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society editor of the Rich I Virginian will be glad to re •octet Item* and personal*. The** may be *ent by mail if en aed with the name and adder** | of the contributor, or may be Band to Madison 1923. Darla* the past week Min* Socletj ia turned a deaf ear to the allurinf trap* set by Pan and hi* live lovint attendant*, and has followed with un resisting fervor Dame Fashion In hei i".. thrilling flights Into new fads anc je, fancies Maids and matrons alik< , bave thronged the stores that hav< f been festive and gay, as though foi |: the Christmas season, as they throw K off the ehfyaaii* of the sombre drear! ness of winter for the bright fresh ly' ness of their gala spring display. g| Flowers and must., with the say | colors of glistening fabrics, have made | * bewitching environment, tn which Be:rhasilady'* selects her wonderful troua *eai. for one of the brilliant Faster weddings and her mulds revel In the glories of bridesmaids' frocks and ■j chapeaus, or, as the case may be, U* chooses that "fetching” creation that, ? with her natural charms, will drive away ail the iore of Plato and Aris totle faithfully instilled Into young America by tireless tutors, while Cu pid with an army of arrows darts in || and out among the couples at the Caster ,dan v* at the universities and I colleges. Jones—Midyette. i; The marriage of Mr. Walter Mar f, tin Jones, of Hichmond, and Alisa Ma ts celebrated in Duncan Memorial church, Ashland, on next Wednesday, March iS. will be the crowning 'so cial event of the year there. It Is to be a daffodil wedding The church will be decorated with palms, aml tax and daffodils and the six fair maids who attend the bride will carry daffodils. The bride will wear a gown of crepe meteor trimmed with duchess lace and embroidered with pearls. Her staid of honor. Miss Caroline Mtd ■ yette. will wear yellow mesaaline, -—yelled in marquisette, and will carry bride roses. The other five maids will wear gowns of white mesaaline trimmed in f crystal sequins and carry huge bunches of dafTodlls. The matron of honor. Mrs. Weldon Clay Blanton, who was married at the same altar Just a few months ag<>. will be gown ed in duchess satin with ornament* of diamonds. The young ladles attend ing the bride will be Miss Caroline Mldyett. maid of honor: Mrs. Weldon C. Blanton, matron of honor: Misses Anne Pendle Hunter, Margarita t~ Wlghtman, Audrey Graham, Jenn r Coltran, Charlotte Fennell. The ~—groomsmen wttl bo Messrs. W. Ber nard i-lpscomU, Hi-11, Hinder, Addison ; Reynolds. Ralph Midyette, Robert Hunter and Edgar Helweg A number of out-of-town guests have already arrived, among them Mr. - D. Ralph Midyette. Jr . of the Vir ginia Polytechnic Institute; Sits* - AK-her Graham, of Norfolk; Miss Charlotte Fennell, of Wilmington, N. C„ and Miss Jenu Coltram. of Con Brlile-Fleet Honored. ji_Th*rr are a number of charming s 'functions incident to the Jones-MhJ yette wedding on Wednesday next Hr* W. C. Blanton will entertain the Select Sewing Club on Monday evening at her beautiful new home lb honor of Miss Mldvette. and Mrs. D. R. Mldyette will entertain the bridal party on Tuesday evening. The hospitable home of Mr. Charles p-t<« in tshland. whs the scene of a beaut if si 1 entertainment Friday at* nistwsn xt & o’clock, when his daugh ter, Mrs James Imiuan Hunter, was hostess In honor of Miss Matilda Mtd yette. A bevy of the, girt friends had assembled to bestow* a "shower" ■ f i.. dainty and beautiful-gifts, all made with their own fair hands on the btide to be. The parlors were decorated wltn balms and daffodils in great profusion and lighted with randies In candela bra of crystal anti silver The old mirrors reflected an enchanting scene of lights and life with the lmppy girl faces among the flowers. The gifts to the bride-elect came literally In the form of a shower A large white umbrella, much berlbbonod ana laced. with a bunch of daffodils, ‘ ooquettlshly pinned on was suspend ed between the two