grace refused the demand of the machinists in shops four and six that they be paid time and one half for all overtime work. One thou sand men abandoned their lathes when the demand was refused, and their committee of three, sent to confer with the general manager, discharged by him. The men, after a parade through the Streets of the city, held a mass meeting, at which a committee was named to interview Charles M. Schwab, president of the company' This committee will meet Schwab this afternoon, and later report to the strikers In the meanwhile an ef fort Is being made by the men to get all others in the works to Join them, without success. MIW INCINERATOR IS ACCEPTED by THE CITY’. Thr new Incinerator constructed for the city by the Decarlo Company has been formally accepted bv the Street 'leaning Committee of the Council. It cost approximately 540,000. The trarhage cremating plant was subject id to severe tests In the last two weeks. EXPECTS SUDDEN CRISIS IN GREECE Austria Not As Optimistic As Other Nations Regarding Situation. VIENNA, Feb. 4.—Austrian diplo mats to-day are refusing to join In he optimism expressed by other Eu ropean powers regarding the trouble between Turkey and Greece. Turkey’s note to the powers, which ivns a virtual request for the reoccu >atlon of Crete, Is considered here as I feeble blind to veil her military ^reparations, which are declared to m proceeding with great vigor. M. Kallorgis, the new Greek For eign Minister. Is said to be planning ° f<Tce the hand of the Military e-ague at an early day. Me Is a close rlend of the irregular bands of sol iiers that are being recruited in Jreece, and Is expected soon to oom nlt some overt act that will preclpi ate u crisis in Greece. it is said here that the dispatch ■ f the ltrltlsh fleet from Malta Is to ■(Tect a blockade of Greece In case >f trouble. srrtATIOVs l-HoyBSHIOSAL. i’OUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION AS teacher In private family. Usual English branches, mathematics. La» In and music taught. References ex changed. Columbia, Va, R. F D No. 1, Rox 4 T. __FI.ATM f«r rent. centrally located. All conveniences. _A^ldre>oOiI;^cair^JtlthmondVYlrglnlan> FI.AT* WANTED. /ANTED—SECOND FLAT OF FOUR or five rooms In East End. Stable In rear preferred. Address C. P. E., care Richmond Virgin!** HKLP WANTED—MALE ANY HOY ANXIOUS TO EA UN MONEY outside of school hours can secure a position with me. To my best boys I am going to (rive savins* banks and casii prises. The -work is easy and does not interfere with school duties. Ji. KuY DUDLEY, Jit. 1009 East Clay Street. YVANTED 30 WHITE AND COLOR El women, cooks, maids, and nurses, foi Richmond, Maryland, Delaware Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New Y'ork. Connecticut. Massachusetts Rhode Island Transportation ad vanced. MARTIN & CO, 818 East Broad. YOCNO MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS wants employment in a wholesale or retail drygoods or grocery store Ad dress 207 North 23d Street. Phone 2771. WANTED—RY FEBRUARY 15. Posi tion by drug clerk; six years’ expe rience; best references. Address Bos 107. Clifton Forge, Ya. WANTED—POSITION AS" CLERK general merchandise: two years’ ex perience; age twenty-two; ’ reference given. Address N, care of Postmaster Palmer Springs. Va. W A N T E D.—A N EXPERIENCED IN stallment collector Good salary to competent man. None others con sidered. Address C( >ELECTOR, Vir ginian office. WANTED AN APPRENTICE ROY with one or two years in composing room. Apply Friday between one and two o’clock at 904 Capitol St. W A NT EI).