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Machine » Sol Suitable for AH Pnr ile buyers these day* are that an auuomoMle suitable urpoae is not aeowsmrtiy auit Stwrthrr. awl types have been nth reference to many spe l Design and construction fSq to far standardised that the pur Pfiaatov unless ho looks into the mate ■JSijje and the record of the maker. siEw $* oenfitsed. if the right choice he tan get « car which, mile Mi alb, will loot no more than a IStiia, and probably much lose, and «U1 far outdistance the hone. HcThe knowing purchaser's choice re t gptvw itself around the question of ilKi lint capacity, speed, convenience ISmI taste to body style, supplemented Saw hi* mechanical knowledge of the l2r. When yon buy a our It Is a rood gjjiia. to choose alone the followtnr »«. ifan that the car . seats the number |Sf. passengers you deal re, and seats rijUpii comfortably, as plessure I# the «Rn, requisite to a cur. i Observe whether the car has suf ifSNht power to carry Its load at the ' •eu.leut aneeit. and that It DlCkS UD required speed, and that It picks up Intoned and Is able to negotiate hill* on ' :15rh mar without pounding or undue S*iart. Quietness and lack of vlbm Ot4i are the «m Items In economy of Vrtanp. Note the flexibility to the v tatMfo of speeds on the throttle with* |ewt changing gears-^-how slowly it wilt mut on Marti rear without Clutch slip ««T—FlesJblHty Is most important, as by virtue or its gear changing i« aCOlded and the car Is enabled to Mhsr a greater distance in a day's ''ram. A good motor should be able to accelerate and pick up speed on him mid* almost at a touch. A sluggish qnftor is dangerous, as often there are - times when quick and Immediate ac a tfon is necessary. .Your car should . mart at a turn of the crank. Two &ifrffiaf|tj Ifiittfnil systems are an ad r*dfet»gr. and are an anchor to wind flower a i appearance. fomrorr And aaMltty are points that can easily t- lodged by the reputation of the tkers. Beauty of body lines ar*'1 bolstering are external points which irk tfte high grade car and ran ver *be faked. Uil and not least the care of the car after you have light It. Will the firm stand back iht product and give you prompt St cheerful service when you need a pate part? No matter how well 8ft the car may be. or how well It dared for. adjustment and repair* K sure to be necessary occasion* •~:rTbe design of luxurious limousine Oitt Has undergone coneWerable within w compar«HvcTy short JtMa. Is days gone by the limousine fcddte* were both hesvy and unsightly. Tit# great muse for the escosslve weight wae the exclusive use of wood, while the design had not yet reoelvsd tdewttetrtton that n merited. The et'-essive weight of this old* type body resulted in a high center «f gravity, which Increased the dts MfteeaMe rolling action of the car; gn recent Uthovslne design has eall af tor the exclusive use of sheets of “iifSfiifhom In nil but the frarfie parts -q* fti# body,, and ft has enftbled the •Mstoitifn limousine to be as durable as ft 11 btootlfttl. and ha* brought about file car somewhat more luxurious rld Mg qaalitles GRKEX8B0RO CIJ'R TO PLAY ROAN’OKK -ttOANfrgR. VA , "htgrrirTZ.—ThS Oreenrbwro ctob will make a tour oi Virginia during the early part of it names have been arranffed tomf d u» SM W bis played LARRY MARTIN M tn* u»«vor*.|t» *ji v live* team and prmw+vr nvtr* s$t v* '*+ 1* in rw»wte| from All attack of pneumonia. On account he w«* unable to tak e part in the Georgetown games last jawsweg! A Stitch in Time To save nine muit be the right kind of a stitch. To get full value out of a bicycle It must be repaired notNughf promptly, but well. Clique, bungling work to very er.p«*ef*e. because ftjrffl ruin a HjBffii tin time, .what we do to ftrat class In every case. MijMir fall be | PRESIDENT JAKE WELLS prominent IB buftatl »#ll tMMflcfl ctwlw #IW I*' t<t H prc*»nt »t th« mwtl&K ot th« m»«nates ot «h* VtrflBI* UW* t® #• *i*W Barw Tu*nd*y It J p. mT BIST III IEI 1 ISSUES ill Manajrer A B. Cousin*, of tits Firm Regiment baseball tesm, has lasuevt a challenge to all the amateur team* ! of "the State an<J hope* to be able