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TO GO AT i $4,00 and $5,00 Shoes, You need shoes NOW"! Buy them NO nh Save $2.50 NOW! You know values. Don’t wait. This is the second gun in the most formidable campaign of low prices ever waged by this big store. Come look at these shoes. Remember, these are the highest grade of shoes made at $4.00 and $5.00, and were givmgyouthe greatest values in shoes ever offered the women of Richmond. We re wide awake, and you re not asleep. We 11 see to-morrow. Women’s $4.00 an $5.00 Low Shoes, $2.50 A few of this style and a few of that. A few of this size and a few of that. A few pairs in this leather and a few of that. Odds and ends in the shoe business are exceedingly troublesome to take care oh It is actual saving to close them out at less than cost than to spend time trying to keep track of the few sizes remaining. The shoes offered are in a great variety of styles and leathers. Nearly every size in so,me styles or leathers. The leathers are, however, chiefly tan, patent coltskm and vici kids. SEYMOUR SYCLE, - No. 11 West Broad Street. WSf.,.JL. 1 . .." ... .’ C01I! IS TORN BY POLITICtl 10 Korth Carolina Democrats Organ ization Bitterly Donm*ced at Frenzied Meeting. “RING” FIGHTS BACK Stampede Gathering of Enemies, Cry Down Speakers and Take Possession. (Special to The Itichmond Virginian ) RAl.EIOH. N. C., May 2—The greatest political fight ever waged In Wake county Is now on between two (actions at the democratic party and the stormiest meeting ever held here by that party was pulled oft Satur *ay. Certain parties, headed by Mr. J. W. Halley, Issued a call for a meeting Of the democrats of the county to He held here Saturday. April an. for the purpose of discussing "men and measures." The reai object wns to was..' 1 I11.-■.■.a1 jiari” .ess-*.’ UV a New Pro-; cess Gas Rangel .auu it Sellers Kitch en Cabinetand make hummer housekeep ;r> to ouat the present organ.Gallon, leantU by boiieiior Armutead Junta, who is chairman t»J me county sm'UUte cuiBiiuUtf. let AcnettAy of Music was secured for the ineetiag, anu oaturuay morn ing me lurttr iiuur it as Ui > idea into HttUeiii and these placarded lor the rations townships of the county. The manager ot the Academy, thinking an fault was being maue to deep the organisation supporters from attending me meeting, ordered the placards removed, which whs done At 12 o'clock, Uie time lor tn<> meeting, there were about ~vb peo ple in the hall. Mr. Halley went on the stage and said that tne ring was trying to stale tne will ot me people, and that Mr. t'pchureh and Senator Jones had ordered the signs down for ting purposes, hut mat me courthouse had been secured. He asked all who favored putting down the ring to come with him. me house Immediately became a howling on.t nthAra i-rvlns ■'•it down." Organization Steals .March. Th*> organisation tn«n made a move. lt« follower* ruttud to the courthouse and completely Allied the liar and the jury box and all the front seats, and when Mr. Bailey mounted the judge's stand to speaK ho was yelled down. Others attempt ed to address the meeting, but the crowd would have none of them, and pandemonium reigned for about three-quarters of an hour, neither side being allowed to speak. The lie was passed several times, and It lqpked as though personal en counters were in brder, but that point , was not quite reached. After vainly trying to be hoard, Mr. \ Bailey and Mr. Josephus Daniels lert j the room, followed by about half the ! crowd. They went on the outside, | where several speeches denouncing | the ring were made and resolutions j adopted. The other wing, on the Inside of 1 the building, organised and a number I of addreeses were made condemning 1 the action of Mr. Bailey and Mr. ! Daniel*. HAD MAN DOWN READY TO TAKE HIS LIFE.} In the shadow of the poet office from which I'd die Pay and little Dick Har- j rU stole tlit.000 worth of stamps a murderous attack Is reported to have been made upon a mini by two other , men. A watchman, standing In the l door of the post office.' H said to have : refused to come to the aid of Mr. Ed ward G. Withowskl, a traveling man who arrived on the scene Juet In tint* to snatch a large bowle knife from one of the men’s hands as he was In the act of plunging It Into a man who was on the ground and who had already j been beaten into almost unconscious- j ness. X. A W. Surgeons to Meet. NORFOLK, VA., May 2.—Active ; preparations are being made for the convention of Norfolk and Western j railway surgeons, which will be held j here Wednesday and Thursday. Drs. Fouthtfate Leigh, H. M. Nash. ■ W. E. Driver, 8. H. Graves. H. K. Dreary and C. W. Woughtle, local ] physicians, constitute the committee ; arranging for the coming of ihe sur geons. . Will More to Richmond. (Special to The Richmond Virginian. > RALEIGH, N. C., May *>—Mr. K. M. McClure, who ha* been the effi cient Seaboard Air Line freight agent here for several years, hag resigned and will, move ta IUokmond, «WM»g FLEEING NEGRO SHOT BY POLICE Norfolk Couple Declare Robbery SuHpeet Innocent ainl Offer Financial Aid. