Newspaper Page Text
in to attend ATE CONFERENCE Petersburg Churches to be Wtll Represented at Norfolk Missionary Gathering. OTIIER NEWS OF TOWN Several Horses Entered in Local Horseshow—Week’s Tobac co Sales Light. i'ka H. O'Kmta, •rramn Street Cconkatf, Will (Irt preaupt •llmlu to (M*|I»I>1> ravtrlw irrrsular aar n«a •( raper and will rrrtlva aah aartpflau. (Sptclt! to The Richmond Virginian,) PETERSBURG, VA„ May !«.—The | twentieth annual session of the Wo- i man’s Home Mission Society of the i Virginia Conference will convene at i the Kendree church. Norfolk. May 17- j JO of May inclustve The delegatee j for the different Methodist churches j TSPstershurg who »;Ij attend in com- | Pany with Mrs. Albert ilayo, the dis trict secretary, are: Washington Street church, Mrs. \V. it Hite; Mar ket-Street church. Mrs Walter Brunet From T. P., Miss Martha Lad better; High -Slttel thurch,. Mn J. P. IL Smith; Hlandford church, Vlas Annie Warren, and Miss Susie Griffith Entrlew in Horse Sitow. Petersburg will be repnsented at the Richmond Horse Show by "Christine," owned by iiarvio Seward; •Tier Grace," owned by K. R Sydnor. “Amulet” and "Safe Conveyance." Bwned by Captain M, C Jackson Miss Ann Keith Royall, of Richmond, Will ride these horses in the ladies classes. The commencement exercises of the Virginia Normal and industrial in stitute (colored) waa held yesterday afternoon at the institute and were largely attended. Certificates and diplomas were awarded to a number of students. Social and Otherwise. Lieutenant Hooper, of the Salvation ! Army, In this city, ha# received orders to proceed to Cumberland, Md., for which place he will leave on Monday 1 next. Lieutenant Hooper has been as sisting Captain Woods for the past four months. Mr. Roger Atkinson, formerly of Petersburg now of Richmond, was In the city yesterday celebrating his j gtxty-eevorth birthday. James B McCulloch, supervisor of i the sales of loose tobacco at the sev eral warehouses In the city report* the sale# for the past week to have been A&.fcSO pounds. Total sale* to date. 6,SSS,Z10 pound*. Six deeds were admitted to record In the office of the clerk of the hustings court of Petersburg during the pa*t week. The May term of the hustings court of this city will open on Thursday morning next. There are some five or six canes on the criminal docket. The Petersburg and Richmond Col lege baseball teams played a game Saturday afternoon at Kenilworth Park. Motor Ron! Club Elects Officers. At a meeting of the Petersburg Motor Boat Club held Friday night the following officers were elected: Commodore. Spooner Eppee: vice commodore, Homer Atkinson; rear commoodre, Dr J. P Osborne: secre tary and treasurer, W. A Worth. While in Petersburg Friday the dwelling house of Samuel Tucker, a well known colored merchant of Prince George county, near Dispu tanta, on the Norfolk and Western kali way. was destroyed by Are, with content*, over sixty dollars worth oi Seed peanuts was also burned. A seven months’ old child was burned to death. The tiro originated from an overheated stove. The new gravel roadway of Cox orad. Dinwiddle county, for a dis tance of about twelve miles out of Petersburg, has about been completed. This work was dope by the State force. The road board of that coun ty sill hold a meeting Tuesday next at the county courthouse to decide what road they will take up \t for Improvement. Louis H Curry, for the pas year an operator In the Western Union telegraph office in this etty. has been transferred to the oce of the com pany in Portsmouth, for which place Be will leave on Monday next. Lee Rogers, a veil known tele graph operator of this city, is quite til with double pneumonia at his borne mi Grove avenue. Thomas Blrohett, one of the most prominent ritisens of Prince George County. Is quite ill with Inflammatory rheumatism. The