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ROLO FIELD DM pcetpBTn'RTcrsmJnd Witt be Nearly $4,000 it is Es timated SPEAKERS PREDICTS if VICTORY FOR CAUSE I Busim-*.' and Professional Men fo Urged t<> Unite Solidly \\ itJi !' League in Fight on Liquor Traffic. Gratifying contribution* t-ward the pause of temperance were made at * aaoat of the Haptlst and t’hrlstlan churches In Richmond Sunday when annusi field day exercise* were held ‘ voder the au»plce» of the Anti-Saloon l | iragrv ~ of Virginia. Prominent league worker* audreat. •d audiences at morning and evening : services throughout the ill;, detail ing the progress being made and pre dicting ultimate tlctorj' for prohibi tion in Virginia. Counting contribution* made at Math odist field das exercises set era* ■tenths ago. it is estimated that re ceipt* from Richmond churches «lli aggregate nearly M.(u>n. Those front the Methodist chur. hex. it ms) be Mated, amounted to about S1.7U0. g~ Among those who assisted Superin tendent Mi Abater in the field clay tsork Sunday were Rev. Dr. .1. M. JPtlchor. of Richmond: Ret. K. J jfUchards.-n, superintendent of the Northern Virginia district; Ret 1 >» vtd Hspburn, of Hanover county, Ret John M. Arterg, of Wilmington, Del.. Rev. C. E. Stuart, superintendent of (Ike Southwest Virglniu district. Ret. C. D. Arehdall, student at the South am Rapttst Theological Seminar), tt ho trill act as field worker for the Vir ginia league during the summer months. Rev. Mr Arendall was for merly pastor of Northslde Rapttst church. Highland Park Delaware Worker Talks. Rev. Mr. Artors. In the uptime of his talk*, said that two counties in Delaware were already dry, and he expected the remaining county to Uric Up with the clause of temperance af ter the election scheduled for next November This count', h* said has ffHrty saloons In H, while Wilming ton would also go dry. Rev. Mr Richardson recited fans and figure* showing that out of the forty or more successes achieved to the league w ithin the past nine y. ars it had lost only three place* during that time—namely, Bristol. Danville ■ltd Shenandoah. He said that great progress was being made in his dis trict Dr. Pilehsr Across River Rrv. Dr Pilcher experienced sonic difficulty in soliciting funds at Rnln brtde street Baptist, in Washington "Ward, a majority of the officers or the Church Insisting that he collect from members of the congregation ns they emerged from the doors fter ser vices. With the hacking of the pea tor. however, he succeeded In finally getting a hearing before the church and came away with a handsome con tribution. Although the league wa« debarred (font holding cierciaes hi Second Baptist Church, a spe- tal 'ontribu «ar subscribed hr hmtirMoai member* nml Kent In to tho league a treasurer The leugue alto (titled to hoM formal e.un ite .- 1.1 i,*-lgh Street and Broadu* Memorial. At the lat ter church, it appear* that the pro gram of ih* league contHted with the regular renter*. All the speakers made a special point to urge business and profeaslon at men in Richmond to Identify them aaivea with the t*ms>eraure movement So that the league may present a* •olid a front a* possible against the liquor traffic The Virginia league l* arranging for annual field day exercise* to he held June 4th. at variou* church** In Meck lenburg countv. On June 7th, the lirst annual convention of the Mecklenburg ounty anti-saloon league will he held at Boydton. Outside speakers on this aatsaalon will be Rev. K J. Richard aon and Rev C. K. Stuart both of whom participated In the exercises in Richmond on Sunday. Want Solid Front. THEATRICAL CONCERT WITHIN PRISON WALLS local Piay Hun!*! - Si nd IVr fvrraers to Knlt-nain < 'mi vie!