Newspaper Page Text
-JL* Winchester {Special to The Richmond Virginian.) WINCHESTER, VA., March II.— - Ml** Lucy Whittle returned to her horn* in Mauntoa Wednesday, after a visit to Mm. Alexander T. Jones. Mr#. Robert B. Moore, of Oalthers burgv Md., is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. C. Sheets, at her home on Market street Miss Clara Weems has gone to Bal timore. where she will spend some time with friends. Mrs. Emma Spurrier, wife of Super intendent J. E. Spurrier, of the Balti more and Ohio Railroad, la visiting in Baltimore this week. Mr. 1* H. Franks, of Richmond, eras in Winchester several days this Mias Julia Reedy Is visiting friends !n Washington, D. C. The Misses Sommervtlle, of Cal Sipar, Va., are visiting Mias Anna 8. riggs, at her home on Fattmont avenue. Mias Albina Landstreet Parkins, of Washington, is spending some time with Miss Lena Core at her home on North Washington street Miss Agnes Baxter has returned to her homo in Washington, after a visit to her aunts, the Misses Willis, at their home on Kent street Mr. H. Clay Krebs has been elected adjutant and treasurer of General Turner-Ashby Camp, Confederate Vet erans. succeeding the late Dr. P. W. Boyd, Sr. The first public debate at the State Normal School at Harrisonburg oc curred last Saturday, and one of the winners was Miss Catherine Royce, of Winchester. The first drag hunt of the Blue Ridge Hunt Club took place on Wed nesday afternoon, and the start was made from "Athlone” gate, near Boyce, at I o’clock. Quite a crowd followed the hounds. Mr. Edward B. Jacobs, master of the hunt, announces hunts for each Saturday and Wed nesday afternoon during the month. The hounds will continue to meet at Rosney. Dr. E. B. Smoke, one of the most —prominent physicians of this county and a member of the county health hoard, has rented his farms near White Hall and will move on April 1 to Martlnsburg, W. Va., much to the regret of his many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cover, Jr., of Philadelphia, who have been vis iting relatives and friends In Win chester, have returned to their home In the Qauker City. Mr. Frederick Mottle, of Cincinnati. O., who was called to Winchester by the death of hts mother, Mrs. Lucinda HotUe, has gone to Mt. Jackson. Va., to visit his sister, Mrs. Elisabeth Iiuby. Mr. Jack 8tephenson, of Alexandria, Va.. visited his mother. Mrs. Henry Stephenson, at "Kenilworth." this week. Mr. J. Few Brown, assistant cash ier of the 8henandoah Valley Na tional Bank, spent several days with Everybody Must EAT! Why not eat the best? Our bread is the most whole some that can be produced by modern methods. And our Pies, Cakes and Pastries are delicious and absolutely pure. A trial order will convince. SPECIAL: Try our Marahmallowi Sponge Cake. C. F. ROSS Sc CO. Caterer*, Confectioner* and Ice Cream Manufacturer* PeMijhrun Arfkncke, B«*e Quality $6.00 Virgaa Jbdndte, But Qopiltjr $5.75 No. 2 Nd Anthracite, $4.50 Splint Lump, Always the lowest when quality Is sommomA > Qty Coal Company, Yards la the East sad West < Bad .for eerrtaa the satire City. Southern Optical Co. wasronawtr CeeSKW* — Opdcri DmerupnM e*T,A. MIUJW P. lac-.a» now 607 relative* ul friend* la Staunton thi* week. lira Dr. W. S. Love, president of the Turner-Ash by Chapter. Daughter* of the Confederacy, 1* visiting in Washington. She will extend her visit to Hampton, Vs. Mr. and Mrs. Brneet Marshall, or Summit Point, were In Winchester this week saying goodby to their relatives and friends before leaving for Clearwater, Fla., where they will make their future home. Miss Jane Gray, daughter of Colo nel Robert I- Gray, will leave for Maurertown In a few days, where she will take part In a musicals to be given by the Church of the Brethren. Miss Gray Is the organist of Centen ary Reformed church, this city, and a performer of much ability. Scottsville (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) SCOTTBVILLB, VA.. March II.