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Week-End Mosby Bargains An unusual climax in one of the busiest weeks we’ve ever had will be our FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS. Merchandise of quality picked from our superb stocks and priced to suit the economy buyer. Be on hand Friday morning, visit all departments; you 11 find goods to suit and prices to suit, too. HUNDREDS OF SPECIALS MARKED W W DOWN. 1,200 Nice Remnants Friday and Saturday. Silks and Dress Goods in good, fresh condition, and in choice lengths for waists, skirts and children’s dresses. Friday and Saturday, only HALF PRICE. 15 choice colors left in these beautiful and popular 22-inch Crinkle Crepes. 59c. In Choosing Your Corset Be sure that you get “just the model for your individual figure.” There is a model for every figure among American Lady Corsets and that means there is just the model for you. The new spring styles of American Lady Corsets are es pecially smart, producing the long hip and back and nipping in just enough to give the fash ionable “new slight 'waist curve.'' Model 159 (like cut). Batiste, white, 18-30. $1.50. Model 215, same design, ba tiste. $2.00. OTHER NEW MODELS $1 to $5. A Model for Every Figure. Important Announcement Our Dress Goods and Our Tailoring Department are In close touch with each other. Saving you time, trouble and qjoney. Our Tailoring Department Js the largest and best equipped in the South. Every Suit Man-Tailored. Fit and Finish Guaranteed. We’ll estimate your suit complete at our Dress Goods Counter. For 30 days special prices wlH be given. Beginning With This Announcement Every salesperson in the dress goods department is prepared to give you a correct estimate on your suit, complete, tailored to your order and measure, for any kind or any price dress goods you may select. First, select the Material you want, and if you wish to have it made in our tailoring department, all information will be given you then and there. You’ll get what you want if you will keep in touch with our dress goods and tailoring department. ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL SUIT, MADE AND TAILORED COMPLETE TO YOUR ORDER FOR $39.50. '■M Second Floor Specials In Underwear, odd ( urscts, Aprons and Children s Rompers, txtra liberal reductions have been made for this week-end on things \ou need. Prices are good for Friday and Saturday, but, of course assortments will be better on Friday. LOT OF FINE ODD CORSETS. 1 n the very beet models. some just a littlo soiled. Priirs mro front fl.Ort to $10 00. wf'vp cut thorn to HALI PRIC L. LOT OF APRONS. l or waiter# :iml nur*es. ju*t n little willed but otherwise as KW)d as ever. 1IAL1 PLUCK. CHILDREN’S ROMPERS. Made of madras, linen and chatniirv. in plain an<i stripes Two styles, low it"' k short sleetea. ami hi(th neck, lonjr sleeves All finished with small piping of ml. 4 spedals, at .V>c. 4He, 5‘>e and 75c suit. DRAWERS. Ladies* ramhric drawers, with tucked flounce finished with duster tu^ks altovo ruffle. Open and dosed style, facial 25c. DRAWERS. Ijtdies* Dnwtft, mndr of p»h1 <pt cambric. finished with deep embroidery ruffle, With ehtster tu ks above, ."ts etal 500. CORSET COVERS. < H soft nainsook, in several different styles. J,ace ami embroidery trimmed, finished nitli lieading and ribbon. 7.x; value, special 50c. CORSET COVERS. Of fine quali<v nainsook. voire of \sl. insertion finished at top with -lace beading, ribbon and Yal. edge, yss quality, special 75c. GOWNS. Made of stfit nainsook. *lijy>ver style, trimmed with lam arid beading, drawn with ribbon: 1 w*ll shape sleeves, edged ; with law: special 75c. GOWNS. Ladies' muslin gown?, high nock. long droves, tueked vokc. fide value, special 59c. c;owns. Childrens f'ambrir Tueked Drawers, to 1- years, sjierial 12 l-2c. CHILDREN’S GOWNS. Made of nainsook. eli|>fner style, fin ished * ith embroidery beading and ribbon. •'I'erial 50c. Table Full of Underwear, Including Skirts, Gowns, Drawers. Chemise and Corset Covers. 