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with its acknowledge beautiful flower* and band bmluimct and delightful afternoon when Mrs llodfHi Mann entertained !h< Muiiloal Club and a fe* Richmond friend* at a man Mra. Mann received her guos the broad, spacious hall of *h< a Manalon, which *M deco la white and purple Irt* am ee of white flower*. She won exqutalte |uwn of whit* rhlffor In p»le pink flower* Imported from Manila. Hei inta ware diamond* and pearl* carried a noaagay of orchid* Mann waa aeaisted In raeaivln# Mix* Marl* Belden, of Washington C- who 1* her guest. Ml** Solder I beautifully gowned In black lace with Jet, and wore a cor bouquet of lllle* of the valley Pink and white flower* attractive!) .ted the drawing room*, whl!. Of American Beauty roue* an Balm* and fern* were beautil ulty ar | ranked in the other rooms. The din s| 1*C room was especially charmln* |v*rlth iM maser* of pink and wnltt i MSMoma. banked on the mantel* an lh vases about the room The ran old mahogany dining table wo* lab With hand-made lace doylies and IpiMftsrptace of pink carnation*. 1'n ( bmuU w*s the antique mahogany wait |■’**• with it* Inlaid center of ullver nn | Ms Stiver edges. Mr*. Roper. of Pe . Saraburg, served lemon frappe Shi *■' Wore a lovely hand embroidered lln ppBSIe gown. B The program for the afternoon wan ( .Overture. "Rubles ....Mendelssohn £.: Miss Kate Stockdeli and Lae Booth. Jftfugl “goto;—Protestation" r. —-Morrta fewMl Edwin Quarles, with violin ob B- IQtator. M[ST Titus ; W*d»o solo. "Kn Oourant". . . .Godard Miss Mary Patterson, i Vocal solo. "A Wild Rose". Malbrusor “Wadding Morn” .Net In p|7.. .. Mr* P. H. I irew ry ti Mlaoo solo.Walts from "Faust" K~ MVs Cleveland Wright i V®cal solo, "Still As the Night," - _ Rohm ...•Man* Tot" . ..0'Hardetol Mr* Meyer Baal Viano solo, "The Nightingale". Llxst K7 " Anna Belle Patterson. ‘ *Vio!in solo, Helectione, "Faust," If;', l “fclMSt*," . Mia* Florence Titus ▼•cal solo, "Thou Art to Me to —lw. Mrs. Charles Pluintner vlaoo solo, the Norwegian Bridal Pro cession, "C»n the Mountains." Uriog Miss Emily Mason !|VbC*l solo, two Greek song* from jjv “Cameos" .IJz« Ohmnn Mias dean Trigg v Mrs. Mann’s guest* included the fol f lowing mem tiers of the club Prest : ;B*Bt, Mr*. (Jharle* U. Witherspoon; jsjgtwe-presidents, Misses Mary Ellen wbyte and Mary T. Pntteaon; seere : Jars’ and treasurer, Mias Bessie Mann, ; Members; .Mrs. Charles I>. Wlther HftBM. Miss Mary Ellen Whyte. Mr*. Cleveland Wright. Miss Julia Wright, MP Mary West Mis* Florence Tllue, iwHsae* Mary and Ann Beil Patteson, |.,M|sse» Rettic and Beatrice Jones. Mrs. 1 Claiborne Wilson, Mrs, Kidney Rnsrn S7M*ck, Miss Jean Trtgg. Mrs. George fTpP- Plummer. Misses Joe. Buoy and Hi** Mclwalne, Miss Hally Meacham Emily Mason. Miss Bessie Mann Mk Hodge* Mann. Mrs Hyer Haal Edwin Quarles, Mrs Charles E’lFtuinmer. rs. p H Dr*, wry, Mis. S#T»ra Hayes, Miss Gee Booth. Ml*; Kate- Stoekdell, Mrs 1 -ee Hutton, Mrs w. ft. MJI1, Miss Roan Heath and Mrs pp£frbert Talley I', Other* present were Mr*. Robin gVMt of Petersburg, Mrs. ft. p lint fJ-lMBn, of Petersburg. Mra. Will lair MBitelda and Miss Louise Shields, el tlllgton; Mrs. Preston Roper anil las Nannie Roper, of Petersburg, and ie following Richmond women; Mra Basil D. Residing. Mr*. George Bony - Mr*. 'William Safe. Mrs. W. H. Cop* ib'Hftd. .Mrs. Marshall M. Gilliam, Mrs Robert G. Scott, Mrs J. Taylor Elly fgigt*. Mr* Sidney Johnston Dudley MMr*. William ATr>\ 1 Crenshaw. Mr* C. A. Sinclair. Mian Helen Donnnn lira James r>, Patou, Mrs. F. M. Con ’Bar, Miss Lizzie Conner, Miss Annli |JSU«r, Mrs. John A. Coke, Mrs. W Klles Cary, Mr* T. Archibald Carv iiCMra. Janney, Mrs. Meade Mann, Mrs ( John Dunn. Mr*. Andrew Jnrksoi «'Ofay, Mr*. Thomas Branch McAdams Igjlfk- W. S. Donnan, Mr*. A H. Battle Mfa. John Donnnn. Mrs. E. K, Will m it. Mrs. George Bryan, Mrs. Rober Thornton. Mrs Robert G. Scott, Mr* H. Hawes, Mr*. Rlvos Hardy, Mr* ..Thornes p Ftrean, Mrs. Johi ((Armfstead, Mrs. Chile* Ferrell, Mrs (■Ben Owen. p Brilliant Washington Wedding. A beautiful weddlne ivnr celebratef In old Bt. John's church, Washington