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at the club after the Mr* George Col* Scott, & William* Mr* Colamas Cunningham Hall, Mias Ultan Blnford, Grant and Mias Elisabeth While Honored. Whit* of Leesburg. V*. whe house guest of Mias France* of Atlanta. G*.. has bees t of much social attention visit. Miss Connolly gav« afternoon tea in her honoi when chosen. Smith Walter Dennis was hostess at luncheon for her on Wednes oovers were laid for nine, taors and maids for the 11 game to be played Friday between the Birmingham Ath b and the Y M. C. A. ha-e Miss Virginia Whit* will be sponsor for the Club, her maids being Miss and Mlsa Cogen. of New while Miss Emee McCrossln the Y. M. C. A. color* hav JCmlly Somerville and Miss Going for maids. Prominent Engagement, engagement of Miss Elisabeth Jones, daughter of Dr. and H Jones, of Alexandria, tc Carter Beverly, also ol has been announced. Jones and Mr. Beverly havi of friends through Virginia both are widely related, bride-elect, a belle of Nbrtherr has enjoyed a wide popu I was one of the most corn visitors in New Orleans ai vai of Mardi Gras severs ago. Her mother was for Miss Bessie Payne, of Warren ad she is directly descended tether’s side from Chief Justlc* groom Is a native of Fauquiei and has been prominent!] with the social life of Vlr especially in that section, wadding will be an Importani •vent of early June. MTrage lesfpte Meeting. Saturday afternoon at the meet the Equal Suffrage of Vlrglnii room* 307 East Franklin street Barksdale, who has re returned from Baltimore, wll league members an aocoun that Is being m on ny the Haiti ___ ...tiUhlnp »n Dhirr* and Inspiration to women in cities. 1UI. and _ Me and alternate to the Suffrage Convention, that held in Washington, D. C., I, trill be elected. Cannon Honored, at Taft entertained at a dln flfty-four covers at the White Thursday night the speaker House of Representatives. The , eras decorated with golden Jon maiden-hair ferns, the dinner, when the guests to the Bast room and ' orchestra began to play an al tune, both Hr. Taft and Mr. Indulged In dancing, at first partners and then alone, much amusement and entertainment guests. Kiaf—Drinkwater. ry beautiful but quiet wedding on Wednesday evening, 2, at 6:30 o'clock at Virginia when Miss Florence White Mer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (White, became the bride of Mr. Karl King, of Kansas City, ceremony was perforated N. Richards, pastor of the Baptist church of Virginia The dining room and parlors beautifully decorated with ferns and cut flowers. Ira after the ceremony a re was given. Mrs. O. C. Sorey las Roxie Robertson presided • punch bowl. Mr. and Mrs. wUl make their home at the for the present. King was a popular young J Virginia Beach, and has a of friends who will be interest r marriage. The John C. Freeman, of Rich la spending some time in Hie, Fla. Ella Williams Burk has left York, where she will re two weeks. • • • IM Oenevleve Hall is visiting her bar, Professor J. L. Hall, In Wll Alonso Robertson Is the guest T. 8. Garnett In Colonial ave EUsabeth Talbott, of Norfolk, her alster, Mrs. J. Lor Buflla, here. • • • George Hankins has returned home In Williamsburg, after of ton days to relatives here. I Annie Laurie Haynes, of Rich la the guest of reletlves in W. 8. Frost is visiting her Mrs. J. M. Daniel, in Bed City, and will spend several at the tea room of the Club Saturday afternoon win '"i Harlan Harris and Miss Nel FJgln Gets Livelier. 1. VA.. March 4.—An has boon taken here for this one being at Fifth s French ry-Ckaning Co, Blanks’ W Quinine ^mr Tonic The moat popular preparation now in | use to make the hair grow and keep it lire and natural in appearance. Remove* - dandruff. Open* up diseased oil cell*, which supply oil that is necessary to keep the hair-from hecominp, dry and lifeless. Stops it from falling out and splitting at the ends. No oils, and absolutely harm less. Price. 