Newspaper Page Text
m DELEGATES GOING ID SPECIAL CIA Richmond Banker is to be Host of Virginia Party En Route to * Conference. WILL LEAVE HERE MAY 7 Much Interest Evinced in Ap proaching Methodist Gathering At Asheville. Moat of the Virginia delegate; to tho General Conference of the Methodist episcopal Church. (South, to be held In Asheville, X. C„ beginning May 4. will make the trip from Richmond to the North Carolina. tHy lr, n special car aa guests of Mr. John P. Branch, promi nent Richmond i\nru &> and *. delegate Mmsnlf. The It i-liinond jty, acc..t to . present plana, will leave here the night j of May 2 by way of the South-ri. mi1- j way, arriving in v- ntvllle t-v. dn.v. ■ Mr Itriuirh s «i.e cf the Me ’,. ! odists In Virglna, having been a mem- : l>cr of Centenary church for manyj years. No man In the Virginia C< n ference 1s perhaps more liberal In his contributions to the church. Delegt les to AsheMUe were named | by the Annual Virginia Conference but tidl Thej are a* fell* ws: Rev. 13 J'. ' I.tpscomb, Rev. If. H. Rawlings. Rev j W. Asbury Christian, Richmond; Rev. I ■lames Cannon. Jr., Rev. James C. Reed, j Blackstoiie; Rev. ft."H. Bennett, Lynch burg; Rev. V. J. Young,_ Danville; Messrs. John R Brunch. Richmond ;-i If. E. Barrow, Karmville; T. J. Bur hani, .Newport News; \V. II. Vincent, Capron; \V. C. Ivey, Lynchburg; Frank Talbot Danville. Meets Every Four Yaars. The General Conference meets every four years and is the law-making body if the Southern Church, which includes several million communicants. A total of JOS delegates are expected to be in ettendance at Asheville this year. On account of Its beautiful location and Ideal climate. It is said that An effort wlU be* made to have Asheville selected as the permanent meeting place of the Conference. Richmond was a candidate for the Conference four years ago, but will not be a candidate this year, ft is stated. in accordant e w ith'the rub s of the Conference. Bishop Wilson. of Balti more, the senior bishop, will preside the first day, and the other six bishops will take their turn, according to seni ority. In presiding Over the sessions for a day each. On the eighth day Bishop Wilson will again preside, giv ing way to the other bishops in the same order yaeh day. To Chooss Six Bishops. “You can never tell where the light ning is going to strike," remarked Rev. \V Asbury Christian, of Richmond. Thursday, when asked ns to who will probably be chosen to the six vacan cies In the episcopacy to he filled at the approaching General Conference Among the Virginia ministers men tioned for the episcopacy are Rev. W. r Young and Key . Walter Rambert. Another subject which will receive the attention of the Conference is the question Whether presiding elders shall tie elected hereafter at Annual Con ferences instead of tioing ^named by bishops, ns at present. Whether the limit rule regarding the pastorate shall he abolished is still another question to he considered, and there is a belief in many quarters that this will be done. In such so eventuality. It Is pointed out. this would not affect the holding of the Annual Conference, as the pastors, serving the customary four years, could then lie appointed for a fifth year or for more. Changs Order of Worship. In view of the fact that tin present order of worship Jn many ( is regarded us beitf&'itto much In the na ture of a ritual, an effort will be mad., it is said, to have all the churches get hack to the original simple method of worship. A number of suggestions to this , (feet have hen made in church papers of late. There is much speculation a** to what action the Conference vv: l take on On memorial to >•* presented by the v\o v; .:. .* Board ol MIsstooe, re* .posting that the women ■-• the chtirel b.. granted tl e sunn- right, * the iaitv thus giving them the privilege of being elected members of district, annual anti general eonf. renees. and giv ing them .i fllci "... tlb dies, it Is anticipated ibat n;i d aln usslon w ill ensut •.■i.onbl* this t ..positi brought or Jha • -r of the Co., Vre nee lifter con ■iid»r sib n in the eorr..'.iitt*e-r<>om. Tit. ni*n»l;e» ship Of the Conference tt c- rup .v •! of ni'. equal number of minis ters nut! laymen, the number being reg ■dated upon the busts Of one th.