on Wednesday, when at noon Min Elizabeth Pinckney Goodwin, dnughtei of Mrr. Walton Goodwin, became tin bride of Lieutenant Boacoe F. Dillon s. x. f,i The rector of the church. Pi. Rolan. Cdtton Smith, officiated in tha presenm Jl'tSf a distinguished company, Raldoir ( has St. John's looked morn .beautIfu than It did the.,, with the chancel filler V With white spring blnssonis, Thert Ware great bran, he* of dogwood nnf »tirtdsJ wreutb and vases Ailed with an 4 itUnclutlon lllle*. The j.ew* r«sarve(" ((for the family were marked by clua y ter# nf the lllle* tied with broad whits , aatlu rlbb.m, ^ The bride was given iti pmcrlugo b» PPME brother, l.lnuteuarit Woiton God 'Wilt, Flftl Infantry. Felted Hfalei ; Army Bhe looked charming In ngnwr Bf white crepe emlo-oldered in pearls •Ut low In the neck, and with a Ion# * Bhe wore a tulle veil and orangf * IS, titid her bouquet war a Of IfHe* of tile valley The •groom's wedding gift, a handsome mond pendant, was her only ortta K Miss Alice Wnlke <b«)d«ln, her far, was the maid of honor. Him PPP 17th Annual Music Festival The Wednesday Club Qly Aiuiiror'.un:, Monday and Tuaaday, April 25th and 2<tth. The Wednesday < luh CWut, The Children1* Chorus The I'llUburg Festival Orchestra Mine Alice MerritKJochran, So pnwut. Miss Lifiia Hni liing, Contralto Dir, F ranklin Lawson, Tenor. Mr. Frank Croxton, Hass, and Mme. Jomelli famous operatic Prima Donna. Mortdav Night, Jomt’di Night,” ' _!H»rc{ia;>‘3tiU» program. idej Matinee. Children'* Chot i, Artf*U and Orchestra. Flight, Mcudi-tsaohn'V "liH 25c, S#c. TScV ftii," $1.54 and S2.44. now ar-Hui* «t the CaUe Company, 213 Fad Broad BEHIND THE BREAD PAN Fitted With light, tOOttMM Macalt aland* t»a fnmoua M iHk Making Fnurdar, aim unuauni m«rit la pra narrag hjr tha pataotad molat ort • proof tin-foil am-bw4 can orEH THREE VTLUOH PSOPLK USE GoodLuck Baking Powder And h mania with tha approval of all oooka who grant It a thorough trial It loarana M ttr and raqutraa loan. • oueeaa. I oantg; 1 pound, )• coat*; at four Honiara. Tbs Southern Manufactnruf Company nCHKOXI^ TA. | a becoming gown of pain blue crape, trimmed with whit* lore, and her <"at a large mushroom r.hnpe of white IIffreT with a garland of" rokes and fur iaet-me-nota around. the crown. The best man wu# Lieutenant Walter Tl. ' Sinead. V. 8. 1ST., and the ushers, all \ navy men, were Lieutenant H. T. Wln e ton. Lieutenant George \\. Steele, Jr., Paymaster Charles E. Parsons, Ucu . tenant Albert Church and Ensign An ! drew S. Hickey Lieut. Dlllen and his attendants | wore the full dress navy uniform and , Lieut. Goodwin that of the army A ‘ breakfast for the out-of-town guests | and a few Intimate friends and rela tives followed at the Goodwin home, i In Nineteenth street, which was dero I rated with quantities of spring (low ' era. Later In the afternoon Lieut, and Mrs. Dlllen iert for their wedding trip, i Mrs, Dlllen wore a smart suit ol dtag | onal blue cloth, with a small blue bat trimmed with viotets .Loeut. and j Mrs Dlllen will go later to Norfolk, where Lieut Dlllen Is attached to the : Delaware. Among the out-of-town guest* who j came to W ashington for the wedding were the bridegrooms mother. Mrs. Dlllen, and his aunt. Mina Armstrong, jot indianapoils, the Misses Goodwin, j ol Middleton, Conn., aunts of Miss Goodwin; Min* lletta Preston, of Hal Utnore; Dr. William lee kwood, Dr. j Prank Anderson. 1 8. N.; Mrs. Henry P. Price, wile of Lieut. Commander I Price, of the Delaware, to which ship j Lieut. Dlllen i* attached, amt Mrs j Charles Q. Harris, of Richmond. ' Some of The guests at the i hurrh ; were Mrs Walter McLean. Mrs. An i drew Bradley, Mr* Kellogg. Miss i Eleanor C’ullom Htdgely, Mr. und Mrs. J George Appleby, Miss Henrietta Pitch, ! Mis* Annie Irwin, the Misses' Down j ing. Mias Evelyn Chew, the Miser a t Finley. Mrs, Russell 11. Harrison, Mrs, i E C. Brooks, Mias Margaret Brooks ■ Mrs. Jewett, Miss Mata l Hjume, Mist i Katherine Crane. Gen. and, Mrs. Wo ! therspoon, Major and Mrs. Henry j T<Md, Mias Rose Bradford. Miss rath j orliie Hush Porter, Mias Isabelle ;Ua . gruder, Mr and Mrs. G. Gould Lin j