Newspaper Page Text
CONFERENCE OF POSTORS CLOSES Final Session is Oivem Ap pointment of Board Mem bers. AID FOR LEPER COLONY Memorial Services Held in Holly wood Over Grave of Late Dr. Menzel. “Auf Wiedersehn." Cards with this Inscription, "See Vou Again," greeted each of the dele gates to the German Evangelical Con ference as they sat down to their Anal repast following the close of the conference Monday morning In St. John's church. Most of the delegates will leave Monday evening for their respective homes throughout the At lantic district. The neat annual con ference will her held at Troy, N. Y. The closing day of the conference, which convened last Monday, was de voted to the appointment of new members on several of the church boards. Hoard Appointments. These appointments follow: District mission, Kev. George Kern, Taborton, N. Y.; support of superannuated min isters, widows and orphans, Kev. J. Sehoettle, Scranton, Pa.; immigration mission. Rev. H. Arlt, Baltimore; dis trict jury. Rev. Paul A. Menael. Wash ington; Rev. William Barts. Balti more; Rev. E. D. Kief el, Arch bald Pa.; churches In Richmond and Tren ton entitled to one delegate each; Sunday school. Rev. R. t'hlhorn. Parkvllle, Md.; Rev. K. Glese, Balti more; Rev. F. H. Klemme, Annapolis: Kev. William Bourquln, Brooklyn; Kev. T. Lehmann, Baltimore: exami nation committee. Rev. E. Fuhrmann. Newark; F. E. C. Haas, Amsterdam. N. Y.; Rev. Oscar Guthe. Richmond. Delegates to general synod—Rev. Paul A. Mensel. of Washington; Rev. C. W. Ix>cher, Baltimore; Re\. J. dchoettle, Scranton, Pa. Richmond and Newark churches were given representation at the sy-' nod. Deper Colony Fund. The sum of $80 was added to the fund for support of the leper colony In India as a result of the collection taken at the Sunday night services. At the same services re-elected officers were duly installed by Rev. Oeorge Ksniann. of Schenectady. X. Y. Impressive memorial services over the grave of Rev. Paul Menael. for mer pastor of St. John's, were con ducted Sunday afternoon in Holly wood A beautiful wreath of flowers was laid upon the tomb b\ President H. Heller, of the synod, who also ot fered up the prayer. Rev. Dr. E. J. Schmidt then delivered a feeling ad dress appropriate to the occasion. HARVARD FAVORITE IN CORNELL RACE BOSTON, May 30.—Harvard was a alight favorite for the race with Cor nell here- to-day on the Charles, the hi* rare of the regatta. Ten shells full of husky oarsmen went out on the water early lor a last paddle be fore the starter's pistol this afternoon. Harvard's varsity crew, with an av erage weight of 17S, was believed to be ns good as any which .ever worst the crimson. Cornell's men were lighter, averaging about 173. Their average age is greater and. though the crimson was slightly the choice, the Cornell- men were expected to offset their lack of power. Of the four races scheduled for the regatta the first, between Casacadllla School of Ithnea and the Stone School of Boston, was to start at 2:30 P. M. At ) l“. M. the Harvard Newell Boat Club, which was beaten Saturday by Worcester High School, w as sched uled to row the Technology varsity crew. The varsity race. Harvard and Cornel, was scheduled to start at 4 P M. COLONEL SPENDS VERY IJOIET DAY Attends London Reception, But lias Xot Meet Senator Eliliu Root. (By a Staff Correspondent of the United Press.) LONDON. May 30.—Although Sen ator Elihu Hoot Is stopping at Hyde Park Hotel, Hose to Dorchester House, the London home of Ambas sador Held, where Col. Roosevelt Is a guest, the colonel and the senator have not exchanged vlelts yet and It Is not believed that they have yet had a meeting In London. Col. Roosevelt spent to-day rather quietly, evidently desiring to con serve his strength for the reception to be tendered him to-morrow at Guild Hall. He lunched to-day at the Hotel Metropole as the guest of the Royal Geographical Society, meet ing Lords Kitchener. England's field marshal, and Curion. former viceroy of India. This afternoon Col. Roosevelt at tended Sir George Reid's reception at the Hotel Rita. The company here was notable for the politicians and aristocrats In attendance, but the colonel was easily the central figure. Early In the day the colonel Joined the other members of his family in a shopping tour. Mr*. Baltic Gardner. BRISTOL, VA., May 30.—The bodj of Mrs. Sallte Gardner, wife of R. E Gardner, formerly of Scott county Va., was brought her to-day frotr Stockton. Cal., where Mra. Gardnei died a week ago. Burial will be a: Gate City, Va., to-morrow. Mrs. Gard ner was formerly Miss Bailie Taylor THE WEATHER. WASHINGTON, D. C., May 30.