Newspaper Page Text
Mooatcr Crowd nt J4tati*.m to Greet Early Arrival of - - ~ Col. Roosevelt. MEETS MR .TTBSKBAND; Latter "Was Tennis Cabinet Mem ber—Newspaper Given Mem bership in Annanias Club. (By & Staff Corre3V»«r.Uant of tho United rru**-> PARIS. April 21.—-Half-part ■ i;' m-wucg t* awfully tarb in l’arl*. but nevertheless ihene "a* a l’1* crowd at the eaeteni depot at that hour to-day to welcome Cel. rtoose Velt on hi* arrival from Budupeal. It wasn't a crowd of * maaouileu Ither, and the cheer, that President bore the aUUJip of genuine French A. the Colonel was nmXtnjt hi* wav to Amt«a*.ador Bacon's auloinoOlla »« caught sight of J J- Juaaerand. the French amhaewidor at W ntlungton and a member of <b- former < re. - dents “tennis cabinet- . hv *r Erc,|t Inc wa» charstterlaUo. the < olonei preying hi. delight at seeing his old friend on his native sol’.. away In the aut-mht'e to Mr. Bacon’s house In the Hue Francois premier. Where he and Kermlt met Mrs. Iloo.e veil ar.-l Kthel Mr. Roosevelt re mained at the Bacon home until time to go to an ’nr. rmal luncheon "t th#* American embassy* --Til?* t*otnne3 c*Hitod trprm FroeVten * F&IHarai at the Elraee iwla*e «od tipon Foreign Minister Plchon at the lattsrb* office. Both Falltoros and motion returned the visit# it the Ba "COTT trofTTP The President has offered Mr lloonevcIt. the use of his at the CVmodl* France i*e for to-night, the bill' being „*Tn «‘a price*’ and ‘Osdtpc Rot.” Rnt-ntimi hy Rustnc** Men. To-morrow's Mg events will be a Wceppon hv The American bwffno** ; men in Pari* at the einba#m and the dinner by the Provident. On Sat urday Mr. Rooeevelt will give the first of hie Euroj^an lecture before i the faculty find student* of the Pnl vrpflty of Sorbonne on **♦ 'iiiJM'rmhlp in a PfWlWIr" Monday the presentation <»f a trot a ' medal from the <• it> will toko place at * ho « ’ifv ITall. Tue*dsi> Ol. Rooae volt will visit tts* iT»|tit«r> acsil' iny jit Raumur The f \*l« • v**1 w«* to-day shown a fiftpy of thr New York Pun. in which he was ouoted .•« Fiyvinir that the .,f Rome wore worn.* than tho Fathnlb s and that when he re turned t<* the fritted states ho would take steps t»> have them drb «*n from ftoiru', When h< had road the et<»n the f,lonel Raid: **The statement i* m JTuumltfied f«b -hood and th* Sun liuivt hn.« known it w»# a falsehood when It printed it. ” TV A S1-T T Vi T T O N. T ‘ f . A p rP 21 - •‘Mr. }\n evrlt upon his return t*» the- rrnlted S» tt. a !)l fitJppor* th” »n fr m »h. ground tip.” Th fr positive statement h>-d.»v hv on* of th< m • ? i r< mirtent of Prerf 4ml Taft’s offk-lal advls* r« whh made In fsurh tt W:t\ ^ to o-mey the lm ffiktu tla had pttnoi thf>fe of th* »d***ln1s»T < *i The «*-!»* with the n day that .c chief jul tlon. and one. win r f don* 1 le; .t the former President * word Inner * ;*u rani >f th ♦ t f • Th 11 *n ' rn# nt \ iiriiuno : nut r 1 hi V Ip ‘tnent made yester Tt 'ot. who was the he bud udmtnlatra d* r in the present - * \ • ’t t’ef ip* th« Celebrate Centennial D«^y. (SfK'daI to T1k- Ttl*dirn<»rsrj \ Irgltda HAPKItiH, V r, April .1 Vest day was c* rRennial das at St. Mm Kehonl in this city, bejit-r the annlv «mr> of the founder of the school, h AU*rrt Sm*'dc The program war ati ejahornt. . and many speakers were hoard by alumni, «i - were fr> town in gr number-*. Rev. Smerles was rector of the In: tution during the trying time* of 9cr*at Civil TVnr and, nlthough hr with difficulties, managed to keep a good attendance during the whole th*? war. Rb*o Ifigii School Close Rich: I'FPOT, VA . April 21 — closing exercises of th# high sch Which wore 1 eld in the asormhly Wodn* sda ' ere of unusual Into to tlic large 'ndb nee prerent fr >tn fret that tj »■ first i'Ibm gradua1 from n high s« hool in Print Kdw coiMitv r< ceivf 1 diplomas on this rafiioi, "ile graduates wero Mi B Virgtnin M -th-v. Annie Ma Brad' l.ul»lin Bradshaw, H Tioe% Vaughan and 8amuol - \\ « ItoPdljrii nt. Htatc f xemJner Thomas ami Hu liuordsnt Atkinson wore proarnt l?tade fee sddre#»«s. LITHE HOPE FOR HIRMINUHAM AU , April pi A p'lriy <»f mining and in pj>«#tor* fully <1 \*;rh niit»«3ml »ji|HihitU!i, inrdn ii vtifcin ru tempt tu i ra'u i im I | tif t i»f ih« iuwur k*vui Of V» l> i K tl TliilUr Which V, txn by tUi t«Apio*Uih last nighl, io If of the mitiMth ''v’lght wcru b ) i v * -. Tin > gixi itt thn bntir»m »»r lfcL- hhull only Ut in. driven htnii by tim gas. A atu-itfiti ti,iUirtijit wrci^ njttJ.'