Newspaper Page Text
«■ .. »• JOBBERS SEE GOOD OIKS IHEIB fmcrt That Sales Already Made Ifr .s—s FALL orders coming in P*»* Shipper Finds Shortage of Stock Material io be Q^y Obstacle. Richmond'* Jobbing Interest* are a eubetantlaj Increase In ^ness during the year 1»10, the “"?■ already consummated giving In ^tlon that the Jobbers have every >n to believe that their expecta many^Ss.^etS^aiiy in dry will ,.j, large, and In other lines a°tho^h*ttini g&jR nit until summer end eer‘ (• ordem for canned goods lilarly are coining in'to a co extent* WSUSfcU vwenue, MM UllUlUlttUlUmi K*®" tf ta obtain an estimate of the ,'1'5 aair'*' a SM,SE this year!" said a ftholtsata j£gm __ _ „„ . _ grtkysr Saturday, "but we have every rea»on to look for a satisfactory ln creaae ofer the volume of business * Everything points that year. .11 stdee and flood prices the keynote in all ltnee." Exuechi SO Per Cent. Increase. A Richmond hardware concern. Which has upward of a dozen men 2“ th« tend In the South Atlantic •tetea. Is anticipating an Increase of W per cent. In its annual sales dur ;pf mo. . Last year this Arm did twfsreen fOOO.OOO and 1700,000 worth M business, according to a statement ntsde Saturday by one .of the heads of'the concern. One of R’chmond’s biggest whole aale dry* goods hoases did 1750,000 during 1191. The annual esles last §r rant up to 1110.000, and If a portionate Increase Is shown dur m«. as there |s every reason . be the case, the business of this concern will amount to close to a million dollars this year. 1 "Most of our spring orders have already placed," said the man or of the Arm, "and they have exceedingly gratifying. As for t># orders to be placed later, we hate no reason to suppose that they wall not equal. If not exceed, those IkWsady placed.” ...'A Jobber In. paper, whose salesmen (verse more than a dozen States, Is agalpst the proposition of being fbte to flit orders. This, he says, Jue to the fact that the supply of er Is still far below the normal, manufacturers finding It praetl Impossibte to keep the Jobbers Instock. Fsenl With Pa|ter Shortage. •There was a time when car shorl afa was the chief obstacle In the Ate tit our trade." said this jobber. | "lot the stringency ra the car sttu- ] ation. t* not to he compared to the | present shortage in paper." When It comes to shoes, Richmond to one of the largest Jobbing centers ! in the cnflre South, and In this par- : Ocular tine business is said to be un usually good. “Of course. I can't forecast with! any degrpe of certainly what will transpire before the close of the; tn thirty*. “but; “* orders received within Ibe past dr two |re any criterion bu> w- will show a larger volume, the close of this year than it did‘ 1 year, and I may add that we did ! excellent business last year from . try Viewpoint"'" 'time was when Richmond was a great flour shipping point, but such j hr not the catortd-flaT. although the' sfltpmento add sUU couglderably ahead of those In other cities regarded as Htur distributing points. PartllUrs Arc Unexcelled. The head of one of Richmond's publishing houses looks for increase Of business during the present year, pit he does hot expect the Inorease to ba ' phenomenal. "A healthy tn I jp about aTI J am looking for. •*buv rtl be satisfied with .This publisher. It may be stated. dOp*'considerable printing and book tot M.veral New York house*, cheap labor and unexcelled facilities rtf Way found in RtchmMMl en htin to earn a substantial proht r>rk done ‘for Northern house* tti return reap a profit in tPs of the same goods In various 7or the country.’ TEblly reopral business conditions pfl good, though pot extra do, the lar»» aggregat* don of tho dty must Her to the demon many advantages dr a t during and distributing cen ? m bOnOdCbce ft I& edn ' rapid growth and ultimate lm “t With a total of fl2.171.77t capital employed lp HOI. the annual Jobbing Mias aggregated l«U»,m In liot annual salee in Jobbing were Mg,040,4 23, yrlth flt.71t.260 capital employed, or an Increase of nearly f 1,000,000 in annum talea What the Actual sales for 1110 will be can only Riohmo^yobbenT aP^manufactur MottoWf to due In no small measure to adjustment of freight rate* on many commodities through the ac and (Sorts of tho truffle bu of the Chamber of Commerce. jiriA during the part many advantages for Richmond ated th on foot lion of facilities charges are A r serious dlsai fOr Rtchmon Active effort to a res tors la'tilt oonnectli previously enjoyed by Richmond *hl public. Bwana Tumbo Declares He is Through With Hunting for ' All 1'ime. (By a Bt«R Correspondent of the RABAK, hoP^AN. March U.— Os board the steamer Dpi last night Colonel Theodore Rooeevelt save a dipper la honor of the five corre spondents who had come up th* Nile <tft the Abbs* to meet him The dinner lasted far Into moet of Ole time and hr the fafter oe>i9M| aan the the ' osw&ntoVsm be la bis own Colonel Roosevelt announced that la through hunting. -T have dona that I pet aut to do." he declared. them- After his voree of tea mon buslne Roosevelt showed "catching up In hto Aha time ho a prediction that he' wii thorough touch with affairs 1 country. ^ colonel all that I pat out to do." be declared. "I’ve not Old!' had a good time, but I think the result* of the African ek prdiUon from a scientific standpoint will meet the expectations of all In terested in Its success. I hare hunted aU over America and through Afri ca. and 1 a meow content to lay down my gun." The Dal left to-day for Khartoum and will arrive there to-morrow, one day ahead of the scheduled time and Sour days ahead of the original sched Tile. CHAS. W. FAIRBANKS SMS FDR HOME Former Vice-President Leaves Foreign Shores Where He Was Signally Honored. LdVEBPOOU March IS.—After j touring the world and being honored j by every country vblted, for Vice- 1 President Chartea W. Fairbanks and | Mr*. Fairbanks sailed home to-day on the Mauretania- Many friends were at the Pier to bid them fare well "It would be hard to Imagine a more enjoyable trip tbaa ours," said Mr- Fairbanks la departing. ^Every where We nave been received with cordiality that indicates how every country seeks to honor the nation we j represent. It was more a tribute to the United Statef than to one of its former officers. _J If. any one doubts A merles J* a world power, and a leading world power at that, all one peed do to re assure him»eit b to feel the worlds political pulse as 1 have." m¥¥ BE CAMPMBN ISSUE Defeat of the Measure in Virginia Legislature Eliminates it From Next Congressional Race. The sixteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which has become known as the in come tax. has practically ceased to tj* as Issue In the congressional cam naias Oj> account pf the course of Vir ginia IS refusing to ratify the income tax amendment, as well as the op position shown to the 'amendment in some Of the other Southern States, the Democrats are left in poor po sition to attack the Republicans for hostility to the income tax. Some of the Pemoccatlo ie*0*m in con gress as well sk in the legislature femctantiy fflmlt MMH «fey hgv« been robbed of tms measure as an issue In the campaign. It la expected that the Democratic congressional committee will issue a statement In which It will aet forth the lines on which the congressional light for the control of the next House of Representatives In Congress Is to be carried on. The failure to have the Income tax as a campaign Issue Is a hard blow to this committee, as it has been a live Issue in -several campaigns. B. & O. TROUBLE FINALLY ADJUSTED Trainmen and Employers Reach Amicable Settlement Through Government Mediators. BALTIMORE, Mh, Mar. 1*.