Newspaper Page Text
BT THEIR VICTIM Winston-Salem Merchant Shoots One and Knocks Other Down. FOUGHT IN THE DARK Both Thieves Captured—Believed Perpetrators of Many Prev ious Robberies. (Special to The Richmond V(jglnlan.) WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., March 22.—Two negro burglars were put to rout here yesterday morning, one be ing shot through the arm and the other dealt a felling blow on the head by Mr. Bolton Lehman ,a member of the grocery firm of Grubbs & Leh man. About 1 o’clock Monday morning a man went to Mr. Lehman’s house and told him that the men were In the •tore. Mr. Lehman dressed and start ed for the scene. As he approached one of them ran out. and Mr. Lehman fired at him. The. other was trapped in the build ing, and Mr. Lehman put his gun through a crack in the door and fired but missed. Me then entered the WILL PREPARE ORDINANCE ALLOWING HIGHER SPEED Automobile Association Appoints Committee to Consider Ordinances In Other Cities an d Present One for Rich mond. Members of the Richmond Auto mobile Association, in session Monday night at the Richmond hotel, decided to bring their every effort to bear upon the move to accomplish a re vision of the present city ordinance governing the speed of automobiles and the reguialion of vehicles in gen eral. With this end in view, a special committee consisting of Messrs. B. H. Kergusaon, C. R Batkins, Robert U. Allport and Rewis C. Wilialms was appointed to examine traffic rules of h«w fork and other cities and from them evolve a system of rules best adapted to Rn hmond. It was pointed out that Rouisvilis had procured an excellent ordinance as a result of ■’ boiling down the Mew York ordinance to suit Us purposes and opinion was ; expressed that Richmond could he equally successful tn reaching the happy medium desired. Await Report of Committee, • While there was some discussion of j the substitute ordinance alreday pre of twentpared by President Williams, ' of the association, calling for a speed li miotf twenty mites an hour, the general opihion seemed to be that It would be better to wait upon a report from the special committee rather than to urge the passage of this sub stitute measure before the city coun ciL Apart from asking that the speed limit be raised, this ordinance provides that the police board shall be given authorit vio promulgate rules adapted to condition* in dif ferent sections of the city. It will bo noted that two members ■ of the special committee, Messrs Fergusson and Batkins, are also mem bers of the city council. Both are enthusiastic autobus and will doubt less do all In their power to bring about an adjustment of the traffic ordinance to suit all parties interest ■ 5 , *d. ' Sprinkle Street* With Oil. During the discussion Mr. Fergus son stated that on a recent visit to Norfolk, in company with members of the council street committee, he no •Uced that many of the streets In that * city were sprinkled with oil as a pre ventive against the dust nuisance.- He asked that Secretary Alfriend, of the association, be directed to urge the adoption of a similar measure by the f council of Richmond, and his request was granted. Mr. K. C. Pelouxc read a letter from ‘ the contractor who built the Cary street boulevard, saying that this stretch 01 road lacked 1.1(50 feet of being two miles in length, although authorities of the county had recent ly been tlmtng autolrts on It as a two-mile road. It was decided to donate $150 ad ditional toward the Richmond-Peters burg turnpike, and the committee in charge of the work was directed to proceed as rapidly as possible. To Havo Radiator Emblem*. Secretary Alfriend was authorized to order national radiator emblems for of the association, the ; . emblems tn bear the name of Rich Best Quality Best Qupllty Always the lowest when quality