. iii which tWy mmxrfc/< <1 to to the working* but fell* oto ■Jitr chttttkf»<-1 . v.'Cife flkjid ft^ktUr^d and it lhorft U a p< th#i blow »t/ib diatttffu'o ji* w it bout (lading ifU.iy w recited i.. not believe! ibil.ty H4iy niijuirts taught “it fcurv;v*. Tr»c A-earch Will tat continued 14n1.1 the booh .» r*ct»Vbr(j(i. JPUteor; win Lew twenty-five rn*tfro< While trying i through a j».l. of and from ten t u Lift! f- r « i In;ir wai detiro several r* •> cutthi wen* overcome end had to t*«* e&iTiwo out. Ail « ff.trt to pcM-trau* |tafc wr*eU&-8e va* then griven up until tfc# rotfc», otof'.r# of k<u> *i~r. it i* now <«m kWwrt-l cwutiii all the *n tombed tm n tfr* died ORAL HKTTL.\’(j HIM, IP PAifeSES TUB ASSKMHLV tL: .. N y. Aju H 11. —Th . J \> wti i ii M-.A4i.iu oraj betting t» p*oi » ■'{!»* i y leaking th.- *u a mi. jMPMMM, pawed tb« An*lnl>l> hi tiy a \-He .f i *. to Z-i aa>f Mil <«*«* efluet Eeyilemliir i. a 'JRS» tout® ,kisaai£-ti*..uUisL*xrii. YOUTHFUL THIEVES HELP FOH COURT l’etarsburg Nofjro Hoys Kutfr Store Steal Ciguretteii, Candy ami Money. OTIIKJt NEWS OF TOWN liuhtin^s Court t onvenen- Fire Destroys Disputant a Store. Man KjmIh LUc (Special to The KlrhmouU Virginian.) rLTEllSI'.l'iai, VA.. April - 1.—An the police court this nwrmnjf K*»barl Let*, i'er/x Cokvr. i.mrry AUie.t, trank Cress Rnrt .inmos x hxrpctitrr. m-gr-» toys, v«.r.* . bar*' d with miiuring a store with h fh !**»• k<?> on the corner of Harding 8U(I Halifax struct* last Sunday and stealing two Jodar* in money and a lot -f cigarette# and canu;. liny were sent to the Dus ting* Court for trial. The pt -r« of Frank W. Sruihalt, near Disputanta, Vn.. wns destroyed by fire lust night, with ronton** l‘b< origin of the fire and the loss cannot te ascertained Hunting* ( tmrt (’tmffnf*. The April term «f the lluMlng* Court opi ned this morning, toil n • bud net* of inUrt*t was traxeuie'-d. The court adjourned to 4 o -lock this sentment uagalnst John N»*y s ,iri<1 WHHanT TTamTHT, ~rninrwi, for ttoti support The file* of lr»OM> tobacco at the warehouse.* to-d**> were fairly larg* Price* ranged from $*> to $35 per hundred pound*. Fire tn f‘arrory. Fire wrs discovered in the boiler room of the Hub and Rim Factory at the head of Pearl street about 12:30 o'clock Thursday morning. The fire department responded promptly to the alarm and hi acceded 1n ex tinguishing the flames, but not until the room had been badly gutted. Commit* Suicide. 1 *ij»t night about It o'clock Nat Inge, aged twenty-one year*. Hwal iuwt d n nwa>;!lty ewt'boil*- u^ ld and shortly after 12 o'clock thi* morning he died from the efjfectg of tile drug Why he took flu* acid Is not known. Plcttwil Wiiii Mic. The grounds of the Rlvendde Club in Dinwiddle county, a abort distance from Petersburg, which have been tendered by the club for the proposed camp of Instruction for the infantry officers of the State, were inspected yesterday afternoon by Cul. Dempsey of Klchflortd. who appeared much pleased with the site Intonating Revival. \n in tercet Ing revival is being heR at the M* t hod tot church in M atom a < hc'.tf-rbeld cminty, r.ohducted by th# pastor. Res'. II. 1*. Read, assisted b> Rev Charles Read, of Wllllamston N c\. who is « member of the North Carolina conferent e Smoker I'uIIown Service*. After th< servioes o*f th«- Centra , Con\ ecati<»n of the episcopal chur< t at the (>oud Shepherd Memoria him h hist night the piembers of th< uvo. ati<»n were tendered a "«mt*Ker’ by the male memb»nV of the congre gatloii. lie i ream and other refresh n-ient.s vv*rv served. .) M Reck with (colored) was ar rested here by the police this morn Ing for the Smlthfhld. N. <*., ati th or i ties- He Is charged with jump ing his bail bond. Printing Company Flin ts Oflhvrf. \t the annual meeting of the stork I r« • f lU' Vtiftnlun Printing a.n< Manufacturing Company. 