* at IVnitenuttrv. Municipal ilay will by long remem bered by the stripe-clod Inmates ol the Virginia State penitentiary. Kor ■lore than two hour*. from !0 Jo ©'clock until noon Monday morning, the uaual dreary routine of conto t Ufe «u forgotten while the Stut s criminal charges were < .inverted i .r the nonce into theatergoer*. The assembly hall had been reir ranged and fitted with a temporary •tag*. On this performers from the Colonial and Bijou theaters, sent by the respective managers of those houses, did their best to make the convicts forget their rather gloomy l surrounding* There Were one act playlets, clog dancing singing acts, and Anally moving pictures. The pel - formats did their best and everybody —seemed happy There were two performances, ne cessitated by th^large number of con — -rtet*. These could not all be a - oommodated in the improvised theater at one sitting. Only about SOu could bo seated at one time. Consequently the perlormance was ■ Witnessed in convict relays. THIEVES AT WORK OVER IN THE EAST END Thieves entered the home of Mr. W. C. Willis. 60S North Thirtieth : Street, Sunday night and stole one Mack coat, one gray suit, a razor and H a few other articles from a <lre»K<r. j The total loas amounts to Jt{0. The HHw were notified Monde;, morning F; Mrthave no clue upon which to work, at Entrance to the home was effected window. New Store New Stock Low Prices Liberal Terms We are now open for business at 308 West Broad Street., with a full line of Furniture, Stoves, Rugs, Druggets, Trunks and everything in Housefurnishing (ioods. We also hate a stock of slightly used goods at auction prices. Dive us a call and we will save you money. Reams, Bailey & Co. 308 West Broad Street DECLARE BOYCOTT TO GET JUSTICE t ’liineM Trade Guilds Have Been Ordered to Refuse Amer ican Goods. SAN FHANl’IWO. CA1.. May 30.— AH the leading trails guilds tn China were notified by cable to-daj ti» boy cott American good* until the Unit ed State* removes the present restric tion!* against Chinese Immigration. The boycott whs div ided Upon by tties league <»f Justice. f( rined by 500 rep resentative Chines** merchants «»f this * ity. The whole trouble has grown out ««f the establlshim-nt of detention sheds «»n Angel Ietiand at such a distance from the city that if a Chinese mer chant wishes to testify in favor of a compatriot he must lose a whole day in going to the island and return ing. Wo had received assurances from Washington that something would be done to relieve the situation," said one of the league's leaders to-day, but nothing from the prom ises. A boycott op American goods in China at this time will cause great L>ss, but It is the only effective way we have of securing Justice." j <;<>iv<; »*i:»hm:hs or MHMOItlAIi l>\V HI IIUMIMI NTS Many neirroes Monday afternoon joined in the observance of iH-eora tlon l>a.v at the National Cemetery, on the WHUamabury turnpike, Men neo county. Constable T II i "Cyclone”) Sam uel*, before Vaipir the county court house Monday mornlnu. insisted that he was K- log; to the cemetery and “enforce the law." 'Hast year.” stated the officer. who claims to tie the oldest constable In Henrico, “I made twenty arrest* on Dei oration Day. and 1 am going to see If 1 can lent that record this year.'* Cyclone then explained that many peddler* of soft drinks and venders ,t tings carried on their business In the cemetery without a lb ensc, while the annual seremnnle* were in pro gress last May. FINAL EXERCISES 8F FREDERICKSBURG COLLEGE Kov. Mr. 1*reaches Dac ca laureate Sermon—( Hh**r iViitures. (Special to The Richmond VliKliuan i FREDERICKSBURG. VA , May 30. — Th.