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WILL URGE GOUNCIl TO IMMESTOEET Broad Street Merchants De clare It Should be Better - Lighted and Paved THROUGHFARE BELIES CITY!S PROGRESSIVENESS Earnest Campaign to be Made for More Arc Lamps at Light Committee’s Meetings. An earnest campaign for better light ing facilities on Broad street from Pine street to the City Hail will be made by Broad street business men Tuesday night when the committee on light of the Council holds its regular meeting. The boom for aifording bettor light to cltlcens and merchants along the principal shopping street was launched early this week and took like wild lire All along Broad street the slogan among the merchants is "Better light and better paving," and they believe their interests and the city's interests I demand the improvements. "Broad street should have smoother paving and much better lights,’' said Mr. Rhoads. of Miller & Rhoads, Sat urday. "it would be diflicult to llnd another city of the sire and Importance of Richmond with Its principal business tiiorougiifarc ao_jm*rJy JiKMrd and. roughly paved. hither granolithic ] blocks or asphalt should be laid on 1 Broad street to lessen the deufemng j clatter of heavy wagon# passing over I It and preventing conversation cither personally or by telephone In store while the vehicles are moving." Should Be Up-to-date. That Broad street, as the shopping and retail center of the Capital City, should be a show street, with the best facilities afforded buyers and sellers, I • o UIV UJ.'IIUUU VI au IMU n tin the thoroughfare. Although much has been said about ! widening the sidewalks on Broad I street, among many merchants the opinion prevail* that the pavements are already wide enough and that the counties* show cases, Jutting out on the sidewalk three or four feet from the building line, should be withdrawn en tirely, or a foot or more closer to the •tori s In front of wnieh they are placed. It was pointed out by several mer chant* Saturday that, aside from the clatt> r the cobblestones cause anil their antiquated appearance In an , up-to date business city—the gateway be tween the North and South—the lough paving in the center of the street is unhygienic, because gaping holes arq carved in the surface by heavy trucks and the great volume of tra\el and water and dirt settle In them. on rainy da} a pools of murky witter stand in these hole* and when the sun shines upon them a dark, unhealthy vapor rises from them. There is need for better grading on Broad street, acacordlng to merchnts on that thoroughfare and throughout the city, and It is believed that the committee on streets might well give considerable thought to this subject. A city ordinance provide* that the street space taken up by the tradition company and three lest on either side of the outside rails should be paved. This space Is said to be not In good repair, it 1* further Intimated that as law requires the company to pave this franchised space with the same mate rial the city use*, that If granollth blocky or asphalt yvere used, the cen tral porticn of the highway would like wlre be resurfaced .It the company's expense, thus leaving about forty feel on either std* of the street to be re surfaced by the city Seek Light First. While the merchant* are giving their particular attention to Interesting the Council in providing belter lights and more of them along Broad street, so ns to make It more befitting the spirit of progressiveness and business of the city they are also much interested in the idea Of having a better surface to the thoroughfare. With regard to the liglils the mer chants say the system of having arc light* In the center of the streets at the Intersection of streets is not Only out of date, but Inadequate. In cities much smaller than Richmond and of far leas Importance as business or his toric center*, the arc light* are hung on poles erected on the street comers at the edge of the sidewalk, and there are not only lights on the corners, but two in the middle of the blocks, one on either side of the street. This is the system which the merchants believe should be adopted by the Richmond Council. Walked 50 Miles for $1,000. HEMPSTEAD, U I., May 2 —Ed Yon May Have Trouble your fad. Why not buy the kind that burn*? Our Wood out any length to *uit. We ore In buaineea to plena* We taiwIU the original North Carolina Wood, and all kind* of Pure Coal- No trade- Tty u* onoe. Phone, Madison 6913. North Carolina Wood and Coal Co. 827 Brook Avenue, A. S. OUTLAND, M*r. OSTEOPATHY FREE 1 will give you three treet If no _its free. If not benefited. [it will be useless to continue, tl chronic diseases treated. Medicine furnished when [necessary. 