Newspaper Page Text
. — - .— ——* — ! —... n n.ii n . ... ... ■■ 1 .. ■■■ ... .■ ..1 " —' ■ 1 "" . ** Social News From All Sections of RVfcNA VISTA* VA., May H.—The ; first of the graduating reeitala from the deportment of elocution wh held at the Southern Seminary oti last Monday evening. Title department te under the eupervtalon of Mtae Grace •lean Salle, a graduate of Emmerson year there are anree ruu graduate* from thla department. The one on i/iiuay evening was given hy Ml** Ruth R/irlow. The program comitt • d of three member* Of a very broad nature frpm Shakespeare’* court j •cane from the Merchant of Venice te "The Gay of the Dog." Mies Har low- wa* at her best In the Merchant of Venice, but, a* a ■whole, the entire program waa very good. Between j the number* Mine Myrtle Ootehn.ll ' played several selections on tnu ' piano. The rehearsals for the Old Kingin' Skule, which wtil be produced by local talent, are progressing nicety. On-neat Tuesday evening; no doubt, they will play to a crowded house. The meeting* which have been in program at the Presbyterian church • dosed on Tuesday evening, and Rev. Its A. WhHe, of Oerrodstotcn. W. V*.. returned to his home Wednesday. Eight additions were made to the • hureh test Sunday morning. Bishop B. D. Tucker held services In the Episcopal church on Friday afternoon and conllrmed * a” large • -loss. Nest week Is commencement w celt nt the Southern Seminary, and a large number of visitors are expect ed in the city. v, .ait t.t n doubt the most brilliant social function of the s-»'cin was given at Ore<-n Forent on last Satur day evening by the A T. < . «.f the Southern Seminary to the K. I’. So ciety. The entertainment was in the nature of a course dinner. The he use wan li-autdully decorated, the color scheme being the colors of the two *<>* letle* and the colors of the South ern Seminary. The dinner wa* served In six course* and handsome hand-painted cards marked the place* of the guetd*. Mis* Ruth Muflard the president of the A. T. C.. presided at tho punch l'-wl. The members of the A. T. C.\ are as fol lows- Mimes Ruth Eng!*-. Miriam and Margaret I'miiuin, shelly Ceats, !-*•■ its iiilisman, Francis ami tails Bul lard. Jensie Valentin*. Ri sa L’cak and ilanbah Beard K P, member* are nt follows: Mlrse* firs*,. and Itubl t:*He I-ee. Mary Kin nor Cain Clarke Iccfnag-l, Alice Titus. Ruth Mor fettc and Virginia I cUt. Mr*, tv J. Wright spent several d.*vr in * harlotteevilie I hi* week. T. 1. Mills was a business visitor in Lynchourg Wednesday. Mr*. V. if, Higginbotham, of Snn <i,dgee. is the guest ot Mrs A \V ytrnttou Mrs. O. D. Merlv.cather left Friday nv rnlng fer Richmond. Paymaster Powell Pml-'n 1* spend ing o,me time in Richmond as the guest of l»r <?. C. Coleman. K. II. Howe returned this week from »n extensive trip spent in Bast* •*m Virglnra in the Interest of the -Southern Kenilnari. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Brown spent ihe week end In Roanoke. It. K. Mills spent tho week end at Agtbdrtt Courthouse. West Point tVEST POINT. VA. May II —r<r. George W. irichnrdsan is ttl at his h*>nte on Main street. Mrs. Thomas P. Bagby left .Mon day for Baltimore, where she U at tending the Southern‘Re pliet conven tion. now being held in that city. Mrs. M. Gaily Walsh left Monday for a visit to Baltimore. Mr. Montague Pfb'hcr. who has been ill for tome time, i* at this writing no better. Mr*. Ed. Morvit* will leave Friday for Baltimore. Fh. was called there by the sickness of her sister, Mr*. <'harks Cabe. The Southern Railway Company has men at work replacing ties be tween here and Romanuoke. rhe coal we offer our patrons is e kind that good house ke<lf>ers prefer. It burn* unt3 wtfj' particle has disappeared because it is free from dirt, slate, rock* and other foreign imbalances. It it Good CoaI\ Pcsmej'tranla Anthracite, . n.St MM __utwur—10c AT ALL GROCERS. * NELSON & LADD, Ashland (Special to The Richmond Virgin an.) ASHLAND, VA., Mar 14.