Newspaper Page Text
IMEHICITS LIFE IEHRLYWORTHLESS Texan Returning From Nicaragua Tells of Condition in War Swept Country. CHAMOM GREAT GENERAL Declare* That United States Should Enforce Rights' or Repudiate Monro** Doctrine. WASHINGTON. D. C.. June 11.— "An Americans life i» not worth as much as a negro's in Nicaragua. Our conduct of the Oroce-Cannon affair has made America the subject of ridicule,” to-day declared Colonel G. K. Fowler. Texan, and soldier of for tune. who served as enter of artillery under General Chamorro, in the rebel army for four months and Is now in Washington pleading with the gov ernment officials to take radical action. "if America is going to stand by the Monroe Doctrine,” he continued, "it is about time that some action be taken to remedy the conditions ot the unlortunates of Nicaragua.” Fowler then lifted a leaf out of Roosevelt* Guild Hall speech on Kgypt, saying: ”lf America isn't going to assist It had better vacate and allow some other government to come In and maintain order, for order must he maintained. The civilized world is not going to stand for the tyrannical rule that exists In Nicaragua much longer. The prestige of America has suffered greatly through the Groce and Cannon incident Zelaja order ed the two Americans shot as was proved by the court-martial of the officers who shot them, and who wer< whitewashed, yet Zelava himself was allowed to escape from the country. Relations have been broken off, but that Incident 1* something of utter unimportance to Madriz at this time. "Americans do not take this light in Nicaragua seriously. T did not either until I arrived there. Tt Is not a comic opera war as It has been called, but a real war. with the peo ple heart and aoul In the fighting. "About 10 per cent, of the men were In each of the larger 'battle# i’hamerro. the cummander-ln-chlef of Ihc relief army, is the greatest gen eral 1 have ever met He would make his mark in a larger country. He Is fearless. "He left Hlneff^ld,, with S.000 men: they had provision* for four days, eating one meal each day. The dis tance Is 150 miles, aero*? swamps, over mountains, and through the brush, with rain falling several hours each day. When we arrived outside of Managua there wasn't a man with ft pair of shoes on his reet, and a great many did not have trousers. Yet they held the government troops 'or three days before retreating WOMAN PICKPOKET BROUGHT IN COURT Defectives Think They Will Have Additional Charge Against Her > and Case Was Continued. Lou Charity, the ntmblefingered negro woman, w ho was caught In the net of stealing purs*** from shoppers In ^.department store in Uroad sire*: »ida>, teas arraigned in police court Saturday morning. The cam* was con tinued until June 21, at the Instiga tion of Chief Detective Thomas Mc Mahon, who made th*- arrest. The woman denies her guilt. Chief McMahon was stationed in a busy store in liroad street. l)c having received numerous complaints that shoplifters were at work. and from his position sav* he saw the negro woman—** -the -unfastened' n chatelaine bag and took from it the amall purae. Ho approached the al leged ‘-dip” at once and holding both of her hands asked an employe of the store to search her. The purge was found in her waist. The woman has been in trouble be fore and -the officer* have suspected her of being the person who has l>een stealing many of the purses re ported missing. Mra H, M, Robertson and Mr*.l INCORPORATED 1833 The Virgmia Fire & Marine Ins. Co. OP RICHMOND, VA. JANUARY 1, 1910 N*t Surplus. 809,939.01 Surplus to Policyholder*. 819,939.01 WM. H. PALMER, President. W. H. MoCARTHY. 