is considered. Yards In tbe East and West End for serving tbe entire City. OTSIBS RECEIVED DMIY. J.L PULLING & CO. 421 Saadi Pbe Street htmkumtk OnNri Sfacfad by Oi Are Park FREE Excursion, Wednesday, March 23rd. Special cars will leave the Richmond and Chesapeake Bay Electric R. R., at Broad and Laurel Streets, 2 P. M. and 3 P. M. To all who attend this sale, will be given a Free Coupon Ticket, entitling holder to participate in the distribution of a Cosy Home and five lots. Don’t miss this Excursion. Remember the date, Wednesday, March 23 Greenwood Park Improvement Company, Phone 182 Monroe. 1527 East Main Street. f j store and began a hand to band con ! flict with the negro, firing at him i three times but missing him. Fin ally he knocked the negro down with the butt end of the pistol, an officer was called and the prisoner turned . over to him. Later In the day the other man wif found In "Monkey Bottom." It w«e learned that he was shot In the I left arm. Three other stores in the neigh - : borhood were robbed last night, and a great quantity of stolen merchan dise was secured at the homes ot ' the two negroes, which was Identified i by local merchants. mond and the Virginia State Auto mobile Association. By means of this emblem, which will be displayed in front of machines. Richmond will get a good deal of first class advertising whenever members of the association j make touring trips in different parts ! of the country, as they frequently do. j The following new members were elected: Messrs. Isaac Davenport, Oli- I ver J. Sands, Amos and Poindexter. It. W. Wilson. E. V. Bentley. J. G. Corley. Israel Stern. Chief of Police Werner and mem bers of the police board were invited to attend the meeting, but they evi dently thought it beet, in view of the recent agitation of the speed question. J to keep away. Regret was expressed that they were njt present. TWO TRJI1NMEN KILLED IN HEM COLLISION Fireman D. R. Marlin and Brakes man C. L. Jessie, Both of Virginia Lose Lives. (Special to The Richmond V+rg+nian.) BLLEFIEI.D. W. VA„ March 21 — What la believed to have been a "'lap order" refill ted In a head-on collision on the Norfolk and Western at <31en Aiurn, seventy-five miles west of here, in w'hleh two men were killed and two injured. The dead are. Fireman P. R. Martin, and tb U Jessie, both of Vlr glnia. The Injured are: Engineer* Wllilam Hatcher, and l.eonard Akers The bod ies yf the dead men were brought to . this city yesterday morning and pre pared for burial. Fireman Martin lived at Narrows, ■, Virginia. Mr. Jessie lived at Carter- | ton, Va. Mr Martina remains were taken to his home. Relatives of Jessie have not been heard from yet. Engineers Hatcher received bruises about the head and body. Akers was terribly scalded about the hands, feei j and legs The condition of neither is ! considered serious. They were taken ; to the Wiliamson Y. M C. A. hospital. ' PRESIDENT CALLED “HOT SUPPER ARTIST”! Massachusetts Manufacturer Of fers $10,000 Bet That Mayor Gay nor is Next President. LEE, MASS., March 22.—Calling President Taft a "hot supper artist," K. B. Andrews, a wealthy manufacturer or this town, 1* out to-day with un offer to bet $10,000 that Mayor Gaynor, or Now York, will be the neat President of the United States, barring death. ••The country Is tired of Taft and taffy," said Andrews to-day. "Every- i one of the coneervatlve republicans are I disappointed In Taft. What we hoixto 1 for was a man on the Job and not a I President chasing around to act as u | side show for a baseball game, a pro moter of golf, a hot aupper artist. The I whole country is tired of It.” MARRIED AFTER MIDNIGHT. You*»g Alexandria Couple Elope to Rockville to Wed. An Alexandria special to the Wash ington Po»t says: Leaving her home early yesterday morning presumably for Sunday school, Miss