Newspaper Page Text
AGED PEDESTRIAN - ENDS LONG WALK Weston Arrives in New York from San Francisco Ahead of Schedule. GREETED WITH OVATION Declares “Hiking” First Aid to Health—Poor Opinion of California. NEW YORK. May 2.—Wteaton reached One Hundred and Tweniy Bfth street and Broadway. Harlem, at 10:30 o'clock, a half hour ahead of hi* planned schedule. He was ac companied by half a troop of mount ed policemen and a great crowd of amateur walkers. Weston continued on his way to the Ansonla, at Seventy-second street and Broadway, for luncheon. Weston left the city hall at Santa Monica, Cal., on Feb. 1, 1810, bearing a letter from Mayor George Alexan der, of Bos Angeles, to Mayor Gay oor. of New York. He said to-day: "Had I been 45 Instead of 71, I should have been able to walk th» 3,500 miles across the continent In sixty Instead of seventy-eight days. But It was a great walk all the same snd 1 suppose It will be my last Ions one. BUT I'll Seep on doing ten or twelve miles every day to keep in physical condition." Reduced in Weight. When he left Yonkers this morning. Weston looked about 20 pounds lighter than when he started from New Y'urk last January to go by rail to Califor nia. But his eyes are just as clear snd his step as firm. Weston Is glad lo be away from California. "If I owned a house In San Fran cisco and one In h—. I’d rent the one In ’Frisco," he declares. "Los An geles Isn't much better. There are a lot of unprincipled people out there." Since h« - left Santa Monica, the aged pedestrian has t-een handicapped by a number of accidents. In Arizona he fell through a trestle and severely |rvjur«Ml his leg. but continued his walk. On March 22, one week after his seventy-first birthday, he was twice overcome by the heat. After leaving Chicago he encountered wretched weather, but ended his jour ley 12 day* ahead of schedule. TO ARREST YODER FOR GRAVE OFFENCE Charged With Circulating Lit erature Tendiug to Corrupt the Youth. Acting umlfr Instructions given him by the grand Jury, which was in ses sion during the forenoon, Chief of Holier I,oula Werner at 2 o'clock Tues day afternoon isuued a warrant for the arrest of A don A. Yoder, editor and publisher of ' The Idea,'1 charging him with circulating obscene litera ture tending to corrupt the morals of the youth. The particularly objectionable pamphlet to which the grand Jury ex cepted was the one of the date of April 23. One article entitled "A waik through Mayo street” was read to the members of the jury by the chief of police and after listening to It the> gave Instructions that the war rant be issued. Mr. Yoder, it was said at his office, had gone to dinner, and a telephone message to his home elicited the in formation that he had not reached there. One of his friends told the Officers that Yoder knew of a prob able warrant for him and would be prepared to furnish bond for his ap pearance. The charge against him is based on Section 3791 of the Code of Virginia which prohibits the publishing, print ing or circulating of any pamphlet containing any matter tending to cor rupt the morals of the youth. The penalty under conviction is a ■* fine of not more than $200 and Im prisonment not exceeding one year. MEMBERS A00E0 TO ROLL OF METHODIST CHURCHES Reports at Weekly Conference Indicate Healthy Condition of Affairs. Eleven additions to the membership of the churches were reported at the regular weekly conference of Methodist ministers held in Centenary church. Monday morning. Revival services, it was stated, are still in progress at West End church In Washington ward with Interest Increasing daily. Similar services at Itarton Heights church were reported closed with gratifying results. Rev. E H. Rawlings, missionary sec retary, reported that worw In the East ern Shore district has gone beyond Ins most sanguine expectations, nearly nearly $5,Uhl) having been pledged Tor ••specials" over and above the regular missionary assessments. Frt>fcr«*ss r«poru4 on thft tirw chap el on Fulton Hill indicated that the building will be completed by the first Sunday In June. It la expected that the chapel will be formally opened the second Sunday In June. 