—Rev. Frank L .Well* !■ tn Asheville. N. O., attending .the general conference. Ilev. Joohua Hunter will preach »< r him to-morrow. At tha regular meeting of the girl* literary club on Thursday Mrs. Wjl don C. Blanton read current even's, and Mrs. Ivey r tiwhuM tt paper «n Amaterdam. Queen of the Zlndee Zee. Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Huff and Util* daughters, of Columbia, 8. C.. are now at the Henry Clay Inn. Dr. Kdwin Wingfield Bowen, of Randolph-Macon, will sail on June 4 for another tour In Europe on stean ship Herlln. Ho will go first to ltalv, and expects to take tn Oberammergnu In his travels, and see the Passion Play. t>r. Herbert C. Lipscomb, of the Rsndolph-Maron Woman s Col lege, will sail on the same steamer. Mrs. W, L. Koy most delightfully entertained the bridge club at Its la*t meeting^ this week. Those playing: Corr, Mies Ie.u Redd. Mrs. Lipscomb, Mrs. John Addison. Mrs. Buo Wright. Mis. Newman, Mrs, James Hunter. Mrs. Dailey, Miss Peatross. Miss Agnes Segar, h|tss Valden, Miss Potts, Miss Folds. Mrs. Potts, rs. Schuyler Fox, -Mrs. Henry Rote Carter, Mrs. Clar ence Wright. Mlsa Annie Doswell, Mrs. B. Morgan Shepherd. Mrs. Tate Chenery. Mrs. Hill Carter, Jr., Mrs. -Harr-*-— Radford (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) HARFORD, VA., May It.—Mr. F. H. Ridge ley, ,,f \vu Chang Fnlversity, i 'htna, wue the guest ot Mrs. J. A. Wilson Wednesday . Miss Kate Hunt, of Stonewall Jack son t net ft me, Abingdon, recently look ed over some houses with the Inten tion of moving her*-. Bishop Tucker preached in Grace Church Sunday and comlrmed a .-lass. Sirs Woolwine. of Princeton, W. Va . is -islUng relatives here. Mri. J. Leal* Ingles left Monday nlghi f. r New York, to meet her brother, Navy Paymaster Venable, who accompanied her lo hla home In Ports mouth. N. H, where she will spend teveral weeks. Mrs. K. R. Haskins, of Petersburg. Is the guest of in r daughter, Mrs. W. W. McKlrath. Mr*. Rear* ley went to Pulaski Thursday night to Instruct the newly organized Episcopal choir. Mr. A. Simon Is non- in Philadel phia Mr. J. Bumpier Eakin has returned to Gary. W. Va. Miss Virginia Eakin returned this week from Marion, accompanied by her aunt. Mrs. Fred Ernsteln anti Miss Riva Ly lr. of Bediord. ar«i the guests of Professor and Mrs. Horace L. Jones. In Bristol. Aire. H. I* Carder’, who was operat ed on in Johns Hopkins hospital, Bal timore. is getting along nicely. Mm. R. W. Long, of Bast Radford, ha* moved to Walden. N. V. Ms*. J. f*. Hyman, of Pocahontas, is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Simon. Engineer Loyd, of Roanoke, i has moved his family here. Captain W. T. Baldwin and Mr. G T. Reamer have returned from the Odd Fellows gathering in Danville. Mrs. E. Wiley anti Mrs. R G. Water house. of Emery, addressed th< ladies at the Methodist Conference here this week. About forty preachers and laymen attended the Methodist Conference, which opened Wednesday in Grove Awnue church. Elder Catron pre siding. Mr. George Davis has returned, after an absence of several weeks in Montana. Fife Chief Me Neal reorganized the volunteer fire department Thursday night. An expert will probably he brought to put the boys through some drills. Mrs. R. T Crabtree is the guest of Mrs. It. H. Lusk In East ward. Mr, Erne»t Stump, of Newport News, is visiting his father. Mr. Henry Mundy, ot Catawba, stopped, to visit his parents while en route to Hurley. \V. Va. • Mrs. Lucye Bigg* Laugh or no was a guest this week cf Miss Melitn Wil son. Mrs C. G, Johnson is visiting In Lynchburg. Mr*. Wldigit) Ingles and Mlsa Jes sie Reid attended the Roanoke fes tival. Miss Mary Mac Ingles ha* returned from Richmond. , Professor Rarst. of Pula >kl. looked over the Radfi rd schools Monday and was Very much pleased. Mr*. John H. Broomsborg, of Kala muou, Ml'.'h, to visiting her daughter, Mr*, p. H. Wlsman, of 300 Montelro a von no. Mis* Mary Lundsford, of