Newspaper Page Text
IS II WORK ON Successful Experiments are Made Which" Promise Great Hesults. Can St-cr Itself. OPERATED BY CRUDE OIL Al acliiia rntciulei.l for. Western Prairie Lands, But Mav Be i 'si d in Soutli. <fc!f>«*« »al to The Richmond Virginian.) W i KBTi.) X - FA I ,K M, May 30V e ry sucre asful experiments arc being held hero of a m w autunmtie plow which when perfected promts*-** to take Its place with tl» < harv« #m*r and cotton yin as on*1 the premier agricultur al Inventions of modern times. Non versed in thr science ul ngrietiltur* ami in sarin mnehimix dm-mue that It is till; years a!- ad <♦: > pl«»w now on the n irfcet and declare .hat it was revolutionize pr»- cut im thods "f plow ing. With it. land may o« br» ken for ten C* lit* per iUK', The plow Is the Invention of Mr. C H. Tt.-ixJor. a local in .--.itor, am is similar to oth* r traction pbov* with the exception t) <t inis one pious .u* tomaUeally and docs not equip' a man to operate ii. It consist . of a traction • ugii ■*■ operated with truth.* oil and it plow. The r-.A invention lies In the fitjgr rauinsl v arranged wlu1* e which causes Up plow to run aground in e,s• ■ a-Hiitia- furrnv. u. ically. The front wheels « : th.* ♦ : hUV art “not near the- . * et. r xd that ihe y will not have to » m own* plowed ground and tin r‘* iu a large ' w heel in th** i ,vr which will cupport t. • weight i f the engine If its g tn into .soft rod The inventor seeme d tie* id* a P»i lids ■wheel from tm« t) at 1* on a st*mi; -In» <1. The fire»t furrow I s b* be plowed with a man dccring tti* •?nftv hip** and then b* may turn it lies? and it will do the work guiding Itself and ke*-• ia< tin* machoorw oil •d automath ally The commercial \alue of th'* . ven ii'in may readily seen wian It is oMHldcrcvi that the nvtvaege of the dtf . brent staple crops m?*y he increased , with very little addu an ml » V lint the n ap - ,c . ,n the harvest jt-j* of h crop, th phiw. which will }t(»r« hi*\ e la rrov, am! sowing alt eh tiient«, v, id j* ' l.i i ho preparation, ji time, U 11 p--S Ud> ■ ■ ■ -• \ • T* •per anaa fpipuas alFo ft is d*-> Sh- d * j ••ally for t • larg* ■ *t* ddi' but may l-,.* utilised on any at d that FOUND DEAD IN BOARDING! HOUSE 3-‘m!wi<'k4,i,i-* .M::-- S -.i; Difw of It. art Fiulurf S *rv*'I in 1 *hilip]>ni' (Fpc-?al to The RichmonJ V'n- aici.) kkki»ki:kv ci.rit j. .v.-v Ktrc.thcr Fh< jt on. _y. a *_ found ,1 lead c'tbl' uriitt)' morning In the hail wa\ <•! the tM>ar4ing hot:!•-** Mr •• V* ^ right J t A. C. 1 > --, u, * u- - -*r ci • u i.diad and pn-iiPL' * d the a.»tn dm to heart failure. An inquest «:»- an* ji* •« 1 ijstfirv . When s# < :*. on I rlduy right. Mr FhcM'»n was -:s good . * Gib Uini it i >■ Up pose. \ le *t he -tr* ic »• . *• b- n i - . t: * U ■ v- a v to hi— rv-'-tr He ria pnrt-.y * n » • a nnd d la« I : c-n nh n f"oe.d Mr, Shilton w.■ ► :-V w-«th » Pur ine tie d -Am* ru a;. W.o- u served In th«» Tr.d d Virginia fP-niao m . » . ...r, i • t >■< : •••* ■ t*i dcH S* it>-* Art -n i s»-r m*d • eral v ♦'-»«•« in , I ’ldnpp'i, Pi-c' . m.dcr c»« n l.-u i.-j. He P it th- ire.* nnd r, turf «<1 to thlr etty wi-uil os ; go, 01.d has si**--.- ri s'--led w ith has mother, Mr* \ ry.nto Shelton. The dc* p*'..! is ur\:v“d hy th.r* sisters Mr* T. .M Hark In. Mrs John K While, ro d Mr- Vb'gira - lh. ... • of this .-by. a * u i two br<»|h**-r#» Mr • 'her **s Ste itr-a of * barman*- count . , snd Mr a-" - s* * ..f ;U\s . ? The fur, t 1 toc-b [iinw- Sun*my even ing at th b> m*- of Mi. Job*. . V. bh*-. the Kiev r. H ffcnderlit ofbcu*ting. The burial n.m m the Naiioreil tery. (OJIMI'M I HIM' i:\F.n* Kl> <11 WIVSTON-MI.r.M •*! HIIOI. <• pedal t-> Till Clchinm*. 1 Vb *'n!ut> WlVSTi'N-HAI.KM. N. C.. M • y 0. -•-Thirty-nun pupils graduated from the city high s. ">•! and \ure g -v< n th< if diplomas. -ml < v.en awarded and t-cndu of distinction wttp pre*enl'il t" the \rinn* rs i'll* is'rt. will' held il the morning Tim school t«.H*'>n.ri were pant i i> in full lu Spite of ll.o- lu*.t iUj.1 aumt Ia-oj-I** said thi-if* would a lii-iii-it <*n account of tin* h*as -*f the revenue from saloon I u-.-t, rvvik H.IK.