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prominent man and wotwn i of the country are tnJ the rMnmion of the Manufacturers' Association. The •lie* of these visitors brtng* in i train a number of charming enter £, Oh Monday evening n reception will f ho tendered the association by the Richmond Chamber of Comroare# The Marine band of Washington and ' the Ladies' Boetonla Orchestra all! furnish Instrumental music at the ex-j r- Attrition but id ins on Tuesday even In*.1 When wwtety will be prcoertt in full; force. Miss Gertrude Holt, of boston, and Mias Francesca Kaspar. of Wash lngton seloiata, will also sin* at the: reception Tueaday eveninc. on Weo aeaday evening a brilliant banquet, at tended both by the men and women, will prove * charming function. An all day excursion down the James on Thursday will conclude these enjoy-* •Me affairs At the Woman's Club. Teraonal Experiences in Liberia" • will be the subject of an addresa hy j Colonel Lockaweaky at the Woman's ; Club Monday afternoon «4 & «.• clock, I Colonel Lockawesky's knowledge of : Liberia cornea from the fountain I •ouree. for he has had unexcelled op-; poll unities for observing the country ttid Its people Hostesses for the afternoon win be Mrs. T. C'ary Johnson and .Mrs. George Bryan. Miss tdaale Archer and Miss Fanny Mtmford will pour tea. and | coffee wil I be served hy Mrs. Alexander Sends and Miss Norton, of Alexandria.! Interest in Races. Society la agog ov«r the horse show and races at the Fair Grounds this afternoon. The fact that several of l.filchmond'a society- girla- «Ul (»fie,l pate in the event makes it doubly at w\ tractive. Among those who will en » tertaln their friends in boxes are Mr. ' Balmer Leigh. Mr. John R. McComb. K Mr. L. M. Vaughan, Mr. K. !!. 8\ d- , n«r. Mr. John H. William*. Mr. Thomas "" ltittherf<Mvrd. Mr James W. Graves.! Mr. John H. Lyons. Mr. Ashton Htarke. I Mr. M. Block, Mr. George «*. Hteven*. Captain John Lsndgtreut, Mr. J. t; Corley and Mr. Henry W. Anderson. Miss Knox Honored. Miss I*»u Madison Knox, of Rich ; aiond. oas the guest of honor at uni . attractive card party given hy Mrs I L- Van Fatten anil Mrs. Bailie Smith In Portsmouth on Thursday. Hand-1 v some lilies and peonies were used in the decorations, and bridge was plnv ed. Engagement Announced. *’• The engagement has been an- * r nounced of Miss Grace Sanford, of ] Bridgeport. Conn.. to Mr. Harry ! Holmes Glldner, of Philadelphia, son I of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Olldncr, of i **? Newport Newt. For Miss William* * Mis* Alice Vandiver, of Atlanta, enter (ajped delightfully at bridge Thursday afternoon in honor of Ml* Emma Williams, of Virginia, the guest of Mter Nina Gentry. The apartment rat artistically rice- ! orated with pink carnations and sweet k peas and th<> prixea were nand-em M broidered handkerchiefs Mies Vandiver received her guests a earing a lingerie gov n of midnight ! blue routi trimmed in lace, .Miss wil liams wore jt beautiful gown of pink j rajah alik. with large black picture ' "hat. end Mies Gentry a pretty gown of bla> k marquisette over yellow aatA ' m. with which the wore a 1 In li.'imi trlmnicrj tn yellow pom maws. T*hguge»l. MWfT^TTnfTert is lets here in the engagement of Dr. J Wilbur Chap man to ALoj Mabel Cornelia Moul ton, di ught«r of Mrs. ituth Weed on Moulton, of Providence. It. L, the wedding to take place in August. Dr. Chapmen msde meny friend* In Rtch mond during the series of revival * service* which he held in the City Auditorium In January, 18hk. Miss Moulton belongs to one of the oldest families in Providence, and since her graduation from Itrown Cnlverstly ha* devoted much of her labor and resources to philanthropic work. She ■ i» a woman of charming manners and personality. Vesper Service*. Mr. Edward Farrell, of the Cnlon Theological Seminary. will rpeak at the vesper serlvees at the Young Woman's Christian Association, 7m* Hast Franklin *tre«t. on Sunday af ternoon at 5 o'clock. Mr. Honing's Recitals. >: As usual, the pupils of Mr. Foiling *», - and those of Mr*. Bolling have given y .i recitals along through the winter and re spring. Home ,,f the selection* were: i i *§' Sonata Fathetkjue.fBirthoven) Rustle of Spring .