Newspaper Page Text
IB OPEN CUE HEBE TORIES HID taniito Being 1V<1, Tint Witli wil Swwm—('low'd By Heavv Land Slide. m . lATIXIJU IS DISCOVKEED pferidc and Bridegroom Arrwlei 1! l»v Father-in-Law After Honev-Htxin of Two Wwks. i BMctel to The Richmond Virginian.) £ HAlilllSOMU MU, VA„ M»> 30.— I An unsuccessful attempt has l*»en H*ade to open with dynamite an old cave near„ Franklin, Pendleton coun ty, which »ns used during the Revo Jtttiotiary War as hiding plana lor To lies. In 1TM an immense slide ot fwk down the mountain sliie covered Lithe entrant» to thr cave. William Ward, the lead* r of the Tory gang, made his escape from the Staunton Jail end found a refuge in the cave. The cave contains two spinning •wheels, several Hint lock guns, axes and probably a number of Tory skele tons J. C, Darnell, who recently pur ichawd thu cave. «( to work with dy namite to clear the entrance, but had to atiandon the project. A rich find of platinum ha* In i n made at Sinclair's Hill, Prints Wil liam count). I tvII brothers, owners of the property, have submitted the ore t ■ gov. r; ; nt • \ )>• rts. who. pro Imunce the discovery as valuable. Kro •*ion has laid bare the v’ambrian •quartzite and rhlorttc schist to ,1 depth of fort.' feet, the ore-hearing quartb being about H(> feet wide, Drill ing shows that the richness Increases with the depth. The quarts assays fl& worth of platinum to the ton and *3 wurth of gold and silver. The quarts belt Is of wide extent in Prince' William and belongs to one of the older geological formations. Cants arc out announcing th- ap proaching marriage on June 1 of Maurice Hopkins, of Manassas, and Miss Eva Webster, u native of Hus ton. daughter of Mrs Julius Daniel Webster, of Washington. The wed ding is to take at Epiphany Episcopal church.. Washington, D. C. Several nights ago a party of right boys, all Masked us to perfectly con ceal their identity, pair! a midnight Visit to the home of Judge Xiool, near Manassas, Prim < WHUamseounty, ant) vailed out young Ernest Knnsde'I, who resides then As soon as Kansdell Appeared on the porch he -.vac strip ped -of his clothing and literally de luged with ink and h it In his predic ament In the cold night air on the porch. The gang left ■wittnvut P. fray ing their identity. 55eb Knight ha. y. rured a li< cnee here to marry Miss PHI Shifflett, stat ing that the bride-to-be was over -J years of age and producing a sworn statement, signed by T. VV. Richards. The wedding was so'emnlzed and the honeymoon two weeks old, when Silas Shifflett swore out a vvarrant charging both Knight and Richards with per jury. saying that his daughter is only I ■intoou. All parties reside near Is land Ford, Rockingham county, where "the case Was taken before Justice 'Wood, who sent the parties on to the .grand Jury Blood poison following a two day Illness of erysipelas caused the death yesterday of .Mrs. Arthur Roaenberger. 29 years old, at Baker's Mill, Rock ingham county, fcihe leaves her par ent*. Mr. and Mrs. Hevi Rhodes, at IdnvHlc; her husband, three small tbildrrn and several brothers ami Sisters. Hugh Minor, son of Dr. J. <; Minor, of ■ Bridgewater. Rockingham county, will be married on June Is to Miss Kara Prtckenberger. daughter of Mr. and Mrs <5. W. Pro ketiberger, laiurei Hill, Augusta county. John P. Burke has purchased for *25,600 P. 1.. SubU-tfs orchard prop arty known as Hcntwillovv, m ar l'lsh crsvllle, Augusta county. Fifteen minutes after she had gone .to bed Mrs. Samuel Kagey, 7# years old. was found dead by her daughter. She was Miss Mary Toppin atul leaves six children and a brother and a sis ter, Pr. J. Henry Thompson, of Blue field, W. Va., was usher at the mar riage of his former class and room mate, Dr. Aslmry Carlton Swim by, of ■Winchester, and Miss Ada Blanche Patrick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs J W. Earriek, at Molndsville, Frederick county. Koanokcrs registered at the K&vtt naugh Hotel yesterday wre Mrs. X’. Williamson, Miss f’laudine Williamson, Mr. anad Mrs. Charles T I.likens. Wil liam C. and Nanclr- E. Bukens Mrs. h E. Lindsay, of Roanoke, is the guest of her sister, Mias Carrie Worrell, at the University of Virginia, 4HD-D0G SCRRE IK NEWPORT NEWS Mali- That Wa? Bitten Pifld Htad Sent. Here for Ex amination. ,cUBpeeiat to The Richmond Virginian.) NEWPOr.T NEWS, VA., May 30 — That more >*r less noted section of Newport News, at one time known aa Hell's Half Arrr>, but more re cently railed merely “The Acre.” la Iq the throe* of a mud dog .