Newspaper Page Text
Remnants Silks Will be Sold Friday and Saturday at Half Price. — Remnants Dress. Will be Sold Friday and Saturday at Half Price. J u THIS WEEK WILL BE BARGAIN-LADEN! Spending a dollar here on Friday means TWO DOLLARS’ WORTH, and in many cases three dollars’ worth. Every department will be bargain full. REMNANTS FIRST. Everybody likes to buy remnants if they can buy them cheap enough. We haven’t had a remnant sale in two weeks, but on Friday we’ll make up for lo£t time. All Remnants of Silk and Dress Goods will be marked at half value and less. Note: The regular price of each remnant marked in BLACK. The cut price of each remnant marked in RED. The best silks' ever sold at a low price. The lowest price ever marked on good silks. ——Extra Silk Specials. — — 36-inch White Jap Silk, worth 75c, special - - 59c 36-inch Black Waterproof Silk, worth 85c, special 69c 36-inch Black Waterproof Silk, worth 98c, special 75c 36-inch Black Taffeta, worth $1.39, special - - 98c Two Big Lots—One at 49c, One at 59c. Plain Silks, Dotted Silks, Figured Silks, Checked Silks, Striped Silks and Rough Silks. - One lot of 2,000 yards, all new Silks, worth up to $1.25 a yard, at 49c One lot of 2,500 yards, all new Silks, worth up to $1.50 a yard, at 59c Positively the greatest Silk value ever known. $9.98 Friday and Saturday Bargains in Ready-Made Garments. $25 AND $30 SUITS AND DRESSES, $6.08 One lot of Suits and Dresses, made of fine serge, broadcloths, and moire silks, in green, black, old rose, navy and cream. Dresses made one-piece style, with all over lace yoke-. Suits have semi-fitted coats with gored (I*£ QQ skirts, $25.00 suits and dresses . . . vv.I/O $45.00 AND $40.00 SUITS $9.98. Fifty Suits, last spring styles, in two and three piece models. Coats semi-fitted, plain tailored and fancy trimmed effects. Materials: tine serge, prunella cloths, and fancy mixed materials in tan, old rose, green, mustard, Copenhagen and grey. Suits that sold for $40.00 and $45.00; special .. $6.50 WASH DRESSES $4.98. One-piece Dresses, made of gingham and linene; waists have all-over lace yoke, finished with Gibson plaits over shoulder; full plaited skirts. Colors: lavender, light blue d* A QO and Copenhagen, $6.50 values; sj>ecial tJlxI/O $7.50 LINEN SUITS $5.98. Women’s Suits,-made of pure linen, in white and natural. 32-inch semi-fitted coats, with black collar and cuffs, and full plaited QQ skirts. S7.50 values; special. tPu.tfO $7.50 SILK PETTICOATS $3.98. One hundred Petticoats, made of excellent quality taffeta silk, cut very full, with deep sectional flounce and under dust ruffle. Colors: black, w hite, reseda, rose, emerald, Copenhagen^ grey and brown. Petticoats that Q QQ sold for $7.50; special. «p«X«7d $6.50 BLACK VOILE SKIRTS $4.98. Fifty Skirts, made of crisp black voile, full plaited style, trimmed with narroc A QO bands of satin, $6.50 skirts; special 'D<X.*70 75c WAISTS 59c. Women's Waists, made of fine white lawn, tucked and embroidery trimmed, open PQ front and back styles, 75c values: special. . uJC $1 00 WAISTS 79c Several styles to select from. Some have fronts of all-over embroidery, while others are tucked back and front, strictly tailored •TQ styles, $1.00 Waists; special. $ 5/C FANCY RIBBONS. 500 pieces New Fancy Ribbon, in exclusive patterns; special values at 25c and 35c. NEW WASH LACE VEILS. In donens of exclusive ideas; special. $1.00 to $2.50 each. WOMEN S H. S. ALL LINEN HANDKER CHIEFS. With hand embroidered block initials, 17c value; special, 10c each. WOMEN’S H. S. ALL LINEN HANDER CHIEFS. With eyelet work medallion and block initial in corner, 25c value; special, 17c. NEW VEILINGS. All the new meshes and every style, dot and figure; specials at 25c, 35c and 50c. NEW NECKWEAR. New ideas in Turnover Linen Collars, 25c and 50c. NEW JABOTS. In entirely new and exclusive shapes and designs, at 25c and 50c. -*■ — DUTCH COLLARS. In the very latest designs. Fine assortment, —: at 25c and 50c. . $1.50 LACE YOKES. In new and exclusive designs} special, 08c, Priestley’s Fabrics. For many years