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World Lands—Flashes from W^T' TINY MONACO NOIV fVANTS HOME RULE FROM PRINCE Residents of Only Absolute Monarchy on Earth Demand From Ruler a Constitutional Government ItOJfTK CARLO, March 1$. rSS people of the little principality of Monaco now want a defined constitution, and on Sunday last i deputaMeu waited on the prince at his rsiaca and demanded it, pointing out that Manats is <Jm only absolute mon archy remaining on the face of the globe; The prince promised to consider the flues'Ion, and there, for the present *t least, the matter ends The population of Monaco It emaller than that of a Me village, amounting te about 7000 people, and there to not even aa much as an acre of land to a soul. Mht rnere m a real ktngtex in tnri TtTTTB kingdom by the sea; and the kinglet has everything—a palace, a court, min isters. archbishops, generals, and also an army. Not a big army, just C» men. but aa army, rteverthcle**. The kinglet's Income » very insignificant. To bs -Sura, there Is a taa on tobacco, on wine gad oa brandy, as everywhere else, and tlie people there drink and smoke, yet their number is so small that ths king let would not have enough to support himself, his court and his o(BetsIs If he did not have a special source of la This source is the world-tomou* <#r to famous) gambling resort at Monte Cam. The general public has Utile coheepttoa of what Monte Carlo means to the prince Of Monaco. la the km place, ha derives a direct Income teem Thf Cashes company eg per aa aum. Thto is paid to him whether the Caxtoo has had a good or had year, and I* entirely Independent of “business *MW“ A few years ago. during.a da-' i>i -. e season, ths company found soma dluiy-. ; t« meeting this utilisa tion at tkrexact date when It was duel and the shareholders proposed aa ex tenslon of time. But the prince of Mateo would net hear of this. and the sum waa paid over to him at the agreed time. This tidy little revenue to paid to him for the concession which the Ca sino company holds for transacting business In his dominions, and Is an in herited right from the falher of tpe GIAKT STRIDES MADE In 1914 it Wit! Have Nineteen Dreadnoughts to Amer ica's Sixteen. TOTAL BATTLESHIPS, 58 rcmMcaUoae of the German naval pre gram are contained In an article to to ddy's Tageblatt by the well-known tnlll t**T MM aavsl critic, Celonel Oeedke. He elpfto that the Orman ~ armament pot ky has apparently abandoned the prin ciple (hat the prestige of the fatherland depends on the army, because the expan sion of naval armaments to gradually out Strippihg the Urn its accessary for the de tearn of the empire's ttgde and coasts. . ’‘With giant strides,'’ declares Colonel Ueedke, "we arc leaving behind the hy potheses upon which the last naval tow was tased. That law fixed the number of Actually, the kpttleahips at thirty-eight. Admiralty to engaged to building a fleet, nit af thirty-eight, hut iffy-eight battle •§$|g far oar new armored cruisers. Mhtth were originally Intended for strong awultod vessels and tor expedition* hp»lhH small, weak' states, are being, ean dWheted aa dret-etoag batuskhipa, with the MMto heavy artillery and veetly greater agead. The coat of these erutorrs win jjghably be heavier than that gt the hat ‘"The time to gradually approaching, tn dftod, whan the German Met will ha XU pdHor to all the flecta of the world, with tod single exceptlod of the Rftgltoh.' M win ao unimpeachable a gitaess at the MfeftlML. SEmiiufhM- tflail ^Hd R PAHRld a# Settling which toid us a couple 1 gaa that our «*»t mas asalil Mil progress than Its MU it gw ra limiting caicutottom *0 the strictly idem DM of vessels, It to sMteily ad Med that to HM spring of JMt.Ksg Ik, ww RQffip .v*jrwwF*, efinpittta Whte. gsgeriga twelve, Germaay gtovet) Fiiitoiee al*^Thenceforward our reto byuangib will raptoty mcreaae, so that present prince, who own* the land on which the Caaino I* built. Aside from that, he hold* 5000 sham la the Casino company. The founders of the Monte Carlo gambling company—FMmond and Camille Blanc—only held 4000 share* each In the srlflMl company, do H will be seen that the prince’* Interest predominate*. In addition to the Quar ter of a million dollars which ha pets for the ’eoneoeefaun*' every year his stock and "penauleltee" bring him In f?