annual meeting of the Phoenix Bible elase of High-Street Methodist Episcopal church will be held to-mor row morning when offleers for the en Rev. W K. Atwell pastor of Ulgh Btreet Methodist Episcopal church, and bride have returned to the city. WEEK'S T99ICCS SALES ABOUT 75,600 POUNDS End of Season at Hand—Prices Remain Unchanged and Market Quiet. Each week tobacco aa'es on the local market grow less, Indicating tho tost approach of the ond of the Mason. Sale" were held on Tuesday and Friday of the week ust ended ann It la estimated that leu man 75,000 pound" of the w eed a as sold. Prices generally remain unchanged. A few thousand pout..}* of nun cured •till remain In Caroline coutny and thia Will probably continue to keep life In the market f«. a «*w weeks The market on bright" thta week remained um hanged. quiet and firm with fair rwceipts. Inrk tobacco re ceipts were very light, the market Quiet and practically no trading. Pun cured receipts continue d light with cn prires Tor aTI »■ uni stock, there waa fairly active trading. Ctoecli FAR Sales About Over. a) to The Richmond Virginian ) ARMVIIJLK. VA„ May !«.—The to i sales on this market arc about for the seaaofi. and grower* are attention to the growth rop. plants ere teore at first »i re thought > usual crop will * e *• t already planted and the Cotton Venous. TOHK. May 14—The cotton n ou» and easier at the prices 3 to 7 point* after the call a heavy LOST. _ tufci: vc^¥Yerwcrrr i 3th and Ylroad Streets. The purse can j b# obtained at room l, lf<» N. alb | street f correctly described. H KIP UA.VrED—M A LB .vS EXPERIENCED J ketprr: work U fftntiaTl laid labor. ou» . r.o novice need «rp1y: state ex perleiue. a*«. reference , confidential. Apply to D-3, The Richmond Virgin lu. tVANTBD. ISt M.HN FOR THIS CITY ; and Slnte. auch as miner*. laborer*, cook A, bo tier*, driver*, farm »:id dairy hand*, etc. MARTIN & CO., The Old Reliable, 818 East Broad , street. I WANTED, SITUATION CLEANING In office and housework. Call at 3« North Seventh street. i WANTED. SO COLORED MEN TOR railroad construction work. Ap ply at once, SOUTHEIIN INTEL LIGENCE OFRICK. 21l 1-2 North Sixth street. wanted—stock salesman; call or write Ihibllr'ty Department Miller System ef Train Control. Room JOS, Commonwealth Hank Building. Rich mond, Va tv ANTED—CURLS WHO ARE Ex perienced paper box maker* also eome beginner*. Steady employment and Rood wages. Apply to The Kan dolph Paper Box Co, Roes Street. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. •^AK?¥mr^r^TTEr'x^r~^^ orert women for genera! house work for thl* and Northern Status ar.d cities MARTIN A CO., 81S Bust Broad street. WANTED—AT ONCB A GOOD GKN er&l servant, small family, light work, good wages. Apply 1514 Floyd Art. PnllTIOSs WANTED—MALK. WANTED—POSITION BY EXPERI-J •need ymtng tram, rorUllMhhr book-" keej>er or any clerical work; o»n furnish beet of reference. Address G-19. care Virginian. WANTED—POSITION AS STEWARD of a small club or a* valet of u large hotel for the summer H PHILLIPS. 1112% E. Broad street, Richmond. Va. WANTED—A POSITION BY A YOUNG man with a wholesale or retail house, til capacity of salesman or shipping clerk. Address G-18, caro Rlohmond Virginian. j WANTED—A LIGHT SET OF BOOKS to keep at ritytht. can also do some stenographic work. C. B. caro Kioh ^^jtnond Vlrglniain^^______________ POSITION W4 8TKD—nSMALB. young lady desires position as com panion or governess. Willing to travel; beBt references; address Box 34. Andersonvllle. Va. ! WILL SOME ONE GIVE LADY WHO has to assist in supporting four small i children work to do at home.. Ad dressing or any simple clerical work preferred Address, Mother. care Richmond Virginian. Male and Female help .. vanWi'C without encumbrance for general fr_rm work In the State of North Dakota, Transportation furnish ed. MARTIN & CO., The Old Re liable. 