—After a series of ooaferenoas extending over sight days between Messrs. A. a flsr rstaon, of the Brotherhood of Railway wages on tfisimlthnors and Ohio Bail road of thn trainmen and cendnotors was reached early to-day. The. men will set receive ail that they at flratdeslred. as many conces sions warn *mads by both the repre sentatives of the trainmen and con ductors as well as by the oOclals of the ruif^bstaMvj&l» te what the agrso ^ Ths'nJTn W1U pot receive the western scale of wages asksd for, but will get a satisfactory increase. 71 The double header train clause gee FnxJerieMmjt Uftir 0«ri«i Triea to Trace Signer of An cient Doc am act. WAS KILLED IN WAR Relative* Say Ha W«* Nwre* Heard Fro$ Altar EattU ol Fre^ariaWwuy. FREDERICKSBURG, VA, Marc l*.—W*rr,n w. Ofay letter dgrrlr of this city, recently' found emoi nepers et tala borne, a wbloh the name "Bttwa «ttaton, Pa., V. 0. A.. Mr. Lee wrote to ta« pt PJttston asking tor m Hr. Bernes, if living family. He received a let ~ TileUve of gtswart Barnea kf bad never been heard Uie battle of Frederica* wee supposed that be waa i Wes the Jlrat information they Dm received since that . aeon* A. Walker, who has assistant postmaster of thU city ^ the pest four years under Post aasfer John it. Origin. has tendered Us resignation- lie. Walker will go into the mercantile business. The suit of Miss Maude Allison tfunit city at FrsdtrlckiburK wu continued to-day. * 'Wttm»a*e» for the defense were ekamloed and court a# "t&SSfS&USK?tU,„. of cUy public schools; 3. w. Adams, A. P. |cw», r>r. 3. W. Mr. Barney and C. H. Wtosner have been appointed a committee to recommend plan* for the formation of an Edu cational Association for Fredericks burg* A general meeting will n« Called for best week when officers for tbs association will be elected. Mr. aod Mrs. W. 3. Carter, of Man chester. were guests this week of Mr. A. B. Howard, et Chatham. Mips Nannie Lae, who has been vlst^Jr^nmin D: M. Lae end family .. .. Highland," In Staf ford ‘ county, returned to her home to-day at Wide Water. News was received here yesterday of the suicide of Mr. Calvin Canna day by drowning in the Potomac river *t Washington. Mr. Cannaday for merly resided In Spotsylvania hot far from here. He Is survived by his widow and three children- Jfe was a brother of Mrs. E. 3. Lovaridge. of this city. His remains wUr be brought here for burial In tbs coun ty. Mrs. Lewis BUHngeby, of King George county, died yesterday at her home, after a long lllltesB. ‘ dhe I* survived by her husband, one daugh ter and one son. Mr. J. A. BUIlngsby, a student at Richmond College. Mr. Blrley 8. Manning and Miss Eva O’Bryhtm. of Falmouth, were married here Thursday night at the residence of Rev. Decatur Edwards. Mr. Manning was the crack pitcher of the Fredericksburg baseball team for the past two years and the mar riage came as units a surprise to his many friends. Mr. and- Mrs. Manning WjR makj^thelr home in Falmouth. . , nerlheff atlrar home Friday morning In Spotsylvania coun ty of pneumonia, aged 3« years. She Is survived by her husband and four Children. The remains will be taken to Lignum. Culpeper county. for burial. Mr. Robert H. Oouldman. of West moreland county. died In Washington | Thursday of pneumonia, aged 31 ! year*. Mr. GouMman Was on a vlstt