-rn o r md one lay- delegate for each forty sight minister* In each Annual Confer snoe. WTLli ItEAR ADDRKHH by baijTimore yinrsicwy Special to The Richmond Virginian.) WIN8TOM-SAL.EM. N. C.. April II. _Dr. Timothy Heatwole, an eminent physician of Baltimore and a member jf the Maryland general assembly, has incented an invitation extended by the roard of trade to~tIcTTveT 411 aOTrew lie re In June to which the public will be Invited on the subject. "Oral irlcnc." The lecture will be especially directed at the health of the school children. _ CArTAW PV?kstUhu.E fibemas. Captain B. A. Turks, an aKcdjnnn, who for many years ?**?£*!.£! steamer No. 2 in Main J1"’*1’ til at his home', 1811 East Grace street., In 1879 he resigned from the dre do- ( pnrtmwit the Incident at thstima call lr.K for much comment among hi* friend* and the friend* of a man with whom he engaged In a controversy that resulted In hl<| reatgnatlon. ASKS ID BE GETS TWELVE MONTHS Convicted Drunk Considers Death Penalty Quite as Desirable as Sentence. -Why don't you hang me.” e*cUlm ed A L. Mitchell, a young white man, to JusUce Crutchfield In P-^e COU t Wednesday in reply to the »*“tent* of the court that he ehould serve »lx months In Jail. . vnu •* -Law won t allow me to hang you. replied the "Ona John. bUt U nan let me add something to you^ *”! Vance- Therefore, you V!*.* months instead of JurtTiaTf a Vcar/’ y “Go on and hang me, I tell Y« • put in the young man, who »pemed to he mad with all the offleera. and especially displeased with Justice Crutchfield's countenance. Mitchell, who is not over twenty one years of age, was arrested Tues day night for being drunk, and he did not get sufficient sleep In his uii to wear off the effects. He'll probably be sorry to-morrow that he wanted to he hanged. As an afterthought the court re marked. as hig Pop Tate took the prisoner to the peri, that Virginia electroc utes them now and won t stret< h their necks any 1 .ion Hies Stateroom. NEW YORK. April 21—Among j the passengers occupying « special j stateroom all to himself on the steam-j er Majestic, In to-day from -South ampton. Cherbourg and Queenatow n. j was a young ilon from South Africa. He is traveling in the care of G. M Wynkop, who has been hunting over the Roosevelt trails and investigating rubber plantation*. Mr. Wynkop. who said the lion was captured far from the usual haunts of it* fellow*, believes it fled to escape the march of the Roosevelt caravan. k ire of Incendiary Origin. (.Special to The Richmond Virginian.) KING GEORGE, Y.V, April 27.— The disastrous Are last week, in the stave mills of Franklin Hrothers, 01 VVestmorcland county, is supposed to have 1., en of incendiary origin. The loss is estimated at about ten thous and dollars New saws and much im proved machinery had recently been put In the mill, at the cost of several thousand dollars, and much lumber was also burned. Many hands are thrown out of work by this disaster. To Hold Reflating Contest .Special l" The Richmond Virginian ) BRISTOL. VA-. April 21.—The Vir ginia inter-Colleglate Oratofi&l Ass.. lation will hold a rnntest at Emory Rn.i Henry College, at Emory. Va . May Extensive preparations are being made for the affair. Among the colleges that'wil! send participants to compete for the honor are: Ran dolph-Macon. William and Mary. T'ni , rsit v of Virginia. Washington and Roanoke Follege. Richmond Col eg,.. Hampton-Sidney and Emory and H* nry. StIo Route For New Rood t Special to The Richmond Virginian.) W1NSTON-S AI.KM, N. C., April 21 .—4Rntc Engineer W. h. Spoon, of Burlington, has arrived in the city and yilH »t once search for the most feasible route from this city to Yad kinvllle preparatory to the building of a 2S-miie macadam road between these two point* with a modern steal bridge spanning the -raters of the Yedktn river. Th" roe. 1 cannot bo su,r*ed untU after the State legisla ture meet a as Yodfcln county will vote on a bond proposition to pay for Its .share .,f the road and. bridge. S.VH--L 'J™ --- " '"rg--' . -LB 1 ..SAFES.. Is your Rule—safe? Don't loose vour money and blame your bum salt?. We. sell the best Hurftlnr Proof, Hank, Fire Proof and Residence Safes, and can secure vour valuables—they are made In Richmond too. Inck your Stable door before tho Ilohto Is loose. See us, we’ll do the rest. R. L. Barnes Safe and Lock Company, IMS EAST MAIN STREET FACTORIES: TRIGG SHIPYARDS, Fifth Annual Musical Festival The Tuesday Cluh (Colored AIuttcianM.) •City Auditorium May 3d au4 TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY NIGHTS Mm*. GUntit will star on this occasion, and a Hat of eight other aokiiiita. Popular Price* for all. .. -.. - 1- -.