Petersburg, arrived Thursday. and is the guest of Mrs. LI M. Lee, on Luck avenue. Rev. John F. Coleman, of Ashland Rev. L. D. Vaughan, of Westover; Rov. V. H. Lewis, of Three Squares; Rev. J. F. Burks, of Oliver, and Rev. E. E. Osgood, of Brook Hill, are the out-of-town clergy who have attend ed the convocation meeting at Trinity Episcopal church this week. Mrs. William M. Luck, who was operated on at the Virginia hospital Monday. Is doing well. The Richmond Convocation, which hag been in session In the Epiphany (Episoopa!) church since Monday night closed Thursday night at 10 o'clock. The services Thursday con sisted of devotional services at JO A. M., led by the Rev. E. E. Osgood. Morning prayer wltn sermon at li X. M.. by Rev. Rodger Tyler. At 3 P. M., business session, and st S P. M.. evening prayer, with sermon by the Rev. John Moncgre. . The Ladles* Missionary Society, of the Baptist church, met at the home of Mrs. Olivia Haselgrove. Barton avenue. Tuesday afternoon at 3:»0 o'clock Mm *» m» president, presided. An4 -attractive program was rendered after the usual business had teen transacted. Officers for the ensuing year were' elected. Mrs. (). B. MbuKtcastJe was re-elected as preside at. Mrs. W. R. Jones was elected vice-president: Miss Alma Haselgrove secretary. Mrs. J, r. Stringer, treasurer, and Mrs. D. II. Wlsman organist. A telegram announcing the death ef Mr. H. J. Berryman, of Norfolk, was received at the heme of Rev. A. O. Berryman, a brother- of the de ceased, Wednesday afternoon. Mr. BtmRM died about l? o'clock Wed funeral. Rev. A. C. Berryman la at-] tending the General Conference, which Is In station in Aahevllle. N. C. A committee of Sunday-school . workers-&£- tho Method 1st church tuei iat the home of Mr. J. E. Harding j Tuesday night and planned for Chil 1 dren's I>ay exorcises, which will take i place at the church tho second Sun day in June. Mr. Robbins the wife of Rev. J. W. , g. Kobtns, of Norfolk, who has spent ■ several days with her daughter. Mrs. j O. d. McGavock, left for her home ! Friday. p IIT. H. E.S^Mrtiwfl, whs ha* re sided on North avenue for the past two years, has gone to Dumbarton, where We will make his home for the i future. Mrs. Champion Bledsoe and chil dren, of Goochland county, arc the guests of Mrs. Joe SHilther, of ltrookland Fark. in the absence of the pastor. Rev. ' A. C. Berryman, who is attending tho general conference at Asheville. .. C.. Rev. W. A. Laughon will preach : at the Methodist church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and the Rev. John Ortr, D. IX. of the T'nion Then logjcal Seminary, will preach at H r. M. t I’astor Kuerten will -preach : morning at 11 o'clock. Subject. "Ne hemlah's Great Tack.” At S o’clock, subject. “Commending the Spirit to I God." _ i The Episcopal Convocation held 1 with the Epiphany church closed . Thursday night. The attendance in 1 dht of tho clergy was unusually | large and the spirit of the meeting I **'m nP*1~lo‘i*-Tho n*ti—session . of i tho convocation will take place with the Rsv. H. It. Lee, of Gloucester I county, in October. Th« usual services may be ex pected at Epiphany Episcopal church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, and at night at S o'clock, conducted by tho Rev G. Peyton Cratghlll. rec tor. Rev. T. M. Lemly will preach at ! the Overbrook Presbyterian church I Sunday morning at 11 o'clock ami I at Reed's Memorial chapel, on Brook ; road, at * o'clock, i louring the summer months Mr Lemly will preach at the Overbrook church every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and every Wednesday night at S o'clock, and at Heed's Memorial chapel every SuKblay night and every Thursday night, at H o'clock. Miss A. L. Goodwin and Miss Mat te Beckham, of Frederick's llall. : Louisa county who have been vielt S ing Mrs A. T. Goodwin, have gone I horns- % Gordonsville (Special to The Richmond Vlrgi iia % ) GORDONSVILLE. VA.. May 14.