122 North 8th Street. Phone Madison 7820. ward Matthews, a member of the Meadowbrook Club, staggered in there soon after 5 o’clock Friday morning, tired and happy. He was soaked to the skin by the rain that fell during the early part of the night and was covered with mud, but he had Just won a wager said to be for Jl.oOo, by walking SO miles In less than 24 hours. He had covered the distance In 12 hours. CONSIDER LIGHTING MATTER AT MONDAY NIGHT’S MEETING Improvement of the Broad street lighting system will probably be con sidered Monday night by the Council Committee on Electricity, and plans for the _proposed bracket_lights will be discussed. Final approval, however, rests with the Finance Committee, which stands guard over the city treasury, and which must decide whether the an nual Income will Justify the additional expenditure. The Committee on Cemeteries will also meet Monday night, but will take up. It Is understood, only routine mat ters. INCREASE THE PRICE OF LIQUOR LICENSES Harriwinburg Vendors Must Here after Pay $1,200 Annually Instead of $800. Harrisonburg, va.. May 2— Beginning Monday, the retail 1 .nor license for the town of Harrisonburg goes up from 1800 to 81.200. The action of the town council was unani mous, and all seven of the Harrison burg liquor dealers applied for re newal of license and secured it. Har risonburg is the only "wet" spot In the Valley of Virginia, and since Staunton voted dry last summer has been doing an immense shipping busi ness. There has been talk of new liquor houses being opened in Har risonburg. but so far none has ma terialised MONARCH AT ODDS WITH CON SE R VAT I STS Anglo Herman War Talk of Bal four Causes Development of Coldness. RONDOS' May 2—The English po litical situation ha« been still further complicated, according to Reynolds' newspaper. I.iberal. by a newly devel oped coldness between the King and Arthur .1 Ralfour, the Conservative leader The latter's Anglo-German war talk and hi* prominent part in stirring up the lords against the liberals are given as the reasons for the strained relations between him and the King. As Ralfour has been counted on to form a cabinet in the event of Asquith'* resignation the breach between the King and Ralfour may force the King to arcade to Asquiths demand regard ing the swamping of the House ol I.. rds of the I,literal |>e*r* In a larger measure than he had Intended. The recent public note from Lord Knoll.vr. the King's secretary that the King disapproved of his name being mentioned for political purposes, w-a really aimed at Ralfour. Reynolds newspaper declares. lAOKIM-’.snrcM* MAT MAKE HACK IT MtHKOlK <Special to The Richmond Virginian ) NORFOI.K, VA.. May 2.—There if still strong talk of an independent Council and Board of Control ticket entering the Held for the municipal election In June. Republicans are eager to pose with Independent Democrats and put up candidates who are not Identified with the local political organisations. in the recent primary five candidates put up by organized labor were elected to the Connell. VISITORS H III COUBT OFBBEJOHN Police Court Thronged With La dies Here Attending Meet ings of Druggist*.__| j ! DISPLAY DEEP INTEREST j The Inimitable Genuis Makes a Few Special Remarks for the Benefit of His Guests. Presenting a picture fit for the pen I of an artist the basement In the city j hall, where Justice Crutchlield la monarch of all he surveys, was trans formed Monday morning Into a re ! . option saloon more than thirty ladles J who are visiting here Invading the I room and scattering to the corridors j me usual motiey crowd that hangs ; upon the words of the lmitable Jus j tice. the feminine visitors were the wives, mothers, sweethearts ana daughters of the visiting pharmacist* who are In convention in Richmond |st this time. They came early and ! remained until the One John closed ; the criminal docket book almost at I noon and announced that court would | not be In session again until Tuesday i morning. Attorneys were made to re I rlnquish their seats behind the rail ing and every policeman left the long ! bench that extends all the way on the ! north side of the room from the en 1 justice to ihe barred door of the pen. 1 Into the press box two charming matrons came—however much the ; reporters would have preferred sllght I )y younger