-II. I I..I '- .I. KUhf-ltt* <i t<* the < liHik- Hi. .ic--r Ml t.i ail.'ini degree, am! we* a.-.1M < i t.» t!.- j nl tentiare for t*-n j curv !!< killed i.cwls Hairston somethc-* ago. J**e Cotton, colored, who W..1 fiii**n eight ; '-arn for murder. bar-go ruMntinr.i of <1. arc tu rn for the Sunday s-h-.-i! convention -if tile Pilot Mountum Awe' . iction. The sessions arc being held at Drown Memorial P iptlst church anil lur,;e crowds are in .lUcndunce ASK FOR M W TKIAl l\ Tin: STAFFORD CASH The Tnlted Slates, internal revenue Otliee. post mart >-rw oifn e, iifllce of the collector of customs and other di vision* of the'government here were closed Monday in observance of De coration Day. However, the t'nitcfl States District Court for Kastr rn Virginia was open ed by Judge Kdimind Waddlll. Jr., io hear a motion for a n< v trial in the ease of the government against Staf ford. a eas. growing out of alleged violations of the revenue laws G1VF. T-TVAI. 'HSUALI': MONOGRAMS PRI-.SEXTKD (Special to The Hithmonil Virginian.) MCXINOrrON. VA . M ->■ ?b—The Washington and bee Musical Club made Its last appearance for the soa ■ son here Friday night In a well ren dered program. eomdutlnar of vacaJ. : violin and piano solos and quartet songs, and selections liy the univer sity orchestra. The audience showed their appreciation by encoring every number. At the close of the pr. gram mono grams were presented to the members -~~ of the basobattMTUTt huwIn'tbBil looms. The following received the coveted letter: Paschal!—Stra» (captnin), Mc Donald < manager). Reetenwald, 8m 1th, Moran. W. Kflrd, J. Kfird. Ir vine, Turhyfll. Webster an I brown. " Baeketbfin—- isoyd re'aptui'u /, Derr (nmnagea), Hannis. Craig. Cab urn, Dork a-ad Glasgow. Gifts fcr Graduates We »i-li to call your attention to our beautiful line of fine artitrti Jewelry. So many thing-- especially suitable for pre suit.s for the graduate, mid you know tliat is ti e time one appreciates a gift from a friend. Then give something »u stantial, which should he Jewelry. let vs 8how you our stock. J. S. JAMES, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. 7th anJ Main Street. BBSEflVE iMSM OF MULE OfiPHiS ASM l’l'i'U's ami inmantes Celobratti Sixtv-Fourth Natal Day of Institution. Appropriate oxen i.«es marked the k\\t v-fourth anniversary of the foun dation of tl.e M»:<) orphan Asylum, whtcli was twlebrated Sunday* H#v K. Mas.-a made the principal ».ddrt*s:s an i lauded the administration ? tli*** institution for the uplertdld work which been done. ’•d.n L Williams, president of the b»ord of Directors. read his annual re port, which *•1 -wed the asylum to be fcfocd iiapt The treasurer report al so ••vMejtcad a healthy condition. \ feature of the occasi- ri wh.h a cho ri -• composed of the young; inmates *»t tit home Many visitors were present. HEMET IS VISITING N CHL9TTF COUNT! N**h >1 Lawyer fnmi P;. iiic Coast in Virginia Will ilis Wife. t Special t Th* tiichin..i.j Virginian.) SOfTJl >to.«T- >N. V,V. Ma> 30.— Mr and Mrs. V J Heney, of San rar.rlaco. who have Teen the guests f..r .00 a; Wicks of M. ral!* timer. ..f m o.-ton lli ' 1 "h.irlottc county. : t r.o -. u lterry Hill, the fojr Mr. uruo '* grandfather. Juno s Hruee, S. me twenty your* ago Mr. Hruce •v ,> ■' Ti ! 1';. - r tuW Tr. the territory ArLinne. ivloo Mr. Honey was ut o • • • -g. «r-.l of th*. simii. common . ah. an.' trom that time thee* two hat.* tween fart fi tends. Sir. am! Mrs Meriev will remain < g-.tests r Mr. Mr*., e .,! Staunton Kill f..r t*n da'.- They wtil ihen re turn to 1 < Ulornia. I’ro'ivii l in-o Plan (iraini Rally • • iie 1!■ -1*s Ni'x; S i-.'uV Aft* moon. S ...a . school* "f Richmond and t. ini!. will parte 1 pate in a mass n eattr.g to !■ !tehl at 4 o'clock nest Sun.In-. afternoon in the First Pres hyicrlr.n -hurt'll Rev. J. V. Fair , t- of Westminster church, will .ie.ic- r the address and Mr. W. S Ilonnan will lie In chart*.! of the spe cial responsive* exercises The tfol . ction w ill he l..r the support of th< aescmluy'* home and school at Fredericksburg Flowers vth. h thf eh'ty have ton requested to 1 u trig for the pur p. se of decorating the platform w ill !