- baccalaureate sermon h«fore the graduating daw ami student body of Fredericksburg College was preached Sunday night at the Trea byterlan church by ties'. J. R, Jacob*, of the Methodist church. The program was as follows: organ solo. “Adoration*; doxology; invocation; chorus, "Father, O Hear IV; Scripture reading. Hev. J H. Hrnderlite; vocal sqlo, "I Will Extol Thee." Mr*. A. J*. Rowe; hymn No. 531, "Blessed t>e the tie that binds": baocalaurcHte sermon, Hev. J. K. Jacobs; prayer. Rev J H. Hosebro; chorus, "llrant I’s Thy Peace"bene diction, Hev. J. H. Henderllte. The North End Presbyterian Sun day school Was dedicated yesterday afternoon in the presence of a large audience Mr. W. Mayo Smith has been elected superintendent. All the ministers of this city took part In the program. The Sunday School Baseball league will open Tuesday with a game be tween the Presbyterian and the Bap tist teams. Each team has - been practicing hard and much rivalry ex ists between them. VIKMMA HANKERS TO MEET. Stvremry Nagel, of the Bureau of t ommerve and iathor, to H|x-ak. LYNCHBURG, VA.. May 30.—N P. Uatlmg. of this city, secretary of the Virginia Bankers' Association, has completed all arrangements for the seventeenth annual convention of that association at the Hotel Chamberlin, < »ld Point Comfort, June », 10 and 11 The principal speakers will be Job E. Hedges, of the New York city bar; Robert E. James, president of the Kaaton Trust Company, Fasten, Pa,; Royal Meek* r. professor of political : economics of Princeton University; I Hon. Charles Nagel, secretary of com ! meree and labor, and E. P. Miller. 1 president of the First National bank, j of Lynchburg The_annual banquet will take place on the evening or June 10. The ewn lng of June # will be given over to an entertainment by Polk Miller, of Richmond. PINCH RETURNS, MENTIONS LEMONS •SwUitvft Cuutentpdb' - After. Con ferenoo With Big SJtick— Make.-) Significant Remark. READS KIRBYS STORY Say* < 'oionel is Brown a* Berry and in Finest 11r>«It ~A\ ill Address Congress. NEW YOHK. May 30.— I was very OREATRY delighted to receive from Colonel Roosevelt an acceptance to my invitation that he ad drees the National Conservation Congress In Ft. Paul during the itrat week In Sep tember. Colonel K«oaevelt showed the 'same treat Interest he has Always shown In conservation and he gave me VERY CHEAT SATISFACTION TO SPEAK " There was a peculiar twinkle In the i eyes of deposed Chief Forester Plnchot, and a peculiar emphasis on the word "great" as he chatted to day on the Arabic from Europe where he wa* hastily summoned to lay lie- ' fore tne former president the details ot the Itaiunger-Talt-Wlckersham Plnohot-Olavls embrogllo. Although Plnchot refused to discuss polities or to tel! the result of his, secret conferences wltn Colonel Roose velt in the olive groves of Porto Maurisio, Italy, there la every reason to believe that Colonel Roosevelt gave1 great encouragement to the adherents of the conservation movement, and by Implication, allied himself against those who have opposed Plnchot and the lloosevelt conservation policies. Plnchot will make hip first public speech In St. Paul, Minn., In June, nearly two weeks before Colonei Roosevelt returns to America. It Is expected that he will on tnat occasion probably outline Colonel Roosevelt's position. Reads Kirby’s Testimony. Plnchot seized eagerly an ofllcial copy of the testimony of Steno grapher K. M. Kirby, given him by one of hie friends at Quarantine. He showed considerable knowledge of thinge Kerb.v testified to, although he had heard little of the details of the testimony before to-day. The story; of the famous letter exonerating Hal- j linger, written by Oscar Rawlcr, "as though he Were president," was re peated to Plnchot and he chuckled repeatedly, hut refused to comment on the discomfort of his enemies. ■'Colonel Roosevelt never looked better In his life than he did when I saw him In Porto Maurgio," said Plnchot “He is as hard as nails and brown as a berry. His health Is ex cellent." ' Mr. Plnchot. the tables said you ami Colonel Roosevelt wandered for; a long time In the forest and talked . secretly. What was the line of your conversationhe was ticked “Well, there wasn’t any forest, and j I cannot tell you what we talked about. You See