-v. ■ ■- ■ 'W»e» fJ - ■ <rr..rr >' '^ v ' ;« fc.Hin* Wood tide week and next only at n bargain because he is m-eStur those high, perfectly dry ricks of Wood from 1201 West lirop-d Street »,> j-,is N>vy Place, laOti West Broad Street . It is Oak and Pine ’Ul|i iaruc blocks perfectly dry. Also Slabs that make a quick fire \\ ,ll (,sve about lti loads of small splinters and odds and ends at *1.3(1 Cotr.c quick; it must be moved by May 1st. Phone Madison lOfiB. The Wood Man LONG JEMS WORE I TO ELECT SHOOT i - j! Timy Getting Party Men in Ninth j Tax. j CONFIDENT OF VICTORY [f Candidate Wins, Boom Will Be Htarted for Him for Governor. [Special to The Richmond Virginian.) BRISTOL, VA., April SI.—Demo-. :raU all over the Ninth district aro. paying their poll tax and getting In readiness to vote this fall In the con test between Representative Blernp, Republican, and Henry C. Stuart, the ; Dembcratic nominee. The Democrat* , ire more enthusiastic than for years, | ind the prediction Is freely made oni every side that Henry Stuart will »weep the Ninth district. j The Democrats have their shoulders j lo the wheel and are quietly work- j lug. They realise that the work to j be done now Is that of getting the< voters to register. Little In being said j while wood Is being sawed. The absence of Mr. Stuart, w ho; was called to the bedside of his wife ; in Paris shortly after his nomlna-1 tlon, has not operated to dampen the > ardor of the Democrats In the least,j because It was the understanding at the convention In Bristol, March 1, j when he was nominated, that he i would feel privileged to leave the city j anv moment and not return until the; close ollhe- campaign lt-hla wile's! health demanded hts presence In France, where she has been for more than a year. Mr. Stuart's ambition Is to be Gov- j ernor of Virginia, as he stated Just! before leaving, and If he Is electeu to Congress In the Ninth and redeems It for his party. It Is not believed here, that there will be the slightest doubt about hl« election a» Governor. The Democrats of the Ninth are all. supporting Mr. Stuart, and no friction is known, while the Republicans are] split, and hopelessly so. over the dis tribution of Federal pie In the dls-. trict OBITUARY Funeral of Mrs. (iilinan. The funeral of Mrs. Stella Gilman, who died at her home, No. 939 West Grace street. Wednesday, took place Thursday morning at 11 o'clock. M. I*. Vaughan. Mr M. P. Vaughan, of Ijoulaa county, died Wednesday at the home of his son, Mr. Gooch Vaughan, John son City. Twin. He was a Confed erate and well-known In Louisa. The funeral will take place from htn old home Friday morning at 11 o’clock. Funeral of Captain Haakr. Ttit- fum-rul of Captain John C. li.iakt*. who Jli?J Tuesday night, will lake place Friday afternoon at 8.30 o'clock from the German Evangelical, church. Eighth and Marshall streets. Captain Haukc wuj» one of the best i known members of the Richmond Fire 1 apartment. He entered this service with Truck Company Ho. 2 In 188* i«nd rapidly won promotion. He. was made captain of Truck Company No. ( 4 last year. Funeral of Mr. Wuddill. The funeral of Mr. Thombpson B. i Wuddill. who db d In Albuquerque, N. M.. april 1?. took place Thursday] morning from the mortuary chapel in | : Hollywood cemetery at 9:Sf> o'clock. ' ! Mr. Waddill. who represented the! ' American Tobacco Company In the' Southwest, was well-known here. He! was a son of the late Major George M. ! Waddill, of Charles City county. He j i leaves a widow, a daughter of Mr. j and Mrs. Robert F.ckles, and five sla ters who are: Mrs. E. T. Waddill!, J Mrs. S. E. Atkinson. Mra J Floyd j lluxton, Mrs. J W Young, of Okla-> homo, and Miss Martha Waddill, of) j Norfolk. The pall-hearers wefee Mr. John Y. ! j Wuddill, Mr. Arthur M. Cameron. Mr. >, j Kiino 8. Redwood, Mr. HR'. Montague, Mr. Robert H. Talley, Mr. Charles 'Waddill. Mr. F. 8. B-irwell and Mr. T. Whdo Swift. — Marshall K. Bay lies, , WINCHESTER, VA., April HI.—) Marshall E. Bayliss. 7* year* old, j ioug postmaster at Bliss, died Tues- I <! y. He leaves a widow, formerly Miss Mary Ta/lor, and one son and ' two daughters. John William Roberta. WINCHESTER. VA., April 31.—j John YVllllam Roberts. 