'The new ixirsonage of Central church is expected to bo finished In sixty days. To Inspect “Blues’* Armory. Inspection of the Blues’ armory will be made by the council commit tee on grounds-and buildings Monday night at 8 o'clock. building will then be officially turned over to the military organization for which It was erected. The Interior fixtures are now be ing Installed, while the drill hall Is being put In readiness for the opening ball, which will be given May Hi. HERE TO ARRANGE PHAN'S FOR COMING OF VISITORS Plans for the big celebration next week Incident to the dedication of he new armory of the Ktchmond Light Infantry Blues are going rapidly ahead, and Indications are that the occasion will be one of the most bril liant affairs witnessed In this city In a long while. Captain Charles W. Newton, quar termaster of the First Company, Gov ernor's Foot Guard, of Connecticut, was in Richmond Saturday and Sun day making preparations for the visit of his command. He returned Sun day night crack organisation. They will he quartered at the Jefferson Hotel. GRANTS CONDITIONAIi PARDONS TO FOUR AL.IJCGKD PKRJURKRH Governor Mann has granted condi tional pardon# to Bdward taehoni. Busby Moran and Clarence Glhaon, i who were sentenced to the penlten | tlary for two years last January. \ The men were convicted of perjury, committed In the Corporation Court i of Staunton during the trial of a fight : case resulting from a feud of many , years standing. In the recommendation for execu tive clemency, Blgned by the Judge. Commonwealth's Attorney and mem bers of the Jury, the statement Is mado that the men have already been punished sufficiently to accomplish the moral effects desired. TWO BREAK AWAY Sonny Conway and Goldie Swam Make Dash and Former Goes Free. Breaking away from Bailiff Gibbons as they and three other prisoners I were being brought out of the base ment of the City Hall to be taken to ; Jail to serve sentences of ninety duys as vagrant. Sonny Conway, a young ; ex-convict, who has given the au thorities a lot of trouble, and one ot ; his companions, Goldie Swann, made a dash for liberty shortly after noon . Monday. Conway making good hia ea I cape and Swann being captured at j Ninth and Main streets by High Con ! stable W. H. Wyatt, who chased him | on a bicycle. Swann, who ts not over twenty-one, ran through the Capitol Square, turn ! ed Into Bank and darted around the yttrner of Ninth. Mr. Wyatt had taken a cut through the walks of I the square on his wheel and turned ! Into Ninth near Grace Just in time to * catch a glimpse of the fleeing youth. At Ninth and Main he had overtaken him. and. jumping from his bicycle, j had him under arrest. I Brought hack to the courtroom, the | escaping prisoner discovered that Jus I tire Crutchfield had not left the build ing. and court opened for the seo j ond time during the day. Swann was sentenced to six months, flat time, for his attempt to get away. Conway took another route from Swann; running Into Governor street and making his way through an al 5 ley. He had nqf been captured in the i afternoon, hut he Is so well known to :il! of the officers that it is not thought he i-nn hope to elude them for any length of. time Not only Is he a well known police character, but all 'rtf the county officials are familiar j with him and know his haunts. BILL BP WHITFIELD Judge Carter Scott Sustains Claim of Chemist—Damage Case Transferred. According to the decision of Judge ! Cart, r Scott, of the city circuit court, reuderod Monday. Statu Auditor Mor ton Marye is to pay to I>r. atneg M. j Whitfield, of the city board of health the full amount yf his claim for 1140 submitted for examining certain drugs in connection with proceedings in the 1 hustings court. Auditor Marye held | up the bill on the ground that It (should not be Included in the regular j expenses of the court Judge Scott, j however, ruled otherwise. At the request of the defendants the 'flu,000 damage suit brought by the administrator of the late Thomas Smith against the Pullman Company and the Richmond. Fredericksburg and Potomac Railway Company, was ! transferred to the United States clr |cuit court. Tho declaration alleges that Mr. Smith's deuth was caused by exposure while a passenger in a Pull j man car on the above named road. in the suit brought by Messrs •Thomas B. Jeffery & Company against Mr. B. A. Ulenner the latter wa« or i dared to file the grounds of his de ) fense. Two cases were dismissed: John Straight and Son against William i Enright snd Burby Sc Taufelt against Mrs. K. H. Alvis. COLLEGE PRESIDENT WILL DISCUSS PERNS Dr. Boatwright Proposes to Out line Project for New Site. Plan? for tho removal of Rich mond College from its present site to Westhampton will lie discussed by President Boatwright In a special ad dress Tuesday night in the college chapel, beginning at 8:15 o’clock. Dr. Boatwright was a member of the committee that recently went North to Inspect a number of Institu tions in connection with plans for the| new college, and it Is stated that he will devote his lecture chiefly to obser vations made on this trip. He will make special reference to plans for the Woman's College under contem plation. On May 10 Prof. Winston will de liver an address In the chapel on Hal ' ley’s comet, and on the following. t Tuesday Prof. Stewart will discuss ! "Edgar Allan oPe as a Dipsomaniac.''’ RETURNING HOME FROM TRIP OF INSPECTION Chairman of University College Committee, Expected Back "Monday Night. Dr. R. W. Miller, chairman of the building committee of the University College of Medicine, is expected home Monday night from Philadelphia, Where he has been Inspecting build ings and equipment In that city with the blropose’d' erection of a new build in <r for the University College in Rich mond. - Mr. W. R. Miller, proctor of the college, who accompanied Dr. Miller on the trip North, returned home Sat urday. ■-r When seen Monday, Mr. Miller said that he had rather not give out any Impressions of Mg trtj HODMEN STRIKE Richmond Contractor* Refuse to Accede to Demands of Ne gro Union. DON’T EXPECT VIOLENCE. About One Hundred Building* Are Effected by Walkout Says Building Inspector. ' Building in Richmond i* practically at a standstill on account of the re fusal of the union hodcarrlers to con tinue work. They have asked for an Increase from 25 cents an hour to 30 cents. The contractors have not only refused their request, but will not even consider It. Both sides declare the fight will be to the finish. Tho ultimatum of the associated contractors was given Monday morn ing. The workmen had assembled on their respective buildings, and the hodcarrleis were ready to begin if agreeable terms were made, but when their petition was rejected they threw down their hods and refused to carry another brick. About one hundred buildings are affected, but on a few work is still In progress. Contractor Heady, who is building three houses on Grove ave nue, acceded to the request for the S-PMir raised ancT“Ole Fulton “BHcTf Company, which ts putting up three homes in the West Knd, employs only non-union men. and though a few of these sympathized with the strikers and quit their jobs, the large majority are still at w-ork. Practically all the non-union hod carriers in Richmond are working un der police protection. In District about fort}- build ings are in process of construction. Of these only four are unaffected, ac cording to the report made early In the forenoon by the City Building In spector. and while the hodcarrlers' union will attempt no violence, ac cording to the statements of Us offi cers, it is not improbable that ,the union men will prevail upon a num ber of non-union workmen to leave their Jobs in sympathy. Among the contractors who are holding out against the strikers and who declare that they will fight them to the, end are the following: Messrs. n ..u iL n. ers & Maynard, John T. Powers, Rob ert Power*. C. S. Oliver and the Man kin Construction Company, INDICTMENTS ARE EDUND BT THE BRAND JURY Nine indictments were brought in by the Hustings Court grand Jury Monday afternoon. They were as fol lows : Nelson Henry, charged with house breaking and larceny Robert Harris, malicious wounding. Chestlna Hutcherson, malicious wounding. George Hicks, theft of jewelry' and currency aggregating in value |S8. William Jones, burglary' (two counts). Robert Pollard, burglary. Martha A. Taylor, theft of $2t. Eddie Wonger and Tlssie Lee, mi lictous wounding. All the- above will be called dur ing this term of the court FIRST SUNDAY IN NEW Y. AL C. A. Boy’s Sunday Afternoon Club Meet and Song Service Held in Large Social Lobby. The first Sunday in the new Y. M. C. A. building waa a very active one. The Hoys' Sunday Afternoon Club met in the boys' apartments, in the Boys' Bible Class room at 2:30 with over one hundred boys present. The boys were very enthusiastic over their new quarters and are planning great things for the future. Next Sunday having been declared Mothers’ Day by the governor, the boys were unani mous In the opinion that every boy In the club should be present and wear either a white rone or white car nation. The boys' apartments In the new home is one of the best features of the entire building. Distinguished men who have looked over the build in* comp&rd It