1 f Peters ‘•tinr. held aM night, the followim K H- i n wi re elected for the enffuln; % rm President, H F. Munt; vice {•resident, W F Poole; .so rotary an treasurer, W. )*. Hnrri:«on; mamiRH i». (1 Whin. A board of director I were also eb*. ted as follows John 4 Hill, V A Will turmoil. W T. Haugf fv. K «Jill. J. Went more Hrmvr Hcerge 'V. Harrison. Th*» part year's business ha* prove ’ natirfftetory t*- the company and | dividend of six per cent, was drclarot 13 YEARS IN PRISON AND S6JOQ FIN i ' (Continued from First ragrc ) : and tlx< fifth rhtuKHitc stealing itionu 'from thr post-ufllee. The muxlmur penalty proy hied under the third < oiiu !h live years' imprisonment and Mix' of The maximum pen alty 11 lift or tho fifth (fount Is flv year*' imprisonment and a Mix- i $5,000. “I Impose U|ion each *»f you tlx fu punishment provided hy- law. Th In tin you in' Imprisonment mid » tin of JK.oiKf rftoh ; Von will ho take to tho Atlanta pilemi mut thoro tot flnid for tho I'orhxt namtil to Or court. I suspend ayitofoo on the lira second mid fourth founts of the if diriment heeause they are so neat'! . like the others upon wliloh I hav sente m i it you, “I hare impnssit upon you Ox* lu ! ixintshlrieiu i>r<>vide<t hj Ole slattite I want l" Hay. in pronouncing at li iffnn. Inrwever. I hat Ltm cuurt u I no way rosiionaUile for the leiUeno or thff law in Kuril cases." • cut Id (live Vo More. The rourt's concluding euui tntt left no douht in the minds of tli j>li-on«-r» and otlturs that Judge Wait dill deemed the Sentence light fn six ti offenses, triit ho additional tlm roll Id have hern given Kay and llarri hy the court, iin ii the .iudtx had in terpreted the iirtl two and the (Hurt counts at; being i m Id dad in tlxr Ihlr (tltfl nrth. lay and Harris talked with Mi Smith while the court was deithera; trig over their fate. They seemed un coir i liod about what the court woul Kay, and bell a veil no tign of Minch : ing at the last moment. They ai game m“ii. and their tH-purtsnvp tended So indicate that this v> as no their first experience in such a pro ■ a tram out. To Save Others. it is continently believed l.y l)o tot dive Shell r and thf |iost-otficc ill (pe’tcrs who tnueft the men am their loot-atufted trunks to New Yorl , hi'.;. Dial l-'av and Harris, like th ! rtpnrtans they have shown iboniselYi ■to he. plea d-d ejlity to xhield other furl died in Ho l.djj roiiery. mid proii ah’ I. a ,h- tlx ■ anti their, attorney ji-a'.«■ a,fried In right the iroBtiai! aoi A*- o j.ut l > tr.h • Attorney Tails w u-id la- futile They may have con cider* ii li as likely that ihey nilgh ir xriven hinder terms If they resist jed tin irxlx i ox nt. I nf Mr, Smith s ti aTtvr the |ri.e..e-fr had tw*-n take haik to the Henrico county Jail tha \; t ' THEIR MISPENT CAREERS CHECKED lit would not have been of any avail to go into a lengthy trial when tin m**n were guilty and were willing to admit th. tr guilt that they might be gin serving thstr sentences at the ; earliest time. Ah matters stand now. the prison er* have "swapped ten years of their live* for JMi.iuO, that being the amount of bad not >et recovered by The Inspectors. The latter have not admitted defeat at the hands of the shrewd criminal*, but are still main taining the closest watch for the re mainder of the $Sti.29f>.R4 In stamps, cash and < ertirted cheeks which the * roLda-ra so skilfully, vlU^.4y- and suc cessfully stole from the ancient, thin . * loored safe In fin* temporary- post— office • n March ii*. Under the law If a prisoner who has been sentenced to pay. a line after serving a term of years In a Federal prison, pleads that he Is a pauper Mid U unable to pay the monoy. h* is released. This has been done in many Instances, perhaps a majority, and even in rases of bank presidents and