(Hinding) Miss f’arlVn Nachman. Valse, fip. to, No. .1.i Che pin} Min* Kathleen Marion WinMon. Mazurka in B fiat.ffhopinV Lyric, * I -. . . t Grieg t Master Kam Bluswanger. Shadow lenrf.f.M.i. Dov eft) Miss Erir.a Hlnchman. Barcarolle .(Spindleri Mlas Evelyn, Christian Richards <>n. Last Hope ... ... (Gottichalk) Mi»s ltolierta Mitchell. Melody and m ale from "Vous dirais J<* maman.” Op. 22. ... < Dr. Mason) --Mis* *4 If I Were a Bird .tHenseet) 11 Tremolo .tGottachalk) Winston Boiling. ,*» .La Poloma .(ft. R. Mills) ■j? Contemplation .(Mendelssohn) Mb* Ethel Toons. , J*oet'« Harp .(Mendelssohn i Baa de* Amphore* . . . . (Chaminade) Miss M. Cleudon. "To a Maiden" Is the title of a composition by SJf, Bolting, which .S. tfcaa recently been brought out by one 4 of the large publishing houses. It *.• was composed especially for and ded ifr-r lea ted to Miss Kathleen Marion Wln . gton, of Grove avenue. ; jj-i Musical Entertainment, wy; Ga Monday evening. May IS, at *trie o'clock, there will be a musical !V*x, entertainment given in the lecture f room of st. Mark's coureh, at the |. eemer of Clay and First streets. Ik? Among other pleasing features of the /* '5 evening a most excellent musical pro gram ha* Iwn arranged. Miss Kula * .Hailey will read several rejection*, tuid a delightful evening is promised yi'^eyatl who attend. Personal*. Mias Norton, of Alexandria is the gueat of Mrs. Alexander Hands. ,’«IK Mtaa Mary .Pooka, of Baltimore, is r. tha guest of friends here. Khe will later go to Norfolk and Ocean view Mr*. Thomas G. Boggs and Mi^a You Will 43ie Let biti fjh yottf Carpen irk, mates cheerfully furnished C. W. FLEET, Tour Kltchon to Not Comport l'nt«M You ore l-oinft » “Green Castle” Kitchen Cabinet a . Ttita ti onty ob* of th? nanyde* j sign* we now hare on our floor. Rothert & Co., f Fourth and Broad St*. . "| Evelyn Hoggs, of Baltimore, are: spending the week end with friends! in this city ami at Old Point Com*: fort. * • * _ Mis* Gladys Neale is the guest of relatives at Walkerton, Vs. ... , Mias llii’kok and Mr. Godwin Boy*; kin are spending the week end In j Norfolk n« the guests of Mr. and Mr*. Hugh Nelson Page in York street. ... Mieses Emil:, and (Heave Gary spent several days this week In Emporia aej the guest* of Mr. A. F. Slate. ... Misses Ida Gray and Nannie Maury1 Quinn, of Fredericksburg, are spend-! !ng the veek end with friend* in thlaj city. ... Mi s J.esiie Foster has returned to her home in l>eesburg alter a visit* to friends here Miss Bettie Clarke is tile guest of j General John E. Holler in Harrison-j burg. Mrs. Virginia Maddox, of Chase City. ; is visiting friends here. Mrs. 1>. I'. Yl'hooler. of Fredericks-! burg. Va.. 1* the guest of Mr*. J. Taylor Kllyson. . . . Miss Eva Talcott hss returned to j Richmond after staying for aonie time' in Ie>e»burg as tlie guest of Mrs Tru-i man Pnrker. VIRGINIA 1 WEDDINGS ; .. ■ --1 Tlxii-nton—Mi'Hm-rjr. < ALEX A N DR I A. VA.. May H.— Mias Berenice it. M. .Harry, r>f Kan Antonio, 'Tex., wan married to Mr. Edward H. Thornton. of Mouth America, nt Christ church Thursday. The groom wan attended hy Mr. 11. O. Thornton, of Washington, and Mr. Arnos W. Clift, of tin* city. Rev. W. J. Morton, the ret tor. performed the ceremony. ta'lllierlaiul—IlHcro. ALEXANDRIA, VA., May 14.—Mr. end Mrs. William J. Rogers, of Osso, announce the rnsaifi'mpnt of their daughter. Mias larulsa Monroe Rogers, to Mr. lane rent e <Lcatherland. of thb city. The ceremony will take place at the Potomac llaptlrt church, In King George county, June S. LTNCIIBl-RO, VA„ May 14.—Mia* Halil* 11, Graven was married to Mr. Edgar H, Fan her at the home of the bride. Dr. J. A. Thomas, pastor of Centenary Methodist church, perform ed the ceremony. OBITUARY Michael O'(irud). ' The funeral ot Mr. Mb had O'Grady, who died In the home of hie brother. iMr. James B, O’Orady, in Fulton Fri day. will take place from Wf. Patrick’* church Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The hurtal will la- in Mount Calvary cemetery. Mr. O’Orady is survived jby two brothers. (.eorge W. Oswalt). Mr. George W. Oswald died in Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore Wcd | mat day. The hody^ha«^^M»ei^ Vmtnittbt '!taking place Saturday morning at *0 ■o'clock from the home of Mr. Walter {Oswald, of S03 Soluh Pine str«>et, Mr , Oswald is survived by four brothers and three sinters. Daniel Miller. HAKRIKONBFRU. VA.. May 14.