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w MO MBOtll Young Fredericksburg Couple Elope to Washington and An Wedded. BUMMER NORMAL PLANS Mr. Chandler, of Richmond, to bo Conductor—Site for Maneuver!. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) FREDERICKSBURG. VA., March }l.—Mr. Robert Jones, of Culpeper •ountp, and Mies Mamie M. Hawkins, ef Spotsylvania, eloped to Washing* ton Thursday and were married there. Die wedding was a great surprise to her parents and friends, none of them knowing ef It until a telegram was received. Mr. and Mrs. Jones will snake thetr home In Culpeper. The annual Summer Normal School will open here on June St. Mr. A. B. Chandler Jr., of Richmond, will con duct It, and Professor A. D. Wright, superintendent of the city public schools, will be the local manager. The spacious new publlo school build ing wUl be used, and all Indications are that It will be a successful ses sion. The damage suit bf Miss Maude Al lison against the city of Fredericks burg for $10,000 came up in the Cor poration Court yesterday. The Jury was selected from a venire summon ed from the county of Stafford. Mr. W. W. Butsner and Mr. (1. B. Wallace are the counsel for the ptalntUTr Mr. fH. Geuige Fttshugt —-aitv Mr Rrown. of .^jnU the city. Mr. Brown, of Rich mond. U acting as court stenographer for both sides. The day was con sumed in the examination of witnesses for the plaintiff. An adjournment was taken until 11 o'clock to-day. Captain B. H. Wells, quartermas ter U. 8. Army, arrived here yeater-* day to select the site for the army maneuvers during the summer. He was met by a committee from the City Council, accompanied by Colo nel E. D. Cole and Captain M. B. Rowe. Captain Wells was favorably Impressed with the several sites shown him. and If hts recommends tlon be favorable to the location here 1S.-004 or 20,000 troops will be camped In this vicinity. GREEN BAY SWEPT BY WAVE OF ILLNESS Many Resident* Down "With Va riety of Ailments—Other Town Notes. {Special to The Richmond Virginian ) ' QREEN BAT. March 1*.—An ola resident remarked yesterday thav there was more sickness in our neigh borhood this spring than she had ever baard of In any one year of her 1 fa Mrs. XL JHL Wilson. Jr_ Mias Slag Smithson, Robert NunntUy. Mra. Bishop, Mr*. L. D. Jones, Mra Way land Berry, Mra Rebecca Price, John Nunnally. Mra R. E. Wither* et at have been on the elck Hat. During the pretty spring weather of the past few day* many of ou. oitiaens engaged in gardening, plant ing opinion*, strawberries, potatoes, tomato seed, cabbage, Ac. Our Debating Society is well patronised on Friday nlghta Its last meeting was of much interest on ac count of two lady teachers opposing two preachers. Miss Pearl Shelburne and Mamie Taylor against Revs. White and Palmer. The Judges wars Unanimous in their decision in favor .of the leader. Our village should be a model, both la a moral and reltgiou* eense. is we have five preachers residing here. PAY GOOD PRICES FOR TOBACCO CROP Several Sales Recorded in Black stone at Rate of $35 Per 100 Pounds. ... BLACKSTONK. VA., March IS.— •The warehouses here have handled a large quantity of tobacco this season. Some ha* sold aa high as from $30 to $36 per 100 pounds for dark shipping. Prices on an average are said to be oa good here as anywhere in th# State. Mr. A. J. Chapin, a citlsen of Blackstone. died Wednesday night with heart heart trouble and will be hurled Friday evening at 4 o'clock In Lake View cemetery. Mr. Chapin was engaged with hie son in the livery business He leaves a wife and four children. Sergeant R. I* Sullivan, and 8pe dal Officer J. D. Davis caught 3$ negroes shooting erap Sunday even Ins and 3 persons selling liquor. He rtught them before Mayor George and the crowd were M fine* totalling about $4Ti. SOWN WAS NEW CHARTER. to Be Elected by the Council Reduced. <Special to The Richmond Virginian.) ..PARE-- "—“ '*■ k .FALLS CHURCH, VA.. March II.