to the Athletic Club of Chicago In appearance, saying they had neen nothing to equal its beauty outside of the club. In the social lobby there were con gregated between aeventy-flv and one hundred rrten where they enjoyed the service of song and praise and many men testified as to the many different ways in which they had been helped by the association. Notwlthstand the fact that it was Sunday, it was hard to keep men from looking over the building and even wanting to take out membership. Although the active membership campaign closed on Fri day night at 10.30 with great suc cess. and a great line up of members, men were continually pouring Into the building and taking out member ships on Saturday. On Saturday over twenty men came to the counter and filled up applications It la expected that within the next thirty days the association will be filled to Its fullest capacity and that there will be a waiting list for memberships The members who have recently com# Into the association are urged to make themselves at home in the building and to call within the next few days and get Identification cards. Overrules Motion. Judge Edmund WaddUl. Jr., in the United States District Court here Mon day, overruled a motion of counsel to set aside the verdict of guilty against J. E. Stafford, of 8ussex coun ty. who stands Indicted for alleged operation of ail illicit distillery. The court deferred entering Judgment until May 30. FOOTGVARR GIVEN RIGHT TO ENTER BORDERS OF STATE Permission to enter the State of Vir ginia armed and equipped for mili tary service has been granted the First Company, Governor’s Footguard, of Connecticut, by Adjutant-General W. W. Sale. According to the per mit the Footguards will remain In Richmond frpm May I to 11. They trill come to participate In the exer cise* Incident to the dedication of the WOULD HAVE DHL DENIED ATTORNEY House Hbars Resolution Demand ing Papers of Wiekersham Anent Bnllinger Case. PROSECUTION EXPECTANT Data Expected to Provo of Oreat Value in Establishing Charges. WASHINGTON, 1>. C., May 2.—The shutting oil oX the Ballinger investlga Uon irum the attorney-generals oince wax called to the attention oi the House to-day when Representative ICarrluon, of New York, Introduced u resolution lnatruuUus Atu>rney-<Jen - eral WlckOMham to send to congress the paper* which Attorney Braudels, of the "prosecution," tried In vain to obtain throush tho committee. it call* for the orlslnai letter trans mitting to the president the attorney Seneral'* summary" of the evidence In the Glavla chargee against Secretary Ballinger; Oil of the early drafts of that summary; all memoranda used In Its compUatlon; all communications between the attorney-general and all other official* of the government rela tive to the summary; a list of those who assisted in Its preparation and a statement of the work done by each. The resolution was referred lx> tho committee on rules In preparing the resolution Mr. Harrison had the assistance of Repre sentative Graham, of Illinois, a mem ber of the Ballinger-Rlnchot Investi gating committee. As the Investigating committee has consistently refused to call upon the attorney-general for the documents named in my resolution I think it is only Just that the House should in sist on having the full data before it," said Mr. Harrison "The attitude of the republican members of the committee und the attorney-general would be much more enviable If they would allow the fact* to be known. If the letter has no bearing on the case and does not contain data which will hurt Ral llnger's case, It will do not harm to have that fact known." The resolution will be considered by the rules committee next Monday. HUSBAND PAYS FINE WIFE GOES TO JAIL Man Tells Court He Can Borrow and Get 'Wife Out Later. porter and Virginia Austin, husband and wife, who live out in Jackson ward, were fined 15 each in police court Monday morning for being dis orderly. and the wife and her little baby went to the pen while the hus band paid his fine and left the room. He said he could go out among his friends and borrow the money to pay his wife’s fine, but that she could not borrow enough to pay his fine If he were left In the pen. And he lack ed 30 cents of the amount assessed against him but the court told him to hurry out and make haste with his return. He did so. FOVR WILL BE TRIED Full SPEEDING Al'TOS Indications are that automobile owners will crowd the courtroom in the basement of the City Hall Tues day morning. Four