— Forecast till 8 P. M. Tuesday: Virginia—Partly cloudy to-night, cooler In extreme northern portion; Thursday fair. North Carolina—Partly cloudy to night: Tuesday fair. Range of Thermometer. 8 A. M. «« 9 A. M. 87 1 ** A. M. 88 A. U. Trim. .. «» 13 noon . 70 l P. M. 70 Minimum. It. NEWS OF SOUTH RICHMOND WMktaKN Wart Itaaaa aa« A4nr«lmanta wxttrt at VHvtaia Bums, J. W. Crawl Mara, isaa Hall atraat. STUDENTS ME ; CEOS! JIMS'' Twenty Boys and Girls of the Southside to Finish High School This Season. Sixteen young people, who are tak ing the Anal graduating examination at the Manchester High School, as sembled In that building on the South side of the river Monday morning and spent the day writing their answers to geometry questions propounded by the School Board and passed upon by ; Principal Hoke. The examinations will last until Wednesday, one week hence.. Those who are to take the final ex ; amlnatlons preparatory to a college j life are Miss Mary Fry, Miss Anuie i Bear, Miss Mamie Vaden, Mr. Odls : H. Hlnnant, Mr. Morris Ferclval, Mr. Dyle Gary, Miss Eleanor Gary, Mias Isabelle Saunders, Miss Luclle Lump kin, Mr. Unwood Jeffers, Miss Masie : Strader. Miss Inex Kerris, Miss Hasel Kidd and Messrs. Arthur Bellwood, Kills Kelly and Basil Morrisette. The five who graduated in Febru ary are Misses Zuleime Duval, Caracal Walker, Sallle Blankenship. Delia Hooper and Nellie Deltrlch. Commencement exercises will be held In the Deader building. There are one hundred and twenty-five pupils In the High School and >16 in the pri mary grades, making a total enroll ment this session of 1,060. School closes on the 14th of June. The graduating class, numbering 21. is the largest that has been in the High School here for a number of years. SIM LAW WHS NOT DISREGARDED HERE But at Forest Hill Park Stands Did a Thriving Busineas as Usual. In Washington Ward the Sunday law was strickly enforced Sunday, but out at Forest Hill Park, where thousands remained for hours in the afternoon and evening, all the soda water and confectionery establishment! were wide open and doing a tremen- i dous business. The city drug stores kept open, of course, as they alw'ays have. But those who wanted a saucer of j Ice cream or a lemonade or a soda of some kind, either rode to Richmond ; proper, or Journeyed to Forest Hill. > There are many Hebrews doing busi ness at the Park and Inasmuch as they close on Saturday they claim to have a right to sell on the Bnbbath. S. A. L. BRIDGE WAS ABLAZE IN MORNING A still Hlarm at 7 o'clock Monday morning sent the Southslde hose *»*• on and firemen on a hurry-up call to the foot of Stockton street where a sill near the end of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad bridge was burn ing. The blaze was extinguished af ter about half an hour. Coals from an engine are thought to have started the tire The damage is small and traffic was not interfered wi*h. SOUTHSIDK WANTS MORE POLICEMEN Police commissioners of .Richmond will he asked to assign four ug fire , additional policemen to the South aide. At present no definite arrange ment Is in effect for desk sergeants. There are five patrolmen, the captain and the sergeant, who guard the city. Captain Lipscomb is necessarily on duty through the day, and this places Sergeant Wright on duty each night. Two patrolmen work with him. If the sergeant makes many rounds of the city and the two privates are busy, no one is left to attend to re ports. etc., that may come to the sta tion house. For these reasons a request, it is authoritatively said, will be made that the commissioners furnish this side of the river with about five more men. DEATH SUNDAY OF AN AGED CITZIEN Mr Mathis Gibbs. 77 years of age. died Sunday morning at the home of his son, Mr. J. M. Gibbs. Thirty seventh and Lawson streets, Swans boro. He had been confined to his bed for but a short time, and death la attributed to old age Mr. Gibbs had lived' in Swansboro for a number of years, moving there from Chesterfield county. The body was shipped to Matoaca Monday morning and Interment will be in the family burying ground. Holiday Hours Observed. Holiday hours were observed at the post-office on the Bouthalde Monday, the carriers not making all of the de liveries or collectlona Many dti sena took advantags of the opportunity to go through the new building Uncle Bam has erectsd In Richmond's new ward. It Is one of the handsomest structures In the city. Brotherhood Nine Beaten. The Brotherhood team was defeated Saturday afternoon by the Manches ter team; the score being 1 to 0. Al though the score would Indicate that the game waa a one-sided one. It was nevertheless an enjoyable one and was fought out until the last man had retired. The score: Score by innings: R. Manchester .1i 1 10 1 0 I •—15 .HaflSochlll I.. . .fll dl shrdlu gg Brotherhood .00000000 0— 0 Summary: Two-bass hits—Jones and Jennings. Three-base hits—Blkte. Home run—Nelson. Stolen bases— Koenig (t), Nelson (X). Elkle, Jones, Double play—Elkle to Koenig. Wise to Kirby. Base on balls—off Bass. 1: off Smith. 