— Falla Church Lodge, No. 11, X. O. O. P„ has elected Past Grand John D. Payne as delegate to the annual Ma rion of the Grand Lodge, which will be held at Danville in May. The Legislature has passed the amended charter of the town. Among |ho Changes it la provided that the tnnyor is to be elected by the people, «f by th* council, and the membership of the oouncll is reduced from nine to six. The Daughters of the American Revolution at their meeting Thurs day decided to present the publlo school of the town with a large American dag. Fever in Appomattox, i The Richmond Virginian.) 3RD, VA-, March 11.—The fever ha* been prevailing over ittox county the last few _ Thera ace many patients now th* dlaetaa seam* to be spread - Th* family of Mr. Tom Dlckar Who Bros two miles southeast of hr* neartr all down with the man. th* doctor* are hard at work, gad the fever will probably be eheck *r‘ . VA- March 13<—Xia •f Irvington Friday of Gem It and coats of toad for good •-few “pal*** -:«s ‘ 3 tel'-.r-ftr ;£,V! • 'll : The Best Coal ATTRACTIVELY PRICED All sizes in Pennsylvania An thracite, fresh, clean, dry; shipped direct to us in cargo lots, per tcr..$6.00 WestVirginia Splint Lump $4.50 New River Lump.$4.50 Our Bag Coal at a Dime is the thing for quick fires—At all Gro cers. NELSON & LADD OFFICE AND YARDS, 1903-5-7 East Cary St., Phones Monroe 1096-1097. OFFICE AND OLD YARD, 1710 East Broad St. I CAPE CHARLES COLLECTOR MARION H. STEVENSON. Mr. Stevenson has been appointed by President Taft collector of the port at rape Charles. Va. Mr. Stevenson has 1 been mayor of that city for a dosen years and one of Its leading citizens for over twenty years. He Is a native of Pocomoka City, Md. W. C. T.«. STIRRING CONVENTION Meet at Onlcy and Pass Resolu tions Deploring Failure of State-Wide Bill. ONL.ET, VA.. March If.—The semi annual convenUon of the W. C. T. U. of the bt-counttes, Accomac ana Northampton, convened in the town of Qnley on March -——■ Tho opening services were conduct ed by the president, Mrs. Sue James, who read the Crusade psalm. After a prayer by Mrs. Kelley, of Onan cock Onion, Mrs.' Parrott. State or ganizer from Martinsville, was intro duced, and made a member of the body. A letter from the 8tate president. Mrs. Howard M. Hoge, was read. She deplored the loss of the Strode Myers bUl and called on the workers to double their diligence in organis ing and Increasing prohibition senti ment. The favorite song of the con vention was "State-wide. which, it ts hoped, will become a street song. Reports from the departments of work wsre most encouraging. Mrs. James made an appeal for leaders In L. T. L work. Mrs. Charles Waters also made an appeal for the work. The State law on scientific temper ance Instruction has been framed, and Is now ready for placing in every publlo school in the county. The evening services were conduct ed by Rev. J. B. Hank, who in clos ing welcomed the workers to his church and town. Mrs. Parrott made the address of the evening. Wednesday morning service was conducted by Mrs. Mllbourne, of Cape Charlea The reports were again taken up. all of which were very creditable. The following resolutions were passed: Whereas, the 8trode-Myers blU for submitting the vote on prohlbiUon to the people of Virginia has not been carried by the Legislature: and Whereas, our women all over Vlr inla have labored and prayed for this 111; therefor*, be It Resolved. 