cases of alleged have already been set for trial on this date .and there are several others to be summoned. Summonses have been served on Messrs. H. A. Headbetter. the Foster Motor Company, J. J. Tignor and 1*. W. Phillips, and they were docketed for trial Monday. The rule has been In police court, however, that ordi nance violations should be heard on Tuesday Instead of Monday, because of the congested docket on the first day In the week. The easts were accordingly continued. men fined for disorder IX THE IATHN THEATRE F. L. Blunt and F. W. Torrence, ■young white men, who were disorder ly in the Lubin Theatre Saturday night, and who assaulted the usher of the place after they had been told to leave their seats, were fined 110 and 15, respectively. In police court Monday. Blunt, so the testimony was. cursed In the presence of ladies in the theatre, and was therefore lined heavier. \uh men paid their fines and left. GIRD STRVCK BY HORSE AND HER LEG CRVSI1EB The twelve-year-old daughter of Mr. Charles Richardson, superintendent of Riverview Cemetery, while playing In Randolph street Sunday, was struck by a horse, knocked under the ani mal’s feel and stepped upon. Her left leif was crushed near the knee. The team was being1 driven by Mr. Walter Turner, and from reports received It appears that It was an accident that is greatly deplored. The ambulance was called and Dr. Davis rendered what assistance he could. The limb will not have to be amputated. SI* Months for Resisting. Joe Morrison, a negro, will know better than to resist an officer when he comes from Jail after serving a sentence of six months. When Offi cer Goldsby arrested him Sunday the negro resisted, Bind, throwing his hand back to his hip, threatened to shoot the policeman. "You are lucky to be alive." said Justice Crutchfield In sentencing him to Jail for six months. Judge Scott to Preside. Judge Carter Scott, of Richmond, has been designated by Governor Mann to preside over the annexation proceedings to be held In Newport News Tuesday. A portion of Elisa beth City and Warwick county are to be taken In by Newport News. Must Get License. CommV»ioner of Revenue O. A. Hawkins has asked that all who will require a special or general license for the current year make application as soon as posethle, as he does not wish to report anyone to the grand Jury. Funeral of Mrs. G. s. Webb. The funeral of Mrs. G. 8. Webb will take place at Weatherford Memorial Baptist church on Tuesday afternoon at 8:30 o’clock. Interment at Maury ! Charities. delivered the address Inel : dentally I" connection with the Home for Girls which he Im equipping at Mon Air. At the conference of Christian min ister* Monday, Rev. !i. p. Atkina read an Interesting paper on the "Policy of Our Jlrotherhood for the Neat Genera Jctrcla for Pnaunaatern. | Seventeen postmasters living In Richmond will he presented with handsome symbolic Jewel* at a meet ing: of Henrico I.odge In old Masonic Hall on Twenty-fifth street. I Paatmasters to be honored are as follows: ; A. S. Is>e, John Pitt D. C. Richard son. W. M. Williams, J. 8. Moore, J. M. Woody, A. W. Pierce, Charles J. Billups, Beverly C. Hewls, H. O. Gates, K. C. Garrison. C. E. Hughes, Robert; ! P. Lord, Mtnitree Folkes, Charles M. Johnson. Joseph B< Wilson, John L, Satterfield. BOND, THE SPOTLESS TOWN “Clean Up” Mayor Richardson Urges—Loyall Citizens Ask ed to Aid in Work. ■ Richmond—the Spotless Town. That is the slogan which Mayor j I Richardson has asked every loyal clti- 1 zen to adopt, and he has proclaimed j that this week shall be especially ! i given over to cleaning out the city. He asks everyone to bring the rag3 and old shoes from long forgotten j attic corners: to tpxow aut .the great ,. ' piles JT useless papers that littler up the closets; to drag all the old boxes i 1 from cellar, to carry out all the ashes i i and debris, to sweep out both front ] and back yards, and to pile all the trash In the alley so that the street cleaning department can get It and haul it away. j Last year one day was given up to making the city clean. The results were so satisfactory that not only one day, but a whole week will be Bet | aside this year. Mayor Richardson desires more than a merely clean city. His aim is for a Spotless Town, and ' he declares that If the citizens rally as he believes they will, Richmond i will be as bright and clean as a new ' pin by the end of the week. , Tlu- street-cleaning department Is ready, and in order that the