Newspaper Page Text
V -1 mm wit my Rum THAT COMPANY ASK Chairman Richardson Declares Charge for Use of Conduits Excessive. CITY MAY LAY ITS OWN Cost, It is Estimated, Would Not Be So Great—May Reach Agreement. *’I hardly think we will accept the proposition of the Virginia Hallway Hua Power Company to allow the city Ule use of Us conduits for electric purposes for a year.” said Chairman Richardson, of the special subcommittee of the council commit tee on electricity 1’ilday, speaking of negotiations pending between the company and city relative to rental of the conduits as well ss electric light poles from the company. "Aa a matter of fact,” continued Mr. Richardson, "we have ascertain ed that we can construct conduits ourselves for something like $5,000, and such being the case, the charge of $1,000 looks to be considerably above a reasonable figure. However, wa may reach some agreement with the company by next Monday night, when the committee on electricity meets. The compeny hes yet to meke us a proposition relative to rental of "their holes, hut j presume soffie tnn of a proposition In thst connection will also be submitted for considera tion of the committee Monday night.” Mr. Richardson went on to explain that the company is at present fur nishing the city with 8*1 electric lights, which will be supplied by the city when the new municipal electric lighting plant Is ready for operation on July 1 or thereabouts. These lights are now furnished at a cost of $M.T$ a year. “It’s a queer thing.” explained Mr. ~ Rlehardaon further, "that a city ordi nance prohibits the cltv from erect. in* Ha own pole* foj; electrict lighting purposes, the ordinance bavins been pained to prevent a congestion or net work of poles In any section of the dty. However, we might force the railway company to take up their poles and we might put new ones in their place If we were unable to eventually oome to terms with the company.” The anb-oommittee appointed to ne gotiate with the company about this matter consisted originally of Messrs. — Richardson. Wiltshire and Whlttet When he was elected president of the _Board of Aldermen, two weeks ago, Mr. Whlttet was relieved o? service on the committee, and so Messrs. Wilt shire and Richardson are now the only members. Ill PRICE OF HENS Break in the Unprecedented Prices Due to Fight With Trust. Cary street commission markets are ago with excitement over the tremen dous break In the quotation on live hens which occurred over-night, bringing the price from J 7 1-2 cents a poiihd to lk cents. The latter figure, however, is considered not only ex cellent. but unusually high for this time of the year, while the recent quo tation of 17 1-2 was the highest price reached on the local market within the last twenty-five years, and was not a normal figure, but an Inflated price brought about. It Is declared, by the fight In New York between the trust and the Independents for the control of the poultry market A representative of one of the New York contestants has been In Rich mond, and through his efforts the quotations on hens have surpassed all recent records, since he was empow ered to buy In unlimited quantities at top prices, and was also authorised to guarantee a steady price several days ahead of delivery In order that he might more completely control local condition*. Friday morning, however, this spe cial agent received a message to sus pend operations until further notice, and Immediately every hen on the street turned a back hand-spring and landed two points and one-half below the current quotation. - Many of the merchants are now dis cussing tha advisability of sendtng the hens now on hand—and there are hundreds of them, sent in from every part of Virginia and North Carolina to- take advantage of the high quota tions—to Baltimore, where the price is still holding its own. u WASHINGTON, March 4.—On th« anniversary of the Inauguration ot President Taft, one of hie «rst legists th e measure*— the postal savings bank Ttlt-ru Uttar the possibility of de feat often the Senate met at The recess last evening was taken to afford opportunity to frame up eo me thing to save the measure. These measures were still In pro stress when the Senate reconvened. The necessity for a race is and realignment of forces resulted from the detection ef some senator* who attended the re sent ctjpferent-e at which It was screed to support the new -Smoot amendment skins the president th« power In "time of war or other exigen cy*’ to invest the poets! funds In gov ernment bonds This defection seem ed fo make certain the "adoption «»l the Cummins amendment striking owl the Wards “Other exigency" thereby rendering the bill unconstitutional, according to the president’s views It was the j\t pose of the regular republicans, if the Cummins amend ment was adopted, to vote against the Mil. Nearly alt the democrats sail they Would vote against It and the PWg| lam co-operating with them, conn, easily control a majority. ... Senator uorah opened the debate to* ftpsi' saying (ho JBlnoo*. amendment was unnecessary and was a radical ds tofe for ft unless Some com la skown for Us tncor ration or TEN H RESCUED FHOMJPNCHE Car Dug Up Prom Slide With All Passengers Alive. TERRIBLE SUFFERING j Relief 'Workers Spurred to New Efforts—Horrors Multiply as Days Pass—Known Dead 115. EVERETT, WJS., March 4.