-rare. Home week* ago a dog belonging to ~E. It. Vaughan, a well known lum berman doing burinc-stc on The Ac re'* water front, ran amuck and was killed with the Idea that It was made. It had bitten h mule belonging tea Mr, Vaughan. The mule died Friday, According to a veterinarian, the c ause •f tta death w as meningitis. The dog *tno bit two negoe* and several other 'dogs- The mule's head has been gtmt to the Pasteur Institute- at Klch mond for Investigation. The joint committee of the eoun ctia will meet to-night to begin Its Work of Investigating all the phases OC the Insurance question. It will . lank ..Into th« -matter «f- Imntran-e r*t<« paid In other cities as well as th* amount of licenses charged and the manner of assessing same. Ipi At a meeting held on Friday night the Newport News Central lather union adopted ringing resolutions fe#Wn»mendlng Hut .-course - taken —by Commonwealth's Attorney C. C. Herk , ley to his fight on the insurance gpitf. The ladles Of the He lion.' Kelp lid very beautifully observed na memortal d*y berg this r.tur i>rea3Tng flower* ui»on the of James river In memory ol sailor* who have gone to *c-a and returned. No Alcohol! Aik your doctor (f a family medicine, likt Ayer'i Sanaparilla, it mi amity better wlth out alcohol Ikon talk It 3 c AjrarCo.. Vaw*\). M*m. Is alcohol a took I No I Does It make the blood pure ? No I Docs it strengthen the nerves? Not Is Ayer’s Sarsaparilla a tonic? Test Does it make the blood pore ? Yes I Does it strengthen the nerves? Yest Is It entirely free from alcohol? YesI SESSIONS HONOR PUPILS OF HIGHLAND SPRINGS SCHOOL The Highland Spring* S. h ml closed on Thursday, May 2*5. after the in net proap«roui and *ucce*»ful Ses sion In the history, The enrollment has been over 500 and mof than V7 per rent, of the pupils wei*» promoted to higher grades, the a.'erug* H/nv nmrks being unusually high, 8i per cent. Many Improvements have been added through the effort* of the faculty, seconded by the hearty co operation of pupils and patron* and friends of the school. X • trly $300 have been added in interior adorn ment and to the manual training de partment, equipment has been do nated to the amount of $2,000. A most enjoyable program \ as ren dered, as follows: LTaking the Census, 7-11 pupils: 2, Tableaux. John Alden: 3, I.lttle Roy liluo, 7-H pupils; 4, Ilia First Faso, f:-B pupil*. 5, Piano Solo. 5-11 pu pils; fi. The Wrong Baby. i-I5 pupils: 7, Mother (loose and Her Children, 1-H pupils: s. Teddy Bearn. - -1 pu pils; u. Recitation. Fifty-four. Mar garet Morriron; 10. charter song:, high school pupils Mr, J P». l H)tvdt*n, Her!; **f the hoard, offered a $5 gold piece to the hoy who made the best mechanical drawing. This was won by Alfred Fry and awarded. The second grade ten her. Mb Qmsenberrv, offered a prize tor the greatest improvement in penmanship This prize was awarded to Louise lb* It rick. Miss Thornton, 4-11 ‘each- t. also offered a prize which wa* w«*n 1 Mary Orfihtm and brttfi 0111i< * ‘ertlfUates nf complication w« r* awarded to the 7-11 pupils by I>r. T. Collins. owing to the fiitt that this ban h» ■ n made a full four-year high *f. hool. there were no graduates this sessum. The following is the list o: hoimr* and promotions: htoh school. Intermediate grade—First honor Marguerite liowden, Uuih Lord. Sec ond honor; Mabel Robins Junior grade—First honor; Sarah Dean, Mary HHcrhoi, Carrie 'thornton and Nannie* Thornton. Second honor Raymond Walker. Introductory grade—Fir** L *n«*r Eddie Wood Taylor, Lam i Koi h. Second honor; Lei fa Robin Promote*!—Albert Poliuiu. \nnic Ok borne. 1-H grade—First honor: Mable Minn*. Ruth C»la«J£o, Louis CRasgo, Lucile Jones. Estelle Sock r. Louise Martin. Josh* Brad ley, Annie Miller, ioJrl Pet-bb-s. I .* Hie M eek Fee. < It—>t»-f Smith. Claud Jones, Cariton Winn. Granville Rudd, T>avidg‘ Dowclen, Frank Richardson, Merton Hollis, Edward Atgnes. Chin nee l ie*]!. Wal ter Cridlln, Carl Varro. HceorH hon or Annie Macek, Andrew *Hic!ik1 •>> Thelma lJa via. George H*uior:, Ellic Taylor. Arthur, Margaret Marshall, John Varro, io.'Ho Isrulh, liafcnm Martin, Hurry Rir’head, Vh - t‘*r Rcitlebach. Ernest Ford. John Rrdtlebach. Sherman Rosenberg, ib« coi Peebles. Justin Heed. 1 B grade, others promoted—Lee Collinsfl Eva (’omits, Louise Allen. Lena Glaze. Jaeob Morgulen, Tucker Chonault. George Egan. Alexander Harris, Vlasta Knackal, Margaret Fawcett, Aubrey Oakley. 