clou, Mrs. George .Sutherland, ilis* , Edith Sutherland, Mrs. Constantins i Chase. Dr. Middleton Elliot, D. s N., and Mrs. Elliot, Lieut, and Mrs Kob ert Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Churlet Campbell and Dr. and Mrs. Dunlap (•aatoii-bmlth. Mbs Edith Byrd Smith, daughter o( Mr. and Mrs. J. Kite Htnitn, will be 1 very quietly married to Mr. Arthui Lee Gaston, a prominent attorney oi Chesttir, S. C., Thursday evening al ■ half alter six o'clock In the home ol . Mr. ami Mrs 8. Wj Travers, 8u2 West ,! Franklin stret. Mr. Clark, rector ol Hi, James i.plscopui church, win per i form the ceremony which, owing tc , extreme Illness in the bride's faintly will be wtineeBod only by the family and n few very i lose friends, Mr. Gaston and bis bride will leave Immediately niter ttio ceremony fol Northern points, and on their return will la- at home In Chester, 8. C. Of Internet Hero. Trinity church, Newark, X, J , wm the scene of a wedding of much In terest to Itlchmond me lely on Wed nesday afternoon «t 4 o'clock when 'Miss kmellne Agnew Condlct, 'laugh ter of the lute Stephen A. Condlct, of orange, X. J.. and Mr*. Condlct, to the Ilev. ltoger Atkinson Walk*-, son of the late Mev. ld-wla Walke, of Vir ginia. Hlght Kev. Robert Alexander Gibson, ot Virginia, performed the ceremony, | Palma, lilac* und utnrr flow «r» deco rated the <■ (lurch. The bride, wenr i lng a gow/. of whlto satin, cmlirolder I ed creep and a tulle veil and carrying j u shower of lilies of the valley, enured | with her brother, Mr, Philip King 'Condlct. She was attended by her cousin, Miss Carter, as maid of honor, and Misses Elisabeth Carter, Helen Wheeler, of Newark; Kidder and Gif fin, of Orange, N, J,j Dobbin, of Bal | tlmore, anil Holland, of Philadelphia, all of whom wore gowns of w hite net with pale groan satin girdles, und car ried bouquets of w hite lilai s. Dig J, Wood* Price, of Saranac Ltk«, was tti« best man, and the ushers tnelud | ed Lewis Brainier, of Richmond j Thomas Urajtdsr, formerly of this I'dty, but now ui Now York; Hobart , < V Dndd, of Chicago; William T. Car ter, Jr , and J. Nelson Curler, of New ark; Dr, II. Dawson Pnrnlse, of Now , York. Following the ceremony u reception wcm held at tils home o fthe bride’s (aunts, the Misses Condlct. of 74 Park (place, Newark, Only (he immediate funny u present at the recaption, owing to mourning In both the -bride’s land groom’s families. Mr. Walke, who Is a brother of Mrs. • Thomas Urander and Mr. Bidden i Walke. of this city, and has spent j several years in the Japanese mission j field, and has recently been engaged jin Virginia mUaiont i Mr. aud Mrs Walks will sail for I England on April 23, on route to {Japan. Kaufman—Miller. A quiet home wedding was solemn I tied Wednesday morning at the home ( of the bride's mother. Mrs. Harmale Miller, 34 West Marshall street, when Miss Cornelia Miller became the bride ■ >f Mj Joseph H., Kaufman. Mr. an Mrs. Kaufman left immediately after the ceremony for the North, and will be at home in several weeks at 24 West Marshall. To llltc Recital. The faculty and pupils of the Rich mond Conservatory of Music wjUl give another of tfoeir -».■ mi-monthly rer lyuJs ■^tn Thr’r stedtn-. T.iJS TTSJff TE'kce tQ*f«XT on Friday evening These recitals during the past have contributed greatly to the pleasure of the music loving people of Richmond, and have been largely attended during the ses sion_ ____ An attractB e program hag beep V ranged for Friday evening and th« public ts cordially invited Xeteen—Davie. Colon Station Methodist Episcopal church will ha tha acenr of a pretty wedding n««t Monday morning at 10 o'clock, whan t'aptatn and Mr*. John C. Da via wfll give In marriage their daughter. Bertie Gordon, to Mr. Ray mond Z. Net ten, formerly of this city, Trar now of Orange, Va. The Rev. Reginald H. Potts will officiate, and .he church will he decorated i with palms and fema. The bride will en icr the church with her father, at tended t-y her meM of tumor. Miaa Sadie Wakefield, who will wear an emhmldered lingerie (rock, with large cloture hat. mid will carry a bouquet of American Beauty rotes. The bride ■rill wear a green traveling cult, with • at and gloves to match, carrying a ‘.