parlors and1 at the appointed time a hidden string was drawn and the gifts of love rain ed at the bride-elect's feet. Of course the old slipper and the shotver of rice came too, causing much merri ment Miss Fannie Lancaster ano Jtfids .Ethel Lawler isfayed several •elections on the piano, and Mrs Hunter'sang. Mrs. W L. Fojr and Hiss Stuart Blanton assisted Mrs. Potts In tlje hospitalities of the din ing room. The young ladles pres ent were: Misses Matilda Mldyette, Seabrook Midyette. Caroline Mldyette, Audrey Graham, Anne Hunter, Mar garet Wlghtman. Fannie Lancaster, Ethel Lawless, Annie Macon Potts, Estelle Blanton. Stuart Blanton, Julia Welslger, Augusta Nixon, Kite Blln coe, Mesdames W. L. Foy, W. C. Blanton, B. Morgan Shepherd, W. B. Lipscomb, James Uuncan Hunter and Charles Potts. Attkisson—-Catlet. A beautiful but quiet marriage was celebrated at the Rectory. Three Square, Va„ Thursday afternoon, March 10. at 3:30 o'clock, when Miss Maud Louise Catlett, daughter of Mrs. Jennie R. Catlett, became the bride of Mr. George Turner Attkisson, of Richmond. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. I)avld JI Lewis. Mr. Clarence D. Catlet, brother of the bride, gave her in marriage. The groom was atended by Mr R. L. Hicks At the Woman’s Club. At the Woman's Club Monday af ternoon the annual business meeting of the club will be held, when officers ( for the year will be elected and other business transaeted. The tellers will be Miss Margaret Lee. Mrs W B. , Thomas. Mrs. John Fpshur und Mrs. : Ball, and Misses Aylett, Glazebmnk. Evelyn Stiles and Jean Field will act as pages. ‘“Vanity Fair" will be discussed by , : the literary round table on Wednes- ; For the shore price we guar antee to make your old, dull blades shave better than new by our SPECIAL PROCESS. Old style RAZORS HONED AND SET, 15c Each. Note We make a specialty ol sharp ening Surgical Instruments, Scissors and Knives. We also replate old Silverware, and guar antee all work turned out from our work-shop. Mall orders will receive prompt attention. The “Sharp-0” Co. 61* E. Main St. Grinders and Barber Supplies. RICHMOND, VA. il»y afternoon under the direction of Mr*. W. W. Kale. KnhTUliuiKUt and Dance. The Hebrew Progressive Library and the Council of Jewish Women will give an entertainment and uu... on Monday evi nlng at Uelvldere Hall. A malo qnurtet will be the especial feature of the entertainment, which begins at 8:15 and closes at Id. when the hall will be cleared for the dance. Officers I Jeotrd. The following oftlcere were elect ed by the board of managers of tho per rent for-the 81ek~on Thursday: Miss Mary Norwood, president; Mrs. Jack Temple, treasarer; Mrs. W. F. Richardson, first vice-president. Moth odist; Mrs. A. I,. K tar Isa, second vice president. Hebrew; Mrs. D. W. Mose ley, third vice-president, Christian; Mrs F. Kahm. fourth vice-presi dent. Episcopal; Mrs. A. W. Shelton, i fifth vice-president. Baptist; Mrs. J. A. Origg, sixth vice-president, Pres byterian; Mrs. A. F. Henna, seventh ; vice-president, Lutheran; Mrs. Mur ; ray McGuire, recording secretary; Mlse Helen McIntyre, assistant record ing secretary; Mrs. B. A. Planner, cor responding secretary; Mrs. J. Lee Kntner. assistant corresponding secre tary Miss Mary Norwood and Mrs. Tem ple were elected by a rising vote. Bazaar to lie Given. The Ladles' Aid Society of Leigh Street Baptist church are planning for a big bazaar to be held In the lecture j room of the church for one week, be 1 ginning Monday night. April 18. An interesting program Is being arranged for each evening during the bazaar . There will be no admission fee. Meeting of King’s Daughters. 