—A re port reached the official* of the Cheat Northern railway in this city that one of the car* buried by the great ■now slide neur Wellington ha* been reach , ed intact, and that ten of the person* in It were stiU alive, but suffering j terribly from exposure. The report Is not confirmed, a* the wire* to the I scene of the disaster are destroyed. ■ and new* from there has to be brought a considerable distance by couriers. Officials of the Great Northern to day denied reports that ten person* had been rescued alive. They say only one man has been rescued, half dead, after sixty hours' imprisonment In the buried train. Others may have' escaped, they say, but there seems ltttle chance. The heavy snowstorm of yesterday and last night has changed to an icy rgln.tft-rtay, and this is retarding the . work of restoring communication as well as hampering the force at work on the slide. As the hours go by the horror* of tho disaster near Scenic, at the mouth of the Cascade tunnel, where a mighty avalanche carried two heavy train? : from the track* of the Great Northern railway down into the canyon hun ■ dreda of feet below, grow. I To-day it Is certafn US persons have perisneu. • uner* may be buried be neath the frosen mass. but the offi cials who have been taking a census of the missing, declare this unlikely. Thirty-live bodies have been recovered. Thlrt -one have been identified. To day sy lie, side by side, tenderly wrap, .d in blankets, awaiting the repairing of the railway that they can be carried to place* of burial. The work of recovering the bodies If pitifully slow, owing to the nature of the slide. The enormous mass of earth, trees, vegetation and snow is packed solidly to a depth exceeding Bfty feet. Heavy snow falling Hi most continuously interferes with the work of the laborers snd the volnn-, teen who flocked here from every part at the State. The whole marks the worst tragedy tn the history of railroading In the Northwest snd it will be many weeks before normal conditions can be re stored. Scene Awe-Inspiring. The scene about the mouth of the tunnel is awe-inspiring. The great bare mountain tow-er* upward to .1 height of three thousand feet. Or.e week ago .It was covered with snow above whlfh the tops of the trees tow ered. To-day it is swept bare of all vegetation: Great furrows mar the black race at the loam as though they had been made by gigantic plow* Gaping holes as large as an average tending show where monster trees were torn out roots and all arid sent swirling down into the abyss. Boulders are left in fantastic heaps where they dropped out ot the avalanche. I>own tn the canyon into which the trains, were carried are acres of snow, dotted on the surface with log?, stumps, trees, pieces of broken tail road equipment, like wreckage in a still white lake, On its surface men can be seen carrying long rods which irym time to time they use as probes endeavoring t® locate the solid wreckage. Away actiaa the canyon the snow is piled up turce hundred feet, where; It broken against the mountain side. The upper edge Is strewn with tim bers. like a wooded beach at low tide. Weighed 500,000 Tens. Railroad no^n who have grown gray lighting tne snow in the moun tains estimate that there was a half millions tons weight tn the sltde when it reached the stalled trains. This vast mass, running at a great rate of speed, hit the two heavy trains and the massed rotary plows and carried them, like light reeds, down into the canyon to destruction. The bodies that have been taken out of the mass were all close to the sur face. The work of recovering the others seems almost an impossible task. Toiling in the snow at the base of the slide the men work slowly and carefully. Whenever anything solid is located with the divining rods a force of shovelers Is hurried to the spot. They dig as rapidly as possible, but the work is discouraging, as the snow falls back almost as soon as It Is removed. Usually it is a piece of baggage or a bit of a broken car that is uncovered, and there is now a general belief that most nr the tln/figg am ia fa a* Knlmv thn i surface that it will be a lone time before they can be reached. All hope j for those