8««el*nr. E. B. ADDISON. Vice-President. OSCAR D. PITTS, Trewurer. DIRECTORS. WM. H. PALMER, D. O. DAVIS, J. JORDAN LEAKE, E. B. ADDIBON, N. W. BOWE, W. H. PALMER, JR Wallace Shelling*. of South Rich mond, are two of the shoppers who lost their reticules. GIVE THE POOR TWO DAYS OUTING Adjutant Wiggins Arranging to Take'Children and Mothers Out for Aairiug. Adjutant Geo. X. Wiggins of the Salvation Army, who succeeded Fapt. : Fowler, in the command of the Focal Corp In Richmond Is planning to take 250 poor mothers and children out In ■the country for a two days outing. One day will be spent at Forest Hill In July and another day will be spent some where else during the month of : August The plans are to take them out In j the morning give them plenty of ' w holesoiiie food and return them to their home In the evening. Pure air and wholesome f<xal means so much to those unfortunate who live In filth and poverty. So the Sal vation Army throughout the country devotes one or two days each summer i In bringing these unfortunate Ilfes. Adjutant Wiggins would appreciate | very much the assistants of the people of Richmond In making this undrtak ; Ing a suoess. Fash or provisions can j be sent addressed The Salvation Army. 918 E. Broad street. And a re ceipt will be sent acknowledging the ! same. — SALOONS TO CLOSE ON ELECTION DAY Liquor Venders Must Shut l p Places From Sun Down to. Sun Rise. Election day. Tuesday, June 14, will be dry In Richmond Heginning Mon day evening, from 7:30 o’clock, when the sun sets, and uftttt—4:49 o'clock ; Wednesday morning, every saloon in Richmond will be closed. y, This is In accordance with the pure election laws of the State. No viola tions sre expected Indeed, Judge] Witt, of Hustings Court No .1. said Saturday morning that in all hts ex perience on the bench he has never had a single case before him where : i hi saloonkeeper was charged w ith ' keeping 'open on election day. DOG BIT ATTORNEY; OWXER PROSECUTED To show cause why he allowed an alleged vicious dog to run at large, c. E. Tjacy Will be brought to Police Court next week. His canine bit Mr Kirk Mathews while that gentleman was en route to his home Friday eve ning. Mr. Mathews declined to state how badly he was injured, but did admit that he strenuously objected to any dog taking any more pieces out of the calf of his limb. YOCNG RADIES WIFI, CONTEST FOR GRAND GOLD MEDAF j A grand gold medal recitation con test will be held by the Bl-Cnunty W. C. T. t\ Monday. June 20 Six young ladles, all of whom have previously won silver and gold medals for reciting temperance prose and poetry, will contest for the handsome medal offered In this latest contest A - musical program Is being arranged. Officials of the W. C. T. V. have not decided where the contest will be held. Elect Officer*. The Rappahannock Valley Medical Socioty at Fredericksburg Thursday evening elected the following officers: i Dr A. C. 1 hogget t, president; Dr. J. N. Barney, vice-preatdent: Dr. G. Ft. ' Harrlaon, secratary. and Dr. R. J. j Payne, treasurer COUNCIL COMMITTEE i TO HJIVE BUSY WEEK The Reular* Gatherings Scheduled and Special ('all*, Dates 1 n decided Also Listed. Many ineeting* are scheduled for thi coundlmanic committw* neat week. In addition to tfle regular gathering* several special call* have been issued. The exact dates of these latter have not yet been determined but will be announced early next week. The Hat of meeting* follow* Monday, June 13, Electrical commit tee, meet* at P. M.; SutMromnilttee on Improvement of the James River meets at 4:30 P. M Tueadav, Board of Aldermen meet* at 8 P. M. Wednesday. Committee on l.ight meej,* at 8 V. M., Committee on Water , meet* at 8 P. M. Thursday, Committee on St reel a, meet* at 8 F. M.; Committee on Ground* and Building* meet* atf 8 P. M. Committee on Street (leaning meet* 8t 8 P- M. Friday, Committee on Ordinance Charter and Reform meets at 8 P. M. CROP WAS SMALL OUT RETURNS IARCE Lart Year's Cotton Croj> the .Most Valuable Ever Produced iii South. WASHINGTON, D. C. June 11.