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editor of the Rich* Virginian will be glad to re* racial Items and personals, any he sent by mail M en< With the name and address contributor, or may be to Madison 1923. The many FUohm^riil friends of Mr.* Graeme Harvey, formerly o ■nd. but now of Washington, 1> will be Interest! d to know tha is as closely Identified with th< side work of the taller city at #* was In her home town when 11\ hero At the performs me of Mi«i la Aller. tn the 'White Sister" ai Be la see Monday evening, April 4 the benefit of the Sister of Mercy Of St. Catherine's, a number of the jiaoat prominent m>'n and women c>1 ;Washington, have consented to act at g»afroni and patronesses, snd will oc I'‘tbopy seats. Following is a list of §|gi|l»*«. Baron and Baroness ion Hen by gehnnltei. Mme. Jusserand, the Ger 1 man ambassador and Countess von s^iMrotterS’ the Onish minister and |;dodntess Moltko, Mme. Chang. Mme. '• Pantton. l‘i»stma«ter*Oetyersl llit.h g,;.; cock, Mr and Mrs. Perry Belmont, jf-llawaral and Mrs Story. Mr, and Mrs | Oarence Moore. Mrs Lyman Tiffany. |/“Mrs. Stanley Matthews. Mr. and Mrs Pjjfcobert Roosevelt, Senator and Mrs. f'.’rSitoma* Carter. Senator and Mrs Chaumey Dope tv. Senator and Mrs f Clark. Senator and Mrs Guggenheim. H Senator end Mrs. Bankhead. Repre j, tentative end Mrs Alexandei. . listin' and Mrs SfcKenun. Justice and Mrs I'yi ilattill til M ..... ,U-|.|—* TTTT** Mr* -l-dts j? (feraid. Representative Joseph C. J jftatnsdell. Mrs Hunt Slater. Mrs lexartder Botkin, Mrs J. J Walsh r» Theodore Wassrehmh, Mrs Nel n H Horton, Alt- Hubert J Wynne, r*. W G, Harvey. Mrs. J| ft. Rec ide, Mrs Annie Murphy. Mrs. J kin flttdsby, Mrs. Martin, Mr. and is Murphy. Mr and Mrs. Edson radifs. Mi Utffnid Pine hot. Mir Clevi lanu Piikin*. Mi?. John ilen bjson. Mrs Thomm t'hatard, Mr* <itli"iul Vtindei grin, Mr. and Mr: ilhris Heuriih, Mr J H. Cranford I. and Ml. Hally. Mts Wallace, Ki®ltS. M W Balentlno, Mrs. John 1! HgyiiHains. Mr. John B. Henderson. Mrs. Spencer. Mrs. Mutiny Cobb. Mrs y "Thomas Gaff. Mioses Kyan. judgi : and Mts. He Ha' y. Prof ttnd Mrs Em plops Mi*. Htllson Huti ulna, Mrs £iS Stories Vuolhis. Mrs lUMUiall Han per Mis. Edward 1 Uualtrough. Heat f tdmiinl and Mrs X K Mason, Mr : tad Mr*. Stuart Mi Natntra. Mr. and |i Ifya Charles !\ Neill, Mrs. Eugene b Carnal. Mr Ciantxi He Knight. Mi r-^fuM Mr*. Edwin c Brandenburg, Mr 4 Mrs George Hamilton, Air. Nor lfestor. Mr John Barrett. Mr nd Mrs Hi chard Ely, Mr. Perkin*. J. H. Edmonds. Mayor and Mrs titt, Urn era! and Mrs Anson ila. Captain and ilrs Graves, Corn - odore and Mrs. (Juartler. Command ; jpr and Mrs. \V. M Irwin and Mr* I> 1>. McCartney. To Hear "Pa<"*lfnl." IS Mr, and Mi- Waiter oci it Cop-land i pill spend i.aii.r in .New York, going there to attend tin i penis, the bet i *f which an rim i. .it that season. ...They go especially tv hear "Parsifal gt the Metropolitan upn* livuiu on . itood J nday night Mrs. Copeland's ^thi musieal talent is well known to i Richmonders, as she has frequently Mdefighted her trtends by her musle. having play ed at the Woman s Club a number of times. Major Hemphill at the Wiwnrui « Club. Major Hemphill spoke to a largi audience at the Womna’s Club Mon day afternoon on thi Press." a sub* Rx t with which hiyi* th roughly f«mt |KKifmrg r.; ch an canor for yen Mrs Thomas Cary Johnson introduced Major Hemphill tn a charming little speech Major Hemphill spoke humorously «f the various phases of the press. It# requirements, the ridiculous .