—IM M E DIA TE LY DOCOMO - five or varied engineers. Young. On ly unionists. Address M 321, The Virginian. WANTED WINDOW CLEANING, 5 cents. WM. JOHNSON, 1109 N. First WANTED—A COACHMAN.. APPL at once 19 North Fifth Street. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. IF YOU YV'ANT TO CexST ASIDE TH1 Washerwoman call Madison 484; Family washing done. EAGLl STEAM LAUNDRY. 723-725 Wes Cary Street. WANTED—COOK. A SMALL FAMI ly wants a good cook to do cook \ng and cleaning. Good wagres for a good cook. References required. Apply to MISS HUGHES. Virgtna School Supply Co., No. 18 South Ninth Street. Wl TC'T'K'T .K'fYD'PV general workers, maids, nurses for this city. State, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut Transportation furnished. MARTIN CO., 818 Hast Broad. WANTED SETTLED WHITE WOMAN cook for small hotel In West Vir ginia. Transportation furnished. MARTIN & CO. 818 East Broad WANTED—A COOK; ALSO A NURSE, at 913 Floyd Avenue. POSITIONS WANTED—FEN ALB. SITUATION—WANTED BY WHITE woman as housekeeper or cook. Ap ply 815 North Seventeenth street. WANTED.—BY A fOUNO LADY OP several years experience, a position as bookkeeper or assistant book **•?>«*'• „?lve *ood references Address Miss M., care Richmond Vir ginian. WANTED—SITUATION BY GOOD colored cook and dining-room man Address JOHN MARTIN, *28 Ninth street. A YOUNG LADY DESIRES A POSI tlon as stenographer with only a few month** experience. Miss p, s Cos by, 2*04 Venable. LADY DESIRES POSITION AS GOV erness to teach English. French and Music. References exchanged. Ad _dress "A. A " Richmond Virginian. A GERMAN LADY OF MIDDLE AGE desires position as housekeeper In a German family. A. D.. 22| East Marshall Street, city. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE WANTED WHITE COUPLE WITHOUT Incumbrance on farm In Maryland. Wife to cook; husband for general work. Good home. Transportation advanced. MARTIN A CO., tl* East Broad. •Situation k Want Ads. Free Any person out of employment can have his or her advertisement printed in The Richmond Vir ginian free. The conditions are these, viz.: The advertisement must not contain more than 24 words and must be brought to the office, when it will be printed three consecutive days and with- - out charge. The Virginian Building, Governor and Ross Sts.' !___ POSITIONS WASTED—MALE. WANTED — CLERICAL POSITION. Five years experience In office work, vi*., billing, assistant bookkeeper, and cashier. Age 21. Moderate sal ary. References furnished. Address Virginian, this office. YOUNG MARRIED MAN OF Busi ness ability wants outdoor position at once. First-class references fur nished. Address, Work. No. 411 N. 22d St. YOUNG MAN FROM COUNTRY, 17 years old, neither uses tobacco nor drinks. Is apt, wants something to do In wholesale or retail house. Best reference. Address C„ Virginian of fice. WANTED—BY EXPERIENCED BOOK keeper and accountant work of this kind on certain evenings and Sat urday afternoons; best references; most reasonable charges. Address ACCOUNTANT. 2 East Clay Street. Phone Madison 7695-J. WANTED—BY WHITE BOY, 16 YEARS old, place to learn barber trade; four months' experience. Address BARBER. Virginian office. WANTED—YOUNG MAN WANTS Po sition In office, experienced—-6 ye^rs handling accounts. Rest of refer ences furnished. Address A. B. C., 218 E. Main St., City. WANTED, SITUATION; FIRST-CLASS coachman; nationality English. Best: of references furnished. Address 72.1 ! West Clay Street. | WANTED BY YOUNG NORTHERN man, Inside or outside position. Ac- i | custoraed to the duties of salesman j and all clerical work. Address J. [ i V. S„ 908 E. Marshall St. 