1. That our gratitude U ns our Stats officials and all who ave worked for the State-wide move X That valuing the educational *d intagea caused by the petitions and kmumions of this question, and he aving in its final triumph, we, the ecomac and Northampton bi-oounty invention, in session ***embled. •artlly and unfalteringly pledge our ilvae to continue the work begun and reaa with cheerful hearts, unchan* [g*mlndB and prayerful spirits until ur State is free from the sale and kanufacture of strong drlf*: „ S. That every union pledge Itoelt , increase its subecripUons to the Won Signal. Virginia Call and Cru ider Monthly, that our 1 e kept Intelligently informed and our ■ork made more permanent. «. That our thanks be extended to tie entertaining union jj0* ome and cordial entertainment of 'l^lKit each member b'**5*® »U to attend the local meetings more romptly and regularly and urge new terobers to work for State-wide pro lWtl0n- MRS. MTLBOTTRNE. MRS. BOUNDS. MRS. JESTER. The ‘next convention will be held n Chlngoteague the second Tuesday » September^ ""■SrFsrS SSSTigsS emper&nce songs and choruses were "aXTo* small cblldren^rte^jror silver medal, little Miss »esm »arks and a gold pin ft»*» III Savage ns the next la rnnk. To Visit Virginia Mfflto _-♦ M. Morgan. Fifth Rsg WSFVVr detailed for Instruo of Urn Virginia militiamen, hw . ordered to visit Coupon? K. nmSSTAtthe end of this tour nil reoeive furtbs* —a— 16 GEORGE HUNTS SCHOOL FACILITIES Residents Demanding More and j Better Institutions—Willing to Pay More Taxes. Special to The Richmond Virginian.) KINO OEOROE. VA.. March 12.— rhere seems to be an awakening of .he country in higher education, and he recent visit of E. H. Russell, State »xamlner of public schools, gave a lew Impetus to the cause. Mr. J. Aubrey Newblll, president of he King George Teachers' Associa tion, is making strenuous efforts to nave the schools In the Shiloh Dis trict consolidated Into a first class traded school, preparatory to a high ichool at Shiloh. Superintendent Coakley and the patrons of the va rious schools In that district heartily co-operate with Mr. Newblll In this endeavor, except the people of Index, who refuse to listen to this propost litlon, and Insist that a large graded school shall be established at Index, where work preparatory to high school work can be done. An advanced school Is much needed at present. The pupils, who should be In a high school, are deprived of that advantage. At Oak Grove, Westmoreland coun ty. the Improvement of public schools Is uppermost In the minds of tub people at this time. At a recent meet ing of the school board, with Super intendent George Murphy present, the propoelUon to erect a large graded school building was discussed, and there Is but little doubt that In the near future this will be done. A new school house Is also to be built be tween Oak Grove and Potomac Mills. It is believed that in another year these Improvements will be complet ed. At a recent meeting at Newlajjd, Richmond county, the School Im provement League, in executive ses sion, unanimously voted to Instruct the board of county supervisors to In crease the district school levy a euf clent amount to raise money to build and to maintain a high school tie this community. The tax will have to be Increased for several years for this purpose. MUNICIPAL PRIMARY MAY CAUSE SPLIT (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) NORFOLK. VA.. March 12.—Nor folk’s approaching municipal primary for the nomination of two members of the Board of Control and half of the membership of both branches of the City Council promises to be the most interesting this city has expe ilenced In many years. Mayor James Q. Riddick, at one time the real Gibraltar of the lot# "Good Government" faction of the Democratic party, but for the past rour years allied with the so-called -ring" of the city, to out with an an nouncement that he Is after the scalp of Thomas S. Purdle, a member of the Board of Control. A rather strange thing, and one that only adds strength to that old adage that "Politics makes strange bed-fellows,” to the fact that Purdle went Into office a staunch Good Gov ernment man. hated and feared by thoee at the "ring.” but to now loved by those who once hated him. and will la all probability have the sup port of the machine despite the ob jections of Mayor Riddick. The mayor wants to see J. B. Jones, a prominent