2 B glade, first honor—James Wood, Mary Pleasants, Charlie David son. Elm a Henergon, Mary Pollard. Claire Chenault, Lucy Sorenson, Man Kd wards, Anna Smith. Louis*- TVi trich, Annie Taylor. Viola Readies. 'Virginia Tiller. Wilma Rurdette, Mary Carter. Archie Huth. Virginia Hitch- • cock, Cora Cat heart. Esther Hawkes, ! Gladys Kelsey, tirade Oakfty, Vir ginia Scherer, Ernest Applewhite, Wilton Iiryant, Willie Drumhcller. 2 li grade, second tinner—Cornelius Egan. 1 »nr>>thy Mllhurn. iA-on Mont jromcrj', r’lnr^ncp I'avls, Con8tani*p Quinn, Annie Loth. Kva Kowery, Mary Duvall. Wilbert Harris. Rosa Hock. Catherine Vaughan. Urencc ellnedlet, Willie Kva ns. Promotion—Harry Keftwich, Hinton Brew. Welford Deltrich. Kuclan Cath-1 curt, Willie Isnvery, Aubrey tlillie. I,.mis Morano, Clara Throckmorton, Mary Meoek, Maggie Tresler, I.ettle I>eltrich. John Stovall, Richard Shap iand, Alfred Harding, Temple Hicks. Alack Wiglngton. George So.enson. .I H grade, first honor—Resale Rea dies, Thelmu Coplin. Jasmine, Ed wards, Frank Hunter, Virgle Jackson, Fannie Jones, Francis Kathrop, Jar vie Kythgoe, Sehlen Spangler, Susie Varro, Kathleen Ward. Second honor—May Kradiey, Fled Davidson. John Mcsstch, Margaret Morrison, Lucy Noel, Koulie Mllhurn, Mary Milhurn, Reside Osburn, Fred Sorenson, Aleasc- Tlo-rpe, Ruth Vaugh an. Ralph Tedford. Others promoted —- Raymond i Crouch, James Kills. Fred Gray, Har ry Harris. Curtis Heckler. Kdwln Hun tc r. Edna Kcanhard, Harry Uelhurn, Clyde Mattox, l.eua < lakldv, Kill tv Hock, Able Rosenberg, Harvey Mont gomery, Herbert Matons, Mary Whit more. John Wagner. 1 R grade, first honor—-Melvin Rag-! by, Rrury Olllle, Howard Quinn, An nie'Allen, Villa Collins. Killian David son, Ruth Dean, Alary Gresham. Mar-, garet Fry. Second honor—Melville Kradley. Dudley Collins, Malice Cridlin. Stuart Jackson, Fred Krackal, Gerhard lair-i son. Raymond Keanhurd, .Milton Ray horn. Harry Ruth, Karl Reitlebaeh, Charlie Wh' her. John Ward, Kynn Spangler. Walter Myers, Willie Myers, Grace Cridlin, Hazel Harding, K in M unro. c iiv l’ollard. Others promoted—Goldie Allen, .Maggie Hardrnl). l.eati Hollis. Kva Oakley, Ktiey Stengel. Robert Da vis. 5 it grade, honor—Raymond Applewhite. Sarah Hicks, John Hub hard. Second honor—Gladys Minus, Myr tle Alexander. Temple Kragg. Killlc Chcnault. Myrtle chenault, Ail-dph I‘avis, Churiii Dolrieh. Sadie Gray. Mabel Harris, Myrtle Heckler. Harvej Hisrgntis. Alive i.arsrn, KHznbrfh, l-ee. Waltei Kotsey. Kish- Mueller, Corde lia Oakley, Mary lluhusek. Rrvan Itayhorn. Ella Ruth, Kewis Rowers. Cithers promoted—Hewitt Gresham, Percy Smith, Chris Soureson. Herman Mueller. U It grade, first honor Rruce Alex ander, A Ifr« .v Fry. Second honor—Alchanan Resebug. fiean Spangler, Carl Smith. Promoted—Ernest Bsgby. Eddie Burnett, Carrie Wrigiil, Tom Fawcett. .1 osie Pollard, .lessee Klblcr( Kxeelle Readies, Keslle Gray, Jessie Ruth, Joe .Taylor, George Mooro, Hester Allen, I Frances Smith. Mvra Stageleder. 1 E R grade, first honor—Archie Monroe. Wayne Smith. Si fend honor—Sidney Hunter, Isaiah Smith, Helen Mtinro, Emard Quinn. Doris Shaplaml. Promoted— Dudley Cosby, Monroe Crawford, Fred Deltrich. Douglas Pleasants, Thomas'Taylor, Eva Koch, Raymond Bottoms. CHURCH HILL NEWS Itwis intended for lliis column may lie left in person at the Church Hill Hunk, or phoned to Madison 7S85.) The Third Presbyterian church on Sunday morning welcomed home a re turned missionary from China, Kov. J. T Price, who preached for them. -Mr. Price went out from the mother church about twelve years ago. dur ing which time h« has labored un ceasingly in tlie foreign fields, and his talk on the work there was most in teresting. Ho took occasion, however, to deplore the seeming laxity of the Christians here at home in living up to their Christian privileges, saying that his own little hoys were begin ning to notice and draw comparisons between them and the converted < 'hi nee They would make tiny sacrifice to hear fhe gospel preached. Mr. George it. Davis, superintend ent of laiurcl Reformatory, made an address to the Hates' Bible Class of Cnion Htation which was much en joyed. He also spoke In the Sunday school. Miss Mabel Hull sang “Bread of Life" \ery sweetly. At the morn ing service Rev. R. If. Potts delivered an oaxuiiaL appeal for a higher life, taking as His subject “All Things Aru | Yours." At St. James Methodist the congre gation enjoyed two tine sermons from , Rev. Mr. Newberry, a student of Itan dolph-Macon. Though Mr. Newberry has only been