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ESIDENT HE IT HEED OF IEIS Taft Leads, Then Reviews P: Mcraorhl-Bav-fVrmrtr tt New York LEAVES FOR HOME DURING AFTERNOON Trip to Gotham Mmii in S : Car and llurriod in the i x tronu’—Litnchos With r BroEher. u, .» • NRW IORK Mftjr »«-• \ iri ' • fide of n few blocks oh' ..1 : N* ■» York’s marching veterans, ■ % rtview of ttn Metnorhe I’r.v ; wore th<‘ only event.* S I'r-• 1 Tuffs brief visit t" tb t: • i. • : fc-day. The President arr'-i -l i -r'y to-.; #ver the Baltimore m ! 1 >ht Washington, and remained i:i H for over an hour alter it w»s ' "' < to a aide track In Jersey c.t . . !■ slept later than 1* He > .»tvn .. kept about a htinar- l raft «d • ploye* waiting for a giimi - . ; hr •topping practical > alt v-.iV. -t the Jersey Centre. ,«t ,tl With representatives nr, ; Olrott, of New v irk, \vl. from Washington . n the r ... with him. the Pro lent wa.- . f the home of hit, brother,, V>. Tart. There he had hr- .k’i ’ t ! •hurt time later received th imodf tee In charge of the parar! *■ Tile committee- hunted the l’re“l dant to Beventy-si-ci i street mi Broadway, where he took hw pi.* at the head of the big pari I; led the procession to u < . and Sailor*’ monument it ! «tu ninth street and Hb ■ t • b There he took hts plnce In th r< Viewing stand and watched th marchers fll« by After the parade the Pr. - m i turned to the home of bi* .r th for luncheon. He r. mulnc, •h*’ Until his apeela! train ’.css r • • ■ -J lb will loave for Washington i.tte th! afternoon. (Continued front First j' u them from their h u,.-s : ■ > . s , ,tr Of war half a renturi mce Prayer will he ■ • ft■ ■ r* t : II wood cemetery by the I ],.u ft- Mason, alter w he i. 1.:- t... t-.\ Governor E!!j»<m "IP i t i,: nor Mann, the orator rf the .it; . ni In whose handj the tribute Southern soldier may w. ! Several hand* "in »»,- tn' ■ the itaml from whh-h G •• r M to to make his address >n : i.e the direction of Frank \V. f o m ham will play hymn* which v. m la. •tin* by the groat crowd f rm n, men and children present at ih. Ing •serrlsex IteeorHtor-, mu r.u-ij. Although the cert nionlt s ' togln until sunset. Ho ivw<>,. , m tery, where Ue thoueumlv < f h-r- ■ dead, ha* been alive with h urn nr ;t\ Ell day. Immediately after tn* b breakfast member" of th llo Memorial Association, to whom t),. placing of wreaths ami general <!• o ration plana la left, • > r* m t". re tery, with while apron, v.i i , street dresses and nltn! U- hiiK* r. • , toning sweet hlossoma into j ate designs for the aim : nt mounds. Each car and *..ii brought It* load of flowtr* ;U i pie with tender motives and ■ '')■ their heart* Flowers on Is-wlcr-' t.ravi Although no grave - ed. whether the sleeper mm; r tfeed for con*i>lcut name handed down to port' rlty r i, • a private whose name H nt w •special tribute will l.e paid 1. whose career* and achirw i nta >■ ever stand out ip Southern Among these grave* are ih- e I Went Jefferson !'atis of tin < < ’■ i •racy; Major General J. L n. i General Fltzhugh i,eo > e . Matthew I M ■ i George F. IHokett. Oener* J -In Cooke. General tV. H. Sc ir < •ral John IVgram. Mr* J. :» i • via Miss Winnh Havi*. )l" I' and a numbi r of others i •haft erected to the memoi v or set of men wh fought r t South a huge wreath • hh r '. the mem (tors of the Mem. rnu \ . elation Monday before re ? \ . t day progressed more > t* ■ added, new clusters and casket* ■ . bto—oms were fib'lril oil the Brii | and thousands of additional Of flower* were distributed .<* ■ it l cemetery by relatives ,,r the her • HONOR FEDERAL IX AI» AT SEVEN PINES (Mil II in Memorial servlet- r< i l- . h -' the Seven Pin< s Cemei. : several thousand mm whes" i .* fll different from tht-i ■ 1! •mere, but whum memory mint kept freeh and urn n At 11 o'clock mem'- rx - I Kearney Poet, G. A. R , Mini ti. ri ttvee and friends. ammitc them ?