dttoen and a brother at the late Tiberius Gracchus Jones, for whose murder Sam Hardy was con victed. put on the ticket In place of Purdle. It to even whispered that If Purdle's defeat cannot be assured by any ether means the mayor to will ing to*Uke the burden on hto own shoulders, give up hto job as chief executive of the city and become a candidate for a position on the Board of Control himself. The salary of a member of the Board of Control to 14,000 per annum, while the ialary of the mayor to only S1.S00. CHARLOTTE COURT ENDS ITS SESSION (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) KEY8VILLE. VA.. March 11— Charlotte Circuit Court adjourned for the term yesterday. Two felony caaee were tried, one resulting In a verUct for one year In the penitentiary, A number of chancery decrees were en tered. •» The cases of the Commonwealth against Edward F. Daniel and Frank C. Thornton, as president and cashier, respectively, of the Charlotte Bank ing and Insurance Company, have continued to the May term of court. Congressman H. D. Flood, Hon. Rich ard E. Byrd and Hon. WllUam C. Carrington will defend Mr. Daniel. In accordance with a recommenda tion of the receivers of the defunct bank. Judge Hundley has ordered an additional dividend of II1-1 per cent, to be paid tag a tosal the depositors. - cel vers wUl be able to peg II per cent more later. dividend of 111-1 per cent, i to the depositors, this mak 1 of 111-1 p*r seat said to Item It Is thought the re Governor M4pn has appointed Dr. H.W. Dewf of Lynchburg, to the bpeyd of directors of the State BpUeptfd. Dr. - A. B. Keaaper, oC to the Normal and HBrcQf&&ni7 • ill Tin TO FLY wmiit nun Aviator Paulhan Plans Startling Aerial Feat—Wilbur Wright Predicts Fatality. NEW YORK. March 12.—Although he does aot promise he will tie hla rudder In to-day's filchu at Jamaica. Louis Paulhan, the French aviator, plans a series of ascents to show what his machine la capable of. He will go up late this afternoon again, and be says that as soon as he gets thor ouchly acquainted with the lay of the land he will make flights without a rudder and will show his machine Is < not an infringement on the Wright , patents. Wilbur Wright, who examined the Paulhan machine very closely in the shed yesterday, said it could not fly If the attachments patented by his brother and himself were taken off it. He declared that there was no doubt In Ms mind that he will win his action against Paulhan and collect heavy damagea “I expected to be shown the ma chine could be handled without the rudder," declared Wright, "but after I looked It over I readily saw that If any such attempt was made there would be a smashed aeroplane and possibly a damaged aviator." ALDRICH STILL HOPES FOR CURRENCY REFORM Senator Plana Another “Miasion ary Trip” Through Middle j and Far West. WASHINGTON, March 12—An other missionary tour next fall in the Interest of the proposed qew currency system and the central bank is plan ned by Senator Aldrich, chairman of the National Monetary Commission. It Is his purpose to taka with him several members of the commission and to make an Investigation of the varying monetary needs of different sectlObi oT the couniry. For Instance, the banks of Ban Francisco complain of the difficulties which they experi ence In getting currency, the ship ment of which across the continent takes from seven to ten days. At Minneapolis and other Northwestern dues there Is always at certain sea sons a big demand for money with which to moye the grain crops, while In the South there Is a similar de mand at other seasons to move the cotton crop. Senator Aldrich says the purpose of the commission Is to plan a currency system designed to be universal in Its application to the whole country and to meet the varying necessities of all sections. Except In a tentative fash ion, the plans of the commission are not formulated. The commission Is now publishing a large number of books and pamphlets covering every phase of the banking and currency systems of the world. HUNTING EXPEDITION NEARLY PROVES FATAL Irvington Man and Son Have Nar row Escape From Drowning. IRVINGTON. VA„ March 11.