818 East Broad street. HAIR: m^g§‘T8'T3rgnE,5:xtJsr''TO''o«T your «wHches and puff*. The b«*t for (ho loast money. HPOHEH HAlit PARLOR. 200 N. Third rireot._ 8W1TCHES~ HWIT<IHKS! WE ARK RnUtnir Ladle*’ Hair Hwltcliaa *» bariratns this w«ok. 210 N. Fifth street. AHMtfi REPURnG BPUCtAL. —T— 20 REBATE. WE 1UV E AI IA >T OK light, pliant leather suitable for V4 f-ohriR ladies* *ho«*s and while It lasts. If you will briny: this coupon, wo will H sole ladles* shoes—60c. ro be ted to 40e. Every pair sowed. We ran not .‘-end for shoes at this special price. DREWS ELECTRIC SHOE F A CTO It V, 716 F, Main. ;i:K orn ~nEW~~aitTnYAL—mr summer hntn. All the latest styles in up-to-date millinery. Groat re d net inns on all colored hats. Lin gerie, Mllunds and Hanpa lints a specialty. NEWTON’S. 210 North Second street. - POl'LTKY AMU PUTS. iW'TSAraC'PXirf end Huff Wyandotte*, White and Brown leghorns, Black Minorca*. Plymouth Hocks and Bantams, Pig eons nnd Habhlts. Minnow* and Gold Fish, always on hand; also hoy, grain, meal, mill-feed and sll kinds of poultry food*. THK BROA I> ST R HI FT PKT STORE. tint West H-oad street. Phone Madi son 5266-J. WAATKU—HOARD Efts. re—ho VTi n r, ti s' an t ere, rates reasonable: ploar-ant rooms and faro. MltS. WALKliR. 309 N. Twelfth street._ TRANSFERRING AMI 1IAl'1,1 AO. ^rx^pftn'frrNir^rN'D'iiAi^r.i I all kinds furniture and piano mov ing a specialty; ofllco 012 No. Kcc i end street; residence 700 Munford street. Richmond, Va., Phone. Madl ’ son 4364 D, BUWI.BS, Proprietor. 4 peimivtl. prices; special reduction from $10 to $16 less on every suit, also special re duction* oii linen suite to be made In any style. We also make suit* of vour own material at reasonable prices. Fall and see me. PAUL K 'MBKy. Indies' Tailor, 219 North Fifth street. __ LADIES TOP ft HAIR IS IMPORTANT your cut hair or combings made In to beautiful Switches, Puffs. Pompa dours or Front Pieces In tho most artistic manner. Charges very mod erato 216 N. Fifth street. jUA TOUCHE STB A MS AND FKKNClt cleans clothes, ladles' and gent's. 6 , South Second Monroe ?419. LADIES YDS WE RE-DTE AND HK make switches; charge, moderala. 21$ N Fifth street. PUFFS' PUFFS! THOSE PRETT1 Hair ruffs made Com your own comblxigs -*r rut hair, charges vary moderate. 2.6 N. Fifth street. .A TOUCHE CLEANS AND DYES ostrv h feathers any shade. BOc. each. S South Second street. Monroe 241,t rallied sharply hut continued 1yr«gut«r with frequent sharp fluctuation*. Mav, 16 !•»<! 60; June. 16 4i®4A; Julv. 16.64(8 56; August. } 4.94 U 9«; Sept ember, U.T607t; October, 12.94(0 95; December, 12.740-75; ' January, 12.73 offered; March, effered. Royal Yecht Breaks Shaft. BRIN'D*?1!, ITA1 Y, May 14—Tho royal yacht Amiddtrtte. whb li was tarrying King Ceorge <<f Greece nnd 1 is -on. to England for the funeral of King Edward, broke b.-r shaft to-day .when off Velona. Tus a are now towing the yacht to this port The remainder of the trip will probably le male by train. _ 1IAYZ TrTT THF.SZ Th“ Vlrci b He.)way nnd Power Cniro rn? h; s *.. new nol *!< »» elec • trie f re 71 • • ace very useful In the home >r off ce , r d co t onjy * few cent* each dry to operate. If you have not se n tfcf e f- r», you should call i-hjf the offee of the company,' Seventh 1 and Main street*, and set a ran at one*. Call Mudittoa SAM. Eight and MMaig Ueytruwiit, tor IUMI. «>TATE roil »ALE, FOK t*ALiU 111 AORES OLD l.Lii-Di.N< Blue grass tor stock gra*.ng, price *7.900 Apply redd he«.lti' cu, 1U5 E. M« a street. WANTER—TO COMMUNICATE WITH a buyer about *5.Out'. who would bu? a spietnmny Incitoo property with a big future. Present rental over U per cent. Thta Is an uppoi tunlty tnat Will never be ohereu again Reply i (influential. Aauresa -Ul 1OKTLNITV" car* Rlcumoud Vaiiutau. -- FOR SALE 100 ACRES IN GOOD CUU- j uvat.on. Necessary buildings and. fruit of all uescrpuon. Magnificent! water power. proposition price $3. 