■ Southerner* went to the r'-:fnit . etery to hold services , n i .t,- r ■ flowers on the sravi a of th. !'• i dead. Commander B. K. I.. i 1 r Preeldent Lincoln's G«t;\ rif t~ dreee, the Rev. C. A. p--h:- hi d. ••• •red a touching and lintn i men. In which he emphatic d th. -that peace relpna throughout the hr* end a salute to the dead tv a- tit. ! ’ a equad of soldiers from Con.: j: }—First Regiment. Virginia r:,::.. $er Berm-ant Paul F. Sucre music waa rlayed by n band . mi hymns were sun* by the sev.r.i b dred men, women and children eM. BLANK THE FIIET GAME J,_(Oootlnued from First Pai;*. > went out th<- same \ia !<,»■. At. tlllrO. x_i_. _—_ Sftcmli Iniumr. IdTOCbbur* —Cowan throw \Vo UM out at ftret, A. Smith flow out. to Waltoeo, Belter thro' Sharp mu. y Richmond—ijhaw drew a lr fair.—to fal.,uju, Lj■ thrown out by Wouluma, Vrr tripled to center, eeoring Shaw, lr*w a po«s, but UaJca# wtut thrown out hv Woolun t ■ * ^ the siilc*.. Oik* run . Inning'. I,yr.< !>lull'll —OVuIin Kt > • •* *' ’** nliig h> striking • ut *t.< IRfoWff i>i;i 'I■>" Bakr-r j ■ i».; a fivnit i y to m ine . Uh .1 ' chance 14* 1>. Smith ar.• i xva* *' Olit ::l I-r-'t. Ht^biu JKU2-1 (\ i wont in w-ruli-l *■ 1/ Tilt::*- u’-h «• •' Hr - •••*<* to lx v > : Khav l*"'. pi? ti 1 ’ 1 t' r, - ■»nnv ’ ; ■ • . I v .: ; • 'T vv 1 • "Jr UK M-»U «H <;t*vTTT"to iJt'ooK « >u* run. Ninth InuSr* KyitclH nrp - \ •:• *v»- }•*>'••’’! «' ’•* - <\>wp.n, 1,« m sirv* i t• - »it :*■«.-» I • S*r[tV bit int> a \i • ! “l& rnii'i'lng hi* «!;-»•■ - .•-*-? ■ •••* i*;:*; it ! n tfmp to. Hamlgru-v ihr «* *. • H. H»n.n« . Mr.' t. No ri; Rich-nor:1 ! ' i af»* 2b .. . I Hr k'T, #'•. : ** i >* ,: ''.Ihrf. -r. « 1 • ' Hlghb-. \h.‘ ’ ■ ’ »’ 0 i TJtnu.n, if .:t ‘ <• •; « Ji 'it . . •’ • •» ; VM-lM-vlt. V.. ... - 0 1 • r3> jtm t» ih!»* i ■ V- I . • * : TTr-oli:i. " I.::L ^ TV I ■j; L\ Ik !)t n; !. i nrioial. I. r • 1 > • i - 1 t rv r i • *t i i i;b!-, 4.000. OKE m ] ie ('nri! N nt<t t "i : M !;■ a l!i. ' w> >v -• '••• f : U : If • .■ -.1 V i i . :u ;■ II. r UUAN<»Ki.. 'V \ . v. ••• . i . i 1 I.y .- ; ' ■ ’ • !■ t* thv 8i 1 i ;:lh 1 'a:mu it v. 2 tn 2, v ih i niti i-iii •• " . > v. i ,i ! . J it ■' hi:.- ' w-1:i nut 1 * : !• ! In the i ! . i : !W: vi. - n t'M i:i •; i i a '■ nr r. ■ • • •• ! ; irl.i . ! Ilti IT,!- iiu- •! V. h ' ••• ■ • (1 h <•-. (!,t. Ih-;. UiMr two run1- If- tbit >*■L'iHiit 1 ’ «' ! ^ ■ d t'‘ • '»•» >• " :j !i.! •><•••; ' i *y>t y:i\z .■ niiii i• r.1 <:• i\ • ‘ haul add. i Dn’th, r rt.n • • an Tta ' r’n ' r-*.* rtt• - • • , * Shaujs'hn'. and ; i<.u . <.,. -iinw ldoyie. Ni Vi ii i .> • • •*. .Mid .* »*;• j wer<* ful1., mil >*:-i-ati •i »u; ;• d. ■• •r j mi; nil Um V: it K: . * ; • ' V • i ; 1 \l}|f l IV'. ( 1, I • . * - , -h r ' 11*11 i !). «-■ • r-v > j!m •• •-.: • - ■ • « •• ! thr '■ •• Jiih, i.r - •» iV - .’•'.it u-rn . t Th^ ■ a. I : »It'd, r i Jjt-’.-t . ' S: n ! ilidhai i. ' v t •»: • | I’n-s*, . i S- l«r?i •! ■- r Su!: ’ \'*sn. ; tlriiiu' < i ,i. rk’n \V, ,\f. *’lidUij tar 'V Sarrun ax T\Vn-!':isi‘ 111 i * t‘t Z: P, r ,T! w - w1. r - - t r Ktuiuiih'. • I ■ - S*! .1- ;• • 1 >'• Prlu-iiiiii1.. ‘ wrui! :■, ■■ ■■ ft -i-y-t— -T’-i’ h11 i*V‘ -?-—v.~..ttt x M, i ■ fi j I ■ - It 1, I,,- (,ii it it TV" it tut t» i'ti' ;-ii. !’• • r AUl nil It ■ ~ ■" M it ri PISTO!. DCEl 'ala \\ i- iii •.!f'[ .Ei1, ! ( Kmwv TJu 1 r UJ 1 .aril ( )t Id j\ ■;> \ -: i ,. - - 1 i; 1' r» -r i-mj. tv rtwir j.-i-i.i! , .i n Wi lli-; tin Sam \V i Is... iimj .loiai H. C.tMi r m-fi.f ■ i... '• v a nslQl duel 1.1 til. Kit . i- I . 1- ! . k.. Halt; ill: 1 !'■>!' ii: . ,uJ ■ ■ ’ • n --w .1: rv.ib v ! .t- . • < ■ : U'.n f r< fv . I 'v60T»n« <i» Ii-> l'v r.JU'i T:.< :■ " in li.o up : * * tl.o r»> . i ■! 1’itnif, at4 i ‘u u iiij.i .. ihe m<irj.i!:}.r arid «;<•!:..irn.i < < «;T» iiikuj i >rt» r -ii rround \\ *i* n Wil aiii* « <• r*» »'.