— Daniel Miller. 7 4 years old. is dead near Weyers Cave of rancer. He leaves his widow, who was Miss Hettle fUon •or; a son. H. F. Millar, of Denver, and three daughters—Mrs. John Sroghan, Fairview. lit; Mrs. Joel Wright and i Miss Maggie Miller, at home. He was a farmer and eider in the Church of the Brethren. Mrs. Elizabeth Davis. HAUUIHONBUIUI. VA.. May 14.— Mrt. Elisabeth Davis, 5« years old. widow of J. Walter Davis, died at Sprtng Creek. Rockingham county. Her flrs*. husband, W. C. Graham, died • many years ago. leaving three chil dren—C. K. and Roger Graham, of Florida, and Mrs. J. W. Bolen, of 1 Hprlng Creek. She was a sister of W. Byron Hlakemore. » prominent stock dealer of Harrisonburg Hra Mary Jt. Jenkins. W1NCHB8TKR. VA., May 14. -Al though only 35 years old, Mrs. Mary Malinda Jenkins, wife of George W. Jenkins, who died Friday after a lin gering Illness of tuberculosis, waa a giandmothcr Hh* tvas a daughter of Charles. Weaver itnd leaves her hus band. patents, seven thilditfi. three brother* and lour *UUi.' Mrs. C. F. Nc.l. _ MXAVXtQS. VA.. May 14.—Mr*. C. i F. Neel. 63 years old. {lied last night from appendicitis after an operation. She leaves a husband, son and two daughters Mm. led C. Ixxig. HARRIKONIUTKO, VA., May 14.— Mrs. l,ong. wife of Levi C. ta>flg, a prominent school teacher of Clover Hill and last fall a candidate for 1-cg . I'Jature on Ihe Republican ticket, died , Friday of cancer of the stomach, Hhe Is rut rived by two sons, oas brother and two siatsra CRIES OF THE NEEDY RING LOUD IN OUR EARS NViMk at TfceSletc, Suffering snd Poor u Grest as Evef Before, Bet Funds Must Come to Proride Them. 1* rrnfiXW •me Ymortamrt Owitli* of j RIciMWMd Ml* •MM) for the alleviation of the mfettai and want of the worthy afcfc and poor of the citr during the mumper Hon much will too give for the care of the weak ooumuup tlve, deserted wife, stricken bread winner and struggling widowed mother? Each day's oun of brillianoe and warmth bring* with it sorrow, sick ness, hunger and want for "the other half," and unusual in<le«d la the day on which soma heart-gripping case isj not btought forcibly to the attention; of the Associated Charities. Entreated on all aides for aid for families brought faot to face with Want for the necessities of Ufa be- > cause they have fait the grip of the! tawney hand of, death, the disabling; blow of sickness or the pang of de sertion, the Associated Charities must1 turn a deaf ear to these supplications; for bread, shelter and surcease from i pain. If the people of Richmond do; not rally to Its support. With all nature gay, birds singing! their blithesome lays, more fortunate men, women and children fresh, bub-' bling and buoyant at the sound of the gladsome summer Bong of life, the *uf- j feeing and want of the Indigent and unfortunate Is but accentuated and at tenuated. The contrast Is enough to embitter them against the inscrutable make both ends meet and keep body and soul Intact nettling against In surmountable odds, held down by the clutch and pang of pain In their own bodies or those of their loved ones, they must needs solicit Sid .and their t yes instinctively turn toward Dr., James iliichansn, general secretary ofj the Associated Charities, who to them personifies a protecting angel. In the I cold, bleak winter months, when ths | mercury hovers around ths freezing point and the ground is mantled with snow, ihelr confidence i* well placed and their suffering assuaged to the full capacity of the organisation. With the coming of the brighter, sunny months the number of cases on the roils of the Associated Charities Is but little diminished, and Or. Buchanan is hard pressed to determine ths most urgent canes, but a few of which he can attend to because of the scarcity of money. In the winter children cry for bread CHURCH HILL NEWS (Xew* iabendml for tliia column may be left >■ penoa u the Church H‘.