there was only a few olive trees." he lavtghed. Were there no lemon trees?" he was asked. "For some people I guess a lot of those trees were lemon trees,” was the significant reply. While abroad Plnchot visited his sister, Rady Alan Johnson, wife of the Rrltish minister to Denmark, and later made an elaborate study of rural , conditions In Ireland. He will lay the roault of his Investigations before the country life commission. IMPERTINENT TONE1 Reply of Park Kta-per Barrator to Resent. Comnumiention I HsplcaHing. An official investigation of the ! charge* against Frank J. Parrater, keeper of Jefferson l*ark, charged with constructing a barricade around the park fountain and smoking while on duty will be conducted by Mayor ! Richardson. It Is rumored at the city hall that i the mayor Is displeased with the im pertinent tone of Mr. Parrater'* re ply to the mayor's communication setting forth the charges preferred by \V. H. Arwood. Mr. Parrater, after denying the fairness and justifiability of the cum plulnt, reminded the city’s chief ex ecutive that the park is under the dli ect jurisdiction or the street com mittee of the city council and inti : mated that orders or complaints should come from that source only. I As a poBSthla aftermath of the af fair, a meeting of the councllm&nlc subcommittee on grounds and bulld tngs has heeu called for Tuesday i night by Chairman John V. Don I.euvy. It is reported that the charges against Keeper Parrater will be dis cussed nt that time. I Mr. Parrater has explained that the barricade was constructed be cause a small boy had fallen Into the water, and that because the workmen complained that curious crowds gath ered around them until they could not work He denies that he smoked white on duty, but declares that even if he had. such conduct Is not in violation of the rules for park-keep ers. < special to The Richmond Virginian.) HTONY CREEK. VA . May 30.—Mr. and Mrs R It. Hartley have returned from Asheville, N. C„ where they at tended the Methodist General Confer ence, much pleased with their trip Rev. I. M. Houser, of Indianapolis, Is visiting hi* brother, D. M. Houser. : "f this place. Rev. Mr. Howser la a minlater of the Northern Presbyterian Church. He will preach at the Meth odist church here Sunday. Rev. ,T. O. Babcock. Method!#! pas . tor here, is very much Indisposed un der the care of a physician. He has ! been sick over a month. Ho far he has managed to fill all hi* appoint ' ments or have them tilled Several applicant* have arisen, for J i ouuulaalun of Revenue, since the death of Commissioner Moore In a i Rlchmond hospital, but the vacancy i has not yet been filled. ! Mra. J. Hal Wrenn, near Hooker Is ! reported quite sick.' Miss Beatrice Wlleon Moss la plan ing a trip to Europe this summer. {lev. Mr. White haa returned from the Baptist Convention in Baltimore and the World's Sunday School Con vention m WastUnftoa. If South and Adjoining Ginter Park. THESE beautiful large plots, fronting on Chamberlayne and Seminary avenues, all lots are within one block of car line. A look will con vince you that its location is unsurpassed and greater values for less money than any other property around Richmond. THIS property is fully restricted and offers all city conveniences. Two car lines, one five minutes and other fifteen minutes. Don’t wait if you want a bargain, for each lot is one. Water, electric lights, side walks and free sewerage to home-builders. COME out and see this grand new addition. Salesmen on ground Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Come to-day, come to-morrow. We will be there. Blanton & Co., Safa Agts. SUBToTp5£I™nMENT 1110 East Main Street. 404 Americas Bank Building. JAS. B. McCOMB, Maaaitr. OFFICERS SHOOT ILti<i l >nno Nothing, Hut Neglect ed to Unit at Tlioir Comriiaml. (Special to The Klehmond Virginian.) MARTINSVILLE. VA . May CO.