7. Hit by pitched ball winters, Moody, Caudle. Struck out— by Base, 1: by Bmlth. 1. Passed balls— Winters, May (1), Time of game, 1:40. Umpire, Mr. OToere. Attendance.' SIO. This afternoon at 4:30 Manchester will cross bats with the Clippers Trnf Pofftofflro Lawn. The secretary of the treasurer has instructed Postmaster T. H. Smith to advertise for bldg for the turfing of the lawn around) the new pogtoffice building In the city. When the ------f—■ - building wss arsrtad tha bank* tm either side were of red clay and when a rain came the mud was washed across the granolithic sidewalk. A few weeds have grown up on what should be the lawn, and It ts gratliylng to know that the poetofflce department Intends to turf the ground. Another Small Fire. An oil stove In the home of Mrs. I William Lowry overturned Monday ; morning causing a sltgh blaze. An j alarm of fire was turned In and the ■ department responded promptly, the wagon scattering scores of school children In the streets. The blaze was extinguished without any damage. Do Married Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Betts have announced the approaching marriage of their daughter, Miss Mattie Owen, to Mr. Rleves Wes wood Wlnfree, the event to be celebrated Wednesday af ternoon at 5:30 o'clock at the home of the bride, 14*0 Perry street, tion will be given Tuesday night at EGO PRICES ADVANCE CHICKENS GOING DOWN The price of freshly laid eggs from nearby sections went up to twenty-one cents a doien In the Cary street pro duce market Monday morning. Tills Is an increase of one cent. Though this news will not be received with Joy by housewives, by the same token, the price of chickens ts on the toboggan. Small fowls may be had now for twen ty-six cents Instead of thirty per pound, while larger birds are bringing thirty cents Instead of 32 and 23. The local market generally Is In good condition with fair receipts easily cleared. RICHMOND 1'RUUUE MARKET. Richmond. Va., May 30, 1*10. POULTRY—Mrs Chickens, Spring small per lb .26 Chickens. Spring, Urge per lb .3« Hens . Ducks, large young .1® Roosters, per piece, live.. .40 Geese, per piece .35 BITIEA Choice Family Packed.23 Choice Dairy Packed ... 20 Choice store Packed .20 Packing . BUGS. Crates, nearby fresh laid.. Crates, other sections . -20 Barrels and Boxes . 1» COUNTRY R.U'OM—Well »a Hams, choice, small per lb 20 Hams, choice, large.I* Shoulders, choice, per lb.. It Sides, choice, per lb.15 (Slightly smoked meat from two cents per pound lesa) LIVE STOCK. Beef Cattle, good to prime 3 Calves .t.. " Largs runner*.... 4 Sheep . * Lambs. Spring .Ht Hogs, live .“Hi WOOL. Tub. washed, per lb.23 Tub, unwashed, free from burrs, per lb.22 Burry . 16 HIDES. Dry Flint, p»r lb. & li “ salted, per lb..., 14 Green, salted, per lb.. If 10 " per lb. * it i Dry Flint Calf Skins, per lb © 1* li U 14 If 11 4 4ft <4 50 (ft 25 (ft 25 4 22 «> m U 21 ■ft © li owed. V >1 © 12 , v 14 « 14 | ons (o ! it ' it 7'A If « s? s m ov*; l 4f © Apples. bbl. Apples. 00 KRUTS. Fancy, per .6 00 common to good, per bbl. .3 00 Apples. Choice. per bbl.4 50 Oranges, per box.3 23 Strawberries. |>er crate 1.60 VSlOKTAULKt. Potatoes, new. No. 1. per bbl .3 Potatoes, new. No. 2,^ per bbl . Tomatoes, jeer crate Peas. Green. per bus. Cucumbers, per bus. Heets. per bbl crate ..3 00 Black Peas .- 26 Black Eye Peas—No. 1, per bua .* Black Eye Peae—No. I, per but.2 Clay Peas, per bus.... 1 Mixed Peae - .1 Beans—Nary No. X, white .2 Beans—C o m m o n to choice .1 *0 .1 00 00 76 oo 26 00 75 76 •0 Drfed Apples—Queu'd. ~ “ Dark. Dried Feaehe#—Peeled per lb... Dried Peaches—Peeled dark, per lb..... Dried Peach# a.—vn peeled, per lb.. Bard—Country, prime.. Tallow, per lb. 13 4 11 6 Flaxseed—per bua. .1 20 0 7 00 a 4 50 a 5 oo V 3 71 V 2.26 tt 3 26 & 2 50 ® l 76 © 00 V 1 74 4c t 50 'tt 6 2 60 0 2 26 U 1 ii tf 1 36 tt 2 21 0 1 76 MlBCKl.I,ANICOt;S. Beeswax, per lb....... Dried Apples—Sliced, lb 21 1* 2 u 11 « 14 616 1 40 (Toeing la London. LONDON. May 30.—Closing prices of American stocks were aa follows: Anaconda, 8 3-4; Atchison, 112 1-2; Canadian Pacific, 202 3-4; Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, 142 3-4; Erie common, 20 1-4; Erie let pfd., 42; Illinois Central, 139; Louisville and Nashville. 161 1-2; New York Central. 123 1-2; Pennsylvania, $2; eRading, 83 1-4; Southern Pacific, 129 7-8; Union Pacific. 