*i Bank. or 'phoned ta Madlaon 7**S.) Bellevue Mother*’ Club held | their last meeting prior to adjourn-i raent for the cummer Thursday af-! ternoon at 4 o’clock. There were sixty in attendance, and the meet in* was one r,f the most enthusiastic ana enjoyable ever held in tne city. The program Included a tine address by Mr. A. Jl. Hill, assistant superinten dent. vocal and instrumental music on I both violin and ptano by several of the i children. Inspection of an attractive: exhibit of the work of the pupils, and i a rectal half hour in which refresh ment* were served. Mr. Hill selected as his subject, "Opportunities," and in! a very forcible manner pointed out the many opportunities which the future held, 'and with an enthu.iiasm which "as an inspiration to his hearers. lie painted in eloquent words the possibilities of the Mothers' Club, j If they but met the opportunities as: they presented themselves. The ex-1 hlhlt or work done by tne pupils con sisted of ftillv lnb pieces, and in . lulled clay modelling, drawing from life, water colors, product maps, fancy work, sewing, stenciling, -kindergarten work, class work, and the output of the boys' manuel training depart-: ment. Thla exhibit was splendid, and j reflected much credit on teachers and , pupils. The Bellevue Mothers' Club is one of the most flourishing In the . cltv. At the Federation of the Clubs, which met at the old high school ' building last Monday, the report of | hIt the clubs allowed Nicholson Club ; leading, with Bellevue a close second. 1 Hut Bellevue is second to none in en- . thusfnsni and with It* progressive and wide awake president. Mrs. Bradbury. It is doing a fine work. Too much praise cannot be accorded the work of Mrs, Emma Turner Taylor, who has been secretary for a number of years Her etSclency, punctuality and splendid work has been a potent fac tor in the club's wonderful growth and usefulness. Invitations have been received on the hill to the commencement oxer- , ciavs of the Powhatan Institute. Be > Iona. Ve.. May 13 to 16. Mrs. Estelle I ltudd Porter, so well known in Rich mond. ie principal. The service* at Ht. Jftmc-a Methodist - Kpisoopa I- church Sunday, will be of special interest. The subject of the morning discourse by the pastor. Rev. i George Green, will Vie "God's Require i merit#/' and in the avanlnff, Th«' Touch of Faith." 1 i The German Ladies* Aid Society will : 'celebrate Its fifteenth anniversary | Monday. May 1*. from ,1 to 7 P. M. at | the beautiful home of Its chairman, : Mrs. B. Kassel. 1904 PleaRant street.; It. V. V. ltesenegk, who Is an honor ary member, will make the address. ■t ry Hiiuuuci. nrn ut»«V vizr. □r. Ho#* i* ftl*o fxp#et#d to be prrt- , :-nt This club numbers about 250 and ■m g blessing to the German poor, imong whom they labor. K quiet but pretty wedding too* place at the Bt. James parsonage, 2717 East Marshall. Wednesday. May LI at 7:30 P. M. The contracting parties were Miss Ira Shapland and Mr. William U. Creswell. both of Highland Springs. Rev. George * • rsnwjift was th* ofllolttlni mlniiiti'1% Mr and Mrs. i•reswell will make their home tn Highland Springs. The Mlspah Circle will meet this afternoon at the horn* of Mrs. Edwin Phuup. 3S12 Esst Broad street. The one hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary of the organisation of the Protestant Episcopal church In tn ilocese of Virginia. Southern ' Jr rtnla. and West Virginia, will be <*!• 'rated In St. John s church Wednre lay. May l* Hev. *Mwtn Xe Gocd «ln. hlstriographer * ill deliver an address g /5* innnel and Work of the First Conven Ion " based on recent reesarches tnadi n the original r.cflfds of the Rev. R. A. Cloodwln, the pre*eh‘ r*‘ < r, will apeak on ''MlU# SeIdsn. the pat Colonial Hector of viemorial tablets toRev. Mr. Selden and Rev. Mr. Buchanan will ke un "Many Church HHI Ffk he annual pllgtHnsfs to /*®**°** lo-day with ». R m et intereated srtll be Mrs. B- «*► Mil, of 1*04 Pleasant street, who :hough *venty years old. goes every •ear and takes the keanwt enjoyment n the trip. . . . Mrs. Clyde Saunders, whose daugh er. Corinne. Is » studsnt at the Pf sill leave this afternoon tot Relona, and warmth, for clothing to protect tfitimnnM ohm wintry ntwo from the north and for * place to lay their wearied and unnurtured forma. The aick must hare medicine that their soul* may not take flight tof want of It. Wood and coal mun he far* ntehed, elee their marrow freece In their