to arrange n large number of go td games for the coming season. The regiment will have one of the best baseball teams that has ever represented the organization* and ft Is i desired to arrange^ asm any gnmesaa * possible wnh tne leading amateur team* of Richmond and also a num ber of games with good Amateur teams of other towns. The challenge will probably be answered by Peters burg. Amelia, Fredarlokeburg and a : number of other towns of greater dls 1 tance from this city. ■ The First Regiment Rt|uad will b» out for practice in a few days ana i Manager Cousins will look over the candidates. At a meeting to be held In a few days the orjafftWHtoW Wilt he BerfMe4 ami a elected. Ad games have been arranged for yet. hnf the soldier team WIFI probably hare plenty of games as and* as base ball gets tinder way in the dlty. •O hve bwrd d y shrdluaoi OMftrfd Made* Record. PA VTOKA, Ff,A., March 12.—Har ney Oldfield, driving hi# JOOdiorse rpower Thin* IE practice to-day. cover : od a rnlte in 2* aecbnda, being orte i fifth of a second faster than the j world'# record, made by a Steam <saf here four years ago. __ SSUfflUHL— Tf A8i6£ Manager W. t* PtfWM, of the Sid ney Stars. anhoancsa that he will have a *IMtl| MM (KM Kum mud that he would HIM to tfMifi gam*: with other amateur teams in the cttj for the < omigg a«*sen. the Star* will hare practical hr (he mme pinyef. who made up last year’* team amt Hi addition to theie win he several ad" dtttoMl «ted who will strengthen Uie club, .considerably. Manager P>-rkms says that he hat pleftty of good ma terial from Which to pick hla team this year, the moat likely candidate are. Catchere, Shelton and Graves; pit' her*. Sanderson and Turner; ahorffttop, Medford; third twee, Gen try; second base, Cornett* and Mar shall; Arm hue, Shelton and Cum mins; outfielders, Sanderson. Mar shal, Turner, Graves, Perk Ms. Manager Perkins has Issued a chal tenge to the amateur teams of th( city and ash* ail who wants gamrm t< telephone Hith at Monroe 2532. (to* Vawlgiw Win. LOS ANGELES, March 12 —Th« White Sox Yantgans woke up Friday and trimmed Vernon. 3 to 1. Gin i for a couple of coatly errors made b> ’ two sore and stiff Comteheyites th, score probably would have been moo lopsided. Holm and Young did th, pitching for Chicago, and appeared tc be in raid season form, the Vernonliei registering three hits off Holm In (lv« Innings and three off Young durlni the other four sessions. Borrows, eht played left field for the Sox, wai there with the stick, making four hits Sente: R. H. E Vernon .ooOOfOioo—i « < Chicago.0 0 0 1 %0 0 0 2—3 12 5 Batteries—St oval, Hitt, Schafer and Hogan; Brown. Hasty, Holm, Young Kul I tvah, Krettger. ffMto Sox Defeated. SAN FRANCISCO, March 12.—Co mfskey’s White So* showed a sudder j reversal of form Friday, and the l« | cat* had little dfttculty In reachlni ; home ueder the Wire an easy winner i JUh Scott, Who had the locals on hfa staff Sunday, W*s an easy mark, whip the white-legged fielders Who back ed up by the giant slabman were ai i wobbly as a ship in distress at sea This made a mere exercise gallop, foi I the Coast League champions. dent 1 could not locate the locate, and whet he did groove them over they wer< straightened out, and his erratic work combined with poor support, gave tier Francisco the game—* to 3. Score ft. If. B ; Chicago ....0(10*9000 1—3 0 ( San Francis .21000313 •—-9 11 l | Batteries—Scott and Owens: Miller ! Ames, Griffin and Berry. ___ (■An£c| praises nailery. NEW YORK, March 12—Johi Gapael, manager to the champioi Rochester team, called at the High I landers' headquarters to-day. It' says that Manager Stallings has th ; best young pitcher In the proteesloi In Russell Ford, had also has a grea Catcher in Frod Mitchell. "I think Mlfchej w/It be a star b ; the American League," said Gar.sei ; "He can catch ovary day. Is a super ' thrower to hasog, has a good head .ind can hit the ball. Ford will b on< of the team’s best pitchers, whfl Earl Gardner, the secotld (as -tird ! will prove th* equal of John Even ! of - the Cubs, and Eddie Collins, o the Athletics. HiaMings certatn’y ho a lot of i laser material." Not