ones—and behind the desk of the judge the scribee wrote, .standing and taking notes os best they i could while wit came rapidly from ; the Ups of the man who Is known to j people In every State In the Union as being a most unique character. (Time and again he convulsed his au | dtence with laughter. "Never before have 1 seen such an array oi i *** i dead that 1 will not have to try one of you ladles, for I would forget the, law and dismiss you right at once. No, upon second thought, I don't think I I ; would. I’d keep you prisoners for , | life. (You reporters keep that out' of the papers. My wife might get j i after me," spoke the justice during! a lapse in the proceedings. .Stole His Wife’s Clothes. One of the amusing Incident* of the j court was the trial of Kichasd Tay lor, a negro, charged with having stolen his wife's clothing. Richard said j tie had received information to the, ■ ffect that his wife was fixing to leave him and that he held her clothes to ( force her to remain at home. "It 3 my law," said the justice, ’‘that, a wile ha* a right to steal unythting fr« m her husband. Hhe can rob him j of money, shoe*, clohlng and every-! thing he possesses and will be aetjutt- J ted here I reckon the luw ought to 1 work both ways. The single ladles here • thank me for deciding ttiat they can iob their husbands in after years, and the ni irrieti m»n here know that I am right In saying that a husband has a j right to ureal from his wife. The mar- j ried ladies here may not be satisfied, ] but they don't count." it developed in the hearing of the j charge against John Collins, a negro. > for breaking into the home of Joe Bi- ' coif, £>50 Brook avenue; that Mr. Blcoff had whaled the negro over the head with a stick and chased him directly Into the arms of a policeman. The negro was sent to the grany Jury, Justice John remarking that "one Vir ginia nigger won’t bother me again for a number of years." In fining Archie Bass, an ugly look- j ing negro, HOP and sentencing him to Jail in default of security in the sum of j 1100 for twelve months, upon the I charge of carrying a rasor concealed. I tlie One John explained to hi* fair, visitors from other States that while : to them the punishment might appear excessive, it was absolutely imperative : in Richmond to break up the habit of! concealed weapons among negroes. "And when we get a Northern nigger | down here try to send him to jail for life." Shake Hands With Him. There were many more amusing a* well as serious cases tried. The visi tors were delighted with their treat ment in the court-room and were af 1 terwards escorted through the City Hall proper. First, however, they vis ited the private office of the justice and shook hands with him. His final remark wns that he wished they would come every day and lend their presence \ to the court-room's atmosphere. FtIRHKH RICHMOND PASTOR RESIGNS BALTIMORE CHI BCR. I BALTIMORE. May 'The Rev. Don ald Guthrie, pastor of the First Pres Richmond Virginian’s Commercial Weather Map For S0»h, from observations taken at * A. M„ Eastern Time. U. S. Department of Agriculture WEATHER BUREAU Highest temperature* durlag preceding -* hours at— Boston .S2 New York .......Si! I’hlladelp.iia .7* Washington .78 RICHMOND .St nature o* TSeiswsuItr, t A. >1. f A. ;j n a. m. IS A. I'l IP. M Minimum SO. For Richmond and Vicinity: Showers to-ntght or Tuesday. _ _ WASH: NO TUN, 1>. C. May 2.—Fore cast till S P A., Tuesday Virginia: Showers to-night or Tues ■d»r ••v tto&th «nd to-nt*kt and Tuesday ir. northsm portion. Fair weather prevails this morning ever tWi ete j* fstse «» * • »l . *r»'» U***. >•»♦**- • *ir SiP. ^Smsiiw .>*<<-1 ;>««•. ## sis*si'Lsy .. "t i-rs.nw.ionl., tsr ssrsjfs* h; nscut Istli'sis *4sta o! sssIJ^t- Q kw M’>’* 9 .lottSu (§)n*i». (jysssv. (gpwrt »:». -... A-m*% tt<suit V " I t'ira laws*, J, Si f-»s tuafc . .1 it •»*•!« U isch, U»W. »*n4 -J ij aim «*> twa <wa Atlanta .82 Jacksonville .8fc New Orleans .8-’ Galveston . Birmingham ........ *1 Memphis .8« SI. uouls . 