8t. John's Circle of the King's ; ftaughter* will meet Monday after noon, March 14, at 4:30 o'clock, with Mrs. Frank L. Jobson, 1504 Floyd avenue. Business of Importance will j be transacted. Personals. i Kx-Governor and Mrs. Claude A. : Swanson have returned from a six ; weeks' tour of the Mouth and West, : and are at their country home near j Chatham. • • * Miss Helen Ktnlner, of Montgomery, i Ala., who has been the guest of Miss Theresa Nurney In Suffolk for several days, Is now the guest of Miss j Ellen Witt here. • • • Mrs John Crutchfield, with her : daughter, Mrs. Goddln, and grand son, John Crutchfield Goddln, have ; returned from a visit of several weeks 1 in the South. They went to the : Mardl Gras and then to visit Mrs. ; Wright, formerly Miss Willie Crutch ; field, at her home tn Louisiana. ; Mrs. W. Y. Davis has returned- to her home hero after spending two months with her daughter, Mrs J. R. Woodall, in Charlotte, N. C. Mrs. William B. Newton, of Nor folk, Is the guest of Mrs. W. a. Stan ard at her home, 1010 Floyd avenue. • • • Miss Ella Neville, of Portsmouth, Is visiting Mrs. Judsnn Cunningham and Miss Ella Scott at 102 East Franklin street. • • • Mr. J. H. I'zzle, of Highland Pork, who has been quite sick. Is able to be out again. • • • Miss Kitty Atone, of Hurt, Va.. Is yt siting the Misses Sutherland on West Grace street. Mrs. W. E. Cottrell, of Newport News, Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. James H. Moss. • • • ! Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jeffreys, of Ra j letgh, N. C., arrived yesterday for a stay In Richmond. President William H. White, of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Po tomrys railroad, entertained at lunch In the Westmoreland Club yesterday in honor of Mr. J. Bertram, secre tary and adviser to Andrew Carne gie. who spent yesterday here, and Dr. Alderman, of the TTnlverslty of Virginia. • • • Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wells, of Rich mond. are registered at the Earllng ton. New York. Fairmount Mrs. Qpra Tierney, of FarmvUle, Va.. Is visiting her niece of this place. Mrs. Mary D. Dose has returned from New York, where she went to buy her spring stook for her millinery store. Mho will have the opening the first of the week. Mis# Iluby Simmons left Thursday for Hanover to spend several days with her sister, Mrs. Marshall. The May Council, Daughters of Liberty, will hold its regular meet lng Monday night at 8 o'clock. All members are urged to be' present, business of importance. The Linen Shower given by Mrs. C A Oermelman Friday evening in' Quality and Price Must both be considered to be satisfied with a purchase, the only wood man that has two prices. Best Sawed Oak at .$3.00 half con! Best Long Oak and Pine at_$2.75 half c«v« Good Sound Pine at.$3.00 half Selected Sound Pine at.$3.25 half c«c Beet Sawed Slabs at.$2.55 half c4ec Lump Coal at .. .. $4.50 per ton Coke at .1. . $5.00 per tot Long’s Phone, Madison 1069-1070. Highland Park Branch Phone, Monroe 1320. i I MODIFIED RUSSIAN BLOUSE ■ I ■■ r~l J*Q**x> W Vixi'a1 EYfcS'dL In thU dressy costtim« of tea leaf green silk cashmere Is seen a charm ing modification of the Russian biou ho. All the fulness of the seamless shouldered coat is gathered beneath the fancy belt Into a waist band to which Is attached the soutache-braided, shaped and carefully fitted hip pocKet. The skirt, although side pleated all round, is rather scant and has a wide ly boxed front, panelled with soutache braiding. The large hat of coarse white straw faced with dark green velvet has a crown covered with small white roses and tea leaf foliage. honor of her niece, MIbs May 15dm Ofimelman, was much enjoyed b: those present. The parlors and din tng room was beautifully deeoratei In pslms and cut (towers, and th< table was a dream of loveliness, wltl all of the delicacies of the season Mrs. Oermalman was assisted by he daughter. Miss Alwlne, tn recetvlni the guests, arid the shower was o: many handsome pieces of linen. Mrs. T. K. Morris Is visiting hei brother, Edward S. Farmer, of Mosb; street. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Robinson w» called here Thursday to the bedsldi of the latter’s sister, who was ver; 111, but died an hour before she ar rived. Her funeral will take plant Sunday at 3 P. M. Mrs. H. H. HArt still lies In t critical condition at her home or Maddox Hill. Miss Fella. Mastln, of Fair Oaks, ti spending several days with he] friends, the Misses Colburns, of tht avenue. Master Victor Rurrell Is confine' to his home with a bad case of sort throst. Mrs. T. E, Miller and little daugh ter, Gladys, left Thursday mornlnj for Norfolk to be gone two weeks. Mat 8. Hitt hag moved hla famllj hum this vicinity to West Taylor street Miss Alwlne Germelmaji haa return ed to her home, arter spending nvi weeks with relatives In Philadelphia Mr. R. Bead lea la able to be ou1 again, after suffering from a sprain ed back, caused by a runaway horse which hg was driving to a grocery wagon. Mrs. L. T. Taylor continues to Im prove at her home on Twenty-second street Mr. Brooljs Chenault and two sons of King William county, were the guest* during the week of Mr. and Mrs W. B. Chenault, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Baber, of Char lottesville. are visiting at the homt of Mr. Cook, of North Twenty-third •treet. , Mrs. Ellen Rodgers Is quits sick at her homa on Nineteenth street. The Baptist Young Peoples’ Union will hold their regular meeting Sun day evening from 7 o’clock until 8. Mrs. J. L. Griffin will be the leader. After the meeting there will be the eleition of officers, and It is earnestly hoped that there will be a large at tendance. The Young Men's League of the Baptist church have changed their meeting from Sunday to Tuesday evening at the church. All men ar» Invited. Miss Mamla Flemming is very sick at her home on Carrington street. Master Jack Sterling continues to Improve. The cantata of Cinderella In Fairy land will be repeated at the Parrish House of Christ Episcopal church Frl da>’ after East. Tickets are out for same and the child selling the most tickets will receive a handsome prise. Those who have not seen this (can tata have missed a treat. Miss Grace Miller looks charming In her lovely costume as Cinderella and Tommie Dxenhain us Prince Sunshine la ver, bundsome. We all know the story of Cinderella and the slipper. While at tho ball Cinderella loses her slipper, whilst In u hurry to return home before twelve o’clock. The Prlno-s picks It up and later makes her his Pride. The tickets are ten cents. Miss Lilly Maker, or Fulton Hill. Is .dating her friend, Miss Katie Blnns, if the avenue. Mrs. J. E. Burton has returned to, ier home In Highland Springs, after, i pleasant visit to her mother of Maddox Hill. M|u Ethel Mattie we expects to eave In s week to visit her brother >f Essex, Va. . | Concord Special to The Richmond Virginian.) CONCORD, VA, March __Mrs. ■ I J. A. Price left Tuesday for Peters ' burg. where she will spend a week •I visiting relatives. ; Miss Euia Schwartz, one of our pil ■; v*te school teachers, spent last Sot j urday and Sunday with her home ii folks at Rig Island. Mr. E. C. Cross, who was In the ' Lynchburg Sanatorium for two weeks | for treatment, returned homo last . Friday, having recovered sufficiently ■ to get about, but he Is not yet able to attend to hta duties. i Mr. and Mrs. IV. E. Price, of Roa noke, were visitors to Mr. and Mrs. • I J. A. Price Sunday last. Mrs Price ' remains the week on a visit. Mr. John Buckt r, who Is now slt j unted In Lynchburg, spent Sunday with his people near this place. Mr. W. E. Hudson was a business ! visitor in Amherst county and Lynch 1 burg Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. C. G. Hughes Is now able to 1 get about after being 111 for the past ; three weeks. Mr. J. S. Stratton returned Tues day, after a visit to his people In Kentucky. Miss Lizzie Staples was the guest of friends in Lynchburg a few days first of the week Mrs. Iona Staples, formerly of this place. Is a week-end guest of Mrs. G. D. Patterson. Mrs. Judie Pool and niece, Miss Canada, Of Lynchburg, spent Sunday last with the former's sister, Mrs. | Mandy Granada. Mr. Andy Alvls. who has been very 1 sick for the last month. Is not much better this week, and Is stUV Indoors. Mrs. Virginia Hllldrup recently re turned after visiting