-ower bouquet of Bride’s rosea and • lies of the valler. The bridegroom •’■’hi have as hlR best man Mr. Ernest *!. Woodson. The groomsmen will tn 'ude Arlelgh I* Davis, Leroy Smith, Garold K. Nelson. J. Macon Bailey, ■fr William Reginald Walker will ■ eslda at the organ, playing Mondele hn'a wedding march. A reception >v'U be given to the bridal party 8at - relay evening In the home of the ride’s father, the home decoration ,'-tg whit* and yellow. Immediate f after .he ceremony Mr. Nelsen and IS bride will leave for Mobile. Ala. -nd other Southern points. Guests iom a distance Include Mr. and Mrs. >hn W. Albers, of Camden, N. J.; Mr*. J. A. Jones, of Fredericksburg, Va.; Mrs. Ellas E. Smith, of Mineral 'ty, Va; Mrs. Rudolph H. (Mil, of -ange, Va.; Mr and Mrs. John Wakefield, and Miss Lilia Wakefield, of Portamouth. Va.; Mr. and Mrs J. Vaughan Jones, of Hamilton, Va.: Mr. (and Mrs Ellsworth Campbell, of Cov ! lugton. Ky., ami Mr. and Mrs Wll j Ham Conway’, of Garrison, Ky. Mra McGee Hostsee. | by* beautiful home of Mrs. VV. A. McCJe^ on Orpyp avenue. wrus the scene, i or an enthusiastic gathering of Park ‘J.-Hicadionui Mission w.tWh oh Tuea i day afternon. It »hk the second of i j* semi-monthly meetings of the eo i clsty. A large crowd wus in attend ance and several visitors were present. | After the devotional exercises and busineas discussions, several musical selections were rendered. An enjoy ' 5 m ho"r followed, during which delightful refreshments were dls pensed by the hostess In her character istle hospitality. She was assisted bv Mrs. E. T. Hines Mi*S Ober Married. day8y" th* Baltlmore Sun «f Thurs "One of the prettiest and most nrtts Ueally arranged weddings of the sprlm tiypk place at 7 o’clock last evening **** Mi»s Grace Hamhletno Ober daughter of Sir. Albert Graham Ober was married to Mr. Charles Harve Palmer, of Milwaukee.” The bride wore a gown of white satli trimmed with rare lace, a tulle vel fastened with orange blossoms, an< carried a bouquet of lilies of the val ley and orchids. She was attended b her sister, Mist Katharine Hamhleto Ober, as maid of honor, and Miss* Elisabeth Otier and Miss Gertrud Palmer, of Milwaukee, as flower girh Elttle Miss Marjorie Ober and Wood berry Ober acted as train bearers. The beat man was Mr. Allien ( Ober, Jr., of Princeton, a brother of th bride, and the ushers were Mr. Nellie Bacon, of Connecticut, and Mcssn Douglas, J. Mamblcton, Beverly, Krun H and Robert Ober, cousins and broth ers of the bride. Misb Ober visited hen during th past winter as the guest of Mrs. Job J. Hlckok. and was much admired. Y. W. C. A. | There will tie a rally of the workers | In the Young Woman’s Christian As sociation membership campaign Friday | afternoon at 6 o’clock in the Y. W jC. A. building. Mrs. Cary Johnson, ’chairman, will present Dr. D. Clay Billy, who will apeak on the subject, "Service.” There will be music and refreshments. All the members are : urged to he present Personals. Mrs. ' William Hhields and Miss Aouisc Shields, of Leslngton, are the guests of Mrs. I\ M. Conner. • » • Dr, and Mrs. T. P. Eppes, of Black , stone, Va., are the house guests of Gnernor and Mrs. Mann. Dr. Eppes is l attending the Presbytery here. • • t Mrs. Franklin II. Agnew, of Penn sylvania. is spending some time In this ! • • • Mrs. Emmett Thomas, of Grove ave nue, has returned to her home, after a ■ visit to fretnds In Charlotte eountv. • • • Miss Flora Annan, of Baltimore, is the guest of .Vligs Gray, on Bark ave nue. Mrs. Swanson, who has been the guest of Mrs. Arthur W. Dunn In ! Washington, hug returned to her | home. • » * | The Ctn rent Events Class will meet at the Woman’s Club on Friday after noon at S o’clock. • • » Alias I.aluloii Rives, who has boon visiting friends here, lias returned to i her home In Clement, * * • Mitts Betty Dickinson, of Hollins In stitute, is spending the week with | friends here * * * Miss Florence Easley, of Houston, Is the guest of Miss Kitty Lancaster. • • • Miss Kth«t Hickey, of Washington, Is the guest of Mrs. Frank K. Htaey, at mil Hanover avenue. • » * Miss Bessie Merritt, of Norfolk, will arrive In Richmond Saturday to attend ; the Draper-Shields wedding on Wed City Coal Co. | Pennsylvania Anthracite, $6.50 $6.00 Splint, $4.50 Steam Contract Solicited. City Coal Co. Lombard; mA Bread Stress. 