70 Chicago .54 ! At. Paul . «« ! Cincinnati .82' Pittsburg ... ■ , 12 : liuftalrt .,.58 Detroit .58 Kansas City .70 Denver .48 •lilt lake City ......58 Francisco ,5*; i .inland, P.i.. .6* i irturiiGH coiuiTiots. the South Atlantic and east Oulf States, wu Ic In other sections east of the Rockier; except tr.o nortlern l’lalns States, cloudy-weatht i. w th ra n or snow, l* reported. There unsettled con sul-'ns are caused by a storm retitrsl this morning In Western Missouri. The rtorm ts attended by rain in the south urr. portion of the lAka region and the east-eontrai Plains Stater, while over the westetn portion Of tho last, basiad district snow m moderately heavy amount# has fallon. Freeslng temperature prevails In the northern Plain* ttt&tea. The sferte will move to wards th* Uk* region during tha next u hours and will bring showers to this vicinity Sale of Mattings at Unmatchable Low Pri Here are Matting values that deserve the prompt attention and response every householder who has a need for new floor coverings, or expect to h Mattings tor the coming season. ^ t Other Summer Floor Coverings. Not included in the above sale, but at specially low prices, are: Crex Matting*, in pretty reds, greens and blues, with stair width to match, A A yard.. Crex Matting Hugs and Druggets, in all colors, every size and with every style border: Size l$x36 inches, each. 35c Size 30xW inches, each. 90c Size 9x12 feet, each.$7.50 i 547 RoUs of Matting. An enormous quantity, and yet we bought them AT SUCH PRICE SAVINGS for this sale that we figure on the prices sufficient to sell out all the , lots. The sale offers: 10 rolls China Mattirj», good heavy quality and r less Than 20c yard; a roll of tf fcctly woven; never 40 yards. $6.48 One lot of the Heaviest and Best 33c China Matting*, the prettiest styles and colors; in this sale, a roll f of 40 yards. wO.« 37 rolls the Usual Best 35c Heavy China Matting, mostly in small, neat weaves; on sale for, a roll ffl A O C of 40 vards. . V m V.aMPKl 5 rolls the Finest llfi-Warp China Mattings, olio made to sell at 40o yard; a roll of 40 yards $12.40 8 rolls l ine Linen Warp Mattings, in the most novel ffj multi-colored effects; none better than this, and the jriee is but, for a roll of 40 vards — $9 9ft L in pretty reds, greens and blues; sells for 33c yard; on suTc for, a roll of J J-3 20 18 rolls Linen Warp Martini nd blue? 40 yards Matting Hugs, size 3x(S feet, in the prettiest carpet OQ effects; special, each.vJFC ! Jap Matting Druggets, great variety of styles and color*-— Size 6x9 feet, only.$1.49 Size 12x9 feet, only.$3.98 The Celebrated Buffalo Refrigerator is the best because it has all the ! points needed to make it so, j the heavy walls filled with pure charcoal in spaces of 2 and 3 inches, preventing it from set tling; also, it has hardware of the best making. It is perfectly airtight, therefore it preserves ice longer than other refrigera tors. Prices start from $6.50 up Drip Pan Free. $13.75 For this Large 4 Burner Ideal Gas Range Easy to keep clean, as all parts are removable. Large 16 1-2 inch oven, and strictly guaranteed value. Regular $22.50 j size. Our great special. $13.75 $4.75 For this Beautiful Full Col lapsible 1910 Go-Cart All shades. Value $8.50. Our great leader, $4.75 Brass-Trimmed Enameled Bed, Extra titifj, $6.75 Vafae $12.00. m WE SELL TiTe FREE SEWING MACHINE "The Only Insured Sewing Machi Hopkins Furniture Compan 7 and 9 West Broad Street. Cheapest Cash or Credit Store in the City. byterian church, Announced his resig nation At itiomin* service yesterday. Thla action came as a (Treat surprise. E)r. Guthrie Is one of tha best-known Presbyterian preachers in America He save falling: health as a reason. Dr. Guthrie was formerly pastor of the Second Fresbyterian church in this city and has many friends here. The Surplus What are you doing with your surplus cash? Some people spend it for things they do not actually require, hut wise people put it in the bank, where it will grow at eotnpund intereet. We cordially invite you to open an account with Banking By Mall Accounts Invited. 4Qj ‘■tew* Paid on /C Saving Accounts ; Commonwealth Bank 12 N. ‘>th St., Richmond, Va. Branch—4 liast Broad Street, Richmond, Va. - HKl.P W.VX+Ktk—PBMAI.R. mm *K=3Wti .^¥S~trwTrryr; 3»wlnr machines run by power, neat dean work: experience,I hands pr-* ferted 1 fji itRirt paid while learn ing. Bxper cm i.d hands make good wages. Apply at otiico Mi 1*1-111ciHit BAG CO.. llSCl Williamsburg avenue, Pulton . ■H“ |WJ«ITtt»>* " AtTRO—KKM V1.F.. stenogre.p er. position-at once. F-2g. care Richr oml VjraSniap^ wav : ill• RKF NED" i.AL'V '\v:uT. help in housekoApls* for unfurnished * ‘--TMI room and board: references exchang ec. Address G-17, care, Virginian. ACHKFMF rsnrassxAr BROAD. — —puy rk. SCUiUbSU’. positions wasted—hale. Any employment; clerking or col lecting preferred. Reference! given. Address “HUSTLER." cere Virginia. wanted—by a young man. posi tion AS assistant bookkeeper, good reference. Address C-40._ __ WANTED—COMPETENT