*■ • if.r ;>•1 • rn«- i 1 .,*■ -p/»■ v, »■ ■ v/nib.:) * f* ii rartv :• I lor > fgM t»*<;p:E ^ tvi 'Tuitf'e. fur iiw too' i'.-- 3 ^ ; i .• • *it«- brvli frcun C,i*ru r'.‘i ;• ■ s •. »•»•. • l !. • ".if i. *-f ’* • ;• : ■ th* inr! :r.i> .Ml t m .ir 1*. • if.a 1 cmi •» U 11<- .. • •. • .-rt.iiii (or hi*. rK-avcr.-. \l f,IH> l: , .- l-li -i. V 144V .1 tWKiWV An til >. i .>„■ ,1 -* i oimt>UWiiJl) !•■ ‘ ;■ of t!i< 1 ; } iiur*f i.uUdin* ;> i nnU | third Mm* * of id » • • i” V...:... . —t-.tiiiiuii.-1—i-i ‘ Ta.vlor i\’i> .! . ,| «• *: ttody. !><uth .i tell t<> Uu.i . -r tlup to heart uu» -‘-i-~ TO! lUlmuiu f } f“|fT Ilf i . V, I £'-«*• w h Prov< v Kn I U -ft: * ? .1 V irgtni'tf). > •. . = i, \ ;: , Wat: h, J - I■ •. . tJfi t‘* th« • • • \ • • - J • • - 1m ■ i *m I.- • .u v*i ; ** •*. • morning scnar* t - ... r > ■ . • *-» ti ll \ - on ' 1;. \ C -a* ■- i •'« H' -!-4 « x i*i ,t> * • ' i. n a 1 . .1 uliiilKiflil. ; . U ;. i -• i *,/..■ i *><}•. li up t^r the . . ; ; . ; !.■ > ihf in■ sti*. - t • .. *•>•».• .i . a j.*,*# , > tth *i 7rr\t » . . oM I»r W oy 0 fll'J W Ol’.rrt M‘*Ulu . ; up v.ii . <1 s ’ r. iTuMntf ; t itopi's : ; . t run. i * ■ •. . . • .?• tin; a:. Jy i«.m •r* v M r. a *. ' * ’ ..«• ; •*;. 'V : •< I ■ if: i. Hr-fts t .no V>" v* «.» iuii I’/m. mIi >(• •!. i. ,‘\,>ru/.k up .m'u . v ; it run. Bus h s-iuglcti and . nil* J . i.f»jut vvaa >; it ! * r. - sii t • t.1 ii'-. • II wiid i • • ? -v. h> , ;4’ir<i'0-k sin • •• : • jf . * • . ..> ► k :■ ui; t • f,i.i ;■ : r . i !* I I Vi nth ! Ik Tula . ' i i . i> 111* . ii.* ii v <i lilt' V 1 .'.'P’t il triple . i'ii ,■!-.< »:.* . ■’ *: I i •» i• f OH a i- . .. Bit. h ?.i- un ; i (.!• , .1 ui l s;: *.l Tci'i«‘r’» vil(3 tr. uv. Hr* f-r'-.I-l, tivd n.HTJ , . M J,; • «, 1 .. :-.g.i,usTi<. I ;n <* • . Hun; :r d ti>0 o •• u.iy U. it l 4 t ■» 1 Total i 11 i J !ulh. k H. o, A. E i;k. U'. 2 () 2 1 t U 1 '• (» 2 i 1 1 U 0 0 0 »» * o o 4 o - i) il I *> ) 0 } u (J L 0 <t 0 0 1 7 »> ■ O ij /. (.) ft ».l 'I 1) ••) rirruy— S ■ r ■ wen (2}. H. Math- 1 .nan I ttf Wa'Hp. M oh ;1 ’ VN nV^.h, ill r tlarni \ ,u •-n la. - • ! rift M r.r.’! vr;nf » i *» ! JS► r *». r .■ r I-* UUiwiHUL IIS 3t53!y SiUiL \!i S- iifU' . .iu Div! . tv t n i i it t!v '\ ■ .j>* :» ; oh i are . S ■ VC- l.r • f. i . . Ktr ■ !■;-■ • ’> v. ■ 1.<K n .->i«. i.’ilo ii. The- after . a ;ii ..‘dock. Al ■ •.. , ,-.l lo can. nil : i• n »( ihn *>•**•* »i >•■ ■ • •• .. V>’1 ! ■ ini: 1 j. ,'ii at Itii Kln , r ...» pf *JVi|. A... f)„ ttc : .. ntian, r. ;>re i1 ■ ,t T. Rogers, il A it (•' will : • ;_zv_-t. .v—_l—IV.——t—~— 11 i Mi Aa I". • • *■ n-ivu )vl .i ,1 ; . ■’ \r ■ . Al. Ovt-r. it. ■ . N..r-i , •. i . ■ : • f c. If. i 1 - :■!■■■'. Quii-n, a: . r'l-rellr : . Cr. Hi.a il “ i f,, mire: A’. ,■ '■ ■, ■ ■ ■ !'. .: - i, i; \\‘. 1Kahn, ,. i ! • * i i 'urtA \\. T. , II. r. • i I a y, !i ■ : r a 11- vat,., Hivhnioml. '!• ,.r It. I), - tat, Association I i i.•' : f,.ik, tircv.iilcnt; R. « t • •• t vi.'i - ,i: , M. S' i ' 1 inmiit,>n, ! . . a!, : .1. < >i, rn, ft, r . 11‘* i 11, ' a . I*. .1 1 .VVOtO, j; aiv • ml. • ’■ . -I. VV. 11,,: 'tint. ■ i •1 i , alive , : . v- i ■■ i:',-!rmar!d; .1. 5.ail-., I TH: until, iral I.. Al. < fv*.. i't ■'.NurusHi. :,: i I■ ■ '• an i,:'i . who he : t : , ■ ■ him upon _,.f • ■■ r ..._.._i..„. ,—.—_. t.. • .—••■— • .. ’ ... • urs of ajto. • • t • . ■ ft- of a swtu h tin ■ and Ohio : J... . ni-s streets ’ rn" lied down i l n,: hiii life mashed • i • •. r i i.-n-lnff, who-wan . ... ;, i-j it Ion ho art*-to report ■ ... -I,, r. I ' down the .... ; IT, and was a» : i ' t’.-. nr irons wlim i,, ,4, ! the bones" and ■viiifl about '!» --•——r-hor-- —-f -1 r r-TxT’-c*' u 1 it -rr-~ ■ it >■ ■ >; i • vha#l* he learn < : i1. .i n hai i. -ti in front m it train ,i*.J fjon oi'usiiwl to death. « —f — \ -1‘ivi' Xcirri ■- i 1 uildlcil in —Sent I .(nil !iy tlk OlH John. i oI,i< )•; MAKi: I'.IG IIAID t in tii.. 1 la. * is. m of the City Ii.aJ Would ,Vi Hold, the Prison.