to his wife. who Is 1|1 In a hospital there. He Is survived by bis wife, : Who was Miss Bessie Teyidr. of Leedstown. and one son. His re main* were taken to' his home in Bhellfield, in Westmoreland, for Inter ment. AM. FATTEN BISEUSTEO SETS SAIL FOB HOME Noted Stock Manapulator Waxes Sarcastic in Speaking of British Operators, uv somewhat mcnt (i •he ni hooted rrom the cotton change and ao rudely ensiled by « mob thet he hed to take refuse la a Jtore room until PfUfP •rrlrvf 4sme» Patten, Chicago cotton and wheat deal er, sailed home to-day aboard the Mau NtntfiitlJk' ■ " don't appreciate that I am aot respon ‘ broadening, cotton spin so larisoi of l. the Manchester - - lbarn more of tho fundamental principles of their business, they will never be able te_ compete eucceesfully ‘ net intention certainly Sm ranee. Mo mater — d t han the demon __ against me. I have no more to do With the cotton industry in Man chester or with condition of tho En glish 1 wheat market than with tha movements of Halley's comet” ASTER SUCK o* VIRGINIA. suit to test tho oonadtuttoi tho act of IMS. by which a of. tho District pf ColSmblg trocoded to Virginia. Wh*n citisane of tho Dig winter tendered a >»•*• ha fletipn, fun Mary Stuart 3SCT BUtue of Or**t South Cdroliaign & National QBBBMWpi SIMPLE S«nptors ||| Beprwwptstivdd Praising MttBOTy o* Dead StatMnuui. i ur>v , WASHIR C.. March csenutlyi HP _* Vil thf from CeihoUitflf'lld!** to prasidf ft ewrclsde la f&udry Mali'. ~ The cereatowpFtaclu&ed a brief ad dreee by OeveMB^r Ansel, a speech by State Senator W. L.'ManUlu, of Ureen vilie county, awl the foriral unveUlns by Hum MurgSTet Gist and Mrs. Moul trie Bratton, State recent, for South Carolina of the Daug.uers of »hc American Rsvoittt'on. Later in the Senate r.peeobes -were made by Sena* tor Smith, of South.Carolina, and Sen ator Henry Cabot. Lodge, of Massa chusetts. and in the House by itepro sentativefc Finlay, Aiken, Le*'«r, El lerbe and Johnlon, of South Carolina, and Lamb, of The two said Aiken, Congress Q those who memory of wnrww napleuouf figures,” ow represents In home lowp, - »f nfllctlng e John £. Cal uctjUj/f ^ it and sehoiarly of our gov houn and i The meet tribute of the dear Ores riven by Sen ator Lodge, of Massachusetts. ‘lie was the greatest man South Carolina has riven to the nation,” said Lodge. "It matters net that before me laet tribunal the verdict went against him, that the extreme doctrines to which his Inexorable logic carried him have been banned and barred, the man re mains greatly placed in our history. The unyielding courage, the splendid Intellect, the long devotion to the pub lic service, the pure. unspotted pri vate life are §U fhere. are all here with us now, untouched and unim paired for after’ayes to admire.” Boors COOPOB CASE SOOB TO BE HEARD CHATHAM, VA„ March 12.—Then have been no further developments li regard to the bogus coupon csss- Bolt Thornton and Noel, the young men operating the pUnt. are out op bal in the sum of $2,900 each. The can prill come up at the nett term of tai court, jrnich convenes at Houston oi the twenty-efihth' or this month Messrs. K. W.‘Watkins and B W Leigh, two prominent lawyer* oi Houston, have been retained as eoun *»* Amua$,£g£ &SJSX. THURSDAY, MARCH 1TTH. Hie. AR mory. Seventh and Marshall streets. Admission so cents Tickets en sale at McCoys Birtdi «»* Crenshaws. S jOTWif h and Broad »th pud Maip WWJS dlgt church, corner Tenth and Broad St feet a Rev. W*. A. Christian, presid ing elder, will preach at 11 A. M. and Rev. Samuel C. Hatcher, pastor, at I P. M. The subject far the night ser vice is "An Oldtime Revival." Revival services begin at this church Sunday night and continue Through-the week. Alexander's Gos pel Pongs win be used la these ser vices. those havlijg nooks are re _ijuee»edto_brin£ ring * -lag. •Vt swmw*. ' _ . theLaW and Equity Court of the City 6t Richmond, the 15tb day or February, llld. yennl^Jp. Coltralne.Flalntlg Nathan Coltralne .Defendant .JJS.tfm.M “(« ‘UUSPM 82. USPSt .