109. Apply KUDU CO, Ills K. Main street. _ __ FOR flAUC—120 AC KE8 OF tfOOD i luvunim la mi, 9 room house, fruit ar.d etc. Pr.ce, *1.40v. Apply RLdd lii.Ai.TY CO.. 1115 E Main street. _ FOR HAKE—IN JaCKHO.N WAR!)' A splendid 12 per cent. Investment v .11 sacrifice for uu.rk sale. Audress “BAKQAIN" care of Tlie Klcnmonu Yirg.uiau. _'__ foir'SAI^fN HIGHLAND PARK iy ltudd Realty Co., ill5 E Main st. 70x140. Mx loom*. 11,500. East aide of second Avt., net. Milton and High land Streets llall and bath room. Sewer connect ions. Owner arranging to have same re-palnted. 25x140 SEVEN ROOMS. $3,850. LOT No. », Virginia Are., tjetwoen Burn* end Pollock. 1 pantry, two closets. Hot and cold water, porcelain tun. Range. Electricity. Two porches In rear, concrete walks In front yard. Front doors to be of mahogony. ana freno.ti plate glass. Two blocks from car line. This home la being built, and will ma. ,i such changes while being built that u buyer might want. 10x140. SIX ROOMS. $2,200. ON FIFTH Ave., next door to Alche. IfSo. West side.} Hot and cold water New por celain tub. All necessary outbuild ings. Rental value *200. $4,4 50 WILL BUY CLAY STREET house near Second; paying 10 per cent. Apply 415 Brok avenue.____ H;m S.\L-«-=M'LOTS AT BiontAinr Springs; *5.00 cash and *2.00 s month until paid, rice of the lots are $125.00. Apply 11. U_ 1201 E. Main street, second floor. 12x140 NINE ROOMS. PANTRIES AND closets In most every rook. Hot and cold water, porcelain tub, stationary wash-stand. Two latroba* and range. Hear anil front porches, stables and othor outbuilding*. Painting and papering newly done. Some fruit and shade trees. ,I8T YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE with Amos * Poindexter. 1110 E Malm If you have money to Invest consult Amos & Poindexter. 1110 E Main, they sell property. Quick bought you buy from thorn «.t & good profit. THE SWEETEST STORY EVER told.” Homo, sweot home. Do you own your*? If not. why pay rent any longer? W's will build or buy you a home and allow you to pay for same monthly at the rats of *i.5i per month on the thousand, plus 5 per cent Interest, giving you ten-and one-half years in to pay back the loan. You can pay the loan as soon as you like, thereby stopping further interest, Call on or write to—Phone MONKOF. 550 M. DAVIDSON, b* Chamber of Commerce, Richmond, v*. ._ FOR IlK.Vf, _. rtTETf! fRXftLfr E1 cTffTTi'i handsomely furnished will be rented to party ahle to furnish satisfactory references or will rent suite of room* completely furnished for light house keeping, owner leaving city reason for renting; party renting house can have immediate possession and retain same until November or later dale if desired. Will rent very reasonable. Call 113 N. Morris, or phone. Madison 4758- L. _ OR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED room for two geutlouien or man and wife; near bath; hot water heater and all convenience*; good table board References^ 11 H Grace. •OK "RENtr NEW *6-ROOM HOUSE on Seven Pines car line. Apply RUDD REALTY CO.. 1115 East Main Btreet. I TWO PRETTY, PLEASANT ROOMS each for gents, ladles or couples, with or without board; adjoining bath. Terms reasonable; private family, cot N. Tenth street. FOR KENT--FURNISHED OR UNFUR nislieil, 4 or 5 large airy rooms, pri vate bath, large porch; terms reason aide. Address 2909 E. Broad. Phone l 7223 Madison. __ ■ FOR RENT—THREE NICE BRIGHT rooms at 511 North Seventh street, will rent eoparate, very reasonable term*. Apply at once.__ rmniHT, coot* skcond floor fi:k ntsr.ed r-$*»m with bfttu. 3(M lu. Main. MISCELLANEOUS. -eEEXKWtf TansrwE83B«r HAVE YOUR cloth US CLEANED and presecd by the l,ee Cleaning and j Pressing Co. Tkoroujli work, prompt service, rear-onable prices, phone, Madison. 