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t f T' I* ♦' ••»«***. **«.»«■i’ * 'M-.+* w.i.i , *■ ■< «•*» «** : I « «T » *] Two «um Wi* WTUUin •ad M*iy Wm W«4hNV lUntniinnd Collii* Mr SlSm aaroo of the w» i vntiu* and Mary. The tf both thebe lnatltuttons arc not | a* uauaJthla year. The game he dote and inn-reatln*. how 11 the mm trrfn wuuwtwhwm 1 tleblioFthe local celtettdna. &***" tS3»hfhar mom" gum* mim awl Mary at IVtmama as me grass lift i Aar la. MooiM); Amalfi# SLjir^ji j's* »*?susns.'i -tft33'****'' llrat: Magaalno. Ouy Fiehee, third. Time, *#*•». two-jcar-olda, four and furtattga, mtralMht—Plutocrat, Mint, Atm; e tight, third. Time. •riling, three-year-oldr uH) a half added, mile h—Honnle K«t#o. tirat; ■eoohd; Sir Cirgee. nrc* ihtW-yifai-'OKU. »cll tiiMkgt—'WHpy, ft***: **£?*•• Mid; Zahtin*. third, flitto. ■rue twenty y&ra*, BIG LiACUE'KE5iXTs I iiWiteH* UUOtJX BtlinHfi ■WIBuhW' Chicago at Philadelphia. Cleveland at Waahingt.n. St. Loula at Kew York Detroit al Boatoh. iHMRMakt *i»4 NSW YORK, May U.—Detroit broke even la the aerie* with New York Friday by capturing the lart gama, I to S, Thta acore marked two of the earlier ronteatt. GeUshanty; drove In the winning rune In the etv-i enth inning after Quinn had purpoae Batter***: Htroud _ and j Htana**; Quinn and Sweeney. mam* taut* uaa WASHINGTON, May 14.—Waah'ng toh knocked Young ottt of the game Friday in the aecond Inning and de feated Chicago 6 to 1. Groom pitch ed waU .having bat one had inning, when Chicago acored !ta run, a here on belle forcing a runner over the plate. Oroout aueo led w*tn the Thick, getting a double and alngie. Score by inhlhga: H. WaahtngtOn .0 t M & 'j tr « 3 *—5 Chicago ... • 0 6 d h fr 10 0—1 ItattorlcK: Groom and Street} .Young, Smith and Black. SkriStia. Si St. I.ouie. i. BOSTON, May 14.*—BostJit rvon from St Lout* Friday, S to y making It three out of four game*. The tttl tort played pdorly aiirt the Home team batted hard at opportune time t. Score by inning*: R. Boaton ........... 9 # 3 1 0 0 4 0 *—8 8t.Lt»nla .......00* * 1 # 0i 0-1 Itatleriea: Wood uhd Carrigad; Powell and Jtll lifer. Hm«At>RLrMA, May |4.—Phlla delphla **aln defeated Cleveland Fri day, the acore bain* 7 to 2. The hem* Warn hit Barter hard alul knocko-i him oft the rubber in the sixth in nth*. Cleveland did hot get a hit eft Morgan until two m*h wer* out in the eighth Ighlni, and only on* roan fottotatahp to that point. Thou •core by limine*; A. Philadelphia ......OtOOItsi *—7 Cleveland .........4 0 *0 0 0 0 0 ?—* NAflOMAl. IJULOUl •ltt*bur«~Wtil*deIr>hla, «; Pmabur* .. Mew Turk . Philadelphia JBoitoa at < Pbliadetbia IRO. May 1*.—Ptttabur* rot jmday tar the apieadld fEwin*. the latter ai tttre* hit* and only two dayani reached third baae. mt made four hits. »»m« KoHAr haa done In a fain, dan of Chart** K*r*u*on to two TOM, fully anoufh •ana •cor*: a« ttttaH .«oo**eoe*—• : Xwlnc and Dooln; PowaU ST. Jjotus. MO., mr 14.—St x>uia Friday ntr« New fork on* or he wont defeat* the tnm Hu *» lerlenoed this year, winning 13 to 4. as retired In the second St. Loot* mad* seven id eight rung. Dtskson. also wsg hit hard. 1««S 1*—13 ...,.t8M»640 t— 4 _ Lush add Breen shin; son, Dickson and Myers and who followed, MDtOR XJBABOfe SCORES .Vnwtraan Atoodation. At Milwaukee—Columbus. 7; MU waukee, 1. At St Paul—St. Paul. »; Louisville, 1. At Kansas City—Toledo, 2; Kansas City, 0. At Minneapolis—Minneapolis. 6; In dianapolis. 6. Eastern league. At Montreal—Montreal, 6; Balti more, 0. At Buffalo—Newark, 3; Buffalo, 1.1 At Toronto—Provtdence-'Yoronto game postponed; cold Weather. At. Rochester—Rochester, 5; Jer sey city, l . Tr I state league. At—Harrisburg, Lan caster, 2. At fork—Williamsport, 4; York, 5: ten Innings. At Reading—Johnstown, 10; Read ing. 4. At Trenton—Altoona, 6; Trenton, 4. New York State lasagne. At Binghamton—Ringhamton Scrantun game postponed; cold weather. At Syracuse—Syracuae-Troy game postponed; cold Weather. At t’tlea—Utica, 19; Albany, 3. At Klmtra—Klmlra, 11; Wilkes Barre, 2. Southern Xsuutue. At Montgomery—Montgomery, »: ttlanta, 3. . At Birmingham—Memphis, fi; Blrm "Xt New Orleans—Nashville, 4; New hrlcapa, 4; thirteen innings; called on iccount of darkness. . _ At Mobile—Chattanooga, *: Moone, taTen—Jtew Haven, 6 v AtNew Britain—New Britain, IS Holyoke, 8. At Bridgeport—Bridgeport, 5 Waterbun, * 1km Botfbw« Leaghe. At |hreckton—Brookton. 