|0,oee. Be he pats a million dollars a year paid out of the losses of the gamblers. But to the power he wields as landlord of, and shareholder in, tbs gambling eon -***» must bo added tba fact that the ! prince of Monaco constitutes le himself practically all the sIBcea of state. Me la head of the army, chief administrator of justice, controller Of police—In fact, a veritable Pooh-Bah la modern govern ments. combining in htnpelt prsci(rally all Important function*. Uke rertsm other sovereign* of the old world, the Prince Rouge et Nolr. as he is not inaptly called, reigns, not by the will of hi# people, but by right di vine; Mi# monarchy te ahseW* as that eC the rear, the sultan and the grand Pokes of ttrek tenburg-Bch wcrl n aad Meek lent.urg-Strellu. HU people hava no const it i (tion. no legislature, no voles In the government ST the prtwdpoHty, In which hie witt and wMm are surname. Although he hears the name and the arms of the Orimitto. who exercised sovereign sway over Monaco from * the tenth to the eighteenth centum- yet he’can only claim descent from this ancient dynasty; through the f. inale line, a* the male line i. in tm. wttbont make Mars. Indeed, prince Albert has a strain cf; rather plebeian blood in his veins. His: grandmother, Marie • Lmit#* tMlbert, was • the daughter of a rharcatier. or pork butcher. In oae of the cheap suburb* ef Parts, whet* ska married his grand father while he was earning a precarious livelihood as an actor at the Ambtgn Theater, before bring unexpectedly called to the threne of Monaco by the death ef his cousin. HIRE CERTS PER DAY “ FOR MISER’S FOOD _ l His' Death Disclosed Fact That He Owned Over Thirteen 1 Thousartd Dollars, f ALWAYS A BORROWER LOMPOK, Haas Ut IB the poehe*» If Tlpnpf til*ffl|ii ahn lied euddenly at HMrtM How*. Vauabalt. itturdd. were fauna passbooks »Hew1»« hot he pUMM« betaacM of ItM® a* tta Mrkbeek Bank, and »M» odd a» the N« tmt Peauy Bank, tt« bad els* to kh Ktcketa about SO abilUnys In <Uk Philips, rho was 3, toft a ariij. but no retothf** >re known to exist, and the money kaa wen 10ft to a charitable institution. The cnee to a mystery," aatd the super atendent at Rowton Hooaa yesterday. Phillips always teemed unusually bard ip, eren for a ttowtoa Jfctua# tamale in hot, other aeon frequently expressed to ao their sympathy with Mm M hie ex mate poverty, and elated tbal ho bor hwod halfpence from them. Many a upper hare I lent him—the money was •ever returned — and met Christmas he rtpit a cup of tea from my wife. there h* came tram or. anythin* about bn. NO letters were received by him rbtle here but I found m hie locker old ntemdatln* back to tho seventies. t(« roo a «nod ebem player, and freuneaUy iayed wfth other tamatse. bat had an poclat friend* amonp thorn. Than woo othimr In Me dreae or moaner to mark tm ott from the ether lodpera, and I arUInly have no ratoon to doubt Wo Grsvvittbnfrforth Thefirtffcp *3* vn MONACO'S RULER AND SCENES IN HIS LITTLE PRINCIPALITY MOTOR CAR HURLED OVER CLIFFMTO RIVER Friendly Race Home From Fes tival Brings Instant Death to Two. FIVE BADLY INJURED LISBON, March 1*. A race between two motor omnibuses on ttw high road near Oompoatella last night resulted In one omnibus being flung over a forty-foot eltlj Into a river. Two passes Mrs were killed and five others seriously wounded. A fete was held at Compostella yester