to Combine Auto Interests, j DETROIT, MICH.. March II ; Upon a telegraphic request to-daf i from Frederick W. Stephens, of th' (New York banking firm of J. P. Mor | gan A Company, President W. n Flanders, of the E-M-F Automoblli i Company, gave out a statement « the effect that there Is ho truth ti the report that the receht pure tuna of the E-M-F concern by the Morgai Interests heralded any comWnattoi <«f automobile Interests. "No such combination is in con temptation," said Mr. Flanders. Bowling Teams to Mwt. The Norfolk and' Fortsmouti bowling team# will ptfty the Rich mond howling team to-night at th Newport Alleys, beftMthg at o’clock, These teams or* how get ting In practice fpf th* nation* tournament, which will be hold li Baltimore in April. The Richmom 'team played in Norfolk last wed and made a fine ahowtng. The Nor • oik team will bring rooters abuij to help them «» to victory. m Oomell. ITHACA* vM* feltoreb UL*wF n Colson, of CKMlt kH loft iho uni verMtv th bgptm.1 It* llbr trian a Altimy. Ho mi* oowohod Hsrarl jo y«nr In towtngarn j>j*» aught „ eight years caaftWatn. » oartswiy rt 8t«m to Compete If* Columbia? Ca-, ifemity CUinp* iii Sew Yorfc. NEW rORK March 12—Several athletic reet***# are expected te f > Into thS dteoafcf Saturday mtM M% the Coluttrtrt* University erteet ttr Madison (MMeOn^n. A l«r*e per oeiMMgb Of 81« Meat athlete* (torn the ketchel is matched WITH Eft AN J< KLAUS Champion Say* He Cannot Get h» _Condition Before April 10th. N'tW ORLEANS. LA.. March »« — right fane here to-dey are enthtaslst* U rally t« the hope that this city may again appear on the pugilistic map. The announcement from Hot Springs, Afk., made by Stanley Ketch el, that he had agreed to meet Frank Klftue of Hugh Kelly 1ft the Creecent City On April I# In a twenty-round bout, U the chief eeuee for the un til usliam. KateMt says he Is not )n condltTon ahd oahnot get Into eendi tion for Such a tattle before that date, but denies that he has been dteetpat inr ._ CMT RCH HILL LEAGIT. ORGANIZED YC/ti SEASON A meeting of the Church Kill Wane ball League area held at the Unfoe Station and a reerghin/stton «•« per fected and ofSawre elected for the season. PractfeaUy the same otftner* WHO served last year will govern the affairs at the league this seaaen;— The teams fHat OOmpfise the leaaut ere: Union Station, St. James. Vet> aMe-Sfreet, HaMfel'* Memorial, i*t. John'* ana Fuftofi Baptist. The name rare* used'fast year will be In effect for tuts season. The schedule was not acted upon Friday night, but will be adopted at a second meeting to be held soon. CASE BE mm T-nr mm INTEREST Lrncfeburg Fans Tbink Baltimore Has Been Tampering With Pt&yef. LYNCHBURG. VA., March 11.— The c*d# Of Bayard Taylor, »» usee* of the Lynchburg tan, ia racking a good deal of Interest among the ioca>. fafle. Berne say that Baltimore ha* been tampering with hint. This la based on a report that Baltimore will give Taylor a trial. Taylor la now on the local reserve list, had Been tendered a contract before March 1, and the suspension wilt not be lifted unless be sign* a contract Thus the local assoehrtten's a dear title to the paper. He signed last season with AI Orth, and played ti» several games until ft# broke a ttnge. in Richmond. H« waa accordingly suspended, and during the past win* ter an Increase in salary was of* feved him for the ootntrg mason. This offer He turned dawn, add atm another waa made hhw, t» which he has not replied. AL ORTH INJURED IN PRACTICE GAME LYNCHBURG. VA., March 11 — Word comes from At Orth to his family here that tie baa had the misfortune to sustain Injuries in a practice tame in Waco, Taau, which laid him up in bed for severet days. Krom hie own description of the ac cident. he was injured in a ooimton with another player, cutting his face and spiking his hand, and narrowly escaped a dislocated Shoulder. He says he is about all right again, how ever, and hta practice with the' In dianapolis team win not be Inter rupted. Friday’s Races \' Jacksonville ftl ' First race. ssven furl • Gold Dust, first. Critic, der, third. Time. 1:*» Second m«e, eli turn . ___ Zacatecas, Bret; Starboard. second; - Abrasion, third. Time, till I-1. r Third fare, *U furlonge. selttiyr— t Home Ran, Bret; Skyo, second; Toll • Box. third- Time. 1:1# t-l. Fourth rare, one mil#, jmm-da ! Hr, Bret;; Fulfill, second; Folia thtfd. |Time. li«S J-». 