>• s tit to hospitals In the city for distribution after the servle t-. The rally will It. under auspices ..f the Prettiert* rian Sunday School t'nton. vhlcli embraces eighteen Jt.e-.n !n HWimmttl and vicinity. I'vQtiUed WureiMmse Mornl. The hontleil warehouse of the Fnit . ti I.n.a s custom ho.tin*, here he* t-ee*. moved from Twelfth street to No. Soft Hast Franklin street. Many Special Values in Hall Racks to be had at our store. All new designs and at prices that will sur prise you. ROTHERT & CO., Fourth and Broad. BIOS OPENED FOR ! GAROUNA BONDS! Xevv Jersey Insurano Company Takes Large Share. Many Placed at Home. M EM ()IU A L OBSEHV A X CE Commencement Exorcisp> Begin at A. & M. College—Lienten ant Hobson Among Orator. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) RALEIGH. May 0.—The bias, for tie second time, fur the proposed I ague of $3,430,00 North < aroifna font per cent, forty-year refunding bonds v en* op* ctd Saturday though the bids, 4;: in number, did not take uup the entire issue. The bids accepted <ov»r $1 - 218,000 marly one million of which was by North Carolinians. Th« !ar- i geat bid was by the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company. of Newark. N. J. The following Asiievdu* people were successful bidders: fl.Oho at par After the reading and tabulating “f the bids, the council of Slate immediately went into executive session which lasted until after four o’clock when it was decided to accept all the bids that had been received. No provision has been made yet as to how the bal a nee of the $3,430,000 will he raised, but it is hoped that it will lx* sub scribed for thereby relieving the Stat of the necessity of calling a .•■pec hi J session of the legislature. Lab Saturday afternoon the poratem commission announced that Mr. A. J. Maxwell had been chosen thief clerk, to fill the vacancy taused bv the recent appointment of Mr. II. C. Brown, a rnen her of th<- commis sion. Mr. Maxwell lias U*hi < hh-f clerk in tin State Senate for four terms, and Is well qualified to till the position of chief clerk T«» the c<»m mlssion. w hich paj s $2,7(>0 per annum. Memorial day will he observed at the National Cemetery here this after noon. Thf principal address will be delivered by State Auditor Dix<*n Am elaborate program has been pr* pared < ailing for several address* s, muse al numbers and military features. The commencement exercises ut A. A- M. College began yesterday morning with the baccalaureate surnon by Rev. David \V. Howard, of Norfolk. This morning ther*- was a meeting oi th»* alumni and at ■ ,!.«> t**-?vivrIvt ib< alumni address will tv delivered h\ i Prof. J. O. Schaua, aft< r which t)ie ! commencement address w :l 1h d*Uv- i erod by Richmond Pearson ibd,. - i . This address will bo followed by , reception. T etnom’'v th* graduating j exercise.- will conclude this the eigh teenth commencement of this insti- j tution. Thu graduating class mun- ! Ikts 57. ! The first gun In the light tl i is I being wag' d b« Hv* <■:; the iw<» t.u - | tiona in the Democratic party in this ! county was fired at Cary la.U night by ; the insurgents. The f«toeih« rs w* re greeted by .i small crowd, though some : enthusiasm was displayed. lire destroyed on* and jlamnged ftfiMht-r d-weiHnjr hxmsic here yerderd.»> morning, the amount « f the loss being ; several thousand dollars. BOARD WILL HOLD ITS FIRST MEETING (.inventor- Mann in A>i4n-— Mem bers of New Aiinenluirai Hodv ( reatei! Itv I.a-: la-pislatiire. Plans for tiu working' ■ ' th< i'nited H-.-ird \grhuTtr.r.- --f Vir*!-.: and determination of iis s.->pe and from what HOvtr<e* co-- i -re*- n may * • « parted. will bo discussed at The ;ir.s m-ettng of the tow i-.-uy in the Oof * potati'di t'uijiini*>oiji s i o .rt r .