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) NORFOLK, VA.. May 2.—Notwith standing the fact that the police had to ahoot William Hanley. « negro. to take him, Mra, Samuel H. Chandler, a white woman, aaya ahe believes he lx Geo. W. Anderson Sc Sons, 215 East Broad Street Mattings From China and Japan. Every variety to select from. The prices right. Jap Rugs Special 3x6 feet, 50c Crex and Fibre Rugs The Ideal Summer Rugs, all sizes, all colors. Madras Curtains 75c, 98c, $1.10 and $1.25 COME TO SEE US Anderson's innocent of any crime, find both she and her husband are ready to open their pocketbook* to secure his free dom. li&gley was arrested Saturday, after a hard chase, on the charge of steal ing a woman'* pocketbook. Mounted Policeman Handerltn had to club the negro into submission when he caught him after a long run. When liagley was placed in the patrol wagon and it : started for police headquarters, he made a break for ll'wirty. He leaped ■ out of the wagon .and was on a fair 1 way to freedom when Policeman San derlln fired and the negro fell. The bullet lodged In his hip. Mrs. Chandler says it is a case of mtstaken Identity She called at the .tall to see the negro, but the authori ties declined to permit her to see him. Chase City tBpeclal to The Richmond Virginian.) CHASE CITY, VA„ May i.—The evangelistic service* at Lbe Hapust church. whLch have been conducted by Hr. Rylend Knight, of Richmond, j closed Friday night Or. Knight has a very beautiful and imprecaive man ner. HU morning sermons have been especially heipful to the people. Rev. E. T. Miggaaon, of Wyllies burg, will deliver a special sermon to ! the Odd Fallows of Chase City at ; the town hall Sunday. A pretty marriage occurred at Fin- j neywood Baptist church on Wednes day. April *0. when Mr. A. J. New'- ; coinb and Miss lama Florence New' comb, both of Mecklenburg county, were married by the llev. E. T. lUg Wvll.„t m e Mtss Edna Turpin Is visiting Mr*. ■ W. c. Johnson on Bycamore street. Mrs. Harvey Jeffreys, of Keysville, ■1* the truest of Mis. L. T. Wallace on Academy street. Mrs. a P. Duke was an attractive | hostess to the Woman's Club Friday, April 29th, where, after a discussion i of books, her guests were entertained i by a contest on "trees," for which first j prize was awarded Mrs. Q. Q, Taylor ■ and consolation to Miss Dell Elam. A choice serving of refreshments j | closed the pleasant afternoon, which ! j was enjoyed by the following club ; ‘and visiting ladles: Mrs. W. D. Norvell, | Mrs. (J. t». Taylor, Mrs, Dascum Dye, Mrs, C. M. Boswell. Mrs,. T. a. Bos- i well, Miss Hose Knyder, Mrs. J. K i Pruden. Mrs. “Normsri H. Williams, Mrs. W. A. Broocks. Mrs. Mary <»reg- ] ory. Mrs Etta Gregory. Mrs. A. D. ! Finch. Mrs. Carson Gregory and Miss Sal He Booth. --- tlKK NKW FORMS ONLY FOR COPYRIGHT APPLICATIONS I Instructions have just been reeelv j ed by Postmaster Edgar Allan, Jr.. from the Congressional Library at Washington to destroy all copyright applications forms Issued prior to July I, 1909. New forma, conform ing to recent enartmer* on this sub ject have been supplied. All Infor mation on this subject may be ob tained from Mr. Allan. Maccabees to Entertain. That the Jefferson Taut No; 1«, the Knights of the MaceabgM of the World, will entertain their members In their tent room In Marshall Hall, Slot East Broad strest, on Monday night. May i. 1910. A nice musical program have been arranged, and re freshments wilt be served, and a good i4ma ntmtnisAfl tn thnut «vt»A |^y ■M MUST PUT MORE POSTAGE ON FOREIGN LETTERS Many letter* mailed tn Richmond or foreign countries which are sub ect to the postal union pontage rate, ire prepaid «ily two cent* and send rt are apparently under the imprea don that thla domestic rate U ap iltcable, but Postmaster Kdgar Al an. Jr, pointed out the error Sat urday. Thu belief, on the Part of many people, causes much unnecessary *ork for employes of the post-office. It entails the collection of the re tired fee for postage at the destl nation of the letter, which in doubled by failure on the part of the sender to properly atamp mail. The only foreign countries to which the two-cent rate applies are Canada, Cuba. Mexico, New Foundland, Ca nal Zone, Republic of Panama, Shanghai, China. Germany, by direct steamers only; Scotland, Wales and Ireland. letters directed to all other coun tries must bear a flvs-cent stamp for the first ounce or fraction and three cents for each additional ounce. NEWS FROM ALL OVER VIRGINIA ONANCOCK, VA., May J.