— M-ssrs. Willie and James Holiaday, of Uaroroft, were guests this week of their mother, Mrs. J. H. Hume. Mr. V. J. Holiaday. who waa op erated upon in Richmond Tuesday for , appendk itis, is reported as improv ing. Mistt Florence Marx, of Richmond, is on a visit to her cousin. Miss Rena Marcus, in this city. .Mr. O. 11. Watson, of Orange, was a fh-rttonsville visitor Wednesday and Thursday. mi. luuagrave Brisco, of the United States army, arrived here Wednesday to spend se'eral weeks with his moth er. Mrs. Fleming Brisco, and other l relatives in the city. Mr. i-aureme Eggleston and family, of Newport News, are guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Eggleston, in town Miss Margie Martin, who has been teaching at Murat, Va„ the past ses sion. returned home on Wednesday, j Mr. and Mrs., W. V. Faber left on Tuesday for Richmond, where they . Will make their home in the future. Mrs. J. T. Arree visited her broth er. Mr. J., A. Mayhugh, in Baltimore, for several days this week, j Professor B. H. Pauiconer return ed Wednesday from Laoexa, where he taught school the past session. Miss Ruth Gillum, of Madison Mills, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jane L. Faber, in this city. Bowling Green HOWI4NG GREEN. VA, May H. —Mi#» Eavin.a Waring, a graduate | In piano o£ the Howling Green tieui! nary, will give Her boat recital in ' the seminary chapel t riday evening at li o'clock. Mias Wnrtng, who is , from Center Cross, Va., has been a I student or the setnnary or the past cession, and has suc< cssfully scorn - | pleted the course in piano as required j uy tnat institution. Among the local transactions In i reai estate tor the are the fot j tewing: Exchange of the Ennis prop . erty on Main street and Courthouse cquarc for the Butler property on Main street: terms private. Bale at j the George Wright estate on East i road to W. J. and Geo. >V. Wrignt; j consideration, *1.950. Sale of the j W. J. Harlow larm on South road : to M-* H. Taylor; consideration. $3, t 000. Sale of the James Filxed "Rock Spring" ffrm on North road to W. J. Harlow; consideration, $2,900. A drama in four acts, "Farm Folks," will be given in Bu|ard's Hall Saturday nigh( for the benefit cf the Christian church of Bowling I Green. Mies Grace l^ear, of Berkley, Va„ ! who has been visiting her sister. Miss Emma Hear, at the seminary, left Thursday. Miss Lear was the re cipient of much attention while j here. The condition of Mine Meyers, the ! popular elocution teachers of the ! Bowling Green Seminary, who was compelled on account of illness to ! resign her position In December, .1# j much improved. Miss Meyers is in ! .t. i-uke's hospital. Richmond. CHATHAM, .... _ ' twenty of our young people accom* ■ paiMeu tne Chatham Dramatic Club to Altavista Tuesday night, where they played "Mr. Bob." The club «* akihe' play in' tBe opera j house here Thursday evening. The ^ crowd reports g very good houss at the‘new city and a good time. Chatham training School closes on the 94th day of May. The Chatham Episcopal institute closes on Juno 1. Dr, Hicks, -of the First Baptist church In Jftanvillo. wii; preach sermon f at' C. T. M. \ f? /•, 'mMft llAa* WARRENTON (Special to. The Richmond Virginian t WAHRfiNToN’, VA., May U — Mr. James t>. Hall cold thin week Nebuch annaser to C. H. Smith for 11,000. j This animal »a» recently purchasedj by Mr. Halt at Pimlico from the *olej of the horse* of the late Robert Ne» i vllle, of Upperville._■ ftfhoo the apt in* weather began the; Warrenton Polo Club haa gotten out! for a number of practice games. Much ’ Interest la l*eing manifested in th*’ sport, and all the games arts well at-! tended. A prac tice game waa played i with a team irnnt Marshall this past i week, and the \\arn-ntonlan* showed up w-ell. Among those playing were C. H. Smith. L-< Evans, William Wil bur and C, P. Wyly. Mr. N. 1>. Benner left this week with hla string of thoroughbreds for the Richmond show. Mr. lJenner will !