wealthy robbers. Answered tu Itcal Name*. Tb#* postuflicc robbers answered to the names *>f Kddle Fay and Richard Harris. Police r f.ord3 in almost every city of any slap* In this county show that for more than fifteen years they have been engaged in blowing safes, looting poKtoftkes and robbing banks. Hooks found in their possession after their arrest showed that they had planned a long series of bank and post office robberies in the South and had maps and drawings of the streets, houses and alleys contiguous to the institutions they planned plundering. There seems every reason for believ ing they are Kddle Fay and Kb hard Harris. Fay la known to be worth about $400,000 <»r $500,000. lie bus a hand some home in Chh ago. when it do* s not make much difference whether a man Is a thief or not. ho long as he has the money. in addition to his residence with many thousands of dollars. Fay has a long string of thoroughbred race horses, which he hu.^ raved with great success on the Pad' f eear*t and in the contra! West He l»v. has large stock holdings, and Its said to be the operator of a race track poo! in Chicago. It would seem now that Fay would be com* ! pi lied to pay the $t>,000 fine imposed (upon him, but ht can evade payment i by transferring his property to other i j person*. He and Harris are further •! safeguarded from serving more than ten years in the Federal prison h\ the fa t that the statutes do riot pro ! vide any additional confinement il j fines arc not paid. It is therefore ex . ! tremoly unlikely that either of the rr.n will serve more time than sever | and a half years In the Atlanta peril i tentlary, as about two years and a l hll will be taken off for good be hftvlor Fay and Harris. as was df ny.n.4rated at the Henrico jail . seem to know how t<> he on their gpor l ! behavior when confronted with insur . , mountable ctrcumutaneos, and as thf r {iitt m<in has yet to escape* from tb* t j Atlanta prison. It is not likely thai . they will be heard from in a crltnina way before December, 1917. Immediately after the prisoners en tered the eourt room Judge Waddi! ordered the jury called. Attorney Smith naked that this hi postponed to allow him time to with draw the plea of not guilty entcrec for the prisoners by the court and fib i a demurrer to the Indictment and i motion to quash. i Asked If he had any ground o; reason for this, Mr. Smith replied h | the negative. Judge i^ewta oppose* the postponement, saving the prison ers had been offered opportunity las week to Me *tu< h motions, but did no {avail themselves of tt. J udg»* Wttddlll overruled Mr Smith's motions and then asked If tin attorney wished to say anything witl regard to the election of the prison j cr* as to w hether they desired to b< tried Jointly separately. Mr. Sniltl naid ho appreciated Judge WaddilV disinclination to grant HeverunccK 1i i criminal cases, but he would like t have the men tried separately, ‘ be % \ r * i« Kdilie Kay and Rithaid Harris. Notorious Host office and Hank Hooters Who 1 I'leaded Uullty and te.-rr Srntrnred tn serve ten years and pa> *6.000. i- ■ | cause their defense.’ ought be entire I ly different, and < -on-dd«»rable time' could be saved by trying them sep arately.” Judge Waddiil said b* sew n*» rea-j ;s«>n for a severance . * Fay and Mar- i 1 rU were charged with the same crinn • at the *mme time and phtrr The r •• irt [ordered that the trial proceed. ! District Attorney Lewis asked that the indictment ag-uiut the men hi re ad again, so as t-» JTord them op portunity to plead f«-r thenwlvea. Mr. ! Smith waived the r* t *f of the in dictment, but J.udg* L wis insist** i that it be read, saying. 1 do not wish j to take any chance* Listt-n U» Iniiicuiiont. Clerk Itrady then ord* red the pris oners to stand up f dh Pay art j Harris arose quickly, and stood with ! bowed heads while the voluminous i Indictment containing five separate | count*, and a deacTip'i >n of the *toU*n stamps, certified checks and "Hah. wan j read. The indictment charged th larceny ■j of tt tote l of $86,21*;. ;■ o listed a.