work of ! hauling away the trash may he car-j ried on as rapidly as possible the city j carts used for street improvement j purposes nav** »et*n uuuaw ipicu, will be placed at the disposal of the white wings" brigade for the rest of the week. All the health officers connected with the city have heartily endorsed Mayor Richardson's plan. j •‘All I want the people to do is to give the ( leaning up force a chance," < i said the mayor. "They w ill do the work; X am confident of that." Sealed I»r<u>«»sl«. Proposals will be received until 12 o'clock M Saturday, May 14, 1910, to ; furnish the Penitentiary 2.000 Tons High Grade Steam Coal, with a guar- j antes of B. T. U„ and to run not less j than 40 per cent, lump, delivered on | Second Street Yards. C. & O. Railway; I 800 tons same quality delivered at State Farm Station, C. & O. railway; 75 tons Egg Anthracite, 25 tons Nut Anthracite, and 200 cords good sea- ; i soned pine wmod, to be delivered on the : penitentiary grounds, all freights to be | prepaid. For further information »p- ; ply to J. B. Wood. Superintendent. Mrs. William Wise. Mrs. William Wise, who died In her home near Portsmouth Saturday night, was the sister of Mr. William P. Redd, 1 of Ginter Park. The funeral took place Monday af ternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Wise is survived by her hus band and six brothers. Captain Holce Improving. Captain E. P. Hulce, formerly chief of the Police I>epartment. and who has been seriously 111 at the Virginia Hospital, Is Improving. Captain Hulce has boen sick for about two years. Mr. Coward In Here. Mr. C. O'B. Cowardln, a well-known Richmond newspaper man, who Is now connected with the staff of the Roanoke (Va.) Times, is registered at the Park Hotel. Revival at Immanuel. The special services continue this , week, at least until Wednesday night. ; Rev. Harry !>. Corr preached on Sun day to the largest congregations that , have heard him. His sermons are clear, strong, earnest and convincing. Says He Was Robbed. Alleging that he was held up and robbed of $19 last Saturday night by la»u I^ayne. whom he positively Iden tifies. X’at J. Guthrie, a youthful ap pearing white man, swore out a war- j rant for the woman and she Is held in jail. The alleged hold-up and rob- 1 bery occurred on Marshall street, be tween Eleventh and Twelfth streets. For Breaking Into Home. For alleged breaKing ana entering the homo of George Woodson, Wes ley Bowling, a negro, was sent »o the grand jury from Police Court Mon day. He was charged with stealing }1 and a few articles of wearing ap parel from the home. •‘Bohhlo” Burns His Theme. Kev. Dr. H. D. C. Maelachlan. pastor of Seventh Street Christian church, left Monday for Wilson. N. C., where he will deliver a lecture on "Bobble" Burns, the Scotch poet. Dr. Marlaeh lan Is expected home Tuesday morn ing. A tllot Springs. Rev. Dr. John Moncure Is spending a few days at Hot Springs, Va. On Visit to Portsmouth. Dr. Albert H. Tennant has left on a visit to Portsmouth. He will return j on Saturday. Will Create Bureau of Mini's. WASHINGTON'. D. C„ May 2 —The House hill for the creation of a Bu reau of Mines In the Interior Depart ment was passed by the Senate to day. mm SEND OUT FREE COOK BOOKS Senate Adopts Joint Restitution to Se After Culenary Lit erature Broadcast. WASHINGTON, May 2.—A House Joint resolution was to-day adopted by the Sonata providing for printing 300.000 copies of the Agricultural De ; partment ti cook book on the “eco i nomtcal use of meats in the home.” * for general distribution by senators and representative*. Aa originally —- fey the House provision was i New I jaw Levels Beached in Ma jority of Issues at Open ing. j TONE FIRMER LATER Strength Shown by Railroads— 8%ht Rally at End of First Hour. NKW YORK, M»y 2.—The down ward movement in stock* continued Rt the opening of tfte market to-day, when new low level* were reached In a majority of After the flr*t few' minutes, however, a firmer tone developed, especially In the rail road*. The downward movement was re sumed after the first fifteen minute*, i majority of issues showing lo*«e» ranging from 1 to more than 2 point*. At the end of the first hour a slight fractional rally was in progress Government bonds unchanged; oth ers dull. At midday many important 'Issues, In which there is active speculative interest, showed losses of over 2 points, and the market wo* In a ner vous state. Further substantial losses were sus mrrre?r arrer twtitiw were a.T'Trve Issue*. Amalgamated Copper contin ued weak and other stocks were sold at substantial concession!