in the Pullmans has been ! abandoned. It was at first thought ] J that some might yet be alive, owing ! to the substantial construction of the i cars, but as the digging proceeds it becomes more and more plain that even the giant steel mall care could hardly be powerful enough to wlth I stand the pressure. * From Skyhomtsh, sixteen miles from the scene of the disaster, a ! I constant stream of relatives of the dead is making Its wsy on foot to i where the workers are. Railroad men jstationed along the track try vainly' I to drive them back. But they waited !too long, willing as they are to risk - their lives. At the little nntei at tno moutn or : the tunnel the scene is heart-breaking. Here wait those who know they have relatives in the debris, and here they say they will remain until the bodies are found. Many Tmgetfkw. A pitiful tragedy It that of lira Starrett. who sita. dry-eyed. Just tn ! side of the hotel, watting and hoping against hope. One year ago her hus hand, an engineer on the Oreat North ern. was killed on the rand only n short distance from here. ' She. her father and mother, her son Raymond and her two Mttle girle were paasen gers on the ill-fated Spokane-Seattle express. She and Raymond were saved In some miraculous and unex plained manner, but father, mother and the two girls are buried in the white tomb below, and she watts and watches and hopes. The bedy of Conductor Pettitt. *»f . Kverott. was taken out tn-drv. He wan one of the heroes o' the disaster, Rearing thnt w «td* v»w*d r»w. he headed a party of p*«oM*ri that struggled through the rtow from hj* v fnprbwtned tr»*»* the Scrub-. When be reached that point, he w** warned that it Hfa tn‘trjr buck to the train, only to moot dealt with the ptiKH|«tt tt hie cere, = The only persona not reeidenU of the Northwest who were killed are Bert Matthew* of Cincinnati; Edward Bowles, of Noberly, Opt., and K. W. Topping, of Ashland, O. KNOW AND FLOODS retake the tot SAN FRANCISCO, March «.— Thousands of passengers, tons of mall and freight in unesttmated quantities which have been tied up in snow drifts, marooned at small stations or blocked by washouts and landslides for several days, are beginning to move again on the lines of the South, efn Pacific, Northern Pacific, Great Northern and Oregon Short Line through Utah, Nevada and the North* west Flood conditions through Nevada are somewhat Improved to-day, and this city, which haa been almost shut off from mall communication with the East for six days, is beginning to see some relief for the congeetion. Communication from Ogden, Utah to San Francisco dvaa re-established to day over the long route by way of Portland, Oregon. Many - westbound trains, which have been suited with their passenger* on the Central route of the Southern Pacific, are now on their way Into San Francisco by a northern detout* over the Oregon Short Line. One thousand Eastern ooionists on their wsy to California are still stall ed in Utah by washouts, but If the trucks can be repaired as expected will be on their way by to-morrow. The Chicago Whits Sox baseball team Is making the detour by Portland, and Is due here next Sunday. East bound trains on the Southern Pacific, which have been held at Bat tle Mountain, Nevada, for several days were to-day sent back to Sacra mento and re-routed through Port land. They carry more than 1.000 passengers, Traffic on the Orest Northern through the Cascade MounUins is still blocked. Two trains wars start ed from Seattle early to-day on the Northern Pacific, the first in several days, and the officials of the company hope to get through without great difficulty. MERCER RILL IS GIVER RUTH BLOW Page Measure Reported Adversely Great Surprise of the House. The course of the Richmond, Fred ericksburg and Potomac railroad In regard to the State tax question was helped considerably Friday by the House Committee on ltoads and Inter nal .Navigation. This committee, to the great surprise of the majority of the members of the Legislature, made un unfavorable report on the Page bill providing for a merger of the tour roads comprising the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac system and allowing them to take out a new charter which would put them on a tax-pat ing basis with the other roads operating in this Slate. This bill was carefully drawn by the joint commit tee. with Gov tutor Mann as chairman, which was in consultation with offi cials of the road for several days on the matter, it was Introduced in both houses at the same time and no oppo sition was expected to the measure. The House Committee also compli cated matters Friday with reference to an amicable settlement of the dif ferences between th company and the Stale by reporting lavorably the Cole man bill compelling