- fal lows: Ptarnpv, $84.74;.:> l . currency, j $814.59; certified checks. $1,2.*5 r,&. («l\rii Time U» Confer, j At the conclusion *<f the reading "f I the indictment Attorney Smith said "Hefore pleading we would :vrk your j hotter to grant tip ten minutes in I which to hold a v >.ifer»-n< c "Do you need that lung'*” askt d Judge Waddiil. i "Yes, sir." replied Mr Smith "Very well then go right into tti> I room," ‘■•aid th- judge, j The prisoner. and their •lnsel ! them retired from the ro* in. Marshal Smith* rs going with them ami • v r. •one speculating ns to what the <u ' ferr n» e was about. After th* conf* rence thc men pi- . jjtf-<l guilts and were sente .. ed. t on rt Iloom Crowded. Cvery seat and every availed*- ir 1. of sian ling room was or. ipied «»« f..r» 11 o'clock, although no*»n had b»«n 1 fixed as the turn the- case would be gin. Fully ?>'»'■» anxious and curious rn* n and wonv*n struggled their wav Into the court r- m and draped thvm 1 : selves ar*>und th. rail no us to get n good 1> k *r the pr v *ners, r t. ^ueef' d th- Ir v\ ay into doorway ? ‘hoar what might be said. The rr**w«i ! extended thr* ;gh th*- main d- -or. which wn» poked tr> suffo ati *n. and down th* st* i■ - to the seventh str* et i entrain « of th Federal building I>viM< t -d Plea of Cullty. Humors tic • the prisoners would ; j plead guilt,\ » r* thick when Judge VMadrilll entered the <s»urt room. | Clerk Drady warned the scribe* t<> watch for surprises and »ev< others predicted Unit the unexpected vould 1 happen. A number *f men scrambled i.i><»n * chairs and peered over a tranaoin into 1 the court room, Each time a door 1! opened all ♦*>•«■#« wore shifted toward 1 it. for it was evidently feared that the •.prisoner* might got into th*- court room without everyone seeing thorn. At r. o’clock the prisoners were brought into court. A wave of ”ohs' ami ’ ahs” swept over the room anil there was a genera) ahufTllug of feet and i raining of necks. FIR YOUNG MEN WILL BE LICENSED t’ro'pcrtivc Ministers All Deliver Fine Kermuu.s Before LTcsbytery. Si. rtuons tty four young nit a vvho will soon K" lorth trom the seminary to prea.' h the gospel marked the Thursday morning session of hast 1 lam ver i'ri-shyl cry In the Chufeh ol the Cot chant. Tin tr tiaim s. together with the texts thc> preached from are Mr. fc>. K. 1‘htlllps, of Klchmotid, t*t. John. U-j,,. Mr J. u. Mann, of Barium Spring.. N. f., St. John, ••: ■: Mr. VY. T. Thompson, of Washington, f>. l\, Acts. 1 »; Mr. W. B. McUwatne, Jr, of 1'etcrshurg. St. Janies. 1. IS. These prospective ministers of the g, sp« i, all of w hom graduate at tne l iilou Theological St minary within the nc\l few weeks, will be duly Thursday night, having pass • d all rt ijiilreuietits of the presbytery satisfactorily- Their sermons were pronounced among the best ever de list red before t.o presbytery on 11 cenr.ure occasions'. i oting Mel!unine lllialits. Young Me I !v. itm blushed' pert •< pt 1 Ibly When lies T 1‘. Bpcs, of Blaek 1 stone, arose aft* r the sermonle utter ii uces. arul plating hi- hand on the head of the young licentiate, address^ • d the assemblage thus "ilere sits a great-grandson of old Hr. Theoderh k Pryor, one of the | foremost ministers "i -'Ur presbytery In his day. Hr. Prior wished nna prayed that one of his y >hs might become a minister. I ut his svisti waft Inver granted. Then he wished that one of his grands'iis might choose the ministerial calling, and that wish sas nnstr granted. Now. we have here before us one of his great i_ratidsons. ami may he prove worthy of his calling.” MARKET ACTIVE L'XDER V \ PA VOR ABI. V C< >XDIT JON S (.’< nsldorlnw the mir\ ati<1 ohllly i woather which prevailed Thursday I morntnsr the Cary *trc*d produce wuir i k*t whs ur.usmiily active. The price | of lo rn ha» tumbled xllKhtly, brinKtnn It down to li> cent* per pound. Tho following yuotattonb art* based Ion actual ealev: Richmond Virginian’s Commercial Weather Map For April 21st, frob obi-t>rv>m<>iiu taken at 8 A. M., Efts tern Time. U. S. Department oi‘ Agriculture WEATHER BUREAU ' -JW EOGSKh rV’A * \ \ \r l iplanillon of KymlmU. Figures at stations itiritr minimum temp. r < turn and precipitation In past 24 hours. •WAWUtJfU'fON, C.. April i' pt-vm rr northern-porttonT Krtitay North Carolina: Fair to-nlpht, Wralhrr -Forecast till fntr. o .