188 1-2; Unit ed States Steel com., 86 3-8; United States Steel pfd., 121 1-4. TWO ARE REPORTED FOR SUNDAY SELLING Mike Kocen and Harrv Levy of Fulton Charges With Vio lating Sunday Law. Complying with Mayor Richardson's behest to see that the ordinances war# not violated on the Sabbath, particular ly In a certain portion of Pulton. Pa trolman Gentry reported two places Sunday and will bring the accused con fectioners before Justice Crutchfield Tuesday morning to answer the charge of hooping their places of business op en against the law. / Mike Kocen and Harry Levy are the ones who have been summoned to ap pear tn court and their places of busi ness ere tn Williamsburg avenue and Louisiana street, respectively, and are pre-supposed to bo the ones the Mayor had reference to when he sent his let ter to Chlaf-of-Police Werner calling attention to the police department tc the flagrant violations or the Sunday selling law. Complaint had boon reg istered with the Mayor by cltlsens of Pulton that confectionary establish ments ware doing business against the law and In direct contravention to the ordinances and ths statute lews of Vir ginia. It will bo elaimad, so it was said in police circles Monday, that both per sons summoned are of the Jewish race and therefore have a right to labor on the Sabbath If they do not work on Saturday, ths day known aa thetr Sun day. In ths matter of Mr. Kocen, Police man Gentry is ready to testify that the gentleman formerly kept a clothing store and worked all of Saturday and elosed his store on ths Sabbath. About three months ago Mr. Kocen went Into ths confectionery business and has him obitryl nj p>tiif<lijr nj IbMpiAg Wants loit. m^-L-x,8rTftBH|y:^c^~TTAjry^yr car, Ninth street or Bijou, one open faced silver watch and solo charm, with Initials A. L. B. on both: re - warn ir Murnea la this _ _ ice. A Virginian, Ross and Governor streets. liBLE WlMI’Bb—MaLA !arajr WAR^Kt^nr,wHTria~A^u'' cqnnr ed men. laborers, (arms and dairy hands, co«l miners and helpers, but lers, wallers, porters, dishwashers, etc. MARTIN * CO., The Old Re liable, ill s. Broad. IK rot! NEED help op any kind. white or colored, male or female, we can furnish It. Rhone, Monroe 4D3, MARTIN * CO., Ill E. Broad. WANTED—!** MEN FOR WEST VIR glnla railroad construction work and load ballast for C. A O. Quarry Co. Apply SOUTHERN INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, 111 1-1 North Sixth. WANTED—REGISTERED DRUGGIST, manager for drug store; good op portunity for unmarried man. Ad dress P. O. Box *43, Staunton, Va. hElf Wa-WeB feMalk. cooks, maids and general workers for this city, State and north. MARTIN A CO., Ill E. Broad. WANTED—GOOD COOK." APPLY »1? Floyd avenue, before I, Tuesday ^jnornln^^^^> POSITIONS WASTED—MALM. I WHO WANTS A COMMERCIAL TRAV eler of 1* ysars experience In Vir ginia. Weet Virginia and East Ten nessee terrltorya, both on and off the railroad lines; well known to retail trade, established business, closest Investigation courted; vary beat of recommendations furnished, commis sion contract, with one advance will be considered, also salary offer. This Is the chance of a life time for some good house to secure Ihs services of a first class man, age 3*. married. Address B. h. B„ Box 1!, K. F. D. No. 1. Trsvlllans P. O., Virginia. WANTED—BY RANDOLPH - M A O N student position during summer months. Address, Box 133, Ashland. Va. WANTED—PERMANENT POSITION by a young man from Randolph-Ma con college. Address Box 133, Ash land, V'a. WANTED^A CLERICAL POSITION In an office of some kind where there Is an advancement, salary smalt to start with. Address V, care The Virginian. wanted—bt young man now aT Richmond College a position for the summer. Address D-S, care Rich mond Virginia. POSITION "WANTED BY YOUNG MAN with experience In office work and collecting, am now employed; good reason for changing; best references given. Address Box JOS. city. position WaS**S—FEMAXIe A REFINED LADY WOULD LIKE Po sition to run dining room In a refined up to date house; good manager and experience of five years. Address MRS. A., care of Richmond Virginian. A MIDDLE AOED WIDOW LADY would like to get mending or darning for families, work called for end re turned. Address MRS. A. C„ Care of Virginian. City. WANTED—A MltlDLE AOED WfBoVV lady would like to gel mending or darning, for families, work called for and returned. Address MRS. A. C. care of Virginian, City i ROOMS FOR RENT. rr~YOT''~xwr~ta5$i^^ llghtfully cool furnished rooms for the summer, or permanent, at a very * reasonable rental value; call at 113 N. Morris; owner leaving city reason for