BTENOGRA pher desires position; moderate sal ary. F-i«. care Virginian._ WTANTED—BY EXPERIENCED BOOK keeper and a good penman, extra work to do at night; copying or book work. Address B. D. 22, care Richmond Virginian. MAIRI g-^rri^Tsr''^^ selling Ladles’ Hair Switches at bargains this week. 216 N. Fifth ^^jjtree^^^i^^___ PERSONAL. THE MOST UP-TO-DATE LADIES tailored suits are made at M. Gold stein's. He has a complete selection of new Imported and domestic wool ens for the coming season. For and upward yon can hare one of there perfectly made and flttfd E*Tr menls; he also makes a specialty of Pongee, Roger's silk and linen salts at very reasonable prices. M. uOU) STEIN. 218 N. Fifth street. _ LADIES YOUR HAIR IS IMPORTANT, tour cut hair or combings matte in to beautiful Switches. Puffs, Pompa dours or Front pteces In the most artistic manner. Charges very mod erate 216 N. Fifth street. LADIES YES VYE RE-DYE AND RE make switches; charges moderate, 216 N Fifth street. _ PUFFS' PUFFS: THOSE PRRTTi Hair Puffs made f-oai your own combings or cut hair; charges very moderate. 216 N. Fifth street._ WE DO THOROUGH CLEANING, windows, show cases, wood work and furniture. WILLIAM JOHNSON H0» N. First street Phone. Monros S120 _; SHOE REP 11 RING SPECIAL. -hTTk ~ a" 2? ffEtl ATI'. WE light, pliant loatner suitable for 1* soling ladles’ shoes and while It lasts, If you will bring this coupon, we will Ifc H'-'.e ladle*' shoes—6be. re bated to 40c. Every pair sewed. We oan not send for shoes at this special mrte. DREWS ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY, 71* E. Mala. i _ MOSEY TO LOAM. | MONEY TO LOAN WITH THE! rent payer. How much longer are; you going to pay for real estate, man’s home* Why not your own. 1 will loan you the money to buy your lot and build your house, II on the hundred, with 5 per oent.; simple Interest. Giving you seven and a half years to pay loan back. Call jPP 1J01 East Main street. N. P. HARGRAVE, Mgr FOR BALE. rxgrgy'ogAT’irxigwTgeaeBrrE1 are selling bargains this week. 216 j N. Fifth street. EMPLOYMENT—MALE ADD FEMALE plicanSs for po* Mona of any kind to , apply Immediately at 60614 E. Broad , ^urjmjloymon^ttonca^^^^^^ j REAL ESTATE FOR BALM. rfoy'~yrrn?tr^^xg|f~^y,Fga:; rou how. Will loan you 11,000 to 10.000 to buy a home, and only charge you 6 per cent. Absolutely no uncertainty. If you can pay *6; per month for a abort time you. WlliJ soon be paying on your own house— not fattening the landlord's bank ac- S count. See us to-day. ANDERSON ; REAL ESTATE AND LAW CO., j Eleventh stseet, ben.aeeekers' friend. WALL PAPER. Fifth street; wall papers; room mouldings, etc.; high class work; lowest prices; investigate. SPECIAL NOTICE. i^T?^irrnr~r^rrT7rr5^'s:''Tcr guarantee they do net enange color, bargains this week. 216 N. Fifth. NATIONAL CLEANING AND PRESS ing works. The only steam dying and French' cleantng works In the West Knd; best mode of workman ship possible. Phone, Madison 2711 or call at 1205Vi W. Main; we carry Are insurance, so your clothes are protected. _ HANCHENS * HARRIS HOFSE AlSt) Sign Painters and Pape.r Hanging work d-m« any where at the right £rtce. 201 Randolph street, phone, lad Ison >854._. _. ladie3~glory in'Ttreiit hair. "fir you want Imitation Hair Switches don’t gome. We keep nothing but real hair; we sell switches Tsry lew b*Sb«* tfclg «6k WAjm^5=¥5"'Sl?r SEVERAL DESIRABLE R< use of hath, tor light *s at 31* Third avenue, Ch FOR RENT—ONE U furnished room sultal t lemon or couple, wl 464-U Apply •asssssassssaam Madison ni^ixBti opi WANTED—CONFER! reputable bttSIttes* position to Invent fl each la a tobacco tloctal importance, I ed earning capacity or been work; sy Tpsir household goods; best prices call Madison 3*51. _ ___ LADIES' HAIR! YES! WE Turbans with ladles’ own comb They are so natural and so 31* N. Fifth street. WOOD AND COAL. fwntEi>cfcgT5r¥5sn^ coal *4.35; H cord good pine wood *3. Coal and wood a' under shelter. TYLER A RTA W. Cary street 197*. TINNING AND PLDMD1SR NEVER SINCE CHR16TOI — lumbus discovered America, superior In the tlnnlngj and gas-fitting business Honest prices, superior i al satisfaction and prom] a few of our well known lstlcs. L. W. DORSr-' ^JSeventi^street^ Ph<; FOR RENT. ^rrK<r~7(5t^irA^r^®m of looking for desirable for have not found what phone Madison 47*8 and yi» just what you are looking for i reasonable rent io9~SOTJTH 2ND STREET. 4 bath room, gas and alectrte r ply to B. M. Webber. 10 Phone Monroe 31*8. FOR RENT—NICELY rooms with or wlthont Fifth street