£1 ,df «i.,sssa is not a resident of the State of Vir ginia, It M -hereby ordered that he do appear here within flfteen days after due publication of this notice and do Wbat le necessary to protect his inter mit In this suit. B. M. ROSCMEH, y. q. A copy—Teste P. P. WINSTON, Clerk. 1 MEN WANTED • The Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company wants for permanent position men of good character as motormen and conduc tors. Wages 83 cents per hour increasing to 25 cents according to length of service Board and lodging free until men are permanently located in Philadelphia ample protection for all nun want to wor*. Apply 1645-W. Broad St, Rich v' nrond, Va.j The Philadel- i phia Rapid Tranait Co., ' Philadelphia, Pa. - ceok», trad*. '* Dim. rlenced houwktt Inc to aaclst In el of directing sere* qulred. A 40, gt glzUaa. WANTS D—A WOltAj pher who understand work; mast bo tact* united; permanent experience and .alar. Ply X. Y. 2L. M, Vlri WANTED—A OOOD C wages; apply to *40 F TOU WANT TO C; Washerwoman oall Family washing STEAM EAUNDRT, Cary Street. -JMggMr ■A POSITION AS Cl or by young man wn f» fences and expert*; •glpdan. -ANTED. BT OENTLEMAN . wttclimu, janitor or any 1 Can giro reference! If reqt dress W. A. OOD8ET. »di street! WANTED—BY TOVNO MAN, WHO ! a student of Business College. th city, position as assistant bookke* er; can (Ire best reference. 0-1 ca Richmond Virginian. _ >nly. posith WANTED—BY A YOUNl rent colored man a pdi ter tit a wholesale not tatst packer. IAMB* 1 lector, wl ferences. photogTai studio; i dress P* mond Vli general merchandise; best el once furnished; six rears axff V. K. CIIBBIC, 7U. Maple Charlottesville. Va. - WANTED—TOUNO MAH W. sttton with thoroughly ral where work and honesty elated; can furnish retsrei WANTED—POSITION BY YOtTNO man, as assistant bookkeeper; can of shorthand *ret __ „ reference. care Virginian ofQoe. poorly pay spend til patten and you - m1 ITED—POSITION ly as companion -BY LADY, ] i motion pleti leatra. tun try AS anti MOj four t hrorkjo do at ■waw j;1! poimoH w*W«a' ’ANTED—SEWING AT HONS. LA dlea* and childrens*; also chair* t« nnr c«3r.,sr M. F. NATO ‘wanted—ar refined dad would Ilka » position to MW will ■onto dressmaker. Add rasa H. E. C Virgin!* I. car# irgtnlan. WANTED—B» A YOUNG LADY WITS experience a* Typewriter copyist, 01 Other olBce work: can furnish heal of rsfersece. Address C. No. 1. mm—Bf’ WANTED—BTA REFINED LADY TC do ltaht house cleaning, linen rooir or sewing. Apply A. O., 1(19 W Grace. WANTED—EXP* RT LADT BTE nogrupher desires substitute or per monent position; five years' expert once. Address W. 19. cars Riohrtioni Virginian. WANTED—THOROUGHLY COMPE tent stenographer; aevsral yean experience. desires position, perma nent or temporary; quick, accurate neat Prepared te take depositions Piece work a specialty. Phone Madison »17«. WANTED—YOtINO LADY 8TENOG rapher. with three years* experience desires position at once: thoroughly experienced lb Insurance and com mission business. Address MISS B. 711 N. Twenty-second street, city. Wanted—cleaning by the day, Apply 111 St Paul street. Y WANTS SEWING TQ DO AT 11 N. Seventh at|-get_ BATH ROOM NEALTlrtL. IQthavb’ all’ the' trrrut^M? eeasorles In the gray of Bath Seats, ywlclne Chests, Crystal Shelves, fowel Bars. Mirrors, Sponge Hold er*. Shaving Brush ' Holders, Strop Robe Hooks, Tooth Brush lders. Mug Holders, In fact every ttiab goes to make the bath complete. Phone us, write ue ns. VA. PilrMBiNo a heat t e«tat* ; nBEfrirr FOR REIT. TMMBlT'gCTWtl m had on Hampton Road*; large full Of shade trees, fronting lUke and beach, boating, bath —* Ashing delightful. Phone, 1907-J, or address W. E, ' ' btt-Wore.