3; Fall il^kavethlll—•Harerblll, 13; Lowell, 16. At Worcester—Wbreastcr. 4; Lynn, 4 (eleven innings). .v At X*w Bedford—New Bedford. »; Lawrence, 1. tt"" —New Boer doll Michigan Agricultural Atlantic League. abta—Columbia. 6; Colum b*A’t AuguaU—Macon. «; Augneta. 1. At JSckaorttllle—Akvannsh. *; Jackaonrl aeki lie. Wlwton^Balsft-—Bpirtanbu rg, t; ^SX^ABdAreon. tnJ«SSvitle-i-Or«K(‘nVll I*. 1; ahar lotte. I.—-— At ft S^mT'Mollies, 4. At pmalul-Sj^nkhA, if: ,,, ynww, , ' —^e ka, ft. At Lincoln—Lincoln, 6; Ltetiter, B. At WOu* City—IHuux CH$r. It; Wichita, 1*. Theatres Polly ntgaMto,” aU week. usual nntfnisa -■ r - ■ BIJOU—Continuous vaudeville. Colonial—Vaudevi i 1 t and motion Lublu—Vaudeville and motion plc The role to which Ml** Carter, the MMjUfui jnllni woman of ttw Bon min players, will be east In next sell's production. -Polly Primrose^' ••ha ftvan by that company, stoma toto ittohJrTlIanafleid'a business anatar rer halt * score of yean. The ay Is beautifully, sweet and pune re story of the South, containing Veral vary lovable characters. It Is ploallp BouthSriv the scene# being Jd in Nahhsrt'Virginia, in the year 1*1. inM |bi war and f watt‘of tha armies are tctafe to to* Mi It cannot died a milife olar. but tot class of plays which strictly ker personal outturn .beH*. will be chat tn the i role, #nd she win in thta drama afforded ample opportunity to ax It her native charm and stoaetosse. the creation of this drama Mt. Wlt •h has into Whs of the atmosphere ewsetaeto sad purity permeating tar of a Southern home, tn the irst act of the play, juet returning heme from School, and she is surroufcded by many Virginia gstlsnta, aspiring far the first place In her affections. Franklin Ritchie will be Men HimSelf' tote the confidence at Mr. Primrose, an old Virginia gentleman, i and hla household, he learns many of' the secrets of the Southern cause. In th* development of the play it is dis- j covered that Carlyle Is a spy. The part is one which demands the art of a competent actor, and Mr. Ritchie, already very pwpnlat In Richmond, is suds to add fresh honors to his re cord with the etdok company. Mr. Her bert Curtis, whose specialty with the stock company Mem to be old man parts, is to play Mr Primrose, while the character or another old Virginian, Coi. Gordon, will be allotted to Mr. E. J. Blunkali. The parte of the young er Virginians, two of them graduates from the University of Virginia, will be played by Mr. Russell, as Jack Primrose; Mr. Storm, as Fred Taylor, and Mr. Perry, as Oliver Chase, the latter two suitors of Polly's. Miss Bradley will appear as Angela Gor don, and Miss Uydla Knott, who has proven herself a splendid character actress, will be afforded a splendid opportunity in the character of "Car ollne," an old Southern mammy. With an exceedingly attractive ros ter of vaudeville features and several Aims of the best pictures shown in Richmond, the ixibin promisee to maintain the high standard of excel lence always seem at that playhouse. An especially Interesting announce ment to those lovers of the higher class Of musical attraction will be found in the engagement of Franz Melael, a violin virtuoso of Interna tional fame. In Roanoke during the wdek just ending Meisel has fairly set the mu •lo lovers of the Magic City wild by his artistic rendition of many of the world’s classics, in addition to many nt the gems of the American com posers. Mr. and Mrs. J. Murray