the railroad to live up to its present antiquated char ter. Following the announcement in the House that his bill had been reported unfavorably, Mr. Page offered a reso lution proposing! to take up bills 374 and ISO, known as the Powers and Coleman R. F. & P. bills, and make them a special order for Monday. This motion was carries. Braxton Talks Plainly. Attorney Braxton, ot the Hiihmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac railroad, gave the committee a very plain talk, expressing his views on the matter. He stated frankly that it would not only be unconstitutional to pass th's bin. hut would result tn the disorgan isation of the road and ruin to hun dreds of women and children of the Elate who depend on the dividends and earnings of the road for a living. In presenting his side of the case to the committee he aaid: “It would be unwise at this time for the Legislature to pass this bill or even report it. As you gentlemen know, a Joint committee has a merger proposition under consideration, which will be voted on by the stock holders of the road. Any hostile movement against the company would have a serious effect on the atockhold era and would not tend to strengthen the good feeling between them and the State." Not Stop Anywhere. Mr. Braxton went on to explain his conception of the present charter. “It does not require the road to stop at he declared. "and would not he so construed by any court in the country, fhe charter states that the trains shall be stopped at convenient points. Now, these points could not be construed as any other places than stations desig nated by the company, if, on the other hand, the charter Is held to mean that trains can be Mopped at any point, the charter also states that the bond shall have the right to charge 8 cents a mile, for all local transportation, it would also be very dangerous to allow persona to Mop trains at any point The charter states that a red flag shall be used by day and a red light by Bight which Is the danger algnal, and compels an engineer to stop as short ss possible. This would be very detrimental to the machinery and would also place trains in the danger of rear-end col lisions." "Another point of law." continued Mr. Braxton. Is that both the road and tho people have been living under the present rules for seventy-live years, and any court will hold that If both sides have acquiesced for a long time on a matter thedret contract will not hold.1' CAHKS HfCAIU) IN THE , MUPKEHIC COURT Of* At'PEAU Proceedings of the supreme couii of appeals Friday were: • Whitehead, by Ac., vs. Cape Henri Syndicate et ait., argued by J. /, Burroughs, for plaintiff In error, and William W. Old. for defendant in error, and submitted. Copperthtte vs. Loudoun National Bank et als., parity argued by /oh® 8. Harbour, for plaintiff in error, ami “ —• Np*t canes to tm called. Adamson's Administrator w folk and Po (Mwr 1*0 PT. [OK KARCBf tip*. SM A LI* OPEN U*; ladle's match. with black, leather fob, either Monroe end Broad . Broad and Twenty-ftr<:> street oei Howard irrdHtmed to 514 N. Twen It, or phone. Mr.dlson *7*" ItAb.. poT\ TBlrnii:., with bia.< and tar 4174 WANTBD—A BOY TO MAKE HIM eelf useful ttt a confectionery store, one that has some knowledge of so da fouatala preferred: also boy to leans bakery. ancTYonfectlonery bus iness. Khanr small to begin with. Apply ROM 4 CO., 117 E. Main strelt. WANTBD—A MIDDLE AGE WHITE man (single) to do general work around store and stay on premises as one Of the family; one who Is so ber and AOt afraid to work; German or Irish preferred. .Apply at once MR. R D. JOnN SON. 1317 W. Cary street, elty. Phone 40*3. WANTED—JOB PRINTER WANTED; big wages and permanent' position to sober and competent union man. RINALDI PRINTING CO., Tampa. Fla. WANTBD—PKiOTOQRAFHBR to work In studio; good chance for nmetenr to leorn the business, refer ences. NOVELTY PHOTO STUDIO. *37 E. Mead street. WANTED—AT ONCE FOR GOOD PAY lng positions, white and colored; farm hands, wood cutters, drivers, porters, waiters, laborers, cooks, maids, nurses, etc. Apply Imme diately. IMH .E. Broad. ANT COLLECTOR OR SOLICITOR CAN make M.M to IS a day. In addition to his regular Income, explaining husmeai-- nothing to carry, sell, or deliver. Address EASY WORK, earn Virginian. FREE. HOfWE AND LARGE LOT nearby city and station. Write me for full particulars, cosy Home, care The Virginian. WANTED—SOLICITORS. APPLY BY tetter. Box 1, Letter A., core Rich mond Virginian. WANTED—gTE ADY WHITE BOY TO learn the barber trade, >94 west Broad at mite HELP WANTED—FEMALE. F YOU WART TO C.xST ASIDE THE Washerwoman call Madison IMI. Family Washing done. EAGLE STEAM LAUNDRY, 733-735 West Cary Street. WANTED—GIRLS WHO ARE EXPE rlenced paper box makers, also some beginners; steady employment and pood wastes. Apply to THE RAN DOLPH PAPER BOX CO. Ross street. WANTED—NEAT COLORED GIRL as maid. Apply 218 N. Fifth street., upstairs. 