Fannie I. Nicholson, six teen years old, daughter of Policeman Andrew J. "Nicholson, and Franklin Joseph Storey, twenty-two years old, of this city, eloped to Rockville, Md„ and were married. The couple, were, however, unable to obtain a license on Sunday. They arranged with the clerk for a license early Monday morning, and a few minutes after the chiming of the midnight hour In the little town, sometimes called “Wash ington’s Gretna Green,” the license clerk prepared the license. Rev. Mr. Keene, pastor of the Methodist Epis copal church. South, of that place, shortly thereafter performed the "redding ceremony. Mr. and Mrs Storey left Rockville at li:30 o’clock ’ this morning and returned here to- ! day. They will make their home i here. The groom is a manager of a j local theater. CRESTON CLARK, ACTOR, WAS WELL KNOWN HERE Mr. Creston Clark, the actor, who died In Asheville, N. CL, Monday night, was well known in Richmond, having opened his first engagement here at the old Richmond Theatre, corner of Seventh and Broad streets, in IS9i. He stated at that time that his peo ple had all acted at that playhouse, and he felt that his playing here would bring him good luck. Mr. Clark played here regularly until 1907, when his last performance here, “The Rower That Governs,” was! played in the Academy of Music. ..In: speaking of the agtor Tuesday morn- ! Ing, Mr. Wise, manager of the Acad amv *>£ Mujic. Buld that h« Wm : I ■ , f sf the most popular and best drawing 'ards that visited Richmond, thA Asfly ’hIhaHss hg jiait Since * - --- - The Capitol Savings Bank THE BANK THAT PAYS 4% Invites Commercial and Savings Accounts, large and small. Any amount from $1.00 up. Assets over $600,000.00*. 907 East Main St., Mutual Bldg., Richmond, Va. OFFICERS.—John Garland Pollard. Praaidant: Jonathan Bryan, Vine-Prod dent: Ho. M Kent. Jr., Caduer: Clinton L. William*. AanMaat Caahiar. DIRECTORS—Jno. Ba*hy. A. R- RoOaday. Jonathan Bryan. Rnbt- Lanky. J*. O. L Fairbanh. John Garland Pollard. C. C. Plnaknty. Will You Ride With Us? Why pay $1.00 per hour for an Automobile ride when you can ride with us to the Mam-Street Bank and deposit your $1.00? Call Madison 3435 and have this car come for you. SYSTEMATIC SAVING LEADS TO SUCCESS National State Bank RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Formerly The State Bank of Virginia. CAPITAL, 1500,000 SURPLUS, $350,000 DIRECTORS J. L. Antrim, John S. Ellett. Wm. M. Hitt, James D. Crump, Joe. M. Fourrjureau, Edward C. Mayo, A. R. Elleraon, Horace' 8. Hawes, Granville G. Valentine. OFFICERS John S. Elicit. President, Wm. M. Hitt, Cashier, Julien II. Hitt, Assistant Cashier Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits. We invite you to do business with us. renting Shakespearean and Mansfield plays exclusively, always taking the part of a tragedian. WOCLD SEEK AITEC RICHES*. Asserleaa Will Taaael Hills If Mexico (treats Concession. MEXICO CITT. HEX., March 22.— T. A. Kenyon has applied to the Feder al government for a concession to ex plore the caves in the hills of Texcoco for the hidden treasure of the Aztec cmperors. Mr. Kenyon asserts he has obtained the Aztec code that tells where the treasure Is buried. He will run a number of tunnels into the hills if the concession Is granted. DEMOCRAT LIKKLY TO WIX WITH TARIFF AS ISSVK BROCKTON. MASS.. March It — With approval or disapproval of the Payne-Aldrleh tariff bill aa Us prin cipal declared issue, balloting for a successor to the late Congressman W. C. Lovering Is on to-day In the Four teenth Massachusetts Congressional District, and there is every indication that the result will be a heavy cut in the normal Republican plurality, with a possible victory for Eugene K Foss, the Democratic candidate. Both Mr. Foss and his Republican opponent. W. C, Buchanan, claim vic tory MUST PAY