*i*» Tuesday. Governor Mai n. mad. » no - i-rr of the board by th»* act of the Inst legis lature renting it. will preside at the Initial martins and deliver at. address. The board will be . - -m!d of the Governor. Commissioner of AgrlcnlS ture, Superintendent of Put-lie Instruc tion. president --f the Hoard o' \sri culture. W. V Hproul and Ihu-hlei D. Adams, member* of the Hoar-1 of Agrit ulture. S A Knapp, director of the United Slates Department of Ayr. culture, demor.strn!ion work in \ ir ginia; T. i i. Sandy, the Virginia ln strutor from the Washington Depart - metit of Agriculture, and t‘resident Barringer of the Virginia Pulytt-chnie Institute. The money with which to defray the expenses of the co-ordination b+H-tf-d will como from the State Treasury,. Department of Public Instruction. Agriculturul liepartmcnt of the State and of the 17tUted States. The |>uriV*o of the i..,ard la t-> assoc the farmers in training tiu ir along with their hands and to make Virginia a far greater agricultural State than It has over be, n. STATE WILL ASSESS ALL PUBLIC UTILITIES -•— y. Levying of Tax of 1 1 ’or Cent on float. Water Light and Pow er Cos. UegiiLS June I f. Information regarding the tie at. water, light and power corporations In th« State la being collected by the Corporation Commission, with a view of imposing upon the companies thr tax of 1 per cent on their net receipts legalized by the last legislature. The commission has practically all the corporations on Its book*, hut to make double guru that none escapes Chief Clerk Wilson has written to the mayors of all the cities and towns asking that the names and officer* of all the heat, power, light and water corporations be rent to him. The commission has no au thority to tax heat, water, light and power ptants owned bj the Stat in Newport New* tl^e lighting com pany resisted the payment of a city license in addition to the new tax levied by the State. Speaker Byrd, who-Introduced the bill In tho last legislature, has declared that the two taxes are i --par art- amt rttstfnct, one being an assessment for doing busi ness In the State and the. other for doing business In the city. It Is not believed trouble will be encountered In any other Instance. -Owing *h* tegrrtnTnrc trwft* SaTil fhV" new tux would probably net the State $50,000. Enforcement _ of tho new law will begin June 14. Inventota Saj TIhq Will 1 1 v from Long Inland to , CJbicag' -. TALLOW BI PLANE L’Yl'T llquip|it*d With To l’ow<-r Engine Matsliiib Will (liir, Seven Mi n. XKW YORK. M:,y largest aeroplane in the world In. . ..., a ,.m.i ill tie’ aerodrome oi the ait.ih ut.eal Society at Mllienla, 1. I. Ti'-m.y tee rdd-ming touehcH v.vr. pm on the fruirn work, and th.-re !, bi:una but th»- installation nt t.-. n • t r, v. nt. h is on ita way from p.-. Jet Seymour, the mi , ..n r.ving • ir driver, and IV. .1 inti n. :,<i ext>.rt machinist, hu ■■< id t tr a ehlrie from thtir • • . a d. -. ink . ioaely tile beet , o m ,,, .;,,1;1il in tin: rarnam. .. ; ,..1 1 in i,... t> I'M. and they ar< . . . .1;: . . t :i. dyer will ellipse uti recur.e lot i.iug ■ li.-'.-ince flighis. The machine i tin : • ij;.. Us wing-spread - -i > I •; and im length from the ltont cootr-d To th tail is the same . r.<■ i.iitng .t,; - fa - - measures SOU ~ , i.u ie.-t, Wk.-n the motor, which is an iaotta . ,ia tum engine of Ton hurt., pom-i in nahed, the atiiU,.t to - ... to lift the Weight "f F. itn nu n. I’m going to .1 it t'l-rtiss. - .o Soymotir to-day. ,V.- . r- going t<-r that Albany to A. w York Uigur. Vi'e lia.v . hrlster.i ;i n> v matiiltie the 'Lusitania.' 1 not id! h,- ,1 ... to f:y her from lo r.- to . : .e-- with out stopping." sb-ymour and I del. <■■■ 1 - say that tile larger the mo-i-it th so -idler it will My, and their ... in :. hi - ■ n home out In ail n - nt ;- 1 T > Xi.ei t to have the -u miii’ • ad.. for trial flights th.- - o-n Seymour holds all r- ■ ..ids f..r ri. ing to My an eernplnn . 11. i.i.iarut a Curtiss hlplane a w.- . set it u, at Mineola in tw*. d.. . mi on the thlr.i made his firs; t-> lie drove the cm ,'otu ground on its wh» s : r a'>. ,t a hun dred yards and ... .1 height id thirty ft ei On ha f essay he flow se\ • ■ 1 hue lied fe< t. Since then he has th- ri - ■ try tuura ing « .4 ovi nlrig .- l. th.. v .i.d ,- 1 • mitted, a 0! . in Saturd - • i-essf-d double <dr ’> of the id, • distanto> of about d v miles. Mineola is the at... t.-i1 th.