11 Fifth race, five and a half furlongs, » salting—Earl* Court. Bfat; George W. i Leboit, second; Sally Preston, third. selling— •fed; Dan i Tamm Huahi. First race, three year Old# and up. * tour fuil«nfe- eelllng—Otltttord. Bret; 11 rrappe. second;; Colonel Austin, third. 'ITime, l:#l. • Second race, three year olds and up. 1 five and a half furlongs. selling—Tal 1 low Dip. first:; Baby Willie, ascend; « Belie of the Bell, third. Time, 1:1* *-S. Third race, four year olds add up. r five and a half furlongs, selling—Mc j Andrews. Bret; Bobby Ceob. second; ! Fleming, third. Time, Mft 1A Fourth raon, three pear otde and tin. i Hartork. third. Ti r Fifth race, three t rt» turtongSr eelttn l | Red Hotter. secen< w X*—* mg* These care are carijjt superb dRnary^ndiiiancc---cars that challenge comparison and arouse envy. Call and see them and arrange for a demonstration. Salesroom sd Garage, AUTOMOBILE GOSSIP ! By a deal Just consummated. J. Pierpont Morgan kecossea owner of ' the E-M-F Company aa a preliminary to a giant consolidation of many o* the biggest autaffiiowr* comgiateo. it la said that It coat he world famous financier <*.800,090 to ac qnfre the plant of the noted popnlat pfleed car. Whose phenomenal sale have been a sensation of the taat i conple of year* la the motor world. The consolidation of the varloue companies has net yet been com pleted, but announcement will be made id a short time. In connection with the purchase of the E-M-F Company, U la an pfflfflttd that a_ enapract was ««- - tefed Into with Waiter K. Flanders try which he wll retain hi* place as president and general manager. Some of the automobile companies, which tt is said, may enter info the Mg combine, are the tfnlted State* Automobile company. of Tarrytown. M. Y., which own* the Karwen-Brls coe kotar car Company; the Co lumbia Motor Car Company, of Hart ford, and the Brush Runabout Com pany. of tfetfott. Cardan shaft la a term that slides ■ItMy enough from the motorist's tongue, bnt a discussion of the sub ject sftows generally that very few even of the better posted one* Know just how the term originated. A dis cussion of the subject In England recently brought out the fad that even though the garden shaft la an important part of the mechanism of such a latter-day product as the motor car. It Was originated in the sixteenth century. According to the j historian of the Pierce-Arrow Motor’ car Company, of Buffalo, the name come* from that of lierontmo Caf dare, a mathematician and physiols of Italy, the first man to transmit power by shaft and universal Joint* The French, who have the habit of assimilating names Into their vocebu-1 lary. soon had the word "tardea'’ in their dictionaries, and now It has i «*>me Into general use as a mechant-, cal term, tbs Informant™ prove! especially interesting to the Pierce-i Arrow Motor Car Company, as U wr.s a pioneer In the ase of a csrdan shaft for high-powered ear* in She day when motor oar builders were strong ly In favor of the Chain drive, now, almost obsolete for passenger cam. • * * A monster tour of owner* of E-M r rtam, to start from New York early in the summer. Is now being ar ranged. The Itinerary will be through the White Mountains and the Row England TMatss, with » week’s toy-over in the mountains, and a atop of 1th# duration will bo mad* I at Raageley Lake, where the visit will be given over to fishing and boating. • • • 1 John M. fitudebaker, president ot the Btudabaker Manufacturing Com pany, that mat year turned oat »••,* 000 vehicles, started In Me with a capital of tO oeata The old gentle man la 11 yaers el age, and ettrt butee his present good health to hard work. During the early days he went to California, but alter spending eight months In making tke trip only remained In the West four yearn, re turning te fiouh Bend, lnd„ to buy out hts brother's interest In the wagon business. To-day the