—R. I. Wade, of Richmond, was In town Thursday visiting his mother, Mrs. M. M. Blair. Mrs. D. H. Lewis, of Danville, la at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. H. Fa rear. A. G. Bell, of Altavista, spent sev eral day* with his family at “The Ter race" this week. James F. Dorrler has returned from Kentucky end West Virginia, whert ha haa been on business. F. H. Farrar, of Richmond, la vis iting his old home here. Councilman Jaokaon Beal was tn Chnriottervffl* sewm days ags. Hon. F. C. Moon, of Lynchburg, haa been at hia splendid farm, "Snowden," this week. Miss Rose Farrar, who has been quite sick. Is Improving. G. Mason Dillard, of Norfolk, was at hia homo, "Cheater," several days this week. Emporia (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) EMPORIA, VA., March 13.—Miss Ruth Rawitngs, of Brink, Is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. R. Grlsxard, of Emporia, this week. Mr. James. R. Pond, with his fam ily, has removed from Emporia to Fair Oaks, Va. Rftva. Fred G. Davis and J. W. Heckman and Measra. Gordon Vin cent and J. J. Taylor, of Emporia, attended the Methodist Missionary Institute at Lawrencevllle Wednes rt*Rev. Hugh C. Smith, pastor of the Emporia Baptist churches, haa offered his resignation, to take charge of the church in Chrlstlansburg. Our peo ple regret very much to have Mr. Smith leave our town. Mk. and Mrs C. C. Collins, of Greenegvtlle county, visited Mrs. T. H. Standll. of North Emporia, this week. - Mrs. W. J. Braswell, of Rosemary. N. C., visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Abel Green, of Skippers, this Miss Lucy R. Watkins, of Jarratt. has been vtsttlng friends In North Emporia. Misses Leila Powell and Baltic Len der. of TUlar, visited friends here this week. Harrisonburg Special to The Richmond Virginian.) HARRISONBURG. VA., March 12. Judge Haas held court at Lexington Monday for Judge Letcher, who Is spending a month In Panama. Rev. Robert Garland will begin a revival at the Baptist church to-mor row, assisted by the paster. Rev. W. Tuper Wingfield. Mrs. Kate 8. Paul hai returned from an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. Greenlee D. Letcher, Lexing ton. Ernest Golden, of Jackson. Mlsa, formerly of Richmond, Is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Golden. Vast Market street. Mrs James M. Kavanaogh has gone to Charlestown. W. Va. for a visit to her old home. The first annual public debate at the State Normal School was a great success The question, which was won by the negative debaters, was. Re solved. That membership In literary societies should be limited to fifty. The debaters on the affirmative were Miss Eva Massie, White Post. Clarke oouaty, and Miss MlUedge Moffett. Me lueses and Mias Catherine Royoe. of Winchester, and Mias Millie Die trich, of Waverly, for the negattva The Judges were Professor W. H. Keister, George N. Conrad and George a. Harneberger, MI of Harrisonburg. The attendance wee large. Prnfieeenr Jems* C. Johnston, the well known high school teacher. Is considering a flattering oOer from Ja cob Toma Institute, Port Deposit, Md. Mias Kale Koonts, Grove Hill, Page oouaty, Is the guest of Mrs. W. H. Ruebush. Dayton. Mtsashirley Manor has returned from a visit to Lynchburg. "*fifito| Ufiyy ghlokfl superintendency of the Orphans’ Home, TlmbervlUe, and left for TJntontown. Pa. Dr. J. M. Papa, of the University of Virginia, wuT make the principal > ililrnu At flit MSUBtftCf* meat la June. Rev. Dr. J. L. Murphy, who has been oondupttag a revival meeting at TtmburvlUe, hM returned to Hick ory, N. C., where he holds psmtlon as president of Claremont College. I WYTHEVILLB, VA- March I*.