KIRK’S CLAIM. Supreme Court Ignores Plea of No Funds Mode by Norfolk Road Hoard. After a hard, long fight, <3. H. Kirk* has brought the road board of Nor folk county to taw. and will teceive Il,6f9, which they owe him for im proving the highway*. When he com pleted his work and submitted his bill he was told that the official* of the county were pleased with his work, and would and would like mightily to pay him handsomely tor it, but the fact still remained that the exchequer was in said repair, and he would have to wait a little while. Waiting being Mr. Kirks’ long suit. he died suit for his money. The plea that no money was on hand to pay him went in the courts until the Supreme Court of Appeals wu* reach ed. This tribunal, upon hearing the facts and the law in the cade, ha* issued a writ of mandamus against the Norfolk county officials. The peremptory command to pay Mr. Kirks was issued to John A. Codd. Alvah H. Martin, L. M. Nicholas, H C. Oornto, W. S. Johnson. Willough by Lynch ami R. M. Miller, members of the road board, who are ordered to ieeue warrants-on the eourrty treas ury and pay the county's indebted* Ajffrifp tftfa |uriwyiuif {n* ; 'if.. JHiBBtl.a.SWKl!!!Ua!Lt!„UI_Lll!l i Junction, the court adjourned until : May 31. when It will convene at | Wythe vtlle. Tlt»: STATE DEBT CASE. Exceptions to Special Xutef» Report Must Be Filed by April l«. April 18 haa been fixed as the* time limit within which exception* to the report of Special Master Charles K. 1 Utlcflald in the State debt must be oie.1 by Vlr :!ala or West Virginia In the Supremo Court of the United States. After that day the Supreme Court will probably set a time for j final argument tt» the case. . .- i Attorney-General Williams and *x* Attorney-General Andsreon, who want to Washington whan the report mt | H«ir WAHTMP—MALM. ■ WANTED—A MALE who understands general o«c« work, mutt be tactful and well educated. Permanent position. State expert i ence and salary expected. Apply lr. O. a», Virginian. > WANTED—OKOCEhV CLERK. YOtjNO man from country preferred. No drinking man or cigarette smoker. I Apply m own writing) state wages expected; give references. Address A.s., care luchmoad Virginian. i SOLICITORS—10 MEN CAPaIiDETUF earning four dollars par day; snap hunters and easy money men keep away. Apply J. J. MVHPHi. Kvea Ing Journal. the special master was received by the Supreme Court, have returned to , Richmond, but both decline to dit ■ cusa the case. They talked the case I over with Homee Conrad,' special counsel for Virginia, and the court officials while in Washington. It Is understood they are satisfled with the report made by Mr. Littlefield. BATES OX TAX BARK. Norfolk and Western to Be Asked for Lower Rates. Kates on tan bark will be the sub ject of a hearing before the Corpora tion Commission on March 30, when the Norfolk and Western railroad ofil : clals have been cited to appear to explain why better prices for the ship ment of this article cannot be grant j ®d The hearing, which will be held In ' the Corporation Commission court i room in the Capitol. Is the result of a J complaint filed by a Harrisburg firm. ; The complainants declare they can not get a better rate than 12 cents a l hundred pounds for the shipment of I chestnut, oak and hemlock etlck bark, while other concerns are given a rate of 90 cents a 1,000 pounds. This the firm characterises as "excessive, die i criminatory and unlawful." The next hearing of the commission will be on April 9, when the Louis ville and Nashville road will appear ' to explain its passenger rates In Vir ginia. I - Bark at Hie Dealt. Frank P. Watkins, who has been sergeant-at-arms of the Senate more years than he can remember, has re turned to his desk In the office of the auditor of publlo accounts. Mr. Wat kins hurried to his home In Charlotte ! county