a student there for one j year, he has won for himself quite a ' reputation as an orator, having taken the orator's medal, and he well sus Uained his reputation yesterday. The I pastor. Rev. George F. Green, was In ; Danville, taking part In the rededlca tion services of a former charge. I >r. Dorset, who has been quite sick I ami was unable to till his pulpit at laigh Street last Sunday, had recov ered sufficiently to preach at both ser 1 vices on yesterday. ■At the district conference of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, held at Ashland. Mrs. R. H. Potts, of i Cnion station, conducted the devo tional exercises last Friday. This took the form of a "promise” meeting, and : many svCee.t and con torting promises i were quoted from the Bible. Miss Palllc Smith, also of Cnloh Station, won the hearts of all present anil aroused great enthusiasm when in a splendid address she told of her school life at Bcarrttt, referring to her con secration to the missionary work as the crowning point of her preparatory life. Miss Hmtth possesses much per sonal magetnlrm. and her hearers eas ily caught some of her enthusiasm as she told of the Joy which was hers at the prospe.-t of doing something for “Him who had died for bit." The Musical and Literary Associa tion of Third Presbyterian church w ill meet in tin- lecture room Friday even ing at g:15 o’clock. Governor Mann will speak and an interesting program - hmp beop arranged. The public is U- - | vlted. I Mr. and Mr*. Trueheart Bryant, of j 2S16 East Grace street, announce the ! engagement of their daughter. Alleene i Trueheart, to Mr. Marshall DeWItt -WaUcary tUa-aisurUg* tu taka plane in iJune. _ j Mr. and Mrs. Westinore Evans fnee OSiarle*) have returned from their bridal trip, und are at home to their -4 ..-. friends at ' f* l North Twenty-seventh street. Mrs. Ilona It, Warren, of North Car olina, is th*‘ guest of Mrs. It. H. Potts at the parsonage. Mrs. Cora L,. Houehlns. of 1903 Pleasant street, has returned from a pleasant visit to Roanoke, where she represented Union Council, No. tl, Ilaughters of Liberty, in the State con vention. Mrs. W. F. Kanes, of 2813 East Rroud street, who has been quite sli'k, is much 'hatter and expects to lie out in a few days. Mr. E. W. Bandy and family, of •'*422 East Broad street, will leave shortly for North Carolina to spend the summer with Mr. Bandy's parents. Mrs, J. F. Tyler and little daughter, Beatrice, of Farmvtlle, are visiting' their cousin, Mrs. L,. 1C Klndsay, of Moshy street. - Mr. Lewis Jones, or BO! North Twenty-fifth street, who has been se riously ill for many months, died at tits; l eshTehco yesterday morning. The funeral will be from Union Station this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mrs. W. 11. Harris is visiting her son, Mr. J. (>. Harris, of West View. Mr. Richard B. Brauer, of 310 North Thirty-sixth street, left Satur day for a business trip North. Miss Anna Couch, who has been vis iting friends on the hill, will spend several days with Mrs. Duval, at 2407 N street, before returning to her home at Oak, New Kent county. Mrs. Amelia A. Bowers, wife of R. P. Bowers, died at her residence. 7 lit North Twenty-second street, yesterday afternoon. The funeral will take place from Christ church this afternoon at 5 o'clock. Mr. Bob Pleasants, of 420 North Twenty-fifth street, is much indispos ed at his homo. [__Mrs_A- C. Stevenson, who has been visiting In Washington, has returned to her home in Barton Heights. Mrs. Stevenson formerly lived on Church Hill, where she was much beloved. " Miss Annj^ Parrish, or 3112 East Broad street, has been the guest of Mrs. Charles Mann, of Atlee. l)r. Isaac Curd has returned to his home In (lordonsvllle, after a stay of several weeks In Richmond. The Fulton Baptist baseball team defeated the Railroad Y. M, C. A. team Saturday afternoon by a score of 0 to 0. They still head the league, having won every game played this season,_ — Hasker Memorial defeated Broadus by the score of 10 to 4. St. James won from Union Station by the score of 4 to 2. I iigagement Announced, -especial to- The KP-hmemd Virginian.) HARRISONBURG, VA„ May 30.