relatives in Lynchburg. Miss Helen Hllldrup has resumed her duty as school teacher, after a few days delay from sickness. Mr. Beverley Drinkard. of Lynch burg, spent Sunday with his people, who live near here. Church Hill Mr. Hugh Hunt, of Greensville, Is i visiting his brother, Mr. John Hunt, | of 3601 East Broad street. | Tho hospitable residence of Dr. B. ' A. Hord, corner Twenty-third and | Broad streets, will present an attrac tive scene on March 29 from 8:30 to 11 P. M. The oocaslon will be an Easter tea, given for the benefit of Arcme Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, Ho. 17. The ladles of St. James church will hold a rummage sale, commenc ing Monday, March 21. This sale is held under the auspices of ths Lad'es’ Aid and the Home Mission Societies. Rummage will be gladly received at ihe parsonage, or may be sent to Mrs. Linda Cosby's. Morgan Ji. Mills, Jr., or 2115 East Marshall street, who has been quite sick, is able to be out again. The young men of Ohurch Hill will have now a good opportunity to become slrong and muscular, for the Richmond Athletic Training School ha? opened Its doors at Marshall Hall, corner Twenty-fifth and Broad streets. Hero every branch of physical culture is taught and scores of young men and boys are availing themsslvee of the fine equipment to become profi cient in boxing, wrestling and hori zontal tar exercise. The school has able Instructors, and muoh pleasure as well as profit is anticipated. Mrs. L. A. Guy and Mrs. John Hunt, of East Broad street, aro re covering from a severe attack of the grippe. Muster Carroll WUtshlra. who re cently graduated from, toe Lynchburg High School, has been spending the week with relatives and friends on the Hill He returned home yester day morning in response to a r jle grair lrorn his .other, w|to wishes i L'arroll to join him In a tramping ax- . p edition over the mountains to fish- i ersvllip for the benefit of his health. Carroll expect* to enter the Lehigh University in September. The funeral of Mrs. Mery Elisabeth Fergusson took place from the reel denes of her daughter, Mrs. Linda Richardson, No. lot North Twenty seventh biroet, Thursday morning al ; il o'clock. Mrs. Fcrguason was well ! known on the Hill, where mort of hot ’ long life tvas spent, and the love and ! otteem in which *h-» was held wat ; evidenced by the many friends who | called to ; ay a loving tribute to the I deceased I Master Wingfield Browning, a *tu ; dent of Kandolph-Maon, spent Sun > day and Monday at 'he home of Mr. i Frank Bates, Jr., No. 2G02 Blast Broad | street The many friends of Mrs. E. S. j Mitchell will regret to hear of her 111 i ness at her home, No. 420 North ' Twenty-third street. Revival services are in progress at | Trinity Methodist church, corner ! Twentieth and Broad streets, this week. Mr. Reeves, of Washington ! Street church, Petersburg, is assist ing the pastor and is attracting fine ! congregations by his forcible sermons. ‘ Those services are tho first of a se ' ries -which will bo held In the diflfer i ent Methodist churches on the Hill. Next week tip meetings will be held at Union Station. Rumor has It that the Easter bells will be wedding bell* for a number of prominent couples of Church Hill and that the mysteries of the troua j seau is dividing time with their Len ! ten devotions. Lakeside News Mis* Lillie Nesslage was the guest of friends near lakeside Sunday. Miss Annie Curran haa been vis iting friends In the etty during the past neck. _Mias Irene Levels, of Richmond, was the guest of MIks Vtrgle Carroll during the paat week. Mr. John Hanlon, of Taylorsville, Va., has been spending the paat week as the guest of his uncle, Mr. J. T. Carroll. Mr. Louts Curran la serlousty 111 at his home on Brook road. Mr. John Carroll and nephew, of Richmond, has been visiting relatives near Lakeside during the past week. Mis* Helen Kelleher, of Richmond, was the gticrt of friends near Ladstde on Sunday last. Mr, Guy Franklin of Rln YlsUu Va., who has been ill at the