after the adjournment of the j Legislature to recuperate from the ! strain he was put to during the ses . slon. Bright, smiling and refreshed, [ he has returned to the auditor's office, | where he will pursue the even tenor ' of his ways as a clerk until the Leg i tslature again convenes. Mr. Jackson Appointed. I Mr. John Jackson, of Richmond, ! has been appointed to a clerkship In ; the office of the auditor of public ao | counts. This clerkship was created | by the General Assembly In the ap i proprlatlon bill. Mr. Jackson’s ohlef ; duty will be to keep close tab on the I revenues derived from the corpora I ttnns to enable the State officials to j determine whether the Incorporated i concerns are paying their Just share of the taxes promptly. Ashland (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) ASHLAND, VA., March 22.—Miss Grayson Hoofnagle and her friend, Ml** Marva Thompson, of Arkansas, who are at Randolph-Macon Woman'* College, Lynchburg, are expected home Wednes i day. to spend the Easter holidays. Mr. J. A. Hoofnagle and famHy are i at the Henry Clay Inn for the present. Miss Elite Wingfield, from 8weetbrt»r 1 Institute, will spend the Easter holl I days hef* wit hher aunt, Mrs. Barrett ! Sydnor. i M. E. H. Bennett, of Blackstone. was here on a flying trip Monday. Mis Ruth Drewey Whittle, daughter of Judge Whittle, of Martinsville, Is the guest of Miss Martha Drewey Hughes. ijiii Trr##& |ic rti, Klltrson'l, is visiting' at the home of her sister, Mrs. E. w. Newman. Mr. Patterson, wife and children, of Lexington. Ky„ are guests of Miss Boggs. . Mr. Willte Landcaster, of Boston, Mass., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mr* A. N. landcaster. Mr. Tom Chewning. of Hewletts, was a guest of Mr. Clarence Wright, Mon day. Miss Mamie Peak, of Washington, D. C., will spend Easter with Miss Edith White. Rev. Chas. E. Stuart has Just re turned front Chase City. Dr. James O. Hart spent the week end with relatives in Louisa. Mr*. Sue Allison, who ha* been here i waiting on her brother, Mr. Prtee, who has been so 11L left for her home in i Richmond, Monday. Mr. Eugene Wrlghtman, of Johns ! Hopkins University, will come home Wednesday to spend Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wrlghtman. The ladle* of the Ashland Baptist church are observing the week of pray er this week. Mr*. Owathmay, of the First Baptist church, Richmond, ad dressed the ladles on Monday evening on "Frontier Missions, and Mrs. Luther Vaughan read a fine paper on the same subject. Mrs. Stratford. president of the Bap tist Woman's Circle, will give an ad dress this evening. Buckingham (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) BUCKINGHAM, VA.. March 21.— The Teachers' Association of Bucking ham count}- met here on Saturday and was attended by a large number of teachers. There was a ball game played here on the 19th between the Buckingham team and the Gold Hill team, which resulted In a score of 19 to 7 In favor of the latter. The tobacco crop has most all been marketed, and farmers are busy pre paring for another crop. Hay Is re tailing for f 1.25 per hundredweight A lot of turkeys shipped from here to Richmond the past week sold for 25 cents a pound. Dr. Thomas H. Lacy preached at Emanuel Episcopal church on the 20th, and gave notice that Assistant Bishop Lloyd would hold services at Howardsvllle on the 14th of AprlL t Special to The Richmond Virginian.) CHESTER, VA . March 21.