25c. See that you get Blanks’ Quinine Hair Ionic, ami take no eo-called just as good the nunc rem edies. If your dealer hasn’t it, phone u* and we will deliver it at your home at once. Our delivery system makes it easy to get. Do not hesitate to phone. We are sending to all parts of the city daily. Phone Madison 5054. Prepared only by J. M. BLANKS, The Prescription Druggist, Richmond. Va. and Main streets. There are at least two interests trying to get ahead of j the timer In a hotel scheme, and It ! is expected that both will develop by 1' next week. THE JAME8TOWX IN CRASH. . Strikes In Fog ..EntnsMaetcr, Which - Ivosoh Bow amt Foregrsr. NORFOLK. VA., March 4 —The Old Dominion steamship Jamestown, j Captain Catherine, due yesterday at j 1 o’clock A. M., arrived at her pier : here at 5 V. M.. The delay wne caus- ! i ed In part by a collision between the j steamship and the four-masted 1 schooner Asbury Fountain. Captain : ; Hansen, from Mobile, for Ne v York, with a cargo of lumber. The collision occurred at 6:40 I o'clock yesterday morning. IS miles southwest of Winter Quarter light. The schooner was so badly damaged that Captain Hansen and his crew of eight abandoned her and were brought to this port aboard the Jamestown. The liner was also some what injured, two smalt holes being stove In her hull on thO port side forward. The weather, it was stated by Cap- ' steamer struck the schooner forward. ; carrying away the bow and both an ; ohors with all of the foregear of the j sailing vessel. Hours were lowered, a hawser was passed to the schooner, • 'i with the Intention to tow the Kmin- i 1 tain t» port. This proved ungtvail- i "Ing. however, as the hawser parted. Then it was decided by Captnln Han i sen to abandon the schooner. Ac- ! cordlngly, he and his men were taken | on board the Jamestown. ! The revenue cutter Onondaga put , to sea at once to search for the dis abled schooner. Robert A. Travers. ALEXANDRIA, VA, March 4.—j | Robert A. Travers, for many years I a well known fish dealer in the city | market, died early yesterday morn ing at his home, 208 North Pitt | street, Alexandria, lie was! dfi years! 1 old. He had been In 111 health sev eral years. Mr. Travers was the eld- | est son of the late John W. and Ame lia Travers, and is survived by three j children—John R. and Charles W. j Travers and Mrs Mae Perry. I PRACTICAL HOUSE DRESS By MRS. JANE FORD. Many are the uses of a practical house dress such aa U shown hero, for the design of this garment make* it appropriate for wear either aa ' a negligee or as a wrapper. It will be pretty developed in silk, tub I | or woolen materials. The pattern may be secured in atx slsea and will at women whose bust measure is between thirty-two and forty-two' Inchea id copy n in in* medium sixes ten and one- half yards ot goods twenty-four Inches wide, or seven and one-quarter yards thirty-six Inches in width will ha needed. When contrasting roods Is used for the trimmln« bands two yards thirty-six inches wide will be needed. " For a varment like this the new figured cotton foulards would be most attractive. These oome In thir ty-six inch widths, and may be secured now at reasonable prices. On these plain silk or ribbon oould be used as a trimming When tub goods, such as lawn, batiste or mull, is used for the wrapper bands of Swiss embroidery or lace oould be employ ed as a decoration. A dotted Swiss, seen recently, made In this model, had the edges finished with a strip of pale blue lawn. Lightweight woolen goods, suoh as ehallis, albatross. oashmere and nun's veiling, should be finished with handings of silk or soft saUn. These may be elab orated with a little handwork in the ussy of French knots os f e a therstltchtng. A pretty trimming strip could bo made by applying medallions of heavy lace and cut ting the material from beneath them. The work should be the edge* to the ma terial with a heavy mercerised cotton In a matching shade. If a part of the laoe pattern la worked . with the colored em broidery cotton will add to the artlstletlo appearance of the trimming. This garment could also be developed In gingham, chambray or percale for morning, and ornamented with a bias band of the material. 6 SIZES 32. TO 42 BUST VIRGINIAN PATTERN COUPON. No.%11. February 14. Name. Street and Number. City and State. , Sims Peered.,............ SIZE MUST BE PUT ON COUPON. Te ebtala the pattern nil out theabove coupon and enoloae ten cent, la -etajap er eels. Addreee Pattern Oepertmeni. rrti*-wTrl ytrytalaa, JUch r'H;; PLAN NEW HOTEL FOR LYNCHBURG 3ptw*a (Granted ♦<> Intriroitcd Par ties for Location on Main Street. IIANY PROPOSITIONS >ther Sit<*s Being Considered—Ex pect Definite Announcement next Week. LYNCHBURG. VA.. March 4.