-— Mr. H. C. Buchanan hbe returned from Johns Hopkins Hospital in Bal timore, where he had to undergo a serious surgioal operation. Mr. Robert T. Warren leave* in a ew days to accept a position In New Mr. Walter R Poage ha* returned from a visit to Washington, D, C. Messrs John Dodgeon, Joseph Top ham and John W. Carnahan, three well known citizens of Wytheville, are venr ill. Mr. and Mra C. M. Trlnkle have re turned Worn a visit of several weeks to Thus and other Southern States. The WTthe Gray Chapter of tog ter* of toe Confederacy are perfecting plans to hold suitable ser vices on Memorial dag daoofaUng the graves of vuterana. beetowta£ orosses of honor, giving a luncheon to the old veterans etc. There were three deaths in Wythe* vllle last night—Mra Jack Davie, Mr. John Dodgeoa and "Uncle" Chaa Songea. Surry BURRY. VA., March 1*.—Dr. C. W. Aatrop attended the meeting of the Southelde Medical Society at Suffolk on Monday and Tueeday. Rev. William Turner, of Dendron, was a caller In the village on Sunday hurt. He also held servleea In the Baptist church here Sunday night. Mr. and Mra. W. Stanley Burt, of Claremont, were pleasant callers In the village recently. Mr. O. !>. Bhewmake and Miss Lou ise Bohannon were In Newport News for several days last week. Mrs. Julia Covington, of Rocky Mount, N. C.. was the guest of her sister, Mrs. M. W. Gill, recently. Master Laurie Greene visited Smith* field last week, staying with Major and Mrs. Blair Pegratn and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones. Harry Spratley. of Elberon, was In town recently In his “Red Devil" au tomobile. Mrs. Texana Channel haa returned to her horns here, after a lengthy ab sence, visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. Thomas J. Spratley waa very charming as hostess at a sociable given at the Chapter House, under ths auspices of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, Surry Chapter. Spottsylvania (•pedal to Tho Richmond Virginian.) SPOT3YLVA.N-IA. VA, March.12.— Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Etokeley Cole man entertained a number of friends at a social In their home here on Wednesday last Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Bldredge are tho guests for a week of friends In Spotsylvania county. Mr. C. A. Smith, of Fredericksburg, after a short stay at Spotsylvania, has returned home. Mr. J. M. Dulln, of Heathavllle. Va is the guest of hls friends In Spot sylvania. Mr. S. P. Powell, of Belmont, Va tavisiting gt Spotsylvania and Freder icksburg for a week. Miss Susie P. Rathbone, of Texas, Is visiting In Spotsylvania and Louisa counties for a month. Mr. William C. Howard, of Heaths vllle, Va., Is spending a week In Spot sylvania, Va. Mr. W. C. Dulln. of Manassas, Va ts sojourning In Spotsylvania county for ten days. Mrs. Luey J. Career, after visiting in Orange county for two weeks. Is at home again. Mrs. James L. Fraser, of Orange, has returned home, after a visit of ten days to friends In Spotsylvania coun ty. Gordonsville (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) GORDONSVILLE, VA., March 13.— Miss Mabel Allman, who Is teaching near Orange, spent several days this week with relatives In and near town. E. V. Breeden, of Richmond, spent several days this week at the home of Dr. John W. Scott Miss SnUth. of Waynesboro, was the guest several days this week of Miss Cornelia Sterrett Mrs. Sallle Lambert, after spending several days In Gordonsville. as the Save Money by Letting Us Dye, Clean and Renovate Your PLUMES ,, V vf: V .lew* 11 > “i **k'‘* ■»•!>.