<rni.*r Friday fair, warmer. Forecast Til), Friday K f. H. s 1’ .'1. Friday. VUtt.ln.ia: l air JTiffheet anil lowest temperature* during preceding 24 hoars at-— Boston .68 48 Now York .58 1'hlladelphla .58 Washington .58 Blcil.Mu.Nl> .6 2 Atlanta .54 .BloksoilVille .86 Now Orleans .68 Galveston .75“ Birmingham .54 Memphis .62 St. Louts .62 Chicago .52 St. Paul .7« Cincinnati .56 Pittsburg; .40 Buffalo .*.48 Detroit .44 Kansas City .... .74 Denver .82 Salt Lake City....74 Ban Francisco ...64 Portland, O. .64 48 u -11 «6 !*“ 46 54 61 40 60 50 44 46 40 32 40 36 64 36 44 46 4«s-n)tjfhlr—probably frost trt TOW The storm center over the Eastern Lake Kegton yisterday has remained nearly stationary during; the past 31 hours, while Its attending area of rainfall developed outhward "U* far as central North Carolina. Tlits storm Is followed by an area of clear, cool weather, with frosts as far south a* tne Central portions of the East Gulf Slates. Still farther west a storm or marked . energy Ire located.- This store) !»*»-»» yet mused hot tittle precipitation hut B proJuclWf hiffh _*[Ih(Js jiud sales^ fi^ tl»e Nort plains States. _ The present conditions Indicate fur this vlclo-^ liy fair weather to-night followed by .fair and warmer weather Friday. fiXOttki'.,. PRICES IMPROVE III SUCK MARKET Gains Noted During First Fifteen Minutes With Railroads in _ *“ \ j>_ Demand. GENERAL LIST ON RISE Early Trading Followed by Pro nounced Strength—Heavy Buying in Steel Common. NRW YORK. April 21.—rxel<J*<l on provpTrtent was shown At the i*pvninu of tho stock umiket during the ftrs<t fifteen minutes. j>rk*cs made fair |?ains, with railroads in incraaaexl demand. Amalgamated rose % and galr.9 were nrnde In H;«el common and Smelting. Union Vactfle opened a little off, btit recovered this Iohs. The general Hat at the end of fifteen minutes ranged slightly above yesterday's cloee After the early trading the raarkot developed pronounced strength and substantial gains were made In all the active iseuea. Steel common was heav ily bought. O< od advances were noted. Government bonds unchanged; others dull. There was little change in condition* In the last half of the forenoon the rains that were established in the hour being fairly maintained, although | recessions were noted in a few Issues. 142 42 not 2*H 7*W io * A3* 67 80 H K!H NEW YORK STOCK mARKRT |By Thomas Branch A Oo.| OjJcflT American IWt Sugar, f.. Am. Arr. Chsm. Co.. A llia-0»almers. A We-Chambera. pfd. Alma.samat.ed Copper. 74* American Can...••••••■•«• 1^* American Can. pfd. "IS American Car A Fdv.*.. 63 American Car A Fdy, pfd.. A merlrnn Cotton Oil.. American Uvorootire... 50* American Locomotive. pfd. American Smelting. *2 American Sujcar. Amer. Tel. and Tel. Oo. 137 American Tobacco, eotn. .American Tobacco, pfd— Anreooda Copper. 45 Atchison.. 112’-* Atlantic Coast. T.ine... Baltimore and Ohio. lit Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 79* Canadian Pacific. . 1A2 Chcaspeaka and Ohio. v6* Chicago Great Western. Chic. Mil. and St. Paul. 142 Chi. and Northwestern. C. G. W . pfd. Central leather. 43* Colored© Fuel ard Iron. 40* UAH 45* 113* MS 111 *0* 182 87* Colorable and Southern. _ Colo, arid South , 1 *t pf l ... Col. aod Sou h.. 2d pfd. Consohdated Q«a» .. . Delaware a nd Hudson .... Denver and Rio G., com. ... Denver and Rio G.. pfd..... Distillers' Sec. Cor. Erie . Erie, 1st pfd... 47* Erie. td*pfcl... General Kteckric... 149* Great Northern, pfd ... .. 137* Great North. Ora. Ctft. 67* IRinori (Tstitra!. 139* Int. Metropolitan.. 224% In*. Metropolitan, pfd. 59* lnt. Mer. Marine, fora ...... Int. Mer Marine, pfd. 19* International Paper.. fntertiat4otxaI Pap«r pfd. K*ns*s City So., com. .... Kansan City So, pfd. Lotusvilw and Nashville. .. 