29th aad Dock Streets. Superior COAL At Your Own Price The coni we offer our patrons is the kind that good housekeepers prefer It bums until every particle tins disappeared because it is free from dirt, slate, nocks and other foreign substances. It u ('rood Coal'. Pennsylvania Anthracite. OUR BAG COAL—10c AT ALL GROCERS. NELSON & LADD, Office and Yards: 1903-5-7 East Cary Street. Phones: Monroe 1060-1079. Office and Old Yard: 1710 East Broad Street. All size* . West Virginia Splint, Lump. New River Lump $6.50 $4.50 $4.50 D. HR. CONVENTION 5HELTEMG THEFT Mysterious Woman Crook Active in Ranks of Convention in ‘Washington. VALUABLE OEMS STOLEN Thief is Not Member—Flees in Taxi Following Ilenounee inent from Platform. WASHINGTON, 0. <\. April 21.—A mysterious woman crook, wearing the insignia of the X"). A. It.. w.ts the fore most character In the minds of the Daughters to-day when the session convened, with a million dollars worth of Jewelry on display. Two rings, one u $8,000 diamond and the other a valuable diamond and sapphire jewel, have been stolen | from two of the Daughters, Whose names are kept secret, during the ses sions. Ti>-day a squad of detectives "combed" the crowd that entered the hall, and every woman who entered | was closely scanned. The loss of the jewels recalled an I Incident of Tuesday's session, when ! President-General Scott suspended all i business to say: j “There Is u woman In the hall who I is not a member of the organization, land if she does not leave immediately jtiie police will he called in." I A fashionably dressed woman fled precipitately from the rear of tip- hall. I jumped Into a waiting taxicab, and was I gone In a moment. The police would i like to find her. When the congress Is in session there is a show of wealth of Jewelry that would outshine a royal court. An i expert has estimated that the liaugh ters were over a million dollars’ worth 1 of gems. Mrs. John Miller Horton, ro | gent of the ftuffalo Chapter, alone dls I plays jeweled orders and ornaments I worth over $10,000. inspector 111 ASK FOR RELIEF ! Proposes to Request Council to Name Another Custodian for iCty llall. Building I nwpect'ir Henry Beck has notified the council committee on grounds and tmlldtngs that unless he Is vested with authority in managing the City Hull Unitors he will no longer he responsible as custodian of the building, and at the next meet ing of the council ho will ask that ; he lie relieved of the City Hall, of fering as ills saccessor the chairman i of the sub-committee on grounds and buildings. The committee Wednesday night overruled Mr. Beck In his contro versy with the janitors, declaring that the City Hall employes should not he oompellud to work during legal taoli davs, nor should they' be dooked for absences caused by sickness or other causes. v, Mr. John r Do* Lea's*, of the committee, announced that the Jani tori. would be heard on ail appeals from Mr. Beck’s decisions, and that whenever they considered themselves badly treated or tmpossd upon they should report it directly to the com mittee. !n answer to itaia the building in spector declares that he either is In charge of the f’ity Hall men or is not. and that while ns respects the committee, he proposed to find out just what a custodian la and what his duties are, and . nssquently will peti tion the council for Information and I relief POLICE USE CLUBS ON FEMALE RIOTERS NEW YORK. April 21-—Forty wo men were severely dubbed and then j arrested to-day following a riot in ! connection with the strike in the: Americas t\ nlage Manufacturing. Company's plaint in. the Green Point i section of Brooklyn. Yesterday the management announc ed that the mills had been closed down Indefinitely because of the strike. Some former employee^ wanted to return to work and the decision was reconsid ered. • ■ Wha* the deserters