> y «t -tA*. rv M A Haul—m Willow Flume made it a very moderate price. Our Cleaning, Dyeing end Curling cannot be excelled. Out-of town trade a specialty. Feathers retail ed at wholesale prices. U1 last Brand Street (Second Floor) Children’s Shoes $1.35 FOB ALL $2.00 Values. LEHMAN'S SHOE STORE guest of Miss ZJssFe Stratton, haa re turned to Staunton. Mlsa Mary Curd was a visitor to Orange this week. Percy W. Knighton has returned to his home at Clsmont, after spending several days with his brother, Roy Knighton, who has been quite sick for some time, but who is now Improving. Charlie Sergeant has returned to his home in Rocky Mount. N. C., af ter spending several weeks with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Sergeant. Miss Cornelia Sterrett is on a visit to relatives la Waynesboro. M. Y. Swan and family have been spending the week with relatives In Culpeper. (Speolsl to The Richmond Virginian.) BUENA VISTA, VA., March 18.— One of tho most enjoyable of the In formal affairs during the Lenten sea son was a surprise party which was tendered Mra Howard Turnbower at the Maribroook on Thursday evening A number of guests wore present and the evening was Spent in playing card* and at a late hoar delightful refresh ments were served. The students from the departments cf music and elocution will give a re si tel In the Seminary auditorium on next Monday evening at $ o'clock. Professor Walts* Bradley Tripps, a member of the faculty of Emmeraon College, Boston, delivered a very «n Joyablo lecture In the auditorium at the Seminary on Tuesday evening. Mr. Joseph Slough died at hta home ir-tfatrctty s survived by several children. The three-year-old daughter of Mr. ind Mrs. Kirk Palls died at their some in this city Monday afternoon at 1 o'olock. Commonwealth's Attorney H. 8. Rucker Is spending several days In Lynchburg. City Treasurer A. O. Burks. who las been conflnaA to bis home for leveral weeks, haa no far recovered is to be able to be in h's offloe a ihort time each day. Mr. and Mra. David I. Mint chan, of Roanoke, spent several day* in the dty this week, the guest of MTV. R 8. Umholtx, having been called here >y the death of Mr. Mtnlohnn'a nother. Mr. Roy Harripon, who haa been vith the Times for several years, will eave Sunday for Bluefield, W. Va., .vhere he will be nonnested with the ■trculatlon department of the Blue leld Evening Leader. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Showalter left Sunday for Wsst Brownsville. Pa, vhere. on April 1, Mr. Showalter will >pen a wholesale grocery store. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wright, Mr. and drs. R. A. He Priest, Mr. H. B. Gronl tan and Miss Ellen Cameron spent Sunday at Natural Bridge. Muss Anne Smith Is the guest of dise Miriam Umholts. Mr. W. T. Paxton ts spending sev eral days In Richmond. Mrs. J. K. Stratton Is spending sev eral days In Staunton and Churchvllla. Mr. Howard Amole. of Clifton 1'oTgf>. spent Friday with his father, dr. T. F. Amole. WARRENTON WARRENTON, March 11.—Dr. C. H. Fair, who haa been very 111 with pneu monia. will leave shortly tor Aiken, H. C. Mrs, W. H. Asshelton la already there, and Mrs. 8. W. Maples and son Edward will leave In a tew days tor ^*'Cno*e sSrUffl Evans have recently reclved appoint ments from Governor Mann as Notary Publics for the county at Fauquier, Mr. Acquilla smith, an old Warren ton boy, la visiting relatives for sev eral days. _ Messrs. J. A. C. Keith and Judge C. M. White spent several days this week in Richmond. Va Mr. T. & Vance, Whe Is well remem bered In Warenton, was Inhered In Warrenton was In town this week. Mrs. Hannibal Williams In Shakes peare’s “A Winter’s Tale" was greetsd by a small but enthusiastic audience at the town hall on Tuesday night Mra Williams Is an artist in ths line and the house should have been crowd ed. The