vetna. Oaunt poverty stalks about their humble quarters. Pride runneth before * fall and theae oaeea are kept from the public aa len* a* possible, bat with the greedy hand of death about their throats and suffer* ink cry out to the Associated Chari ties and their pteis are answered, for the Richmond peeple ere humane and charitable and «e that aid la necs* •ary. In the summer the fever-racked head of the poor typhoid victim mun be cooled and the temperature kept low. The consumptive's oought be come* more harking and the oppres sive-wsrmth make* him or her ait the more Uncomfortable, milk and eggs neede he or she, only for a little while, for life’s gamut will soon be run for them. Abandoned mother* with aev rral children crying for cool water to quench their parching thirst, and with the thought of another visit from the stork goading th«n, are driven well night to distraction. Strong men Will ing to work, but unable to find It be cause of the lull in the commercial world during th? vacation season— meant ngleea to him—look upon their families In want and suffering, but unable to do the slightest thing to as toward the Associated Charities, but theirs will be a forlorn hope unless (he purse string* of Richmonders, to whom the fates have been more gen erous and fortune more kindly, are loosened, and Vr. Buchanan furnished with funds with which to do the haul tlferous charities that are asked of him. In the heart of each and every man. woman and child who visits the office of the Associated Charities at four teenth and franklin streets there Is a pathetic, affecting and eaddening hu man interest story which would move a man with a heart of stone. Coming In dally contact with this aide of Ilfs and hearing the life stories of the un favored and unhappy. Dr. Buchanan Is the best qualified person to know their lot and needs. Dr. Buchanan ears the Associated Charities needs 12,000. How muoh of It will you give ’ "Cast thy bread upon the Waters '’ i to be present at the floats of the In stitute Suffolk SUFFOLK. VA.« May J«.—Com plimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Irvins Whaley, of Bristol. Va.. Mr. and Mrs. Horace H. Phillips entertained at an elaborate 'at home.” An orchestra placed during the calling hours from 8:*0 till II P. M. Those Who assisted in receiving were Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, Mr. and Mr*. Whaley. Mr. Truitt, of Nor folk: Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Pinner. Judge and Mrs. J. L. McLemore. Mrs. Her bert West, Mrs. F. cl. Whaley. Miss Marc Whaley and Mr. William Wha ley. of Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Withers and Miss Mae Hatley. Punch was served hy Mrs.' W. If. Jones, Jr., Misses Louise Britt and Louise Twitty. In the dining room Miss Elisa beth Booker v,-as assisted In serving by Miss*" There** Nuruev, Bessie Holland. Pallia and Evelyn Twitty, El, M. Jones and Mary Robinson, of Whaleyville. The decoration* were blooming laurel, azalea* and pink roses, niarsed against a background of ferns inrt palms. Mrs. B. Ferguson and Miss Alii* McGuire entertained at an elab orate at horn*, the hours being from 4 to 8:30. The denotations were in pink and white, hundreds of roses being used. Mrs. Ferjuson and Miss McGuire had with them In their receiving party Mrs. Koser. of .Shippenberg. Pa.: Mrs. 1 C. Smith, Mrs. Fred Hubbard, of Washington. O. C., and Mrs. M. W. Joyner. Mrs. H. R. Dunn, Mias Grace I Etey and Mrs. H. E. Elam served ■ punch. Mrs G. L. Bell. Miss Katie i Lewis and Mies Julia Phillips preald I od In the dinning room. Mr*. L. n. Tanner entertained at curd*, til* prizes, a set of hammered . brass Unger bowl*, a cut glaas dish and a bronze statue, being won by ; Mrs. Arthur Wosd/ord. Mrs. J. C. j Halts day and Miss Mary Wright. Mrs. L p. Hilt was hoste*s to a j number of friends at a charming re I caption at the Nanaemond hotel i Thursday afternoon. Stoddert I BTODDKRT. VA., May 14.