3736, 302 North Fifth street. ____ _ ASK YOU It DOCTOR IF SPRINKLING LIME, UED FRHE ly all around the yard cellar will not prevent sickness We deliver any utiantlty from a peck to a ton. ‘l'hone 10*. VAUGHAN'S._ MR Fl/FTI VERY 8H Y. UK KNOWS V A U <> H A K‘S FI.V screens aud doors are dead against him. our soreens keep flies on out side of the house. VAUGHAN b. I Blast Hroad, opposite Foushee atreeu WK-cbuEBrS6¥TDrap-fi50iE WITHOUT PEERLESS CLEANER Our customers tell us this continu ally. Phone for bottle to-day: SUm. —*e eeefc Money refunded If not pleased. 'Phone 10*. VAUGHAN'S.__ TARO 60. i FOR FENCE WIRE THREE FEET high; galvanised, strong, rustproof | VAUGHAN'S. 10* Madison. GRASS TEN FEET HIGH DON'T LET YOUR GRASS GET TOO high; cut It often If you want a pret ty lawn. Mowers warranted from 13.60 up at VAUGHAN'S, i East Hroad street, 'phone Madlson^OC WANTED WANTED—TO household _ call Madison itcir jpur cash goods; prices paid. 6661. LA TOUCHE REPAIRS, ALTERS. RE I sidles' and gent’s garments. t> South Second. Phone Monroe 2*1». LADIES' HAIR! YES! WE COVER Turhan* with ladles' own combings They sre so natural and so "pretty 210 N, Fifth street. WANTED—IHIE* SHAKING. Htre€>t; prlco re<u»on*bU«. SPECIAL JiOTICR. LADIES SUITS AT REASONABLE l»r.o©#; rp«clftl reduction from 110 to *15 lens on every nuit, alPO •pectal rc ducttor*a on )<nen aulta to be made in any style. We also make iu*te ot your own material at reaaonable i»nres. Call and h©© tne. Paul kAMSKY, Ladles' Tailor, 21* Norm First street. _ LADIES' H A 1R SWITCHES. WE guarantee they do not cnange color barjfalnn thlh week. &14 N. Kllta._ ji TtJfJCHK '-LEANS GLOVES. 1®C., 16c., 20«., each. Monroe 6*1*. _ LADIES GLORY IN THEIR HAUL 1> you want Imitation Hair Switches don't eome. W* kaaonoUiUi* but real hair; we sell swiuiht!* **r> .l0*. pr.ced t D' - err" 21* N FiftliMjei. ~ MONEY TO LON* , , , ~ „ ifuNEV" TU.'-"LOAN WITH THE rent payer. How much longer are you going to pay for real estate man’s home? Why no* your own 1 will loan you tha muwy to buy your lot and build your house. fi on the hundred, with * per cent simple interest- Giving you seven and a half mmMJm .!«>»» TINNING AND rUf*BWO. NEVER SINCE CHKISTOPBMB* lumba* discover*! America, haa our superior lu the tinning, plumbing and gas-flitlng btisnese boau found. Honest price*. superior worm, gener al satisfaction and promptness are a few -of m)T writ knees rtstsstw Istlcs. L. W. DORSET * CO.. 114 K Seventh street !>■ •■?'<*. Madison 2411 (-LEANING AND PRESSING. NATIONAL CJ.EA.MNO AND PR Key ing works. The .inly steam dying and French cleaning works In the \\ eel End; beat mode of workman ship possible, rhone, M#dl*on 376) or call at 1206 4 W. Mam; w« carry nr© msuranca. so your clothes aft protected. ______________ NOKTH POLE PRESSING CLUB—WE do French end Htenm cleaning. Aleo Dyeing. ladies Work a specialty. Best works In the city for tne least money. Work ca’led lor and de livered. Phone it or. roe 21*#. M. Price. Mgr.. 61* W Me t. t-i_ Ta?-.1-.1.1-!!.1 - Hts Fort klLK. FOR SALE—ONE GROCERY WAGON one flair board wagon and a one horse truck. All new and our own make; also several second hand gro cery wagons, one top buggy and ono rubber tired phaeton. Repairing and rubber tiring n specialty. W. H. Madison * Co.. 1#M K Clay #t. FOR SALE—ELECTRIC FANS OF ALL kinds, both new and second hand; complete stock; prices nght; also motor# of all kind*, new and second hand. ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT COUP., J. C. HERBERT, Mgr.. 1* No. Twelfth street, phone Madison 4812 COLUMBIA DOUBLE DISC RECORDS 45c. 4 minute Indestructible cylinder records 60e.; 2 minute, S5c. Graph ophones orr easy payments, repair ing. THE TALKING MACHINE CO.. 207 North Fifth street. FOR BALE—*75 WILL BUT A RUB ber Tired Burry worth 1160; new rub ber tired runabeuU vary cheap. RICHARDSON UlluS. *15 Brook ave LADIES' GRAY HAIR SWITCHES! WE are selling bargains this week. 216 N Fifth street WALL Ft PEW. . W. SMITHERS ft CO., 204 NORTH Fifth street; wa!l papers; room mouldings, etc.; high class work; lowest prices; invo-tigato. WANTED—HOARD. WANTED—BOARD BY A YOUNG I*A dy In private family, reference fur nished. Address MISS E„ care Rich mond Virginian BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ACTIVE AND RESPONSIBLE MEN wanted to TAKE charge of PUBLICITY AND STOCK SALKS IN EACH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR GOOD MEN. THE WORK IB INTER ESTING AND PROFITABLE. CALL OR ADDRESS MILLER TRAIN CON TROL CORPORATION. ROOM 70S COMMONWEALTH BANK BLDG. WANTED—CONFERENCE WITH oil reputable business man who are In position to lnveat from $100 to I2.50U each In a tobariu Industry, of na tional Importance, having an unlimit ed earning capacity. This Is a spe cial business proposftlon of Interest to responsible clttr.ens In any part of Virginia, especially Richmond State amount you run Invest, If satis fied. Address P. O. Bo* *21. Rtch ; mond. Va. SALESMEN H ANTED. ACTIVE AND RESPONSIBLE MEN WANTED TO TAKE CHARGE OF PUBLICITY AND STOCK SALES IN EACH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR GOOD MEN, THE WORK IS INTER ESTING AND PROFITABLE. CALI OR ADDRESS MILLER TRA IN CON TROL CORPORATION, ROOM 2<)6 COMMONWEALTH BANK BLDG. ‘ LK4.AI, NOTICED. VIRGINIA: In the Clerk'** Office ot the Chancery Court of the City of Klch | mond, the 1st day ot April, 1910, In vacation. J. F. II. Jurgens, trading as Charles O. Jurgens' Son ..Plaintiff. vs. Mrs. K. O. Dever, Malcolm A. Coles et ttls . .Defendants. IN CHANCERY. The objects of this eult. which 1* pending In said court, are to recover for the plaintiff possession of certain personal property sold by nira to Mrs. R. o. Deyer n conditional sales con tract. as shown by said contract duly docketed In the clerk’s office of said court on May 12, 1*0*. In Docket J\ page 129, and to subject the same to the payment of plaintiff's claims ugalnst said Mrs. R. O. Deyer, amount ing, respectively, to One hundred and Right Dollars and Ninety Cents, with Interest on the respective monthly payments from the time they wore due arul payable under said contract, and to Thirty-Six Dollars and Eighty Cents, with Interest from April 1, 1908. An affidavit having been made and filed that Mrs u. O. Doyer and Mal colm A. Coles are both non-residents of the State of Virginia, It la ordered that they appear here within fifteen days after the dne publication of tills order, and do what Is necessary to pro tect their Interests in this suit. Teste CHAR O. SAV1DDB. Clerk. SMITH, MONV( RE & GORDON, p. q. 1 aw 4 w. Offing of LAWRENCE P, POOI* Attorney at Law, Will remain at the same number 803 Hull Street, Richmond, Va, Pmetlee In afl ef the Court* «f tit* di) <ttd wUiaeat CvuaUm,_J FOR RENT In Barton Heights 502 Virginia Ave., 7 rooms. 504 Virginia Ave., 7 rooms. Comer Garland Ave. and Hooper St., 7 rooms. Now is the time to live in this beau tfiul suburb. .1 F> f’ARNEAL dr SON, <3 North Eleventh Street. GINTER PARK Call for a plat and price list and go ; to sec the property or we will take you. j Lot* on easy payment*. LEWIS GINTER I.AND * IMP. CO _1111 East Main_ FOR RENT By John T. Ooddin A Co., E. A. Catlin, and Pollard A Bagby, Real Estate Auctioneer*. COMMISSIONERS’ AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE PROPERTY, KNOWN AS “Ford’s Hotel” ! FRONTING ON BROAD. ELEVENTH AND CAPITOL STREETS, AND FAC LNG CITY HALL. “Ford’s Law Building” ON NINTH STREET, BETWEEN FRANKLIN AND GRACE STREETS, AND Large Tobacco Factory & Laundry CORNER TWELFTH AND LEIGH 8TRERT8. In execution of a decree of the Chancery Court of the city of Richmond, Va., en tered on April 28, 1910, in the combined suite of Mary Lucy Ford, by, etc., vs. A. J. Ford, Trustee, et