— rhat an option haa been granted on a ■inin atreet location to parties lfiter •sted in the erection of a new hotel van the announcement made by an lUthorltative source to-day. This op ion la for a different location from •ihers noted In the past few weeks, ind Is the third propoattlon that has ome to public notice in that time. Just what developments will be ihov. n when the temat've arrange ments crystallise will not be mode public until some time next week, shen, It lrj understood, definite an nouncements will be made. There ire three distinct movements looking to the erection of what Is purposed to be a large modern hotel. Which of there will be shown to have taken the lead and made definite plans Is st present a matter of conjecture, and the topic of considerable dis cussion among business and traveling men. A lively light between oil Interests Is expected here In a short time. Two Independent companies—the Texas and Indian—have come Into the Meld, and the present indications are that it will be a case of three cornered competition, with the Stand ard Oil Company at Ita old stand. The Indian Oil Company has se mired u valuable piece or properly, anil a building permit ha* already been leaned for extenalv© improve ments of the property. It Is under stood that the Texas people are r!«o planning the location of a permanent distributing establishment. At a meeting of the Amherst board of supervisors. Commonwealth's At torney Otto L. Evans and Assistant State 3 Ugh way Commission George Coleman, it was decided ye'terdny to appropriate the whole road turn) <t the Elnn district, in Amherst county, for the maintenance of the macadam road, and that no other funds be con tributed l>y the county or the other districts. The report of the Associated Chari ties of l.ynchburg. made public tbls afternoon by Miss Jessie Forbes, the secretary, states that 86 families have been aided during the month of Feb ruary. The following amount* two a given In charitable work: Food. 151.49; fuel (In cash), 18.47: fuel m quantity), 12 1-2 tons of coal, and 138 gnrments. In addition to tips, other aid of a miscellaneous nature was afforded. KVA TAXIilAY FINED. stage Hand Said Actress Jabbed Him With a Hatpin. LOUISVILLE. KY„ March 4.—Eva Tanguay, the actress, after a three hour trial in police court, was fined $40 and costs on the complaint of Clarence Hess, a stage hand at a local theatre. He charged that Miss Tanguay had jabbed him with a hat pin. Hess appeared In court with his physicians, who testified that the stage hand had three punctures In thy abdomen. 1 Comes to Sell Her Ranches (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) NEW TORK. -BCKrCH 1.-U«r (T race E. Mackenzie, of Scotland, haa :ome to thig country to sell her ran rheg in Wyoming. Lady Mackensle IDMINISTRJIDlll BACKS GANNON FOR SPEAKER ... LTncle Joe’s Candidacy in 62nd Con-j gress Decided at White House Dinner. WASHINGTON, March 4 —Uncle Joe Cannon will be a candidate tor j Speaker of the slxty-aecond congress, notwithstanding h's recently report- j ed statement to Representative Me- i Kinley, chairman of the reupbllcan congressional committee, that he ] would Withdraw from the race in | order to insure republican control of j the next House. The above informa tion was received to-day from sources that leave no room for doubt. It is j also reported that President Taft and Postmaster-General Hitchcock have agreed that the twelght of the admin istration will be thrown behind the Cannon forces in the coming congres sional elections and a pica made to the country to elect a “regular" House of Representatives that will work with President Taft during the re maining two years of his tenure of office. laist night at the White House President Taft gave a dinner, at which the Speaker was the guest of honor, and which was attended by a number of the Speaker's lieuten ants. Over the cigars and coffee there was considerable talk about legislation and politics. One of the guests said to-day that the Presi dent feels that the country will have experienced a reaction by next fall, and will be ready to repudtate the Insurgents' vote a "straight adminis tration ticket." The guest at last night's function is regarded with some significance Of the republican members of the House present, there was only one "insurgent"—Hayes, of California Hayes has been classed by some of his associates as merely a "mercer ized insurgent." He is the one who fixed up the arrangement with the White House whereby the insurgents agreed to help along certain of the President’s legislative policies. DECISION DEFERRED in LENA PARK DAMAGE SUIT ALEXANDRIA, VA , March _ 4.— Judge J. B. T. Thornton, of the cir cuit court of Alexander county, sit ting in this city, yesterday heard arguments on the demurrer of the defendant to the evidence in the suit of Frederick Schwab against the Luna Park Company, and del erred his de cision until the April term of the circuit court. The company was re presented by Attorneys Moore, Bar bour & Keith and the complainant by former Corporation Judge J, K. VT VArt U'hlU atnnlAiiaJ on an aerial awing at the park, near Four-Mile Hun, last summer received injuries that necessitated the amputa tion of one of his feet. He sued to recover 110,000, and a Jury several days ago awarded him 14,600, sub ject to the court's decision on the de murrer. MAN FROM RICHMOND CHARGED WITH MURDER ROANOKE, VA., March 4.