renting; completely furnished. SECOND STORY FRt >NT "SodM; ALSO extra large hall room nicely furnish *<1, cool an<l airy. Apply at 717 K Qrac* »tre«t TWO VERT DESIRABLE ROOMS rOR rent at SI 3 N. Tenth, reasonable. WANTED-—A FIRST CLASS WHITE maid lo co to Newport News. Ap ply with reference to 103 E. Frank Iln^Rtreeli<_Ulchniondij>Vai_>_i______ WASTED LADIES' HAIR! TEB! WS COVER Turbans with ladles’ own combing* They are so natural, and so pretty 31C M. fifth street____ I WANTED^! fIrst class second hand Corliss Engine 14 or 1#*3C and also first class Roller to match same. BARBOUR HUUUT CO., South Bos ——————— --'.HA»*I Biwflr'Tfi"wg ‘rertnrr your switches and puffs. The best for the least money. HUGHES HA1K PARLOR. 209 N. Third street. SWITCHES! SWITCH ESI WE ARE selling Ladles' Hair Switches ai bargains this week. 21C N. Fifth —iilSSL-—— SEWING WANTED. ' ^ANTstv^siTf rT^rai¥srx?nr?rrsr mcr dresses to make at 1702 W. Cary street; work guaranteed. open on Sunday As to whether the word "conscientious” has any bearing upon hie case will be determined Tues day morning. Again, he will be charged with annoying the neighbor hood. Mr. Levy will have to confront no such complication of charges. One other confectioner, K. R. Jordan, was sumoned for Tuesday because he la alleged to have sold soda water on the! Sabbath. ATTORNEY REFUSES TO OR A N T CONTIN V A N CE (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) NEWPORT NEWS, VA.. May SO.— Commonwealth’s Attorney Berktey has refused to continue the cases against twenty-three members of the South eastern Underwriters' Association, and these men will come to Newport News June 8 for trial. NEGRO WOMAN ACCUBEO OF STEALING VALUABLE DIAMOND Delia Ellis, a servant who had been employed by Mrs. Lacy Pierce. 606 N. Seventh street, was arralnged in po lice court Monday morning upon the charge of having stolen a diamond stud of the value of 1109 from Mr. C.1 F. Price, who boarded at the place. The hearing of the charge against her was continued until the 10th of the month. In the meanwhile she will remain In Jail. It waa the duty of the servant to clean up the rooms in the heme and she Is alleged to have stolen the dia mond as she was arranging the ro«jn ; of Mr. Price. Rev. A. A. Josts. The funeral of the Rev. A. A. Jones, who died Sunday night In the home of hts son in Norfolk, will take place In Petersburg Tuesday morning. Burial will be in Blandford cemetery. Mr. Jones was a prominent mem ber of the Methodist conference. He was at one time the pastor of Fulton Msthodlst church In this city. He Is survived by his wife and one son, the Rev. O. W. Jones, pastor of the McKendree Methodist church In Norfolk. Brief County Itesna Peter Booker, colored, charged with' running a "speakeasy" in Brook road,! Henrico county, will be given a hear ing Tuesday morning before Magis trate Pury ear. All of the ofllces at the Henrico county courthouse were otoeed st noon Monday In observance of Memorial Day. - Wants t - Wants • " . i Want Ad. Rates One cent per word when paid in advance. No paid ad taken for less than ten cents. No Ads taken for less than twenty-five cents when phoned in or charged at the counter. Contract rates are much less. Phone Madison 1758, and Mr.Garrison, Manager of Classified Department, will call. PKHMKAL LADIES YOUII HA1K IS IMPORTANT your cut hair or combings made In to beautiful Switches, Puffs, Pompa dour# or Front Piece# In the moat artletlc manner. Chari?## very mod erate. 21* N. Fifth atreet. MAONETIC AND MENTAL SCIENCE healing cure#, acute and chronic; dis ease# wherein no relief 1# obtainable under other systems of therapeutics. MENTAL 8C1ENTIBT. 1101 East Clay street Phone, Madison 2090. WE ARE OFFERING UNtfst'AL LOW prices on our line of Hanses, Mantel# and tiling, now is the time to save money if you are Interested. VA. PLUMBING A- HEATING CO., "6 N. Ninth street. LAD 1B8 YES WE~Tt E - DYE AN D RE - make e witches; charges moderate. 21* N. Fifth street. _ PUFFS! PUFFS! THOSE PRETT 1 Hair Puffs made bom your own combines or cut hair; charges very moderate. 