Priestley’s Woolens have held first place in the world of fabrics and fashions; have long been and are to-day uni versally recognized as the absolute standard of excellence and perfec tion in texture, weave, style, dye and finish. When you buy Priestley’s Dress Goods you get absolutely the best at no extra cost. Priestley’s English Tussah Royal Is extending its vogue daily. It quickly wins over all overs of the beauti ful and the distinctive. As a fabric, it is destined to a permanent place in the vrardrot>e of all well-dressed women. Made of the finest quality of Mohair and Worsted, it unites to a superlative degree the virtues of these two textiles, producing a fabric that closely simulates the artistic creations of the ancient hand weavers of the Orient. It has a rich, lustrous finish, it drupes perfectly and comes in til the rich Pint's anti shades which Fashion has decreed for Autumn and Winter wear. Note the Gowns of Tussah Royal on exhibition at the September Conventions of the Dressmakers' Association. You don’t have to speculate on the possibilities of this fabric. In these gowns you’tan set- exactly what may iie done with this most recent and heautiful contribution to the fabrics thut well-dressed women can ill dis pense with. Tussah Royal, 44 inches wide, $1.50 yd. English Black Dress Goods. Priestley’s Some time has passed since Black was in such high favor as it is this season. l or several years Fashion decided my lady should be a bird of brilliant plumage; but today a reaction has set in ami women seem to have gone Black mad, each and every one Becuting a black costume of Mime kind as soon as possible. In colors it is an easy matter to purchase a suit or gown, for a fair quality of some sightly material in a becoming shade will answer most purposes. But in Black the quality of the fabric is the test. A black costume of any sort to be distinctive must be of excellent quality. By excellent quality does not necessarily mean an expensive material; but the make, finish and dye of a cloth must lie of the very best. To sugge-t Priestley goods is like rushing up to a person and singing the praise of his or her old friend. The good characteristics of that friend arc so well known one's words are wasted. The valuable qualities of Priestly Dress Goods have made them his toric, and in most every family of the civilized world they arc looked upon as old friends. It is to the young generation that hits not lived through a fashionable black season we warn to be careful in purchasing Black Dress Goods and recommend the Priestly Dress Goods that are above reproach. They an1 made of the finest and best wool and silk, and the weave, finish and dye are as near perfect as skilled labor and creative genius can make them. For over half a century B. Priestly & Co. have given to the world each season their beautiful, non-fading blacks in the most up-to-date styles and cloths. This season the variety is overwhelming. On the back of \V and cloths. This season the variety is overwhelming. All Priestley’s English Dress Goods lire rolled on the “Varnished Board ’ which is the Priestly Trade Mark and the manufacturers’ name B. Priestly A- Co. is stamped every five yards on the under side of the selvedge. Two specials in Priestley’s incompara ble Black Silk-Warp Henriettas, 44 inches wide, at $1.50. 44 inches wide at $2.00. ay Petticoat Bargains Petticoat With a Six Months’ Guarantee Silk Read This Guar antee of Wear: T— jiir—O'’ 5^ at $5.00 No. 1000 PURCHASER’S GUARANTEE• Should tbit Petticoat bearing the “ Regatta " Label crack or nplit with in ala tuontha from date of purchase, return it with this guarantee ticket to vour dealer, who will replace same wiih a new oue. provided the damage has not beeu caused by tearing, alter ations, or by wear fcotsom.tujjle.. 