••• SSSlrranees lip (dent to an editor s lift the mission of this mtgniy bgWHltrter of public opinion, honest1. davyitiin to the min and fearless* , -Mat* are. he said, the first require ment* of a suctiB.-ful Journalist who. besides hi? other numeorti* edwties must beep in the good gra c* of those "old Mills, ribnrs" who are Athray* pleading for favors In runelMinn. Major Hemphill (Etiihmed up the mission of the press as the struggle to preserve that i.vpi of Southern gentleman of thi "good old days while at the same tlmi TwaUjdng with Impartiality the time aid adage "Many men. many minds Mr* Moser P Hog, was thalrmtm Ilf the afternoon and Mrs. T Cary #**hn*on and Mrs. William G Stanurd were hostesses. Mrs Alfred Wither ppoon. Mrs George Wavn. son and Mr* George Alnsiie *m Bril coffee. Bate For Wedding. Thursday April ' i» the date si t tw the wedding if Miss- Matilda \V.»! Iter Rowell, daught> r of Mr and Mrs William M Powell, of Emporia, V.i . •nd Mr Walter Turnbull, of . fneeviHc. Ilf. Metcalf to l*a*turi'. f>tt Thurrday evening at g o'clock Bf. J. c. Metcalf will lecture ai the V W < . A . 701* East franklin sire. * on "The Ufe and Works of Mrs Browning " Mi** Turnesl Compllcnontcd. Mrs. M \ Turner will give an at tractive card party on Friday April An lct - poti red *9" Your Corset Day at Our Store The New Figure, Elongated Waist, Curved and Defined, Hips Curving, Too. Fashionable Figures Are Not Made by Chance But by Careful Corseting. Various Styles for Various Figures Need A Model to Fit Every Type of Form Mrs. A. J. Pyle 315 North Figth Street. II. In her apartments in the Italolg’n, In honor of her guest, Miss Mamin [ Turner, of Newport News. Mlw Tnjrlar ai V. \V. <'. |A. Miss An*v - Manning Taylor w ill conduct one of h.-r Hible classes Tues day evening. March 21’. at the Young Woman s Christian Association. Urilll.ini Reception. I is honor of Mrs ,1 T. Ooolrlck, of Fredericksburg. Va , who will be her house guest, "Mrs William Al lred Crenshaw, of 21111 West Grace street, will be'hostess at a beautiful reception on Friday. April 1. from 5 to 7 o'clock. Attractive Tea Hoorn. As the tea room in the Jefferson has been such an attractive' rendes vous for society during lent will close on Saturday afternoon, merry litlle parties will occupy the dain 111 y decorated taTdes ea*'h afternoon this week Misses Maud Morgan, l.'ar oline Retinoids, I’usle Meredith and .Mrs I>a\id l.eake will be on duty Wednesday afternoon to serve the guests with a "cup o’ tea.” engagement Announced. Captain and Mrs Alfred M. Rey nolds, l lilted State# Navy, announced the engagement of their daughter Ethel Harbour, to .Mr William Tal bott Truxtum The date tor the wed ding has not yet been fixed. Y. W. C. A. IntcrUilnincnt. An entertainment. "The Deestflck rikule," will be given at the Masonic T.-tnple April S by the Violet Club of the V. W. C A for the benefit of the Country Club of the A W, C, a IVnonab. Miss Mary Jones has returned to Richmond, after a visit to Mrs. J D NoeII In Winston-Salem, N. C Mrs T X Haas and daughter. Miss H Margaret Kogan, have returned to arrlMfitainK, after » »Wt to friends hero ud la Bynchbur*. _ * • • _,___ Mtoo Horten*.