7« yeans "id. i died from apoplexy at Summitt Point. ! Jefferson county, W. Va. During the ; j civil War he served In the First j Virginia Regtment and was a scout ; for General J. E. B. Stuart, and later 1 for General Robert E. I/e«. He leaves a widow, five daughters and two : eons. r. c. ott. STAUNTON, VA.. April 21.—I-. C. Ott. 84 years old. and a resident of Staunton and Augusta county all his life, and one of the county's wealthiest men, la dead near Htrlbllng Spring* Burial will be at Staunton. Mrs. John M. Huddle. J- HARRISON HGHO, VA . April tF.— Mrs. John M. Ruddle, 77 year* old, 4 dead near Franklin, Pendleton . county. W. Vo. She leaves her hua ’ band, whom she married 88 years ago, ; and two children—O. N., sheriff of Pendleton county, and WVP. Ruddle. Mi«. Charlotte Qneeenberry. FREDERICKSBURG, VA.. April 21,—Mrs. Charlotte Quesenberry, 79 years old, widow- of John 8 Quesen i>erry, of Iamlsa county, died Tues day at her home. She la survived by six children. George Cliewnlng. FREDERICKSBURG, VA„ April 31.—George Chewnlng. 43 years old, son of Frank B, Chewnlng, died last night at his home at Syracuse, N, Y. He was a nephew of Dr. George H. Chewnlng. The body will be brought to this city and burled in the Chewn lng lot In the city cemetery, Mi«. Fmms Home fswoutl, FREDERICKSBURG, VA., April 21.—Mrs' Emma Hume Cuwrood, wid ow of W. H. H. Cawood. died at her home In King George coahty. She Vi survived by two sisters and two brathers. Install New Chapter. Dr. Beverly St. Tucker, Dr, l.; T. Price and Dr. Paul W. Howie, national officers of th^e Medial Frater a Visit to Baltimore, where they con ducted the ceremonies Incident to In stalling a chapter In the John* Hop kins University. The new chapter be gins Hfe under promising auspices, Thirteen candidate* Tdde the goat.” NEWS FROM ALL OVER VIRGINIA _,_,__ VA.. April IT. «u —A detachment of student from tb« i Var Colie** at Washington will visit his city Mm? * MR* K<> Into i-rnp * or some day*. Accompanying tht>! i, >arty will be troopers with a wagon rain, conveyla* the camping outfit tnd provision*. The entire party will j » n- mmmtrf-—There wilt tr r.mrmr* ?.-lth the students, and visits will be ] made to the nearby battlefields and j. lecture* delivered at various pomu. I cl tl (Special to Tfca Richmond Virginian.> ; b SURRY. VA., April 21.—Two n' horses, hitched to separate cart*, ran ; sway when they'became frightened at j j a. paasln* train a few days ago. Both ; a, carts lost their wheel* amd one of them was badly smashed. One of the carts was dragged on a large - hog-1 It owned by H. C. Land, breaking the, -1 animal’s backbone. b _ n h CHARLOTTJWV1 LLK. VA.. April tl 81.—Charles V. Shackelford, of the e< local bar, has been elected polles Ju.v si tlee of the cltyi to succeed W. Sam , P Burnley, who has removed to Rich- j •" mond to accept a position. BOYDTON. VA., April 21.—Fred Thames, white, whi surrendered him self to the authorities for shooting Mat Nelson, was sentenced by Judge Barksdale to a term of * Ight years in the penitentiary. Thames took his punishment cooly. Ho is not twenty years old. :/ ASHLAND. VA., April ill.—Itlch nond College will send her debating earn to Ashland Friday, when she vlll contest with Randolph-fclacon. tlchmond won from the Methodists a ear ago In a similar contest, which ook place In Richmond. BRISTOL. VA., April 2L—Jesse Jreerlee, twenty-two years old. was h tilled by a cav#-ln iu a sewer trench " it Johnson €ity Wednesday. Jr« ‘ r iaroln, aged forty-five, caught under ■ A ttg rame aide; ™wtr snmssr ruTOeSTcir, p vheu rescued. li rFJEDERJCK8BURO VA., April 21.!* --The people of this city arc much, (ratified at the news received here this ncrnlng announcing the reappoint-' i net of Postmaster John >L t^rimn lor another term. LYNCHBURG, VA April 21.— ! tamsoy eladen, who had his left arm impuiatcd st the Home and Retrent lli.nday. m the hope of saving his ire from blowa poisoning, died there Wednesday night. He was forty-seven 1 ^ (■ears old, and hail lived In the city or aeteral years. He was a native Euglund, ari l relatives there wtil : >e communicated with. ROANOKE, VA., April 31.—Mrs. J. '. Braggs, aged slxty-slx years, of iaec, who had been bed-ridden for l-.irty teiun year*, walked a short dls xnce Wednesday for the first in v«r twenty years. Her affliction Is nervous trouble, and does not af eci her general health, which Is good. Vednesday was the second time in hlrty-seven years that she has stood •u her feet. LEXINGTON, VA . April 31.