*. The market closed firm. MBW YORK STOCK M AR ART. [By Thomas Branch A Co.I Open. Lea American Beet Sn*ar. 3'*i Am, Act. Chem. Co... 424 A aimer*. AIlia-Chamber*. pfd... Aitnelgaraatod Copper. American Can... American Can. pfd.. American Car A Fdy. &~4 American Car A Fdy, pfd. American Cotton Oil... 59 Amarican Locomotive. . 47 American Locomotive, pfd... American Smelting. 7rt’4 American Sugar. 1204 Amer. Tel. and Tel. Co. 1334 »%»• 36 4 424 »4 334 OH 94 714 504 61 46.4 754 119 133 4 American Tobacco, com. American Tobacco, pfd. Anaconda Copper. 40V* 40 Atchiaon.. 107 V* 1T6 Atlantic Coast T.lne.... 122 121 Baltimore and Ohio.. 107X* 107 Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 754* 754* Canadian Pacific. 1824* 181 !* Chesapeake and Ohio .. 827* 82 7* Chicago Great We#tern.. 26 Chic. Mil. and St. Paul. 137 135!* Chi. and Northwestern.. 147 V* 1471* C. O. W.. pfd. 5\H 30!* Central Leather .. .. 40** -41V* Colorado Fuel aed Iron.. 37!* '’64* Colorado and Son them.. 57 571* Colo, and South.. 1st pfd.. 77V* CoL and South., 2d pfd.. 76V* Consolidated Oaa. 1327* 133* Delaware and Hudson.. 1677* 168V* Denver and Rio O., eom. 36 38V* Denver and Rio O.. pfd... 77V* Distillers' Sec. Cor. Erie... 27 V* 274* Erie. 1st pfd. 434* 44 Erie. 2d pfd. 347* General Electric. 146** 14#» Great Northern, pfd. 1317* 132 Great North. Ore. C*fs. 62** 62 Illinois Central... 134 V* ini. Metropolitan.... 104* 19V* Int. Metropolitan, pul.. 52l* 5H* Int. Mer. Marine, com.. - 54* Int. Mer. Marine, pfd. 17 17 International Paper. 11V* 11 International Paper, pfd.. 50V* Kansas City So., com. 41** 31 Kansas City So., pfd.. Louievihe and Nashville. 145 143 Manhattan. 132 Metro. Street Rail way. Mo.. Kan. and Tesaa. 39 39V* Mo., Kan. and Texas pfd......... Missouri Pacific. 66 V* 664* National Lead.. 76V* 76V* New York Central. 118 118V* N. Y. Ont. and Western. 42 42 V* Norfolk and Western.. 100 11 0T* Northern Pacific. 128 128V* Pacific Mail... 254* 254* Pennsylvania.. 131V» 131V* People's Gas. 108 HHV* Pressed Steel Car. 37 38 Pressed Steel Car, pfd. Rwy, Steal Spring com. 37 V* Reading. 156 1564* Republic Iron and Steal. 32 V* 33 Republic 1. and S„ pfd. Rock Island. 42V* 43** Rock Island, pfd. Sioee-Shef field. 71 72 Southern Pacific. 119 V* 120 V* Southern Railway.... 25 25V* Southern Railway, pfd. 60 60 Tennessee Copper.. 274* Texas Pacific. 30 V* 30V* I'nion Pacific. 178 178V* uniwu nuiM nuDoer... I’tuted States Steel... 79'% 80)4 lulled States Steel, pfd. 117)4 117 7, Ve.-Cmr. Chsmioal. 56 36)4 Va.-C*r. Chemical. pM. Wabash. l»Hi lV»Vi Wabash. ptd. 42 40)4 Wwtcra liuoa..,.,. 67H 67)4 Cotton (stonily. NEW YORK. May 2—The cotton market was steady at the opening prices, being 2 points lower to 2 points higher. Bulls gave near posi tions aggressive support. and late months were In good demand from commission houses. After the call the list advanced sharply, with an active trade In new crop options. The weather map showed low tem peratures In the Northwest, and trad ers feared a possible repetition of the recent cold wave through the South. Opening cotton prices: May, 14.78®> 14.711; July, 14.640 14.65; August, 14.00014.oi; ;8eptember, 13.05; Oc tober. 12.65 0 12.66; December. 12.48 012.49; January. 12.44®12.45; March, 12.45012.48. Wellesley College Quarantined. BOSTON, MASS.. May 2.—Welles ey College was quarantlyed to-day, ’ollowlng the announcement that there cere two cases of scarlet fever among the students. There were no further cases report ed at Simmons College, and the spread >f the disease generally throughout the city Is believed to have been ■hecked. •‘Pennsy’* Pays Quarterly Dividend. PHILADELPHIA, PA.. May 2 — flic regular quarterly dividend of 1 1-2 per cent was declared to-day »y the directors of the Pennsylvania railroad. Carollen authorities, who wanted In that State for of another negro. The negre held until Friday. tvoMA* coyTMi ei nitoHom DESPITE HE.IVT »H*T After being fined MO and Jail for sixty days for being dll ly on the street, Elnora Roll notorious negro character, abusive to the officers and derly In the pen In police courts day that she had to be taken before the wagon arrived t< other prisoners. Justice Ct once called her back to him creased the Jail sentence to months, but this had no effect the woman, who was bent upon1 lmr her anger to all who could help but listen. ROCKCASTLE MAN ROBBRDf police have no ~ While drunk and asleep In in ley In the vicinity of Bavellt street Sunday night, Mr. A. At of Rockcastle, Va„ was “rolled*',* 126, all the money he had on hlg |_ son. When he awoke early to morning he reported his loss k police but they have no clue, which to work. RICHMOND STOCK IIARlWr. Richmond. V»„ May X, STATE SECURITIES Bids North Carolina, 4s. C. !9]9.. ; V«. .Is. Old C. and ltd 11*33 « Centuries, 3-3, C. and R., 1901 .!