>e one of th»- Judges. Among the Warrentonlans who went to Washington on Monday and Tuesday to witness the Bnrnum * Bn i ley skews we-thr M taet fflntsr,' I>r. Maphis, Mr. Al(>ert Fletcher. Jr., Albert Fletcher. 3d, Misses Emile and Oanevleva Fletcher, Mr. C. E. Tiffany.' Mrs. F. A. B. Port man. Misses Mary | cud Catherine Sowers. Mrs. L. V.j Wither*, Mr. W. F. Stone and ehll- j dren, Messrs A. R. Anderson, I. W. Maxheimar, J. B. Grayson, Mias Kitty PhUUpkj-JMf.^ and Mrs. Will Fielding. ington for several days to (w> the guest of Mrs. L. O. Hardin. Mlsa Jane Forbes went to Baltimore on Wednesday to visit her sister, Mr*. Edwin B. King. Mrs. Arthur Humphries, of Nor folk, Va„ la a welcome visitor to War renton. Captain Brook Payne, V. S. A.. Is visiting his mother, Mrs. J. M. Payne. Miss Ueniso Mahan is at home again, after a vls't to Washington, where Miss Mahan was the guest of honor at many functions. Mr W. B. Wilson leaves this week to accept a position In a iargo drug firm In Charlottesville. Mr. Joseph a Jeffries spent sev eral days In Washington this week. Mrs. Elisabeth Gaines Smith, who Is spending som-- time In Washington, is at Loretta with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gaines. Mrs. Albert Fletcher, Jr., entertain ed at a smalt luncheon on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Laboutssc and children leave this week for Bar Har bor. Me., where they will spend the sum m Jr. Mrs. R. J. McGandlish, who has been the guest of the Misses Butler at the Institute, left on Monday for Leesburg. Vs. Miss Ella Bowen, of Remington, vis- t ited friends In town this week. Miss Belle G. Btone is at home for the summer, after an absence of sev eral months. Mrs. Thomas Keith, of Fairfax, was at Woodburno this week, Mr. J. L. Chamberlain was a wel come -vtsttor In Warrenton this week. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Nelson are vis iting Mrs. G w. Nelson at her home. on Green Street Mr. Webb Maddux, of Marshall, was. a reoentevistgar to town. The annual Founders' Lay exercise* and hop took pluce ftt Bethel on Fri-i day and Friday night and was well attended. A number of Warrenton lan* being In attendance. Virginia Beach VIRGINIA BEACH. May n._ Mro John Hum*' and family and Sir*. Col lin Hilt, of Norfolk, have opened (he DeJarnett. cottage for a month. Ml*.** Nannie Hay, of Raleigh. X. t\. and Miss Resale Harward. of Nor folk. am the guests of Miss Nonie Wilkinson. Mi* Ruby Reid, of Baltimore, i* the guest of her mother. Mrs. James 8. Reid Miss Florence McKinney, of Rich mond. is the guest of Mrs. Charles Mosley. Mrs. Everett Perkins, of Roanoke. ; Va.. is spending a month at the Gsrd ner cottage. Miss Jessie Campbell, of Bedford 1 City, Va.. is spending some time at the Ocean Wsve cottage. Miss Emma Ragland is visiting friends in Philadelphia. Pa. Mrs. John Perce!I. of Richmond. Va., Is Handing some time at the Ocean Wave cottage. Mrs lb rland and Miss Borland, Of Bedford City, are stopping at the Ocean Wave cottage. Mr and Mrs. Charles Straus, of Richmond. Va., are spending a few seeks ut "The Arlington.'* • Mrs K. F. Pugh, or New York, is spending some—time at the Queen Anne cottage. Mri Harry E. Hughes, Mrs. George Hughes and Mrs. J. M. McClung, of Florla. Ala., turn at "The Arlington.” j for a few day*. Mrs W.*' Hubert Witt, of Jackson ville. Fla., is the guest of her pa- i rents. Judge and Mrs. P. Tucker Brooke. Mrs. O. M. Steven, of Norfolk,.spent 1- ■ "-JtgiUlIMJliiaL'-H--. L -1-S. the week end at the Queen Anne ; cottage. Miss Anne V. Guy, of Norfolk, '* spending some time at “The Arling ton." .. ... ...— .. .-1 Mr. Richard Walke, the Misses Walke and Mi. Kdward de V. Brad ford have retudned to thel'.' home In 1 Norfolk, after spending several weeks’ etav at the Atlantic Club. Mr. tV. H. White. Jr., of Richmond, Va., Is staying for a. week ai the Wt*d Rose cottage Mr. John Alexander, of Washing ton! D.. c., la ependjtjg some time at the Gardner cottage Lexington LEXINGTON, VA.. May 14.