—Lee- ! Jackson Camp of Confederate Vete rans, of 1 sslcgton, at its last meet ing adopted resolution* on the death j of Colonel Dudley Evans, of New York, president of Welle. Fargo Ex- * press Company, who was a member of j L Jackson Camp. Colonel Evans was a Virginian by birth, and served lu the Confederate army as a member of the Twentieth Virginia cavalry. TO TEST MIG W1 LI. V\. h. niittm Sor« For Mwk»»l«l»r« In gTdHHMWO Deal. DANVILLE. VA., April 21.—The MB i i a suit Instituted by W. K. vv inlfree. r Lynchburg, to dissolve the merger of le Riverside ani} Dan River Power id Manufacturing Company, in which now the Riverside and Dan River rrtton Mills, was filed Wednesday in \e clerk’ office here. Mr. Winlfrce was a common stork older In the Riverside Cotton Mill* rtd opposed the merger, which wr Ifected last summer The bill covers, lany typewriten page* and declares tat the terms of the consolidation •ere unfair to the holders of common , tock in the Riverside mills, the Parent r&r&nls&tion. ft.nd In violation of tnc j hermsn Autl-Trust law. The com ined cotton mills have a capitalisation f about 17,000.10*0. Mr. Win I free sues ;>r himself and all others similarly slt ated stockholders, the name* of rhlch are not given. Officers of the 111 1 State that the merger was legal nd will stand the test of the courts. MAY MAKE REPLY BUT NOT TO RESIGN Dr. Barringer Declares He Has No Intention of Retiring from V. P. 1. Presidency. Persistent rumor to the cotitrnr\ not wtthstandlng, Pr. Paul B. l^rrtntter oreftdent of tli* Virginia Polytechnic < ITiFtltutr. will not rmugn because of ui Investigation mart* into hi* a..lnilnu.- , t rat I vo And v*r»oivil oonduot by in* Board of Visitor , of the Institution, or because of the -tines In the minority report. Pr. Barlnger was severly »r ratgned for allotted maladministration by the minor!ty of the board, and as a result * report yalned elrculatlon that hc'intend'wf aborgRtln* his contract Before starting for B! centre .....n.. .... .Jlaohuburg VI ed nesday Right. Hr. Itarrtnger said he had no Intention of reigning a* he had In augurated changes In the clrrlculum and order of things generally at the Institution ar.d felt It hl« duty to the State and hlnoclf to nrnsecute them 1 > Highland Park Wood and Coal Co. Office and Yardi Second Avenue Phone Monroe 1330. Handles Coal and Wood that docs burn—make prompt deliveries that does please housekeepers. Make Ice deliveries at an hour’s notice from 6 to 6. E. T, Long and B. F. Taylor, Props. —•MS 'Ul5"l!'IJ» If We Could Talk to You a few minutes More you purchased any mi.Ir* of Typewriter, we eould prove to I you that it Is to your interest to buy from 1 us, Call, phohe or write. Americas Writing Machine Company M8fast Main Street, RICHMOND, VA, GEO. L SUTER & CO. EXPERT Onuunentai Metal Ceiling Contractors 1000 Wat Letgti Street. .. uceessTul conclusion. The president t the V. P. 1. Intimated that the critt Isrn of him In the minority report raa not well founded and that as coon * he had the opportunity ho would mu* a statement In reply to It. IATR HOT (OVVKMKHT -m if t ttAyttirytm.irm.t. Considerable dissatisfaction over the taming of July 1st to 9th as the en tmpment period for the Virginia Mal ta at Gettysburg, l a., has been heard >y Adjutant-General Sale, but tt Is tot probable that any change earth e nade, as the Mar Department, which Ixed the dates, has the mater entlrc y in It* charge and la not likely to iltar plans already concluded. In letters received by Adjutant-Oen ■ral Sale, militiamen, particularly those n Lynchburg, point out the fact that ! luly 1st marks the closing of the Ascttl justness year and the beginning of a lew one. Kmploye** of business louses, who are In the majority In i he militia, will therefore he prevent id from attending th*>ncampmen». or <arrlfir© the best Interests of their ero iloyers by leaving for the outing at meh a busy season. ASSASSIN OF PREMIER IS PLACED ON TRIAL * / 'gyptmn Gorernment Fears Up rising Folowing Outcome of Case Against “Nationalist” CAIRO, llUYTT, April 21.