tried to get back-, to-day they wen alfsaBM Py t wo’) In which women, and girls predomina ted. »Vce-for-ull fighting, With baf plns as the favorite weapon, followed. Police reserves charged the crowd, which fought bark. By free uae of dubs the police finally got the upper ..... COLLEGE JH IS HEID IS THIEF I Admit* Having Klulen Two Gold Watches from Rooms of Students. CLOTHING MISSING ALSO Shoes and Vests Disappear— Charge May Be Felony— Property Not Received. In the arrest of Charles Johnson, | a negro, who for a long time was janitor In the Richmond College, the j police believe they have made an im [ port&nt capture, and the students of 1 the Institution are confident their ! clothes will not be taken from their j rooms any more. The prisoner, now confined in the Second Station, admits he stole two gold watches from the rooms of stu dents, each timepiece being valued at more than $80. Freshman V owell lost one of the watches and Senior K. B. Strlngfellow lost the other. Student J. H. Bristow missed a pair'of shoes after the janitor had visited his room, and Mr. W. M. Lodge, a law student, did not have a 'ot of vests that he lett in his room lor to the trip made one day b.v ti., lanltor. Razors without number—more than twenty, It is said—have been stolen from the rooms of the students at the college. The robberies have been reported from time to time, but until Wednesday night no arrest waa made. Johnson was arrested by I vtectivr Wiley, who had been given Infor mation from the students at the col lege. The negro will lie tried Satur day upon one specific charge—that of stealing a pair of shoes from Mr. Bristow. In the hearing of the evi dence bench warrants will he is sued. and he will be sentenced, r convicted, upon these. The watches ho stole have not been recovered. If their value Is placed above $S0. the case will be a felony, and will go to the Hustings Court. CREW OF WHALER TO LIBEL SHIP Declare Capiain Fair. But tinn ers Unjust.—Demand Extra Pay. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) NEWPORT NEWS., VA.. April 21. —Claiming pay for ninety-three days overdye time, the crew of the whaler Margaret, lying at Hampton Roads, i* going to Norfolk this afternoon to libel the ship. Members of the crew ran the captain treated them right but that the owners of the ship in Boston have not stood by the captain. The crew's contract calls for pay ment when they reach the home port. The ship sprung a leak in t,.v- Vorth Atlantic and was repaired at Barba doea. The crew members want pay for extra time. It is said a sea law >er stirred up the trouble. LYNCHBURG CROWDS AFRAID OF WEATHER ITlireatcnimr Weal her Caused Many Autoraobiluts to Give Up the Trip. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) LYNCHBURG, VA, April 31.— Over live hundred fans went to Roa noke to-day on the baseball special to •\eo the opening game between the local and the Roanoke teams this af ternoon. Threatening weather caused the ito'# a to be smaller than was ex pected. The automobile reliability run started off about nine o'clock this morning under the auspices of the Lynchburg Auto Club. The had con dition of the roads and the cool weather prevented a majority of the entrants from starting. Seven con testants started and are due to ar rive in Roanoke between one and two o'clock. IT BY PARENTS SHE IS FOUND HERE Young Woman Who Left Pitts burg Home Found by Local Police. The daughter of parents sahl to be wealthy In Lancaster. Pa., a sister of a man who is, by her own stat-«t?nt, a prominent broker of that city. Oneda Miller, eighteen or nineteen year* of age and very pretty, was brought Into police court Thursday morning and arraigned on the charge of being a suspicious character, or a fugitive from justice from the Quaker State. She has been missing from her home for two weeks and the chief of police of Iancaster notified the authorities here to be on the watch out for her. The girl aaid that she did not want to return to her home and that If she was forced to go back she would run aw'ay again. She ia a pretty bru nette, with deep blue eyes, and she dresses stylishly. Her character and conduct is to the contrary. TRAIN IS DERAILED WOMAN IS INJURED (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) CHARLOTTE, N. C.. April 21. Train No. 29 southbound, on the main line of the Southern railroad, was de tailed near Qaaton’li this morning. 