'WANTED—POSITION 'BY MIDDLE- | age. married man as foreman of | ! laborers or watchman. Address K. . 407 E. Clay St. ____j A1 WINDOW TRIMMER WANTS PO- \ , sltlon: understands clothing ami furnishings in its every branch. Ad dress “TRIMMER." Virginian office.: | WANTED BY ELDERLY MAN posi tion as engineer or watchman. Gootl \ references. W. H. J., 2306 W. Grace i j _J»t._____i YOUNG MAN. FROM SMALL TOWN, j desires office position; no expert- j ence, but best of reference^. Ad dress E. A. D., 1522 Grove venue. j WANTED.—** Y A YOUNG MAN A PO- j sition as clerk. Five years experl- i ence. Address T. M. E., 8 North Howland St. j YOUNG MAN WI SITES POSITION AS I J clerk, salesman or anythin*?. Ad dress O. W. THOMPSON, 908 E. Mar shall St., City. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG man with six years' experience in hotel business. Address ‘HUSTLER,” j 400 North Tenth Street. A YOUNG MAN DESIRES A POSITION in a grocery. Have had some expe rience. Address T So. 18th St., Rich-j j mond, Va. WANTED—POSITION BY BRIGHT I active boy 15 years old. Address W,j D.. this office. j YOUNG MAN- DESIRES POSITION AS; j clerk, or collector or any employ- j Virginian. WANTED.—POSITION AS WATCH man or grocery clerk. Good charac ter and best references. Address If. D., care The Richmond Virginian. GARDENER WANTS POSITION, COM meretal or private. MARCUS FLOW KRS, Charlottesville. Va. FoSffl COLORED BOY F£ YEARS old wants position as porter. Ad _^j^ss_PORTERi_Rtchrnond_Vlrgtnlani REAL ESTATE. FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY bought and sold and rented. Spe cial attention given to rent*. R S. LOVING with B. F. HAMILTON & CO. __ HAVING ABANDONED DEVELOP MENT I will sell Forest Lodge cheap. JOHN CUSSONS, Glen Allen. Va. FOR RENT. WANTED—TO BUY' SECOND-HAND Shelving. Please answer at once. Address 1546 East Main Street. FOR RENT FURNISHED FRONT room. 207 North 23d Street. Phone 2771, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FOR SALE—WEST END LOTS ON Grace. Park Avenue, Leonard, Main, Floyd Avenue and Cary Streets. These lots are very cheap, suitable for homes or will pay as Invest ments. Apply 815 Brook Avenue. 7 Ms '■ Phone J4ST Madison. CITY MAN, DO YOU YVANT A FARM or suburban home? Country man, do you want to sell your farm no matter where—nor how small or large. Communicate at once with Anderson Real Estate and Loan Co., Farm and Suburban Land Seller!. 80 FOOT LOT; 17» FEET DEEP ON Grove Ave., north side betwen Shep herd and Weet. This IS a bargain and you know It. AMOS * POIN DEXTER. ino K. -Main. *—am. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. TrrATsrTmmr^'&mmx'tw a medicine for women. Incomparably more potent and valuable than any now in use, dealrea a partner with <1,500 to puah the remedy; about $150,000 has already been made from the preparation; $25,000 a year can easily be made. Only those prepared ..for .husinaea.need .answer. Address A. V., care of Richmond Virginian. LABOR AGENTS. arm •BEgB'ggggarMAreg; -mme: ss, butlers, waiters, drivers, porters, laborers, farm, dairy hands or labor of any .kind we can furnish It. FOR MLB. APCOPHANIE—LOOKS LIKE 8TA1N *d glass; for bath room and dtnlnjf room window*. Great variety to te le rt from. ABRAMS PAINT A XI* GLASS CO.. 1435 East Main. FOR SALE—A SALE OF SPECIAL fountain pens. It I* not necasaary to go to a department or drug store when you can get the best here fop about half the price of elsewhere^. I'ens from 50 cents to 11.25, WAL FORD, 1214 E. Main St. FOR SALE.