-i>. Ted . ni ro /••• who will not '•>. nnriy-eight i ./ ■ women who m hi... oi to. est hind and whin .. man win association ,i : c. ...» tor . , has placed . : < im ■ ■ . h them, will : r ■ remember i'm na! i>tty .*1 ' • . v •. r- . led in alleys . in. > night . ■ ■ • ii'iy Sunday o< ., ' . I as ill*-,,-.. .hey were so , , - • rtle, i.. an;led - : police court IK uday. T . ie iv,i pen in r basement of , it-, mill whs not i nth the size ,, :d l:a\ e he. h ' ' r t" accom ■ ..■■,, : ail . f the ii. • ■ rowd. and • or- i'oj. ,■ o. oliee depart i) ‘ ., -■ - ,.!led ,.■ , t watch the . , \v hile tin . huddled tp • tii.* pen i the . orrl uoi Ml Were i Inert. i •.• i- the wiUiit r o d that has • • brought . • (hit court. J ; ' i", oilmen; to > 'i I'l' them here; •'< s’mtuiate th. oi upon hav- j : - i'liinni i tin l ty. I know * i n-i'. one oi seventy-live | 1 . t K : 1< nil lit with 1 •>•. The> net! ? in each j ••• i ' t to .inti i ■ r ninety days,” j ,(!•! nil. e Crutch! ill .■..mi tlie litis of i. ■ v .re or more. root in' mo a short aid were n to tile real • t ' room il was, •• to kip ' ■ uulet. J us- . .. . i i i hi.• ..I or. the patrol j , J ri : * m to Ui' ha: and in batches; ■ .,nd i " he Ih • v 11 was taken 1 to tn*. it;, jail. Non*- paid a line. ■ in t outside • building a ! . i . in til l t ■. i hundred. . . n ,,n e kit gat. d and j - ,1 tl .- prlvote l they were ■ 111 the ' r "in to the ■ y wagon." A of • 1. i is it • • . u > Ither side, g . d which the v„pi mi. and din n characters walked. I n fh - •■ntlrr no th< re v.■ s not one, s * . i i charKi; i .n i'll\ to \asni - ram . to dis,,r.t■ i , i i , -i i ha rat t ' - i’, ide.i Sunday .-iiortty before tl to | v i. Saturday : s .'. .dl and Zimmer, I. C. .1. I' C.l'. Smith, ' : ' V.'f , e- f S. T. t 1 • l iiees -11 *'t Itiwan. 1 I ..•Ik .. .1. 1,. W1P ■. !m. sio mly - Ink- 1:■ ,V; * ;.-w SeVf nti ■ i ; • ■ si ore j.i■ ken i . i ,t riding t ho , . rder. lions .. L ! • . .Vil li tO W seventy-five 1 the officers, rt,, the court . from petit and from , onduot and Morning. o. k struck , i Sergeants ih officers F il. l.. Bry ACtinson. 11. .1 J. Matt, • hntterson. A . ai d \V. O. 'inoilngham'B st reel and > groes who ;. tin all kinds , re entered els i,,r the olil the porting Light o ha; he \vh«-*re nsat' ol mo mini! ;uo in i her of j. fu! in t rs they were i women were abodes and hud Nirtv and then ■ v Only to be cap ,Might to a thnit S«.'« ne '* i ever gro tend *r!uln sec i this alley, with bluccoats marched ■. in tin- pre bull r alleys 1- n w r r< ! i V Sunday risoners an hour aster than he ars. P age » 'k Was T '<t 1 *• the accused 1 a sigh of r vls uuted ruing hud and died the how m InjT ih refuse. the Winner. •t Magistrate Mi <>' Police i’••minis ■■nt to work In baii majority wore al .tii Monday iiu>r!m,u • e fifty cents f«»r a • *• ji.l recognized them * J tor' their apj ear belng a bond .■•■man . but nothing said •t he owned r- al ■ : ■ 11 v, it nuiv he ago the luk ing of i . uhibited. feeding the pris n> pay their flu*-s. >se habitpt is the althler by $25 or of the r.uil. uuotint of the lino •i the jail ^ntencos •unt to tf.7U0 days ►* onths at work. s no workhouse or • negro vn*v rants - w; v-fef ut little- over • ■ course, some of r fines and escape jin in a few days «>r u'ili bo many who si8 of the city »er ths and more, er arrested asked rate her from nil i rowfl beo uise, she* m -aeles. ’ Hut there in court where ndred people had i , k: fans had to be a semblance of 1 ihe judge** stand, w Record. porter his kern re • the One John tor but n^vor before dug that came any !incr the disgusting I'ho motlcv crowd who morning after t i»*> eonrt was there v.ith th» vact mini ;mo breathing pain !•'“ 111. ’ ay, declined to an* • •I a reporter as to In* received for bnil ■siuiers, a rid likewise ■ a many he had bail - acted when asked Ur* < Th they intiiP prosecute the work nut have given no t y intend to invade t within the near XiiUlXL. roxouK in AT i'i : \ VACATION" CELEBRATION teri of I’niy-l :-•< vator Hn.dh . : 1 .V a v 30.