—George Kemper, of Richmond, was arrested here yesterday, charged with killing a negro at Clrclevllle, O., last De cember. The arrest was streetetc when Kemper came here and went to Paymaster J. B. Lacy to collect 114 due him from the Norfolk and Western railroad. Kemper admits shooting a man. whose name be does not know, but says he did not know that he killed him. He will go back without a requtsllon. WIN RACE WITH DEATH. Parents, Called to Child's Bedside, Ar rive Before Kite Expires, WINCHESTER, va.. March 4.— While their eleven-year-ojd daugh ter. Emma, lay dying at the hospital here yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Duncan both ran a race with death, and won. The girl was brought here from New Market, Shenandoah county. Physicians found that she was too weak to go on the operating table, and messages were sent to her pa rents, the father being in New Tork. Both arrived on morning trains, and were at the bedside shortly before she died. BRAZILIAN BATTLESHIP REACHES NEWPORT NEWS NEWPORT NKWH. V.\., Mar. 4.~ The BraslAhu; .Jl*ui»»h4<p 'Una* Oe raes arrived at Old Point Comfort at 4:30 o’clock this morntnv, after being telayed two days at the capes by fog. the ship comes to convey lhe body, if" Ambassador Nabuco, who died rs neatly, to Rio. The remains wip be r blames former President Roosevelt for -the ware of poverty that 1ms - swept part of the West and forced many of the cattle owners Into bank ruptcy. The titled lady herself runs five big ranches In Wyoming. MRS. ROOSEVELT OFF TO MEET HUSBAND Sai!? for Cairo in the Dark as to Ex-President’s European Rians. NAPLES, March 4.—Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt and her daughter, Ethel, sailed to-day on the steamer Schles wig for Cairo, from which city they will proceed to Khartoum to meet Col. Roosevelt. Before sailing airs. Roosevelt engaged a six-room apart- ; ment at the Hotel Excelsior from April 1 to April 10. Ambassador Lelshman called on Mrs. Roosevelt fust before she went aboard to con fer with her regarding her husband's program while In Italy. Mr. Lelshman said It was possible that Roosevelt would visit the Kaiser before going to Rome to pay his re spects to King Victor Emmanuel and the Pope. Mrs. Roosevelt confessed herself completely in the dark regard ing the details of her husband's stay In Europe. Justice John Lays Down the Law With Reference to Practice of Some Merchants. "The catching hold of a person and attempting to draw him Into a store constitutes assault and battery, and I want every policeman on the force to arrest every one of these . 'body snatchers.' " said Justice Crutchfield in police court Friday morning, in disposing of the charge against R. G. i Wilkerson. Albert Stem, Charles ; Crouch and M. H. Nash of alleged as sault upon N. Goshen. Wilkerson ! was lined 110, the tostimony show ing that he had struck Goshen forty or fifty times In the face. The assault upon Goshen grew out of the fact that a little girl had started Into his place and was pulled Into the establishment kept by his competitor by one of the men who was employed by Stein. "It appears." said the Justice de ciding the ease, "that Wilkerson, who Is a young man, struck Goshen, who is three times his senior. 1 shall therefore fine Wilkerson, but I want It to be very publicly known that this "pulling" Into places that arc carried on at this corner (Fifth and Broad, wrong side) has got to stop. The police must arrest every man who at tempts to make a pedestrian com* 4 ue ymruif ui na(iQB on a pedestrian la an asaault, and will be eo considered by me." The case consumed more than an hour in trial, there being over a score of witnesses to testify In the matter. JUDGE WONT SIT ONJEINZE HEARING Declares Indictments Against Cop per Magnate Unwarranted. Case is Transferred. NEW YORK, March 4.