—Dr. W. tV. Smith, chancellor of the Ran dolph-Macon system of colleges and schools, accompanied the young la* ■ die# of the Randolph-Macon Woman’s , College, Lynchburg, to Lexington on the occasion of their presentation at the Virginia Military Institute under j liic au£nlccs nf- thc-Daughters of Confederacy of Lexington, of the Anti- 1 gone of Sophocles. In the original Greek. The play was enthusiastically received, especially by the cadets Of . the V. H, f. and the students ot Washington and Lee. Mr. Edward L Rotter, of Botetourt county, a member of the graduating elaes of Washington and Lee Uni the High-School at Fairfield for the next session. He succeeds Mr. S. F. Gollehon, who has been principal for several years, but who declined reappointment. General Scott Shipp, for yeare the former superintendent of the Virginia Military Institute, left l»x>ngton a few days ago for Philadelphia, whore he took steamer for a visit of sev eral months to Europe. His visit will Inuludo (Scandinavia. Germany end England. He expects to return home in July. Rev. Dr. Charles Manly and Miss Lois Oorrell are In Baltimore at tending the meeting of tho South ern Baptist General Association Mr. .J. Harris Thompson I* repre senting Rockbridge Lodge of Odd Fellows at the meeting of the Grand Lodge In Danville. Mr. Theodore Marburg, of Balti more, addressed the student assembly of Washington and Lee on "Interna tional Peace.” Miss Katie Clarke, of Piedmont, j W. Va., is in Lexington visiting Miss Lucy Northern. Mrs. Richard H. Catlett, of Staun ton. is the guest of Prof, and Mrs. Livingston W\ Smith. Mr. Isasc Weinberg Is on a busi ness trip this week to Northern cities. Farmville FARMVILLE. VA., May 14 — Mon ro* Morw#, of Lynchburg, was in Farmville this week visiting his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Nevins, of St. Louis, are guests in the home of Mr*. A. it. Venable near Farmville. Miss Lucy Dunnlngton haa return* eii from a visit to friends In Lynch burg. Mr. E. B. Langslow of Newport News, came up this week to see .is old pome friends. Mrs. Matue vv«uu*rlght Whitehead has gone to Fredericksburg *o spend the summer with relatives and friends. Kev. H M, Fugate Is attending the Southern Baptist convention, which 1* in session at Baltimore. Rev. W E. Hill attended the clos ing eserc.tses of U-nton Theological Seminary at Richmond. Dr. Wilbur P. Stubbs, accompanied by his wife,' paid a short visit to Farmville during the week, being the guest of Mrs. Stubb’s sister, Mrs. John L. Burger. Mrs. Thomas Armlstead, of Roa noke, .and Mrs. James A. Armisteaa. Jr., are guests in the home of Mr and Mrs. Jamea A. Armlstead, of FarmvlUe. On Monday evening laat Miss Hattie Paulett gave a pleasant dance to a number of friends In honor of her visiting guest. Miss Bessie Birch, of Washington. Among those who en Joved the evening were; Misses Minor. Mildred and Elisabeth Richardson. Huttie Bugg, Carrie Kyle, Margaret Watkins, Bessie Paulett, Alice Bur gess; Messrs. A. W. Wade, Frank Blanton. Frank Wootten, Joseph Oar nett. Cardosa, Blair. Felt*. Moore. Welton. Atlnson. Pnyne, George KUhardson, Dr. Smtth and Bum gardner. Metiers. B. -G— Bristow and F.-K. Hubbard represented the Farmville Lodge of Odd Fellows at the State meeting held In Danville this week. Mr. J. Y. Phillips, one of the town’s highly respected cltlsena. continues very sick at his home on Virginia street. Emporia (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) EMPORIA. VA., May 14.—Messrs. 