149* Manhattan . .. Metro. Street Railway. Mcl, Kan. and Teaa*. 42* Mo.. Kan. aod Texas pfd.. M iacou ri Pacific. 69* N a t iona I I jt-aA. * 1 * New York Central... 122s* N. Y. Out. an i Western... Norfolk arid Western... 103* N<*thefa Pacific. 134* Pari be Mall... Pennsylvania. 136* People's Gas .. . 110* Pressed Steel Car. Crossed Sums! Car. p/d.. .. t02* R»vy, Steal Spring, com... Reading. 164* Republic Iron and Steel. 36* Republic I. and fiL, pfd....... R- *»k island.. . 4 g* Rook Iaiand. pfd. 90* Sloas-.Shef field... 7 A * Southern Pacific... 126* boutnani Railway. 27* Southern Railway, pfd. Tennessee Copper.. Texas Pacific....* 32 * 11 ion Pacific. 184* Crated State* Rubber...... 43 Lusted State* Ktf»ei. 63* Uuttod 8Kites Steel, pfd Va.-Car. Gbemirai .. 66 Va.-Car, C.'hamteal, pid. Wabash. 21* W abash. pfd.. 46* Wwusru l. moo. 17* 44 40 <V»* 79* 143 42* SO 30* 29* 47* 150 13* 66 139* i'2* 80* 19* no 43* 69* 81* 122* 45 103* 134* 13.7* 110* 41* 102* 164* 36* 47* 75* m* 27* 64 SO* 32* mu 43 H4* 121* 58* 122 21* 46* 17* sun of cm END ABRUPTLY Judge Waddill Calls Halt in Case Against ('rouse Com pany. The ease of the city against the Crouse Construction Company, which has been progressing slowly in the United States Circuit Court for the past ten days, came to an abrupt end Thursday morning, when Judge Ed mund Waddill, Jr., rendered a decision practically throwing the suit out of the court. In his decision Judge Wuddlll set forth that the entire matter has been a great expense lo both sides, especially the Crouse Company. Concluding, the Judge says: “You will therefore be Instructed as follows: “The Jury are Instructed to find for the defendant upon the suit of the City of Richmond against the Crouse Con struction Company, now being tried before the court, and on the plea of sot off filed by the Crouse Construc tion Company filed herein by agree ! ment without formal plea, you are In ! strutted to find for the city. "The Judgment of-"tha court will be entered m accordance with the fore going views, and requiring each party to pay its own costs. "In arriving at this conclusion, I think It would be amiss ire me not to say that It now appears from evideqep that the etty Jias a satisfactory Hume and under all the circumstances should be satisfied." PRICE OF FOOD - DDOPS m LAST Influx of Green Goods from Farm ers Send Figures Scurrying Downward. HOUSEHOLDERS ELATED Now Find That Dollar Will Pur chase Almost, a Dollar’s Worth. NEW YORK. April 21.—To th« farmer who Just now 1* being blamed for the high coat of meat product* the wholesale grocer is to-day giving credit for the downward march of . prices of other food product*. But the housekeeper, happy that at last ! there is a chance of a dollar purchas ing the major portion of a dollar's j worth, is hardly looking for anyone to blame. Tht decline reached the retailer to day. Until this morning, while the : wholesale list showed a material re duction. the average common citlsen , was unaffected. He was purchasing the old stock, put on the shelve* at the high figure. But the action of tha wholesalers in explaining that there had been n material drop forced tho middleman's hand and prices slump ed. j Sample reductions reported were: Klour.-of 1 1-2 cents; beans. 15 cent* a bushel; potatoes, 35 cent* a barrel: eggs, fully GO per cent, lower than sir ’ I weeks ago; barley, off 2 cents a ') t hnsTbP'dl; Oat* ali d Wat prod ucTsV TTdw1fl ' i 1G per cent.; all tanned goods re- ; i duced nearly one-third. I Market Hooded. The reason for the drop, the whole- j Balers sat, is that green goods and fresh vegetable* are coming Into the 'market In wuth profusion that prtcea of the fresh product were, in many Instances, nearly a* low as the pre served. Halted meats of every description will drop before the end of the week. The usual summer reduction was an ■ nouneed by the trust agents here to day. amounting to 11.50 a barrel. It , is reported that as the result of the ■ drop many speculators, scattered over the l ntted States, have been caught long on pork and similar products, and ure very heavy !o*er*. j •CLEVELAND EXPECTS I VET FURTHER SLUMP j CLKVKLAXU O, April 21.