—The trial >t Ibrahim Wardanl, chMffefl with the uiKajtHlnation of I'romier Doutron PftK ta. bowaui hero 16-day under conditions hat showed the government's fear of b latlonallsts uprising »« u result of the rial. International Interest was at racted 11) tho case bv Col. Roosevelt s •eforenees to It In hi* Cairo speech. All streets leading to «be court louse were closed and no one was mi nuted to tho court room without a Jokeu 1'uUcam.n aurroundad- the ;ourt house and made up half ***• *u n the barracks are being held In readi ness for any emergency. tVarflanl's defense will he that Bou tros did not die from his bullet wound, out from tho succeeding operation. "ITS" FACE DUSTING IN SHENANDOAH CITY Councils Refuse to Approve Ap- t plications of Liquor Dealers for Licenses. ! HARRIS* 'Nlit’RG, VA„ April 21 - David Doudorbach has been elected t Mayor of Shenandoah City to succeed Fred W. Mills, who was recently forced to resign by the Council. Though Shenandoah City voted wet last fall and there are now two saloons in op eration, It may be dry after May 1. for, under the town's charter, no liquor li- 1 cense shall be granted unless approved ' by the town Council, and so far ilb ap- ; pllcant has been able to get the in dorsement of the Council. Held on Murder Charge. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) W.INKTON-S AI.KM, X, C„ April 12 , —Charles Snipes, the young white man - charg' d with killing Jennie Webster, colored, at her home on Ashe street early Monday morning, wan bound over to the superior court yesterday morning by Recorder Hastings. Coun sel for the defendant made motion for ball but the rt corder stated that he would prefer lo hear the motion later on. COLLEGE CREWS HAVE BIG RACE Harvard and Annapi.Ua Met oen i the (Severn River in Two Mile Course. AXNAPOUS, MI'., April 21.—U 1 v, rather conditions are favorable, what promises to l>a the flnext eight ! ourej shell race aver witnessed at Annapolis will ha pulled >v<r the \ Severn river course this afternoon, when the Harvard varsity crew and i the eight of Annapolis midshipmen , measure blades. The race is scheduled to start at | 4 o'clock, and "ill be over a course i of two miles straightaway. It will be witnessed by Secretary of tha Nat > ! George von la Meyer and Mr, Court ney Guild, the well known rowing till- j cial, who will be the leioree, The Crimson oarsmen have been i at Annapolis for a week engaging in ] preliminary practice. They came curly ; in order to become accustomed to j rough water, and they liard’.y couid hate met with a more miserable oom | !.ination of the elements, for It has j rained nearly the wlune. week, and i nearly every afternoon the wind has i blown a gale. The shells are manned for ihe most i part by veteran oarsmen, though I Coach Glendon, of tho Annapolis i crew, has experienced inucft trouble ! through illness of his men, causing a j constant shifting about, and the work | Is not so smooth as It uilgnt be under ! different conditions. Harvard has a slight advantage In weight over the Middles. Their crew averages a little more than ITS pounds, while Annapolis is about one 1 pound to the man less, according »o i the figures gtveu out by the manags : mint. The shells will be mauued In 'he -order- given below, stud The staHsti-ea will afford un Interesting compari son Harvard, Poe. Wt. . . -Stroke til3 7 , , 6 Cutler Wald . Newton Bacon 3 Hooper , -* Belch 3 Sargent .. . ,, 3 i Whitney. ,,, . . Bow . King .Coxswain Average weight (excluding swain). 178 3-8 pounds. Navy. l’oe. .Stroke 7 6 180 180 185 179 175 174 171 105 Ht. 6.254 6.2 54 6 6.254 6 6.11 5i 6.1054 Ml* 6.7 cox Weeina Zenor King 4 2 I Mcrrlng ,,. Boltin .... Johnson , . . Spencer , Meigs .How Williams . ..Coxswain Average weight (excluding wain). 177 6-8 pounds. Wt. 181 ISO 1S2 182 182 175 m 166 ns Ht. 5.10 5, 5.11 6 6.1 6.1159 « 6.1054 6.11 6.6 coxs 01168 IN jOHASSBSHLttd. trtfcur B. w I,rlbloat oa Was his of Frederick Conatala. W1NCHB8TEK. VA., April 21.