day. which was attended by the peaatnt* from ail the neighboring villages Many mater omnibuses and motor ears were Tbs tin was so stoop that ths other ixenrslonlete couM not go to the assist ms* of their uefortwaato companions wa il ropes and ladders bad been brought hem Comport alia. After thirty minutes' lelay, res see part tea were lowered ever the cilia They found the survivors of he disaster dinging to the partially mb." IMMI til omnibui, Two men bad been Instantly killed, rhtte all the other oceupantk of the oainl mi were Injured, throe men and two ramen being unconscious. They were tape afloat to their Mends. From Qrulaer to OatU Depot. LONDOV. March 12. - Tha armored Ttdssr Acheron, which was one of the noot powerful warships afloat forty-two rears am, ta to be converted Into a flost ng coal'depot. EXILED PRINCE LIVfS ON ttOTONTH George of Servia Finds New Lo __ cation DtiH After Glitter of_ Court and Capital. POPULAR WITH ~ PEOPLE BEI.OHAW5. March 12, ■ Exited" In the UttV* garrison town of Oornyi MiUnovaU, forty-four miles south of Belgrade. the ex-crowo prince of 3er Vta nnda existence dull after the glitter of the capital. ... The town, which is twenty-five wile# from a railway atation, ia sunk In an at mosphere of drowsiness, indeed, the wail known tedium of !tf* in such a place ac counts for the persistent rumor* that I'rli.ce Ueergs will speedily return to the capital. After tlic. daily routine of riding; driving and military dutiea at the bar racks. the prince each eventog entertain* a number of the chief residents, and then, accompanied by various ofiRuia, ha re pairs to a cafe, where a cinematograph show Is nightly to be seen. The prince's relations with the peasants are axceilent. He goes to the market place to buy fruit, and there converses freely with the country feUt, who wel come A customer who always pays three or four times the value of trio purchases. One day la a chop the prince found e number of peasants haggling over the price of "bsshiiks," the woolen hoods corn throughout the Balkans to winter), rind tag that one of the peaeenu had »eea n soldier-to his own regiment, he luddeoly bought the whole stock, end hruet them upon the ast<m|ehed rustics. The prince lives to n house placed at da disposal by a wealthy merchant, and te receives a monthly allowance of MM ran King Pater. Vreneatlatent of w AeoMnnt. LOUDON. March 12.— Georgs Venables, vho was Wiled during the recent gale by he fall Of one of the trees at ,White Hart ane, Tottenham, was stated at the ln luest yesterday to have had a presentt neat a fortnight ago that some one would ie Injured by the tree* U-—Th« Conttan ( Abdul tfc* «■ r—•€ u»« I U< w* WEDDING GIFT FOR PRINCESS PATRICIA Rumor Says King Edward’s Niece Wilt Marry the Count S of Turin. VILLA AS A PRESENT PRINCESS PATRICIA ROME, March It *'H Mattino," the pripcipal Neapolitan lait}'. Mure It la persistently reported is letable quarters there that though fcord Rosebery has presented his v\Ua pear Maples ostensibly as a summer resort o \he British ambassador in Borne, the eat possessor la none other than King Edward himself. The "Mattino" pub* isbes the rumor that Prinetss Patricia of lonnsupht is about to marry the count it Turin, cousin of Kin* victor Emman rel_ and our KiS* Edward wOT present he villa to tbs princess M s wedding lift- t» ■ This paradise, which Tort Rosebery ■ought for rse.ofls, was formerly tbs reel isnae of tbs Bourbon, count of AquBla. "he palace has three Mocks branchiae iff the main wins, WM UN (Sheeny with holce collections of amor, pettarypnd thnological curiosities fslhayed fran U over the world. These LordBosebery. ittle by little, has reuevsd to Emrtaad, iut the remaining furniture, some hf rhich is very valuable, comprises the Jberal leaders «Ut te the British * rumen t, together with tits bshtttlfii opt