—The Stod ;«lert school closed on the eleventh with ; a very entertaining and attractive, pro i cram i The children of lira. Ellen Guenaut are with her »let«r, Mre. Louie Crawley. ! Mre Guenaut i« at the hospital. Mr. John L. Sweep* made a flying vt» lt to hla. mother in,Buckingham. Mr Bruce la visiting hla daughter I Mre. Walter Claiborne. I Mies Annie Garn4»t has re*-,,—, j home after quit a a long Plait to her i deter In Matthew* The Kundgv-school which la held at , the Stoddert school houae la a large an ; Interesting one. The tobacco crop In thla aectlon will ! he late an the plants are email, due to the drought of March, j There u a fair promise of a good crop of fruit thla ya*r« (Special n. The Richmond Virginian.) FRA.VKMX. VA,. May 14—Ml*. Ixllft Gary, who haa Men vtaltlng in Norfolk and Williamsburg, hag return ed home. Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Camp arc apend »na the week in Maw Tprk. Mlaa Edna Wllborn. of Tannaaaee. la vtaltlng her friaad. Mlaa Buala Story, on First avenue. Hies May t'amp haa returned from Lynchburg, chore aha attandad the marriage of her friaad. Mlaa Margaret Myar i. - - Tf — Mr* R. Bryant and chtldraa, «f Pcrtamcuth. ere yJMfttac ¥**. #• A* Jackaon, dh Nigh. - Tha Franklin is Filled by the Bell Telephone The requirement of the modern office and home is for comprehensive telephone service. This is supplied only by the Bell System. Your Bell Telephone keeps you in constant touch with everybody locally and by means of the extensive long distance lines yon can talk to any point reached by the Bell System. • If yon ere not a subscriber you are depriving yourself of one of the most valuable assets of the age. Efficient Service Reasonable Rates Southern Bell Tel* & Tel. Company ol Virginia closa Friday, May 20, after the most aucceaeful year tn It* history. Quite a number of people went ahopptng In Norfolk Saturday from this place, among whom wore Mr. and Mr*. W, O. Briatow, Mtaa Wlllte Camp, Miaa Camilla Lsarj’. Mr*. W. H. Stroud and Misses Willingham and Leftwlch, of the Seminary faculty. On Tuesday evening, Mr*. C. C. Vaughan. Jr., entertained the Metho dist Young People's Circle la honor of the tlret anniversary of Us organi sation, at her home on High etreet. Memorial Day exerolaea were held thlt afternoon at Poplar Spring ceme tery. Dr. tt. K. Johnaon waa tha speaker for the occasion and hia sub ject was "What Is Death*” (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) KINO GEORGE, VA-. May 14.—Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh C. Taylor, of Ansted. W. Va.. and little son, Raleigh, are visiting Mrs.' Taylor’e mother, Mrs. j William Taylor, at "Powhatan,’' on the : Rappahannock. Miss Helen Caruihers, daughter of | Dr. V. O. Caruthers, is visiting her cousins, the Misses Nlndt, In Fred ericksburg, en route to Richmond, where she will be a guest of friends. Mr. J. T. Payne, of Farnhatn, Rich mond county, Is on a busineea trip in King George. The fishermen along the Potomao land Rappahannock rivers are about closing up their spring fisheries after the most successful season in many years. Miss Josie I. Brown left to-day for Washington, where *he will be a guest of Miss Gladys lloleolm and other friends fo rsome weeks. Miss Louise Winds, of Fredericks burg. who has liten spending some time with relatives here, has returned hotne. Misses Mary and Nannie Garnett, of Washington, are guests of their cousin, Mrs. Harry Wills, at her beau tiful home on the Potomac. “The Washington" of the Washing ton and Norfolk Steamboat Company has been sold to the Joy Une of New York. "The Waahington” has run on this line Tor several years. “The Southland" will take her place. Mrs. Elba Byrd Wallace, of Fred ericksburg. and her daughter^ Mrs. Robert Knox and Mias Ellen Wallace have been guests for a week of Mrs. ■Wallace’s father. Mr. Henry Byrd Lewis, at "Clere.*’ „ Tha cement foundation of Si. Mary s Protestant Episcopal church at Colon ial Beach, has been completed and work on the structure begun. The cornerstone will be laid Mas; II with Masonic ceremonies. It Is planned to have the church ready for dedication In July or August. Mrs. Rosalie K. Stuart has retevnsd from a visit to friends in Washing ton. “iraorr ThsWtBoyy19 Bri^^of UG BnpttSt its month to parode with thslr com iny to Hollywood Memorial ejwrcteea Mrs. 8. R. Gary requests all of the embers of the choir to be st the lurch. Saturday night •*,*/ returned Mr & wentM dile£l? to the Odd Fellows Conven Srs. R H. Hart, who has been very for several months is “greatly Im ar2d, tad la able to be out again. SS. ,TOit«%ou0.V$?t tlloTluU Hughes is very sick at hsr 5£ R^bim'who ha* been very It at his home here Is some what BmM l-ewl. smlth Who *£ •££ id on at the Retreat last wseit. wm le to be brought home on Thursday, a vsmsiss -»• MlJnMwvVwd Annls Southard of “tVvIlK are visiting ‘b** t20U,,n,‘ .