- Cosby hne returned to Richmond, otter a visit to friends In Blackotone. Mr*. William Daniel has gone to Fredericksburg to attend some tlmo j before returning to her home here. • . . Mr. and Mrs. James MeponaM, of Richmond, are guests of the former's sl«ter. Miss Mary McDonald, at Ir vin rt on. Miss Ooldlo Claire Goddin. of Roa noke, Is the truest of Mrs. Dawson Cooke here. *» * * Mrs. M K. Burgess and Mrs. James ft Hotmafc Jr., of New Tork. ere guests of Mm M. B. Rtiwx, *0* North Perk street __ _ • • • Mr. end Mrs. C. R. Williams have returned to Koanokc, after e vtelt J here. • • • MIbs Mary Thompson has returned to Fredericksburg. • • • Miss Clara Spillman, of "arrenton. is the guest of Mrs. David Dee. * * • Mrs. John U. Armistoml, of Norfolk, | Is here on a visit to her parents, Mr. i and Mrs. T. Csteahy Jonea. * • » Miss Marj- Crump is the guest of Mrs. John Aldridge Gibson at her j home in Leesburg. Va. MAY LOOK INTO KIOSK AND READ WEATHER i Work on This Sub-Weather Bu reau to be Located in Capitol Square Soon to Begin. Work of erecting a kiosk, or sub weather bureau, In the Capita] grounds, directly went of the Wash ington statue and near the Ninth ami Capitol walkway, will begin within the next two or three weeks. Section Director Filward Evans, In charge of the Virginia weather shop, heid Monday thst he would call for bldr on the stone and granolithic work on the miniature house In a da> or two. The bidders will estimate their charge for erecting a house, not mrrh larger than a telephone booth, but solid and substantial and capable of withstanding the winds and weather of time. The kiosk will ha fitted -~nrr tcrm~ TTrprmdtnrtrnr.-" htrHrm"Trr»r wind recording Instruments, weather maps and i harts. And a hydrometer, which will be equipped with an inken noodle. This needle will record the temperature of every hour on a piece of prepared paper revolving on a roll, making it possible for the curious person to peer Into the kiosk at mid night and ascertain what *he tem perature was twenty-four hours pre viously. and the Increases or de rrases in the temperature during the day -All these Instruments will be shipped to Richmond from the Wea ther Bureau nt Washington before the ond of the present month. With this kiosk In her Capitol Square, Richmond will be on a par, woatherly speaking, with New Vork. Chicago, Washington and other large cities. MEN ADDRESSED ON MISSION MOVEMENT Mr. K. C, Massive of Richmond Talks Before Men's Club in Fredericksburg. ■Special lo The Richmond Virginian.) FREDERICKSBURG. VA.. March Mr. Eugene C. Mas*!-, of Rich mond, Rddrussod the Men's Club of St. 'leorge's church Sunday afternoon on the Laymen's Missionary Movement. Mr. Mussie gave a history of the move ment from its inception and told of the enthusiasm and Interest aroused hv the toymen of all denominations throughout the country. He apoke particularly of the Interest shown by the people of his own denomination In j Richmond and the effort made to in 1 crease the money contributions. Misses Annie Iconise Reinhardt and | Myrtle S. Hertford, of Richmond, have returned home, after spending a few days with Mr. J. 1*. Rowe and family. The annual Inter-class contests of Fredericksburg College were held In the college hall Saturday night. Mr. J. F. presiding. The first contest comprised instrumental' solo* by rep resentatives of each of the four college classes Sir. C. B. Saunders, of the i Junior daw , won first prise, and Ml#* i Annie E. Fulton, of the senior class, .second price, in the Inter-class debate Mr. P. G. Thompson, of the junior i (•leas, won. with Mr. G. D Rowe, of the senior class, second. The recitation contest was won by Miss Janie V. Hlshop, of the senior class, with Miss ‘ Mar Fulton, of the sophomore class, ! ! second. BROWNSVILLE CASE APPROACHING CLOSE1 WASHINGTON, March 22.