— Announcement la made of the ap proaching marriage of Prof. Charles M. Roller, of Bridgewater College, and Miss Gertrude Floyd, daughter ~~f - Mr. and Mrs. M.F:—Klowl. of • Tenth Region, Rockingham county, i The wedding will take Place at the ( Bridgewater College chapel at 3:30 i P, M. June 2. ... ‘ ,'vV-' - / Society Ml am Minpry Groce, of Dallas, Tex., I will 1.0 hostess at a bo* party at^ the Academy on Monday evening, when her guest* will be the senior* of the Woman'* College. Mis* Groce Is president of the graduating class, and her box party will bo one of the most delightful of all the commencement function*. Professor and Mr*. Me lon! A. Martin will chuperbne the party. In Honor of Miss RoyaH. '•ties Julia Joynes, of 2C9 West Franklin street, entertained moat In- j formally on Sunday afternoon In honor j of Misa Page Royal!. whose marriage,' on Thuraduy evening will be the so- j dal event of the week. Only a few1 friends were asked In for tea at five j o’clock. Going Abroad. A member of the University of Vlr- \ glnla faculty will Bp-ml the summer! abroad. Dr. Alphonso Smith who will leave America the lust v cek It: An- l gnat, will spend a month traveling In Germany befor* golm' to the Culver slty of Berlin where h* "ill hold the! Roosevelt lecturtship ;or next year. Beginning the middh **f Oct >ber, he will deliver thirty lectin'*-* on Ameri can Literature, and will also conduct a seminar of four hours i week, treat ing the subject of Kdgm Allan Poe. I>r. Smith's family will sail for Europe and Join him about on* month after he leaves America. Professor Dargan 'ill sail on June 4th. returning In .lull after some weeks In France. He "111 go at once to tin University of California where he w ill he nex t year. Professor* Dohle and Wilson will spend most of their yaeatton In Flume, while Pro fessor Franklin will stay In Germany. Miss Gofer’s Recital. Crimson ramblers and cherry blos k.iws In Itowls ami vases charmingly decorated the attractive studio of Miss Elbe Arlctt Cofer, C" East Franklin street, by Saturday afternoon, when h'-r .pupils gave a recital. Friends of the girls enjoyed tin concert, and the social hour following. The pro gram was: Friendship (Canon i M.urzlals Ethel Massie, Flop m liretter. Who is Sylvia? . .. ..Schubert Tuney Wee \\ right. Aria (Martha) .Flotow Habanera (Carmen) .Bizet Maude Stark*.. lied, Red Hose . . Hastings •'.ran Dani rtll. Angel's Serenade .Bruga Mrs. Ella Hunem k Hardaway Violin (Ihligato, Mis- Thurston. Ashes of Hones.Olev Speaks The Dew drop .Guy D Hardelot (>lga Shapuiuu. Love Song . ..Hastings Austin Berlrand. Good-llye Slimmer .Dyne* May Time . oiey Speaks Mabel Coghlll. M v Ih'eil nis . .Tost i Florence Wood. Recitative He Shall Feed His Flock Come Cub* PI tin ( Messiah I. Handel Sessie Gates, Ale •*■ Penlek. Waltz Song . Harriett Writ*-. Fl*»y Krutz. The Rosary .N'evin A Little Thief .... . . .Jam Stern Jane Cason, Sav e Ale, O God .. . . Dandegger M. Srn* Hogan. • Lullaby .. ..Brahms Lin Swan .Grieg Elsie Wright. Summer .Chaminade Lucy Gwathmey. Sleep Baby. Dear.Roma April Rain .. .. W oodman Fram es * 'rune. \ i**lin * ihligato, .Mis* Thurston. The Mandolin* ..Parker Lottie Allen, Mary Hutchinson, i >n Wednesday morning. June 15. immediately afn-r the commencement exercises In Cabell Hall at the f nlver sity ot Virginia, and just before the r* rojdinn m Madison H.ali. th*- heroic siatui* of JelTerson, hy Sir Moses Ezekiel, will b* unveiled and f**r mally presented to the university. Dr. Alderman, on behalf of the university, will acept the gut, In the presence of a distinguished company. Including the sculptor, Kir Moses Ezekiel Mr. Ezekiel, who is In Cincinnati, will come to Richmond from Charlottes ville. anil "ill I**- the guest of his sis ter, Mrs. WlIHum H. Brauer. Because *>i illness in the family. Mrs. Biauer will he unable to attend the unveil ing. Card Party. Miss Katharine Dickson, of Norfolk, entertained her bridge club most de lightfully on Thursday morning at her home in Freemason street. There rge3eple<’« a urmakBee- ehtet.T were three tables with a prize for each. These were won by Mis* Dorothy Walk*-, who received a pair of silk stockings: Sirs. Randolph Cooke, who also received a pair of silk stockings and Miss Kate Hardy, who was presented with a pretty work hag. Mr* Harrison Heath Riddleber g* r was pres*-rited with the guests’ prize, a bun* h of sweetpeas Miss Dickson's guests were: Mrs. Kiddle berger, Mrs. ''duke. Miss Whllie. Miss Hardy. Miss Lida Martin. Miss Emily Johnston. Miss Jean Cooke, Miss Ena Voigh1. Miss l.ou se Taylor, M,is« Alice Old, Miss Lonlie Johnston and Miss VTatc Cooke. Siny-nt-Homc* Whist Club. Mrs. E. Doyle will entertain the Ptay-at-Home Whist Club at ner home, 91t> Purk avenue, Monday evening. Aid Society Meeting. The Ladles’ A