-Tar - and :Tn»irwx*r~— HOMES FOR COTTAGE water front lota for lease, years with privilege to buy. _ vantage*: City water, sewer tion, phone service, electric . beach and car Un* directly In t. boating, bathing and Ashing “ fuL Address W. E. COT Newport News. V*. CNDID OPPORTUNITY; A FINE B. on James river. It miles from cbmond; three-fourth mile from R. station; little over 1911 acre*; -- acres rich bottom land: suflctent ly timbered; good old colonial resi dence. Price 911,1109. Address Farm Owner, care Virginian. (HCO. D. COLE A CO.. SEVERAL NEW dwellings, four to eight rooms each, and *m*ll acreage; two to si* min utes from car line. One now dwell ing. nine rooms and one er more eeree; two minutes from ear line. WEST END LOTS ON GRACE, MAIN Cary and Floyd avenue; ekeapest te be found; beet of terms; call Madi son 14(7. FARMS AND GITT PROPERTT bought and sold and rented. Spe cial attention given to rente R & JjgVINQ with B. F. HAMILTON A HAVING ABANDONED DBVBDOP MENT I will MU Forest I,odge JOHN CUSSONS, Glen AUm. V*. DESCRIPTION OP FOREST DODOS will b« m*IM on request by JOHN CUSSONS. Qlen Allen, Vb. PARKS. HOMES AND INVEST MEN! properties between Richmond And Washington; boat rtllroii wrtlM U bis mnrket PRANK H. COX., Ash land. Vs. - 411 ACRES; MAGNIFICENT DOCA tku; convenient to two railroads; rtrii'it -Rrut " ”*■ w*T WOTTED. TO XXCHANOE ADVERTISING wrltlns and typewriting work (of rant reasonable) deak and al fn spate twttti wtndww strowttig) to « thle claa of work. Call E. D O.. Mad Icon 17M-J. ^ANTED-^TO XUT' FOR C A tftf boat plicae paid; uttfylnr or Improving, wa ha' te of now things lei Mantels, to our lino recently, la tbe Gas Steam Orate, which la a combination of saa to*, sea prate Mid (team ra diator. Attractive to look at, cheap £a. INC,. and n snJeodid beater. 8f§a * HEATING TO'TWiw^TOTpsgrMrwaa* for Richmond and State of Virginia; white bain; for housework a apec ialty. Colored man and women Waned tor northern home* and but lera tor thla etcy: write or call for fnU particular*. Southern Intelll t*np» oSIce. Ill* N. grsth itrest WANtSD—-ADL UNSCCCESSPUl Ap plicants for^jior tuna of^sny^kind to apply Immediately i X. Broad •pxciAi. annual kohob. ,u BQdMVroiTRent: PEAT OP THREE ROOMS WITH kitchen with atationory waah stand, bath, hot and cold water, pee and electric light*; rear pooch and atepa. Ilf por month; ownar, ISO! E. Clay • m. atreat tlRKT PDOOR FLAT TO fctttjPfjB without children; 4 large rooms, pan try, range, separate gas: cellar, use of bath. Apjny to 1131 W. Mala or phono Madison not. f<5R RENT—NEATLVFURBISHED rooms for gentlemen. 104 B. Main street_ _ URNISHED ROOMS FOR with or without board. A lOffl* B. Leigh .treat Phon 4170, aoa RENT — Apply at Phone, Madl N1CILT FURNT8HED EXTRA DA ROE hall raom. desirable and central lo cation. Apply at T17 E. Oraoe street 1441 Madison. Phono T DAROE PROMT ROOM ON gBCONC floor, convenient to bath, with bot board also furnish Cary a treat. and oold water; board trANTED—TO RENT I ROOMS, SEC “m* * TWO NICE PROMT BOOMS FOR rant: bath ana phono convenient 101 north Twelfth street Phono 1141-D. FOR RENT. NICE, SEVEN ROOM house all conveniences; possesion at anoo if wanted, lit S. Cherry street PLAT OP POUR ROOMS WITH PRI rate bath on south Third a tract: for full particulars oall Madison 40T-J. FOR RENT. NICBDT FURNISHED rooms at Tit B. Marshall street #6r REN*. MbXWT FtfRlflSHHB tPW* ht Tit Bb»t Mar*hall street ROOM. OPPOSITE law rant Ap 'Hi5' FOR SALK—FIRST CL AS mouth Rook sgg»; phono, •04-J. Apply at one* GEO. Highland Pork. 1 COMFXJBTB BBT BED nlture with Iron bod and mattroto urxes FOR SAttBj A rmx KINGSBURY right Blackwood piano. In good' dUlon; several Mod roakpra ■ * terpiece; on* antlgue broni vssrasjsr FOR SALE—FOUR MINUTE, •truetable cylinder record*; __ two minute. It eta; will At tiyas&.'ftdTarsU' homes AND FARMS 114 THE r„ moo. Shenandoah Valley of VtrgiaB If you are contemplating a Chang 1ft location, writ* me. HARRY | LEWIS, Real Eetate. Saunton, Vs. DON'T BUY-A FARM UNTn7Y5U~ vestlgate thl# 609 acre fully equip property; full particulars, FA* care Richmond Virginian, DETROIT JEWEL YOU WILL DO WELL TO line of Ranges before buy member ,we are still selling the Celebrated Detroit Jewel. BETTER TRAN THE BEST. Our prices are about SfHft'Ufes than installment stores, v A. PLUMBING * HEATINU CO.. INC. 21 N. Ninth street. i WE IX> ALL KINDS OF BOILER, Furnace, Stove, Roof and PlumbinT repair, work. We have Speclalt; men for all of these lines, and yi. order will have careful and prom; attention, and the charges will reasonable. VA. PLUMBING A | HEATING CO., INC., 26 N. Nil I,ABIEV TAll.OR. SPECIAL PRICES ON LADIES' TAIL ored suits; ladles' suits made to or der; fit and workmanship —teett ~ met •«.—Tiira -wm icq any ISO suit which you could M. GOLDSTEIN, “Ladles' Tails 21» N. Fifth. RR!IT riJft'sg-’KK tw team* or for conducting some bus iness such as carpenter shop, paint shop, plumber’s shop; for cheap rahb Apply 016 W. Marshall street. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENlt 1: B. Clay street; clean rooms, nk furnished. Free phone, Madison t ^lath^easonaMejCentWLh^ MATRON WANTED, . WANTED—THE MASONIC HOMlPOF Virginia wishes a matron on March 1st. Must have experience In man agement of children, and knowledge of needlework necessary In sueh an Institution. None but an active, In dustrious lady, without Incumbrs interested In such work, who co-operate with the management’ the Home, and not over 4S year need apply. Address L. T. Cl TIAN, President. Richmond, Va. THE MOST UP-TO-DATE IU tailored suite are made at ML stein's. of new Imported and domestto wool* ens for the coming season. Tor |M and upward you can have one eC these perfectly made and fitted gar Fongee, Hager’s silk and linen at very reasonable prices. U O 8TE1N, SIS N. Fifth street. What bookkeeper, clerk or meohanle salaries? This school no diflculty in geUlai sttions. Enter now. rlndows, show cases, wood >nd furniture. WILLIAM JOI !•» N. First street. Phone, REBATE or 10 CENTS IT TOU out thtg coupon and bring , shoes; 7S cents men’s half sola bated to OS neats; 00 cents, li half soles, rebated to 00 cents; < pair sewad with waxed linen tb white oak soles. DREW'S E TWO Shop factory, U0 & i toffyreagrHMi Lent by tbe Ladles* pared during Aid Society _ church; prices very reasonabi orders to MISS WARREN. 1 Cary street. Phone 774I-J. free •iregcgeppggfr^gsr coal 14.20; H cord wood 18. Coal a: under shelter. TT W. Cary street 1070. H. A. KNIGHT, PRACTICAL AND (rear). _ OW ABOUT TOUR EYES? they ned atentlon? Many a : woman In this town Is wsar prematurely old look through i live eys sight. Do not procrast Sea Dr. H, Brettststn, ”The OpU 111 East Broad. Consultation EP TOU WANT THE BEST work, phono Madison drons ter laundry one of them? ] LAUNDRY, 7ZJ-T10 BASLE STEAK reputation oi their lias. Phone WE ASK ONLY ONE TRIAL. AND you are dissatisfied with our w •irsrv. rl'i