—Professor W. J. Price, assistant State Entomole gist, of Blacksburg, visited Professor J c, Stiles, of the Chester Agricultural High School, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Milton McEaurine, of Itallsvllla, Powhatan county, are visit ing relatives In the village. Sites Ruth Perdue has returned home after a pleasant visit of several days to friends at Chesterfield eourt huse, Miss Hula Uregory. of Ochres: made a short visit to Richmond last week, Mrs. Hurt, of Powhatan oounty Is visiting her son. Dr, A, J. Hart, of this PlMr' W. H. Stiles, of Rugby, Orayson county, visited hie brother, Proteseor J. C, Stiles, of the Chester Agricultu ral High Behoi i. last week. Mr. ft. C. Coon and family have moved to Rawlings, Brunswick county, where Mr, Coon Is engaged In tho lum ber business. Mr, A. F. CogblU has sold his old home place about two miles from hero containing t*0 acres to Mr. O. D. McOe hsehaO, oi Mowtun, N. C-^..... .WarkJTe progressing nicely on the HIIUP WANTKD—nCKil.t. WANTED—A WOMAN HTKNOORA pher who understand* general work; must be tactful and well ed ucated; permanent poeltlon; atate experience and ml 1 ary expected. Ap ply X. T. Z., 22. Virginian WANTED—AT *l'f BA i N B ft I D d IS street a nurae, beet of referenoe re ijulred. Apply at once. riFfolTWANT to c^bt'astde^FHB Washerwoman call Madison 4*42. Family washing done. EAGLE STEAM LAUNDRY. 722-T2* West Cary Street •JPOSITIONa WANTED—MALE, WANTED—EXPERIENCED GRO cery clerk and meat cutter, can fur nish best of references. Address *04 China street, city. JOE WIUJAMS. A TOtTNO MAN THAT IS IN DELI cate health wishes copying or cir culars to fold, addressing done neatly at home. Addrese A, Care 11 Sta tion B, city. WANTED—BY A MARRIED MAN NOT afraid of work, a position; clarion.: preferred. Address Z. care Rich mond Virginian. _ WANTED—A POSITION BY A YOUNG ! experienced man ae bookkeeper oi assistant, will accept any clerical work, writes a splendid hand. Ad ! drees B. O., 2204 E. Broad WANTED—YOUNG MAN DESIRES po sition In offloe, or floor-walker in de partment store. Address C. H. 609 N Eleventh street, city. WANTED—SOMEONE TO T AfcE AN unexplred lease of house. Partlei having upper flat willing to stay U so preferred; located on 8. Cherry; rent. *1644. Apply C. 1, care Rich mond Virginian. WANTED—P OBIT IONA 8 L A W N keeper, or butcher at watering plade QEO. W. KINO. 102 Fourth avenue Chestnut Hill, city. WANTED-TWO FIRST CLASS Salntera; apply ready for work Tuea ay morning. W. T. FORE, stop 11 Brook ling Park, Barton Heights. IF YOU ARE TIRED OF CONFINING poorly paying work and willing tc spend |16 to learn an easier occu patlon and get employment at which you can make at least YT# a-month call at 606 east Orace street., second floor, front room. POSITION WANTED—FEMALE. fRTBTTOJN to assist In light housekeeping, oi plain sewing for children. Address LADY, ‘ “* “ care of The Virginian. WANTED—RELIABLE. CAPABLE LA dy wants position In hotel; under stands the care of pantry, or liner room. Address RELIABLE, care ol The Richmond Virginian. WANTED—O IRL FOR NORTH wages |20. Ticket furnished. 122 N Eljhth_street, MANTELS, TILING AND GRATES-. IF YOU CONTEMPLATE BUILDING beautifying or Improving, we have lots of new things In Mantels, Grates and Tiling. One of the new est and best things we have added to our line recently. Is the Gas Steam Orate, which Is a combinatlor of gas log. gas grate and steam ra diator. Attractive to look at, cheat to operate, and a splendid heater VA. PLUMBING A HEATING CO. INC., 26 N. Ninth street. HEAL ESTATE“FOH SALfe. FOR SALE—ONE OF THE FINEST estates in Virginia; four hundred acres; magnificent Colonial man sion; 80 acres within city limits, and in demand for building lots; 15 minutes’ walk from city of 12. 000 inhabitants. HARRY M. LEWIS. Real Estate. Staunton, Va. EO. D. COLE A CO., SEVERAL NEW dwellings, four to eight rooms each, and small acreage; two to six min utes from oar Una One new dwell ing. nine rooms and one or mori acres; two minutes from car line. WEST END LOTS ON GRACE. MAIN Cary and Floyd avenue; cheapest t< be found; best of terms; call Madi son 1407. _ - EMPLOYMENT—MALE AND” FEMALE for Richmond and State of Virginia white help; for housework a spec ialty. Colored men and women wanted for northern homes and but lers for this city; write or call for full particulars,' southern Intelll gence office. 