- I hist. Half a ., -i . -r- ,. -m builders occupy s’ - !s .ml tent.- on the plans, and iv j Si me,;. and Sunday the Melds ... .irrn v. ith av'-imo idi.-s of society folk ih.i . .one ;.. e. > the flights and «-v.i-r,it ■ id, h if-, .r.i pleted machine* :. ,r< Strong i- at. other automobile -iii-'-r who intend ; - t ■ into avia 11 and tin machine : ■ for him is e- of the prii p ts < .1 tenet lure. OltSlillVINf. T\< I'W I I »n t < > > I til th nnsi-i 1 The taft dry fev. r 's prittMi;r. and now the netcrocg . f too < Stv have in— . .itr.o inti ted in i t.ufe all <: -> Monday to p deafritn- for .ho benefit nf the Hit m >nd hnsnit.-n v k known < i-w I institution u< ! at 40*> Maker street. Fifty sta:- .ns thro ich out Greater lit hmond uni r th< di rect iua o o n; -. - on-1 n- ... hors uf the men's; auxiliary Their t-ff'.rtt . ii a. j tv* the whit.- ■ •*.<• - it; , ard tin- i<i; ". ■ • ously. The Kii-h hospital is ft w. t institution h tint’s i vast an of pood. S i npetent nr. its ), :r . ' that thi ■ *. <,it enti i . .s.ivp o whito i'll'-' Tito host it.-: 1. ported aim • entirely by »h.irit;. Monday s t.,L tiny was imiujiir. •• I ns a r> -■.1T - the work ; • i- i .t - ther Hat.. vho operutimc UK .** * • / • ■ rvs*1 flints »»r «. -•* ' 3 tv, ra i - sider \< * w '■ .*r !n n ' ’' li,strip-. ■ '• tint- Nor. . ti-on. T:-- • - tiroes n-wv .1 , city from t whites. Si -«*ivt;ir\ D - !i»r« * Will.-i-tt- . I Prr- lost'i S i !’ \\ i ■ i 1I< gal. WA SI ilN’ T- oV, May .10. It - ■ tiruau .i - i nt o ■ gins i *. has been restored t puhlii . otr from the ITm ■ : rest t \- - s Sot-relary of tie i • !. r T*:ii ... r Mhsuratid iis* i-i-e* ctitiRi-rv.eo" -id i*at tht-nuinto . [ -,t S .-i r\ the Interior H -ok. holds that ■! of tie- with.haw :> mn: it a. *■ “.yttt K'ftal iiuti or-.. that vast ITb* of land H i - > - r could It - i...Me for forests w - re included ir. t sweeping wi'.udruu made 1 V l'”' -dent if nos--vt-f Sc- r.*tar> Atrrioultur.* VPs,! eiiKeii<d In - effort to the !t tie i rration ffi-’n country into Csmrln uud lie >s ’ to** opinion that th. r* - opening i f v. I'hdrown land, vll! h e a marked t. Wilson and lial. . ger hav>- w >1 together on tin pro! - lent. It is cat imated that 1* the I of the y. ,.r 4 -'"O.fitei acres v. Ml h * • been re ter The following restora Hens are hist euuouned. 22.32t5 i'-’s nf land from the p.i i tell,-. Nit: Ii.ll Forest in Idaho. KnUn'ii, 'i'iir from the Ski I ia Colonol '. 20".G:;r. acres from the Walawnlu. Oregen __—.— ie,’Ht acres from the Uncolu For est in New Mexico, WOULD KEEP OPEN ON IHLSIMII Manager Korbv Asks Permission lo Keep liijon Open for Moving n: With the expressed Intention of kIv ine free motion picture and illustrated soru; permnnee* which shall embrace only historic religious,**«unl educatian >iL..s'il>i‘ * lA. Vsiuaser-W. tv K+Ww hn* written to Mayor Richardaor. ,*. '.Jr:at that lie he aiiowed to Veep the Lii on theater open on Sundays What thd- Mayor's decision in th« i I i I Gifts to the University College of Medicine a Perpetual Endowment The h,' of giving dot s not alvv;>' grow as rapidly as the ability to give \s a community is but an aggro; at ion of individuals, so the charac teristics of a community are but the reflections of* the-characteristics of its component individuals. ♦ Ton,; i . ;. : v • Itlis < ity. T> ronto been wealthy a long. time. Toronto is accustomed to riche.-. Toronto has never known an “Lvacua tion.” Not lu; : - a • irt to rai.-. S600,(T0 in a nir.e-day campaign to build a Y. < in . days 8080,000 was subscribed. In the* three reniainiuo <. tin ; jI 1 rea- hed 8750,000, and the surplus subscription was devoted to tin X , Women’s Christian Association. kich-e- ltd • y , I’iv. but !ier wealth is recent. She has not grown ace list on; ed to ri< h ; «he remembers the war, Kicbiaond a < •: -:-t ual 1 o.-onto in giving, but slu- can in the willingness to give. Sir a . ' . eildirv. <>f the burned l NIX fcJiS! I \ C 01.LEGE Oh i :( h.N Y ' Si,’ vi ■ tod in impossibility twenty years ago. Tt-n vcr. here it. will m. h a .