proceed* whtoh were Very small were tor the beaeAt at the War renton Fire Company, a cause very raw? ter the recent conflsgratlen whoa *e many homes and properly were saved by tne assistance of this body U eitl sens, they need our call when we make It known, and we regret exceedingly that more did not heed their call when it fii mini A few nights ago Mr. O. W. Hurst, while eating oysters at Hay's restu rant, found a pearl of Owes else In one »t them. Mr. Hurst, who fa a Jeweler, considers the gem very valuable and has sent It on to have It weighed and ^MUe Mary Sowers and Miss Ida Bvana. entertained In % very email way »n Tudhday and Wed need ey of this ■reek in honor of Mlse Manoy Jones, the guest at Mies Josephine Brodus. Mr. A. D. Kelley. R. R. Bo tele r and W. F. Hemp, of Remington, were vis itors to Warenton this week. and to aoeept a position there. to Florida Mr, John Payhe is spending a vena tion in Warrenton. Mrs. Fanny Britten hi visiting at Mrs. 1. A. C Keith’s after a Visit to Bal timore. Miss Louise Evans spent several days la Washington last week. Prof J. D. Harris left ea Saturday tor Ebony, Va., after a visit of several lays In Warenton. Mrs Everett Brown, ft Opal Va. vis ited friends la town tala week. tSpecial to The Richmond Virginian.; WILLIAMSBURG, VA., March 12. —Miae Hayes, of Chang City, and Mian Florence Bolt, of Newport News, have been guests of Mrs. 131 N. Phillips this week. , Miss Edna Arnold, of Prince George lounty, who has besh visiting Mrs. John Kin* for several weeks, leu Wednesday for Fredericksburg, where ihe will spend a few days before re turning home. Dr. and Mra W. F. Casey, of New port News, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mra C. J. Prunes Miss Condit has returned to her home In New York, after a pleasant visit of several weeks hero. Mr. and Mra Archie Brooks are visiting relatives in Richmond Manchester. Miss Elisabeth Maoos Is the guest it Miss Mary Wilcox in Norfolk. Mra E. B. Lindsay and Miss Lind' ■ay, of Norfolk, an guests of Mist Geneva Mullen. Mra Skinner, of Norfolk, is visit ing her parent* Mr. and Mra John I. Charlea Richmond. Dr. RoUhrt W. Bardweli. of Peters burg, rector of St Paul's church, wiit preach the baccalaureate senasa at William sad Mary oa June I. Radford RADFORD, VA-. March 12.—On Wednesday afternoon In the home of Xta It. It. Gordon the ▲. T. C. and Mualo Clubs of Radford were entertained by Mra Janies Baird and Mrs. Gordon la honor of Mias Southall and Mrs. Frank Langley. An olc faahloned "spelling bee," oonductea by Mra W. B. Futjua, afforded nluch merriment to the occasion. A copy of Emerson's poems was awarded to the best speller. Dainty and deli cious refreshments were served by the hostesses, assisted by Misses Har vey and Trollnger. Mias Mackte Trlglea presedlde at the coffee table. The woman’s Missionary Society of the Lutheran church will close their special cervices with a sermon on aniasion work next Sunday morning at 11:IS, and a special offering tor missions. Miss Gillie Gibson has returned home, after spending the winter in Btuefleld with her sister, Mrs. C. A. Bane. Miss Males Bullard Is quite sick. Professor Anderson returned Mon dag night from a visit to relatives in Howardsvllle, on the Jamea Mr. W. H. Towney, of the Roa noke Times, was la town Monday. Dr. R. H. Cowan Is seriously ill at the West End hotel. Dr. Fuqua Tues day called la Dr. Gale, of Norfolk, In consultation, and a nurse was called from Washington. D. O. The ball players and quoit throws** are again seen on the green. Mra L. O. Bullard and daughter, Mr. and Mrq. George Albert C#ough, of Brookline, Mads., have issued Invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Pamellto Morrell, to Mr. Maurloe Lnolan Bullard, on Thursday, March 