Newspaper Page Text
Capital, $200,000.00 Assets, $614,540.70 SL Saq>ht uJ Umfcd Profits, $24,977.31 Start a business or pergonal account here, if you desire to patronize a bank that will exercise every legitimate effort to promote your best isttereata. ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Commonwealth Bank 12 NORTH *TH STREET. Branch, No. 4 East Broad Street. —in a bunk indicates uniform excellence of service. The growth of this institution has been steady and sturdy, because it has invari ably met the banking requirements of its depositors. Leans sad Discounts. *3,118.539.29 Bonds with U. & Treasurers. 37S.000.00 Other Bonds and Sonorities_ 147.flOS.SO Banking Bouse. 371.0UJ0 Cash, Dos front Banks and U. S. Treasurer. 1,023,039 06 *3,036,756.21 Capital. *500,000.0 Surplus and Profits. 298,777.26 CVroulation. 278,000 00 Bond Account. 164,000.00 Deposits. 3,786,393 20 Reserved for Interest and Taxes' . 12,588.76 *5,036,786.21 OFFICERS: OLIVER J. SANDS. President CHAS. E. WINGO, Vice-President WM. C. CAMP, Vice-President O. BAYLOR HILL. Cashier WALLER HOLLADAY, Asst. Cashier D. W. DURRETT, .Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS. WM. O. CAMP, Vice-President. M. €: PATTERSON, R. A. Patterson Tob Co. OLIVER J, SANDS. President EMMETT SEATON, Attoraey-at-Laer CHAS E. WINGO, Retired Merchant HERNRY W. ROUNTREE, Rountree Trunk and Bag Company JAMES R. GORDON, President Cardwell Machine Co. EDOAR O. GUNN, Dealer in Lumber R. H. HARWOOD, Harwood Bras., Oik CHAS. E. WHITLOCK, D. M. Lea k Co. BANKING DEPARTMENT invitee both large and small accounts upon uni formly favourable terms. PAYS INTEREST on deposits subject to check. Loans money on approved collateral security. RAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Start to build your fortune here where therr is ample Strength, Good Management. WE PAY YOU 3 PER CENT. INTEREST. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT rente Safe Deposit Boxes for the absolute protection of important papers, jewels, and etc., and stores silverware and other other valuables in its fire and burglar proof vaults. Rates $2.00 per year and up. Conference on All Ike Above Subjects Invited. You Can Earn More than the money for which you actually labor by opening an account with our banking department and drawing interest on your deposits. We handle bank accounts of every description in the most satisfac tory manner, and invite YOURS, whether large or small, business or personal. A 0/ INTEREST A 0/ yo paid H:yo Savings Bank The Bank That Payt 4 °}o Richmond, Virginia, ‘ , / OFFICERS: JNO. GAIU^^^LARD^Prmldent ^ SAVINGS HANKS MOKE POPULAR WITH THE PEOPLE OF RICHMOND Richmond bankers say that tha tact that deposit* of thair saving de partments have mora than doubled «» tha past thraa r*«• » prattr «ood indication of tha trowing popularity of thla feature of their busl naaa. Thla growth ia partly attributed to development of tha rural free delivery eyetem in recent yeara, dUt-of-town cuetomera having cultivated the habit of making deposits far more frequently since this eyetem went Into effect. Others use registered let tare more frequently than they form erly did. "Ranking by mall la now getting to be a regular business," said one of Richmond's financiers Saturday. There are nearly ft,000 eaviaga accounts cradltsd to people in Rich mond and this means that on* pored n in every six carries accounts. It also moans that many children are among this number. The savings de posits aggregate altogether