Memo rial Hospital, Is able to be out again. He kas the guest of friends near Lakeside Sunday, March 6. Mr. and Mrs. Hutson Ford, former ly of Cedar Lane, have moved to Richmond, where they will make thetr future home. Mra. Williams, of Richmond, spent Sunday as the guest of Mrs. J. Briggs at Greenwood. Mrs. Hutson Ford has been vtslt tng her mother for the past rveek. Mrs. Jack Briggs, of Greenwood, has been very 111 with the grip for some time. Mrs. Jack Briggs, of Greenwood, has been very ill with the grip for some time. The Rev. Robert W. Forsyth, rec tor of St. Peul's church In Richmond, held services at Emanuel Episcopal church, near Lakeside Park, at 7; 30 Wednesday evening. Mr. L. T. Graves, of Rto Vista, Vo., who had his finger cut ofT, Is able to return to his work. Master Francis Curran, of Yellow Tavern, spent Sunday as the guest of friends In Richmond. Miss Vlrgle Carroll, of Brook Field Farm, was the guest of friend* In Richmond during the past week. i -* Barton Heights The reopening services of the Bar ton Heights Methodist church will take place to-morrow (Sunday), Ae a result of the recent and extensive repairs and remodeling of the church. In which about $4,000 were spent, the church has been made more comfor table, Is better suited for Its work and has been greatly beautified. The program Is as follows: 11 A. M., sermon by Rev. S. C. Hatcher, D. D.; 3 P. M.. addresses by ex-pas tors and others. Special music by uartet. consisting of Mrs. Walter Mercer, soprano; Mrs. Harry Night ingale, contralto; Mr. Lyon Tucker, tenor; Mr. Austin Martlnsteln. bass. 8 P. M., sermon by Rev. W. A. Chris tian, t>. D. Rev. T. M. Lemlr, pastor of tbs Presbyterian church, will preach Sun day mortjlng oh "The Relation of tbs Law to the Gospel.” At night Rev. R. K. Timmons, of the Union Theo logical Seminary, will speak on "HIa Missionary Experience In Cuba.” C. H. Parsons was married in Al liance, O.. Wednesday, and will re turn Monday with his bride. They will reside in a flat In the home of Mr. and Mrs Satterwhlte, on Bar ton avenue. Miss Marian Cook, daughter of Pro fessor W. H. Cook, was taken to the Virginia Hospital Thursday for an op eration. She has been quite ill for several days. G. S. Sangster continues 111. Rev. T. P. Scott, of the Uayne Di vinity School, Petersburg, will preach Sunday morning and night at Epip hany church. Rev. i. B. Strickler, D. D., of the Union Theological Seminary, w wil. preach and conduct the quarterly Com munlon services at the Presbyterian church the first Sunday morning In April. Mrs. Junius Talman. of Charlottes ville, Is the guest of Mrs. D. T. Tal man, on Wickham street. Mrs. Austin Martlnsteln and little son have returned home from a visit to Henderson, N. C. Dr. Carroll Davis received a tele gram Tuesday announcing the death of his mother, Mrs. J. M. Davis',' at Cartersvllle. Miss Lizzie Jackson, of Blackstone, Is visiting Mrs. C. R. Kuyk. Rev. R. H. Bowden, pastor of the Baptist church, will preach Sunday at 11 A. M. Subject, “Imitating the Love of Christ.” 8 P. M. subject, “Sowing and Reaping.” Rev. A. C. Berryman, who was quite sick during the pvt week. Is better. Pamplin City (Spoctal to The Richmond Virginian.) PAMPLIN CITY, VA„ March 12.— Mra. Mason, accompanied by her hat band, Mr. Charles L. Mason, of this place, and Miss Virginia Pugh, of Masonvllle, near here, accompanied by her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Thoma* Pugh, and her uncle, Mr. Walter 8. Pugh, are at the Vir ginia Hospital, of Richmond, under treatment of Dr. Dunn. Mr. McCann, formerly of Cleveland, Ohio, who haa purchased a farm near here, but who was unfortunate enough to break his arm recently, has gone on a visit to hU former home. . ■ Mr. Fenton, of Akron, Ohio, one of the owners of the pipe factory of this place, who haa been on a visit to Mr. W. O. Merrill, who la atlll ill it the Home and Retreat Hospital, rt Lynchburg, ls^now on a business rtsl* to our town. . ■* * Invert Your Spare 'Money Diamonds. Pays