24. Abingdon (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) ABINGDON, VA_ March 12,—Rev, William Crowe returned this week. He ^eld a tea days' meeting at Mid dlebero, Ky., after which he visited relatives at Frankfort and at Green ville, Mlsa * Mra W. E. Wingea has gone to Washington for a short visit. Rev. W. B. Gray, of Greenville. Mlsa, left for his home Thursday, after several days' visit to Rev. Wil liam Crowe. He was accompanied by William Crowe, Jr., who goes to visit hts grandmother at ths home of her daughter, Mra William Bull. Miss Louise Walker, of the Abing don public school, spent the week end with her sister at Bethel, Va Mr. and Mrs. Garnett Jenkins have recentl ymoved here from Roanoke, Mr. Jenkins taking the place In the Internal office, left vacant by Mr. Herndon's continued Illness. Mra Conley Trigg left Thursday for Baltimore, to be gone several daya Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Searles, of Bris tol, are visiting their daughter. Miss Vesta Searles, at S. J. Institute sev eral days this week. Mra Leon Palmer has Just returned from a visit to Bedford City. Mra Walter Scott entertained on Friday afternoon last in compliment to her house guests, Mias Busts Brown, of Bristol, and Mary Bell, of Pulaski. The Literary Society of the Abing don High School met on Friday night with Professor and Mra R. T. Ste phenson. The officers are: President Miss Bernice Childers; Vice-President, Miss Lula Keller; Secretary and Treasurer. Mrs. Stephenson; Critic. Professor Stephenson, A most Inter esting program was rendered, after which the social hour was much en joyed. Suffolk (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) SUFFOLK, VA.. March 11*—One of the prettiest affairs of the wee* was the 5 o'clock tea given on Thurs day afternoon by Mlsa Theresa Nur ney la honor of her houso guest. Miss Helen Btlener, of Montgomery, Ala. Mlas Nurney were an aftraottva mm ef bine breadcleth and Mias BOerUer's gown was «f 4nMM ■atin. Mra Thomas A. Smythe, ef Rich mond, poured tea. The Sans Souoe Circle sad the Booh Club memfbers were delightfully en tertained an Wednesday afternoon by Misses Doha and Louise Britt. Mian 'Allle gfoQulre was haste— »a Wednesday afternoon to the mem bers of her Book Club. The Literary dob met on Thurs day with Mrs. F. A. Holloday and a most enjoyable afternoon was neat. Mra Thomas A. Smyth a, ef Rich mond, Is spending aororal days to town with her parent* Mr. and Mrs. Cl. W. Nurney. Mm C. O. Harrell has returned tromi m stay pt several breaks In Ocalo, Fla., as the guest of bar ste ter, Mrs. Clarenoo Camp. Mm John King has as bar bouso ruests Misses Fat Morgan and Mollis rhaw, of North Carolina. Dr. m. R. Hart has returned frecn i brief stay In Plneburst, N. C. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) WBST POINT. VA., Maroh 1*.— Farmers and truckers In this section are hearing the commissioner of ag riculture, Mr. Kolaer. Profs Halves and Johnson, of the Agricultural Ex periment Station. Owing to a eon fusion of dates, the crowd Is not so large aa heped and expected. The party held a meeting at Lester Manor and Tunstall yesterday. Mr. James O’Connor and little grandson. Thomas Fumphrey, attend ed the golden Jubilee In Whshlngton, D. C., this week, given In honor of Mr. O’Conner's cousin. Slater Catha rine Bhonghncph. who has spent It years In a convent In that aity. Mr. J. M. McAllister, engineer on the Tork River division of the South ern railroad, after aa Illness of sev eral weeks is convalesolag. Mr. Harvey Brooks, West Point's professional baseball artist, who sign ed a contract.wlth the Richmond team of the State League for the coming season, will leave shortly for prao tics. Messrs. R. Bruce Ware and R. H. Major have been appointed