— 1 i«v |il Wade, a colored hoy of this place, whs shot and killed hy Reginald Jones and Henry Pierson, special po licemen at Kldgewa? Va . about ten miles from here, yesterday afternoon. Wade went to Ridgeway on an ex cursion, and In boarding the train to return he got on the wrong car. Ile fore the train reached the station he was told to get get off, and was run ning to the station when officers, thinking he had committed some of fense or was a fugitive from justice from North Carolina told him to halt. He failed to do So. and was shot In the head. Highland Park. The fourth anniversary of the Sun day school of Northslde Baptist church was celebrated Sunday with appropriate exercises, in w. nich the superintendent, A. P. Spotts, In a brief talk, reviewed the history arid work of the school for four tears, followed hy a talk by Ml. Hilbert ftatterwhlte on the faithfulness and loyalty of those who first started tills work. The former pastor. Kev. C. B. Arendall, of the Theological Sem inary, Louisville, Ky„ was present, and after an address to the school presented diplomas to twenty-two graduates of the normal training class for teachers This day also marked an epoch In the history of the school In their having gained the standard of excellence required for an A-l school, the first In the State of Vir ginia, the only one north of Florida and the seventh in the South. The evening services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. S. H. Templeman A very pleasing program was ren dered by the ehkuren of Mizpah Pres byterian Sunday school at the 11 o'clock service Sunday, the occasion being the annual '‘Children's I>ay.” Kev. Mr. Fix delivered an address, which was very much enjoyed, as was also the recitations of children and spirited singing by the school The monthly review and social of —ighlahd Park Hive, -No. Id, L. O. T Maccabees, was held In NortJi»ld« Hall Friday At the next review, June 10. the degree teams of the various hives of Richmond w 111 meet W'lth this hi\c and rehearse for the grand rally of all the State hlvee, to he held j In Klehmond June 22 and 23. Mrs. A S. purges*, of Fluvanna | county. Is visiting her sister, Mrs. 11. i M. Burgess. Miss Watts, of Lynchburg, is vlslt ; lng Miss Kyle at the old Kasteiburg home. Mr. C W Harry's little boy, Jud ton, Is quite sick with mealies at his father's home <>n Fifth avenue. Mrs. E. K. lllngman, of Northeide Place, was called to New York on ac count of the serious Illness of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Walker, of Enslr.w avenue, moved Monday to their rrew home in Chesterfield coun ty Mrs. Keith Thompson will leave soon to join Mr. Thompson In Pater soii, X. J., where he Is engaged In business Miss Minnie Wingfield has return ed home from Washington, D. C., where she has been visiting. Rev. D. T. Merritt preached at the Methodist church Sunday morning and evening to a large congregation Mrs. Alley, who is at the Shelter ing Arm* Hospital. Is improving. Mr. G. tV. BebouL who was ope rated on at the Memorial Hospital for appendicitis, is very much Im proved ami will soon return to hl» home on Fourth avenue. The Home Mission Society will meet Thursday evening at til o’clock in the home of Miss Grace Burgess on Second avenue and Pol lock street. The Sunbeam Society will meet with Miss Ruth Yarbrough. No. 501 Fourth avenue, Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock At this time Mies Jeanette Quarles, delegates to the district conference that was held In Ashland lust Friday, will make her report. CARDINAL is invited. To llrtUraic Church on Lot Bought by Him While Clear lu Carolina. WILMINGTON. N. C„ May 30 — Cardinal Gibbons has been Invited to come to this city to dedicate 8t Thomas’ Catholic church, which has been erected on a lot purchased while he was vicar apostolic for North Caro lina, from 18SR to tS72. The date of the dedication will