21114 N. Sixth street. -’A N T E D-AlC j V8UCC E SBFUL AP pUcants for po* Hons of any kind to apply Immediately at 66*14 E. Broad forem^lojment^avjonce. BATHROOMiSEAtTIFtLr TC HAVE ALL THE LITTLE Ac cessories In the way of Bath Beats, Medicine Chests, Crystal Shelves, Towel Bars, Mirrors, Sponge Hold ers, Shaving Brush Holders, Strop Hooks, Robe Hooks, Tooth Brush Holders. Mug Holders. In fact every thing that goes to make the bath room complete. Phone us, write us or see us. VA. PLUMBING A HEAT 1NG CO., INC., 26 N. Ninth street. POE BALM. "gcggreg to suit yen; special bargains In run abouts ami traps. RICHARDSON BROS., 1*16 Brook ave. FOR SALE.—A *2. PEARL OR A *2 sliver flllgre pea for 11.2* at WAL FORD. 1214 B. Main. 1*0—8PHINO IS WITH US. IT’S TIME to do soring cleaning. You will nev er know the value of Vaughan’s Peerless Cleaner for furniture and floors until you try It 'Phono for 25o. large bottle. VAUGHAN’S. 2 East Broad, ’phone 104 Madison. FOR SALE OR RENT. nine room, bath, lanre pore be*, grand ■hade, fifteen acre* land: twenty minute* drive from Charlottesville; good neighborhood. Box 21i Char lotteeville, Va. HAPtUiG. transferring and haulinc?'ok aU kind*. D. BOWLEa Offloe—SU Second street, reaidenoe, TO* Mas ford street Phone. 41**4. ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT—APARTMENT, FU fi nished or unfurnished; southern exposure; large rooms, porches and yard: private bath. Address t South Fifth street. References exchanged. A FLAT OF t ROOMS FOR RENT with water and gas; newly papered. Terms (*.*0. Apply 2517 E. Franklin street. SEVERAL. NIGS ROOMS FOR RENT, also front room. Apply 30* a Third street. _ THREE ROOMS FOR RENT, ON second floor, at 811 East Marshall st root. FOR RENT. SCHRBMP—MS EAST BROAD. NICKEL REGISTER BANKS—BPEC lal #* cents—Surprise Never End five cents; agents wanted. Schremp, •‘The Umbrella Man." TINNING and plumbing. SEVER SINCE CHRISTOPHER CO lumbua (Uncovered America, has our superior in the tinning, plumbing and gas-fitting business been found; ana r*vv»ssi* ***** Honest price*, superior work, gener al satisfaction and promptness are a few of our well known charaoter istlca U W. DORSET * CO., 11 i N. Seventh street Phone, Madison »*1T BRlBESWr ... .... of tour rooms each. Centrally lo cated; reasonable. Address PR. J oated; reasonable. Address DR, •W. KIBLER. Highland Park, Va. — —Lnooi* ^iTrnK toot: ~ay ply MS* B, Leigh street Madison 477*. •t. Phone, T)R RENT—FCRN18HKD sfCOFl) floor fiat; five rooms; central; moder ££mk i Wnf nwuowAfc. :^tmm THE MOST UP-TO-DAt5"* t*ilm4 vistti us roads *t stein's. Ha hu a eomplst* of now Imported and do«sel ana for th« coming aaMM. and upward you aan havs the*# perfectly mad* and f" manta; be alao make* a a| Pongee, Roger's silk and isonable STKI>/[ IIS ti Fifth street. THIS MOST UP-TO-DATE „ tailored suite are made at X. stain's. Ha has a complete sek of new Imported and domesUo ana for the nomine season. For and upward you can have thasa perfectly made and Of menu; he alao makes a SB Ponaee, Royer's silk and I’ at very reasonable prices, k. 1 8TKIN, 218 N. Fifth strsst. “flCHE&R'B SPECIAL** "SCHEER’S SPECIAL,” 11.00 WA1 A11E GUA HANTBBD, W, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REP All IS A SPECIALTY WITH 8CHEER, JEWELER (ESTA ED 1887). 