Better Than Savings Bank We are expecting another advance in Diamonds; for that reason we have just bought a large quantity of very fine Stones at a price which enables Uf to offer some special bargains this week. You are always safe in investing in Diamonds, for you can turn them into cash so easy and make a good profit, besides having the use of them. DO NOT MISS THIS CHANCE 7th and Main Streets We ike to (fee tcceab with rehUe persons SERVICES OF SPECIAL INTEREST IN THE RICHMOND CHURCHES Pillowing the usual custom of the previous years, the choir of the Holy ; Comforter church will at the 6 o'clock service on Palm Sunday afternoon, Maroh IB, render the Oratorio Olivet 1 to Calvary and the following pro gram: Processional Hymn No. 106, "Come and Mourn With Me a While”: Psalm Plain Chant No. 124,; Mag nificat Plain Chant No. 76; Peua Mis ■ eroatur Plain Chant No. 121; Hymn No. 81, "Christian, Dost Thou Sec Them"; Offertory, "There Is a Green inii far -Away," by Oliaa Gounod! Passion Musiio “Olivet to caivar'y." by J. H. Maunder; Benediction. "Lord, in This Thy Mercy’s Day"; Recessional j H.vinn No. 82. "Weary of Earth and ; leaden with My Sin." "Olivet to Calvary" deals with the j Inst few days of the Saviour's life on : earth. The soloists for the occasion are i Mrs. Powhatan Breeden, Sr., soprano; ! Mr. Joseph H. Stokes, tenor, and Mr. i C. J. Tinder, baritone. Choruses will j i-e rendered l>y the regular church j choir. Mr. Ji. C. Salnsbury la cholr ! master and organist. Will Address Men. Rev. Gerald Culberson, pastor of ; the Third Christian church, will ad dress the men's meeting Sunday af ternoon on the subject, “Things That Lose Their Taste." General Secre tary McKee will give his fourth talk on "The Btg Brother of Sabin Street" to the Boys' Sunday Afternoon Club at 2:*o o'clock. The club attendance during the poet seven weeks has aver aged over 124 boys. "The Army” and “The Xgvy." The Boys' Bible Study Club has launched a contest for club members, the boys being divided Into “The Army" and "The Navy,” with the following leaders: General, Bussell i Jones; colonel, E. Willis Woodward; I admiral, Edwin Sadtler; vice-admiral, { Reginald Potts. Special ScTTice*. Rev. Samuel C. Hatcher, pastor of Broad Street Methodist church, has been planning for several weeks for an "old-time" Methodist revival, which will basin Sunday night. A special chorus choir <£ fifty voices has been organised by Mr. John H. Johnson, director of music, and will occupy the platform In the rear of the pulpit. Theae services will be made entirely Informal and the pub lic Is Invited to co-operate. Mr. Hatcher conducts his own ser vices, as hie bean his custom In the various charges he has served. Friends of Us In this city will remem ber the successful revival at Barton Heights, which Was his first pastor ate, whan large numbers were re ceived in the church on eonveraton. The same la true of his revival ear vices while serving the churches In Norfolk, Petersburg and FarmvMle, when hundreds Were converted and joined the church. Other ggrskaa. Regular services of First Church of Christ. Scientist, will ba held Sun day morning at 11 o'clock. The sub ject of the lesson will be "Substance." Rev. D. S- Henkel will preach at 11 A. M. at the Fall-mount Christian ohurph, and Mr. Gerald Culberson will preach at • P. M. At Centsnary Methodist ohuroh the pastor, Rev. J. N. Latham. D. Dm will preach at 11 A M. and tP.ll Morning subject. ‘The Pure In Heart” Preaching at 11 A. M. and I P. M. at the Asbury M. E. church. Revival services will continue at this church through Sunday. "The Kingdom of God Is In the Midst of You” will be the subject of Rev. John L. Robertson at the First Unitarian church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock on "An Old-Time Revival.” At 8 P. M. his subject will he "Pitch ing Our Tents Towards Sodom." Be ginning next Sunday, March to. re vival services will be conducted at St James' church by Evangelist R. C. Glenn, of Greensboro, N. C. Rev. William