—Elaborate toe observance ji is hot aber.H of both Senate irt in the ceremonies w-t cries. Every vet » was able to walk ir.fio to the National \rllngton. -procPFsimr was •»nai saints by a hat - Slated field artillcm-. of Kentucky was the ' in TESTIFIES Chief Magastrate to ell of Accused —Coilftcilriieifs IrrtCTP'it Olif Ordinance. MAY BE LAST SESSION Pollock-Wise Inquirers Hope to Conclude Probo After Hear ing .Mr. .Richardson. Mayor David Crockett Richardson 1 will bo the thief witness before the committee of Investigation In the Pol- : lock-Wlso case Monday night. It Is expected by the committeemen that | the ommlttcemen that the Inquiry will be concluded Monday night. Otty Sergeant Kuskell was given a i summons to serve on Mayor Richard son parly Monday morning, but was unable to ttnd him. The mayor had uressed for the Memorial Day exer cises, paid a brief t islt to his office and departed before Fergeunt Ruskell appeared. Nevertheless Mayor Richardson in all probability will appear be tore the hearing whether summoned or not. So i also will Attorney James K. Cannon.’ w ho will testify as to the ethics of the j action of Couneilmen Pollock and Wise In accepting a fee for obtaining i an alleged suspension of the ordinance prohibiting the feeding of swill to cat tle by dairymen. Attorney Cannon will be a witness for the “prosecution.” Ills testimony will be given In an effort to offset that of Attorneys John Garland Pol lard. author of the Pollard Code of Virginia, and nephew of City Attor ney Pollard; Attorney M J. Fulton j and Attorney S. A. Anderson, all of 1 whom have gone on the stand and J expressed the opinion that the ac- ; {•used couneilmen violated none of j the ethics of their profession or of , Mayor Richardson will testify > mainly us to the interest shown by | Messrs. Pollock arid Wise In the exec- j utive approval of the amendment to ! the1 cattle feeding ordinance. It is not charged or even Intimated that Mr. Wise urged the mayor to sign i the ordinance, or that he even asked him to do so. It ts declared merely that he evidence interest, as was show n by numerous questions as to | whether or not the approval had been j consummated. Whether or not this interest was j so marked as to be a violation of the j code is the rather line point which j the mayor will be called on to settle ! by his testimony. ROOSEVELT NOT SB BEIL 45 CHRIST IMS, HE SAYS Rasing the comparison on the view point of the historian. Rev, I.)r. David >1. Ramsay, pastor of Grace-Street JJaptist ,'hurc h, in a sermon on; Jesus,' the Rover of Men and Wo- j men," declared that Theodore Roosh- '• velt is not half so genial a man as Christ was 'Mere genialty," said the minister Sunday morning, "is an empty quality. Geniality which is true is that which Is mingled with sympathy and it was this > otnblnation which Christ pos sessed to the fullest." The minister referred to the man ner in which Roosevelt was greeted by thousands as he passed through the streets on hLs last trip to Richmond and w ithout any intention of disparag ing the popularity of the former pros! dent he insisted that it fell far short of the kind of popularity that Christ won SEA TOO ROUGH TO RAISE SUBMARINE Seamen Still Entombed in Steel Shell—Another Effort to he Made. CARA It*. May SO.