-mail thing, hven now the task is not a gre at ouv. ho\ . ; a-, could .100,000 be applied to a onmmunity to better permeate tin- warp and woof of its social fabric? SLeri, S.iappy, Solid Fads To-Morrow! — :t ,itt*r will 1»f' is x - i 7 r «». ihsit r1 • > ■ ' *» ii.k.ii ... ;»s i;l • -1 •, .« Ttu-r*' :.!•• • r..,-. o ' • : •• i - •.ill tii-: v\i\ a - • r« M j-i .1. v- .. a . itl r. i*n. • > . • * • *■. • * *i in. r< fir*- mariy v. t - * >r »v* i.- tl ,.f. iv» ,r v .V • « Ki?M\ = f!<. • •.. i - f- a • *• -■ - t. :» larg*. of di.-sit— on Is v*. oil t it; ill It loSUil. Mr Kir*\v, in his usiad l ir formed wivtoor *.»r . ■ v (•» >• «h .. V :t ■» I r•»: ■.t- T:: t >!l f. - 1 ' « «1 .it 1 if #*■ d if; t- h: 'litli' T th'-»n t-fi'diM wM.i ih ; • y • <• :*• i r .- s eh f:i • V. r .04 1 a th i-’. : •• '..'id h-t ) !l n I*n JOI NT i vr:< n 1 \ i iO J>i iUl k'-M* ito fS;>. ri ii t;• Th»» «Tid Ire n >•.> KilKOKfU* ’K- I. t;- ; V;-... M., . . —The M i>. Kx >- r.x. Spanish War Ye ran*. • r.ed M maria 1 l.hiy Y or- ! - ? t.-: ir-.z th© grave.* of tlif'.r nn*- i :p. i ax ih<‘ i'anfs*ti*_r:ite • r:;- ; . The d< •« nst**: i::» :»r :> -<f . he x amp am M - : - L ■ 1 • ’ k : J. It. la.rpdhN W : ... * fem-j. Hi. ks. W \ M-v*.,-; i s I*. H-ts. A. B. M-t tK. .Jr. WP’km ivi: *x. Mftur.\ Wi Tim . kd he i:: i.-. J a»• k y«.11 * 1 y. KXHIBITION 0» t [i !H'\K UOUK AT JOHN M il'M.MJ. s« HOOT Tiv- 7r»a^n;. 1 tr lim;.. ivd dran i? «; r.v< ik ]':• t;.m* ?id r. s- ho l stmU niH v ;d h> <» I rt<? o.v hiMtion in the !U>r:-ry ■ M ir s:va!i Hiyh S h • d . W,dii. -- •hv. and Thum-dtO' oi U o ^ Tiw ou>r*«. ar tr-minr. and • ■ !"~t ‘H’-.-ne. wi:\ ru«o 4»f tr.r-uv:: y -• - . f»»r Jns;-S'iti • »n T . , ‘iiiy jikd Tm-r. '!;. l’.:- • h Mis m . - . d i r • : • «. •• M' ok .. ,< .\\ * W : - • inie - i i pnvs!!. with -.o ;J.-lUi»>naI p**ri>-1 let-.veen the hours , ’. ‘v a i,i ’ • .. r. V. fh W i .< H \ H 1 ( !.I kkN noon mi : »1 \<» Hi i; \K ith at -at „•> vlt h y 11* s pr .< -. :)ir- annual morn:; •:• -0 Virrmia Ulision. t Hi ted 01 u( \ 1 • nis-'f Mterks. «•.<♦ at-d M !iuv.;. m -n m tin- ITliU-d State.-1 * } £■•- • Vi ( :-i A p ; - i-s court r- n 1 meet 1 ;t; > .is i»r< Mtied o .er \ Pr*-sitter»t J. .1. I’ r. •' Nori'o!;,. A fOitnre el this ..f tin* up.d hande rs will !•»* a sm a. r Mon i•:. lill?ht at i *J< K !I. sen S Ji.da 1 >t»N or IHAIIIU) M \ \ Hi « n\ i;s Honors I t \V s hi rs. f ^leerl. h. ;.d ■ u tie. f.vnlty t>i the I'lmrr .-11; ..f Miasipph • ;t w ho w as re . * »-Us *«•♦.! rhk'f )te,tiUi otfieer and eetp iiiM td that Stal‘‘. is the Set* Mr ; .i. r*. of I any-atom, m i 4.; ;. .. . .-mu v It ‘ i.- a ‘her? U a ^raiy’iite of the I’niversit. of Vincinift, • » .ng . a'h d i-. Mis:-.U^ippi as iv mu as he re- el on h dinluiita*. . .- --- ... S’MOOKI.YX IIAXDK A I* .VI (iROVKSl'N ! > TIIAC A NKW TTu.K. Mai ■;» - With. lilt., nprniiijj of rhr- r.'i< in>,' s- .a: n ar tiio • ■lU-iout arav»!n-n<( tr.;rk t‘>-morro\v •,v(i! ..r». ■ thp SriMik’yii h«mlif«p. xvlnoh bati b..-t riinuin« la.-k hi S'T. > ti»• Itl "1 m . th.-a tea ■ f itf best h'-rwv tn tralriinjf i-. < x l>»-( tc-d t > * r Mare rnliko t'.MTni T ran s. bta’. r. rl■. . ■■<■ i r Huglus t,■•■>!. a in th>* v.: >i. t •car's Krooklyn «!'! brlns 1 iary th in limn. t■» tin* v 1 in ... ■. hat ta me ■■{ the miner ' it .. . -• rsfit to hi" worth lor? thati tiv.- yr-art? i’ltishertiert. - r n <•; Bth« (h> mti.riii- i.-i lb.- tUi.),. f-u.: H!!ilr»-th. his nwitff, and u()nru>■■. . . in of tin* h<->t liainars in At.i. ilcc. t. -day n( Hln I’sl' is tt. it 1*1.-* horse 1? t-aity to ftvir the - lance, a mile and a quarter., in ::..<>(. .Imner i; K. in 'Ain wort more r;; I kilts than alii >th« i* owner. -. i • <t t". > t ■ to- ti.iri let Th y «ill the four-year-uH!* ma"o M.t kette 1.1 the three-> ■ .u-'nd Mi. r • t ...imriv . Hath are In thm rtu, uml Jlmltiy Howe, wlv • will riniilie the j.,Sr. Insisted 11'-11 a that th > "iixht to ,llRi.-;V. one-two. .V ilgu -t Kolmon . 1’ri. i Ullar may - • —--* " .••' Harry l* Whitney will start Jiinna Ki ll \vh ' re.eei! last yen? in Mtia latid y, l: ’! Wilson, Jv.. »Ml slai't <.<biinl.ii . nil i" -Iblv th< tlue ■-}. ar-old t'an dlelierry, both fast nnfl game. •;i._ 11:—...