—A bulletin isued to-day by the Bureau of The Censors, state* that norwttmrtandtng the fact that the cotton crop of the United State* In 1909 was the smallest since 1903. Its value tr»p 19.2 per cent greaer han ha of 1*08 and measured by Its yarn-producing qualities and by the Wants LOST. and 64, of the ca-pltsl stock of the Home Brewing Company for ten (10. shares each, of the par value of one thousand <»1.666) dollar* each. Is sued on April 6, 1609. to K. P. Mur phy. Finder Will please return the earns to No. 316 North Harrison street. Application na* been made for the Issue df new tert Ideates in vVANrab^TBBT Wo'AftlT ~ rlenced paper box makers; also some beginners; steady employment end good wages; apply to THE RAN DOLPH PAPER BOX CO., Ross street. wanted—curls on large paper Itox work; beginners paid well while learning. Apply to THK RANDOLPH PAPER BOX CO. POSITIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED—BOY FOURTEEN YEARS old wants a position In wholesale house, with chance of advancement; willing worker. Address BOY, care of Richmond Virginian. WANTED—MARRIED MAN WANTS position In clothing store as manager or salesman; sixteen years expert-; slue; will go out city, best of ref erence Address K. B., care of; ^^Uchmond^VlrjJlnlani^_^^__>__>_>_ ; POSITION WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED—POSITION BT SENOORA j.her. quick and accurate; can furnish best of refrences Address L. D„ care Richmond Virginian. WANTED—BY A LADY A POSITION ! as stenographer; best of references I ^^lven^_Ad^re»a^03^care_Vlrgtnia__ 1 FUNERAL DIRK4TOH*. WANTED—1.000 ADULTS TO JOIN the Richmond Co-operative Burial Association. A 1100 certificate costs only 12 cent* per month, gives a I ICO funeral at death. The cheapest pro tection on earth. Agents wanted (' A. MAIQHT, Secretary, IIS North Seventh street. Phone Madison 2706. TINNING AND PLUMBING. NEVER SINCE CHRISTOPHER CO lumbus discovered America, has our superior In the tinning, plumbing anil gae-fltting business been found; Honest prices, superior work, gener al satisfaction and promptness are a few of our well known character Istlcs L W. DORSET A CO, 114 N Seventh street Phone. Madteon 281. financial results to the growers. It was the most valuable ever produced The estimated value of the 1909 crop Is given as 1X12,066,633 as compared with I661.230.6S6 for 1608 The figures as finally compiled for 1809. show 10,386 - 209 running biles, or 24.1 per cent, less than th etotAl for 1808 The States sustaining t tip greatest loss in production in 1909, as compared with 1908, according to the bulletin are Louisiana. 46.6 per cent : Mississippi, 24.3 per cent.: Texas. 33.4 per cent , Arkansas. 30.6 per cent. Tennessee. Tennessee. 27.8 per cent. Alabama, 23.6 per cent.; and Oklahoma 19.9 per cent. During th elast few tears Louisiana sustained great loss, reporting. In 190K. 780.1 per cent, of the quantity returned In 1907, while Its production In 1909 was only about one-fourth that of 1906. NEWS OF SOUTH RICHMOND Wukl»(t« Ward llama aad Adtrertlaraarata rrrrlvrd at \ Irginla Hurra a, J. W. Craae'a Star*. ISM Hull atrcct. CANDIDATES BUSY IN THE SQUTHSIDE Three Card* Being Distributed; and the Situation i» Intense. ! Candidates for councilmanie posl } tions from Washington Ward are shaking hands with their friends, bow ing politely to their enemies and vis iting all of the people daily. For ne*» Tuesday eight men are to be elected from the Southstde. the first fight to hold office In the council of Greater Richmond. Three members of the city 'Democratic committee, that la the old committee that served why Manchester wss in existence, recom mended the names of Messrs. J. R. Perdue. R. U Pntram and John \V, Moore for the Board of Aldermen, and C. C. Jones, I>. R. Brown, B. A. OII1, j W. W. Workman attd W. B. Bradley for the lower body. Democratic voters met In the court 1 house shortly after this ticket was placed In the field and unanimously Richmond Virginian’s Commercial Weather Map June 1 I Observations taken at 8 A. M„ Eastern Time. U.'S. Department of Agriculture? WEATHER BUREAU • A. M.