—The sea was too rough to-day for the divers to do any thing toward raising the wrecked sub marine riuviose, in which the bodies of twrntv-seven French seamen are en tombed. As soon as the sea calms the tinnl effort to raise the vessel will he made. BICYCLIST RIDES INTO LEE AUTOMOBILE Hr in Thrown from Ilis Wheel :in<l Sustained Painful Injuries. Hiding a bicycle with drop hauma bars and watching only the front i wheel, a young man literally collided ) with an automobile near laurel and i{race streets Sunday afternoon about six o'clock. One lamp on the front of the touring car was smashed, the bicycle was wrecked and the young man who did not see far enough ahead i was thrown several feet away and sus tained injuries that were quite pain ful. ills head was cut In one or two places und a gash was made across ; his face. The occupants of the automobile ' took him in it and carried him to a i physician, ills injuries are not thought j to be serious. A messenger boy who I raw the accident said that the whcel ! man was riding directly towards the j automobile and that he evidently did i not see it until he was directly In its path. BANKRUPTCY 1’KTTTIOXK I I 1.1.1) IN raiEBAli COURT Two petitions In voluntary bank ruptcy were filed Monday In the l'uited States district court for East ern Virginia. Bernard C. Buford, of Hlchmond. a salesman, places his liabilities at *3 700, with no assets. He is represent ed by Attorney H W. Ooodwyn. Thomas B. Snead has been appoint ed referee. Marvin Smlthev, of BawTeneevllle, Yn., a rallrodTJ Tifeman, has also jought reljef from liabilities of *2. 100. with no as? as. George ft. Ber nard has been named as referee. VIM. HEAR APPEAL IN STAFFORD C ASE Judge Edmund AVaddlll. Jr., In the I'nited States district court for East ern Virginia. Monday overruled a mo tion f"r ft new trial In the cafco of John O. Stafford, of Henrico county, charged with violations of the Inter nal revenue law*. Stafford was con vlr ted Ot operating an Illicit whiskey ' business and sentenced to six months ' in jail and fined *100. A motion by counsel, George A. Hanson, for as appeal will bo heard Tuesday. The Sydnor & Hundley -Great Make-Room Cut-Price Carpet and Furniture Sale is saving money for hundreds of customers. You should he one of them. 25, 33^ and 50% reductions. CLASS DAY EXERCISES FEATURE OF CLOSING Young Ladies of Woman’s College Have Clover Celebration'—lhic calaureate Sermon—Finals Tuesday Night. From the first wearing of the cap anil gown o| Wednesday afternoon, when the art exhibit was held in the college chapel, the commencement ex ercises of the Woman's College have been most Interesting and delightful. On Thursday and Saturday nights, re-[ sportively, the graduates' and annual concerts were held, and on Friday evening the preparatory exercises were most enjoyable. The class day exer-' clses. which were held Monday morn ing, were, as usual, conceded to be the most delightful of the many func tions of the commencement. The alumnae luncheon, which has been made a special feature this year, takes place at the Jefferson Hotel Monday i afternoon at 3 o'clock. The final ex- j ercises will be held in the Academyi of Music on Thursday evening, when Governor Mann will make the address, and Dr Nelson, president of the col- i lege, will deliver the degrees, diplomas and medals. ! Baccalaureate Sermon. Rev. Dr. George Cooper, of Balti more, who was so closely Identified with the life of the college during his long residence in Richmond as pas tor of the First Baptist church, preached the baccalaureate sermon of the class of 1910 In Grace Street Bap tist church on Sunday evening. He Invoked the girls to resist the fetters of pragmantism, so prevalent in this age. and to preserve the charity of u broad ilsion and aspiration. Seeking light from the great God, they must be true Christian women, keeping their torches, which have been lit by faithful professors at their alma ma ter, steady and glowing, and not per mitting them to flicker and wane. The church was crowded with the college girls in their white frocks, and the seniors In caps and gowns, with a large gathering of friends, parents and relatives. Class Day Celebration. Miss Groce, of Dallas, Tex., in her address of welcome as president of the elass of '10, was most charming in