1 WANTED—A GIRL TO KEEP STOCK by wholesale millinery boose. Ad dress In own hand writing. Ad dress L-19, care The Virginian. WANTEtb—STENOGRAPHER. EXPE rieneed; accustomed to Remington machine; must be qualified; none other need apply. Address. B-l Vir ginian, corner Roes and Governor.' WANTED—GIRLS WHO ARE EXPE rlenced paper box makers, also i some beginners; steady employment i and good *a*«. Apply to THE f RANDOLPH PAPER BOX CO., Ross ! street. ! WANTED—AT ON< E, ALL AROUND white housekeeper and cook; one that Is not afraid to work; a nice home to the right party; German or Irish preferred. Call Mrs. R. D. JOHNSON. 1317 W. Clay. Thone 409S Madison WANTED—AT ONCE LADY CASHIER for cafe, also young lady for pri vate branch exchange operator. Ap ply to S T. ATKINSON, manager Hotel Richmond._ j WANTED-A GOOD COOK. MUST come well recommended. Apply Mrs. Murray, 13*1 W. Grace street. i WANTED—GIRLS WHO ARE EXPE rienced paper box makers; also some beglners; steady employment and good wages. Aoply to THE RAN DOLPH PAPER BOX CO., Ross street. FREE COSY HOME AND LARGE LOT free. Write me for particular*. Address Cosy Home, care The Vir ginian. | WANTED—SALESLADY IN BOYS and children's department, state ex perience. Address X. V., care Vir ginian olTU-e. _ WANTED—GIRLS WHO ARE EXPE rlenced paper box makers. Apply WILSON PAPER BOX CO.. 18 Gov ernor street Good wages. WANTED—EXPERIENCED GIRLS to make paper boxes; apply WILSON PAPER BOX CO,, !j Governor street HAILING. TRANSFERRING AND HAULING OF all kinds. D. BOWLES. Office—5 U Second street, residence, 706 Mun t ford Street. Phage, 4984._ SEALED PROPOSALS WILi, BE RK ceived until 14 o'clock. Monday. Merck 7. 1910. to furnish the peni tentiary fresh bo*f during one year. Whole fore quarters, welching not lee* than lit pounds, or rattlers weighing not leas than SR pounds, are required. Separate bide must be aubroltted for each, and full stse earn pies showing the kind and quality of ruts must accompany the bids. Deliveries to be Blade not later than 3:30 A. M.. on such days, and In such quantities as the super intendent may direct. As a pledge of good faith, each bid must also be accompanied by a Certified check for one hundred dollars, which will be returned to lb# successful bidder as soon as he executes a satisfac tory contract. For further Information, apply to tho Superintendent By order of the Board of Directors. J. E. WOOD. Superintendent va Bhaw Land it ."Timber Company and Richmond and Chesapeake Bay Railway Company ya. Hammond et ala, being Nos. It to 70, Inclusive on argument docket PRISON FOR LIFE BUT ESCAPES DEATH Seutence of Joint Atkinson Charg ed With Murder is Com - muted, (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) RALEIGH, N. C.. March 4—Gov ernor Kltchln has granted commur ttat I on to life impriaonment for John Atkinson, under sentence to be elec Itrocuted March It. HI* sentence Is commuted became the murder In ' Johnston county was committed when the prisoner was Under great excite ment at haying tainted that (he de ! ceased had Invaded hie home. Every lawyer who heard -thw trial, Judge, j Jury and solicitor, recommenced the tpardon. rosrrir.jf Wj»i WANTED—A POSITION AS I MIT A L ment collector: bore hng several year* experience A8dr*s* W. A. M„ cnee of Richmond Virginian. WANTED—BT TOCNO MAN WORK at night; IB nay clerical 11ns; as of* flee man or aaleeman; can furnish good reference; have had ten yoara nffic# experience: steadrand sober. Address J. A. P, 11* W. Maraball atreet. city. , - \VANTED—POSITION AS SALESMAN for wholesale houae; ten yeara' ex perience; best of reference*. Ad dress FRANCIS HORTON, General Delivery. Richmond. WANTED—BT YOUNG MAN A POSI -tton~ne~ clerk -or collector. Best- of refbrenw. Address C. C B., care Virginian. IF YOU ARE TIRED OF CONFINING, poorly paying work and willing to spend *15 to learn an easier occu pation and get employment at which you can make at least ITS a month, call at SOS east Grace street., second floor, front room. WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED Ho tel clerk with best of rsferences wishes a position. Address P, oars Richmond Virginian. _ WANTED—500 MEN AND BOT8. TO get hair cut, IS cents: finest In the world. 504 W. Broad street. WANTED—A POSITION AS BOOK keeper or assistant, hare had three years experlencs, and ean give ref erences. Address F-7, cars Virgin ian office. WANTED—A MARRIED MAN OF EN ergy and ability wishes position as collector; Reel Estate. Insurance or furniture house. Address H.. care Richmond Virginian. _ >\ aNTe!)