about tlO.000.ooe. Although It ta subject to check, money deposited In savings depart menu draws Interest, provided the checking privilege Is not abused. Depositors are supplied with eavlngs banks and In this way they put aside many a nickel and dime that would be spent on trlges. Grown per sons as well as children make use of these banks. Practically every bank maintain# * savings department and thus at tracks many persons who would perhaps never patronise a bank other wise. TONE IS STENDT IN STOCK MARKET Majority of Issue* Traded in Show Moderate Gains at Opening. RAILROADS SHADE OFF - i Example Followed by Several Leading Industrials—Pro nounced Strength Follows. NEW YORK. May 14 —The stock market opened ateady with a ma jority of the Issues showing mode rate gains. Later Reading, Southern Pacific and Missouri Pacific shaded off and their example was followed by several of the leading Industrials. After the first few minutes pro nounced strength was displayed and price* made matertai gains. Gov ernments unchanged; other bonds i I dull. The market closed steady. NEW YOKE STOCK MARKET. :By Tbomaa Branch A Co.I _ Open. Lnst fcm*r can Tieet Suaar. 37*4 Am. Aer. Ckn. Co. 47 AIKmCVo'mere.ft(M. . • AHinChembec*, t>fd.. 34 70 73* 61 Aln»al«meted Copper. American Cm. Am***ran Cnn. p' l. American Car A Fdy. American Car A Fdy. pfd. American Cotton Oil. 64~-j American Lrreomotfea.. American Locnmotlm, pfd. American BmeHin*. 79V* Amerienn 8u*nr. Amer. Tal. nnd Tel Co. 136* American Tobnero, com.. American Tobacco, pfd. inneonda Copper. i I Si 'lehieon. lin*4 identic Coaat Line. 123*4 ncltimore and Ohio. Brooklyn Rapid Traaait.. At Canadian Pnrifie. 194 I'beaapeaka nnd Ohio. . *7H Chirac© Great Weatern. . 27 ('hie. Mil. and St. Taut. 138 4 Chi. and North waiters. lSlii C. G. W„ pld. Centra) Leather. 417% Colorado Fuel ted Iron.. Colorado and Southern. 60H Colo, and South , let ^. ~ol. nnd Sou h.. 2d pfd. 'oncolidatad Gna. 133*4 Delaware and Htidcoa.. Danrar nnd Rio Q.. com. 42 Decree nod Rio Q., pfd.. DiatiUcn' See. Cor. 30* Edo. 29 Eric, let pfd. 46** Erie. 2d pfd. 361* General Electric. 146V* Great Northern, pfd. 133** Great North. Ora. Ctfn..... 64 Winola Central.............. Int. Metropolitan.. 20'4 la’. Metropolitan, pld........... 33** Ini. Mer. Marine, com.. int. Mar. Marina, pfd.. International Paper. intacnarianal Paper, pfd. SJ City So., earn. 31* City So., pfd. LoaieeUa and NnebriUa.......... 147K Metro. Street Railway. Mo., Km. and Terns,. Merouri Pnoifla. National Lend..... Nan York Central N. T. Ont. and Wi Norfolk and Wi Northern Pacific. I'eopte’t Gaa... Pmmid Steal Car. Pmtaad Sunt Car, pfd. Kwy, Steal Bprta* asm Stf* 37*4 47« 34 im 9‘* 73* ei* 67 W 136J| 4*4 l'f>* 123 *» Ml* I 19* i *7W 27 i.v>*; lJ-’H ‘ 41H 60* 13*H «K 31H 29 4B* 3**4 :i9'4 63 V* 21 $6*. I K 34 H 147 42* 42* 70 7S* 12m 43 H 70 73* Itlt4 44 4 132 «4M 131K 1*4* 40 . .Wi .160M Repnbite Inn and Steal.... Republic L and S* pfd. tloak lainad.. 4514 Rook I dead, pfd. 90*4 dloao'Sheffield. 74 Southern Pacific. 126* houtkara Railway. Southern Railway, pfd. 63 TataaPaaiOa.,.... 624 Ualao Poodle.. 1*24 United Stolaa Rubber. 44 Halted Scafaa 84tE..8234 United Stataa S4aai, pfd.. 1184 Va.-Cer. Chemionl...... «#J» Va.-Car. Chemical. pfd.. Wahaab. 22)4 E abaak. pfd. 46H 40 l«iH «.** 61 74 126*4 62* 2M4 32*4 182H 63*4 h»H 118*4 60* 2214 67* 08 Weekly B ■NBW YORK. JMay XdWATtp yank ly bank statement follows: Resarva on all deposits, Increase. I6.S22.426. Rosorva on deposits other than United States. Increase, 16.222,600. Loam. docrtMao. 