be set to suit the cardinal. The cardinal, then Father Gibbons, was named apostolic vicar of North Carolina by the second plenary coun cil of Baltimore in 1R6S. Two years elapsed before his appointmeht was confirmed and he began his work. lie found upon his arrival at Wilmington a small building on a narrow lot which he was to use as a church, and he began to get funds for the pur chase of adjoining ground. Aft-r raising $7,000 he bought « strip of land and enlarged the church, anil later added the lot on which the new church Is now being erected The old church in which the cardinal worked is still standing and has been purchased by Mother Catherine Drevel, of the Order of the Blessed Sacrament, as a place of worship for negroes as soon as the new church will be dedicated. GUN-BOAT THERE 10 KEEP ORDER Central American Revolutionists Cau Fight. Hut They Must .Not Hurt Each Other. WASHINGTON, May 30.—The gun tioat Jtubuoue with 800 marines aboard is expected to reach Blue ; fields to-day to reinforce the "jtn kies” already there In protecting American property and preserving order in case the Madrlz army attempts to carry the fighting into the city Itself. The l)ut»u<iue, according to dispatches re ceived at the navy department to-day, left Cristobal, where she took on th« marines from Camp Billot yesterday. Tho cruiser Buffalo, which sailed from Philadelphia, will go direct to the Isthmus of Panama to be on hand In case It Is necessary to send rein forcements to Blueflelds. There are nearly 10.000 on the Isthmus and the force Is believed to he ample In ease the United States is obliged to take a hand in the situation. Bofh the state and navy depart ments are- watching developments closely. It is feared that the belli grants may defy Commander Gilmer’s orders prohibiting fighting In Blue fields In which case the American i force* will be t ailed upon to restrain the combatants. Still Flflitllif. IH.UEVIEL.DS, N. r.. May 30—The lighting between the M a dr is forces and the Insurgents continued to-dav very near the city and au far the Estrada troopn have held their own and driven back the besiegers. General Ears, though repeatedly re pulsed, continues a dogged campaign and shortly after daylight this morn ing, made a new attack, coming with in a few miles of the city. it is reported here that the govern ment forces are almost without food and that the desperate character of their attack In the last few days has been forced b.v the necessity of get ting into the city immediately or en tirely withdrawing. Some reports sav the 1-ara army is starving. General Estrada now has more than two hundred prisoners, captured by his outposts and brought Into the city. The situation Is critical and the^jjeo^dehere^^ire^ji^peiidtngu^on OSTEOPATHY FREE I will give vou three treat ments free. If not benefited. It will he useless to continue, All chronic diseases treated. Medicine furnished when necessary. 122 North 8th Street. Phone Madison 7820. f TRUSTEES’ AUCTION SALE of Four Acre* of Land with the improve ments thereon, located at the intersection of the Glel'e Road with the new road in Goochland County, Va, By virtue of a deed of Trust, dated October 1ft, 1902, and recorded in the Clerk’* Office of the Circuit Court of Goochland County. V*., in D. R. 48, P. 273, default having been made in the payment of a portion of the debt therein secured and lying required to do ao by the note holder, I will aell at Public Auction on the premise* on Saturday, . June 4, 1910 at 1 o’clock P. M. t’he Real Estate described in the aforesaid del'd of trust. Terms: Cash a* to 1266.82 and the cost of executing this trust and the balance on a credit of 12 months with interest added secured bv a deed of trust upon the property. \V. M. PARRISH, Jr.. Trustee FOR RENT, $26 PER MONTH. 