delivering her excellent address, bidding the alumnae present to share the joys and not the sorrows of their class day. Hhe spoke of the day at one of sadness, hut most replete in gladness, and gracefully expressed the appreciation of the Interest shown by their sister students and friends Miss Hallle Vaughan Atkisson, class orator, delivered an inspiring oration on the class motto, "i’eraeve rentta omnia vinelt”—Perseverance conquers all things.'' With the true accuracy of the modern historian. Miss Fostelle Manila Thornton related the history of the class -if '10. which has Indeed been one of sunshine and shadow. As the fortune of each girl had been revealed to her by a weird fain In an enchanted forest, Miss Henri Gladys Roberts prophesied the fu ture of her classmates, consigning some to the life of singled blessed ness, some to lives of fame and for tune and other to lives of wedded bliss. As she related the prophecy of each girl she handed her one of the elass flowers, a liberty rose. Miss Groce prophesied a life of domestic happiness for the prophet. In a dig nified and legal manner Miss Pearl Koontl, as lawyer of the class, read their last will and testament, leav ing to each member of the faculty | some pertinent reminder of the class of '10. As valedictorian Miss Ella Gulsenberry hade the faculty, stu dents and alma mater a tender fare well. As they hail marched into the col lege chapel, where these exercises were held, singing the class song writ ten hy the class poet. Miss l.ucy Cur tis, and holding the unbroken chain of smilax, after the valedictory and singing the farewell song, composed by Mr. Flow, one of the professors, they marched to the campus, where th" other exercises were held. Mias Sara Starke delivered the tre* oration tinder the boughs of the class tree, which has been named for i’rof. Melvin A. Martin. After an appro priate oration by Miss Ruby Goode, each girl with a verse of rejoicing, threw the tormenting element of her school life Into the receptive flames of a roaring bonfire. t'lass Kntertained Following the class day exercises Mrs. A. Haggles Nelson entertained th.' class most delightfully at lunch eon In her home, which was attrac tively decorated in ferns and spring blossoms. Idttle Miss Elizabeth la> lor, of Chicago, a niece of Mrs Nel .">n in a bewitching cap and gown, distributed th. souvenirs P> the state ly seniors, who also wore the cap end gown. I'r. James Nelson, the itev. Snarks Melton, of Norfolk, and Miss Marlon Forbes, of the college faculty, assisted Mr and Mrs Nelson in receiving the girls. For several years past Mrs Nelson has enter tained the class and her luncheon always unique, is one of the most delightful affairs of the finals. Alumnae l.tinchcoti. I'misually enjoyable will be the twelfth annual alumnae luncheon, which takes place Monday afternoon at the Jefferson Hotel. Forgotten in cidents and dying friendships are re viled about the luncheon board, ami many and delightful are the reminis cences of former college days. Cov ers will be laid for about lilt alumnae, many of whom have come from a dis tam e for the in'earstoti. Mrs. Idly Recit er Eppes. 04, will make the address of welcome to those in caps and gowns, with the l.geud. Methlnks this goodly company grows, space." Miss'Cora I ..ugh Spivey, 10, will re spond with the motto, • lt> this token we are one of you.” “Our old college walls.” with the legend. ' l.est we for get." will bo given from two view points, respectively, "Outside looking in,” by Mies Hohle Galcskl, 'OH, and • Inside looking out.” by Mis* ftowdell, of Rappahannock, ’<15. "Our latest production, the suffragette,” "This novelty on uarth. this fair defect,” will l e responded to by Miss Kmina Clark*. '04. Miss Maude Starke, chair man of the luncheon, will read greet ings from our absent alumnae, call ing the old words, in such a moment 