hi Society of Leigh Htreet Baptist church will meet Tues I liay afternoon. May 31, at 4 o'clock at the church. As this fa the last meet ing before adjourning for the summer, , a full attendance is requested. After la short business sosslon, an attractive : program will be rendered and light re freshments served. Personal*. Mr. and Mrs Alfred Bike. of Wash ington, 1>. are visiting: Mr. and Mrs. H. \V. Ja.kson, 616 West Frank lin street. Mrs. Uke 1* a sister of Mrs. JarkMrn. formerly Miss Josephine Phillips. of X. C. Mlss Kdltli Vaughan, of South Caro lina. Ik the guest of Miss Ruby Goode ! for the Woman's College finals. * * Mins Kvel.vii Hyman Jackson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Jack son. has returned home from St. Mary’s s. hool. In Raleigh. N. C., ao jcompanied by her cousin, Josephus 1 Daniels. Jr., of Kalelgh. Mr. and Mrs- John G. Armlstead. of i Norfolk, are spending the week-end at the Christian Cottage, Virginia i Reach, as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. | J. Ambler Johnston, of Richmond. Miss Virginia*Whlteljr Is visiting her cousins. Mr James el. Whltely and the Misses Whltely, of Catonsvlllo, Md. MIks Jennie Pierce * wl|>q has been ! vial ting the Misses Jones fn Norfolk, has returned to Richmond. Mrs. George * Macauhln and her j three children, of Baltimore, have gone to their country home In Glou [eestdr county, Vsc, for IM summer. • • • J Mrs. Freeman Dance, Miss Elisabeth Dance and Mr. William Pance have returned to Richmond after sending r Mai Orders of 55 and J Women’s and Misses’ Serge Suits. All women who haven’t completed their summer wardrobe will be interested in this important news. Never could you get more for your money than now. The Suits we are offering at the price will surprise you. Every one correct in every particular, with the Miller & Rhoads Label, which stands for perfection. Nothing that you could buy in the suit line that would give you as much satis faction as a Serge Suit. Blue black and cream pencil striped serges included in this lot. $25.00 to $52.50 Suits, al>out 20 designs; in several j cases there is only one or two of a kind, all marked ! to sell at $15.00 EXTRA SPECIAL One Lot of Odd Suits, one or two of a kind, mostly black and blue, the original price was more than double.. The Balance of our $40.00, S45.00 and $50.00 j Suits are all in this lot; get your choice to-morrow . .. ) !$ 7.50 $25.00 Ice Cream Freezers at Reduced Prices. And everybody w ill want an ice cream freezer. It is impossible to get ice cream as satisfactory as that made at home; all kinds of freezers here at a' prices. The w ell known Blizzard freezer, f> and tv quart size, reduced to $2.00. The Twenty Century Freezers has been tested, only a few No. 2 reduced to $1.00. No. ,'i. eapaeity 2 quarts, $1.50. No. 4. eapaeity 3 quarts, $1.60, ti quart Ireland Freezer with fiber tub, reduced to $1.50. Two Extra Specials from the Bargain Basement. 1,000 yards of Blenched Cambric, (-lightly soiled and mussed but all perfect goods, regular lflic quality, 7c yard. Long Cloth, 38 inches wide, soft finish, full bleached, all perfect goods, excellent quality, at 10c yard fimc time at the Pocahontas cottage. Virginia lieaeh. Mr. and >1rs. Adolph Idllare are at the Yacht Club at Willoughby Spit for the week-end. KEYSYILLK NOTES. (Special to The Richmond Virginian,) KETSVTLLE. VA., May 30.—Miss Janie Sims, of -Randolph. passed through Friday, returning from Ra leigh, where she has been attend ing school. Miss Nowlan, of Richmond, Is the guest of Miss Ruth Kud<1. T.llss Edna Spencer is visiting At lanta and other points South. Captain .1 .1. Tyson, of Richmond, was In town to-day. Monroe Wilson, a student at V I'. I., is visiting his parents. Mr. Ear! Arvin, of Ontario, spent fo-day in KeysviUo. Mrs. T. H. Williams, of Richmond, passed through to-day en route to Chare y. where she was called on account of the serious illness of Mrs. L. Gregory Mrs. G. iPettus is spending the week in the country with her parents The many friends of Miss Sadie Re Grande will ho glad to learn that she is so far recovered as to be able to return home to-day from the Me morial hospital, where she was un dergoing treatment. Mrs. James and children, of Fitz gerald, Ga., Rrrtved here to-day to spend the summer with Mrs. James' parentR. l>r. Dadmun, presiding elder of the Farmville district, was a visitor in our town the past week. Miss Sallie, the talented daughter of our townsman. R. H. Wilson, was