81* day coaches, two Pullmans and a private car left the track. One pas senger. a woman, sustained slight In juries by jumping from the oar dur ing the excitement. The track was blocked two hours. w -ttaalilr asS Bests WM. Dr. A. T. Smith, who was recently Bleated by the City Council as district Ihyslctan to succeed Dr. Thomas Pret ow. resigned: and Mr. E. U Hasker, who succeeds Mr. Coleman Wortham aa clerk to the Health Department, have qualified before the city tdork and be* run active servlet / UNDERTAKERS MUSI 60 TO CITY KALI ■ Dcatli Certificates Filed at Health Office and Burial Permits Granted There. Each day bring* forth new change* which must be conformed to by • sh eer* and business men of Washington ward. Though for a few day* these matter* have caused a little confu sion, it 1* observed that th»* 1. grad ually passing, and resident* of one lime Manchester are rapidly grasp ing and adjusting these details All undertakers of the Mouth Mb* must now obtain burial permits and file death certificates in the oitve or the health department In the City Hall. In emergency eases, however Assistant health officer Rucs'sr will ' issue permit*. This will be done only when the health office Is closed. The city offices tn the new ward. : which are occupied by deputy heart* ‘ of departments, will close each Sat urday afternoon at 1 o'clock, ■ on forming to the rule generally ob served for many years in Richmond Marriage licenses can no longer o* obtained from Clerk of th • Court | ItuVal. hut victim* of Cupid's arrows must procure the necessary papers j at the City Hall. — j MOODY RELEASED OX BOM) OF ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS Claude Moody, who several day* ago attacked and serious eul Thomas , Hancock, was released train custody : by Judge Wells, of the ilustv igs Court, 1 '’srt It., Thursday morning by fur 1 uithlng a bond of $1,000 for hi* ap pearante in police court No. J Mon day morning, when he must answer a charge of felonious assault, lian oock. who Is at the Memorial li*va I pital, is slowly recovering from his j wounds, which, it is said, were tn 1 flirted with a knife. Th v necessary | bail was furnished by J. 1’. Jones, • K. 8. Moody and J. W. Middy. REVIVAL SERVICES CLOSE; MET WITH GREAT SUCCESS Th# revival services, which have been tn progress at the Weatherford Memorial Baptist church and Central Methodist church for about ten days, closed Wednesday night. At both I places the meetings have been un : usually well attended and proved , highly successful. ! At the Central church Rev. J&mu M. Rowland assisted the pastor. Rev. Hdnry C. Pfeiffer, while at Weath erford Rev. J. W. Downey, pastor of Calvary Baptist church, Portsmouth, conducted the services. Charge* Withdrawn. Clarence Coxen, who wi„ brought back from Newport News Wednesday • it'hf by Police Officer Wa.vmack on a warrant charging a serious of fense, nas been released. Wednesday night he married Mlse Grace v'antp bell at Trinity church, Chesterfield county. Briefs and Personals ______________ Mr. Charle a Burkert returned Thu red ay from Washington and Bal timore. where he has been In connec tion with business matters. Mr. and Urs. P. O. Zulstra left Thursday to visit relatives In Charles ton, 8. C. A pie party will be given Thursday night at the home of Miss Ruth Wil liams. This la for the benefit of the parsonage fund of the Asbury M. E. church. A silver tea will be held Thursday night at the residence of Mrs. 'Allen A. Pettigrew, West Twelfth street. TOO MUCH POLITICS FOB A LONG DOCKET Marie Coles, a little ' black pick aninny whom Justice Crutchfield characterized as a "baby,” was In police court Thursday on the charge of stealing a lot of clothing from Sarah Thompson, her aunt. The One John made the aunt take the child home, giving Instructions at the same time that he tainted to hear less of such trivial ma/.ers. Prank Gray, a little negro, who is thought to have been with the- two other little negroes whu stole—leatr pipe and who were sent to the refor matory, proved that he was innocent of the one theft and was dismissed. At 10:30 the police court had con c lulled and the Judge said that he was going out and watch the scramble of the candidates for the ballot* ~ui . 