•» » A. M. .« 1* A. M.. iLa. r, Minimum 61. • RICHMOND. VA. June 11.—Foreeast * lor Richmond and vicinity: showers to- . nht' or Sunday. t. ITASHINOTON. D. C., June U.—Fore- J east tor Virginia: Showers to-night or is gunrar. r Rain has fallen since yesterday morning gauntry east of Oklahoma and Kansas, wr made In. several leoalltles between the lows WIULIS.L^MOORC.saChtgf 30.2 Hlgheet d u rl n g temperatures; preceding 21 \ hours at— ! Boston . New York .•• i Philadelphia .•« Washington .** RICHMOND .««: Atlanta .It; Jacksonville .*1 New Orleans .»* . Oalveaton ..Jj Birmingham .J* Memphis .. i St. Lout. Chicago .•* St. Pant ..»*l Cincinnati ..f *; Detroit .1° i 79 t* City Detroit Kansas Denver -- . Salt JUke City .** | San Francisco Portland O . \ 11ITION Oulf and Atlantic States and the central portion of the extensive area measurements of from 1 to S Ischw were and the South Atlantic coast. The center of the storm (a absiui a, northeast—eouthweet line, the storm ... In tharlalae states the weather is lair *ad prevail. y *,‘■■kUZ. rtfiGf •".v,ISfT:ZIZ ■■ r-ir^ . v. ' placed the naraf of W. I). Ferguson before the peopHf- Mr. Ferguson, a former alderman, filed his application with I’lerw Christian In Richmond. as did Mr. J. D. Reams, president of the Mancheter Assembly and John R Wakefield, who was a member of the council m Washington Ward previous to annexation. The law said they mujt file the)r notices of candidacy twen ty days before the election and tins they all did.^.Thelr names are on the regular ticket 1(V But circulated throughout South Richmond nre three tickets, as tohl in The Virginian a few days ago. One of these tickets, the one now endorsed , by the City Democratic Committee of Richmond, contains the names of only the first eight that are now hold ing office. Another ticket, or card, plates Mr Reams in the aldermanic race and Messrs. Ferguson and Wake Held along with the others on the coun cil ticket. The third card Is somewhat of a joker. It drops Mr. Perdue from the race and asks that only Ferguson and Wakefield be voted for. Among politicians who are thought | to be In close touch with the situation :on this side of the river. It Is the con census of opinion that at least two of the "regular" ticket will be elected. ORPHAN BOV ADOPTED UY RICHMOND COUPLE A twelve-.vear-old orphan from Washington. D. C„ was adopted by | Mr. and Mrs Henry N. Harris, of Richmond, by order of Judge Scott. In the City Circuit Court, Saturday morning. The child, Earl Odey. was secured through the agency of the Board of Children's Guardians of the District of Columbia. According to the order handed down by Judge Scott, the boy’s name will be changed to Earl Harris. MANY AUTOS HAVE IMPROPER LIGHTS The alleged improper lights that are nit many automobiles will cause aev- ] era! owners of the banslne buggies to appear before Justice Crutchfield and pay the usual One of $1. Bicycle Officers Palmer and Clarke have reported tha following autolsts ; for not having the proper lights on i thel rears: I- Nachman, 1111 West Franklin street, auto 44M; Albert J. Washington. 