—Whil»i ureparlnf to attend the funereal of a neighbor Friday, Captain Joahua Heed, of Northern Accomac, waa, stricken with heart trouble and ex pired lit a tew mlnutea A few yea« •K(o he sailed In a sixteen-foot akllt from our seaside to Philadelphia, and j returned in the same way. A widow and nine children aurvive. LTNCHBUna, VA.. May *.—The render of an engine, which waa back ing from I.ynrhburg to Monroe, on the Southern Sunday morning, waa derailed and turned over, the loco motive following the tender. Five or •lx late night train* and all of the, early morning train* w*re tied up from 2 to 4 hour* by the pccident. L.VNCIIB1TRCI, VA., May 2.—Henry Christ, colored, wa* shot Sunday All Ice Cream Seems Good to children, but all Ice crown k not good for them Unless it l* mod* of the best and purest materials in an absolutely cleanly way, it is apt to prove injurious instead of beneficial. Doctors recommend our ieo cream for convalescents and in valid*. That proves their belief to Ha purity and cleanliness. C. F. ROSS & CO. 117 East Main Street. Caterer. Confectionery and Ice Cream Manufacturers. Private Parties a specialty. ..Whoieaaleaad Retail Homing by John M. IJ*fon, fore nan of the municipal ohalngang. The legro tried to assault Llggon with a •ock when the white man, who 1* a ipectaJ policeman, had placed the ne fro under arrest tor beating hie wife, rhe shot took effect In the negro'e hroat. He la not dangerously hurt. WINCHESTER. VA., May 2.—Wil iam Bettis, of Boyce. Clarke county, nas run over by a seventy-five horse power automobile, belonging to Thomas Cover, Jr., of Philadelphia, near Boyce. He had hie right leg broken near the thigh, and suffered internal Injuries. A four-mule team became frightened and one of the an imals turned suddenly, throwing Bet tis under the car. He is In a pre vious condition. ONANCOCK, VA., May 2.—Cruet Memorial Methodist Protestant shureh, recently removed from Beep Creek to Tasley, on the New Yoik, Philadelphia and Norfolk railroad, has been much Improved, and will be reopened for service May 15. Bids have been asked for the construction of the new brick church of the same denomination at Parksley, In place of the one burned In October last. ONANCOCK. VA., May 2.—Pound fishing on the Chesapeake Is about over, and the season has been un profitable. The western side of tue bay was the favored one this ysar. the fish in Urge numbers clinging )o that shore. Steamers are being overhaul ed and made ready for the menhaden and work will begin with warm wea ther. HARRISONBURG. VA.. May ? — John S. Clinedtnst, of Edinburg, has secured the contract to build a new Baptist church at Luray. WINCHESTER, VA., May S.-Ed ward T. Brown, engineer or the Shen andoah division of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad for several years, was notified to-day that he had been un pointed to succeed B. N. Begem an engineer of the Philadelphia division. George Warrun. of Cumberland, will succeed Mr. Brown. HARRISONBURG, The Orange County been organised >! hoys. ALEXANDRIA. VA., Hay *.—A Democratic primary to chooee oahdl of the city Democratic committee, of their Intention before noon to-mor row. ONANCOCK. VA., May 2.—The point on the Bellvue estate, near Lo oustvllle, known as Parramorlee Point, has been leased by Mr. William P. Bell for 10 years to Messrs. Chari A A. Douchlled and John W. Surberg, of New York. They propose to build a number of bungalows, and to make the place a resort tor gunners. The location is an admirable one, afford ing marsh, bay and ocean shooting. The annual rent Is $200. DANVILLE, VA., May 2.—The com missioners of election have canvassed the vote in Thursday's local option election. The official returns showed a majority of the votes for the "wets,” the same as reported by the Judged on election night. Twelve vote* enough to have altered the result, were thrown out. Most of them wsrd deliberately marked by voters for the purpose of invalidating the ballot. LYNCHBURG, VA., May 2.—Three or four hundred members of the or der, representing nearly every section of Virginia, were here Saturday par ticipating in the degree work of the Knights of Columbus, when a large number of candidates were initiated 1 into Holy Cross Council. Ths entire day was given over to this work, la connection with mass and other relig ious ceremonies at the Holy Crose church. Child Injured by Baseball. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) POCAHONTAS. V*., May 2.— While returning to school after the noon dinner hour Friday little Mary Blaylock, the *-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Blaylock, was struck by a baseball, which was be | tag passed by two boys, Harold Ta ! bor and Reuben Green, and her nose ; was broken._ 1 ! i I i i City Coal Co. Pennsylvania Anthracite,