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........ M&rch Blows In With Merry Moods MARCH IN THE CITY. ■_ / s' ^ Daacon Upthar: "Hold on, Hannar, and wa'II taka a anub to thia hitching ooat# for whan tho dingad wind'll blow a kyar long that way it coma* pratty aigb bain* a cyalnonl" .... ____——.—, TO YOUR KNEES. Stop the fiddlers; halt the dances; Put away the diamond flashes— Forty days for fast and forty Pot the sackcloth and the ashes. ta. wv A COMBINE. TO THE REAR. Hector—Thla la tha itwon when tha world, tha flesh and tha devil taka a back Mat Man of the Street—No chance to bust: that trust SUGGESTIONS TO PERAMBULATING PARENTS. CRUELTY TO BUGS. "You know, Nred, 1 am observing Lent. No mors kisses (or forty days." “That puts tbs microbes on a diet* BADLY GONE. "Be gone!" she cried, ana it m left For any on* to know Who aaw him sitting there with tier That ho was badly so. First Kid—So you lickin’ whoa you gets WhaOt you flrotno to hands? Second Kid—Aw. ‘h I Bets me Hekln’a. ant ELECTED. Millionaire—Well count, what is itt Tou seem to have somethin* important to say. Count—I have come to tell you that I have decided to select you tor my father-in-Ir.w. THE EQUILIBRIST AT HOME. to horn*, Bernardo. Wrrt Sweet Young Thin*—What are you doing here, dearT Second Sweet Tounc Thing—Looking for a husband. Unit Sweet Toang Thing—But yon'Tg BLEST BE THE TIE. "Do you expect to keep Lent?” •'Well, yes—that 1*. my wife will ceep it, and we are one, you know." -A FELLOW WESLIWO The Lady (pointing to a mendicant) —I feel sorry for that poor man. Man of the World—So do t It's Lent... i NO PLACE IN POLITE CIRCLES. Nurse—Please, sir. It's twins. Professor—Well, well, what do they want? NOT HER FAULT. walls—Ton ought to see that gtrt. She'* great She's actually knocked me silly. Sell)#—Tcm can't teil that to ma. I knew you before you nret boo. ON THE JOB. Manager—That new saleswoman seems to have a very persuasive man* uer.-.... Shopwalker—Persuasive? I believe she’d sell a snowball to Old Nick! A SPECIAL ORDER. Divorced Woman—I like that doll , very much, only I wish you could ar range it no that Instead of saying papa I and mamma it would only soy A CHURCHMAN'S VMtW. Ma*l«trat»—You mri Mti lti otbat lay charged with apeadfng Nov jmi it* back again. — -.. Accuaed—Tour honor ftirgata that U a last I'm wiMnt a burt rwort Maglatrata ■ Forty day*. Th« trolley cash ey.tem a* used in our large stores, with a few changes In the receptacle, If adoptee. in our homes would aave many wearied footsteps. CONSISTENCY. "It seems to me that your .husband la not of a very even temper." "Oh. he certainly ia. Ho growls the whole time." DID HE GET IT? "Now, Mr. James, I don't see how with your salary you can afford to smoke such expensive cigars," remark ed a merchant severely to one of his clerks. "You're right, sir," responded Janus. "I can’t. 1 ought to have a bigger sal try." r ’—l DEMAND Old I-auy—Due* either of you 9*e naughty word*? First Kid—Wel», I ain’t much ot a hand at It, but mil here klu cur* Due. Cue* far da lady DHL LOSING HIS NERVE. Driver—Ain't yer satisfied with over people? Yer want* to m over the bosses now! Taxi Driver (Indignantiy)—I haven’t run over anybody for a long time Bu* Driver—What! Are yer gittln’ SURVIVAL or THE FITTEST. Uother The teacher nays you were j flffbtlnr and cot to rch ol lute thla i morning. How we* that? Tommy—Well, the other boy didn't get there at a:'. ALL CORRECT. The professional point of view Is rarely that of the humanitarian. A passenger on a London omnibus calls out to the conductor: j - ‘Ere. th«r«! Whoa! There's an old I chap fallen off the bus!’* i "All right" responds the conductor ■ cheerfully. “ *E’s paid bis fare!" THE SECRET. Lover—Of course, darling, our en gagement must be kept private tor awhile. The Girl—Oh, yes, dear, rve told every one not to say a word. THE SIMPLE LIFE. Hungry Quest—Afraid I'm a bit late j but hope I haven’t kept breakfast i waiting. Hostess—Oh. I forgot to mention that w% rc trying the “no breakfast" plan j and feel so much better for It. We do 1 trust It will have the same effect with ; you. BARNEY ANO HIS WIFE HAD A FALLING OUT. AT THE BATHS. Robust Old Cjjntleman (to side lady) —When I came here flrat I hadn't strength to utter a word. I had scarcely s hair on my head. I couldn't walk across the room and had to be lifted from my bed. Sick Lady—You give me hope, kind sir. How were you cured7 Robust Old Gentleman—I was born here. ^ t A POETICAL WEDDING. First Poet—1 hear our friend -s I and Miss Rimes are to wed soon. Second Poet—Tea; they've taken out | a poet's license I THE RETORT COURTEOUS. "What's the matter with the train?" asked the lecturer, vexed with the speed they were making. "If you don't like this train." the guard retorted, "you can get out and j walk." j “By Jove," said the lecturer, ~rd do It. but a reception committee is to meet me at my destination, and I don't want to get In ahead of time." THE MORNINO AFTER. First Chappie—-Hellol How ta heed feeling? Second Ohapplj—Immense! MAKING WAY FOB SPRING. Tha aun ha laughs ha ha, Tha moon turns up hsr shin, Tha stars wink In tha blua At springtlma antara DESTRUCTIVE THEOLOGY. - At a chapel the pulpit was occupied one Sunday moraine tv a minuter from a neighboring town. A. tew days later the preacher received a copy of the local weekly paper, and bU atten tlon was drawn to the following item: “The Rev. — supplied the pulpit at the Congregational church last Sun day. and the church will now he cloned three weeks far repairs.'* EVASIVE ANSWER. One of the amarteet foe* of U»* hock lor la Dr. Macnajnera of London, whoao witty replies to 'ouaotionera have often turned the laufb no hi* •Ido." “dr# you In favor of the repeal of the blasphemy lawa?" aaked an easiUd old lady at one of hia meettasa. "Madam “ replied Or. Mac gravely. *1 am a aolfer." mkmln latest method of catching a spring chicken, V. * 1