110,726.600. Specie, Increase. $4,202,100. Imgal tendera docreaae, Deposits, decrease, $7,206,760 . Circulation, decrease. $268,700. Total loans. $1,122,402,700. PRODUCE MARKET CONTINUES STEADY 9 «-Si it V © 4-* <4 60 a n fij © 22 © 10 indication* that the price will shortl) go still lower. The local produce market continuer practically unchanged. WHUkKULt; utO'l ATIOSS. rUiLTkl-Ut*. _ per pound Turkey*. Hen*......16 © “ Gobbler* .12 U 14 Chicken*, tipring email per lb.32 Chicken*, Spring, large per lb. . .........,......... > 33 Hen* .15 Duck*, large young .13 Kooatere, per piece, live...40 Geese, per piece .36 UlTIKIl. Choice Family racked,,.,. Choice Dairy Packed .... Choice store Packed .20 Packing . EGGS. Crates, nearby fresh laid.. | Crates, other sections .... i Barrels and Boxes . 15 CO CATHY BACON—Well Bi : Hams, choice, amall per lb 20 Ham*, choice, medium....1> ■ Ham*, choice, large.18 bhouider*. choice, per lb.. 14 Sides, choice, per lb.15 i.slightly smoked meat from one u two cent* per pound less.) Cl. .LK MAHKKT. Beef Cattle, good to prime 51* 9 “ “ common to fair 3 ® Bull* . 31* © Cow* ... 2* ip Calve* . 7 { " Dante runner*.... 4 'Sheep . * i Dam b* .8 i Hog*, live .8 HIDES. Dry Flint, par lb. ® l| “ salted, per lb.... 7t 1» Green, sailed, per lb.. 9 lu per lb . <ij) o 9 21 It) 21 U II ® 21 <u i>l <0 13 <0 1* © It 9 it <a «v» 6k, 41* 41* <!* 4 ® 10 9 8 Dry Flint Calf Skin*, per lb ... II 9 7 <8 4 # 5 © 3 © 3 Fit CITS AND VEGETABLE*. Apple*. Fancy, per bbl.6 00 Apple*. common to good, per bbl .3 00 Apple*. Choice, per bbl.4 56 Oranges, per box.3 25 Strawberries, per crate 2 60 Black Peas .2 25 Black Eye Pea*—No. 1, per bus .2 25 Black Eye Peas—No. 2. per bus.2 00 Clay Peas, per bu».... I 7 5 Mixed Pea* .1 *5 Beans—Navy No. D white .* 00 Bean*—C o m rn o n to choice ..1 *0 00 60 00 73 60 0 2 it it 2 9 1 SU 1 26 >5 35 0 3 9 1 2* 76 MISCELLAN EOF*. Beeswax, per lb....... 9 Dried Apple*—bllced, per lb .. •»-. 7 9 Dried Apples—Quart'll. 4 1*© “ *• Dark. i © Dried Peaches—Peeled per lb. 12 Dried Peaches—Peeled dark, per lb. 8 Dried P e a c h e *,—I'n peeled, per lb. 4 laird—Country, prime.. 13 Tallow, per lb . 6 Flaxseed—per bus.... 1 20 21 it 9 18 11 14 6* 9 1 48 w HAY AND DR AIN MARKET. Richmond, Va., May 14. 1»10. WHEAT— No. 2 red Wnt«n. . No. 2 rod. Virginian No. 8 red . Steamer . Virginia (bag lota). CORN— No 2. white. No. S white . No. 2 mixed ...... No. 3 mixed . Virginia (bag lota). Corn (on cob, dry). OATS— No. 2 mixed Car Lota. 1.10 95 9 (a it V it Mo 1.14 1.13 1.11 1.13 0 tf t* I % nominal 71 73 7« 71 73', ff No. 3 mixed . 411* U ♦7 431, 0 it nominal nominal nominal nominal No. 3 white No. "3 white... Wlnted aeed .. RYE— No. 3 car lota. No. 3 car lota . Va. bag lota . HAY— Choice Timothy No. 1 Timothy No. 3 Timothy No, 3 Timothy .... Light Clover, mixed No. 1 Clover, mixed 13.00 No. 3 Clover, mixed 14.10 No. 1 Clover....... Nominal No. 1 Clover . Nominal 47 :o oo © 13.50 14.00 13.00 RICHMOND TOBACCO MARKET. aVlvJ mu VUU f » | «USj »«« 4 DARK STEMMING—NEW. Lugs .34.50 0 Short Leaf . 3.00 0 Long Leaf .7- 3.00 © 4 BROWN SHIPPING—NEV I 3.30 7.30 10.0b Lug* . & 00 Short Leaf . 7.00 Long Leaf. 9.00 Wrappers . 10.00 BRIGHTS. sr v | « 0.60 6.3V 12.00 13.00 IMOKER8—Common .. 7.00 0 Medium . 9.oo & Fine .. ii.oo 0 CUTTERS—Common .. 11.00 0 Medium .13 00 © Fine . 13.00 D Tenor . I3.oo 0 FILLERS—Common ... 8.00 0 Medium . 11.00 Good . 12.60 Fine . 14.00 WRAPPERS—Common 16.00 Medium . 13.00 Good . 36.03 Fine . 32.60 Fancy . 