709 North Second, auto i 4444; B. 8. Watters, Shenandoah; i Flaats. auto 4S10, and K W. Farley. I ( American Locomotive Works, auto 89. Will Make Three Speeches. Governor Mann will leave Rich- ■ j mond Sunday night to be absent three ! I days, during which he will make two j [addresses at Harrisonburg and one at , Salem. | The first speech will be delivered Monday morning at the Confederate! ; Memorial services In Harrisonburg, j the second at the commencement of Ithe Female Normal School and the third at Roanoke Collage. Tenement House Sold. A transfer of the brick tenement j located at No. S4U Kensington ave : nue by Georgs Hfclds to J. J. Miller i was recorded In Chancery Court. Sat ! urday morning. The deed of bargain and sale sets forth that -the transfer is made In return for fS and other valuable considerations. The deed tajs on the property lg 1x4.40, ac cording to which the property is worth 14,400. RAIN TO-NIGHT. I Virginia—Showers to-night or Sun North Carolina—Thunder storms to-night or Sunday; moderate to brisk winds, -r v ■ . _ Wants 11—.—— Wants Want Ad. Rates One cent per word when paid in advance. N*o paid ad taken for less than ten cents. t No Ads taken for less than twenty-five cents when phoned in or charged at the counter. Contract rates are much less. Phone Madison 1758, and Mr.Garrison, Manager of Classified Department, will call. MISCELLANF.OI *. I nnxm HB AND ( HIVA PACKl'Ki, FURNITURE. CHINA AND WEDDING j presents packed and shipped wltn care. Estimates cheerfully Riven I JACOB IMUIT. 706 West Main •tree!. ’Phone Madison 3282. PAINTING. FOR HIGH CLASS HOUSE AND SIGN painting or wall papering. see or phone J. K. WILLIAMS * CO., 305 V\ Broad. Madison. 1675: prices reaaon i able, C. H. Smith, Stun writer. All | work guaranteed 1 LBE’«. CLEANING AND PRESSING; PHONE j Ma.lison *735, 202 North Fifth street, ladies’ work a specialty. #C ARE OFFERING iM'si ai, COS on our line of Ranges. Mantels < and tillnis, now ts the time to nave i monev If jou are interested. V’A. PLUMBING & HEATING CO.. J« N Ninth street. SCHREMP—313 NORTH FIFTH. UMBRELLAS COVERED AND RE paired; expert work; SCHREMP. The Umbrella Man. LA TOUCH E RE PA IRS." ALT ERS. HE - lines Ladles' and gent s garments. 6 South Second. Phone Monroe '.’413._ _ VEH MANS, JIN E. BROAD. WE COVER ANI) REPAIR UMBREL las and parasols and make them order with your own goods at very reasonable prices. Phone, Monroe.1 210V, __ POt I.TRV, I’KTN AND LIVE NTOI K. FOR SALE—FOUR GENUINE F« >X Terrier pups. BROAD STREET^ PEI STORK. 406 E. Broad street. MadIson 32S6-J__ Phone CLEANING AND PRESSING. HAVE YOU TRIED OUR NEW SYS tem? We make your clothing look like new Feathers, gloves and slip pers cleaned at short notice, iet us clean them once and you will let ua have them again. We clean and ren ovate anything In ladles' and gentle men's apparel: we pay epressage one way on anv out of town work. SWOPE'S FRENCH DRY CLEANIN'* CO.. 303 North Second street.. Phone .Madison 11 S3. NO RTH POLE PR ESS I NO CLUB. W E do French and steam cleaning; also dvelng: ladles work a specialty: best work In the city for the least money; Work called for and delivered, phone, Monroe 2766, M. PRICE, Mgr, 615 W. .Main street. _ HAIR TOXIt . ___ discriminating and cultured people, a rich man's luxury at a poor man s MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN WITH THE rent payer. How much longer are you going t» pay for real estate, man’s home? Why not your own. 1 will loan you the money to buy your lot and bvlld your houae, $1' on the hundred, with 5 per cent simple interest. Giving you seven and a half years to pay loan back. Call at 1301 East Main street. N.. P HARGRAVE, Mgr. HAIR. THK LATEST IN* HAIR GOODS AT yur own price; largo cluster of puffs i<tic.; coronet braid* »t II.KS. m'GHE'S, 30H North Third strccl “ WALL PAPER. J W. SM1THKR3 A CO.. *04 NORTH Fifth street; wall papers; room mouldings, etc.; high class work; IlowestjiMctJsMnresUgatA^^^^^^ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. i fC>TD^a'vBNUE<'ANlTMAI?rSTR>:ET lots near the Soldiers’ borne; sult sble for building homes, city water. Apply 015 Brook arenue, PERSON AL. MAGNETIC AND MENTAL SCIENCE healing cures, acute and chronic; dis eases wherein no relief is obtainable under other systems of tnerapeutlus. MENTAL SCIENTIST. 