ahL,JStesrart H. Ford, et ale. va. aame, Estelle Madeline Ford, by etc., v*. Charles Thompeoa Herndon et ala. and Mary Lee Benet vs. Florence B. Quincy et ala., the under signed acting special commissioners will sell bv auction, on the premise*, on Wednesday, May 18,1910, beginning at noon. Fust. "Ford’s Hotel," situate on Elev enth. Broad and Capitol Streets, described as follows: "All that lot of land, with hotel building and other improvements thereon, ap purten&ucee, rights and way* thereto belonging, and fronting one hundred and thirtv-oignt (138) feet on Eleventh street, running back eaetwardly one hundred and sixteen (lit)) feet, being bounded on the north by Broad Street, and on the south by Capitol Street.” SECOND, AND AT l O’CLOCK P. M. ON THE SAME DAY, "FORD’S LAW BUILDING” PROPERTY. BEING A TI1REE-STORY BRICK BUILDING on the west side of Ninth Street, between Franklin and Grace Streets, having a frontage of fifty-one (51) feet eleven (11) inchee on the west line of Ninth Street, and running back weetardlv between parallel lines one hundred and twenty (120) feet to an alley twenty (20) feet wide. THIRD, AND AT 4:30 O’CLOCK P. M., ON THE SAME DAY, THE WELL LIGHTED, FOUR-STOR Y BRICK TO BACCO FACTORY, with large lot for storage, etc., situated on the west side of Twelfth Street, just north of Clay Street, fronting two hundred and ninety-four (294) feet ten (10) inches on the west line of Twelfth Street, running back weut ; wardly between parallel lines one hun I dred and thirty-four (134) feet nine (9) | inchee to an alley in rear fifteen (15) feet ; wide, being bounded on the south by a : fifteen (15) foot alley and on the north by the south line of Leigh Street. TERMS: One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, and the balance in equal payments at six, twelve, eighteen : and twenty-four months, or, at the dis cretion of the special commissioners or those acting under this decree, one-third in cash and the balance in equal payments j at one, two and three years, the deferred : payments b> be evidenced by negotiable j notes of the purchaser, with interest added i from the date of sale at the rate of 6 per centum per annum, and the title to the 1 property to be retained until all of the I purchase money shall have been paid. 1 The purchaser, upon application to the ) court at the time of the confirmation of i sale to him, will be permitted to anticipate the payment of his notes given for deferred instalments of purchase money by paying the principal of said notes, with interest thereon, from the date of sale to the day of payment, at the rat* of 6 per centum | per annum. The special commissioners, or those acting under the decree, shall have autho rity and power to reject any bid or bids for the said property, or any part thereof, and shall also have authority and power to withdraw said property, or any part thereof, from sale at any public offering. ROBERT H. TALLEY. RICHARD EVELYN BYRD. DAVID MEADE WHITE, HENRY C. RIELY, Acting Special Commissioners. I certify that the bond required by the above decree of the special commissioners ; has been duly given by Robert H. Talley, i Richard Evelyn Byrd. David Meade White and Henry C. Riely, four of the above special commissioners. Given under my hand this 30th day of April, 1010. CHA8. O. 8AVTLLE, Clerk. i Start Looking Now and Get Suited 16 £. Main Bt., 10 room*. 11214 Floyd Ava., 12 rooms. 3614 Et Grace St., 6 rooma. 2301 Hanover Ava., 9 rooma. 18 E. Main St., 10 rooma. 407 N. Ninth St., 6 rooma. 208 8. Fourth St., 7 rooms. 626 N. Fourth St., 7 rooms. 315 W. Main St., 7 rooms. 1815 Beverly St., 7 rooma. 602 N. Tenth St., 6 rooms. 821 W. Marshall St., 7 rooms. 608 N. Tenth St., 6 rooma. 403 W. Marshall St., 9 rooms. A pal tmente. Virginia Building, Fifth and Main, 3 rooms, first floor. 1_:_Plata. --1—— 1212 Park Ave., first flat, 6 rooms. 