awarded a gold, medal on vocal mu sic at Hlackstone Female Institute. RICHMOND PLANT LOOKS FOR KISH OF ORDERS The Richmond plant of the Ameri can Locomotive Company Is expecting n considerable Increase of work as a result of numerous orders for engines that have been Just placed with the company. These orders call for ten locomo tives for the Cuba Railway Company, four consolidation locomotives for the Mexican Northwestern, and thirty en gines for the Chicago and Alton. The local plant Ir now building more than 100 locomotives for the Haiti more and Ohio, and it is said that its present orders will carry work through the month of August. NURSES AT RETREAT FOR THE SICK WILL GRADUATE Dr. W. T. Oppenhlmer will deliver diplomas to member* of the graduat ing class of the Retreat for the Sick school for nurses at the exercises to be held Tuesday night at the Medical College of Virginia. Judge Samuel W. Williams will deliver the annual ad dress and Rev. Robert W. Forsyth will offer the Invocation. Members of the graduating class are Miss Nora King Bain, Miss Willie Harris. Miss Jessie G. Lee, Miss May Hell Lynch, Miss Lillie May Sands and Miss Anna Marie Hess. ONE NEGRO KHOOTSANOTHER IN ROW AT CHURCH FESTIVAL <Special to The Richmond Virginian.) SPOTSYLVANIA, VA.. May 30.—At a festival held at Sylvania colored church Saturday night an altercation occurred between two colored men, Edgar Lee and Zaoh. Dawson, which resulted in Dawson being shot by Lee in the abdomen. Dawson is thought to be seriously wounded and Lee was arrested and lodged in Jail for a pre liminary hearing. LEESBURG LAWTlfe BADLY HURT IN WASHINGTON (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) LEESBURG, VA., May 30—Judge Richard H. Tebbs, former Judge of the county court of Loudoun, was severely Injured In Washington Friday after romr, tnrtng trmrtrlr try a trotter ear Both legs were broken, several ribs fractured and Internal Injuries are feared. He is at the Homeopathic hos pital, and hie condition Is critical. Judge Tebbs la flfty-Ove years eld. OFFERED FORTUNE Writ Known Story of f^nsonerV Daughter i-t Told in Norfolk. IS III' JiT 3 X COLLISION Juclimoiul Lose* First Series ot Whist (iantes—Dig Association is Formed NORFOLK, VA„ May 30.—Samuel Lasting, a furniture dealer <f Ports mouth. has received from Alexander Deinidoff, a Hussion banker, law In prison. In Madrid, a letter asking aid l" held him recover it fortune of $400, 000 for the prisoner's daugnter. Mr Lasting is oflered $160,000 for Ills ter vices and he Is requested to (fo to Madrid to recover the portmanteau of the imprisoned banker and secure the necessary paper to establish the right* of Deinidoff to the $400,000 fortune In America. Mr. lavs Unit is mystified by the let ter and will try to ascertain more about Banker Damlduff and his offi r before attemptlntC to cross the sea to visit the prisoner. Deinidoff Is accused of stealing five million rubies in St. Petersburg and was about to embark for New York when averted in Madrid. The condition of Miss Jennie Mlcliie, of Charlottesville, who was injured in a collision between a trolley car and a Belt Line locomotive, lust Friday Is not favorable. Her oack is said u be badly drenched. Murno Black, who was Injured in the same wreck, is much improved and was out yesterday. Washington won the first of the series of matches to tie played by whist clubs of the National capital, Norfolk. Richmond, Baltimore. The first match was played ot the Lynnliaven hotel, in this elty Saturday evening. Norfolk tame second. Baltimore third and Richmond fourth. Rich mond was the only team to beat Wash ington at all. Norfolk waa a danger ous rival for the winulng In the final score, falling behind Washington only In tricks and vtin.nlng from Bnlilimre und Richmond. After the mate* the Southern Whist Association was formed, unbracing the whist dubs of the four cities in the contest for the cup. Aubrey Butt, of Norfolk, was elected president: Fred Valentine, of Richmond, vicc-presi fleet; John S. MeKIdotvney, of 13al Itimore, treasurer, and Fietmnlng lav ender. of Washington, secretary. - The next match will be held in ! Washington in May, mil. BRILLIANT GERMAN GIVEN AT llORNEH MILITARY SCHOOL ; (Special to Th > Richmond Virginian.) OXFORD, N. C., May 30.