—A ca , | blegram Wednesday evmilng^from^ Jo the destli of Arthur B. Worthington, who with his brothers, bad be€h en gaged ill b e and ci Id storage business there for thirteen years . , He wan the son of the late Nicholas James WorthlniHon. of Frederick coun tyfm; and Wiwt thirty - two year* oW Richmond Want Ads Want Ads FREE—FREE Private Families having rooms for rent can rent them free through The Virginian. Any person out of employment can have his or her advertisement printed in 1 he \ irginian free.,. The condition# arc these—viz., the advertisement must not contain more than 24 words and must be brought to the office# where it will be printed three consecutive days, and without charge. The Virginian Building, Governor & Ross Sts. « leaver three brother#, Charles H. icholas J. and Albert R. Worthington, II of Johannesburg, and one sister, las Mary Worthington, of Washing >n. He was a near relative of Miss lara Worthington and Bruce Wortn tgton ,df Jialtimore, and Kdgar or thing tun, of Hagerstown, TI At the Theatres LA Acadamy of Music—Beniamin play r» In “Becauad She JUoved Him Bo," t ;20 P. M. Bijou—"Girl* Will Be airls," S;20 >. M Bubln—Vaudeville and motion plo tter*. Colonial—Vaudeville and lctures. motion Because she was madly jealous of| ier husband, a pretty and otherwise: harming young wife made herself a. ermagent; because they wanted to j how her the error of her ways her I ather and mother simulate a quarrel homselvea, and because the young j rife finally Is led to see how foolish! he has been, she capitulates and says hat she is sorry, explaining the whole Ituatlon by saying that she did It all Because She Coved Him Bo." This s the bald plot of the clever comedy vhlch the Benjamin players are pr» - lenting at the Academy of Music this veek to large houses. No liner stock presentations have ever been seen In ,hts city. M It**, t. B. times Heads Presbytery. | WINCHESTER. VA.t April II.—At lie spring session of the Winchester. reshy ter y here Wednesday, Rev. fa. B ; iruen. of Bprlngfleld, Hampshire, nunty. W. V.. was elected moderator o succeed Rev. Walter W, Edge, of iaviu Revs. F. J. Brooke. Romney, W. a., and Charles D. Gllkeson. More eld, W. Va . were elected clerks. This tornlng’s sermon was delivered by lev. W. W. Grover, of Parsons. Rev. )r. J. J Woodbrldge. who recetiy re amed from the China mission Held, silvered an address to-night on “Kor ign Missions." rinanclal and statls ical reports were received. The Pres ytery will continue In session until ■rld»y__i__________ J a1.1 To My Fellow Citizens of Jeffer- ■* son Ward: 5 1 beg to announce my candidacy j. for the Common Council of the I1 City of Richmond. For 18 years, j I have been employed by the C., & O. Railway at their shops, and j am thus fully identified with the workingmen of the dty and their interests. £ Before Fainnonnt was annexed to Richmond, I was a member of . the Council of the town and chair- ^ man of the Finance Committee, and 1 believe the experience thus i gained In municipal affairs, will : make me a more useful representa tive to you, and I solicit your vote , and influence. Respectfully yours. W. F. DELANEY. t, Richmond and Petentag Electric RaJwiy Ctrl lr#ee Seetath sad Petty MutkiaUi, t p. M.. ». A 4. 1 * *Jor'ct«V*r. 13:00 fat Petersburg Car* Ware PHembur*. M 8yo#«oia tn—t, l“W\#S?**"'Ta*. *T35, ll:35A. M., IMS, *1*4, 3:35, 3*3, *£«. #:S6, *754,1*5, 9:35. •lOAO.llAO P. M. • Carrie# blB—S» sad «xprM* **Liraitsd. nm» Sundays and bettdaya. AU cat# from Petenbur# aunt wHh « Richmond. 4.35. 1.0 IT. G5S!P=^?Sff<¥®—FffEffFS P»5I5CG puppy: answer* to name "Jlmsy. Reward }f returned to K. A. I>Ur TR1CH. >314 W, Oraoe street -rtKl.r~WA)tTKi>—S»A1-I1 fleet reference required, Apply 6AM trkt WANT. 819 R. Broad street * UEIPWA STEP—rttMAIJA~ vfSNggi^vo m£~scm:'$9Sfcxx®£ dry office, Apply Richmond Steam 1 mT POSITION a »t" • ——-——— ExW'gTKie cfei'K' vmvat-'mm* bookkeeper and office man want# t position at once; quick and aoourate; erood recommendations. Address B.X PBHIBNCE, 815 Kleveuth street, Lyr-t-hburg, Va, rg, 1 i-ollTtO N ' Wl«T«5—SStMChElh wxN¥Ms=rg^rfn^wTC5rri33^ rienced lady, position as companion or nurse for convalescent patient, In or out of city; best references. Ad dress, MlSS J., care Richmond Vir ginian _____ __ WANTED—CidCUICaE POMTION OP some kind with three years’ expe rience as bookkeeper, and can fur nish very best of reference, and will start for small salary a# I am com pelled to have work. Also familiar with typewriter. Address H. A 109 North Seventh street. WANTED-—PdBITiONS AS TEACHERS by two lady graduates of Virginia Christian College. Address. MY RTLA. MOTTKSHEARD, VIOI.V UlTPTON. i.vne.hbursrVa..cara V. C, C. U'J rcMl'I.OYMKM*'—MAMS AND rKMAMS ^rrPEtP=m~^fSf«58K3E^^ plleanss for poaMons ot sny^ktnd to apply Immediately at *0614 ®- Broad for ^asnj^lo^nient at once. schkkjip—aas HysnS1TB??^'g ired. Expert work, e Umbrella Man. -musias P—as E. into AD. cr«-WEB“"'i.,»Er"ire: palt The SCHRSUP. 