1 would ask that you remember me." Miss Mary C. Anderson will read a greeting from Miss Hatcher, of th* Bryn Mawr faculty, who Is an alum nae Of the college. Miss Hatcher was the organizer and < riginalor of th* alumnae association. Address by Governor Mann. Governor Mann will deliver the bac calaureate address at the Academy on Tuesday evening at S15 o’clock. The degrees, certificates and diplomas will l>e presented by 1 >r. Nelson at thlg time. UMPIRE NENNE6ER DOES NOT REPORT Owner Bradley Says lie Believes the Objections Have Been Heard By League Officials. Umpire Joe Henneger did not show up for work at the local park Monday morning and Owner Kradley gave It aa hla opinion that the league officials had given ear to the objections that were raised to him uud that he would not be signed up. Umpire Davis ap peared here to work In the series with Lynchburg Monday. Secretary Gregory stated Friday that Henneger would be brought here first and the fact that h. did not come might mean that lie Is not to work in the league. None of the clubs objected to his working in Richmond or anywhere else in the circuit except in Norfolk. The magnates clrttm thill they have a good reason for objecting to the um pire on the Norfolk diamond. APPOINTS SPECIAL MASTER IXm JEFFERSON CASK The case of Maloney and Collins, which has a mechanics' supply lien ! against the Jefferson Hotel for 120. ! 000, came up again In the United States District Court Monday, and upon motion of counsel, Meredith A Cocke. Judge Edmund Waddill, Jr., I entered an order allowing a special master, to succeed the late Guy Jack son. This cnee has been pending for eight oV nine years In the district court, here growing out of the case of Frank Hrumbaugh, genera' contrac tu.- .fur the Jefferson iiute. when It was rebuilt. After allowing a special master. Judge WaddtM let the case go over until Tuesday. Virginia Brevities. LYNCH HI'RG. YA.. May 30,—Another new postal route 1* to be established within the next two weeks on the Nor folk and Western railway, between here and lUchmond, thus Kivlnj; six daily mails between the Kill City and the capital. LVNCHUrHQ. YA., .May 30.—Th« strtet iH.iway company wm this week mart tne p*y>a»-you*«ntQr system on uiie ot trtw tuVisions. fast as tn# cars now »n use can be auereu the new service wm he extoititni. WINCHKSTEn, vs, May 30.—Win ucwalu, me uwuunuiue country pi&ce of Juhh J. htrupi. a prOiliiuciii uuniiMi mull, neai iviarlilisoui a. V\ . V a., M&§ Liutui bouiiui tty a meal syndicate lor o«.v^o. x ue p*ac« wm eve laiu out in OUtiOUlK lots. LYNCHBl'ttO, YA.. May 30.—William i'rue, ageu luny yeans, an I'.nttliaiiinan. aieu at me City nuapitui bunuay iroin internal injuries receivea yeatciuay by roil*iiK UuHli it steep hill ol mo Belt nine ol tne .muioik ana Western after ne naa jumped irom a ire*K“i tram. He was wurjs-iif his way Hath Boston tQ ivf > nest aim nau a pawn ticket from a iNivannan arm. LYNCHBURG, YA., May .10—ltev. Henry r. At Kins, of lUciimond, dcltv rieu the haeeaiaureate sermon at tne v irguua Cnr.suan college at Lyncu burg yesterday. The uumroenctiwnt aimless will he inane l»y the iiev. frier Ansae, ot Hamm ora, to-iug ht. BRISTOL, VA„ May 30.—The eom mcncemt nt at Mullins College for girla and Ueorge College lor young men weie inaugurated at Hristoi. \ a., yesterday, w nen C. U Bishop, of Mexl co. Mo., preaened the Mullins hur-cnlau route and L)r. Jonah Mihley, of Knox, vtlie, Tenn, a similar sermon at Kin.f i "ettnirp. a ctaui of IS young women representing several Slates will grad uate from sullins to-morrow. KRKKM.NO, VA„ May 30—The fly* year old daughter of Ulysses Kliipps. or Isom, was killed by a rolling log ynn terday. The father and a farm hand were sawing a tree In the field, when a log escaped and rolled oyer the* llttla girl, who happened to be playing; on ft hillside below, mangling taor body.