—Judson T. Haydon and con. Arthur, of Irving- i ton. while out duchlng on the Kappa- i hannock Saturday on a small boat, barely escaped being drowned. While off Orchard Point, four ducks dew up In a direct line over the side of the boat, gtviug Mr. Haydon an op portunity for a good shot. Mr. Haydon, who was seated on the center of the boat, while his son was on the end. fired away, not thinking of position or outcome. The gun going a heavy one, rebounded, overturning the boat. After many vain efforts to get on the bottom of the boat, eoch rested a hand on the craft thus keeping their heads above water. Their strength was fast waning when Gridin Aehoum end eons, of Woomi found tho drowning pair and took thorn home. Both guns were lost, the one doing tho werh being a parti cularly valuable one. and tho only on# usod by Mr. Haydon lor twonty years. WILL MAKE EFEORT TO COLLECT TAXES Norfolk Councilmanic Finance Committee Think* Core Estate Owes City 12,000. NORFOLK. VA, March XI-—The Fi nance Committee of the City Council et a meeting lut night named 1U chair man. Robert B. Tuna tall, and Judge Thomas H. Wlllcox to co-operate with City Attorney George C. Cabell. In hts efforts to collect from the Core Estate, taxes due the city. „ „ It is charged that the late John H. Core, who left a fortune of nearly half a million dollars only paid the otty taxes on a personal estate of about HMi It Is said that the estate owes the city something Mho *11.000 In tases and determined efforts will be made to collect It. NEW YORK PARK 18 OFFERED FOR SALE NEW TORK. March It.—Anyone knowing himself to ha possessed <n a baseball park should advise Frank Farrell, owner of the New York American League team, for the home of the Highlanders Was offered for sale to-day in the stutpe of building lots. ' The Highlanders will be permitted to finish the coming season on the present grounds. Farrell intends to build next year on the northern out skirts of the city. Probably *,000.00* people have paid the turnstiles at tits American League Park alnca 1000, whSn the American League invaded New York. It is probable that within two .more years the New York National Jjitague team will have given up the' Pole grounds, almgst hist ode In a basshal) way. ruptcy. with Crswa. appol This firm 1 very snbstas w®*} THE SURPLUS fast What are^rou doing with your surplus cash? Some people^spend it for 11 gro an account with things they <fo not actually require, but wise people put it in the bank, dw at compound Interest. We cordially invite you to open where it will us. Banking by Mail Accounts Invited. 4 0/ Interot Paid on /O Savings Accounts COMMONWEALTH BANK, 12 North Ninth Street, • Rjdwwni fa BRANCH, 4 East Broad St., Rkhnood. Va. tVORK IS STARTED BY SHIRT FACTORY Fredericksburg Concern Starts ‘ With 64 Operators—Social News of Town. FREDERICKSBURG. VA_. March L3-—The Oberndorf, Oppennelm 6 Company-* shirt factory began Its op erations this week. Sixty-four opera tors started on the first day. but the company will soon be In condition to employ a full force, as soon as the i remainder of the machinery la In- ! stalled. Mrs. Mollis K. Cole, of Baltimore. : Is visiting Col. E. D. Cole and family i here. Miss Nannie M. Forbes Is a guest j of friends In New York. Miss Edmo Lawrence, of Washing ton, who has been visiting Miss Net tle Fltxhugh and St. George R. Fltx hugh, has returned home. Mrs. James A. Thompson, of Rich mond,-spent the week with Mrs. W. ~ A. Bell on Washington avenue. Mrs. H. C. Merchant has returned to her home In Middlesex cqnnty. after a visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Somerville, of this city. Mrs. Alvin T. Embrey has returned from Atlantic City, where sho has been spending some time for her health. She Is much Improved. Rev. and Mrs. R. J. McBryde have returned from a visit to friends In Richmond. Mr. Stansbury Flcklen has been visiting his brother, Mr. Coatee Fink lea, of Baltimore, for several days. Mr. 8. C. Wortham, of Baltimore, is a guest of friends In this city. Mrs. Robert 8. Knox, of New York, wife of Lieutenant Robert 3. Knox, y. 8. A., la visiting her mother. Mrs. Ellen Byrd Wallace. Col. 8. 