—A POSITION AS ODER it or collector by young man with ex cellent references and experience In clerical work. Address C-J2 cars Richmond Virginian. Bf WANTED—POSITION BY EXPEK1 enced billing clerk, has knowledge of shorthand, typewriting, book keeping^ and general office work; Bear—gt—WWWB8C—xnamr care Virginian office. WANTED—Bf YOUNG MAN. \fHO i8 a student of Business College, this, city, position a* assistant bookkeep er; can give best referenca O-i cars Richmond Virginian. WANTS®—BY A YOUNG MAN FOft Saturday only, position as salesman In shoe store or gent's furnishing; (rood reference. Address Henery, *10 E. Clay street. _ WANTED—YOI NO MAN WANTS Po sition with thoroughly reliable firm, where work and honesty is appre ciated; can furnish references a* to character and ability. Address B. WANTED—POSITION BY TOUNO man. as assistant bookkeeper; can furnish best of references. E. 21, care Virginian office. WANTED—BI'TLER* (ENGLIBH) DK slres situation as butler or coach man. Toronto references. Adrress O. care W. C. TILLER, (Sinter Park. Richmond. WANTED^POSlflON BY KTXPBR1 enced clerk, having knowledge of stenography; can furnish best of reference. Address C-64, care Vlr POSITIONS WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED—Y*M:S0 LaI>¥ DESTREH position as stenographer, or office work; can furnish reference. Phone. Madison 215-.L_ WANTED—SEWING AT HOME, LA dies’ and childrens’; also- chairs to recan.e. Address MRS. M. F. MAYO, 338 8. Cherry street. WANTED—A HE FINED LAI would like a position to sew with some dressmaker. Address H. E. » 2V care Virginian. __i_ W A NT BD—POS i TION BY A Yt'l’Nt. lady to addrese envelopes and office work Address B. C„ care Richmonu Virginian. WANTED—BT* A~YOCNG LADY STE nographer of experience a position where there is some promotion. Ad dress EXPERT B.. care Virginian. WANTED—WORK TO DO AT HOME by lady; best of references. Ad dress J.. car# The Richmond Virgin ian. « W tNTiCD—AN "EXPERIENCED LADY of 35, wants position as housekeep er for family of two: must be Chris tian people; can give good refer ence. 2303 Jefferson avenue. WANT BD—AT 6»CE. BITUATiON-* 8 stenographer and office assistant; have had three years’ experience; reference exchanged. Address MIS8 E. K.. Chase City. Mecklenburg Co Va. WANTED—A REFINED AND EXPE rier.ced woman wishes to keep house or nurse an invalid; best reference. Address P. O., care Virginian. Phone. Madison 2871 -L. WANTED—SETTLED LADY OF feE llned family, possessing best of health, wants position as compan ion and nurse for invalid. Address A. 8. C.. care Richmond Virginian. Phone, Madison IS71-L. wanted^potitjon b¥ a settled lady as companion and to attend a lady going away -for the eummer. Address T. 31.. care Virginian, city. WANTED—TVPKWR1T1NG~t5~50 AT home; rapid writer; terms reason able. Address ACCURACY, care Vir ginian. WaWED—BT A~YOtTNf lADf WITH ON I.ADIE8’ Tail s' suits «*v ;• t* or r*|'ri vme m a j ^ n,i other office work; can furnish best of reference. Address C. No. 2. WANT ED—-A COOK a¥ ONCE: REF erfr^f. Apply 1114 Floyd avemie. WANTED—TH<)SotIQHiI? CO\fPE tont stenographer; several years experience. desires position, perma nent or temporary; quick, accurate, neat. Prepared to take deposition*. Piece work a specialty. Phone, Madison SIM.______ WANTED—YOUNG LADY S?BttOU rnpber, with three years’ experience desires position at once; thoroughly experienced In Insurance and com mission business. Address MISS B„ 712 N. Twenty-second street, city. wanteB^-by A YOUNG LAfet. A position In office: writes a plain good hand; willing to salary. Address D-15, tan office. WANTED—CLEANING BY THE bAY. Apply 813 St. Paul streat._ Lady wants sewing to 111 N. Seventh street. EMPLOYMENT—MALE AND FEMALE WE FURNISH ALL KINDS OF HELP ror Richmond and State of Virginia; white help: far housework a spec ialty. Colored men and women wanted for northern hemes and but lers for this elty; write or call for full particulars, Southern Intelli gence office. SUM N. Sixth street. WANTED—138 MEN AND WOMEN white and colored; farm hands; wood cutters; porters, waiter*, drivers, butlers, laborers, cooks, maids, nurs es. for Richmond, Maryland. Penn sylvania. New Jersey. Now York. Connecticut, Massachusetts. Rhode Island; transportation advanced. MARTIN A CO.: 818 B. Brond. WANTED—ALL UpU pitcantd for poittioni o#>ny kind t* apply immodintoly it IWH B. BMI u,t .f.,. PEC1AL l-un r.C! •Wf suits; lad las’ . . _ .... RKAL ESTATE TUB »Ut A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY, A FINE farm. on Jtmw river. It miles from Richmond; three-fourth mil* from R. R. station; little over ft! acre#: to acres rich bottom land; sufflclent 4jr timbered; good old colonial resi dence. Price fll,• ®0. Address Farm Owner, care Virginian. WBff KfcBrbbife ON ©RACE, main Carr and Floyd avenue; cheapest to be found