1101 East Clay street Phone. Madison 2»»». LOW PRICES-ON-ALL RANGES; SEE j us now while the prices are low; all ! standard manes, which means a greet deal when you want repair. V.v PLUMBING & HEATING CO. 26 N. Ninth street. I LA TOUCHE STEAMS AND FRENCH j cleans clothes. ladies' and gent’e. 6 South Second. Monroe *419. ^ftvsijrujrwASfv. WANTED—MEN TO BUY AN EXCEL lent line of drummers' sample trou sers; several trunks just opened; ell high-grade; bought cheap; to be sold for a song. _N\ F. JACOBS A SON. Ninth, near Broa 12£L Bt sT\E*S o TTWiWliT YOUR OPPORTUNIST TO SECURE drummers’ samples of htgh-otaes trousers presents Itself now; we got 'em cheap—so can you; but be quick. N. T. JACOBS A SON. Ninth, near Broad Street. VIRGINIA BEACH. WTLS5S‘‘g5;frxcn£:,viiaar?n,j4’ygycH Ocean front, first class home, ebun- . dant table of the best the market and sea affords; terms reasonable Address MRS C. W. WILSON. Vs. ; _Beacb, SPECIAL NOTICE. NOTE"thS"'VALUiTpLACED ON OUR Glenard belts by a patron. I would not part with It for a million dollars If I knew 1 could not another like it Relief when we are suffering Is one of ths greatest boons of Ufe. Come . and see them. MRS. A. J„ PYLE, . N. Fifth street. BATH ROOM AND KITCHEN COST fort make a comfortable summer at home; we can supply you with all thesa comforts; pro aro selling ths Detroit Jewol Gas Range and other standard makes of Oaa Ranges. De troit Jewel' Heaters for hot water in your bath room and nil thosa lne» penslro appliances for bath and kit chen. VA PLUMBING A HEATING CO.. *• N. Ninth street. SlVERAL TRUNKS oFTTrUITMKRB‘ sample trouaars; special bargains: high-grade gods; bought cheap; sold same way. N. F. JACOBS A SON. Nlntl . n*a il-^dtfML^^^ „„ „_FXK_ and Buff Wyandottss, Brown Leghorns. Games Bantams. Pigeons and Rabbits. Gold . JITE "SPiK Fish, always on hand: also hay, grain, meal, mill-food and all kinds of poul try fooda THE BROAD STREET PET STORE. 40* West Broad street. Phone. Madl00P ***t-J. 7Cfx~fm las but Nelson's Is Ike aristocrat them all. race Wt, money back v ml WtOt it. you THt^FBRHBO AND HAILHC. transferring and Hauling of all kind* furniture and piano mov ing a specialty, office 612 No. Sec- ■ ond street: reeldence 706 Munford street, Richmond. Va, Phone. Madl- i son 4*84 p BOWLES, Proprietor. ; I MILLINERY...I IN ORDKR TO REDUCE MY' LARGE stock of summer millinery, I will of fer this week, a large line of the very i lutes! shapes and styles in trimmed: and untrimmed hats at almost your own price: out-of-town customers are shown special attention and all mall orders are attended to promptly and with care: come early and avoid the rush MRS. L HARNETT, Suc cessor to her slater. Mrs Chamlee, SI* K Hroad street. SEE' OUR NEW ARRIVAL OF summer hats. All the latest etylea in up-to-date millinery. Great re ductions on all colored hats. Lin gerie, Mllartds and llsnps Hats a specialty. NEWTON’S, 210 North Second street, _ M’MMKH H04RDRH». Ingleslde farm, good fare. Ice. etc., five minute w-alk from station: four malls a day. MRS. W. W. 8M1 I . Hewlett, Va. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. KATuc?r~rT^m^LT~T'irE VfrftArc est piece of property In the 8tR*e; j about 8S acres with dwelling and out houses, less than 6 miles from Rich i mond: uuantlty of tood timber: enough to more than pay for the place, good rich land, will sell for $1,100 rash For a real bargain see I P. O. Box 26. ItAIH TONIC. 