R. Procter will preach in Trinity Methodist church Sunday at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M, Usual services will be held at Ran dolph Street Baptist churoh by the pastor. Rev. W. E. Robertson. Services will be held by the Chris tian and Missionary Alliance at the hall, No. 1 North Seventh street at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. First English Evangelical Lutheran church. J. J. Scherer, Sr., pastor; *:|0 A. M., 8unday school. At 11 A. M. the pastor will preach a special ser mon to parents Vesper, service at 8 P. M. At Immanuel Baptist ohuroh, the pastor. Rev. R. Franklin Bryan. Ph. Dm wilt preach. Horning service at 11 o'clock wm®*"*??*1*1** <*«•*■ liens of ChmllUB Conduct" At • P. H. the' second smtoob of a series os "FaSiny Uf” ^%Tdatt*eSS7»uh lect "Preperatlonfor Leaving the Pa rental Hopts. Special music at both isrvtoea * Orove Avenue Baptist churoh: at morning and evening the sum Bit w, a Jam**, Th. D. At U A. M„ subject "Realising Our Present Possessions”; at 8 P. subject, "A New Creature.** Ouce Street Baptist churobi Pleaching at U A. M. by Rev. Wil liam K. Hatcher, D. I).; subject. "The Coming Revival." At *> P. M. will occur the anniversary of the Young Men's Club. Un this occasion Or. Hatcher will deliver the address; sub* Ject. 'The Voung Man as the Body guard of the Church.''_ _ Westminster Presbyterian church. Grove avenue and him street; S«r* vices Sunday at 11 A. M and M P. M. by the pastor. Rev. James J. Fair, JX 1». Sunday school #:30 A. It. Prayee meeting Wednesday at S P. it. ltev. H. D. 0. Ifaclochlan, paster, will have as the subject of his ser mon at the U A. M service at the Seventh Street Christian church "The Foregrounds dr Life." At I P M his subject alii be "Whet Four Thousand Bible Class Men Could Do." Sunday school at •: JO A. M. Preaching at 11 A. M. and I P. M, st the Laurel Street Methodist church by the pastor, Rev. Dr. James H. Moss. Evening subject "Choosing a Profession." Evangelistic serviced wilt be ducted Sunday morning and night at the Haeker M E- church by. Rev. It. N. Hartnese. These services will con tinue through Wednesday'. Rev. Dr. Calvin % WAgJnvMl * Norfolk. a-Ui preaeh at the PfanWtert Baptist church «usday morning, afu*. noon aad night At • W. It ha Wll preach en the dletiaettve dootrlaee e? the Baptists. Regardless of Inclement weather the congregations which has* heard Dr. Blackwell kb Forty-seven baptism. have been ave been larm> received for Fulton News N>»» Items may be Ml at Nel »n'> Furniture Store, or -***—-* to MauUeon till._ Mrs. John W. Lane died veer swk denljr yesterday mornln* of heart trouble In her home on the Osborne Turnpike, Just below Fulton. She was seventy-one years of see and was born Is Riverside, N. X- The funeral will take plane from the residence Sunday afternoon. Res. V. W. Bar nmln will conduct the service*. The Interment will be In Maury Cemetery. Hyr,vr*N. Winn. of Skip with. Va, to vtotttnc bis da-uyhter, Mrs. H. 9, Jones, on Bast Dour street Mias Sadia Sato, whs has b . . Inc bar homo with Mi*- U* Jordan, Is vlaUlBf mliHm in fllpnmitir Mr. Howard Holland and Mias Lot Os V. Williams w«ra marrlsd Thurs day afternoon at I e’eteek at HI Danny street by the Raw. Mr. Bonn of the Apostolic ohursh. A rooepttsa was Undated the reuay couple after the ceremony. The Indus’ Auxiliary Society of the Methodist church will mast Monday afternoon with Mrs. Fiorsac# Warn, on Nicholson street. Tec -ay wilt bo nMsrrsd la Blah, moad asst Tuesday by team No. I of the Beamy Street Sunday school. TuUna Hive, No. it, Ladles sf the Maooaboes. will hold their nnltr is view in Notoea’a HaU Moadsy ntyht Mr, Lewie Shenberysr eontlnoss ex tremely 111 In hto home an Louisiana Rev. V. W. Bar semi n, as-bsr sf the Methodist Episcopal ohuroh. wUl KtfCUS'oJlK at ntcht .^ianwf«yr ii. i, i i. ■ ■■■»■■ »■'" Da 1 Rev. Etr.. ^ ... «? many years pastor sf preached fat Richmond Joy some time. -uuns S£ JACOB UMLAUF Bm QvMtoi ad I 70S W. Main St IkdMMIftwi nmWI. DOMkH