—The de cision of the Brownsville court of in quiry which has been Kittina here for several months is believed to have bean clinched to-day by the testimony of the three company commanders that rnlfisIUK ammunition In the hand* of tho men could not be accounted for. The lAHt evidence was taken by the court to-day. It was the deposition of Thomas Hill, of Wyoming, who teeti fled that he knew one of the colored soldiers since killed, who said that tho j companies shot up the town from the ; barracks and reservation. It is a foregone conclusion that the court will make a report adverse to thet reinstatement of the men, and confirm - | ins the assumption of President Roose velt who ordered the dismissal of the} j roops. MAKES PITIFUL PLEA Daughter of Mrs. Saylor Issues Statement Declaring Faith in Latter’s Innocence | AVATSEKA, II-H, March 22.—'The If-1 dlous efforts to fill the four vacant neats In the jury box were continued when the Sayler-MUler murder trials «!■--< re-umed here to-day. Thirty ve- ' i nlremen appeared In court In response' to the summons of Judge Isbell. Molt of them arc professional men and both sides erpect to complete the Jury be- j fore night It 1* said the defense In- I tends to tile a motion to quash tlie-ln . diet menu, ns;, Inst —Mis. Euey- dayler aud John Grndeu. on the ground that there is not sufficient evidence to prove ! anything against them Snrh a motion; ■ if granted would leave Dr. Miller to : fight the bsttle alone Goldy Sayler, daughter of J. B. 8ay ler, the slain hanker, Issued an appeal j to the people of IUtnols to-day In which | she said ■■Everything tells me that poor little mother Is Innocent. I lie awake at! night with my handa clenched until the' nails cut deep, trying not to scream, for ! at night when the lights are out I re- ; allxe that 1 am alone In the world. 1 have no one to turn t<>. My father la dead and 1 can not be with my mother. } "May you never know such loneliness, j I fell T may without offense aak sym pathy of those who love their fathers i ! and mothers.” TRAINMEN VOTING ON GENERAL STRIKE! Monster Walkout Probable Fal lowing Difficulties With N. Y., N. H. and H. Railroad NEW HAVES’, CONN. March 22.— The counting of the ballots sent out last week to the Brotherhood of Rail- . way Trainmen and the Order of Rail- j way Conductors employed on the New ! York, New Haven and Hartford rnll- ! road, to decide on the calling of a 1 general strike, following the refusal of the road to accede to wage demanda, ; was begun this n/ternoon The vote will probably he counted late this evening and the result an- ! nounced to-morrow morning. It Is un derstood that between !>5 and 97 per cent, of the road's employees have vot ed in favor of striking. PACKERS INDICTED: DISSOLUTION ASKED Chicago Grand Jury Finds True Hills in Restraint of Trade _Charges. CHICAGO, March 32.—Indictments: chaining the National Packing Com pany and subsidiary companies with operating a combination. In restraint of trade wore 'returned to-day by the' Federal grand Jury shortly after noon to-day. No indictments against Indi viduals were returned, .simultaneously the government died n bill in chancery In the United States Circuit Court asking for the dtesolu- ; tlon of the National racking Company. The dissolution bill Is sweeping In its character. In It iho governments charge Is that the National Packing Company Is the Instrumentality through which the Mg packers evade j the anti-trust law URGES ADOPTION OF RAILROAD BILL Senator Elkins Makes Strong Plea For Passage of Meas * ure. WASHINGTON. March 22.