21* N. Fifth street. MILLINERY. SEE OUR NEW ARRIVAL OK summer hats. AH the latest styles in up-to-date millinery. Great re ductions on all colored hats. Lin gerie, MUanda and Henps Hats a specialty. NEWTON'S, 210 North 8econd street. TRANSFERRING AND HAULING. TRANSFERRING AND HAULING OF all kinds furniture and piano mov ing a specialty; office 512 No. Sec ond street; residence TO* Munford street, Richmond, Vs, Phone, Madl son 49*4 D. BOWLES. Proprietor. TINNING AND PLUMBING. NEVER SINCE CHRISTOPHER Co lumbus discovered America, ha# our euparlor in the tinning, plumbing and gas-fitting business been found; Honest prices, ^superior work, gener al satisfaction and promptness are a few of our well known character istics L W. DORSET A CO., 114 N Seventh street Phone. Madison 1917 CLEANING AND PRESSING, HAVE YOU TRIED OUR~NEW~KVrC tem’ We make your clothing look like new. Feathers, gloves and slip per# cleaned at short notice; let us clean them once and you will let us have them again. We clean end ren ovate anything In ladles’ and gentle men’s apparel: we pay epressage one way on any out of town work. SWOPE’S FRENCH DRY CLEANING CO.. 303 North Second street.. Phone Madison 1183. NATIONAL CLEANING AND PRESS- ] tng works. The only steam dying and French cleaning works In the West End; best mode of workman ship possible. Phone, Madison 3751 or call at 1205V* W. Main: we carry Are Insurance, so your clothes are protected HAVE YOU TRIED MeNEIL. THE Mfld pert cleaner and presser; don't throw >our old clothe# away; we make them look like new; club members clothes cleaned and pressed at II 25 per month; ladles' work a specialty. McNeil cleaning and dyeing CO.. 211 North First street. Phono Monroe 3178. north pole pressing cli'B;~wk do French and steam cleaning, also dyeing, ladles work a specialty; best work In the city for the least money; Work called for and delivered; phone. Monroe 278*. M. PRICE, Mgr, *15 W. Main street. MONEY TO LOAN, MONEY TO LOAN WITH THE rent payer. How much longer are you going to pay for real estate, man’s home? Why not your own. I will loan you the money to buy your lot and build your house, II on the hundred, with 5 per cent, simple Interest. Giving you seven and a half years to pay loan back. Call at 1301 East Main street. N. P. HARGRAVE. Mgr. HI SINKS* OPPORTUNITIES'. | WANTED-CONFERENCE WITH 5l> reputable business men who are In position to lnveet from $100 to $2,600 each In a tobacco mduatry, of na tional Importance, havtnct an unllmlt ! ed earning capacity. This is a apo dal hualneasi propoaftton of Interest to reaponalble citizens In any part of Virginia, especially Richmond State amount you can tnveat. If satis fied. Address F. O. Box 111, Rich mond. Va. your ~opfortunit y to becurw drummera' samples of high-class trousers presents Itself now; we got 'em cheap—-so can you; but be uulck. N. F JACOBS A SON. Ninth, near _Itroad Street. SIIOK REPAIRING SPEI1AL. 20 REBATE. WF. Ho VE A LOT OF light, pliant leather suitable for A4 soling ladies' shoes and while It lasts, tf you will bring this coupon, we will H sole ladles' shoes—$*c. re bated to 40o. Every pair sewed. We can not send for shoes at this spectal prtce. DREWS ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY, 716 E. Main, _ MlfK-KLI.AAKOl*:' SCHREMP—313 NORTH FIFTH. UMBRELLAS COVERED AND RE palred: expert work; SCHREMP, The Umbrella Man. PAINTING. FOR HIGH CLASS HOUSE AND SIGN painting or wall papering, see or phone J. E. WILLIAMS & CO.. SOB VV Broad Madison, 1*75; prices reason able, C. H. Smith. Sign writer. All wor.k guaranteed. LEE'S CLEANING AND PRESSING PHONE. Madlsn 37S5, 202 North Fifth street. Indies work a speciality, ni'IIAKSS WANTS. lent line of drummers' sample trou sers, several trunks Just opened; all high-grade, bought cheap; to be sold for a song. N. F. JACOBS A SON, Ninth, near Broad street. __ SPECIAL NOTICE. SEVERAL THUNKS OF DRUMMERS sample trousers, special bargains; high-grade gods; bought cheap. Bold same way N. F. JACOBS A SON, Ninth, near Broad street. BATH ROOM AND KITCHEN COM fort make a comfortable summer at home, we can supply you with ail these comforts; we are selling the Detroit Jewel Gas Range and other standard makes of Gas Ranges. De troit Jewel Heaters for hot water In your bath room and all those Inex pensive appliances for bath and kit chen. VA PLUMBING & HEATING CO.. 24 N. Ninth street. LA DIES* HA Fr switch e sT wE guarantee they do not change color, bargains this week. 214 N. Fifth. LADIES, IF TOU WANT A~OOOb SUIT at a greatly reduced price, see PAUL KAMSKY. Ladles' Tailor, 210 North First street LADIES GLORY IN THEIR HAIR. IF you want Imitation Hair Switches don't come. We keep nothing but real hair; we sell switches very low —Pr!ced this week. 214 N. Fifth street FOR RENT. FOR RENT. CHEAP. NINE-ROOM furnished house, twenty miles from Richmond, one mile from depot, good water, plenty of shade. June 1st to October 1st. Apply to CASSELMAN A CO. Main street, Richmond. Va. FOR-RENT—TWO ~LAROE SECOND floor rooms for light housekeeping, or gentlemen for lodging. Apply 1222 E. Marshall street FOR RENT—D E SI R A B L E~ROOMS, cheap, suitable for young married couple. 