8, M Ooodwln and W. M. Powell. ot this town, went to see Governor Mann in behalf of Sam Hardy this week, and express themselves as very hope ful that Hardy's sentence trill be com muted to life imprisonment. Miss Eva King, of Brunswolci*. Is visiting her brother. Mr. Charles R. King, of North Emporia, Mra Charles A. Retd, of Kmpoi tr, who has been is the Norfolk hospital for treatment, has returned home, and la much Improved in health. Misses Clevte and Emily Gary, of Richmond, have been th guests of Mr. A. V. Slate and family this week. Prof. Alger Woolfolk, Who wo* re cently elected to mjcceed himself as principal of the Greenesvtna sotimy high school, has tendered bis resigna tion. to accept a more lucrative posi tion in Richmond. Mrs. Mafvm Ti. Slate has returned from visiting relatives In PMarmnt this week. Mra Ham E. Lee hns boon on a visit to r« UMves ln Hoydtna ihia weok Mr. and Mrs. 813 ny Hart,*In. of Plea: int HUI N. C.. were visitors here "Wednesday. 7~~-—-—_ Dr. T. H. Valentino and Mr. J, P. Vincent, of Vultare, N. C„ visit id friends here this week. Mr. and Mrt. J. B. Goods, of Spring Hoe, WO.. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. it. J. Cochran, of our town. Mra U. W. and Mra Eddie Wyche. of Emporia, wore visitors of relatives in Law rencevillc this" Week. * Mies Hcajle Woodruff, of the county, u». vuiung ker_ smi»r>, Mr*. J. Baa k> Scottsville (Special tc The Richmond Virginian.) SCOTTSVILLE. VA.. May H —Rev J. Aller. Christian, pastor of fleotts vlllo Presbyterian church, haa de clined a second call extended him by the Ktvermont Presbyterian church, of Lynchburg, Va. Mr* Richard Wood, of Fluvanna county, had a stroke of paralysis sev eral days ago from which she is get- ! ting better. Rev. L. H. Walton Is attending the Baptist convention In Baltimore this week. Mrs. Isaac Moore, of Creb'e, Vo . was the guest or Mrs. G. T. Goodwin this week. Dr. and Mrs. Westcott, of Chicago, were the recent guests of Mrs. J. C. Hill. D. K. Pitts was In Richmond several days ago. .1P. T. Morris, Of Warren, was In town Thursday. Lewis Pilcher, of Richmond was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Harris this week. F. W. Twyman, of Charlottesville, Edward W. Scott, of Eemont, was here Thursday. Mrs. Warner Wood. Who has been tick. Is about well again. Charles E. Hughes, Of CfiarlbUeS vnie. was In town several days ago. Misses Ella and Lilly Evans are visiting In Roanoke Miss Alextna Harrison has returned from a trip to Washington. -—Mrs. H-H. Lewie, -of-Danville, le visitlng her mother, Mrs. J. It. Farrar. Williamsburg (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) WILLIAMSBURG, VA., Mar 14.— One of the moat delightful and novel antertalnmenta of the season waa a garden party given by Mrs. Hubbard on the lawn at the Marshall home on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Hubbard, Miss Marshall and Miss Faulkner re ceived their guests under the trees, which were surrounded with tables decorated with choice cut flowers from the garden. Mrs. Ware poured tea, and delicious refreshments of straw berries, lea cream and cake were served. The Bridge Club waa very delight fully entertained by Misa Kdlth Smith at her charming home, "Bassett Hall,” on Friday afternoon. Misa Lula Brooks has returned from a visit to MUs Mabel Bayleaa in Albe marle. Or. Blair Spencer visited his father. Mr. J. B. C. Spencer, at the Colonial Inn this week. Mr. Miles Hubbard, of West Vir ginia la here on a visit to his mother, Mrs. Charlotte Hubbard. Mr. H. S. Bird is in Washington. I> C., on a business trip. Mrs. J. L. Slater spent Wednes day m Richmond. Miss Lucy Valden Is visiting rela tives In Baltimore. - Dr. Charles Conrad, formerly as sistant physician at the Eastern State Hospital, waa a visitor here this week. Rev. E. Ruffin Jones attended the Episcopal convocation In Cape Charles this week. Miss Leila Oar;', of Franklin, waa the week end guest of Miss Emily Christian. I»r. H. E. Davis, of Richmond, spent several days here this week. Mrs. Charlotte Hubbard entertain ed at a progressive bridge party on Tuesday night. The Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity gave a very charming reception on Saturday at the residence or Mrs. Wil liam T. Christian In honor of Miss Leila Gary, of Franklin, Va. It. Outd. of New York, ppent a few days with bis sons at the college thle week. Rev. J. L. Clymer and Miss Mary L. Pitman left Friday afternoon to visit relatives in Midlothian. Md. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) SPOTSYLVANIA, VA.. 1 May H.— Mi** Carrie C. Pendleton, of Kentucky, ■a visiting in Spotsylvania for two month*. Mr. Joseph W. Nurrey. of Rich mond. haa returned home, after viait tag in Spotsylvania. Mi** Sylvia Helen Rosenthal, of New Tork, is vislitng in Spotsylvania and will continue her trip to West Vir ginia before returning. , Miss Maxis Marvin Pendleton, of Kentucky, is sojourning in Spotsyl vania for some months. Mr. W. t. Oreen, of Washington, has returned home, after a visit of ten days to Masaaponax. Mr. Danlet Clark, of Richmond, la fVa. vrslfihg for a week at Masaaponax. ■, of Washington. Mrs. Alice Marbury, is the guest of Mr*. William SI. Oreen, of Masaaponax. Mr. Harry 8. Beverley, of Nottoway county, has gone to Richmond, after visiting friends in Spotsylvania. Mr. William Harris, of Fredericks burg. haa returned home, after visit ing friends at Spotsylvania. , Mr. H. F. Cusmond and wife, who have been visiting at Spotsylvania, have returned home at Frdeericks burg. LB E8 BUKO, Benton M. Bukey, in* some ttme la horn* of Mr. and w* Whipple. Mr. William F. Lynn, and sinter, Min Delia mead, Va, are Jamestown, lad., aa th nephew. Mr. Richard Miss Leslie Foster has her home In Leesburg fn relatives in Richmond. Mrs. ft. H. Lynn and ter returned to their h hurg this wee* from a 1 mer’e sister, Mrs. “ of Norfolk, Va. Rev. and Mra 1. In attendance this 'WeeM at the Southern RapUM Mrs. D. L. BlakemOt* some time in Mshsssi Mrs. Hugh Lee Po a fortnight at ~ ' Miss Ada Alexander for Uppetvine, where el of Mrs. George Slater. Mrs. George Bosto W. J-. It a guest at Mr. and Mrs. William Mlseee Hentile. Alls* Pickett formerly of arrived In Leesburg this they will make their future. - WSJW *6 been the guesta In U Haddle Clagett. Mr. Horace Llttlejolu. Ington for several days tl Mr. and Mrs. Robert Washington, and Master spent the week end In the home of Mrs. Annie Mr' and Mrs. Chaittt mont Va., returned to 1 week from a visit to Harry Chamblln. Mias Eva Talcot haa her home in Rich visit to her slater, or. Misses Julia T laa Beverley, of the week end guests at Inn. Mr. Lawrence Leo fcao wood,” the suburban home H. Lynn, for the summer Mrs. Brad Beverly and Beverly were gueete this Haddle Clagett. (Special to The Richmond If PAMPLIN CITT, May li* A. Kin#, of Ohio, haa mm chased a farm of Mr. Aubre near here, and haa msva lane. The MiMea Crute, of Roai have been on a vieit to th«b | Mlaa Dillon, of Prince Ml ty, to her slater, Mrs. R. J ! this town, have returned. Mine Flossie Thornton h) j turned home from a trip to ; where she visited Mlaa 'j i -Watkins. i Mrs. Beverly Winston, of 'la on a visit here to Ml Thornton. Mrs. Stanley Wall, aaa Fa] I ting her parents, Mr. and 1 Payne. Mr. 0. B. Peterson and I ter, Mias Grace, have recent ed from a trip to Lynchbufj Mr. Peterson, real aataMU recently sold a farm isiTP ward county for Mr. Tfeoaa of Roanoke, to a Mr. Kip of Oargona. Canal Zone, Pm one In same county for tk Mr. Thomas Dickerson, of Aj ! county. The latter hag 1 same, while the former AM pact to com* hero until j . Every now and then land * seen here. Mr. Samuel Martin, n mat mattos citizen, who has MM time troubled with hearty suddenly at hia homo Ml : o’clock this morning, m burled in the family M ! morrow at S o’clock P. K. Palmyra PALMTRA. May t< Cleveland, of State Won rtsonburg, spent Inst f friends and relatives Mi i Misses Cecil Witten, X l and Mr. A. W. FontalMM , ’’Stoneleigh"; the hem* « : Shepherd. Mrs. Alfred Gray and Richmond, have rei after a several months Luke’s hospital,/ vary a* in health. Mr. Paul Pettit, of Petal lest Sunday at his old ! Burnie.” Miss Marguerite 8MM entertained her Uttle frtei needay evening in honor 4 day Gamas, music and 1 wers enjoyed by all. Four Winners Virginia ■