'HWJtSdWXS® harness, cushion tiros; slightly Worn, .clwsjt Bif; P«i*l ittWli i'.L- ..s*\.■■ - *BS*H tarn PRRMKAU IE MOST UP-TO-DATE WB tailored suit* arc made at a Bteln’s. He ha* a compleU 8* of new Imported and domeatw «tu for the conjln*~eea»on. and upward you can have these perfectly made and Bttaa merit*; he al«o make* a specialty J'onKca, Rogers silk and Uo*»fy at eery reaaonable prices. m. STEIN. 21* N. Fifth atr—t. 1D1B8 VOUR HAlk IS UfPOitlR your cut hair or combings —-— to beautiful Switch#*, Puffs. Pom| Hours or Front Pl#c#a tha ■< artlatio manner. Charire* Tory Of erate. *I« N. Fifth street_.~y-a« VtiTj?8~fE8 WF! RE-DTE AND *»? make_ awttebea; chargea «noo<ril>aj si* y. Fifth itrs»t. ~’FFffl_PCKBSI—_ Hair Puffs mad* from your _ combing* or cut hair; charge# ▼*ry* moderate. 21« N. Fifth atreet. THOROUOiT "E TX> THOROUGHCLEARS! window#, ahow caaee. wood and furniture. WILLIAM _ _ 1109 N. Flrat atreet. Phone. *120. __ MOWBT TO LOAN. ONET TO LOAN WITH TEO% rent payer. How much longer t|% you going to pay for real oetata. man’s home? Why not your orwau; I will loan you the money to f your lot and build your houaa, on the hundred, with 5 per oant. simple interest. Giving you mvnmi and a half years to pay loan baoSirl Coll at 1301 Rest Main street. It* P. HARGRAVE. Mgr. ' * REAL ESTATE FOR »A1* fTTrnsXmJTTTElWrTK’f' Vff ’ffflGB fou how. Will loan you $1,**A 10,000 to buy a home, and « charge you S per c*nt. Absolutely no uncertainty, if you can pay j* per month for a short time you wttr soon be paying on your own hou*e—. not fattening the landlord’s bank ae» count. 8'"e us to-day. ANDERSOK HEAL ESTATE ANI> LAW CO, * ■ - uengsa Eleventh stjreet, home seekers’ _WAVrKD _ _ _ _ vantria^o^TiinT for 'cXbbT household goode; best price* paid# call Madinon 38151. . IadiEs’ hair! Vksi we So Turbans with ladle*' own combing*, They are so natural and so pretty. 218 X. Fifth street. I WALL PAPER. Fifth street; wall papers; room mouldings, etc.; high class works lowest prices; Investigate.'■ -M. REBATE OF 10 CENTS IF YOU CUT out this coupon ami bring wits shoes; 75 cents men's half solas, *e». hated to 05 cents; 00 cents, ladies* half soles, rebated to £0 cents; every pair sewed with waxed linen thread! white oak soles. DREW’S ELEC TRIC Shoe factory, 710 E Mato, Phone, Monroe 1007 SWITCHES! switches: WS ARM 11 selling Ladies’ Hair Switches at ‘a bargains this week. 216 N. Fifth street. are selling bargains thle week, tit N. Fifth street.tffl all kinds. D. BOWLES. Office—*11 Second street, residence. 700 Hue ford street. Phone, 0904, . WOOD AXD COAL FUEL REDUCED. TON BEST SPLIi coal *4.25; H cord good pine or e wood I A. Coal and wood dry a under shelter. TYLER & RYAN, li W, Cary street. Phone, Madia 1 070;■■■ need attentlohT Many a young man In this town is wearing a maturely old look through defat eye sight. Do not procrastlnata. l>r. H. BreiUteln, “The Optlolan." East Broad. Consultation free. TINNING AND PLtMBIXO. NEVER SINCE CHRISTOPHER C lumbus discovered America, has i superior in the tinning, plumb) and gas-fitting businesa Dean torn Honest prices, superior work, gen al satisfaction and promptness i a few of our well known charset Fstlcs. L. W. DORSET * CO., 11* “ •’ ‘ PhOi ‘' —“ ;nei_MKjU»onJ^J| Seventh street MEDICAL COLLEGE OB’ VIRGIN] At the annual meeting of the Boi of Visitors of thin Institution, to held on May li. 1919, thera will elected a professor of General l tfl-SElftl this chi AnttU'my, Applications thle chair, with testimonials, t forwarded to Christopher Tom® Jtf, D., Dean, Illchmpn<L Vn» 1 lUrntsi, M, XX X'rftiliiaiii, Boir Visitors. J. R- McCauley, Secrete LADIES’!! A I R BWITCHBII, guarantee they do not enange e bargains this week, Bit N. rlfl RATIONAL CLEANING AND l3j lng works. The only steam. * and French cleaning works Jj West .End; beat mods Of WO** fire insurance, so your clothe* protected. LADIES GLORY IN THEIR ! you want Imitation Hair don’t com*. We keep no if; we wu »wnw :hls week. IlO N. priced cool io no, nlshed hall rooi E. Grace street. for'RENT—JriCL _ - back parlor or front Toora u; bath on same floor, 510 H.Cai OK RENT—NICELY FUI rooms. 71K East Marshall Btl lOOH foil ante rooms, r v.miens ly located; I have rent. Reference exchange) Box L Letter A. FOR RENT—FOUR 'RQGI flour, with bath, paniry,_ . hot wetert rintated TWeM r Tjafshanrsassasim raf located, *tt?