cardens. conservatory and *a» pi rounds, the whole Ivhled panoramic view 8l Shi raplea To pecottmodate his ftne stei ord Xeseherry built an slMmal t**e frenttns the villa. about h t which was swept away by tl impest #hat prevailed is tbs tnaapsa January hi. Though acht Victoria and Albert ft inch water to permit of anehesi its is aot tha case with the peu h" "■»■ NEW CULT THAT HOLDS WAR AS A BLESSING Advocates Destruction of Libra ries and Museums and All Traditions of the Past WOMEN IN CONTEMPT ROME, March «. An astounding reunion of Italian "fu mrBSls” has "Men held in Milan, irnfST turtani,** according to the principal . •'Salter, mean* a relentless and aggresT eb. ' -war againat tha cult* of the past; »• dame 'da the destruction of ail archooiog. leal m numents, the delivery to th» flames of 'll museums and libraries, a "Virile comte,.'vt” tor women and the eradication of «ei.:‘mental)am from liter ature, the drama and t—v other depart ment of lire. Patriotism. militarism, must be «-;'»ted and great wars provoked, because war ta the sole hygiene of the world, without which rates potrify. » The vast audience which Oiled the opera house treated the proceedings as a huge Joke and greeted the suwetfuent speakers with, mocking Interruptions An Indescrib able pandsmonltrin followed, while or ange*- apples, nuts and other missiles whirred through the air between the con tending group*. The police at last Interfered, stuffing their trlcohired sashes into the mouths of would-be orator* and hurrying them oft Th* scene. The "futurist*." who number many thousands, are mainly literary men, journalists and pants. HUN FOB DEAR LIFE DOWN ALPINE TRACKS Passenger Train Scurries at Pull Speed to Avoid Rear-End i Collision. CHASED BY FREIGHT CARS / GENEVA, March II. To prevent a serious collision taro loco roe I Ives. with esveral passenger eoaehea, while descending the Jurs Alps from V»l lorbe to tauaanne yesterday afternoon, had to put pn the highest speed possible, as some heavily Jaden goods wagons, which bad broken away from tbs train soon after leaving the station of Croy, CSC fe«t, deaceaded with terrific speed en the passenger tram. A race for life en. sued, which wae watched by * number of alarmed passenger* through the win One of the engine drivers felt that the rain seemed rather H*ht, and. on taking dt, sew the heavy wagon*, detached ran thajfght, owing to the breaking of H couplings, descending at. giieet spew* •e steepslope OBly gm yards away. The river comhsunioatedtrtth hia comrade po he' next hafitata, aad both' gut on full Famous Actor and Ifhen Shoots Himself. LOVE PROBXBI^ CAUSE worried over • trifle Incident to: which he W concerned. V■ 4 V" ’ ' “t*f A yodftcAualHan nmaM deUwr dMtol up to it. dp Max'! residence ]MWf*r evening and, ha vine run* tho bell and . ttikwl for the art 1*1, drew * revolver Mai-, tired two ahota at hlmaelf in the recto* of the heart and fen. If do tot woo called down, and he had .the youac am*. . -'Ian picked up and taken to the Charm Ifoap,:;1 where he ehortly afterword tied. ' "r Ouaywr’a only *«» 1 aak.? four pardon. M. da Max. hut .you m»U> only peroon I know in Putto*' U. d*MM man1* acquaintance two month# ad» hud helped him with advice and too He helonge to a doOd Auatttan Du and had come te Parte to loom VMM M. do Max aatd ho woe tnoUaod f* Hove that there Ira* a ttoro lid*H> « had unhinged Ouayaer*# mind, Sit., he ahotrM have choaen to eadaavor to hU days on the actor'* doorstep IK Russian Autocrat Drives Wi out Escort in the Streets of H» Capital. POLICE IN DESPA! st. prrKWBtmo. ait* The tear ia no haunt o fa Nearly every fey now Me atefe him drlvtny without eecart ta fee JWarfeunt, end iK»a etf ttu precaiittona la token ter teaoatetj :erday aeveral people MW fa* ty. in the uniform of n eoloeet Imperial Ouard, w*lklo«ro« tea ■ -m m covered deapair, ehlrf «f