■•Misses Allen, of this vleinity. I Highland Springs Mr. C. F. Hollis has gona on a oonth’a vacation to visit his sister, tiles Thelma Hollis. In Rochester, nd., and to take In points of interest n OMo. West Virginia, Kentucky and Indiana. Mrs. Fry. of KUamla avenue, who ins been sick for quite a while, is now nuch Improved. Mr. Moore is very ill st his home m KUanla avenue. - Mr C. I Hollis Is suffering very noeh from a severe case of neuralgia. Mias Maggie Garrett is very stek rtth the meaalee at die home of her later, Mrsm^UcharxUoa. The mandolin club met Thursday tight at»« practiced new pieces for be coming entertainment given by he Daughters of liberty. Tha subject of the eervice in the nltartan church Sunday at it A. M. rlU be "Odr PaUh A* Seen at Weft —-- — l*v» H held. The subject of addreM till he "Catherine Maria Sedgwick and Her Work." Mr. D. R. Wilson, of Richmond, was heartily welcomed by a company of people at Highland Springs on last 8unday, who had oome together lb the Unitarian church to hear an ad dress froth him Oh that occasion. The meeting Was a very profitable and in teresting one. Fulton News News items may be left at Nel sen’s Furniture Store, or phoned to Madison 474*. A pretty, quiet wedding took place Thursday night at No. 800 Nicholson street, when Miss Ruth Wsddili and Mr. Robert Merrldew were united In marriage by the Rer. H. F. Jones, of the Fulton Baptist church. The parsonage society of Denny! Street church will meet Monday night; with Mrs. E. M. Bell on Seventh street' Mrs. Stout, of "Belmont" Fulton! Hill, has been removed to the Shelter-; ing Arms Hospltsl for operation. Mr. Michael O'Grady died at the ■ residence of his brother, Mr. James E.: O'Grady, on Denny street, Friday ef-1 ternoon. Mis* Corat Butler and Miss Msyms Woods have gone to spend a few days i with their cousin. Miss Mayme Butler, I of Varina. 1 Mr. Ernest Chslkley, of West Point ha* returned home, after a visit to his sister. Mrs. George Butler, of Seventh street. Mrs. r.ucy Webster met with an ac cident Thursday at noon while lean ing over the bannisters in her home she became dissy and fell down the stairs. Fortunately she was not se riously Injured. (Speeiai to The Richmond Virginian.) WINCHESTER. VA.. May 14.—Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Richard left Thurs day for Richmond, where they wUl spend iirnie time with friend*. Dr. i Richard will attend the 'commence* j inent exercise* of the University Col lege of Medicine, of which he is a graduate. Mm. Harmon Brown Boll, of Bal ' timore, who has been upending some 1 timo with relatives in Winchester, re turned home of Thumday. Mm. Louis M. Xniton and her little daughters have gone to Annapolis, Md.. to Join Lieutenant Commander Xulton. who -will be connected with the Naval Academy immediately after ] the completion of the cruise of ths {Atlantic squadron. I Mm. Edward Giles, of Washington, D. c.. is visiting relatives snd friends in Winchester. Rev. R. Ashiln White, of Gerrards town, W. Va.. visited his brother. Mr. W. 8. White, at his home on .Fair mount avenue, this week. Mrs. Harry K. Russell is visiting friends in Baltimore this week. Sirs. Joseph W. Hunter, of Philadel phia. Is visiting the Misses Nuiton, Miss Catherine ' Russell, of Fair mont, W. Va., Is visiting Miss Mary Hack. . Mr and Mrs. J. Luther Maphls are spending several days In New Fork. Rev. William D. Bmith. rector of Christ church, has returned from Chicago, where he was In attendanca at the congress in Interest of the Laymen’s Missionary Movement. Mrs. Henry H. Little, of Norfolk, who has been visiting her mother. Mrs. Dr. D. B. Conrad, returned home this week. Mr. Luclen Carr. Sr.. who htm been spending the winter In Cambridge. Maas., has returned to Winchester for the summer. Miss Kellie Dtffenderfer Is visiting relatives end friends in Baltimore. Among ths speakers who will ad dress the big meeting