—The final german of the Horner Military School, wnicfc closed the fifty-ninth- com mencement, was held in the barracks on Friday evening and was one of the most delightful occasions In the social history of the school. King’s orchestra of Durham furnished music throughout the evening, North Caro lina society waa represented by a large number of its must beautiful and ac complished young ladles, and gallent men. Among those dancing were: Major McGhee with Miss Kate Horn er, Professor J. H. Manning with Miss Bridge*; ofDurham; Professor Mer chant w;ith Miss Mlchie, of Durham; Captain Bears with Miss Swindell, of Raleigh; Cadet Phillips with Miss Lloyd, of Durham; Cadet Graff with Miss Hancock; Cadet Low with Mtsg Xamb. of Hen derap n; Cadet Bonner with Mist Sophia Taylor; Cadet Jen nette with Miss Ethyl Adama; Cadet Thompson with Miss Irene Hines; Cadet Grady with Mias Julia Cooper Cadet Irving with Mir? Baris: Cadet Walton with Mina Webb; Cadet Dixon witn Miss McIntyre, of Henderson; Cadet Warner with Miss Jones. of Henderson; Cadet Ray with Mies Ruth Mitchell: Cadet Wood with Mts* Coop er; Cadet Whitfield wtth Miss Shaw; Cadet OlWnltef with Mis? Weeks: Ca det Welch with Miss Wilson, of Sto vall: Cadet Shepherd with Miss White; Kerr Tailor with Miss Alay White, Kills Cannady with Miss Parham, James Taylor with Miss Shular, of Chattanooga; l. C. Taylor with Mis* Kramer, of Durham; M. K. Plnnlw with Miss Stokes, of Durham; K. T. Crews with Miss Kerabee; N It. Csn nady with Miss Shaner, of l-ynchburg; W. W. Alston with Miss Annie Greg iirv, of Stovall; J. G. Murchison with Miss Davis, of Stovall', R. T. Smttll with Miss Marrow : M. C. Taylor with Miss Winston: Major Cant with Miss Krwin. of Durham; been Marrow with Miss Pierson, and Klbert Crews with Mies Rucker, The chief event of the caaion was the presentation by the chief marshal and his aides of their regalias a» fol lows: Chief Marshal Gordon Watt to Miss Janie Hunt. Cadet Sthruthers to Miss M«rv R. Hancock, Cadet Field to Miss Roberds, Cadet Cauthom to Mis? l-andlr. Cadet Pratt to Miss An derson, of Reidsvllle; Cadet Heard to Miss Williams, Cadet Nimb-ke to Miss Farthing, of N’orthstde. Stags: Cadets iiullock, Quevado, Iji nier nnd Messrs R, P Taylor. Wilson; c. It. Adams, M. I-andls. if. Landis, Hibson Howell. Cadets Smith and Wei burn. SEVERAL CHARTERS GRANTED BY CORPORATION" COMMISSION The follow ing charters were grant ed by the Corjtoratton Commission Saturday; Slfenandoah Valley Apple Rands Company. Ineorporated, Waynesboro, Va. James Craig, president. Waynes boro. Va.: W. H. Gardner, vice-presi dent. Basic City; H. M. Magle, sec retary and treasurer. Waynesboro, Va. Capital stock: Maximum. *25,000: minimum. 15.000. Objects and pur poses: Deal In real estate and plant and grew- orchard?. American Kletelguhre Compan* incorporated, Wllmont Wharf, Va. W. T. Stllwell, president; H, I Kvans, vice-president and treasurer; D. J. Jenkins. Index, Va. Capital stock: Maximum. 1100.000. minimum. It.000. Objects and purposes: Manu facturing and selling silica earth 1 bricks, tile, etc. The Bostonian. Incorporated. South Boston. Va. 8. G. Rogers, president; H. W. Via, secretary and treasurer; J. A Mebane. 8. M. Wood, C. T. Mor ris. E. N. Black. Traynhan Emerson, nil of South Boston. Capital rtoek: ; Maximum, *2.500; minimum, *2,000. i Objects and purposes. To take over the confectionery business of W. B. i Johnson at South Boston. Va. ANTICIPATE BIG RUN ON CHARTER CLERK Klght hundred and more corporation* doing business In Virginia under au thority granted by the State Corpora tion Commission must renew their charters during the present week or they must cease their business activi ties in Virginia. Tuesday mark* the expiration of all charters granted In Virginia. Ch'ef Clerk Wltson and his assistants expect j to be busy people on that day and the ! remainder of the week, as all of the i charters can not be renewed in one day. While there are atmont i chartered corporations on the commie j sion's books it is not thought all of : them will renew their charters as many L of them began business when the • ! Jamnstown expoaltlon started and I went out of buatness when the island I show ended. Workratn Seriously Injured, (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) While fixing a belt under a saw frame at Bowman's sawmill at Zion, Shen andoah county, Hugh Hoover's cloth ing was caught In the machinery and hurled furiously In the air. He re ceived . two broken rlhs,—dislocated ■ arm, shoulder and knee, & frightful gash on the head- He was wound so tightly In the machinery that hla clothing had to l>« cut from his body ; to free *"*“-^. " iafi