25 per cent. off. This means three-quarter price for new under wear. We advertise it as soiled, but it’s so slight you would hardly notice, just a little mussed from showing. But you get for three-quarter price. Gloves and Hose Specials. Simply can’t be matched in town for the price. Those who buy their gloves and hose here have no disappointments or regrets. bTYLE O. K., WEAR O. K„ PRICE O. K. TWO SPECIAL GLOVE VALUES. lino rxtra hoary all silk Gloves, full 16 button teneth, double tipped and in all the wanted colors. SI.00 kind, 49c; $1.50 kind, $1.00. EXTRA FINE FRENCH CHAM OIS GLOVE. In white and natural. This is a Tub Glove and alw ays conies nut looking almost ns new and fresh as when it came 1 Art from the maker; special value.. O I.UU Women’s Gauze Lisle Hose, in all colors and sizes. Regular 35c value, 25c pair. Women’s Silked Lisle Hose, our regualr 50c value, 39c. Women’s Pure Silk Hose, all sizes, in black only. A real $1.00 value, 75c pair. Children’s Fancy Sox. in all the new ideas, real 39c values, 25c. Fourth Floor Specials for Friday and Saturday Nice things for the house at interesting reductions. If you're dollar wise you'll take prompt advantage. Snowflake and cross striped summer portieres, handsome light and dark green strijxd effects. Portieres that were $1.50, now.75c Portieres that were $1.98, now.98c Portieres that were $2.98, now .$1.98 Bamboo Summer Portieres, in handsome geometrical designs, that were 98c and $1.25, now 65c each. 50c Mission Tabourettes, very useful and durable, now 29c. 52.50 Shirtwaist Boxes, covered with good quality matting, reduced to $1.85 each. 25c Fancy Scrim, in a large range of colors and designs, special cut, 15c yard* Suit Department Week End Extra Specials. Tlie specials we offer for this week-end will interest the most critical bargain hunter who ever shopt>ed on a Friday or on any other day, for that matter. Whether you stay at home or go away you'll find a gar ment for a special need and not only a PERSON SI 1 I ER but a PL RSE SUITER. VISIT THE THIRD FLOOR FRIDAY. Visit the Third Floor Friday $5.00 SILK KIMONOS, $2.98. Made of Florentine Silk, full length, in all the light shades. $5.00 «n kimonos; special. wm.30 $5.00 AND $6.00 SKIRTS, $4.98. IS Skirts, made of panama and striped serge, plaited and plain gored models. Colors, black, grey, navy and cream. $5.00 and $6.00 skirts, spec ial.. $4.98 $15.00 SILK DRESSES, $7.98. Made of cheeked and striped taffeta silk in this season's newest shades and models; yokes of lace and braid trimmed; skirts plaited and tunic styles. qq $15.00 Silk Dresses, special. .. *h I .*/O $35.00 AND $40.00 SUITS, $10.98 Tailored Suits of fine French serge and hopsacking, newest styles and colors, semi fitted coats, fieau de oygne lined, plaited skirts. $55.00 and $•40.00 suit*, special.... full $10.98 $6.00 WASH DRESSES, $3.98. Made of plaid gingham and llnene, finished with allovcr net yokes and pip ings; plaited skirts, $6.00 dresses; special. $3.98 ! $7.50 AND $8.00 LINEN SUITS, $5.98. Made of heavy linen and crash, natural and white, 36-in. semi-fitted coat, notch or shawl collar, full plaited skirts $7.50 and f-VOO suits, special. $5.98 SI AND $1.25 WASH WAISTS, 69c. 50 Waists, made of fancy striped and figured madras, and French lawns. Plain tailored anti fancy embroidery trim-, med styles. $1.00 and $1.25 waists, special.D*/C 75c WASH PETTICOATS, 39c. Made of strip’d gingham, with deep flounce and under dust ruffle. 75c petticoat*, special.OJC Silks for Saturday Shantungs at 39c. Wc have only about 800 yards left of the rough '•■'ilk favorite. 27-iuch Rubaiyat Hliantungs. some choice colors left. special otic value, while they last only 39c. Some 50c Foulards. AI>out 500 van Is left in the popular small polka dot in rose, brown, green, grey and black. Cheap at otic, while they last only 39c. The greatest silk values in Richmond on Friday will be a lot of fine checked and striped taffetas, in black, blue and white gmunds, with tiny strip's of black and white. I’hey’re good values at 75c, extra special 49c. For this week-end we hate three extra specials in yard-wide white Jap. silk. Kxtra fine washable quality. ;Jti inehes wide, 75c kind at 59c; hoe kind, at 69c; $1.25 kind, at 98c. Two specials in the genuine water proof black Jap. riilk. We guarantee this silk to be absolutely stainless Not only very dressy but is as coo! as a lawn. Yard wide. too. 85c kind, at 69c; 51.25 kind, at 98c. Two Special Values in Black Taffeta. 