404 East Cary street. FLAT Ft)H~ KKNT, Ft'FtN18HEb OH unfurnished. Phone. Madison 47S7-J. TO SUB-LET CHEAP, 4 ROOMAPART' ment, 211 W. Grsce street, third floor, lessee leaving city. STORK AND REAPER ME KEEPP PICE Petersburg Report* Show That Population of Town is Not Dying Out. M EMORIAL CEREMONIES Schools Are Closing and Com mcncement Exercises Are Ready for Celebration. R- H. U'Ktnu, Sycamore street, 1‘eleraburs, \ a. Hhoae MW. Will cite pruapt atteatloa to coatylalata covering Irregular eer vlce ol paper aad will receive tab- | ecriptMtaa. (Special to-The Richmond Virginian.) I fUTSKSBUKU, VA., May Jo.-—The ; mortuary report of the city ot Peters- | burg for the month of May show a total of 47 d eat ha. Of which there were 21 whites and 2* among the colored people. On an estimated i population of 30,000 (17,000 whites! and 13,000 colored the rate was 18.88 per cent. Upon the whites, 14.83 and ! among the colored. 34.00. During the i month there were reported forty three births. A complimentary dance and recep- I tton wll be given Tuesday ntght at! Hiverside Club to the oifleers en- J camped on the grounds Adjutant Carter R. Bishop has i called a meeting of A. P. Hill Camp, ; Confederate Veterans, to meet to-day ’ to take the Richmond and Petersburg ! electric cars for Richmond, where the, veterans will participate In the me-j mortal exercises at Hollywood. A! large number of the old soldiers are 1 preparing to go In the march, and | are well uniformed. ! What action ttu camp will take In regard to the cordial Invitation from Springfield Post G. A. R„ Springfield, Maas., to be present In that city on July 4, independence Day, and partici pate In the program 1« not known._ Memorial Day exercises are being conducted to-day at all the national cemeteries near Petersburg, in Pin-, middle county and at City Point. ; Large delegations of colored people; left for City Point to assts: in the* exercises at that place and the fac tories where they are employed are either Idle or short of hands to con duct the work. The ceremonies of unveiling me morial windows In Blandford church will take place on June 3. This old edifice is not used as a regular church and has been converted into a me morial chapel, in which windows are being placed to the memory of the Confederate dead. On June 3 at 11 o'clock the un veiling will begin, and the religious exercises will be conducted by the Rev. K, W. Uarnwell, rector of St. Paul's church. Among the addresses to be deliv ered will be those of the Governor of South Carolina and Governor Mann, of Virginia, while many promi nent persons from the South will be present. The program of exercises is being completed to-day by the l-adles' Memorial Association. Petersburg holds its regular Me morial Day exercises on June #. The speech of the occasion Is to be de livered by the Rev. L>. H. Rolston. Reject Charter. The citizens of Ettrick have de- i elded not to accept the charter of Incorporation proposed by Judge Walter A. Watson and the affair for ! the present is closed. That Incorporation papers suitable 1 for the needs of the town could not be procured Is greatly regretted by the progressive young men of the , place. Those Interested will not give up j the matter, but will take up the question again at an early date, when they will be In better position to han dle the case. Tuesday afternoon the closing exer cises of the Ettrick School will be held at 3:30 o'clock. An address ia to bs delivered by Dr. Hazen. super intendent of schcolz of Chesterfield county. The graduating class this year la composed of Misses Hazel Rogers, Bessie Beale and Thelma Moore The work of the year shows great improvement over previous years, the j percentage of promotions has In creased and attendance has been [ above the average. Miss Whitehead la preceptress of the school and the teachers are Miss Lulu Wood. Mts* Bette Carter. Mbu Mary Harwood and Mias Grace Hale. The closing exercises of Petersburg Academy have taken place after a very successful year. The following pupils ware declared specially distinguished: R. D. Cronly, Jr.,, Arthur Kyle Davis, Jr.. Howard Francis Gill. Tarlton F. Heath, Jr.. John ft Patterson, Jr., Albert Lee Seward- -- Medals wars awarded to Arthur ... I... jjfe. ki 3 ACHES AT ELECTRIC CAR nice 7-room houm: beautiful mer home, (2,500. 160 ACRES, ON GOOD PUBLIC nine mile* of Richmond, mile* of electric car Una, 402 ACRES. ON~"kA ILROAD, miles of electric ear, poor grand Inveatment, 21.400. . J&H 710 ACRES. NICE OLD HO miles of railroad, three acts of inits; (treat sacrifice, 10,000. 275 ACRES, SEVEN MILES Of* road; fine old house. In a nloa lots of timber; (tram! bargain, I 44 ACRES, EIOHT MILES OF poor buildings, but a grand in ment, l»00, ___ NICE LITTLE FARM 4V4 AC good house and barn, near Heme, on Seven 1’tnes car Trice, 13,500. 