—When! the administration railroad bill was I laid before the Senate to-day, Chair man Elkins (Republican, W. Va.). of the Senate committee that reported the measure, urged it* adoptton. He also replied to the criticisms of Sen ator Gummlns (Republican. Iowa) on the bill. He said that the purpose in estab- 1 The Woman’s Shop Second Floor—417 East Broad Street. An Unrivalled Display of Latest Spring Styles in Fine Tailored Suits For Ladies and Misses. A comprehensive showing of the newest ideas and latest styles in Women’s and Misses’ New Spring Suits. Our display is of a greater variety than ever before. These are the most desirable novelties, being made to our exclusive order. Be here early and choose the fol lowing: 100 WOMEN’S CO AT SUITS, inLTuek and colors, and worth $29.00. $ 15.00 100 WOMEN’S COAT SUITS, black and colors, worth $30.00. $ 19.95 100 WOMEN’S COAT SUITS, black and colors, and worth $40.00. $29.75 I 100 WOMEN’S COAT SUITS, black and colors, and worth $25.00. $18.75 100 WOMEN’S COAT SUITS, black und colors, worth $35.00. in ti ll $25.00 We have a beautiful stock of Waists and Petticoats at low prices—$/ .50 to $15.00. We can sell cheaper the same quality suits than any dealer on Broad street for the simple reason that we are located on the second floor and our rent is about one half that of any other dealer. ng a court of commerce wu to ex pedite the hearing of cases, pro vent lei ay and hasten the observance of orders of the Interstate Commorre tommlsslon. The court had the same urisdletlon aa Federal courts, Mr. Kl tins contended. The Senator then pok up each section of the bill. In Ictall explaining Its provisions and mtiwering criticisms. His speech was ■ccelved with close sttenlton. BILL TO PENSION PRESIDENTS’ WIDOWS WASHIUrtTON, March 22—Pen ilons for Presidents and their widows vill soon loom up as an issue In the ! Senate. Bills to pension Mary I.ord Harrl- j •on and France* F. Cleveland, wid ows of President*, at *6,000 a year were favored by a majority of tha pension committee to-day, and will be .recommended for paaaafte. A. minori ty of the committee. Including Chair man Met'umber (republican, Xorth Dakota), Mr. Curtis (republican, Kan sas) and Mr. (.ore (democrat, Okla homa). opposed the Mila on the ground that Mr*. Harrison and Mrs. Cleveland did not need the money. They will present a minority report. A bill by (Senator McCumber to pension Presidents out of office as oommandcr»-ln-chlef of the army and navy at *10,000 and to pay their widows during widowhood *5,000 a year will also go to the Senate With two conlllcting reports, the majority being In opposition. | ITALIAN CABINET RESIGNS IN BODY ROME. March SI.—The cabinet, head* i'<l by Premier Sonntmo, resinned IT* day. The reuse was a realisation tMl the srovernment'* naval program which provided eubsldles to the mercantile marine, was doomed to defeat In the Chamber of Deputies. The plan pro vided for a $4,000,000 subsidy to aid Canadian shipping. 1 NO ACTION TAKEN ON HOCKEFKI.I.ER FLAN. WASHINGTON, March II—No mo tion was taken on the bill to Ineorpor ! ate the Rockefeller foundation when It wae reached on the Senate calendar to ! day. At the request of Mr. Herburn, the i hill went over. 4/* PORtOPfNF uso&e *TW£ MV3TERIOO & €r£R> ppONV ST. JLOOO PAT fbvtE'RS AX-OHCr ?£ACOCfc AILEV. ROGER. bresnaham THE toutdg Detect i uG • 8ROWIHBR f > TH&A.’ T7M TAWPOH *** *-^4 CFiftROOKAV*/*