—»t;il..liA'lnt-. y inner of the Mi trohillitai. handle.i;i i,. record time f r the r;n . will be well hacked to hi at 'f-'ltzhcrbert and Keetn'u list Hi Is In llith*- and la | game as a pebble. Tl.~ i.r.d.i*l4.i i (artore arr gi fT7h"'1 lows. Kitzherben. Masbctfe. Oiatnha. I’rlsi illian. iJlnaaker., Fashion Plate, Hooky “ Hrien, Orastrn ri*. CautHe- j berry, situ core. Prince linverlsit 1 iTT c a'.,. ~7’ ■II *5 H »y«L I uillhL iifii h If yiPCiRiTii . !: • r. \\ ,n Op- I !!** !><•*. t IiuTiin rs ill 1'it i\ i r> it v is iluuorfil. I Ait!.'>TTKSVil.l.K V.\„ M . v 1 -At d nit - (ins or tilt- "V" men • " ' h \ u. : !i i.* t r * *1 i> spaad, Turn -r H. , .-■» iJa.!thjii»rt*# MU . w... 1 . ;?i • f in .: y ■'! r \s t« r ?n • > . « • i. r.’ i Martm. bolder “f • ■■ • • -;*i**'. r i r is Imt • >r.s. Vv iit !i:r• • hii <cr in um ge fm* tvs ?. ii’?, ivh. r* Vir. is uni < r.HHliy y : •* ... ln< • *m vio-n was no &urpnav t<> Vis many : i i mis. Kir ; th< rni.rr. it> of Vii irinia in tin ?.iii «*f 1 hr soon showed hi «:: ‘ity r. - . miuri* r miirr -t .1 vy.n thfr*3 mun < n * ho r. . > t- am ivr.trii iutVrit( Q The ’ i y of Pf'rui#-) ! \V*itsr. * is • r*.u V-. the i•'i* s t ‘ have thv m form -i i y ’i.i.l.!' <• m in now ruli n'ny. .? ;t u irnr* ash m i'ti'onjfth vs. • i 7 : U him •!’ th* »•* -t naif In mo i Kiniry. i;K, i.unwn watchks .1 At K .IO'INsOX A r WO UK s \ ; r»;.«’f -. >, < \\ L , l. a> '■■■■* - J' k *J •• >n yoy rAi, dim the •re.-a • row it si mm he . urn manned hi; n.on.y at the b*. sell. Am i- ilo .-i;-.? - ut tin- camp t * ; a ’• v re )■: 1 hi* <! rarity, th* r*.f. r, ■■■*. ■■■ v.-ii, iVihr o Frankie *\k ‘1. • *• • 'line t.--.;,--'.'.. ;yfu i ,i 4 ,_ •!*, h tfn*ntsso\ es ns '• * - ; • i. ?h <ofv. j*»nf Miilhby tin. negrro. J hin sot. i. j •*1 n» » the program with h-tr: ptc - hh »h»- rnet’i ;iit 5 .i.rni b«>»!> «-xr reon the mat. • f tin f;.iyrew impuiFm a . oh -soi; w :.'t handling the weights. Mom j . , ’»;•••■ eoior. *1 mar. • '* >h. th- i lwi-f Q it ’.our kiurtt t Imnonon i » » o<' » Mfuul. J. hr: . t\ srir.n. u h.n k ar.d won ov« r the hote-f' e'e n h - m Hv*i to *!n in tr i.ier t v in*. : , >■-- him t ’ tom u,- ami no :i loxin r The n-o ir»K ■ nc’rh'il .-.f • *:fcfhl M'i ♦]* ; , r«n5i»ds'. of whi.-h r- v wore with «it • * *• »tt> •:i a h ♦hr* o > 'ith V r t: ■*; W ! • * £*• U eTii ’ * hn ;n ; 1 H n a • ■ • • -rk .w.;: r* tlr< d with a hiooUirux mouth. (*:: t! or had r. o\t.-rid the k nook out of th. da1 hofore. but ho v.,*- more aiilti"i>’. Cornell mot 'iH-innl Him. l.e.yv \w>,v- HO -The eon .il oars* • w • i i in.-: f’- H.o\*rk versitv .<!.•) r re dm.a 1- <-n w . « n : •- 'dari- rt\ < r r > , •' i V t »se 1 ■ rr eli tie r’ ’ ave • •* ♦ ' • » odd in the hot tie sr , :. »• * .. vj-.v,-t •• " • - to* \ w.* . re W‘ an t *■ *' • v, a • to ! e •mHe evenly run’.eh;-;! t.n Lhcir , -.A'Miih annual dual i * > > ■■ * »* i rfil-k t>nm. • . i j \ ,.: ■ y: n p \ ><;;y :*> .Mai land v,"ms”7'• i • : d .- ijo iot of the 1’ruu e ton ■ y . -t i *r k ?• \a'm f <r me’ . . r ') ,ei. ! *>!• w -.k j.dat firr iho ; id or< oil*.:ko* te »'t. Ik **.d-CfOW in.I i,> Tl,.. t: k V> tin>Ml VlrKlnUn V iUU-aai'. 'NIU’JIJ. VA.. Jui« 2‘ > in A • : 'tin tV. IS" ' N' 1 ’-'I N-..WI L.U(\ :.-. ■. Ado May > • r • >■ il- .id «iilt i e ranrrl.'d. Th» l.riil.' i« a du.jfchtvr >>f J. hn I1 H' -ni. a former ... ,t ,,f .vow Al irk.'*, Shcnamd. -ih count v. OBITUARY Mrs. Ann ia A. Hnwcrs, UKort lorli - fH ;.ar, wi;i ■( H. I’ B.-wci>. of, * Xrrth Twenty, .r*.■ .>a..1 str* . t. ,1 , .-••iruluj aftert!.'. t. The funeral . pia, Monde altHn.".!! at .... . tr. in tlio I’iifLst l' e|: :, i ; i J ntermeiit wilt tn- in Oak* •: ■ rui'ii i i , lle ... -!lUU>. I ...V! S IP i. :itty one . .;ii's old. ,.f No. ;oi ,\..rth Twenty-iir.ii street, .lie,! !.(!,•>•. mv Thv funeral will t.-ku ii.pc Monde;, attorip on at ;--r.» ..•’ioek !;■ !:■ U. I ne t. S atlon M. thodist .'hnrr li Int.rtii. nt will tie in oakwaoil cent. t. r\ I’llfTorit \ vino l.vlo. Olifford I,vie. in int son "f Ttr i.ruT Mr.*' TV A. 1.-. . ..f "NiU S05 Wert Clay str.-et, died Kundny. t-'une rai arranjj.ruentB will h< announood iator. Tuft SltKIoiw. Taft Hlddone, infjjil s..r. nf Mr and Nlnat. enth Ktr*!