25 ACRE FARM. 15 MINUTES W* from Seven Tinea; 5 room It nice new chicken house*; S cleared, 11,500. 500 ACRES ON RAPPAHAN1 River, two small house*. 60 cleared 2,000,000 feet saw U« 2.000 cords of wood, wharfage rentage paying 1600 a year. 16.000. 25 ACRES. 6-ROOM HOUSE, of outbuildings, good orchn acres In cultivation, A No. I 8-4 mile of station, on R. F. • It. R., 11 miles from Richmond, |i,7 FIRST-CLASH STORE STAND. WI 50 acres of well Improved land; a doing bustness from 22.000 to f 000 a year, thickly settled comm ty. Price. $2,500 4 ACRES, two miles of city, no b ln<rs, nice spring: make nlco. home, 1254. NICE LITTLE HOUSE AND 5Dxl20 feet. at oar stop, with fruit and out buildings; a nlca Ht homo: only $600; rasy terms. Cl SELMAN A CO. nil East Main, clt WANTED FORTY-WORKING I'BOP* ^ to buy a house and five or ton l . on oar line; $160 rash and $1H a year. This Is a chance you vrlll Bar* er get again. Apply H. O., 1111 If', Main street, 2nd floor. ■ —^ ™m CLAY STREET HOUSE NBAlt _ nd. paying 10 per cent. Apply' Brook avenue. ‘wmpP.:; FLOYD AVENUE AND MAIN lots near the Soldiers' hotna; able for building homes, city Apply *15 Brook 'avenue. aiM j‘ACKi?jiTWARD INVEBTMENT; 'P«I1 Ing 12 per cent. Apply 111 BfpMK •; POI I.Till, PKTS AND UVB STOCK. . FOR SALE—FOUR GENUINE , FOX Terrier pupa. HROAI> STREET PKT Brosul atre«L FlMM STORE. 401 E Madison 524S-J. ■ FOR SALE. PARTRIDGE. WHITE AWL Burr Wyandot tea, white and Brow*: Leghorns, Games and Bantami, Fig* eon« and Rabbits, Gold Fish. always on hand; also hay, grain. meal, mill* feed and all kinds of poultry food* THE BROAD STREET PET STORK. 401 West Broad street. Phone Modi- ; -.11.. ilLJUJiga FOB BALK. FOR SALE—ONE GROCERT 'wAOON and a one horse truck; they are new and our own make; also several second-hand grocery wagons, ona. top buggy, one rubber tired phaeton and a one-horae truck; repairing and rubber Urine a specialty, w. **■ inisnN A iyi U'lfl v t’m street. MADISON * CO.. 1520 B. Cary street. FOR SALE—ELECTRIC PANS OP ALL kinds, both new and second hand; romplste stook; prices right; motors of all kinds, new and • hand. ELECTRIC E Q U I P M B COKP.. J. C. HERBERT, Mfr., IB Twelfth street, phone Madison 4 MAKE YOUR BATiTrOOM KANITA Af for the summer; that means good hialth; we employ experts In thin line. VA. PLUMBING & HBATlKU CO.. N. Ninth street. DAIRY- WAOON, lit. RUBBER TIKK runabout ISO; Phaeton, newly palm* ed. 116; rubber tire surry, 176; gro cery waaona; first class conditions, |7«. Apply RICHARDSON A BROMl 116 Brook avsnue. ladiefgrat "hairswitchEST are selling bargains this Week, ltd N Fifth street - ■XCVRSIOX. day. June 7th, I.SO P. M-. Benefit Of Hummer Rest; tickets dated. May HU* isUl^bejfoodonJuneTttL^ WALL PAPEg. J. W. SMITHERS * CO., >04 NOR1 Fifth street; wall papara; room mouldings, ate.; high class wotfej lowest prices; investigate. Kyle Davis, Jr., proximo accsasttf Howard Francis Gill. In the uppea^ school; In the lower school, to Tgrte ton F. Heath, Jr., proximo acceasltt Edward Hobson Gill. The commencement exercise# of Southern Female College —«*> Monday and Tuesday. The session has been one „» most successful In the history of college. The Monday's program const#** the following graduates reciters: Part 1-Caprlccin Hrllllsiei delssohn), ilrst piano. Miss son. second piano Mias Clu Rlgolette (Liszt). Miss Hart Rondo Caprlcclogo (Mendel_ Miss Patterson, Miss Harrington; cutlon Interlude, Morte D*Artur (1 nyaon). Miss Wolfs. Part 2—Walts, K major (Chopls Miss Harrington; Hark, Hark, tl Lark (Schubert-Liszt >, Mias Patt« son; Symphonic Poem (l.iazt), piano Mias Harrington, second |„ Miss Churchill. The final concert be given Tuesday evening at •:*» the college kail. John H. Slack. BRISTOL. VA., May 80.—John Slack, of Birmingham, Ala., * of the late John Slack, for many i publisher of the Bristol Courier, here of diabetes at the home 1 mother, Mrs. J. P. Slack, this noon. He was 46 years old. survived by a widow and * daughter. He was a Charles H. Slack, associate the Nashville American. EATING HIS LUNCH RAILWAY CAR IS (Special to The Richmond EMPORIA. VA.. May I*, Walker, a sixteen-year-old. boy. was run over Satur Southern train, and died hours. He had gone under eat bis lunch. The car waa run back down the track lower part of the boy's body. The Greensville county school convention, which la of delegate* and churches of the county don Presbyterian church convention meets twice a year, 'i on fifth Sundays. B -1.- "lljf ^ - 'SS ...anunr JONER—Died. REV. * the residence of Ms i Wesley Jones, la “ Sunday. May ttth. and interment In ZPJMeASt-MWJ