8. Brooke, of Roanoke, Is visiting at the home of Miss Mattie • Young, of this city. Miss Minnie Wroten left Thursday morning for Richmond to attend the Paschal-Wood wedding. Mr. J. B. Botts and Miss Mary Botts. of Roanoke, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Botts. Mrs. 8. W. Somerville left Thursday for Hasettmrtt, Miss., where she will spend a month visiting friends and relatives. At a regular meeting of the Fred ericksburg Lodge, No. 17*. B. P. O. E„ the following officers for ths en suing year were elected: Exalted ruler, 1. H. Middleton: esteemed lead ing knight. Captain T. M. Larkin; as teemed royal knight. Jake Goldsmith; esteemed lecturing knight, Valentine Dannehl; tiler, J. H. Patterson; trus tee. Geo* W. Heflin; representative to Grand Lodge. R. E. Smith; alternate. C. E. Layton. Celebrate Golden Wedding. IRVINGTON, VA.. MarohlJ.—On Tuesday evening of this week now ending, the children, grandchildren, brother, sister and many friends of Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Haydon, of Irving ton. gave the couple a surprise la celebration of ths atmtvsTsary of tits latter's golden wadding. After talking over tka old days, ths guests were invited to follow . ths bride and groom to the dining room, where the children had prepared an elaborate supper. Among other beau tiful present, a 13.60 goldplece was presented by two of their grandchil dren. United in Manteca. IRVINGTON. VA.. Karoh 13.—-At Providence Methodist church on Thursday night of last weak ths Rev. J. D. M osier united In marriage Miss ! Mary Elisabeth Walden, of Middle sex. and Mr. Joshua Henry Tolbott, of this county. A large number of friends of the young couple were present to witness the oeremony and to extend congratulations. The young couple will make their heme In. this FISHERMEN SEEK INSTRUCTIONS ABOUT WHEN FREEZE HERRINGS New England Firm Thinks Present Ruling Necessitate Process Be fore Fish Leave Water in Order to Obtain Low Rate of Duty. WASHINGTON, Much H.—The question of whan a herring should bo froaen In order to obtain the benefit of the lower duty of one-fourth a cent a pound has occasioned a wide difference of opinion between New England fish dealers apd Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Curtis. Representative Roberts, of Massa chusetts, received an emphatic pro test to-day from lAnooin, Willey e Co., of Boston, against a recent rul ing of the treasury department Heretofore the fishermen of New Poundland have caught herring dur ing the winter, and although froeen upon the decks of the vessels, the herrings have been oleased aa fresh fish at the duty of ene-fonrth of a cent Now Hr. Curtis any* that her ring thus froeen cannot ho clawed as fresh fish, or fish "naturally #JW." and he has Insisted upon the higher duty for fleh ‘/not otherwise specified" of three-fourths of a pent per pound. The Boston firm says that tp com ply with the recent ruling of the treasury department as fcpanealltted to New England port collectors, it wifi be necessary for the fUh to he frcxen before leaving the water, whlth the fleh merchants regard aa rather Impossible. Mr. Roberta la Miked to take the matter up Immediately with the department. Otherwise, Ms con stituents claim, the dealers will load much money, aa manycsfgoeb of ««h k*Ve been sold in advajaoe on the basis af ono-f onrth a cent already .... ____ Ivldei ftdr w*U be given m _____..