• j CITT SKCIRITIES Manchester City .. Richmond City 4s R. 1920 ! 11*30 .* Richmond City 4s. C. & R »«• 1933-1943 . RAILROAD BONDS. A. C. L. K It. Con. Tr. 4p. c9J A. C. L. Ctfs. Ind. C. and O. R. Oi'B, M. 4',*s 100 . Uaor«ila. Daa.dat.-lis. C.11*32-1 _ * 'Georgia Sou. and Fla. PJ46.106 i (la and Alu. Con. 6s. 11*46..103 . Norfolk and West. Hy. 4s, i m# .— I Nor. and West. I’oca. 4» 1944... I Rich, and Dun. Gold (s, C. 1916 102 Seaboard Air Line 4s. 1950 ... , Ho. Hallway, 1st os. 1994 . So. H. Dev. O. M. 4s. I960..77 Western N. C. 1st. 6s C 1914 106 STREET RAILWAY BONDS. Norfolk By. ft L. Co. 5s 1949... Va. Hy. & P. Co. 5s. 1934 . Norfolk Hallway and Light, 1st. 5s. 1934 .. Norfolk Ry & L. Co-25 ... 1934 . _ STREET RY. STOCKS. Par Bid* Norfolk Ry. Tb L. Co.25 ... Va Ry. & P. Co. pfd..100 71 Va. Itv. * P. Co. pfd..100 26 RAILROAD STOCKS Par. Atlanta and Charlotte.. 100 190 1 Allan Coast Line, com. 100 132 Atlan Coast Line. preflQO ... <\ and O. M. J. T. I).loo »H4 mmh Nor. and West, com ...100 99H «»♦! K, f . <V U. V'lju*. Southern Hallway, pfd.100 69V4 Southern Hallway, com. 100 29Vi HANK AND THUoT CO. STOCKS ] American National ....100 165 Hroad Street Bank .25 ... Hank of Richmond . ..100 12* Hank of Com'r and Tr.100 36 Capitol Savings Bank ..20 ... City .25 Hirst National .100 300 Merchants National ....100 600 National Hank of Va..l00 210 National State Hank... 100 ... Petersburg Sav & Ins .,.20 .... Planters National.100 (00 Savings Bank of Rlch'd 25 ... Union Bank of Rlch’d...50 — Virginia Trust Co ....100 10* insurance: companies Va. Fire and Marine.. ... ... Virginia State .25 ... miscellaneous Amor. To. Co. prd. 6p. c. 100 ... Amor. Lo. Pref.». Va-Car. Chem com ..1.00 ... Am. Tob. 4y. ct. bonds ... ... Am. Tob. 6p. ct. bonds ... ... Va-Car. Chem pref 8 pc 6s. 1*23 .100 120 Va-Car. iTvem Co...... 100 66V4 Va. Car. Chem 1st tr. 6s 1923 . Quotations for interest-paying are at a price, to which Interest be added. Income bonds and cates of Indebtedness are flat. TWO MEN KILLED IN DITCH CAVE-1 1 Special to The Richmond Vlrg WINSTON-SALEM, N. C„ May Ilarry Stockton and William No colored, were killed at noon hero flay In a e&ve-ln of a sewer ditch Summit street. Three others narrow escapee. The earth at point Is very rocky and the were cut In several places, were taken out half an hour after accident. VIRGINIAN COMPANY PLACES BIG ORDH (Special to The Richmond Vlrgtalgl ROANOKE, VA., May 2.—TU H glnlan railway has placed wlt*l‘| Pressed Steel Car Company an OH for 1.500 steel gondolas ana * steel hoppers, to be dellvrefP m year. They will ocst 11,500,00*. ® VIXEGED LYNCHERS HH®, ; luc clianan County Jury Indfctsr , Christmas Hanging. ROANOKE. VA., May 2.— lent has been caused at Gr urhanan county, by the Ini r Wawne Justls, lAfayett* Ichard l-awson and P. L. Jfl charged with lynening rrmum nlngton at Hurley last Christman Pennington was being held for ing John Baker and wounding er's wife. It is alleged Johnson ed the room where Pennington, under guard nnd notified him but a short while to live. I** ton was then shot by unknow! ties. His body was dragged, most, down the stair* and tied water pipe, where it remained Icicles of blood formed on then burled in a box, with the sticking out, while the alleged ers are said to have indulged In; elry, drinking toasts to memory. The Comonwealth's Attorney . received warning to attempt to tlgate the affair. Blame Freaks on (Special to The Klchmond H A K RI SON BU RG. VA.. Four extraordinary freake in this section during the ; M. W. Sherry, of New Marl at the top with a live f chicken. The chick cannot ■ extra pair of drumsticks, hot then as excess baggage op wheel. A three-legged c Bridgewater lived but a few Dale Enterprise a Jersey calf Thursday without the eem tall. The space where appendage failed to pro smooth as man’s hand. T Cherry Grove a kitten calf by coming into e leas. The knowing ' Halley’s comet. MISSISSIPPI ANTI-1 declared WASHINGTON, D. C„ That the anti-trust law of of Mississippi mkl the decision to-day Court of the ing the preme' ~r “{ ;••