9ou>_ GUARANTEED SILK PETTICOAT Made of the celebrated K. H. Simon “REGATTA" taffeta; deep flare, 4 section flounce, tailor made effect, in black and all the leading shades, including changeables. GUARANTEED SIX MONTHS 1000 No. GUARANTEE TO MERCHANT! Should this Petticoat bearing the Regatta " Label crack or split with in six months from date oi sale to customer, we authoriseyou to replace it, provided the damage haa sot been caused by tearing, alterations, or by wear on bottom ruffle, and that the Petticoat has sot beefi held in your stock more than two months. We will replace then such s Petticoat if re turned to ua with the Purchaser's Guarautce Ticket SOLD. X Silk Petticoats at $4.98 Handsome Taffeta Silk Petticoats, In stripes and Persian effects,* in all this season’s newest shades and black. Deep sectional flounce and under.dust ruffle. $6.50 values: spe cial, $4.98. Wash Petticoats at 49c_ Made of blue and white striped gingham, wide tucked ruffle and underlay. Petticoats that usually sell for 75; special, 49c. 1000 No. IMPORTANT. When aold to cuatomer, dealer matt detach tbil coupon, fill in date aold, and return weakly to Majeatic Skirt Co. No clalma wilt be allowed unlean theae tustructlooa are followed. Sold_ Wash Petticoats at 69c Petticoats n.*ade of mercerized cotton, In black and white striped; deep sectional flounce and under dust ruffle- -SMM) values! special-, 69c. Hcatherbloom Petticoat* a 198c - Black Heatherbloom Petticoats, deep shirred flounce and under dust ruffle. $1.25 values; special, 98c. f : Glove Specials for Friday and Saturday The best kinds only are sold here, you know, and it's interesting to know that they cost,you no more than you pay for inferior kinds else where. Those who have had glove buying and glove wearing experience, say: Mosby's for Gloves every time. Two extra specials, in Elbow Length Silk Gloves, lf> button length, fine extra heavy silk, double tipped and in all colors. The $1.00 kind, 49c. The $1.50 kind $1.00. 50c Two Button Gloves, extra heavy silk, all sizes, black only, 39c. OUR $1.00 FRENCH CHAMOIS GLOVE. Is mannish cut and thoroughly washable. We consider this to be the very best Glove value in Richmond, white and natural, $1.00. OUR $1.00 FRENCH KID GLOVE. Fitted and guaranteed at our Glove counter, simply can’t be matched in value anywhere else for style and quality. Ail sizes and colors, $1.00. Where to Buy Hosiery. Here, of Course. And the reason is that you always get lull money's worth. We sell Hosiery that satisfies. If you've never bought Hosiery here, start now. WOMEN’S FINE GAUZE LISLE HOSE. Extra fine gauze, garter top. The 35c kind; special, 25c. WOMENS FINE SILKED LISLE HOSE. Extra fine gauze. The 50c kind; social, 39c. WOMEN'S FINE LACE LISLE HOSE. hi boot and all-over lace, and in new' and ex clusive patterns. 69c values; special, 50c. CHILDREN’S FANCY SOCKS. In all the newest styles and colors. 39c values; special 25c. BLACK CAT STOCKINGS. Wear like leather. Triple knee, heel and toe. The best school stocking ever made for children of all ages. Try them. Special, I7c and 25c. Visit Our Fourth Floor on Friday We have selected some extra specials for Friday and Saturday only, in Mattings, Jap anese Fire Screens, Porch Awnings, Rope Por tieres, Shirt waist Boxes and Draperies. Things you need right now and the saving is certainly „ tempting. Don’t let this chance slip by. Be among the lucky Friday morning shoppers for, there's sure enough bargains in our big Up- - holstery Department. $12.00 Japanese Matting for $9.00 Roll. Handsome Carpet designs, in all colors; spe cial at $9.00 roll, or 25c yard cut. Japanese Fire Screens. Beautiful hand painted panels, light and dark , colorings. Worth $1.98; special, $1.45 each. Bamboo Porch Awnings. Complete, with cord, pulley and hooks, m natural outside bark or smined green. Natural Color. 6x8. 98c 8x8.$1.35 10x8.$1.65 Green. 6x8.$1.25 8x8.$1.65 10x8.$1.98 36-inch Cretonnes, in floral and Oriental patr terns, all colors, and a large selection. Worth 19c and 2Set special, 12 l-2c yard. 20c Casement Cloth, 12 I-2c yard. This desirable summer drapery, in beautiful bordered designs, all colors, 36 inches Worth ZOc yardfspecfal, at13' l-le yard, $2.00 Rope Portieres for $1.29. Suitable for single doors, all colors, 36 deep; special, $*.» each.-, ..