1408 E. MAIN STRI .... (NEXT TO COR. FOURTEENTH). IT PAYS TO LEARN TO DRAW ths Conservatory Art School,, East Grace Street. Illuetr make from 86,000 to 860.000 a What bookxeper. stenog clerk or mechanic ever main salaries? This school's punas no difficulty In yetung desirable sltiona Enter now. Day and M classes. WE DO THOROUGH windows, show cases, wood and furniture. WILLIAM JOH 1109 N. First street. Phone, Mo 3120,___ YOUR DOCTOR. WILL TELL YOU TO SPRINKUi lime all over your premises. We da*'; liver any quantity, from peck to %,i ton. Phono 104 VAUGHAN'S. HAIR! LADIES YES WE RE-DYE* AND RB*:;J make switches; charges roudsiJpsBfl ■—MArtL - Fifth street; _ LADIES YOUR HAIR IS IMPORTANT! , your cut hair or combings made la* •* to beautiful Switches, Puffs. Pompa* dours or Front Pieces In the moat artistic orate. 214 Jl A IOIU a in,ro * as mo *••»»» f-.'gg manner. Charges very mod% 3 214 N. Fifth street LADIES' HAIR! YES! WE COVER Turbans with ladles' own c<»mblngk> They are so natural and so prettR 214 Nfi Fifth street^ _ LAD1ES GLORY IX Til El K HAIR. DP you want Imitation Hair Swltsnsdhjn don’t come. We keep nothing but real hair; we sell switches very lew* priced this week. 214 N. Fifth htreat. SWITCHES! SWITCHES! WE selling Ladles' Hair Switches bargains this week. 214 N. street. LADIES'-H A fit sTw'i T C H E it. "HM_ guarantee they do not change coloyj bargains this week 214 N. Fifth. ; 1 LAD IKS' GRAY 'HAIR SWITCHES! wU r are selling bargains this week. Il( iS N. Fifth street. ■ --xfSSBT PUFFS! PUFFS! THOSE PRRHK Hair Puffs made from your combings or rut hair; charges moderate. 214 N. Fifth street. HOME WANTED. WANTED—BY AN OLD EX-CONFED» erate soldier to be adopted by some man who has money and feels life* fig he would like to do good with tt* Address ft. W. A, 828 N. TatBk seventh street city._ . SHOE REPAIRING SPECIAL. REBATE OF 10 CENTS IF YOU CUTS out this coupon and bring with shoes; 76 cents men's half soles, *»**; bated to 66 cents; 60 cents, ladled, half soles, rebated to 60 cents; sir pair sewed with waxed linen tb white oak soles. DREW**— TRIC Shoe factory. 716 R Phone. Monroe 2667... REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTEtC^TO~RENT~FROSf~S er, hnuse or an apartment, MB* trally located. Address MISS GREY, • care Carrier No. 20; JgE£S5>»J.-jMA.feA3Ja^S !OU WILL DO WELL TO SEE line of Ranges before buying, member we are still selling Celebrated Detroit Jewel. BE*, THAN THE BEST. Our pries* *»** about *8)11% less than lnstsljt* stores. VA, PLUMBING & HEA1 CO., INC.. 26 N. Ninth street. . _ DO ALU KINDS OF BO Furnace, Stove. Roof and Plum repair work. We have speeL men for all of these tines, and P order will have careful and PT“ attention, and the charges wti reasonable. VA, PLUMBING HEATING CO, INC, 28 N. street. LENTEN CAKES, OTHER DEI AND SALADS. «9 HE BEST OF DAINTY FOODS pared during Lent by the Aid Society of Grace Ej church; prices very reasonable, orders to MISS WARREN, 111 WOOD AND COAL. coal 14.26; H cord good ptns or wood I*. Coal and wood dry under shelter. TYLER & RYAN._M W. Cary street. Phone. 1971. _ HORSE SHOEING. A." KNIGHT "PRACTICAL ANdTB^, pert horse shoeing; blacksmith, *tA Phone Madison 8261, 126 West Bread) Optician, HOW ABOUT TOUR ETB»? they ned arentionT Many a : woman In this town Is wean prematurely old look through i five «y« *t*ht. Do not procraaj gee Dr. H. Breltetaln, "The Optl lit East Broad. Consultation ~~ —— vi(jMU«». ffTOUWANTTHB BEST LA. work, phone Madison No. EAOXJB STEAM LAUNDRY, M Weet Cary. Sub prompt service "W_ many patron* lor laundry Are you one or them? B STEAM LAUNDRY, 111-111 Cary. on# K EAGLE STEAM LAUNDRY Fho^ad^n^ OUR PRICES ARE WINNER* the time. Talk to u* about laundry. Phonn Madison JBAOLE STEAM LAUNDRY, Weet Cary.__ wETaSK ONLY ONE TRIAL. you are dissatisfied with our then you are one ot a T*r“' EAGLE STEAM LAUNDRY. West Cary. Phone Mad tee* 4*13. GOOD THINGS AT D-. pound rateen cake. S5 pound cake. 25 cent*; . cream puffs. 25 cents; *1* bread. U cents. DRINKA 431 - .. ... VBL4TST STii*”. f^nc^r^¥Atinrj?oicn o n. T. spool cotton, floor stain, 'phone ue. ^MadiisonJOl horse and phaeton, toy dy. Apply 5M Bam for one or ti per llfi hath