son 1417. of terms; call Madl FARMS ANb CITY PROPERTY bought and sold and rsnfed. Spe cial attention siren to rents. R A LOVING with D. F. HAMILTON * ha vino aHandoHedDEVELOP MENT 1 will .sell Forest Lodge cheap. JOHN CUSSONB. Olen Alter.. DESCRIPTION OP FOREST LODOF. will be mailed on request by JOHN CUSSONB, Olen Alien. Vs. FARMS, HOMES AND INVfstBENT properties between Richmond and Washington; beat railroad service to blp market FRANK H. COX.. Ash land. Vs. 4*1 ACRES; "MAGNIFICENT LOCA' tlon; convenient to two railroads; mining water and many natural ad vantages. Price 112. Id per acre. FRANK H. COX Ashland. Va. ROOMS FOR RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT; rood neighborhood. MRS. SHAW. *07 N. Twelfth etreet FOR RENT—LARGE WELL-FUR nlshed bay front room, suitable for 2 gentlemen or couple; 12.60 per week; also board If wanted. 2203 Jefferson avenue. ONE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, second floor; suitable for one or two people; light, quiet and comfortable. Apply upper ill E. Marshall street. THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS With or without hos^d, 71* E. Grace ONE NICE FRONT ROOM FUR Mshed; bath and telephone conve nlent. No. 1 south Vina street. FIVE ROOM FLAT FOR RENT, MOD ern conveniences, one square Chlm borazo park. Apply 221 N. Thirty second street also rooms on first floor at above number. ONE LARGE BRIGHT FRO!*T ROOM for rent; nurses preferred. C»H Madison 4226. THREE OR FOUR FURBISHED Ol: unfurnished rooms for light house keeulne on south Third street Phone. Madison 769*. FIRST FlXf^,"TENANTB WTLL WaY with any one that will rent the house: five hundred square Seventh street. X. Y. G. 3. care Richmond Virginian. FLAT~~OF~FOl.TR ROOMS AND PRL vate bath; very cheap, or will let unexpired lease; rent low. Phone. Madison 7277-J, or call at 1113 Floyd avenue. LARGE-FRONT~r66M WITH THREE windows, with or without board Ap ply 417 X. Ninth street, or call 3323 Madison. COMFORTABLY-FURNISHED FRONT room, first or second Boor; also con veniently large hall room. Apply 40814 N.' Eighth street. FOR' RENT. KBVBRAL FURNIRHEO rooms, centrally located with mod _am convenience. Will rent very rea. sonably. Call *04 E. Clay street or phone. Monroe 443. NICELY~Ft’RNTsHED EXTRA LARGE hall room, desirable and central lo cation. Apply at *17 E. Grace street, Thone 3442 Madison. jRTr~RENT~TWO ~DFsiR A BLE ROtSM P on Seven Pines car line. Apply to MRS. D. D. PLEASANTS, Stop t*. Seven Pines car line. LARGE FRONT- ROOM ON SECOr* floor, convenient to bath, with ho end cold water; board also furnish ed. Apply at 407 K. Cary street Phone, Madison 215-J. WANTED—TO~RKNT~I ROOMisT SEC ond floor. Apply to 1210 E. Mar shall street. TWO *#Jfee FRONT ROOMS FOR rent: bath and phone convenient. 301 north Twelfth street. "Phone 2248-L FOR RENT- NfcE. SEVEN ROOM house, all conveniences: possesion at once If wanted. 218 8. Cherry street. FLAT OF FOVR ROOMS WITH ~PRT~ vate bath on south Third street: for full particulars call Madison 497-J. FOR “RENT; NICELY Ft’SN ISlfEl> rooms at 718 E. Marshall street. BRIGHT FRONT ROOM, OPPOSITE Jefferson park; very low rent. Ap ply 2702 Jefferson avenue. FOR SALR. FIRST CLASS FOUR CHAIR BARBER shop; good business. Apply A, care Virginian office. FOR SALE-—A ft. PEARL <5r A 83 silver flllgre pen for 81.28 at WAL FORD, 1214 E. Main. WE BEAT THEk ALL ON FOUNTAIN pens. Beautiful Pearl holder, $1.28; Silver Ffllegre holder. 81.28. Loss than half price, at WALFORD'S. 1214 E. Main St HUNTING CABIN LAUNCH ABOUT 28 feet long, good rellataa engine, re verse gear, dynamo and electric lights. Comparatively new. Will sell at sacrifice. Address X. Y. Z.. care Virginian. WANTED TO SELL ON ACCOUNT OF leaving me city, l gas range, i Kit* chen table,'1 coal oil etovc, 1 wood heater, and a folding screen, call at once; will leave city this week. MRS DUVALL. 2014 Grove avenue. rCOMftJSTB SET BEDROOM-FUft nlture with Iron bed stead spring* and mattress; nearly new; will sell cheap; call JACK * SAL, 007 east Broad street. FOR 8 ALE.—A SALE OF SPECIAL fountain pena It Is not necessary te so to a department or drug store when yog can get the best here for about half the price of elsewhere Pens from SO cents to WAL FORD. 1214 E. Main St. FOR SALE—FOUR MINUTE, INDE •truetable cylinder records; 10 eta. two minute, 35 eta; will fit any phonograph or graphophone and last forever, 207 N. Fifth street. FOR SALE—ONE FINE 50 POUND live goose feather bed; will eel! cheap to quick buyer. 