—When the taee of Frit* Augustus Helnse, Mon tana copper magnate, Indicted again yesterday In connection with alleged fraudulent practices while In control of the Mercantile National Bank, over two years ago, came before Judge Hough In the United States court to day, the Judge refused to have any thing more to do with the case. The government has obtained the Indictment of Helnse on four separate occasions and In every instance Judge Hough has sustained the demurrers Interposed. The last time the case came before him he Intimated strong ly that the government’s proceedings were without warrant or law. "1 have already Intimated that enough indictments have been found against this man." said the Judge, •and I see no reason why I should! hea» any more. I will have nothing more to do with this case.” A plea of not guilty was entered and Judge Hough ordered the case transferred to the criminal branch of the circuit court to come up nest Monday. t.lreaees to Virginians. WASHINGTON, D. C„ Mar. 4.—Ero Stt N. Bailey, 22, and Ida Pearl TU , 2S, both of Manchester, Va..The r. John R. Shannon. MAKING PLANS FOR FIREMEN'S CONVENTION Alexandria Companies Making Elaborate Preparations for Gathering. ALEXANDRIA. VA.. Mar. 4.—Though the annual convention o. the Virginia State Firemen'ii Aeeoclatlon will not be held until August, preparations are now being made by the various active and veteran fire companies of Alex andria Jo raise fund* lot the enter;, talnment of several hundred delegates expected at that time. J. R. N. Curtin, president of the Alexandria Board of Aldermen, Is president of the State As sociation and Is taking much Interest In the arangements. Each of the active companies In Alexandria has already appointed commttteee on entertainment, and the Friendship Veteran Fire Association has appointed the following members to co-operate with the othere: J. T. Williams, M. R. Nor is, Herman Fried lander, F. Dldsxonelt. and Dallas Pey ton. The Friendship Veteran Fire As sociation has charge of the old hand engine, which Is a successor to the one Sresented to the city of Alexandria by eorge Washington. It Is a feature in parades In this city. THE NEWS OF FREDERICKSBURG Mr. Botta Gets Commission.Men's Brotherhood Being Formed. FREDERICKSBURG, VA.. March 4.—Mr. A. B. Botts, of this city, has received hts commission as assistant commissary general on the staff of General J. Thompson Brown, of Rich mond, commander of the First Bri gade Virginia Division U. C. V. This appointment was made by General' Clement A. Evans, commander of the| United Confederate Veterans and it! carries with it the rank of captain.! Lieutenant A. G. BUUngeby, of the Washington Guards of thle city, 4ms been placed on the retired list at hts ovrn request by Governor Mann, after a service of twelve years In the State mllltla. Officer J. H. Robinson, of the local police foroe, recovered a valuable dia mond ring here yesterday, which had born stolen in Washington and sold here by a youth who had escaped from the reform senool of the dis trict. Hon. C. O'Connor Goolrlck left here yesterday with a petition to Governor Mann asking for the pardon of John V*. nunier, wno wu convicted tn the corporation court in January for lar ceny and sentenced to six months in the city Jail. The petition was signed by the judge of the corporation court and the pury which convicted Hun ter. The Men's Brotherhood of the Pres byetrian church, whose officers ars Rov. J. H. Henderlite, president; Alvin T. Rowe, vice-preeldent; A- O. Mays, secretary, and a. Frank Tim berlake, treasurer, met last night and perfected arrangements for a Anal organisation. This is the first Brother hood formed here and it la an out growth “of the great Laymen's Meet ing held in Richmond last October. Rcrr. J. H. Henderlite, who li pastor of the Presbyterian church, is an active and forceful preach (and- is making tho imprint of his work felt in the religious life of the city. RICHMOND'S CLEAR WATER NOW PVT ON EXHIBITION In a furniture store window at Fourth and Broad streets the! Water Department is making a dlsnluy of the usual turbid water of thl river each day and also of the pure clear water from the New Reservoir The settling basin has now been in op eration about ten weeks and excel lents results have been obtained from the first. As an official of the Water De partment remarked Friday, Rich mond is receiving water as clear and pure ar many other cities obtain from other filter plants. Director Etekiel. of the settling basin, says there has been no tract of alum In any water supplied the etty since the new plant was put in operation. COCNCII.MAN HIRSCHBERU WILL SEEK RE-ELECTION councilman John Hirschberg. or (Jefferson Ward, announced Friday that he would be a candidate this spring for re-election. Mr. Hlrsch herg li president of the Central Trades anil Labor Council, and is re garded as one of the moat active workers for the betterment and pro gress of Jefferson Ward. "Just plain John Htrschberg, that's all,” remarked the Jefferson Ward candidate Friday when a reporter asked him if he carried any special title. Baldwin—Baldwin. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) PAMPUN CITY. March 4.—Mr. James C. Baldwin, son of Mr. Caleb Baldwin, and Mirs Ida M., daurhte of Mr. H. R. Baldwin, near this place, j were married yesterday evening by Rev. J. A. Paisley, pastor of the Presbyterian church here. OBITUARY Robert Alien. The funeral of Mr. Robert Mien, who was found dead In the river Thursday, took place Friday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock from IT east Marshall street. Burial was In Shockoe ceme tery. Mrs. Anna Marry. Mrs. Anna Curry Marcy, wife of Dr. K. L. Marcy. of it east Main street, lied Thursday. The funeral arrange ments will be announced later. Mrs, Margaret B. Minichan. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) BUENA VISTA. VA., March 4.—. Mrs. Margaret B. Minlohan died at 6:10 o'clock this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. B. Umholts, in this city, from the effects of a stroke of paralysis which she suffered on Wednesday evening. Deceased was a native of Juniata county. Pa., and la survived by eight children, six of whom live in Penn sylvania; Mrs. R. B. Umholtx, of this city, and David I. Mlnlchan, of Roa noke. She was sixty-nine years of age. The funeral services will be con ducted In Port Royal, Pa., Monday afternoon. A short service will be held here on Sunday afternoon. Grarxe W. Dudley. LYNCHBURG. VA., March 4.—Geo. W. Dudley, of the mailing division >f4he local post-office, dropped dead Wednesday night at his home on Eighth street. He came here stx rears ago from Pulaski oounty. . Samuel B. Cowling. YNCHBtTRO, VA„ March 4.— iuel B. CowUng, H mars old. a ve of Mercer couaty, W. Va„ died ». He was engaged la the tin r business, and leaves a family. DEATHS. UA.RCY.—Suddenly Thursday, March frd. at 19 f-Jdk £•»» / . . •• . . ■ — . Allwin The beautiful crib cart with springs. Is far ahead of ordi nary Go-Carts in roominess, extreme comfort and handi ness. All prices. Sold only by It is as fine for comfort as for looks. The collapsible JonesBros.&Co. (Incorporated) 1418-1420 East Main Street MCLENNAN LOSES SUIT AGAINST TRACTION CO. Verdict Rendered Favoring De fendant on Ground* That I’iaia tiff was Intoxicated. After deliberating m re th»n hour*, the jury of the Uw itn<i K«iu!tjr Court trying the' ( <n.m age milt of Finley i\ V 1> ta against the Virginia I .■ on or ..mi Fewer Company. r«turnsd « verdict li.te Thursday afternoon in fax or of the defendant. The cast- went to the Jury at l:"# P. M. and at firct the Juror- \t re unable to agree. At 2:50 t . 11 they were allowed to go to aud t. pi. n re suming coruIdemtIon of the i-ii-e at I P. M . soon came to an agreement. Contention of counsel for the de fendant that the nlalntlf! was Intnx at the time he au-t.iitit I —rlous Injuries a a a result of lull* strm is by f. car of the defendant ooimpny near Oakwood cemetery lit«i .tune, is - Md to have been the bail* for the verdict aa returned. NEWS OF INTEREST FOR JAMES CASEY Warm Hearted Message From Mayor Blizzard for James Casey of Richmond. tdrtressdng Mayor Kiel unison aa i Worship, the Msyor H. D. Rtla d writes from Montreal. Can., seek Informailon about Janies Casey, merly of Waterford. Ireland, who ■d to b« a tobacco grower or dealer these parts. 'it James Casey Is still a resident Richmond or vicinity." the Mon al man writes, "kindly furnish in. Information, aa I have somethin* Iwiawa.t era lm Hurt tn tl t P.l * * ) interest to Impart to him." ayor Richardson mated Friday t while he was In Ignorance of lh. rreaboutK of any one by the mune James Casey he would be clad to elve ary information about tb. u and would forward It to Montreal h pleasure. Fireman Scalded ta Train Clash. LYNCHBURG, VA-, March 4.—On the Cheaapeaks and Ohio railroad near Albert, yesterday about noon, a weetbound freight train ran Into a work train, owing to a misunder standing between a conductor and a flagman. Both engines and several cars were derailed. J. K. Kiser, tire man, was badly scalded. Vlsr—Wingfield. LYNCHBURG, VA.. March *■—At the parsonage of Centenary Method ist church Wednesday Miss Ella Wingfield, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Wingfield, was married to Mr. Raymond Vlsr, of Madison Heights. w<«t—Wells. LTNCHBUKO. VA.. - Ma Samuel W. West and Mli Wells, a hl*rh school student, ter of J. N. Wells, a prominent busi ness man, Sloped to Bristol to-day and were mended there this afternoon. They will return to-morrow.