—A $3. PEARL OR A IS. Sliver flltgre pen for $1.25 at WAL. FORD. 1214 K. Main. PERSONAL OH OTHERWISE. " IT PAYS TO LEARN TO DRAW AT the Conservatory Art School. 605 East Grace Street. lllustrStora make from 35.QOO to 150,000 a year. What bookiceper, stenographer, clerk or mechanic ever makes suck salaries? This school’s pupils have no difficulty In getting desirable po sitions. Enter now. Day and night classes. WK HAVE A FINE ASSORTMENT OF new Wagons and Buggies. Second* hand Wagons, newly painted, and In good order. 165.00 will buy a Builder's Wagon: 176.00 a Rubber Tired Surry; $26.00 a Phaeton: 146.00 a Dairy Wagon; $65.00 a light Fur niture Wagon; $75.00 a Wagon with a long body, suitable for wholesal ing milk RICHARDSON BROS, 615 Brook Avenue. Phone 1407 Madison. $500. TEETH. $6.00. We have on hand 100 sets of beautiful durable and life-like teeth on hand, and for ten days, commencing Jan uary 26th. will make them at $5.0# per set. Gold crowns. $3.60 to $6.00; teeth extraction. 26e. AH work guaranteed satisfactory. RICH MOND DENTAL ROOMS. 312 East Broad. ANY LADY"OR GEXTLKMAN WISlE acquainted In Richmond and vicini ty can easily make $2.50 a day- by talking a little for the Conservatory Art School. 2d floor. 505 East Grace Street. Interesting circulars W A NTEDCw IXDOW ~CLE A NINO, ' t cents. Johnson. 1109 North First street. """"' ' ' . 1 - 1.- ... A SPECIAL NOTICE*. I. ROBERT H. STONE. HAVE THIU day appointed G. W. Stone my agent to carry on and conduct for me tha grocery and meat business at No. 1 West Jackson Street, Richmond, Vs, ROBERT H. STONE, . ' 1 . ..'J LAUNDRIES. IF YOU WANT THE BEST LAUNDRY work, phone Madison No. 4842. EAGLE STEAM LAUNDRY, 723-72* West Cary. ouu prompt Service wins ua many patrons for laundrv work. Are you one of them? EAGLE STEAM LAUNDRY, 723-725 West Cary. EAGLE STEAM LAUNDRY HAS TUB reputation of being the leader In _their line. Phone Madison No. 4i42, OUR PRICES ARE WINNERS ALL the time. Talk to us about your laundry. Phone Madison No. 4842. EAGLE STEAM LAUNDRY. 713-725 West Cary. • r.” ” WE ASK ONLY ONE TRIAL. AND IF you aro dissatt.sfled with our work then you are one of a very few. EAGLE STEAM LAUNDRY. 723-725 West Cary. Phone Madison No. 4842. SCHREMP. UMBRELLAS—C OVERED A R E palred, 222 Ea*t_Broad Street VELVET STAIN la too well known to talk all day about, ao call at No. 2 Eaat Broad and net a can. VAUGHAN S. J Eaat Broad Street. 25 CENTS Buys LARGE BOTTLE Vaughan's Peerless Floor and Fur niture Polish. No. 2 Eaat Broad Street—VAUGHAN'S. NEVER PUT WATER ON STAINED floors. Use Vaughan's Peerless Floor and Furniture Cleaner; 25 cent* for large bottle. VAUGHAN’S. 2 Eaat Broad Street. I'M-;j---iU-'J-l.-Ji... L.~B-ggB—B3 LADIES. r^f>TEarrtjro’ii,Aiirf8,iMwft»A»r Your cut hair or combings made Into beautiful switches, puffs, pompadours and front pieces In the most artistlo manner. Charges very moderate. lli North Fifth Street. BEAUTIFUL HAIR—WE ARE WEI.tT tng 25o bottles of dandruff cure for 18c this week, Ilf North Fifth, "purrs. LADIES' PUFFS, PUFFS—THOSE pretty hair puff* made froro your own cut hair or combings. Charges very moderate. 216 North Fifth St, MISCELLANEOUS. ro LADIES—YOUIt HAIR WORK every description as It should « Charges moderate. 2t< North FIf Street. LADIEK gains. jgUKs shades SWITCHES—BAR i In stock. 218 North Fifth St. rU8T THINK OF THESE PRICES: 2-pound Raisin Cake, 25c.; ( loavee of Bread for 25c.; I-pound Jelly Cake, 15c.; 50 fancy Cakes for ISo. DUINK^RD'S BAKERY. 4211-« North hixth street. * ' ' " ^ IOW ABOUT TOUR EYES? DO' they tied gtention? Many a young woman in this torn Is wearing £