census enumerators for the West Point dis trict, and A. Julia* Ragby for West Point township. Mm Charles Tasger. of Staunton, who spent the winter with her pa rent* Dr. and Mrs. William C. Nunn, her* returned to Staunton on Tuee Mary Denmead has returned from a visit to friends In Richmond. Rsr*. T. 4- Rail completed the flrst rear of hte paswrau with the Bap-j tint church on Sunday, when ha % Sag gad moat appropriate txhifii . J. sermon to ft larga congregation. The members and congregation later In the week replenished the pantry with many creature comforts. Rev. Mr. Holsllp, formerly of Stu art, Va., has accepted the charge of Hermitage and Olivet Baptist churches, and preached his first ser mon as pastor at Ollvat church last Sunday. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) LEESBURG, VA., March 12.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Powell, who have been spending some time In Leesburg, left last woek for a visit to relatives In Staunton, Va. Mr. Arthur M. Chichester, Jr., of near Leesburg, is visiting relatives In Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Charles W. Goldsborough has returned from a visit to relatives In Lexington, Luray, Culpeper and Washington, D, C. Mr. Henry Fairfax has returned for a short visit to his farm. Oak Hill. Mr. Fairfax and family are spending a month with relatives In Richmond. Mr. Edward B. Harrison, after an extended visit to his sisters, Misses Maria and Alice Harrison, of this town, has returned to his home In Cbleman, Texas. Mrs. William 8. Granmer was the recent guest of relatives In Baltimore, Md. Mr. W. Preston Gibson, of Alexan dria, spent the week end at the home rof Mr. and Mia. W. H. Wise. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Gibson, who has been visiting In town. Mias Hazel Whits Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Gold, of Wilson, N. C. Mrs. Stuart Tschlffely and little son, of Washington, has been spending some time at the home of her sister, l Mrs. Karl Hickman. Mr. Yardloy T. Brown, of Philadel phia. has been visiting relatives In Puroellvllle, this county. Bowling Green (Special to The Hlchmond Virginian.) BOWLING GREEN, VA.. March 12. At the regular monthly meeting of the Bowling Green Chapter, U. D. C., * which wag held Wednesday, it waa de cided to send the annual box of pro visions to the Home for Needy Con ! federate Women In Richmond some time within the next week. All con tributions will be gladly received Monday or Tuesday at the home of Mrs. W. L. Broaddua Mrs. D. W. Scott and children, of Fredericksburg, Va., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Collins. The entertainment given in Bul lard's Hall Friday evening for the benefit of the Bowling Green public school was a great success. The sum of $43 was realised. Mrs. Reuben Coble, of Lykena, Pa., is the guest of Mts. W. Russell Broad dus In West End. Dr. and Mrs. Jldwln P. Wright and daughter, of Richmond, Va.. are vis iting Mrs. Wright's sister, Mrs. Wtl 111am G. Coghlll, on Milford street. Samuel Wittenmeyer, representing the 'Wittenmeyer Lumber Company, of Harrisburg, Pa., was In Bowling Green this week buying lumber. Connection between the long dis tance telephone and the Caroline county telephone has been made. This progressive step taken by the local telephone company will.prove of great convenience to Its patrons. The pubno school of Bowling Green has been the happy recipient of a school globe, the gift of Mrs. William E. Ennis. They# wRl he a meeting of great Importance to the members of the Methodist church of Bowling Green Tuesday, March IS. at 7:30 P. M„ In the Lawn Hotel. Cottonseed Meal Bread. A Vicksburg correspondent at the New Orleans Times-Democrat says bread made of cottonseed meal Is one