—Tha present material decrease in the coat • if fi-od Muffs will be followed by a i further slump, according to the pre diction of lucal market men. grocers ■ u d butchers to-day. fork prices dropped a cent a pound this week and a further decline Is promised. Winter wheat flour dropped 30 cents a barrel ■ to-day, the second time this year. Po ' tatoes. widt h started the year at 90 j cents, have fallen to 41. (janped good* have decreas'd 10 to 25 per cent. everything* lower EXCEPT MEAT PR1CEE3 PHU.Ar>KI,PHIA. PA. April 21.— ! Nearly all foodstuffs are getting .cheaper and are likely to remain so • or some time, according to whole some gr *cers here to-day. Canned goods hate been reduced art averag* of two cents a can Dried fruits ar* j selling fr..m 30 to 35 cents a bushel * cheaper, and the price of flour ha* been reduced 30 cents a barrel. Thera has been no appreciable reduction la J pork or beef. HUGE PRICE DROP NOTED IN CAPITAC WASHINGTON. D. C., April St.— i “Price* of vegetables and all green food stuff* have fallen off from ten to i fifty per c»»nt In the last three week*/* said h comm lesion merchant here to I day. "The effact is apparent In all • Hue* of food istuff*. as the demand for ; canned good* U diminishing rapidly." | Fresh farm products are arriving on every train from the South. Dealers say that the weather ha# been favor able for truck gardening There 1* re ; joining In the hundred* of boarding ! houses and family hotel* here, as tha proprietors now hope to increase their ; profits a-ud show a fine balance for tha , "Congressional season" if the session i last Ion* enough. a? >4 81* Richmond stock markwt. Richmond. Va., .April SI. 1910. STATE SECTK1 TIES. Hid* Asked, North Carolina. 4s. C. 1910.. 99 Va. Ua.'Old 0. and R., 1922..88% '■ Centuries, 2-3. C and K,, i 1901 .*«*» OITA’ BKCTHlTUiS Manchester City . ! Richmond City 4* H. 1920 1330 . | Richmond City 4k C. & It i 1939-1943 . KA1L.ROAD RONDS. ! A. C. L. K It. Con. Tr. ip. c.*4 ! A. C. L. Otf*. lnd . ’ C. and O. R. Gen. M. 4*4*...102 Georgia l*ac. 1st 6s. C. 1922.113 I Georgia Sou. and Ela., 1946.107 I Ga. and Ala. Con. 6». 1945.. 104 i Norfolk and West. Uy. 4s, 1994 .98 91 #2* 1 Nor. and West, l'oca. 4s 1944 89 Rich, and Dan. Gold 9s, C. i 1915 .10o | Seaboard Air Line 4k.1950.94 So. Railway let 5# 1994.... 106 So. R. Dev. G. M. 4s 1956..78 Western N. C. let. 6e C 1914 105 STREET RAILWAY BONDS. Norfolk Ry S U Co. 6h J949 98 Norfolk Railway and Light, 1st 5s. 1934 . 92 Va. Ry. and Cower Co, 5s, 1934 _-_»* STREET RY. STOCKS. Par Bid Asked Norfolk Ry & U Co ..25 2314 Va. Ry and P. Co. jifd..l00 71*4 Va. Ry & P. Co., pfd..l00 2514 RAILROAD STOCKS Par. * Atlanta and Charlotte. .100 190 Allan Coast Line, com. 100 128 Atlan Coast Line. preflOO ... C. and O. M. J. T. D-100 87 Nor. and West. com....100 108*4 R. F. & IT. Dlv. Oblige .100 ... Southern Railway. pfd 100 04 Southern Railway com. 100 28 BANK AND TRuoT CO. STOCKS American National ....100 166 Broad Street Bank.25 ... Bank of Richmond ....100 126 Bank of Com'r and Tr.100 ... Capitol Savings Bank ..30 ... City . 36 35 T8 20 First National .100 3312*4 Merchants National-100 6#0 87 108 National Bank of Va..l00 220 National State Bank...H)o ... Petersburg Bav. & Ins ..20 84*4 Planters National ..... .100 600 Savings Bank of Rlch’d 26 ... Union Bank of Rlch'd...80 ... Virginia Trust Co ....100 107 INSURANCE COMPANIES Va.. Fire and Marine. 67*4 Virginia State ..25 ... MISCELLANEOUS Amer. To.' Co. prd. 6p. o. 100 ... Amer. Lo. Pref.. 112 Va.-Car., Chem. com.... 100 60 Am. Tob. 4p. ct. bonds. Am. Tob. 6p. et. bonds. Va.-Car. Chem. com....l00 60 n. 0t .. 100 124 *• 8s. 1822 . . quotations for Interest-paying bonds are at a price, to which Interest must be added. Income bonds and corus cates of Indebtedness are flat. ■ *•%