3eT3Ton inrxnr^ bottle delightfully perfumed, the imtXeERU WAnteBT wTNrTTTT^tt^ATn^lfRIf ATnptTEtTTX* j tan Institute, Belona Powhatan Co.,: Va., forty miles from Richmond on the Tidewater & Western R, R. which connects wtth the Southern at Moseley ’ Junction. Leave Richmond Saturday ; I at 6 P. M. and arrive at Relona at: * o'clock. Monday, leave Relona at | 6 A. M. aud arrive In Richmond at K 4 5. Terms. |5 per week. Children 1 under twelve $3.60 per week. For further Information apply to R. U , j porter Relona, va. FOR SALK. reirgAEB-ELECT mg-rxwrgrxn: \ kinds, both new and second band, i complete stock; prices right; also; motors of all kinds, new and second ' hand ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT CORF., J. C. HERBERT. Mgr.. 1* No. j Twelfth street, phone Madison 4012 NOW IS THE tTmSTtO SAVE MON In a laundry, grocery or delivery wagon and single trucks. These aro high grade factory wagons, and will give you satisfactory service. We need the money, so If you need the wagons, see the BRISTOW WOR SHAM CO.. 1417 E. -Main. SECOND HAND MACHINERY OF EV- j ery description. Including boilers, en- i pines, blacksmith tools, laundry ma- t chinor>, wood working machinery.! belting, hangers, pulleys and shaft ing. condition guaranteed. I BLU- ! FORD & CO.. U)l East Cary street, j : List your property with amob j & POINDEXTER, 1110 E. Main St..; ; for sale, city suburban or country property; they can sell same for you. do it to-day. they devote their entire ; tlmi to selling; no renting. La TOitCHE CLEANS a LOVES, Toe j 15c.. 20c . each. Monroe 2418. knabe pianos' the WORLDS j best, see the latest small grand ; PEHGUS80N BROS. 211 West Broad MAKE YOUR BATH ROOM SANffARY J for the summer; that means good: health; we employ experts In this! j line. \'A PLUMBING & HEATING 1 i (20.. N. Ninth street, FOR SALE—ONE GROCERY WAGON ! and a one horse truck; they are i new and our own make; also several second-hand grocery wagons, one top buggy, one rubber tired phseton and repairing and rubber tiring a specialty. W. H MADISON A CO.. 1520 E. Cary atreat. LA TOUCHE CLEANS AND DYES ostrich feathers any shade, 50c. each. 6 South Second street. Monroe 2418 j NICE LINE OF" 2 1N 1 A tJTO "SEAT I buggies from 250 up; aulo seat runa- : bout from 145 up. harness from 11*11 up; we can phase the price hunter and the quality hunter. See us. BRISTOW-WORSHAM CO. 1417 E. j Main MERLIN PIANOS, THE ONLY 1N verted grand In the world; the only dealers In the city; see It. FEH GUSSON BROS.. 211 West Broad. PIANO BARGAINS THIS WEE*! to' right, standard make, till; mahog any FERGU8SON BROS., 211 Will Broad. MRDICAI. COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Board of Visitors of this Institution held on May II, 1810, the Dean was i . authorised to advertise the follow ing chairs as vacant: Operative Den tistry. and Prosthetic Dentistry. Ap plications should be addressed to Christopher Tompkins. M. D, Dean, Richmond, Virginia. T H; BARNES, M. D.. Pres, of Board of Visitors. J K. McCAULEY, Secretary. FOR RK!f*. rii-RTfiiimT'mtrwiwigH: ed second story room, convenient to hath, for rent at No. 104 E. Main 8t. BACHELOR APARTMENT, I R06MS and bath, hall and two large closets, at ths Hanover, for |25 per month. Apply Apartment S&. FOR” RENT—SECOND' FLOOR FLAT, few doors from Gamble's hall park; thorough repair, six rooms Including hath and kitchen. Apply SOP South Fourth street. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR' RENTT'BF llghtfully cool; piano, telephone. transients solicited; central. Madison 4558-J. Phone W0OM g FOR res—rmr.—twc—ytrasuHiis i front rooms for gentlemen; bath and phone. HO West Clay street. CEmtrally Located furnisHeD rooms. Hot water. I0T Eaat Grace. Traaalents. ! FOR rUTt—three' rooms. fWo ; pantries, watsr and gas. No. T17 j North Fourth street. j THREE 'MCE. LARGE. LIGHT aND 1 airy rooms; rent very reasonable. Call after • o’clock. 108 East Martha!! street. fSr*rent-—Iat mi Worth sirsaWH furnlahi street; nicely Tyro LARGE UNFURNISHED HoOlib . for rent; hall and bath oa same floor. Ill N. Eighth. RENT—iff CELT FURNISHED For room; moderate terms. Apply 114 8. Fifth street. FOR RENT—ROOlft SUITABLE Ftfit gentlemen; also resau furnished for light boueekeepla«. Afgly 41* North deveath street. .. j \ NICELY FIWJ rant; central hot and cold per night. 