4 w : -V -Soft.' i*... NEGRO MISAPPROPRIATES SECRET SOCIETY'S FOND Members of Lovers' Union of -Sli ver Star Cause I tow etl’s Arrest. Per serving In the « «t>.u ity of the Lot ere' Union of the Silver s-'ttur. a lent society mainto : ,-d le tho colored people of Washington «ard. Thomas Howell, a negro, ha- two uin« involved In financial ditfli ultie*. and «o this particular star I* alleged to hate fallen and wound up tn police court No. 2 Thursday morning < n a charge of misappropriating funds Justice Maurice heard a little- of the testimony and decided that th» unlucky star had been traveling at a pace almost equaling that of Hai ley’s comet, and thought he had bet ter talk the matter over with tha grand jury. He was released on ball of $500. furnished by Janies Win.rce, cole red. Just what Howell's peculations will finally aggregate U not known, but it is said they will reach well ovir $100. EXCEPTIONS FILED To COMMISSIONEK S REPORT Judge L- H Wells, in hustings court, part two, Thursda' morning hoard exceptions by creditors to th<« report of W. C. Pulliam. commis sioner in chancery, In the litigation of the Utah' (Haas Company, now in the hand* of roeeivera. The plan 1* t * get the cause fn such shape as to war rant n sale of the property by a ds • crae of the court. The reclver, the Virginia Trust Company, was represented by Attor ney Thomas O. Oordon, while various creditors presented there exceptions through Attorneys W. R. Meredith, Umrmtt Seaton and Charles I* Pag*. Kducatloiutl Association. A meeting of the iwsnsbani Edit rational Association will be held Fri day afternoon at 3 o'clock Several matters of Importance are scheduled t obe acted upon. FLOODS OF MONEY ! FROM LIQUOR MEN ! (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) BRISTOL, VA-, April 21—Nearly , $60,000 In cash was put up this morns . lng by the whiskey people of Bristol lu applying for renewal of their license for another year, while more will be i put up this afternoon. Judge Kelly heard thirteen applica tion* for retail liquor license, shipping, manufacturing, brewery, etc., and an ! nounced that he would pass upon them I with other applications yet to be heard I to-morrow morning. | Judge Kelly questioned every appli f cant closely as to whether he -was try | lng to eiiforce the laws rigidly, espe cially against selling to minors, ha bitual drunkards or intoxicated per sons. or employing women in tha places. To one applicant, A. B. Me ; Clellan, he stated he had received an anonymous letter complaining about i his place. He warned McClellan not : to employ minors any more and ques ; tloned him closely aa to his private i personal conduct. The retail dealers are required to de ; posit $3,600, the amount of the city license tax, while the manufacturer's j license Is $4,600. Hmbwt Unmh IhwiI. The Clark of the Hustings Court Thursday Issued mcrriwge licenses ta the following Mr. Andrew Hu bend and Miss Mamie Gaston; Mr. Prank Huttorf and Mina Koae Bruffy; Mr. Joseph Grauaman and Mlaa Matilda Habstroet. Father Hid ward Meyer, of 8t. Mary'* Catholic church, quallfled as guarhtaa SMALL BOTS ARRESTED FOR THEFT OF FOWLS. i Surburban residents have suffered of 1 late from the depredations of chicken thieves and three email pickaninnies are now in the Henrico county Jail or the charge of stealing chickens, ducks, pigeons and geesa. One has confessed that he stole "soma” chickens, but tha other two deny they were w'th him any time and aay they can prove an alibi. Frank Cosby and BUI Moaby. neither standing over three feet high and each as Mack as the hinges of hades, were arrested Wednesday afternoon by Of ficer Garnett. Jim Smith was captured a little while afterwards and has a<l* nutted that he stole chickens.