40.00 SUN-CURED. Luge, common to good. 3.00 Luge, good to prime.... 0.00 Short Lent. 10 oo l£ns UST.H.OO WrappM* . 15.00 Trimmings . l.oo 3.80 11.09 13.CD 12.6V 14.60 13.00 30.00 10.0V 1S.0V 13.0V 13.0# 17.0V tO.00 30.00 37.30 43.00 T.30 0.00 12.30 0 83.3) WEATHER TOO COLD FOR PLANTING TOBACCO (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) CLARKSVILLE, VA.. May 14.— Owing Jo the very cool weather end bnchwnrdneaa of tobacco plants very little has been aet out In thta section. Usually n large portion of the crop has bees set by the tenth of May. This wUl Very likely mean e late crop. whl«h will give e stop with more body nnd Rea color, ae It la very hard to get very bright color late In the a*s*on, to get very coot on North , May it. Capital, - - $1,000,000 Surplus, earned, 500,000 Inyites the accounts of merchants, manuf ct irers and baai n''*'® men generally. S cial attention giyento depositors In the Savings Depart, where Interest is allowed. JOHN SKELTON WILLIAMS, President. FREDERICK E. NOLTING, -rtm rtCWTwwWR H. A. WILLIAMS, Assistant Cashier, Main Office. Broad Street Branch Church Hill Branch Fulton Branch. LOUIS D. CRESNHAW, — Trust Officer, A. D. CRUTCHFIELD, Mgr. Savings Department, ■ IS Corner Ninth and Main Sts. .303 East Broad St* I Corner 35th and Brood Sta* j ,... .3914 Williamsburg Am. ' ? Important Questions When* to your money? Is it safe? Is it earning Interest? Are you a borrower? Hare you a lock box? Do you want the best advice? Do you wish modern facilities? Do you use foreign exchange? Do you desire a cordial reception? Do you want a friend at all times? Do you know that the National Bank of Virginia Northwest Corner 11th and Main, is one of the strongest banks in the South? It is forty-fire years old. It guarantees you safety. It promises you satisfaction. It desires to serve you. Won't you give us your account? Call and see us, or a line from you will bring our tatire. m VirginiaTrust 923 EAST MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. afc. Capital, One Million Dollars. On November 26th bat, a gentleman in North Carolina spoke to an officer of this company sal ■aid he wanted to change his will and make ua hie trustee. He was in perfect health then. A* days later he was dead. Left 1200,000.00 to three friends as trustees. How Infinitely better Asr . all concerned if he had appointed a strong Trust Company instead of individuals as trustees. Moral: If you haven't made your will, make it now, and remember that the VIRGINIA TRt COMPANY is bettor equipped than any individual to act as Executor, Trustee or Guardian. A request on a postal win bring our booklet on trust. OFFICERS HERBERT W. JACKSON. President LEWIS D. AYLETT, JAMBS N. BOYD. Secretary. First Vice-President. JOHN H. SOUTHALL, JOHN M. MILLER. Jr., Treasures'. DIRECTORS JAMES N. BOYD, Preddent Planter* Na tion*! Bank. . T. C. WILLIAM 8, Jr., Capltalkrt. JOHN M. MILLER, Jr.. Vto^PnddHit and vV/Ulr n, jUAuMC<Jl| ill., v mWwl f|»y| Caahier Pint National Bank of Richmond. FRITZ 8ITTERDING, Vice-Prmident Vir ginia Railway and Power Company. L. Z. MORRIS, Vlce-Prsaideut Seringa Bank d Richmond * SAMUEL T. MORGAN. Pwaident Virgini* Garoona ftiamlral Company. PHILLIP WB1TLOOC, CapitaUat. . JUNIUS B.. MOSBY, J. B, Mnafagr A On.. B. B. ADDISON. ViooPiwkkot CHy of Richmond' J. 1. MONTAGUE, VWaPwaMeat PI National Bank of Richmond.-—. W> & FORBES, W. 8. Fort*. * Co, 1 •ale Provkiooa. JONATHAN BRYAN. Baal EMate. T. WILLIAM PEMBERTON, Vioa-F* LifeInaunuMaCoaMMtayafVMaia.