401 North Eh CENTRALLY LOCATED 1 room*. Mi l. Grace. NICELY FURNISHED FO! men. Apply ?1» E. Man 114 EAST CLAY; furnished rooms phone. FOR RENT, NICE, AIRY #W room, suitable for dentist, 4NU lawyer; centre of shOpptflC IlM Apply 417 Mutual Building, or Monroe 177. FOR RENT, TWO LARGE COW! Ing rooms; large hall and b4 same floo-. Apply *21 North i street. FOR KENT, TWO NICELY TV. ed rooms, with board. SOI E. lln street. FOR RENT, TWO FURNISHED R for light housekeeping. Man wife preferred. 408 East Clay. ROOMS FOR RENT TO GEN' nicely furnished; hot watci lights, phone. Apply 1 Ora ce. FOR RENT. TWO NICELY nished rooms; very c oncer hath and phone. Apply L Cary street. FOR RENT. TWO ROOMS. T phone, electricity, gss and bath; sonahle term*. Apply ISM Main street. BOARDING—; board MR Grace )NT ROOM. MORTON, 5 DELIGHTFULLY COOL, FERN rooms. 104 West Main streat. Madison 46SI-J. FOR RENT, FURNISHED OR U nished rooms, bath and 'phone Ison 7J27-L. Apply 314 East 1 j PLEASANT AND NICELY FURN1 rooms, with or without board, ply 201 East Main street. TWO LARGE FURNISHED PAR! for rent; also other rooms, i 710 East Franklin street. ! for RENT. BRIGHT. SUNNY F nished or unfurnished room, at south Cherry FOR RENT. NICELY FURKJS room; cool and quiet. Apply South Fifth street. FOR RENT. TWO NICELY ed rooms, with bath; he water. Apply 808 East Clay. WANTED. GENTLEMEN TO nice hall room: convenient with board. Apply *01 CENTRAL: PLEASANT SURJK Inga; large house; large airy, cool, clean rooms: first class transients and permanent re given Hrst-claes accommodi Apply lioi East Clay street. FOR RENT. A COOL. NICELY nished room. In Floyd Avenue, use of phone, for IS per r Phone Madison 7414-J. FOR RENT. TO GENTLEMEN. LA] desirable, furnished room: use bath and phone. Apply 301 ] Grace street, second flat. FOR RENT, NICELY FURNIOT rooms, at a moderate price. Ai 1719 Park avenue, or phone Madl 35S1-L NICELY FURNIBHED ROOMS or without good table board reasonable. Apply 4*4 East i FOR REN*. FOR TWoTIS! longer. If iww. if desired, beginning 16, six comfortably furnished at 712 Barton avenue, Haights. THREE LARGE, BRltotf, nished roans; second floor; a bath and Instantaneous heater; private family; no children. A) 112 West Grace. FOR RENT. IN BEST 1 locality, dining room, room, kitchen, etc., to to furnish meals: rent sesetbn September 1, . Bos Ml. | FOR RENT. TO COUPLBWTl i children, or two qulot gentlems large newly papered room*; housekeeping; adjoining M children In house. Address West Main. ! FOR RENT, NICE 500*7“® floor room, furnished, Oraci Sixth streets; corner house; comforts; terms res sons hie. *00 Bast Grace Street, city. COOIL DEUQHTFULi ROOWI" rent, to yestlemen only: sis rooms suitable for mutual Apply 111 East Franklin. FOR RBN'f. LARGE SUNNV.'l? furnished front room: bath Of floor; terms reasonable. App Bast Clay street. ' niceLt PCSSISHeB "SooW rent: central location; use of hot and cold water; transient! hone Madison SS1T-J, 401 Nora enth street. * I AT fit BARTON AVENUE. bJ Heights, six comfortably tu rooms tor rent for two monthi June IS: longer If desired, p i all winter. Cheap rent to party. Nice lawn. etc. NICELY FURNIBHED ROOMS rent: central location; use of hot and cold water; transient per night. Phone Madison 401 North Eleventh street. Ice water, bath, phoua tree; reflned neighborhood; centre cated: detached bouse; reoan excellent meals served next Apply 1001 East Clay. 1 Madison 40S0-L. BEAUTIFULLY furnish rb '# housekeeping flat; summer Apply 7 North Sixth.. rooms. H( Transients. TWO LARGE. FURNISH] private family: bright front r* olnlng bath; with or without Inquire 109 North Strawberry. nlshed room#, first floor, i light housekeeping; term* goat B. Leigh. Fifth street. BRIGHT. AffitAtSfiltti a~clban cbkrSWiOHjr XJIrtvJknt ot nlshed rooms; fl