Smith will offer a comedy playlet, ’is Marriage a Failure’.'” The very title of their offering suggests unlimited possibili ties for a pair of clever artists, and they are said to make the most of their opportunities. Melvina and 8tell will offer a nov elty in a sister singing and dancing number that ts said to be decidedly new and original. Both possess good voices, well trained/ and their num bers are not of the East Side variety. Their dancing interpolations are LubLn. gracefully executed. While their cog tunic* are gold to be derating The pictures will be the v*» beat that the leading American and European man ufacturers produce. ANNOUNCES SPEAKERS FOR COMMENCEMENT Dir, James G. Fairt (|>f Bfchnwrod, to Reach Baeo»I*are*t<i Sermon at tl. Jf N. C. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) CHAPEL HI Li,, M. C. Mar *4— The commencement7 speakers" of the University of North Carotin* have been announced. They ere Dr. Barnes <*. Pair, of RlchmottSi SHW PUi deliver me t>atoaiaor«¥tt semeor Rev. Plato Durham, ot ifXMfMM, N. C,, who wrHJI mill* *n sililiosa tirifrvr tho Voting Men* CheteSlan , Aaaocta tion; Mr. Junius l‘ark«*L df-gov Turk city, alumni addr«aS}: |K'MRlip4 ..Of. Tale University i>hl Bet*Kepps ad dress; Dr. Smith, of tfta-Hiwaraltr of Wisconsin, address hedgm. the grad uating class. The iom-iimmnumtm ment orators fr,.m the.malar class are J. H. RoushalL .x£JK# Was given a clean score by Mr. C Technical Committee of the Times ranee Run. > Mr. Comachio, of New York city of the car. said; it was befortf it' TP IjtltliiAllj 1 iPilTts nmg 468 miles on 22 gallons of gasolene, making an average of 20 4-5 miles to thi gallon, has clearly demonstrated to the Virginia motorist who entered the run that it was die most economical, smoothest, easiest and fastest running car in the contest B. A. BLENNER, Sk&s Stearns, Oldsmobile, White and Oakland Cara. Call said Can make a few more prompt see the largest and best Hue or ears in the South. Diamond Tires were used on this ear and went through without a puncture or tear. dBMI of graduate in pharmacy, and three with the degree of Bachelor of Laws. During the commencement week the University Dramatic Club will pre terit "London Assurance.” ft play which was successfully presented a i few (lays ago la the chapel. | Saturday the Ben Greet Company of English players will present "The Taming of the Shrew” in the after ! noon and “Twelfth Night” in the eve ning. Last year this company pre sented "As You Like It" and “Mid ! summer Night’s Dream” In a manner : delightful to all those who saw theta. The university has entered into a pentangular debate mernbom of which are the University of North Carolina. University of Virginia. Uni vendty of (Georgia. Tulane University and Van derbilt University. It.will take two years to complete this series of de bate*, which promise to be interest ing ta the extreme. -.- - ——— Carolina baa been requested to make application for n chapter of Tan Kappa Alpha, a national debating fra. t entity. Our record in debating to without a parallel. FORM ASSOCIATION TO BETTER SCHOOLS ~r’r'T Members Meet in Turbeville and Perfect Plans—New* of South Boston. 11 Spec's] to The Richmond Virginian.) SOUTH BOSTON. VA~ May II.—A wcrrooi improreuifaii ftBronniron ww orgauUed at Tnrbeeille on Thursday last. Stirring addresses wire made by State School Ktamlner ft % hhew make, of Petersburg, and I. H. Bin* ford, ef Richmond. The object of the organisation to to enlist the Interest Of tbs cltteea generally In the welfare of the seheOto and tc raise funds to beautify the grounds and rooms and purchasb a hST'and Mrs. David 8t. Clare, ot New York, are slatting friends and relatives at this plane, to 8t CIST* M MUM HkllM known u k toachor bo. j j THE NEW BASEBALL HAT PIN ran mm (HOWS HI !t Survivors of kicfcmond Regiment Will Enjoy Outing to Tdrktovii. turrtnri of tho oM trtftooath Vir.