1212 Park Ave., seoond flat, 6 rooms. 1214 Park Ave., second flat, 6 rooms. 1626-A W. Grace St., second flat, 7 rooma. 7 E. Main 8t., second flat, 7 rooms. J. D. CARNEAL A 80N. 6 North Eleventh Street. FOR RENT Twelve room*. Being put in fint-eleaa One Word Money at 5 °/c Simple Interest PerYear NOW STOP PAYING RENT We wQI loan you any amount to purchase or improve real eatate at an aver* age payment not to exceed $9.64 per month, principal and interest, on each $1,000 borrowed. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO OWN REAL ESTATE OR EVEN A LOT IN ORDER TO SECURE A LOAN. Let ua explain our plan, and how you can in a short time be your own land* lord, or how you can lift that mortgage on which you are paying an exorbi tant rate of in tenet. If It is not convenient to call, we can handle your busi ness by mail. INVEST YOUR MONEY WITH US. WE GUARANTEE 13 PER CENT. PER ANNUM FOR THE AVERAGE TIME UPON THE TOTAL AMOUNT PAID IN AT MATURITY OP CONTRACT. THE CAPITAL SECURITY COMPANY. Home Life Building, Washington, D. C. Noonan & Mason, Anderson Real Stats Agents, 533 Seaboard Bank Building, * Norfolk, Va. ENERGETIC AGENTS WANTED Estate Loan Co. Resident Agents Richmond, Va. Phone Madison 845. W.E.Purcell,Jr.Co. Real Estate and Loans, 100 North Eighth Street Central BusinessProperty for Sale On* piece on 8th Street, between Grace and Main, 25 ft. 4 in. front. Price $15,000. Store and Flat on Main, east of 1st Street. Price $10,000. 2 piece* on Cary Street, with railway facilities. Price $8,000. Two pieces on 4th Street, between Broad and Main. Price $8,$00. One large central building .suitable for manufacturing, or will pay an excel lent per cent, on price asked. Price, $40,000. PAINE & CORLING, 1015 Bank Street. Phone Madison 1113 FOR SALE Grand Grove Avenue Lots Near Allen Avenue, high, dry and no fill. Special offering in Monument, 60 foot front. H. SELDON TAYLOR * OO. By R. B. CHAFFIN ft CO.. Inc. Real Estate Auctioneers and Agents. Acting under a Deed of Trust from Geo. Ballentyne and L. W. Newell re corded in the Clerk’s office of Henri oo County in D. B. 179 A, page 161, default having been made in the payment of money therein secured and Being so re quired by the beneficiary, we will sail by Public Auction on the premises on Monday, May 16, 1910, at 5:30 P. M.. that certain tract of land fully described in said deed and which fronts on the North aide of the Charles City Road about six miles east of the City of Rich mond, adjoining the lands now or former ly belonging to Peter Allard and Hill Carter, ana containing 100 acres with dwelling and other improvements thereon. Terms: Cash as to expense of executing this trust and to pay note of 92,000 with interest thersoa from February lath, 1909, and any balance of purchase money to be paid in cash. LAWRENCE CAS8KLMAN, GEO. C. WILES, Trustees. CALL, PHONE OR WRITE For Our New <M-.rin.Tr Rent List nanny TRUSTEE’! AUCTION SALS OF Four Valuable Houses and Lots HALF MILS EAST OF ASHLAND, YA By virtue of » deed of treat treat Lonnie & Perrin to the undersigned truetee. doted Febreery ft, ItH, end recorded in the clerk'e offloe of Hen over county. Va. la D. E 11, pegs H, default bavins been made tn ne pay meat of all et the notes secured by said deed, and bains required as by the holder of eeTd pot* * Ml by AUCTION on the prunueee SATURDAY. MAY 14. 111! beginning at o'clock F, : the property referred to la said being A tract of land with FOUR DV INOt and other Improvements th lying about one-half mile east •< -of Ashland, Va., en the seal low* of Ashland, Va., en the south aldo of the Hanover court House Hut end fronting thereon. 40 feet, and enwl lag back between goMUoTliadt OX feet. The hnUdings eae ak no# and conveniently arranged. The dweUlnge contains » rooms eeoh. r^ftsrmsv«?wi s&s to defray tj iraRS'