—it jjpiiiM *r at . hgn~wW*d8Kt HMae ho •nil render several popular songs. In sddltlon. there will also be aeveral Instrumental and vocal selection*, rhe orchestra will be headed by 8 Edison. An enjoyable time la In store for all who attend. BOOM LAUNCHED FOR CULBERSON Friends of Texas Senator Pick Him as Democratic Presi dential Candidate. BAN ANTONIO. TEX., March 11.— Senator Culberson, of Texas, la the choice for the presidential race In llll, according to local Democrat# to day. At a conference between Na tional Committeeman Roger Sullivan, ef Illinois, and National Chairman Hack to-day the Democratic presi dential prospects were looked over sod Sullivan was convinced Senator Culberson waa the strongest man for the race. / Local Democratic leaders say despite Culberson’s poor health he will consent to run. . j--— BAILEY CONVICTED OF GRAND LARCENY Former Head of Bankrupt Ship ping Company Absconded With #45,000. mrw TOME, March 11.—Francis The Capitol Savings Bank THE BANK THAT PAYS 4% Invites Commercial and Savings Accounts, large and small. Any amount from $1.00 up. Assets over $600,000.00. 907 East Main St., Mutual Bldg.. Richmond, Va. OFFICF.RA—John Qoflnnd PoCUrd. Prtddont: Jonathon Bryoo. Vioo-Prmdoot: Ro. SI Kont, Jr.. Cnnhior: dirton-L. WiBlomo. Aoootoat Coiihwr. DIRTCTORS-Joo. B««hy. A. R. Roll odor Jonothon Bryoo, Rob' Pocky, Jr. O L Fob bonk. John Oortond Poliord. C. C. Phwkncy. * , fS* * '. ' ^ ,’u, . I : • I ~ rV'k sv:-v'“ | «&"" ** ' kjH | WiU You Ride With Us? Why pay fi.oo per hour for an Automobile ride when you. ride with us to the | can Main-Street Bank and deposit your $i.oo? Call Madison 3435 and have thi» car come for you. ,, r SYSTEMATIC SAVING LEADS TO SUCCESS National State Bank RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Formerly The State Bank of Virginia. CAPITAL, fMMM SURPLUS, *350,099 DIRECTORS J. L. Antrim, John 8. EHettWm. M. Hill, JameeD. Crump, Jos M. Fourqureau, Edward C Mavo, A. R. ElWrecm, Horace 8. Hawes, Gnumlle G. Valentine. OFFICERS John 8 EHett, President, Wm. M. Hill, Caahier, Julien H. Hill, Asmjstant Cashier Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits. We jpvite you to do business with na. Bounty. . i At ths Methodist parsonage at Ir vlngton on Wednesday evening Rev. J. D. Hoaler united In marriage MU* , Violet Harley and Mr. Harry Roae. both of this county. Miss Fowlkes SUU Missing. BURKEVILLE. VA„ March 13.— No trace has yet been found of Mias Nora Fowlkes, who mysteriously dU appeared from the home of Mr. B. j Ellett. of this place, on March 3. ; The missing girl U the only daugh- | ter «f Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Eowtket,' of this place, both of whom can . give no reason for the prolonged absence of their daughter, other than that she has been abducted. The parents are greatly alarmed, and are putting forth every effort to locate Mlae Nora. The search will be kept up until the young lady la , found and rastored to her parents. Chases Negro; toes Pocket book. BURKEVI1XB. VA„ March 11.— Sergeant Oerber had a lively chase after a negro wanted for hoboing yesterday, but the negro finally suc ceeded In making good hU escape. It was then that Sergeant Oerber rea lised the loss of hU pocketbook. which contained 1U In silver and currency. A diligent search was made for the latter, but without re sult. | VIRGINIA , TRUST COMPAMY| RICHMOND aSsSSSfa VA. Thoughtful men and woman realise that a strong institu tion Hke the Virginia Trust Company is better than an individual to act as executor, guardian or trustee. Write for a copy of our booklet on trusts. H. W. JACKSON, President. Jas. N. Boyd, V. P. Jno. M. Milter, Jr., V. P. L. D. Aylett, 8ec. Jno. H. Southall, Trans. S. CAPITAL $1000.000.001 MS,000. He was located steamer In the harbor of and with , hta brother and tain of the steamer, was planed ' arrest While la charge of a New fective Bens'? Jumped r " swam ashore arid eenaM finally rsarrsatad near ■.,-Hr hrethsv a§JfiL__g^