2806 E. Grace St. seven rooms ami hath, newly papered and in first-class condition; water and telephone service free; possession at. onoe if desired. E. A. CATLIN * 00.. Iti N. Eighth Street. Grove Avenue Lots north side, east of Alien Avenue; beau ties at $100 (>er front foot; easy term*. HARRISON A GRANT West Cary Street Lots 116x120 feet, south side, near West Street, at the bargain price of $14.50 per. _HARRISON * GRANT Monument Avenue Lots north side, east of Davis Monument, at $180 per foot: beautiful elevation Harrison & grant. the American '.Jackies" to prevent the destruction of property and whole sale murder of citizens if the ravenous attacking army succeeds In forcing its way into the city. 1 1 1 ■ —i"LJ '.JJi JM— MKETINtift. THE NEXT MEETING OF TH® VIR *lnla .state Board of Dental Exami ners will be held at the Medical Col lette of Virginia, Richmond, Va.. on Tueedar, June 14, 1»1«. beginning a: 9 A. M. Sinned. J. r. STIFF. Secretary Fredericksburg, Va. *"*. ..— a.1, ig" i. 'I. ij i i i * ! I Interest Makes Money Grow Do not let your funds remain idle. They can just as well be earning more money for you. Open an account now with the Commonwealth Bank, ami let your funds increase at Compound In terest. You can Safely Bank with us by mail. Commonwealth Bank, 12 N. Ninth St.. Richmond, V». Branch — 4 hast Broad Street. The American National Bank RICHMOND. VIRGINIA Solicits Y o uT Business Capital, $500,000. Si rius and Profits, $300,000. DIRECTORS: WM. C. CAMP M. C. PATTKRSOIT OLIVER J. SANDS EMMETT SEATON OHAS. E WtNOO • HENRY W.-ROCNTBRB JAMES R. GORDON EDGAR G. GUNN R. H. HARWOOD CH AS. EL WHITLOCK. * • - / FOR RALE, $77250 (•face Street Residence (weat ot col lege) of fight rooms and bath, two atorv brick, semi-detached. $7,250 firm* Avenue Residence of 8 rooms and bath, two-story brick, detached. $85 Per Foot Grove Avenue Ixvt (comer), near Soldier's Home; full depth. Henry S. Hntzler & Company, 1013 E. Main Street. Rent Bargains 1019 Floyd Avenue. 302 Allen Avenue. 415 South llarnson Street. 211 West Cary Street. 1515 Went Main Street, 2d flat 1611 Beverly Street. 1312 West Cary Street fill North Sixth Street 2601 West Main Street, store and flat. 2001 Powhatan Street. !<02 Ka*t Leigh Street. 2514 Kaat Grace Street. 232 N. Twentieth Street 321 N. Thirty-eecond Street let flat. 2710 Kant Broad Street, let flat. IS North Thirty-firet Street. Twenty-eighth Street, near X Street. 624 (iarland Avenue. 900 Hrcxikland Park Boulevard 309 Sycamore Street. Barton Height*. Echo Avenue, Glen Echo Park. 503 Barton Avenue, Barton Heights. A. J. Chewning Co. West End Per Yew Room*. $ 420—1105 West Avenue . 8 192—1425 W Clav Street . 7 300—1706 W. Main Street. S 1*0—000 S. Laurel Street,. 7 720—1417 Grove Avenue. 12 108—232 Temple Street. 9 East End Per Year. Rooms. 150—2208 E. Leigh Street. 5 100—2314 Burton Street. 4 90—330 Bowling Green Road... 7 00—1922 Washington Street.... 3 144—1 1-2 Louisiana Street_ 3 216—2411 E. Main Street (store and dwelling'. Flats Per Year. Room*. S 96—1704 W. Car)' Street. 3 96—1702 W. Cary Street. 3 150- 922 E. Broad Street. 4 150—821 W. Cary Street .. 4 WM. B. PIZZINI CO.. 723 ^ Main Street,. ^ Big Bargain Grist and flour mill, water power, never failing; 58 acre* in pond, 22 aerea high land, 7-room dwelling, in Tine healthy locality, Hanover oounty. See or writ* at once POLLARD & BAGBY, 1102 E. Main Street , Richmond. Va. FOR SALE, Warehouse or Factory Site, Washington Ward with trackage, located on Third Street, 330*132 feel. This property fi from first hands and the prim next Monday, | will hold good for that day only. It’s : a bargain. Will be sold on liberal terms ' if desired. Information not given by 'phone. H. SELDOK TAYLOR A CO. Owners, Notice! j WILL YOU HAVE A HOUSE “FOR REST' THIS FALL? - Ot»r Rent- List -wtH betmt in a few days. us include your house. We i are in close touch with the buying public j and promise you satisfactory results, | H. SELDON TAYLOR 4 00.