< t, dim! Sunday TTi« funeral till take pin... Monday af ternoon at I o'cloi ! front the ro»l dfiuo. Interment will be in Hlv«r . - Ct SP’ierv. _ ITiiioral of Mr. rrelKiitmi. The fuM’-rai of John Creighton., who dieo Saturday, took Place ilay inonung from No. 503 North Mr < >. ighton Icawijl urn i ;il of Mr*. ( invon. Mullie Crav* Xu. 611 We iera I „f Mrt ,J. Oaven •t. t' ' ; place Monday i iT c r id tesvtlle, Va ’’tiiicru! < f Mr. Frotnan. 1. . i.d I Lewis a. Froa i forty-two years, who died : ■i,.-miiis, took place Sua l* moon from Xt lw n'n undertak artm-nta. Interment was in Mrs. f linilos \. Sprinkle. ; i ■ i I Kultmorwi Virginia ' \i; ■; I S' ! I ■ K< I. VA.. May 30.-* M-- S')!:- sprink'l, widow of C*|M y\ I i ., A Spririkel, died Sun**' rta ni-ht. as<*d seventy-two. Htf* trebniij o'. ! three months ago They oi iv.-l t".T>-ther half a century..';! •■■! Miss Sullie Farter, at. N ..." - out). and descendant of th* id i :.rt* r family **f Hilaries Ctty , three children—**C, ' liter >and Mrs> Wiii V it*;: and one Bister* Mtars ; i. H .. Marts nil of Harrisonburg* \ . I". tierbor. i • •. t • l;i. hmond Virginian.) : !fK i Vll.i.t: VA.. May 30.—ger*-:' .rt V. i •:. r r, ..f this place, died : o l I el—t-iHfai H h*n.:r.d, Frlg^ nigut. Mr. < lefh. r s death was dtl tt tt > Vc of appendicitis, f||| ■ ■! I'n Buffering for setr*< , m ■ ;; 11 !••. tin ught that h.. port., to the hospital when in: • 'tis upper*..-- I hi* life could haS i si i His l.rother, Mr. J. Rl| :•, vill likely succeed him a*' own sergeant. ;'!§SB -- . -- At the I heatres I DOWN IT Chesapeake & Ohio Richmond and Petersburg tend* 'i .v—Mcnjnmiu Flnjrwn, in ~\u.Iv, S:2fi IV H. I.,)* ii—Coi.till.toils iandevilic. . i oouial—t 1 > it in none tu title* Uto > 1—t niiinuo'.i- vaudeville, idlenaxl—Men f.recl Player* U tiili Mglti ’ anti “Romeo .Jo let." I hitr-1it* x. i'll f- H VV lit) BKtiKK .« tit it iiMii r<> 1‘i.xmsnu For !•:* it*; t'-K l.i parole by . t> .. fellow workB t'i !'l itmigan. alia* Taylor, at] i' : ed, has l*een returned i p. i . : i: • t.y Deputy Sheriff f|§| U' «>y«i nor. of ilenrivo county, - i *■ .* t hi- ; utxjiirod term. I ..iiicri'iin w.t • arrested at 11til larre • week for attem* to ;tli;p i( another farm hand, tune sc. he had i>< *-n released parol* it tti the penitentiary, :* arniiifi of his mis * havior Maor i! K '.V ; ;rintendent of the pro *• . iL.t.i a warrant issued for, arrest. \ ire-tod For Trc.-pas*. VV:Pi jf'i. >>n, colored, for - on property in Harton He sd Io A. J i’htwning, ha* ■ M..d and is now In the H« >, i ; it: His ■ use wnr to i. y I. i >re Magistrate ' H Kid well. S* • ■ er> body is learning ii ": pi* ii .'litre: ■ and benefit* * >. tr fans in the homes and olllc tt \ it , on Railway and Power1 pa: y h.;s b«.en getting fans down is cost. Only a few cents each v :! keep c ur home or office cool i o', isant. inereas* your health ability to do things. Fall by the j of the company. Seventh and . flit- t r"4 v**- some of three fanayi you arc in a hurry, call Madison for tt ten* to ha sent you. a no \ i *»,:v—Fu.e traini to OUI Pont, . t - ,i p , - ."vpor Ken's aod Norfolk. Too \. Daily. H»'»l to Newport New*. ' ..: iJ. Daily. I-ocri to Old Point. i t e oo N - - H Wirt ‘l.yj-e Mountain, i tiinli.n." _■ i m i p i ! i. : >- - Lou;*\ Ulr tad 11 >> Pi Putimare Vsi.'; [> Jttlly “St. !y. l eCbtrnRO INtilnttai. » oh A. Htiiv—Cb&rkatiMviUe. Week —C’iiiton T'orge. .Nil A P. V • -t ilui - i,cr:i! to tie U lb \. Daily. L bunr let., C. Eon . : . I' 11... * * \ f ■ ! • ch : :r- fluid Cum TPAiNS ARltUi. MlrifMONjl 1,'eti irfiri liaat—N;25 A V(., 7:30 P. Timnigh fnan lliat—11:36 A. M-, Tym;*: ic -ii Wt*i— *h.ju V M li.5 P. M. Throuai: - 7A. M., 2:47* P.M. ■l.a ' . Kit ur i n* S;33 A. St., 6:00P. 1 •Daily eiinpt Smatay. * ~*n* leiiv*. Mtnrbrator. ritri.'i'ti*, for SVtemburs. *ti. 7. t*. *1). 10, 11. *13 P. XI., I, V< **3-4S, *6, 7. S, *0. lO p: M. \ . Hit) I* M for fbetter. 13.00 iXtvrtbitti, t art l.-av** i’ateraburg, foot Syc for V! lUirh-v.if: ■s-tA- e *M;»' »«T H>r «?■». M33, M II 33 A. M.. 13:3*. *1-33. 3M, f 6.33. *7: IS. SdKk 9:35, •10:4ft U;40P, 1 H arrier IxanuMti* r.,i txptmt.