of the unusual things which was seen exhibited there In a local hotel, the specimen having been Qgnt by a Texas cottonseed oil mill man, who says the bread Is to ho used extensively in his State The tarts of the stair is as ped ss a pleoo of Photographer* Talk of making tho trusts obey the law sounds strangely familiar, what ws should like to see Is a picture of some of them doing tt—Atlanta Con stitution. Stevensville. (Special to Tha Rliiliiwl Tt 8TEWART8VILLB, VA, II —Mr. Charlie Spradlin, of flpi Mo., la the guest of hla pan and Mra w. B. Spradlin. Mr. Arch Franklin ban home, after a three weekF relatives In Texas. Mlaa Teresa Dooley, of the Business College, spent Sptni Sunday last with her parents, Mr. ai Mrs. 6am Dooley. She whs MM panted to Roanoke Monday by 1 sisters, Misses Minnie and A Die Da ley. Mrs. M. Farley, who has bees Ml Is Improving. Miss Ethel Wright is very mash I disposed at her home hero. Mlaa Isabel Beard Is visiting gal tlves In Roanoke this week. Mr. W. R. Johnson, who has be very much Indisposed, is improving. Master Glenn Franklin, who ■ been sick, is abls to resums his WS st school. Mrs. J. Doaring has returned hoa after an extended visit to folattvsg Thaxton. Mr. Emory Cundllf, of Altavista, expected here this week to visit TCi lives. Mr. John Betties, who boo bs serving In the standing army the pi nine years, arrived hero last wafc from New York, and is visiting big parents. Mr. and Mra Frank Settle* An enjoyable quilting was held st Saturday afternoon. “.as r. .irS5 (Special to The Richmond KING WILLIAM, VA.. March llr-J Messrs. Garrle Thompson and BdwsM Moseley, of Lester Manor, spent «M past week at Mr. Moseley's boas ■ Powhatan county. Walter Johnson b Fort Norfolk, hfter h visit parents at Lester Manor. Miss Elisabeth Smith ' ed to "Mt Hope,” after visit at the horns of My. Pemberton Johnson. Mrs. Croxton, wife of Dr. W. % Croxton, of Wakens, has rata mod to "Top Hill," after a vbdt to hsg parents, Mr. and Mra. L XX IsMm son. of “Springfield.” Mra George Corr Bland wag thg recent guest of her sister, Mra 9k Jn» Jackson, of Lester Manor. Miss Mary Robinson mods a Mg to Richmond Saturday. Mra J. a Neals and ohlidre*. W Chesterfield county, sou on a visit to Mr. and Mra W. T. Neals, of 7 ville. Mr. and Mra Goorgs __ _ Burke, of Rumford, wears guests Richmond during the past wsek. Mra Wood, who teschss * ford, la ill. Mra B. H. Brown, of “Rhoda Kb* and.” had as her guests during past several weeks her mother sister, Mra Lacy and Mias of Falla 3 BLACKSBURG. TA_ stitute German Club ister dances Monday ening. Maroh 21 and ! dies trod all parte of rmer members St tbs eted to be present. — _ Prof, a W. Walker left Thursday spend several months,. “ u an ter, he ville. ’oojSFS regain his health „ two moatha — accompanied by hla VI ugh ter, Miss Lily Wnlheeu rmer commandant of the \ 1 w stationed at Fast Meruft M ng Dr. end Mra CL W. s. J. B. A Johnson wilt Mra Jamersoa's honor Mr. and Mra D. H. Keister >ved Into the house built the Frith Addition by J. X. e Keister home bee been l Professor SL A Smyth* of YUs rSftifi* Bgtw is -T. Vaw»“ Professor C. several wear w York. (Isa Crawford, aidant Barrtagor, I at bar home in with ’• ill ' ■ i A Growing Business In a Growing City Cannot serve its customers with one Bell Telephone, yet hundreds of subscribers think they are “saving" in this way. They are losing by “saving." your telephone facilities should be ahead of, not behind, the requirements of yonr business. While one customer is ordering on the telephone others may be trying to reach you, only to get the “Busy” report* Consulting us does not obligate you In any manner, and we will be glad to show you what you require. Can Contract Department Southern BellTeL aadTeL of Virginia.