19-inch, worth 75e, special at 47c. 36-inch, worth $1.39, special at 98c. Fourth Floor Special Sale. Novelties in Furniture and Hammocks. Are you interested in money saving? Note the liberal reductions. Come and see what we offer. SALE BEGINS FRIDAY MORNING. PALMER’S CELEBRATED HAMMOCKS. Made of close heavy canvas weaves, in plaid and striped effects. The $4.50 Hammocks, now.$3.98. The $3.50 Hammocks, now.$2.98. The $2.98 Hammocks, now.$2.50. The $2.50 Hammocks, now.$1.75. BABY HAMMOCKS. The best and most complete hammock ever made for the little ones. Strong and absolutely safe. Can be adjusted to swing, or ran l>e locked and made stationary. We’ve priced them special, at $3.50. SPECI ALS IN INDOOR AND OUTDOOR FURNITURE. Willow and reed in natural color or stained green. NOTE REDL C 1'ION S. Settels worth $20.00,now....$14.98. Rockers, worth $14.00, now... .$9.98. Arm Chairs worth $14.00, now.$9.98 Tables worth $10.00, now.$7.50. Tables worth $7.50, now.$4.98. ALSO MANY SPECIALS NOT ADVERTISED. Parasol Specials. Unusual Values. $1.50 Lingerie Parasols, - With choice natural wood handles, in white only; special at $1.00. $1.98 Lingerie Parasols, Made of extra quality H. S. linen, in all colors, with natural wood handles, only $1.50. $2.00 Taffeta Silk Parasols, Made of extra heavy quality taffeta silk, in all colors, imported natural wood handles; best bargain in town, only $1.59. Waterproof Black Silks We w i'll to rail attention to the very best line of geniune waterproof black Jap. Silk" in the world. There’s satisfaction in buying a summer silk that’s cool, dressy and best of all, A GOOD BLACK AND STAINLESS. \\ e know the kind we carry; we've tried it out thoroughly and it has stood every test of wear and water. Here they are: 27-inch, Black Waterproof, special. 39c. 27-inch, Black Waterproof, special.50c. 27-inch, Black Waterproof, special.75c. 27-inch, Black Waterproof, special.$1.00. 27-inch, Black Waterproof, special.$1.25. 27-inch, Black Waterproof, special.$1.50. 36-inch, Black Waterproof, special. 69c. 36-inch, Black Waterproof, special.75c. 36-inch. Black Waterproof, special.$1.00. BUY THE BEST. Wash and White Goods Just the kinds vou want at a little less and in many cases MUCH LESS than you intended to pay. BIG SAVING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. 25c Figured and Dotted Swisses, in ati extra sheer, fine quality, 9c. 25c Real Irish Printed Dimities, in wide range of choice colors, 12 l-2c. 35c Mercerized Foulards, in variety of choice Oriental designs, 12 l-2c. Fine French Lawns. Two very special values, 45 inches wide, extra sheer and fine. Washes and wears. The 19c kind, at 12 l-2c. The 25c kind, at 19c. 25c Scotch Zephyr Ginghams, in many new and beautiful patterns. Full 32 inches wide; special 17c. — $1.59 English Long Cloth, full yard w ide, 12 yard piece, for $1.39. 25c 40-inch Mercerized Lawns, exquisite permanent finish, an ideal washing and wearing fabric; extra special at 19c. 39c French Batiste, full 45 inches wide, extra sheer and fine, special 25c. 85c Ramie Linen, in all colors, 59c. 75c Shrunk French Linens, in all the new colors, reduced to 59c. A Cut-Price Spread Sale. A spread sale never fails to interest the housekeeper, espec ially when FIRST QUALITY SPREADS are offered at deep cut prices. INSPECT THE FOLLOWING FINE LOTS: $1.00 White Spreads, double bed size, in several new designs, special 79c. $1.75 White Spreads, double bed size, fringed and cut cor ners, special $1.29. $2.25 White Spreads, double bed size, scalloped edges with cut corners, special $1.69. $5.00 White Marseille* Spreads, extra size, scalloped edges, cut corners. Exquisite new designs, special $3.98. $7.00 and $8.00 Spreads, ex tra sizes, plain and fringed with cut corners. , Best spread value in Richmond, special $4.98.