company ! off which he is the head butlds wagons, but among tact urei not only _ in' numbered largest automobile manu the werld, While unlimited interest „ taken by the East and Middle West, as well as the coast, lit the new board automobile track in Southern-Califor nia, which opens April 8, compara tively few people have stopped to consider that this wUl be the largest single wpoden structure of any kind ever built In America. An order for 1.000,000 feet of prune Oregon pine ptank* and beams, a targe portion of Which is now being carted in great loads, has been placed. To hold U an together no less than 108,080 pounds of nails and spike* and a few tons of holts *r* Also being shipped to the grounds at Playa De Ray. The surfacing planks are “two-by fours,” 1 feet long, while the under pinning is of vartotm dimensions. Jack Prince, who Is in charge of the con struction work, declares It Is being built strong enough to stand the weight of an express train* This means that the saucer will he >lbra tionteas and that no* matter how close ly curs may cluster- together while running their combined weight will not in the slightest degree strain the :W»ap ear. iw) this means a subsc- J juent faicrewsoil demand for the bet- i ‘er c*r. because in most cases the j >wner of a car of this etas* finds him- f le 1 f able ami ana to us lalet4oo*» a better oar. Uke tse owner or a keavy car, he also seeks economy by ini rebast a* the moderate eased car of j justify. The uses of the motor oar are be- ! it* extended rapidly In all directions, ind roads are being made better ev irywhere tmeanse the aeeeastty at the motor car is be com lit* greater In «*v »ryday business on the farm and in the town or city. From every lo jallty Hi the mates there seems to be a good demand for sutomo- j film and every indication pofnt* to a substantial and satisfactory business for lfl*. The City Taxicab Company, of i lUehmoadr of which Mr. V. imnati is j president and F. V. Morton to mere- ; tary and manager, to enlarging the taraflW at »1S West Broad street and putting in a complete Une of tnachia yry. TTte company is the iocaT agent ’or the Jackson oar. Six tsxicaba are now in operstioB. and twelve more hare been ordered and will Soon he pat in serttoa here. Manager Mor ton says that he will shortly Rare an nrxeolleot taxicah service here. The : company wUl also hire Its machines ; to parties desiring them. CHURCH HU WHS BASKET BUI CAME Pint Rcgirnmt Quint ini Pant Game by Sente of 80 to 28. The Christ Church Athletic Asso ciation basketball quint defected rh». Pint Jtafftment team la the Christ hurch cymnasturm Friday night in i clcaelr contented cam*. At the enu at the first halt the score stood 19 to IS In favor of the regiment team. The second was bitterly fought to the end and resulted In a final score 5T 19 cr IV In fsTflTir ffit Christ church team. OILt CONSIDER THE HE (Continued from first Pass ) X' (HM« Ponamoutfc, )» t* MtiiNtn abroad, 44 --— k<HM, •> game* abroad, rati#*** A OSH: it game* wKh MrMMM, 14 games rttn ftranok#, #l gamm wH» Lrm-tibn»*. 14 tea me* With DaavllUh II game1 with hPerfelk. . —TTorTSfi at home. II tlaermtar \hrm4. «1 game* at how*. *4 fimei abroad mil**** 4,114; *♦ rnm*i wftf Richmond. II game* wit* Roanoke, IT games with l,yaohbw*g, 14 game* n't# Prawn outh. II cants* with Ehtnvf l I#. 3*r. Bradleys Tlrtr*. Owner Br.tdiey rwrtwil the Roa noke ech-du e from Preatdenf Wit turn* Friday and gtaneed ft* mum* hurriedt/ He Mid that at tint gtenre It looked vary ranch Ilk* th* Richmond ache lute, which hat been slightly c-pangea to meet the vim** of the Roanoke c.ub. Re t;«te4 that he would h*v# to •»m|ne It elot«ly before expressing a a opinion, but that so far a* the RhMnoad flub I* Concerned, the achedula la prnhahly ttUtteeutr)’. Ur. Bralltf »>tod that he would make a rhea* study ■< tk* Roanoke aefccdul* *Ion« with §at.> twy Owreyi aad, It he found *»r objectionable feature# h* would point them oat to the magnates at the meet* In* next Tuesday. The program at *e»l in which they »«l * follows <»*tt*r* design mtm- maarn» < J H. R Koeatg, F. **• U. KB* J. Krauaae F: tr. A. C. Tartar,