005 N. Twen ty-second street. A FINE KINGSBURY Blackwood piano In good condition: several reed rockers and esnter piece. One antique bronse clock 718 B. Marshall. LARGE STOCK OF EASTER CARDF 12 cents per dosen at WALFORD'S, 1214 E. Main street. jntf&SX FURNISHED ft66M. ’"tifttt rentent for gentleman or a couple Very reasonable, at 511 N. Seventh street FOR SALE —.V $3. PEARL~OR A 53" silver Sligre pen for $1.33 at WAL FORD. 1214 E- Main. LARGE SSSw LUNCH COUNTER FOR sale eheapt Apply at once 2507 E. Bread street. BARBER SHOP FOR SALE. GUARAN tee business; rent $12.00 per month; causq for selling, leaving city. 17 _A FIN* BREAK CART' $22.5# 503 Mcntelro avenue Barton Heights. HOMES AND ?aKMS IN 'ffiB' FA~ mous Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. If you are contemplating a change In location, write me. HARRY M vft. WANTED. WANTED—To” k , BUY FOR C A sV household coeds; host prices paid; oUl MadUon Jui. :l$o! Hb “wagon HoRsfE. turnout amcoTtrM - superior tai the and gus-Otting business Honest prlrM, superlW U •I satisfaction and prat » h* »< our wall kn< istles. L. W. DORSET Seventh street Phone, ~~iiA»niai»" WANT K D—'mK~M A 80 MIC Virginia wishes a matron lot. Mutt ha to exf agsment of children, of needlework necessary la institution. Nona but an dustrlous lady, without la. Interested In such work, co-operate with the mat t/ie Home, ana not over need apply. Address L TIAN, President, Riel roihh waotwT In private family or email house, west of Fifth, south not to exceed 120 per m dress II. C., care Richmond Ian ROOM AND BOARD WlTrflS teen minutes walk of couple with baby. Add care Virginian otBce. WANTED—REFINED desires room with board, private family or small house, convenient to terms. References exc d resa. care Richmond Vir IT PATS TO LEARN TO the Conservatory Art East Grace Street, make from 16.000 to 160.000 a What bookaeper. sten clerk or mechanic ever salaries? This school’s no difficulty In getting desirable sttlone. Enter now. Day classes. I-3V-1 for several years have been H. Moore, builders, will go In at pr+xent by calling:, phona, Ison 6977-J. WE Tx> THOROUGH I windows, woodwork, floors an< nlture. Call phone, Monro* William Johnson. 110* N First | WHEN IN NEED OF 8TA1 ' Phone WALFOIU), Madison *4 I WHEN fOU Wlit 11 A JOB OF Ing done QUICK. Phono FORD. Madison 5497. am ROOMS WANTED. j WANTED—BY COUPLE ! children, four or five room flat; private bath. R., care Virginia) WANTED—ROOM WANTED single gentleman: furnished or furnished; must be in 5 blper new' post office; give all partlc Address P. C. G , care Virginian. , WANTED TO RENT A FLAT Ol 5 rooms. Centrally tocated.s price, B-lt, care The Vlrg~ SHOE REPAIRING SPECIAL. REBATE OF 10 CENTS IF YOU out this coupon and shoes; 75 cents men’s half —bated' to 3a cents; ‘ half soles, rebated to 50 cents; pair sewed with waxed linen white oak soles. DREWS TRIC Shoe factory. ?!• B i JEjjggSfc ^onrog 7647. BOARDERS WANTED... TABLE BOARDERS WANTED, nlshed rooms for rent. Also 1—_ keeping department, furnished unfurnished. Reasonable prices. Washington, 2504 East Broad Richmond, Ya. MAN AND WIFE CAN GET J 140* north Twenty-second front room; neatly furnished; doors from street car line. WAN¥isD—A Ft W BOARl terms reasonable. Apply at Mdtn street, \. ANTED. SSH WANTED—TO PURCHASE cash, second hand Victor Machine; must have three-gf ! motor and be In first class M tlon. Address, giving price dad| . ticulars. and stating where mae may be seen. ECONOMY,. Box I : _- •- • w I THE IDEA. WILL BE OUT SATURDAY goldenrod (orange! colored Don't be deceived by fakes, bat THE IDEA. Boys, call at IdO lice, 904 Capitol street or Wa on Church Hill, Model New* Co 'west Broad and other regular poMfl 1 ADOS A. YODER. Publisher. Mi I LENTEN CAKES, ! OTHER fll AND SALADS, ¥??rT:n?STn->F^m¥T^»5Br pared during Lent by tl Aid Society of Grace church; prices very reasonable; ems orders to MISS WARREN. It* «#| Cary street. Phone 7743-J. .a . COAL AND WOOD. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED iSi al cars of gilt edge wood, get a before It la all gone; spl |4.50; none better; coal a dry and under shelter. T RYAN. Phone Madison 1079. HORSE SHOEING, trear) OptlplHB. | HOW ABOUT TOUR STB*' j they ned »tenUon? Many a woman in this town la wed t prematurely old look tliroii|k i tlve eye siyht. Do not procrai Bee Dr. H. Breitstetn. "The 0*1 118 East Broad. ConsultatfdM ! IF TOU WANT THE BEST LABI work, phone Madison Na j EAGLE STEAM LA UN GET, 11 ! West Cary.__ ! OUU~PROMPT SERVICE Wfk many patron* for laundry Are you one of them? JU STEAM LAUNDKT. J1W» Cary. fAOttrwfBAM^LAUNDRyilXi reputation of betn* the lead their line. Phone Madison No. OUR PRICES ARK WTNN'Kot the tlme^ Talk ta a«. about laundry. Phone Madison HOj. EAGLE STEAM LAUNDftT, W Cftry. WTasIc'osTLf one"trTaTT^ SCHRKMP—222 B«T NICKEL REGISTER lal 9* cents—Surpr five tents; a*ent« w “The Utnbr«Ua Mon, GOOD THINGS AT nound r*io*n cak#* II pound cake, 11 oenta cream puffe, 11 bread. X. Sixth . . . LITE »TOt RHODE mature early, are dig ble chicken*. ;Ejnk m