hers on Sunday night at Market-Street Methodist Epis copal church In the interest of the Layman’s Missionary Movement will be Dr. Thomas Nelson Page, the well known author and scholar; Mr. Wil liam Knowles Cooper, general secre tary of the T. M. C. A.; Mr. Law rence Lee. of Washington, and Rev. Dr. Rudolph Tsusler, medical mis sionary of ths Episcopal church, Tokyo. Japan. „ . State Senator Hobart M. Ward, who has been 111 with for some weak# past. Is now con valescent. ms mi sail ra mi m hi French West African Governor Wins Actress Bride After"" Strenuous Wooing. PARIS, May 14^-M. Merlaad Ponty, governor of French West started for MU* Onoir that “faint fair lady.” Kta wife wu •«• Thaldy, Thraa returning her company. The to play on* _ _ the capital of French Wait Afrtsjh Where the ehtp «w do* to Mop t* hours. A storm Interfered and M Phaldr, an obeour* act months an MUn. Thatdp ilng from Booth Awsslns midnight of the day tho ana wae to hare been played She the o fling. The manager decided to Play If spit* of .everythin*. Matters I the company ashore at 1 A. X. governor, his Staff gad the F colonists wars routed out of bod, at 3 A. M. (he curtain went tat Morlaud-Fonty was so taken wWS the acting of Mila Thaldy that h* went back of the stag* to coagrath* vte the actors. He found Mil*. Thai* dy asleep on a trunk, and was tag gallant to awaken her. He couldn't rid himself of thoughts of the beautiful girl, however, an* the nest ship that saHad far Frans* brought him along. He “snngratd luted" Mile. Thaldy at her home » this city, and within three days had married her. lErSKEUREOO'NOTHINr LARGER THAN “FLOHr Supremacy of Etscenfly Launch Fighting Leviathan Will B# Short Lived. ■washx.n'otok M»r 14.—wan* taa Florida, new fighting leviathan of Ik* near, enjoy a brief supremacy, naval constructors and designers are bawl* in* their efforts upon ships which within a short time will take honors trom her. By the time the Florida la equipped, the United State# navy will have two more ships. the Wyoming and Arkansas, nearly completed, either of which, could whip the Florida is a standstill and then prohebly (ink her at will. They are forty faet longer and twelve 13-tnch guns to the Florida’s ten. They could hurl ten thousand two hundred pounds of big sheds while the Florida is firing i.5*a pounds. Moreover they have fiva more 6-Inch guns than the Florida. Besides these this gsnsral board of navy has adoptsd tentativs plana (IMP even greater vessels whkJh will be equipped with tan 14-tnch guns. HIPPOPROXI COIXAPfiES; _ scores KtitbiD nr w.%npt SALT LAKE CITT. UTAH, Mag H. A score of persons are suffering freta injuries to-day as the result of the collapse last night of an laiprovtsafi hippodrome at Salta Air pevtltoa. which precipitated hundreds of am in the water. Nona of the Injured will die. Four were seriously hurt. The ceb lapse cants at the finish of the Johan ny Thompaon-Feter Sullivan fight, Sullivan having — hippodrome outr The hippddrsae was bullF piles over the lake, aad when the fans rushed to the exits a portion the floor ooliapaed. ss »a ef BUT ONE LICENSE ON FRIDAY, THE 13*H Only one couple mstrttMntaUy ta» dined dared appear in the Hustings Friday. Mayl*. and request a (mart .. ... . marriage. Thoee _ who braved this “double boa* doe” were Mr Qeergs C. Htafstunn. ef Jacksonville. Fla. and Mies Hattie La vlnka, of Richmond. __ The license was not, only procured, bet to ah*w that leva laughs at “kee l-doos" as well as. at iockswttbs^ the couple was married immediately there after. as they "just couldn’t wan.** Samuel 0. Fleming Popular Stu dent at Davidaon College Found Deed in Bed. (Special to The Wchmond Vlrf»nJ«l,J RALEIGH. N. .Cm May It.—Mr. Samuel O. Flemln*. a member of Me graduating dam at Davidaon Ccttaa* vu found dead lyln* aoroo* M M Thursday ulfrM. Mr. Fleming wee la uaual good health to all appeemnew until that afternoon. when, be ene plained that koine not fooMna eo wag, and uroat-Oe hto room to take e eapb That vaa the laet am aem ofhfat alive. - _ -.-gi Ho waa a member of a promtnowt South Carolina family and woe, about twenty y«a re of «r Muring hfir at|> lego life he hald many important peel Gone with the varknje college argaid patten*jfiifcMjff*** the meet ««•«